  • Team NRG

    Patrick Phillips

    Jacquelyn Pica

    John Price

    Dakota Skipper

    Professional Writing

    ENC 3250.794

    University of South Florida, St.


    Dr. Francis Tobienne, Jr.

    November 18th, 2015

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    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary ______________________________________________________ pg. 3

    Introduction _____________________________________________________________ pg. 4

    Why do we need to find energy alternatives? __________________________________ pg. 5

    USFSPs Green Movement Goals____________________________________________ pg. 6

    - Net Zero Energy Usage

    - Carbon Neutrality

    - Groups and Programs

    Green Certified Buildings__________________________________________________ pg. 9

    - LEED Gold Certification

    - Green Building Features

    Parking Garage Solar Panels _______________________________________________pg.10

    - DUKE Energy Grant

    - Storage Potential

    Energy Sustaining Gym Equipment__________________________________________pg.11

    - Net Zero Equipment

    - Energy Generating Equipment


    Annotated Bibliography___________________________________________________pg.12

    Works Cited_____________________________________________________________pg.16

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    Executive Summary

    Every day, we turn our televisions on, start our cars, talk on cell phones, and cook on

    stoves or microwaves. The energy that powers these technologies originate from a variety of

    sources, and while some are infinite and renewable, others are neither.

    Unfortunately, most of our world currently runs on fossil-based fuels. Fossil-based fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) currently provide about 85% of all the energy use both in US and

    worldwide (Your Guide to Renewable Energy).

    These fossil based fuels, while necessary for modern life, are depleting at an alarming

    rate. In order to combat this depletion, alternate energy sources must be researched, utilized,

    and developed. Green energy alternatives are beginning to be used in everyday businesses;

    universities, offices, and even homes. Although many people arent aware of the need for green energy development, we are going to have to depend on these renewable energies in the not so

    distant future.

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    An increasing number of universities are picking up on this, and the University of South

    Florida St. Petersburg is among those leading the pack. They have taken many steps in order to

    establish themselves as a green and sustainable campus. The students and faculty are a driving

    force in the local going-green community, and openly embrace technologies and process

    changes that aid in the utilization of renewable resources in place of non-renewable

    resources. The construction of the newer buildings for example, were not done without a

    considerable amount of thought for the environment in their design and their post-construction


    The University Student Center at USF St. Petersburg

    The university is also involved in the utilization and research of innovative solar

    panels that leverage clean efficient energy from the sun; as well as the purchase of

    earth-and-economic friendly gym equipment so that the students can exercise with a

    green conscience. USF St. Petersburg consciously stands with the earth as it aims to

    lower the need of these non-renewable resources.

  • 5

    Why do we need to find energy alternatives?

    Given that these resources are non-

    renewable and finite, the duration of their utility is

    limited. This duration is often characterized by so-called Reserves-to-Production ratio (R/P). In plain

    language, R/P basically gives us the length of time

    the reserves would last if their usage continue at the

    current rate. (Your Guide to Renewable Energy).

    Given that our population is increasing

    daily, chances are that energy consumption will

    increase as well. Life expectancy rate is increasing,

    and chances are that the millennial generation will

    outlive the supply of two of the main conventional

    fossil fuels; oil and natural gas, according to the

    statistics above. Once and awhile, new deposits of

    these resources are discovered, but certainly not

    enough to make a dent substantial enough to last

    beyond a generation.

    The table below compares the US average levelized electricity cost in dollars per kilowatt-hour

    for both non-renewable and alternative fuels in new

    power plants, based on US EIA statistics and

    analysis from Annual Energy Outlook 2014.(Your Guide to Renewable Energy). One can gather from

    this table that the aforementioned fossil-fuels are

    the most economically efficient, which explains

    their current attractiveness; but we cannot forget

    that these resources have limited supply, and their

    depletion is inevitable.

    Something to keep in mind about these

    statistics are that, once Oil and Natural Gas are

    depleted, the worlds inhabitants will invariably need to gather their energy from somewhere in

    order to continue living with todays (and tomorrows) luxuries. If we do not have other energy alternatives, the rate of coal consumption

    will most certainly increase, thereby giving it a

    much shorter lifetime. Given the statistics earlier,

    coal consumed at the current rate is already only

    expected to last just beyond two generations from

    now. This increased consumption rate will

    guarantee it.

