Page 1: Task 4 PPM - Group 1 - Presenting Information







2. DWI RIZKITE (A1C010032)









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1. Comment to the 1st video by connecting it to the

responding to english languange learners when presenting


Based on the video, according to our group we give a

comments by connecting it to the responding to english

languange learners when presenting information, this video

give visual languange good. Based on the point of

responding to english language learners when presenting


a. Communicate meanings of new terms and concepts by

using gestures, facial expressions, voice changes,

pantomimes, demonstrations, rephrasing, visuals,

props, manipulatives, and othercues (Salend and

Salinas 2003). The video communicate meanings of

new term by using the demonstrations and use the

props. Teacher on the video use the props and

demostration good and clearly. The teacher explain the

material with slowly so the student or someone watch

the video can understand because the teacher give

clearly explanation.

b. When you present, enunciate clearly, but don’t raise

your voice (Reed and Railsback 2003). For this point the

video give an enuncieate clearly, teacher’s voice clearly

and he still raise his voice if the are an important


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c. Repetition can help students acquire the rhythm, pitch,

volume, and tone of the new language (Salend and

Salinas 2003). In this video our group didn’t find the


d. Don’t speak too quickly and use brief pauses at natural

points to allow learners to process what they are

hearing. The video speak slowly, and use brief pause so

listeners (student) can understand the meaning of the

lesson. For example to prove the volume of cube is 3 x

volume of square piramid. When the speakers (teacher)

explain how to prove the volume of cube is 3 x volume

of square piramid, he speak slowly and he use the

props, and when he explain with props he use bref

pauses so the listeners(student) can think in a minute

what is the speakers say before.

e. It is important to write clearly and legibly. Print rather

than use cursive until you are sure your English

Language learners can read cursive (Reed and

Railsback 2003).

f. Avoid idioms (backseat driver, cute as a bug’s ear) and

slang (hangout, deep pockets), as they can be

confusing for English language learners (Reed and

Railsback 2003). We think that in this video did,t use an

idiom. As we say before that video is good and clearly.

g. Summarize the important points of the presentation

frequently, always making sure to emphasize key

vocabulary words (Reed and Railsback 2003). This

video give the summarize the important point in end of

the presentations. And the speakers(teacher) give an

important point what is the goal of this lesson. For

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example from this video the teacher in the end of the

presentation give important point that the volume of

cube = 3 x volume of square piramid on the contrary

volume of square piramid = 1/3 volume of cube

2. Comment to the 2nd video by connecting it to the ideas that

may help in planning demonstration.

Our group give comments to the video point by point

according to the ideas that may help in planning


a. Actually act out the skill you are teaching, rather than

just explaining and asking students to imagine what

you want them to do.

After we watch the video, we can see that she act

everything as necessary. She doesn’t just ask to

imagine what to do. She measure the distance across

the object by put on the board and by thread.

b. Use a “think-aloud” to explain what you are doing as

you do it.

Our group can’t find this point in the video.

c. Supplement the demonstration with visual supports.

She has used the visual support. It seems that she use

coordinate on the blackboard that show the pairs

between the across distance of objects (placed

vertically) and around the object (placed vertically).

d. Demonstrating the new skill or knowledge only once is

generally not enough.

In the video, she has several ways to get the across

distance and around distance of the circle object. First,

she put the object on the coordinate and run it. Second,

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she use the thread to get the comparation between the

circumference of circle and the diameter of a circle.

e. Actively involve students in the demonstration as

appropriate, being careful about not asking them to do

the demonstration for you.

It’s a good demonstration, If it demonstrated in front of

the class, it can make the student involved actively.

Students can follow what the teacher’s do. Student can

measure the distance across and around the object to

get the value of phi.

f. When teaching a complicated skill, demonstrate each

individual step of the skill, but also demonstrate all

steps together.

In the video, we see that she demonstrate all of steps

by herself. But if we’re in a classroom, we just do it

when we teaching a complicated skill, more than it, we

have demonstrate the step together with the student.

