Download pdf - task 7

  • Within this poster, they have combined a dull background with

    the right red text. Red signifies danger and this could foreshadow

    the upcoming events within the film.

    The setting of the film is in a city/town and the setting is shown to be up-side-down, you can also

    see that the characters are aware of this occurrence. The characters

    dont seem to be worried and this could infer that they have the power to protect themselves. The tagline

    also suggests that the film is based on dreams, this could also link to why the characters are not afraid because the situation is surreal.

  • The poster consists of black being the dominate colour and the text being

    red ,this could signify danger and the unknown. The man shown is in

    handcuffs, this could link to the tagline of him being dangerous meaning he

    could be a fugitive in captivity .The title of the movie could also back up this

    inference. The character also is shown to be smiling , this could suggest that because of the tagline representation of danger and the handcuffs that he

    could be scheming something or planning to break free of his cuffs. His

    hands are also linked together, this could show patience and furthermore


  • In this poster, in the background there are robots type machine and this tells me that the film is

    based in the future. The character shown has a badge on his hip, this tells me he is a enforcer of

    the law and because he is not in uniform, he might be undercover.

    The tagline suggests that the character shown is who the

    tagline is about and that he has foreseen something. I can link

    this to the technology shown as it may be about the turn of