    The security of our future is dependent on

    finding a way to better utilize other

    resources. Fortunately, many communities are

    making strides to leverage modern technology and

    utilize those renewable resources that are infinite

    and leave a net-zero carbon footprint. One such

    community is USF St. Petersburg.

    Source: (Your Guide to Renewable Energy)

  • 6

    Net Zero Power Usage:

    The Department of Energy has defined Net

    Zero Energy buildings as An energy-efficient building where, on a source energy basis, the actual

    annual delivered energy is less than or equal to the

    on-site renewable exported energy. The concept of being Net Zero means that the electricity consumed and the electricity produced has a net of

    zero; where energy consumption equals production,

    or production is more than consumption. Net Zero

    Energy focuses solely on electricity; specifically,

    having a building that is able to balance its energy

    needs with energy from renewable resources,

    whether produced at that building or received from

    renewable energy sources off-site.

    The most important aspect of Net Zero

    energy is being able to draw from renewable energy

    sources, such as solar or wind power. As stated in

    the definition, annual delivered energy, which must be less than or equal to the annual consumed

    energy, is the defining factor in determining if a

    building has achieved Net Zero Energy. Even if a

    building doesnt produce enough energy that it needs in one day, as long as it is able to, within the

    year, makeup for those shortcomings, it will still be

    considered a Net Zero Energy building.

    Net Zero Energy is different from alternate

    energy efficiency approaches in two separate ways:

    the baseline and target are zero, instead of a percentage improvement over prior performance,

    and the energy you use must be supplied

    from renewable energy. Most energy efficiency strategies strive to be 50% more energy efficient, or

    80% more efficient by a certain year. With Net

    Zero, the goal is to get that buildings annual non-renewable energy consumption to be zero. Net Zero

    Energy buildings also should not use any energy

    from the grid, as that would increase their

    consumed power and therefore they would have to

    produce much more energy in order to make up for

    drawing upon this non-renewable resource. Net Zero Energy means that a building balances its

    energy needs with energy produced from

    renewable, zero-emission sources. While Net Zero

    Energy buildings may seem cutting edge, they will

    become status quo faster than you think (Net Zero Energy).


    USFSPs Green Movement Goals

    Given that energy alternatives need to be researched and utilized in order to provide for a

    better future, USF St. Petersburg has pledged to achieve climate neutrality on campus by agreeing to the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (Tinti 2015). In order to achieve this overall goal, USFSP has broken it down into two separate categories: net zero power

    usage and carbon neutrality.

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    Carbon Neutrality:

    USF St. Petersburg has declared their

    ultimate goal to be achieving a net zero carbon

    footprint. David Vasquez, chairman of the CERCC,

    shed light on this plan, and gave insight as to how

    their goals will help not only our university, but also

    our community. The members of the Clean Energy

    and Resource Conservation Commission (CERCC)

    are the brains behind most of the green energy

    projects on campus. A few of the CERCCs goals are to intellectually and practically lead the sustainability movement at USFSP, and to

    recommend investments to Student Government

    that will most effectively reduce the Universitys carbon footprint (Sustainability). Ideally, Vasquez says "the goal is to get ALL of its energy sources by

    technologies used on the campus, but if we can't

    generate enough from our technologies, the plan is

    to purchase energy credit from a remote source (a

    set of solar panels across town, for example), to

    offset the deficiency to meet that goal of 100%

    carbon neutrality."

    Non-renewable energy sources give off

    carbon dioxide emissions when used, which

    contributes to global warming and pollution. In

    order to offset all of these carbon dioxide emissions,

    one must either use solely green energy, or purchase

    energy credits from an outside source in order to

    make up for the carbon dioxide emitted from non-

    renewable energy that was used. Carbon neutrality

    doesnt simply focus on one building or area, but rather carbon emissions on a national and global

    scale. When Vasquez says that they plan to

    purchase energy credit from a remote source, this means that, if USFSP had to use carbon-emitting

    energy, they would make up for it by purchasing

    that same amount of energy from a renewable

    energy source elsewhere. This shows how, as long

    as the carbon emissions are being made up for from

    a renewable energy source, one can still be

    considered to be carbon neutral.

