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PART ONEExample (1):-I’ve been trying to get hold of sue for half an hour.

*In this sentence;--Sue’s been holding it for half an hour-Sue’s been her for thirty minutes.-Sue’s been talking to Sue for half an hour.-I haven’t been able to contact Sue.

Example (2):-Woman: Can you tell me what time the next train is due to arrive?-Man: I think it’s a little behind schedule.

*What does the man mean?-The train is behind the station.-The next train is due in an hour.-The train is late-The schedule is wrong.

Example (3):-Man: This beach is really dirty. Look at all these pieces of plastic and litter everywhere.-Woman: It’s terrible. I’m sure some of it has washed up from the ocean. Plastic trash from ships has been dumped into the ocean for years.-Man: I’m surprised that waste can just be dumped into the ocean. Essentially, the ocean has become a receptacle for both industrial and city garbage. It is a disaster for sea birds and all forms of marine life.-Woman: You can say that again. Birds get caught in the plastic bags and packing materials that are dumped in the water. Why is such pollution allowed to happen?-Man: You should have seen what the seawater looked like just five years ago. The pumping of waste water into the ocean had continued for decades. Finally, new laws prohibit dumping industrial or city waste in the ocean. So, hopefully, over time, both the water and the beaches will become cleaner-Woman: It’s a good thing. Who knows, the entire marine environment could have been spoiled by garbage.

*Q1: Where does this conservation take place?-At a garbage dump-In the city.-On the seashore.-In a marine lab.

Q2: what is said about the condition of the ocean waters?-They are stormy.-They are unpopulated.-They are polluted.-They are deep.

Q3: According to the dialogue, why is waste dumping dangerous for sea birds?-They lose their habitats.-They become entangled in waste products.-They seek shelter on the shore.-They are being dumped into the ocean.


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Q4: how does the law protect the ocean from pollution?-The beaches are cleaned regularly.-Marine lost to pollution has to be restored.-Disposing of waste in the ocean is forbidden.-Garbage must be retrieved from the ocean.

Example (4):-The teacher put the test off because she ran out of time.*In this sentence;--The test is canceled.-The test is postponed.-The teacher took off her coat.-The teacher ran outside.

Example (5):-Man: We haven’t seen Larry in a while.-Woman: Why not have him over this weekend?

Q1: What does the woman mean?-She saw Larry for a while during the weekend.-She thinks they should invite Larry for a visit.-She doesn’t like it when Larry comes over.-She sees Larry every day during the week.

Example (6):-If you need to buy a good lock, there are several things you should keep in mind. Locks differ in price and quality. You can make a decision about which lock you want to buy if you know how they work. Let me show you what we have here and quickly explain how basic locks work. When the correct key is inserted into the door lock, the notches on the key make metal plates align. Once the plates are aligned, the key pushes the bolt inside the lock between the door and the frame. Spring bolts are considered more convenient because you don’t need to use a key to lock them. When the door closes, they snap into the door frame and stay locked until a key is used to open them. However, spring locks are not as secure as dead bolts because they can be easily, picked or pried open. It’s not hard to do; you can see for yourself. On the other hand. Dead bolts work from inside the door, and they need a key to unlock them, Dead bolts are called “ dead” because they don’t move until you move them with a key. Spring locks and dead bolts are the two types of locks we sell most.

Q1: What is the main topic of this talk?-The uses of doors.-Why a lock is essential.-How locks operate.-How to install a lock.

Q2: Why are dead bolts called dead?-They are no longer used.-They are poorly designed.-They are difficult to maintain.-They require a key to open them.

Q3: What are the disadvantages of spring locks?-They are not convenient.-They are not common.-They are not secure.-They are not cheap.


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Example (7):-Man: Hallow, Betty. I didn’t know you come here for lunch. Do you mind if I join you?-Woman: Hallow Rick. No ,I don’t mind at all. I like the food here. In fact, I come here for lunch at least once a week-Man: I like their salad bar. I think it’s the best in town. Actually, it’s surprising we haven’t met here before-Woman: Oh, usually have my lunch break between 11 and 12. But today our secretary is out stick, and I had to answer the office phone.-Man: So, If I come here between 11 and 12, chances are we’ll have lunch together more often.-Woman: In that case, I’m sure we’ll run into one another again

Q1: Where does this conservation take place?-On the street.-In a phone booth.-In a restaurant.-In a bar.

Q2: What does the man say he likes?-The town.-The sandwiches.-The drinks-The Salad.

Q3: What did the woman do in the morning?-She performed her usual job assignments.-She visited the secretary who was sick-She did the secretary’s job.-She interviewed the office manager.

Q4: What do the man and the woman say about meeting again?-They agree to meet in another place.-They decide to go out between 11 and 12 o’clock.-They plan to see one another later in the day.-They hope to meet again in the future.

