Page 1: Take On Brochure   Email Version

What’s keeping you aWake at night?

your business matters

How do we

stretch the


to achieve


how do i get

my people to

work together


how do i get my

people onboard

and focused on our

strategic goals?

how do we

build stronger



Page 2: Take On Brochure   Email Version

© ON-Brand Partners 20092

mobilising your people and teams by getting them aligned and committed around What really matters to your business – your core challenges – is the key to unlocking sustainable performance.

You can now literally TakeON! those challenges

through a new and pragmatic approach, using

tools and processes developed for some of the

world’s leading organisations.

If you have performance issues in your Business,

Service, People or Performance development space you

are not alone – as these areas are time and time again

problematic for many organisations. With TakeON!,

leaders now have the framework and resources to create

meaningful dialogue across the business to tackle the

most common ‘burning’ issues in these areas.

TakeON! allows you to clearly identify and distil

your key challenges, starting with the big picture,

then move quickly to resolve them.

When developing TakeON!, it was clear from the

organisations we have worked with, that they

were absolutely focused on achieving immediate

improvements in key performance areas.

TakeON! has been successfully employed to

address a range of challenges:

• Building increased sales performance

• Aligning service to new brands

• Developing the business plan

• Improving cross-functional collaboration

• Driving organisational efficiency

• Simplifying customer processes and procedures

• Preparing teams for major business changes

• Improving customer complaints handling

• Implementing ‘community’ and ‘environmental’ goals

• Developing work-life balance

• Strengthening the employer brand

• Building stronger customer relationships.

“ The brilliance of this approach is that

it provides the executive team with

the vehicle to constantly implement

our strategy through our people.

Never was this more important than during the

recession. Our TakeON! approach allowed us

to quickly shift the focus of the organisation

around things that really mattered – talking to

customers in tough times, ensuring we were

safe and secure, driving new efficiencies and,

repositioning our brand. The process is part of

our DNA and pivotal to how we operate.”

—Managing Director, Leading NZ bank

takeon! What really matters to your business

Page 3: Take On Brochure   Email Version

© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our perfOrmance > prOductivity

4.2.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

riGht First time

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our Service > experience

2.1.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

MakinG it easy

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this iMportant?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our perfOrmance > prOductivity

4.2.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

riGht First time

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our PeOPle > wOrking tOgether

3.1.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

takinG personaL responsibiLity count on me

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our business > purpOse

1.3.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

understandinG our business

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our Service > experience

2.1.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

MakinG it easy

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this iMportant?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our business > purpOse

1.3.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

understandinG our business

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our Service > experience

2.3.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

creatinG Great first impressions

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our perfOrmance > prOductivity

4.2.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

riGht First time

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our PeOPle > wOrking tOgether

3.1.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

takinG personaL responsibiLity count on me

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our Service > experience

2.1.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

MakinG it easy

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this iMportant?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our PeOPle > wOrking tOgether

3.1.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

takinG personaL responsibiLity count on me

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our Service > experience

2.3.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

creatinG Great first impressions

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our Service > experience

2.1.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

MakinG it easy

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this iMportant?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our PeOPle > wOrking tOgether

3.1.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

takinG personaL responsibiLity count on me

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our perfOrmance > prOductivity

4.2.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

riGht First time

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our business > purpOse

1.3.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

understandinG our business

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our business > purpOse

1.3.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

understandinG our business

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our Service > experience

2.3.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

creatinG Great first impressions

Your business matters


© ON-Brand Partners™ 2010

TakeON! – Our perfOrmance > prOductivity

4.2.1: PAGE 1


Leader Guide:

riGht First time

That means everyone in the organisation knowing

and understanding the business basics:

• Who we are and why we exist?

• What we’re aiming for?

• How we go about it?

• What part do I play?

The purpose of Understanding Our Business

is to improve both alignment and engagement.

Alignment so that we all have the same, clear

vision of the future, and Engagement, so that

we all feel excited about delivering it!

Understanding Our Business is specifically aimed at:

• informing teams about our vision – what are

we aiming for?

• investigating our ways of working – how will

we get there?

• igniting teams and individuals with fresh ideas

to communicate our uniqueness

• implementing new ways of working that

reinforce our difference.

Why is this important?“your brand is your reputation, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —Jeff Bezos, founder

At the end of the day, our reputation is our

business, and our reputation will depend on the

difference between our customers’ expectations,

and the service we deliver. So if we’re not clear

about who we are, and what we’re aiming for, it’s

almost impossible to get there. And if we don’t

stop to think about our customers’ expectations

– we’ll probably never deliver on them!