  • 8

    Groups and Programs:

    Each student at USF pays a fee of $1.00 per

    credit hour, which goes towards the Student Green

    Energy Fund (SGEF). The money in this fund aids

    the University of South Florida in their going green

    initiatives, including the purchase, experimentation,

    and utilization of energy-sustaining

    technologies. As sponsors of this fund, each student

    has the ability to generate a proposal for a project

    that will aid in USFSP's going green

    movement. These proposals are given to the

    student-run organization, SGEF, who then casts

    votes to elect which proposal(s) to execute.

    Given that this organization is the

    gatekeeper of this fund, Patrick Phillips attended an

    SGEF meeting, to get a feel of the organization's

    current direction and ongoing plans. During the

    October 27, 2015 meeting, their focus was on

    marketing; or rather, how they should go about

    raising awareness to students about their

    responsibility to propose "going green"

    projects. The current consensus is that the average

    USFSP student does not know about the $1.00 per-

    credit-hour fee; much less of their ability to propose

    a project that utilizes the fund. Those present at the

    meeting discussed ways to reach out to students to

    bring attention to the latter point. Suggestions

    ranged from utilizing multiple social media outlets,

    to erecting a table in front of the campus, to visiting

    various student organization meetings, and speaking

    in front of classrooms of courses that would likely

    warrant interest in the green movement. In their

    approach to the professors of these courses, they're

    going to inquire on the professor's interest in

    offering extra credit to their students in exchange

    for SGEF proposals.

    Given a close relationship with many

    professors who are already proactive in the going-

    green movement, they have faith that this is


    Patrick arrived at the meeting early and

    briefly took some time to chat with SGEF Chairman

    David Vasquez. In this time, Patrick explained the

    direction of our White Paper project, which is

    focused on the energy-sustaining technologies that

    USFSP currently has, and the technologies

    that it plans on implementing in the future. Mr.

    Vasquez explained that the ultimate goal of SGEF,

    and CERCC is for the campus to become 100%

    carbon neutral; meaning, all energy that it uses will

    be generated from solar panels and other

    technologies that utilize sustainable earth-friendly


  • 9

    Green Building Certification:

    USF St. Petersburgs Science and Technology building (STG) and University Student

    Center (USC) have met the standards of the U.S.

    Green Building Council (USGBC) through the

    attainment of their Leadership in Energy and

    Environmental Design (LEED) gold

    certification. The STG building proudly display

    this seal of certification on window and plaques

    throughout the buildings. The LEED plaque on a building is a mark of quality and achievement in

    green building (LEED Certification).

    USFSPs proud display of this plaque can certainly be validated; as LEED is the most recognized and widely used green building program

    across the globe (U.S. Green Building

    Council). While being certified by LEED on any

    level is an accomplishment, LEEDs gold certification is the second highest rating level that a

    building can obtain from the internally-recognized


    Given this authority, a LEED certification

    does not come easy. Buildings have to undergo

    rigorous scrutiny during construction, and after

    construction in order to make sure they are meeting

    the industry-leading green standards that

    accompany a LEED certification.

    LEED certification provides independent verification of a building or neighborhoods green features, allowing for the design, construction,

    operations and maintenance of resource-efficient,

    high-performing, healthy, cost-effective

    buildings(LEED Certification).

    A buildings certification level is based on points accumulated, based on the following criterion:

    Based on the number of points achieved, a project

    earns one of four LEED rating levels: LEED

    Certified, LEED Silver, LEED Gold, or LEED

    Platinum (LEED Certification). USFSPs STG and USC buildings had to score between 60-79 points,

    based on the criterion listed above.

    There are also plans for the Kate Tiedemann

    College of Business (KTCOB) to join the ranks of

    sustainable USFSP buildings, projected to also have

    a LEED Gold Certification. While SGEF Chair

    David Vasquez didnt yet have specific information about the LEED points for the KTCOB building, he

    did comment on the planned glass walls of the upcoming building:

    Having a lot of glass around the building opposed to walls will help with natural lighting instead of

    using electricity, so it is a sustainable feature of the

    building. Other buildings such as STG, and USC

    have big windows for the same reason. (Vasquez)

    USFSP Green Certified Buildings

    One way that USFSP is a driving force in the utilization of renewable resources is in the construction of their

    buildings. Given that buildings account for 38% of all CO2 Emissions in the US (U.S. Green Building

    Council). Ensuring the execution of resource-efficient buildings is imperative to achieving the goal of being

    environmentally conscious.