Example (8):-If I could play tennis like John, I would be very proud.*In this sentence;--I am not as good as John.-Play tennis as well as John.-John is proud of himself.-John should learn to play tennis.

Example (9):-Woman: this suitcase is as heavy as the box was. I can’t even lift it to put it into the trunk.-Man: Should I do it for you?

Q: What did the man offer to do?-put the box into the suitcase.-Carry the box and the trunk out to the car.-Put the suitcase into the car.-Carry the box and the suitcase to the car.


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Example (10):-The loch Ness monster is a huge animal or aquatic creature that, according to the local resident, lives in a lake in northern Scotland. If this animal really exists it avoids contact with humans. However, hundreds of those who lived in the area in the past or live there now have reported seeing it. The first descriptions of the animal date back to A.D 565. In the 1930s, highest. Since then, reports of sightings have risen dramatically. In the presence of large objects in the lake. Their results indicate that large moving objects indeed exist. Unfortunately, to date there has been no consensus among the experts as to what these objects actually are.

Q1: What is the main topic of this lecture?-Scientific research on life forms in a lake.-Attempts to detect the Loch Ness monster.-Legends about lake monsters in Scotland.-The shape of the Loch Ness monster.

Q2: What can be said about the monster?-It is possible that it really exists.-Its value to science is high.-It frightens people to drive them away.-Its specific characteristics attract people.

Q3: Why have the reports of sightings become more frequent?-The highway traffic bothers the monster.-More people travel in the area.-Tourists who go to the lake disturbed the animal.-Scientists are able to reach the lake.

Q4: How long ago were the first sightings of the animal reports?-65 years.-500 years.-In the 1930s.-Nearly 1500 years.

Example (11):-The record will arrive at our outlet next month.*In this sentence;--Next month we’ll set a record.-The album will be sold next month.-Next Monday, we’ll record the sales.-The recording studio is closed for a month.

Example (12):-Man: Did someone use my umbrella again?-Woman: your umbrella.

Q: What does the woman mean?-She doesn’t have an umbrella.-She doesn’t think the umbrella is his.-The man doesn’t like to use umbrellas.-The man has lost his umbrella.

Example (13):-The files on the desk should be packed up and removed.*In this sentence;-


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-the disk should be stored.-The desk should be cleared.-This task can be postponed.-The files can be picked up.

Example (14):-Air consists of a mixture of gases and extends from the surface of the earth to outer space. The principle gases of the air are nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen account for about 78% of dry air, that is, the air from which all water vapor has been removed. Oxygen makes up approximately 21% of dry air. Other gases, mainly argon, make up the remaining 1% water vapor and carbon dioxide serve as an insulator and prevent the earth’s surface heat from escaping into space. In addition, water vapor yields precipitation in the form of rain and snow. The amount of water in the air, known as humidity, depends, among other things, on the air temperature. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air, and the air is usually less humid on clears days than on cloud days. When the air becomes sufficiently cold, the water vapor condenses to form water droplets. The temperature at which water vapor starts to condense is called thr dew point.

Q1: How much oxygen does dry air contain?-1%. -21%. -78%. -100%. Q2: How do water and carbon dioxide help the earth to retain its heat?They product precipitation.They insulate it.They help the snow melt.They condense the air gases.

Q3: What causes water vapor to condense?Water droplets.High humidity.Low temperature.The earth’s cloud cover.

Example (15):-Man: Do you know what the direct to said during the meeting yesterday?-Woman: Arnold lacks the funds to complete his project.

Q1: What can be said about Arnold?-He has been lucky with his work.-He is fond of his project.-He has no money to finish the job.-He tries to have fun when he works

Example (16):-One Mike saw the roses, he bought twice as many as he had originally planned.

*In this sentence;--Mike bought roses twice instead of once.-Mike bought twice the number of roses that he had intended.-Mike’s plan was to see the roses, not to buy them.-Mike saw two times more roses than he had planned.

Example (17):-Woman: How long does your commute take you?


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-Man: It takes me longer to drive five miles through the city than it takes to drive twenty miles on the highway.

*In this sentence;--He likes to drive both in the city and on the highway.-Driving on the highway and in the city takes a long time.-A 20-mile drive on the highway does not take as long as 5-miles drive in the city.-A 25-mile drive in the city takes shorter time than a 5-mile drive on the highway.

Example (18):-Man: Can I help you?-Woman: I need new soles and heels?

Q: where does this conservation take place?-In a church.-In a hotel lounge.-In a dining hall.-In a shoe-repair shop.

Example (19):-Man: The children are being so loud today.-Woman: If you think they are loud today, you should have heard them yesterday.

Q: What does the woman mean?-The children weren’t there yesterday.-The children were louder yesterday than they are today.-The man heard the children yesterday and today.-The man thinks the children were loud yesterday.

