
Digital Business Era: Stretch Your Boundaries Trend 3: Platform (R)evolution

Vision Trend Evolution2013-2015

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Color Palette

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R 153G 51B 153

R 47G 83B 156

R 255G 221B 0

R 255G 153B 0

R 136G 221B 0

R 170G 17B51

Internet of Me

Outcome Economy

Platform (R)evolution

Intelligent Enterprise

Reimagined Workforce

1 2 3 4 5

5 Trends


Platform (R)evolution:Defining ecosystems, redefiningindustries.Copyright © 2015 Accenture All rights reserved.

Underpinned by a wave of digital technologies – including social, mobile, analytics, cloud, and the Internet of Things (IoT) – the platform serves as a new blueprint for how companies build, connect, and deliver applications that address specific industry challenges.

Today’s new and evolving platforms are essentially comprised of well-defined architecture, governance and services and underpinned by the latest digital “tools” – social, mobile, cloud, IoT and others.

Industry platforms will fuel the acceleration of digital disruption during the next three to five years, leaving less and less time for established companies to react to change.

Platform (R)evolution: Defining ecosystems, redefining industries.

#TechVision2015 © 2015 Accenture All rights reserved.

Trend Perspectives: Business and IT Executives

71%Expect partner APIs to be broadly adopted across their industries within the next two years.

60%Plan to engage new digital partners within their respective industries over the next two years.

81% Believe that in the future, industry boundaries will blur as platforms reshape industries into interconnected ecosystems.

Source: Accenture Technology Vision 2015 Survey of 2,000 business and IT executives


Copyright © 2015 Accenture All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2015 Accenture All rights reserved.

Among the Global 2000, digital industry platforms and ecosystems are fueling the next wave of breakthrough innovation and disruptive growth.

The elimination of barriers—in terms of the technology, cost, and time associated with traditional IT infrastructure and application development—is the primary force driving and enabling this change.

According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 2013, 14 of the top 30 global brands by market capitalization were platform-oriented companies.

Breakthrough innovation and growth

Source: “The Ups and Downs of Dynamic Pricing, Innovation@Work blog, October 31, 2014.


Advances in cloud, mobile platforms, and application development are eliminating the technological and cost barriers associated with digital industry platforms.

Platform building blocks are here and ready:

•The foundation: Public and hybrid cloud

•Digital glue & secret sauce: APIs

•Digital treasure chest: Mobile platforms

•Accelerator: Open Source

•Real-time business models: Internet of Things


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Leveraging the Network Multiplier Effect

Increased adoption makes the platform more valuable for all.

Beyond innovation and new ideas, the ecosystem is also becoming a key way for companies to grow faster.

By understanding the network multiplier effect of platform-driven ecosystems, companies can digitally tap into the many networks of people who are working toward the same goals.

Then they can leverage these networks to drive sustainable growth in faster and economically smarter ways.


Copyright © 2015 Accenture All rights reserved.

Color Palette

Copyright © 2015 Accenture All rights reserved.

R 153G 51B 153

R 47G 83B 156

R 255G 221B 0

R 255G 153B 0

R 136G 221B 0

R 170G 17B51

Platform (R)evolution: Looking AheadPlatform-driven ecosystems are not a far-future idea. The tools and techniques are coming together today. What’s needed most is a widespread shift in mindset toward platform-based ecosystems. The leaders are making that shift now.

An increasingly urgent challenge for other players: quickly determine which platforms and ecosystems will give them a competitive advantage and define future in the “We Economy.”


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