Page 1: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

Manual for Insta l lat ion, Use and Maintenance

Telescopic Pole

Page 2: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

All information contained in this document was provided by the manufacturer of the components forthis model. As a fabricator, Retractableawnings.comclaims no liability with respect to these documents aswe are not engineers and did not complete any of theinformation, engineering or calculations in this document.

Page 3: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

3rev.00 28-11-08

Manual for Installation, Use and Maintenance Telescopic Pole

Summary1 Introduction .......................................................................................41.1 ▪SymbolsUsedintheManual ..................................................................................................41.2 ▪PersonnelRequirements ........................................................................................................ 41.3 ▪RequiredEquipment ................................................................................................................41.4 ▪Contentsofpackaging ............................................................................................................5

2 Safety ...............................................................................................52.1 ▪GeneralSafetyInformation .....................................................................................................52.2 ▪RequirementsforWorkinginSafety .......................................................................................52.3 ▪WorkingEnvironment ..............................................................................................................6

3 DescriptionoftheAccessory .............................................................63.1 ▪ IntendedUse ..........................................................................................................................63.2 ▪LoadCalculationforPlugstoFastentheTelescopicPoletotheGround ...............................73.3 ▪TableofSuggestedAnchoringDevices ..................................................................................83.3.1▪TypesofAnchoringDevicesBasedonBaseMaterial3.3.2▪SequenceforFasteningofAnchoringDevices .......................................................................93.4 ▪Components .........................................................................................................................103.4.1▪Joint.......................................................................................................................................103.4.2▪Telescopicpole .....................................................................................................................103.4.3▪GroundFasteningPlate ........................................................................................................ 10

4 SpecialMaintenance ....................................................................... 124.1 ▪Troubleshootingtable ............................................................................................................ 12

Page 4: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

Manual for Installation, Use and Maintenance

4 rev.00 28-11-08

Telescopic Pole

1 IntroductIonThismanualforthetelescopic Polewaspreparedbythemanufacturertoprovidenecessaryinformationtothoseauthorizedtoinstallandperformspecialmaintenanceoftheproduct.Itisprohibitedtoremove,rewriteorinanywaymodifythepagesofthemanualandtheircontent.Operationsmust be carried out by personnelwith the technical and professional skills required by currentapplicablenationallawsorstandards.Thismanualmustbekeptcompleteinallitspartsinaneasilyaccessibleplace.Ifthemanualislostordestroyed,theclientmustrequestanewcopy,providingthemainproductdataandthedestinationofthenewcopy.Themanufacturerreservestherighttoupdateproductsandcorrespondingmanualswithouttheobligationtoupdatepreviousproductsandmanuals.Themanufacturerreservesallrightsonthismanual.Itmaynotbereproducedinanyway,whollyorinpart,withoutthemanufacturer'swrittenauthorization.Anytamperingormodificationtotheproductwithouttheproperauthorizationofthemanufacturerrelievesthemanufacturerofanyliabilityfordamagethatmayarise.

1.1 ▪ Symbols used in the manualTheWARNINGsymbolsusedinthemanualareshownbelow.

InFormatIon and PrEcautIonS

useful suggestions and instructions to ensure proper assembly. Failure to observe these messages may compromise the integrity and/or the resistance of the product.

attEntIondangEr to oPErator! Instructions to be evaluated and followed carefully. Failure to comply with these messages may compromise individual safety.

1.2 ▪ Personnel requirementsPersonnelassignedtothisoperationmusthavetechnicalknowledgeoftheproductobtainedeitherthroughtwoyears'experienceorbymeansofasuitabletechnicaltrainingcourse.

1.3 ▪ required equipmentToensureproperinstallationoftheawning,andconsequentlybestoperationofthefinishedproduct,thefollowingequipmentisrequired:▪ powerscrewdriver;▪ alevel;▪ string;▪ completetoolset;▪ equipmentforworkingatheights(scaffolding,ladders,aerialplatforms,etc.)whicharecompliantwithcurrentstandardsofindividualsafetyintheworkplace.

attEntIonall of the screws used on aluminium components must be tightened with a maximum force of 20 nm (= 2 kgm). greater tightening force causes the breakage of fusions and damage to the stainless steel screws. It is advisable to use torque wrenches and screwdrivers.

attEntIonuse low-speed power screwdrivers. Screwing in the stainless steel screws at high speed may cause the threads to jam, especially in the case of stainless steel/stainless steel and stainless steel/ aluminium screws and threads.

Page 5: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

5rev.00 28-11-08

Manual for Installation, Use and Maintenance Telescopic Pole

1.4 ▪ contents of packaging

InFormatIon and PrEcautIonS

never move the accessories from the position in which they are supplied.