Example (20):-Woman: Can you have this report written, typed, copied and mailed before the post office closes today?-Man: Today?

Q: What does the man mean?-The post office is already closed.-The report due tomorrow.-He can’t finish all these tasks today.-He will be able to mail the report today.

Example (21):-Man: The other day, my son and I went to the store to buy him a bicycle. I had never imagined how many types of bicycles they make today.-Woman: I know what you mean. To begin with, there are 6 bicycle wheel sizes, then there are 8 frame sizes for riders of different highest, and finally, there are 7 main styles of bicycles.-Man: Not just that- bicycles also vary in the number of speeds they can have. You can buy a bicycle with 3,5,10,12 or even 18 speeds. Until yesterday, I had never heard of an 18-speed bicycle.-Woman: Those are used by touring cyclists who travel great distances. Because they are made from special alloys, they are very light, and sometimes weigh only 20 to 25 pounds.-Man: I’II tell you frankly, I would have had a hard time deciding which bike would be best for my son. Fortunately, he knew exactly what he wanted, so we were able to choose which one to get. Otherwise, I’d probably still be standing there trying to make up my mind.


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Exercise 1 *Vocabulary: - (Keep in touch, analysis, flaw / fault / error, point out, affected, in advance/ ahead, diet, expense, florist save money, get…down with / finish, fancy/ like, replace, ocean, something else will turn up / find another thing, embarrassed, sort out/ doesn’t feel well, mome /fool, mumbo/ hard to understand/ can say rubbish thing, periodical / regularly time, appointment, persistent)

*Direction: Choose the one sentence that is closet in meaning to the sentence you heard on the tape.

1. A-Brain’s mother doesn’t hear well. 6. A-You wandered around had got on the wrong bus.B-Brain’s mother hasn’t been in touch. B-You had to walk because you made a mistake. C- Brain’s heard his mother’s voice. C-Were you surprised that you had to walk?D- Brain’s his mother are close. D-Were you wondering where to get off?

2. A-professor White is less likely to 7. A-Jane stopped by the school. forget the data analysis. B-Jane stopped attending school. B- professor White pointed to the C-Jane’s grades are down. Persistent data storage. D-Jane posted the grades downstairs. C- professor White called attention to The flaws in the data. 8. A-I finally got used to my new car. D- professor White showed us a shortcut B-I usually use my new car. for the data analysis. C-I drive my new car only on campus. D-I don’t use my new car daily 3. A-Students should study all the time. B-Exams can be written in advance. 9. A-Mr. Winters is at the insurance office. C-Usually, we are busy and have little time. B-In winter, Lunch can be ordered in. D-The written exam was finished on time. C-Mr. Winters can’t look into your policy right Now. D-Insurance coverage doesn’t apply during the 4. A-You can take your time next week. Winter. B-You need to change planes. C-I’d like to know if you change your 10. A-Robert left the first sentence alone. Plans. B- Robert made two different errors. D-I’d like to help you with the changes. C- Robert teaches during the first period. D- Robert put away his second article. 5. A-Ann was picked up near the florist’s B-The florist dropped the flower. C-Ann was choosing the flowers for the Wedding. D-The florist arranged the flowers as Ann Wanted.

Example (22)1-In 1848, Elizabeth Stanton organized first-------------rights convention in the United States.A-woman B-women C-women’s D-woman’s.

2-In the past 200 years, the earth’s atmosphere-----------------enriched in carbon dioxide.A-becoming B-Have become. C-becomes. D-Has become.

3-The earth spins around-------------that connects the geographic North and South poles.A-the image and line B-imagined the line.C-that line imagined. D-the imaginary line.


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4-Young rabbits learn to feed--------------when they are one day old.A-them B-theirs C-himself D-themselves.

5-Art critics and historians alike claim that Van Gogh’s art--------------from that of his contemporaries.A-is a considerable difference. B- is considerably different.C-the difference is a considerable. D- was considerably and differently.

6-Before any food is canned, it is thoroughly-------------------or slices. A-clean cut. B- cleaned and cut. C-clean and cut. D- cleaned or cut.

7-Proper packing protects food------------- in the freezer.A-while it is stored B- stored while it.C- while storing. D- is stored while.

8-Non of the nutrients found in soil ----------------- in sand.A-are usually found B-found usually.C- is usually found. D- usually it is found.

9-Unless some rare plants -----, they may die out completely.A-is protected B- are protected.C- protected. D- are protecting.

Example (23)1-In some religions, people fasts for a period of mourning.

2-Sweetly smelling perfumes are added to soap to make it appealing

3-Instead of going to a beauty salon, Mary cut hers own hair.

4-Joseph Priestly eventual emigrated to the United States in 1794, where he lived his remaining years in relative isolation.