    Source: LEED Certification

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    The largest object of our solar system is also

    the most abundant source of energy. The Sun is

    continuously throwing 173,000 terawatts of energy

    at the Earth (Pierce). This solar energy is entirely

    renewable, and its abundance is consequently

    unlimited. Being in the sunshine state, it only made

    sense for USF St. Petersburg to make use of this

    energy. With the help of Duke Energy, they are

    able to leverage the energy from the sun in a new

    and innovative way atop their parking garage.

    Duke Energy Grant: Earlier this year, Duke Energy Florida

    funded the install of a $1-million solar array atop

    the USF St. Petersburg parking garage. While Duke

    Energy is not new to funding Florida colleges with

    solar panels, the panel installed atop USF St.

    Petersburgs parking garage is the largest one to date (Boatwright).

    Storage Potential: It is a 100-kilowatt system made up of an

    impressive 318 solar panels, but its size is not the

    only feature exclusive to USF. St. Petersburg. This

    garage can continue utilizing the suns energy even in the suns absence. This is credited to a prototype battery on the ground floor of the parking garage

    that is developed by Tesla Motors. These

    innovative batteries absorb any excess energy

    generated from the panels above, and keep up to

    200-kilowatts on reserve to use in the suns absence. This way, in the event of a cloudy day,

    or after the sun goes down, the parking garage can

    still operate on

    clean energy.

    Parking Garage Solar Panels

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    Students at USF St. Petersburg can even be

    earth-conscious while they exercise. At the Student

    Life Center, SGEF has installed gym equipment that

    aids in the Universitys energy sustainability efforts. The upper floor of the fitness center

    features ellipticals and stationary bikes that convert

    human energy into electricity; as well as Net-Zero


    From October 19, 2015 through October 30,

    2015, SGEF hosted its annual "Race for the watts"

    competition. In this competition, student

    organizations compete for who can generate the

    most watts or mileage on their green-standard

    workout equipment. Patrick Phillips participated in

    this event to get a personal experience of the

    energy-sustaining gym equipment.

    "I was curious how a treadmill could be operated

    solely on your movement", said Patrick as he

    thought back to his first impression of approaching

    the energy-sustaining treadmill. "The machines are

    curved towards the front, so that it utilizes your

    weight and gravity to generate the inertia to get it

    going, and your stride does the rest of the

    work." While the treadmills do not generate any

    energy, they do not require any other source of

    energy to operate. Patrick spent 20 energy-free

    minutes on the treadmill, which would have equated

    to about 600 watts USED on a non-green treadmill.

    Patrick also used the stationary bike, which

    utilizes the energy expended during the workout to

    generate energy, measured in watt-hours

    (WH). Those watt-hours are sent to a generator

    which can then be used to power other

    electronics. At a flat rate with minimal resistance,

    the bike generates roughly 1 WH per each hour. By

    increasing the resistance, the bike generates more

    watts-per-hour as a result of increased effort.

    Throughout the competition, between the

    bike and the treadmill, Patrick put in 100 miles on

    the energy-sustaining equipment; generating a total

    of 125 WH. To put this in perspective, 60 WH can

    power a 60-watt light bulb for 1 hour. By simply

    switching the gym equipment, the energy that

    Patrick generated this week could power a 60-watt

    light-bulb for over two hours.

    The Curve treadmill is a net-zero treadmill, available for use by students in the USFSP Fitness Center.

    Energy Sustaining Gym Equipment

    The top contributors of this years Race for the Watts competition.


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    Our research evidences that USF St. Petersburg has realized the importance of our

    worlds discovery and utilization of renewable resources in place of non-renewable resources. The university continually acts on this realization through the adoption of

    technologies into the day-to-day function of faculty and staff. Their alignment to the U.S.

    Green Building Council, which led to their gold certified buildings has allowed them to

    function with a green conscience in the present, as well as the future. Their collaboration

    with Duke Energy with their innovative large-scale solar panels, in conjunction with the

    Tesla battery reserve, could lead to research that points the world in a positive direction in

    terms of economics as well as green initiatives. The net-zero treadmills, and energy-

    generating ellipticals and stationary bikes could turn gyms into energy farms, if the world

    follows in USF St. Petersburgs footsteps.