2 SaFEty2.1 ▪ general safety information▪ during all operations described in this manual, make sure that onLy individuals involved in the work

are in the work zone (see chap. 1.2 “Personnel requirements”).▪ Incaseof rain, wind or snow, close the awning completely. danger of personal injury or property

damage. ▪ Makesurethatwhenopening/closingtheawning,therearenoindividualswithinitsrangeofaction.▪ Donotsetobjectsonthecanvasoftheawning.▪ ITISprohibitedtostandonorhangfromtheawning.Thiswouldcreatetheriskofseverepersonalinjury,aswellasdamagingtheawning.

▪ Ifyouhaveanydoubts,contacttheretailerBEFOREusingtheawning.▪ Theusermustnotundertakeonhisowninitiativeanysortofworkontheawning whicharenothisresponsibility(seeChap.3.1"IntendedUse"andChap.6"SpecialMaintenance").

▪ Anytamperingormodificationwithouttheauthorizationofthemanufacturerrelievesthemanufacturerofanyliabilityfordamagewhichmayarise.

▪ Theuser isrequiredto informtheretailerpromptly ifhediscoversanydefectsand/ormalfunctions in thesafetydevicesorifanyhazardoussituationshouldoccur.

▪ Installation, first start-up, adjustment and special maintenance must only be carried out by specializedtechnicalpersonnelwhoarequalifiedforthoseduties.Contacttechnicalservice.

attEntIonInstallation, adjustment, and special maintenance of the awning must be carried out only by specialized, skilled technical personnel.

attEntIonIt is necessary to ensure a distance of at least 500 mm between the end of the fully-openedawning(outermostpart)andanyfixedobstacle(wall,terrace,etc.).

attEntIonIt IS prohibited to install or place ladders or other objects near the awning, as this would reduce the space required for installation.

attEntIonnever loosen the awning more than the tension in the arms as there is the risk that the awning return under the tube and be ruined.

2.2 ▪ requirements for working in safety▪ InstallationmustbeperformedinfullcompliancewithstandardssetforthbyPresidentialDecree164/56andLegislativeDecree494/96forallthatwhichconcernsindividualsafety.

▪ Before use, check that all temporary structures (scaffolding, ladders, etc.) and all individual safety gear(harnesses,belts,etc.)arecompliantwithstandardsandingoodcondition.

Page 6: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

Manual for Installation, Use and Maintenance

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Telescopic Pole

▪ Alwaysusesuitableindividualprotectiongear.▪ Ifthereismorethanoneinstallationtechnician,theirworkmustbecoordinated.▪ Operatorsmustworkincompliancewiththesafetyinstructionsgiventothem.▪ Iftheawningistobeinstalledabovegroundlevel,theareaunderneaththeawningmustbemarkedoffandguardedsothatnoonecangetunderneaththehangingload.

▪ Firmlytietheropesorstrapsaroundthearmsupportssothatitdoesnotslipandriskfalling.

2.3 ▪ Working environment▪ Assemblyoftheaccessorymustbecarriedoutinaplacethatissufficientlyilluminated(basedonspecificstandards) by either natural or artificial lighting.The operatormust have a clear view of thework to beperformed, and he must also prevent third persons from approaching the work area around the awning.

3 dEScrIPtIon oF thE accESSoryTheTelescopicPoleisanaccessorythatisfastenedtotheendoftheawninginquestionandservestoreduceswinging.Attachmenttotheawningtubeisverysimpleanditisveryeasytouse.ItconsistsofatubewithanexternaldiameterofØ26mmthatcanvaryinheightfromaminimumof150cmtoamaximumof300cm.









3.1 ▪ Intended useThetelescopicpolecanbeusedwithallawningswitharmsexceptboxedonesandoneswithbottomrails.Itstabilizestheawningthankstoitsattachmenttotheground.


any uSE other than the aforementioned is prohibited, since the operating conditions may create hazards for individuals.

Page 7: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

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Manual for Installation, Use and Maintenance Telescopic Pole


attEntIonIn case of rain, wind or snow, retract the pole and cLoSE the awning completely. danger of personal injury or property damage.

attEntIondo not use the telescopic pole with electronic control units or deactivate the control unit.

3.2 ▪ Load calculation for Plugs to Fasten the telescopic Pole to the groundAcalculationfortheplugsbasedonthegroundfasteningholesmustbeperformedtoinstallthetelescopicpole.

InFormatIon and PrEcautIonS

the plug calculation has been simulated for an approx. 600 cm x 500 cm class 2 awning, singlemodule,takingintoaccounttheuseofallholes(D)intheplate(seethefigurebelow). For all other awning sizes, use the same plug.