5-Many Americans believe that food additive and other chemicals used in the production and processing of foods harm the body.

6-Many old elephants they die after they lose their teeth and can no longer chew food.

7-Calculus was invented to deal with problems that could not be solving using algebra or geometry.

8-Often the bottom of a pan or skillet becomes black when it is placed among a fire.

9-Isadora Duncan danced in her bare feet and wore loose-fitting clothing garments that allowed her freedom of movement.

10-Not only new ideas change the development of modern science but they also make new inventions apart of daily life.

12-Dictatorships generally lack the approval of the people and are never almost hereditary when established through violence.

13-Because children grow rapidly, need food not only to replace worn-out tissue but also to provide energy.

14-Holicopters are small than most airplanes and cannot fly as far


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Example (24)1-Most countries spend a large portion of their budget ------------------ for their citizens.A-education provided B- provided education.C- to education provides. D- providing education.2-Several nations may use the same colors -----------------A-their flags with. B-by their flags.C- in their flags. D- their in flags.

3-----------who determines similarities in human group behavior lives with a group of people.A-Anthropologists. B-Anthropologist. C-An anthropologist D-the anthropologists

4-Electric trains travel faster than other types of trains, and they --------- smoke or exhaust.A-did not produce. B- do not produce.C- had not produced. D- have not produced.

5-A guest------------ to a written invitation by telephone or by mail within five days of receiving it.A-that should respond. B- should always respond.C- always respond. D- all ways should respond.

6-Experts -------------- feel that they are related to the deep wishes and fears of the dreamer.A-study dreams. B-who dream study.C- whose dream study. D-who study dreams.

7-Before electric --------------common, Europeans used candles as a source of artificial light.A-lighting it became. B-the lighting became.C- becomes the lighting. D- lighting became.

8-Equipment failure or damage ------------- can interrupt local service of electric power.A-are caused by storms. B-they are caused by storms.C-which caused. D-caused by storms.

Example (25)

1-There is no definite record of who created or first use traffic control devices.

2-Fortunetellers say they possess a certain power that makes them aware of events before them happen.

3-Nearlly all crops grown in the United States are planted by machines call planters.

4-Either the students or the teacher are planning to attend the meeting.

5-The quantity of the students are not in class today.

Example (26)1-Wter runoff from heavy rainfall is conversed to the nearest stream through a system of underground pipes. A-pumped. B-transported. C-elevated. D-returned.

2-Large publishing firms in the United States share warehouses and accounting systems to reduce their expenditures. A-printing equipment. B-information networks. C-storage facilities. D-an editorial staff.


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3-Authors of science and research papers frequently cite authority to lend credence to their ideas. A-reign with. B-refer to. C-criticized. D-contest.

Example (27)Passage:Badgers belong to the weasel family. All of the six species of badgers are heavy-bodies animals with short tails, short legs, and large flat heads. Many have white marks and spots either on their bodies or on their faces, but only rarely on both. Their thick fur, tough skin, powerful jaw muscles, and the foul, repelling odor from their scent glands make them foes that are difficult to beat. Badgers are strong and audacious enough to take on several dogs at a time. Because badgers have strong front legs and large claws, which they employ for digging, they live under the ground and in burrows. Nocturnal animals, they hunt and feet at night. Species that live in the northern climate zone hibernate during the winter. The American badger populates the grassy, brush-covered plains of the West from southern Canada to northern Mexico. An average-sized animal weighs 12 to 14 pounds and is 2 to 3 feet long. Badgers usually bear one to five young in May or June when the weather conditions are mild. The honey badger is found in Africa, the Middle East, and northern parts of India. Highly adaptable, it can live in deserts, rocky country or woods

Q1: According to the passage, what are badgers known to be?a-cowardly weasel b-Tireless hunters. c-Ferocious fighters d-Voracious eaters.

Q2: It can inferred from the passage that badgers.a-can be seen clearly. b-can rarely be spotted. c-should be exterminated d-are comparatively unusual.

Q3: The author describes badgers according to theira-habitats and geographical distributionb-physical features and characteristics.c-distinctive habits and preferencesd-distinctions from other animals.

Q4: Which of the following is the best title for the passage?a-Badgers in the wild b-The types of Badgers. c-A description of Badgers d-A remarkable Badger.

Q5: The author uses the phrase hibernate during the winter to mean that badgers a-change their metabolic rate in cold temperaturesb-suffer and perish from cold weather.c-sleep through cold weather.d- change their coasts to protect them in winter.

Q6: The author’s tone in the passage can be best described asa-resentful b-neutral. c-admiring d-affectionate.

Q7: The author compares the badger to several dogs in order to a-demonstrate badgers’ fighting ability.b-establish a similarity between dogs and badgers.c-define the limits of badgers’ strength.d- exemplify badgers’ physical prowess.

