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“Study to show thyself approved, A workmen that not be ashamed” 2

Timothy 2:15“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.--Hebrews 10:25 (KJV)

I. Using Technology to enhance the Ministry

A. What is the Purpose of integrating Technology in Ministry?

1. Increase church attendance

2. Bridge the generational gap

3. Encourage youth participation

B. Types of Technology

1. Computers and laptops

2. Video camera

3. Mobile devices

C. Best practices of utilizing Social Media for Ministry Outreach

1. Facebook

2. Twitter

3. Video-based social media


II. IMD use of Technology to increase Visibility

A. Social Media

B. Mobile App

C. Online Education

III. How to select and implement appropriate Technology for your Ministry

A. Technology Selection

B. System Requirements


MYTHS USING TECHNOLOGYThe Church has used technology throughout history: papyrus, printing press, piano, organ, lighting, microphones, guitars, drums, and video projectors. And with the advent of the Internet, we have newer technologies like websites, social networking via Facebook, and texting on cell phones.

How do we steward technology well? We start by dispelling common myths about using online technologies in the church.

1. "If you build it, they will come."Not necessarily. The "it" could be a website, a blog, a discussion board, a podcast, a Twitter feed, or a Facebook fan page. Your digital presence will not automatically be viewed by lots of people just by its mere existence. People choose what they will pay attention to based on relevance (to their situation), value (that enhances their life), and trust (derived from the reputation of the content provider or a trusted friend who points them that way). Your online presence will need to be mentioned often using traditional media as well as word of mouth.

2. "It doesn't cost anything."True, some online tools don't cost anything to use, but using technology can cost you is more than money. There's the recurring cost of energy to produce fresh and relevant content. There's also the time involved in connecting with your online community, engaging in conversations and responding to questions. There's the potential cost of even free online tools and Web apps that don't fit the orientation of your church and confuse your audience.

3. "Only the younger generation uses social networking.“One study reported that 64 percent of Twitter's and 61 percent of Facebook's users are age 35 or older. The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project found that 38 percent of adults 65 and older ...

Recording Devices

Ipad usage

Mobile Devices: IPhone, Android, Smart Phones

IMD Technology

Video, Laptops,

Recorder Tablets

Application Sources

Google Play

Apple Store
