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  INSTRUCTIONS:  Write your answer on a short bond paper please follow the format below. Please indicate all your references (APA format). Please provide picture/s for documentation. Font size 12, Arial.   

 A. Watch the video of Sacrament of Matrimony

Read the book of Hosea, (New American Bible)

Answer the given questions and activities.

You can use other Catholic references.

B. Watch the video of the Sacrament of Holy Order

Answer the given questions and activities.

You can use other Catholic references.




 Topic: Sacrament of Matrimony  


A. Research/Film Viewing

1. What is the Sacrament of Marriage?

2. What is the purpose of the Sacrament of Marriage?

3. What does Genesis teach about Marriage?

4. What makes Marriage a sacrament

5. What is the difference between Church and civil wedding?

6. How is Christ associated with marriage?

7. How is the Church involved in the Sacrament of Marriage?

B. Interview with my parents

1. How did their love story begin?

2. How did they manage to stay together until now? What is their secret? If they are

separated, how did they survive the separation anxiety?

3. What can be their advice or message to the young couples of today? And how can single

young adults prepare for a lasting and healthy marriage?








Topic: Sacrament of Holy Order 

A. Research/Film Viewing

1. What is the Sacrament of Holy order?

2. How is Holy order grounded in Scripture?

3. How does Christ share His priesthood?

4. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Holy orders?

5. What spiritual life are priest called to?

B. Interview with a priest

1. How did his love story with God begin?

2. How did he manage to stay faithful to God? If he did not, how did he handle to stand up

and reconcile the broken relationship with God?

3. What is his message to the young generation today who wants to be a priest?