    Annotated Bibliography

    "2014 Renewable Energy Data Book." 2015. US Department of Energy. 1 November 2015.


    This resource is a government website that has data about energy consumption. This report is an

    annual report about energy consumption and was made in 2015 for the year 2014. It has data about

    the energy consumption, broken down by traditional energy supplies and renewable energy. It gives

    data about the yearly consumption and capacities of energy sources, growth in usage, and new

    sources. The comparison data about renewable energy resources, their capacity, and their growth in

    usage compared to other resources and the previous years will give us important background

    information about solar energy and its growth.

    Boatwright, Josh. "Duke Energy unveils solar power project at USF St. Pete." 20 May 2015. The St.

    Petersburg Tribune. 9 November 2015. .

    This is a news article about the Duke Energy solar panel project at USFSP. It gives an overview of

    the project and talks about what the goals are for the project. This article helps us to understand the

    capacity of the projects, what it can do for both our school and community, and a few important facts

    that we can use when describing this project in our paper.

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    "Boston University offers pedal power to charge electronics." 31 March 2015. Boston Globe. 4 November

    2015. .

    This article has information about electricity producing bikes at Boston University. The technology

    that is being used is the same as USFSP's gym equipment. It is an example of how other universities

    are using the same technology that USFSP is currently utilizes. This article provides further insight

    on this specific green technology and helps us to understand how it works, and how other colleges

    besides ours are implementing it.

    LEED. "This Is LEED." LEED | Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design. U.S. Green Building

    Council, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.

    This webpage describes what LEED is; the most widely used green building rating system in the

    world. LEED certification focuses on assessing a building or neighborhoods green features with the

    goal of benefitting people, planet, and profit. LEED certification is explained, as the article details all

    of the nine areas that are judged when a building is attempting to become LEED certified. The article

    also explains what the different levels of LEED certification are. Based on how many points the

    building scores in the previously mentioned nine categories, they get a certain numerical score. This

    numerical score determines if the building will be classified as LEED certified, LEED silver, LEED

    gold, or LEED platinum. There are also some statistics about LEED certified buildings, and even non

    certified buildings and how they differ from certified ones.

    Pierce, Erin R. "Top 6 Things You Didn't Know About Solar Energy." 22 June 2012. 30

    October 2015. .

    This article contains a few general facts about solar energy, which have important statistics about

    solar energy. A few of the facts detail how much solar energy the Earth is struck by, how much

    energy the world uses, how solar energy was first used, and also the increase in solar energy usage

    within the last few years.

    "Sustainability: LEED Certified Green Buildings." Sustainability. University of South Florida St. Petersburg,

    n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.

    The sustainability section of the USFSP website contains information on the LEED certified green

    buildings at USFSP. This source explains how the Science and Technology Building and the

    University Student Center buildings are LEED Gold Certified. The page also lists the green features

    of each buildings, including features such as energy efficiency, roof that reduces heat, and even that

    the building materials were made of 20% recycled content. This page helps to show how USFSP

    became a green campus, and the exact features of each building that make them green.

  • 14

    Sustainable Facilities. "Net Zero Energy." Sftool. GSA, n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2015.


    This article details what Net Zero Energy is, and also how it differs from other energy efficiency

    approaches. We were having a little difficulty fully understand what this Net Zero Energy concept

    was, and wanted to make sure that we could successfully explain what it is and how it works. This

    brief, yet efficient, article really helped us comprehend this concept and hopefully our white paper

    readers will be able to understand it as well.

    "Tesla Battery Being Used In Duke Energy Florida & University of South Florida Solar Project." 29 May

    2015. Clean Technica. 9 November 2015. .

    This article gives information about the solar energy project, such as what it is and how it will help

    with solar energy research. It is mainly about the storage technology being installed in the parking

    garage. It has quotes from the president of Duke Energy Florida and the USFSP Regional Chancellor

    on the matters of the partnership between USFSP and Duke Energy, and details all of the

    technologies that the solar energy will be used for in the parking garage. This article also discusses

    the Tesla powerpack storage units, what they are, and what their life span is.