Ex:installationofthegroundfasteningplate awningdimensions: 6x5 loadonplug: 0.13kN basematerial: non-crackedconcrete Suggestedplug: HiltiHSTM6orHSTM8(seetechnicalcharacteristicsofplugsinHiltiGeneralCatalogue).

Page 8: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

Manual for Installation, Use and Maintenance

8 rev.00 28-11-08

Telescopic Pole

3.3 ▪ taBLE oF SuggEStEd anchorIng dEVIcES3.3.1 ▪ types of anchoring devices Based on Base material




hilti hIt-hy 150 with haS CONCRETE

hilti hIt-rE 500 with haS




InFormatIon and PrEcautIonS

For corrosive environments, we suggest using stainless steel anchoring devices. For additional information, contact hilti Italia S.p.a. technical service (e-mail:[email protected]).

Page 9: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

9rev.00 28-11-08

Manual for Installation, Use and Maintenance Telescopic Pole


mEchanIcaL anchorIng dEVIcE chEmIcaL anchorIng dEVIcE

1▫Make a hole with adrill bit that is suit-able for the anchor-ingdevice

1▫Make a hole with adrillbitthatissuitablefor the anchoringdevice



3▫Remove dust anddebrisfromthehole(preferably usingcompressedair)






6▫Finalconfiguration 6▫Insertandsettletheanchoringdevice.Complywiththesettingtimerequiredbeforeplacingtheplate(seeproductcartridge)


attEntIonFor proper installation of the anchoring devices, refer to the hilti general catalogue

Page 10: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

Manual for Installation, Use and Maintenance

10 rev.00 28-11-08

Telescopic Pole

attEntIonthe selection of the most suitable type of fastening device depends on the base material and its physical condition. It is therefore the responsibility of the installer to check the condition of the base material before attaching the awning. the installer is not obliged to use hilti plugs.

3.4 ▪ componentsThetelescopicpoleisdividedintothreeparts:ajointwithslidepin(A-Fig.1page6)•atelescopicpole(B-Fig.1page6)•agroundattachmentplate(C-Fig.1page6).•

3.4.1 ▪ Joint


1▫Fasten thepole to the jointby turning it counter-clockwise,asshowninFigure1.



2▫ Insert theslideplate (A) in theendof the installedawning.Afterdeterminingthepermanentpositionforthepole,fastentheslide.


B c

InFormatIon and PrEcautIonS

the joint can turn 90° vertically (B) and 360° horizontally (c) (see Figure 3).

3.4.2 ▪ telescopic Pole



3▫Holdingthebottompart(D)still,turnthepolecounter-clockwise to lengthen and clockwise to fasten thepoleinthedesiredposition.

3.4.3 ▪ ground Fastening Plate




4▫ Insert theplugpin (E) in theholeon thegroundfasteningplate(F)andturnit90°tofastentheplugtotheplate.

Page 11: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

11rev.00 28-11-08

Manual for Installation, Use and Maintenance Telescopic Pole

4 HOLES 5,5A




O 110O






InFormatIon and PrEcautIonS

to make installation easier, you can print this page in a4 format and use it as a template tofindthebestpositionfortheholes.

attEntIonto aVoId groSS ErrorS, makE SurE thE PrInt out ScaLE IS 1:1, chEckIng thE mEaSurE IndIcatEd on thE PaPEr WIth a ruLEr or caLLIPEr In rELatIon to thE dImEnSIonS IndIcatEd aBoVE.

ground FaStEnIng PLatE


Page 12: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

Manual for Installation, Use and Maintenance

12 rev.00 28-11-08

Telescopic Pole

4 SPEcIaL maIntEnancE4.1 ▪ troubleshooting table

manuaL aWnIng

ProBLEmS cauSES SoLutIonS

Conicalrollingofcanvas Unevenfabricthickness Rollthecanvassallthewaybackup

motorIZEd aWnIngWithout electronic control unit

ProBLEmS cauSES SoLutIonS

Conicalrollingofcanvas Unevenfabricthickness Rollthecanvassallthewaybackup


The awning does not open up alltheway.





Themotorisverynoisy Incorrectwiring




The motor shuts down after 4-5minutesofcontinuoususe

Thermalprotectionofmotortrips Let the motor cool off for a fewminutes

Page 13: Telescopic Pole - Motorized Retractable Awnings ... · The telescopic pole can be used with all awnings with arms except boxed ones and ones with bottom rails. It stabilizes the awning

Manufacturing Facility: 

16255 NW 54 Avenue Miami Gardens, Florida 33014-6106 United States of America Telephone (305) 628-2424 Telephone Toll Free 1 (866) 438-2964 Fax (305) 623-0099 Email [email protected]


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GOOGLETALK -retractableawnings SKYPE - retractableawnings MSN - retractableawning YAHOO - retractableawnings AOL - retractableawn ICQ - 166644911  