3. Responding to Diversity When Planning Visual


An example for responding to diversity when planning

visual supports:

Differences Prism and Pyramids

When we teach the students about prism and pyramids, so

that the teacher not only uses handbook to teach the students

but also use some media such as the 3D (Three-Dimensional)

figure to represent the lesson or use power point which contains

some 3D figures with animation to make the lesson more

interesting for students. Because when they learn about three-

dimensional figures it more effective when we use visual media,

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we can see that students more understand and pay more

attention to our lesson compared by using imagination to

imagine about the figure. When they see or they touch the

figure, it will be remembered well and make the students

understand about that material faster. And then, if the teachers

use the visual media, they will be thriftier when using some

words to teach. Because when they see, teacher only guide the

students to get the concepts, not to tell the concept directly but

the students find it then the teachers complete the concept that

they have found. A notice for this, we use little words but it’s

effective to make the students understand about the lesson.


1. When we want to make student find the concept about

prism by giving them many several example of prism, like

cube, rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, etc. Maybe

before we give them the clue, we can ask them form the

pictures that we give what the same of that pictures and

then guiding them to get the concept of prism.

Concepts :

In geometry, a prism is a polyhedron with a n-sided polygonal base and n other faces (necessarily all parallelograms) joining corresponding sides of the two

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After that, we can show the structure of one prism, such as

rectangular prism. Then we can give some explanation of

the characteristics of the prism

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2. After they get the concept about what prism is, then we try

to ask them to find again about what pyramid is.

Concepts :

A pyramid is a polyhedron formed by connecting a polygonal base and a point, called the apex. Each base

edge and apex form a triangle. It is a conic solid with polygonal base.

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After that, we can show the structure of a pyramid, such as

hexagonal prism. Then we can give some explanation of

the characteristics of the pyramid.

3. From the two steps above, actually the students have had

the concept about what a prism is and what a pyramid is.

They knew about the characteristics of prism and pyramid.

The next step, make them find the differences between

prism and pyramid.

Example, we take the rectangular prism and the

rectangular pyramid for comparison.

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4. examples responding to diversity when giving directions in

teaching one topic in mathematics

Learning materials: Number of angles in a triangle.

learning objectives: determine the angles in a triangle is 180o

tools and materials:

1. paper

2. period

3. ruler

4. scissors

5. black marker

6. Colorful markers

The steps are:

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1. Make-up triangle arbitrary

2. Make an angle on each corner of the triangle (use the term to

make it)

3. Paint or mark each corner of a triangle with different colors

4. Make a half-circle arc (magnitude obtained from the corners of

the triangle piece)

5. Cut the corners of the triangle.

6. Arrange the pieces to fit the triangle corner arc image that has

been created.

Conclusion: got the angles in a triangle is 180o

- Shorten and simplify directions.

Teachers provide guidance that is short and simple to

make-up triangle, but no explanation is given as to what

kind of triangle that must be made by the student.

- Give fewer directions at a time and have students repeat or

paraphrase what are to do (check for understanding).

Teachers give guidance to students to cut corners but not

explained triangle to be cut to bow or not. The teacher

then checks whether or not performed by the students. if

students cut suit with a bow that has been made, then the

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student is doing the right steps, but if not, then the student

is doing the wrong move.

- Cue directions with numbers (for example, “first” or

“second”) and gestures (showing one finger, then two).

Teachers say the first step, the second and subsequent

followed by finger movements.

- Emphasize key words with intonations in your voice and

with gestures.

Teachers when giving orders cut by giving emphasis and

intonation practice cutting move.

- Make the directions into a list of steps that students can

check off as they complete each step.

Teachers make the steps work in a lab module. So that

students can check if they do have measures in

accordance with the steps desired by the teacher.

- Check for understanding by asking specific questions to

prevent cultural misunderstandings. Some students will say

they understand the teacher’s directions (even when they

don’t) to be respectful. Avoid asking, “Do you understand

the directions?” Instead, ask a question like, “What is the

first thing you should do?” (Zirpoli 2005).

After memebrikan direction, right or tidakkan teachers

check what is done by the students. whether it is in

accordance with the directives given by the teacher.