    Tinti, Emily. "Erasing The Campus Carbon Footprint." 21 September 2015. The Crowe's Nest. 7 November

    2015. .

    This article is about the Green Movement at USFSP. It has information about their ultimate goal of

    achieving a net zero carbon footprint. It details their goal for climate neutrality, and the minor goals they have created in order to help them achieve this. It introduces David Vasquez, the Secretary

    of Sustainable Initiatives, Chair of the CERCC, and Chair of the SGEFC. Vasquez details their

    specific plans for the Green Movement at USFSP, specifically the Food Forest they plan to install behind Residence Hall One.

    USFSP. "CERCC." USFSP, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2015.


    This source is a brief description of the Clean Energy and Resource Conservation Commission, or the

    CERCC. The CERCC is a group that is very pertinent to the green movement at USFSP, and this

    article explains some of their goals and accomplishments. We used this source so we could explain

    the CERCCs goals in our paper, and therefore inform the reader of their influence on the USFSP green movement. We also needed this information to provide background information on who our

    group interviewed; David Vasquez, who is the chairman of the CERCC.

  • 15

    U.S. Green Building Council. "About USGBC." USGBC. U.S. Green Building Council, n.d. Web. 08 Nov.

    2015. .

    This online source contains a description of the U.S. Green Building Council, which is the company

    responsible for LEED certifications. It details what exactly LEED is, and provides some statistics on

    LEED Certified buildings, such as how many square feet are certified worldwide each day. It also

    explains the credentials one must meet in order to be considered for a LEED certification. The U.S.

    Green Building Councils mission statement is also included on this page, as well as the companys vision.

    Vasquez, David, Personal Interview. 27, October.

    David Vasquez was very excited at our expressed interest in the going green movement at USF St.

    Petersburg. He explained how the student organization, Student Green Energy Fund (SGEF), is

    responsible for selecting from a list of student proposals concerning going-green initiatives;

    including the purchase, experimentation, and utilization of energy-sustaining technologies. These

    initiatives are funded by the $1.00-per-credit-hur fee that each USF Student pays upon enrolling in a

    course. Mr. Vasquez provided the information on the USFSP Sustainability website, as well as

    designed it. He was able to leverage his knowledge gained as a chair of SGEF and CERCC (Clean

    Energy and Resource Conservation Commission), to shed some light on the energy-sustaining

    technologies researched, and provided a clarified definition of the universitys goal of becoming carbon neutral.

    "Your Guide to Renewable Energy." 2015. Renewable Energy 1 November

    2015. .

    This website details the different types of renewable energy sources, advantages and disadvantages

    of them, and also some data. There is a cost comparison of energy sources chart that lists the prices

    in kiloWatts per hour for each different type of energy, both renewable and nonrenewable. The

    article provides a realistic goal for where we should be with non-renewable energy in the near future,

    and gives us the proper data to help analyze those decisions.

  • 16

    Works Cited

    "2014 Renewable Energy Data Book." 2015. US Department of Energy. 1 November 2015.


    Boatwright, Josh. "Duke Energy unveils solar power project at USF St. Pete." 20 May 2015. The St.

    Petersburg Tribune. 9 November 2015. .

    "Boston University offers pedal power to charge electronics." 31 March 2015. Boston Globe. 4 November

    2015. .

    LEED. "This Is LEED." LEED | Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design. U.S. Green Building

    Council, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.

    Pierce, Erin R. "Top 6 Things You Didn't Know About Solar Energy." 22 June 2012. 30

    October 2015. .

    "Sustainability: LEED Certified Green Buildings." Sustainability. University of South Florida St. Petersburg,

    n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2015. .

    Sustainable Facilities. "Net Zero Energy." Sftool. GSA, n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2015.


    "Tesla Battery Being Used In Duke Energy Florida & University of South Florida Solar Project." 29 May

    2015. Clean Technica. 9 November 2015. .

    Tinti, Emily. "Erasing The Campus Carbon Footprint." 21 September 2015. The Crowe's Nest. 7 November

    2015. .

    USFSP. "CERCC." USFSP, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2015.


    U.S. Green Building Council. "About USGBC." USGBC. U.S. Green Building Council, n.d. Web. 08 Nov.

    2015. .

    "Your Guide to Renewable Energy." 2015. Renewable Energy 1 November

    2015. .