Understanding Our Business is therefore a key

first step, and a strong foundation in our journey

to success. So when you’re next asked “What do

you do?” at a BBQ – you won’t be stuck for words.

The conversations you have during Under-

standing Our Business should help you and

everyone in the team answer with passion and


• This is who we are

• This is what we do

• And this is what makes us special!


to be successful in business today it’s important

that everyone understands what we’re about as a company.

Your business matters


3© ON-Brand Partners 2009

takeon! your business

Connecting your people to your

business goals, brand, purpose and

market knowledge so everyone

knows what they are aiming for.

Goals | Brand | PurPose | knowledGe

takeon! your people

Growing your people through working

together better, developing their potential,

better communication, building your

employer brand and improving wellbeing.

Wellbeing | brand | communication Potential | Working together

takeon! your service

Guiding your people with your

desired service experience, service

quality, service basics, service

process and service recovery.

ExpEriEncE | quality | basics rEcovEry | procEss

takeon! your performance

Stretching your people to deliver

better performance through new

challenges, greater productivity

focus and change readiness.

challenge | productivity | change

TakeON! provides a

wide range of tools

to resolve common

performance issues in

each of these areas.

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© ON-Brand Partners 20094

Step 1: Discover Your TakeON! Business Partner initiates

a simple and effective discovery process to explore your

key challenges.

Step 2: Develop Working together with your leadership group,

we agree your immediate focus – where you need to gain traction

most quickly.

Step 3: Deliver Your TakeON! Business Partner guides your

managers through selection and implementation of the first

three Conversation Shaper themes from our extensive resource

centre, building competency around the use of the unique

Conversation Shaper process.






s 20


Step 4: Debrief Progress is reviewed, areas of momentum are

uncovered, remaining ‘blockages’ are identified and additional

Conversation Shaper themes identified. A key aim is to build

capability and confidence across your business to sustain the

progress made.


takeon! – a unique and flexible process





conversation shapers


At the heart of the TakeON! approach is the

use of the Conversation Shaper process,

designed to achieve collaboration and ongoing

sustainable enhancement in processes,

practices and behaviours.

Imagine everyone in your organisation coming

together on a regular basis for focused discussions on

a specific issue, and then leveraging their collective knowledge

to shape a better way forward. The process works on the proven

premise that ‘to create is to own’ and that if your people come up

with their own ideas to address their issues, then they are more likely

to take ownership of implementing these.

We appreciate each business has different demands on them in

terms of time and resources, so each Conversation Shaper theme

has been designed to be adaptable to your specific needs and to be

aligned with other organisational initiatives.










Positive momentum

CHaNgiNg miNdseTs

aligNiNg beHaviOurs

sHapiNg CONversaTiONs




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5© ON-Brand Partners 2009

The TakeON! framewOrk has beeN desigNed wiTh ‘ease Of implemeNTaTiON’ iN miNd aNd TO accOmmOdaTe The sTrucTure, priOriTies aNd pace Of aNy OrgaNisaTiON.

“ The biggest impact TakeON! has had in our team and the business is to get people to think… …thinking about process improvements and behaviour improvements, and more importantly, get people excited about coming to work.”

—Major NZ Finance company

your business matters


Following the completion of each Conversation

Shaper module, results are captured and

consolidated. Your TakeON! Business Partner then

works with you to uncover insights around what is

changing, the positive momentum generated and

what business issues can be

tackled next with TakeON!

takeon! community

To ensure you always have ongoing support,

TakeON! comes with access to our online

resource centre and community – the ON2net.

Here you can download additional resources and

connect with the TakeON! team, and other

organisations using TakeON!, to share experiences,

ideas and ask questions.

simple diagnostic and monitoring tools

on2net collaborative community

“ The behaviours of my team members have changed. I have had to manage a negative team, who were reluctant to accept the changes in quality and adherence and what was expected of them. Now I have noticed small changes in behaviours such as putting forward ideas on how to improve how we perform. Now there is a lot more focus on what we ‘can’ do!

— Large Australian Superannuation

Administration company

©ON-Brand Partners 2009

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© ON-Brand Partners 20096

• Prioritises and tackles the distinct ‘burning’

issues that hinder productivity and prevent your goals

from being reached.

• Unique Conversation Shaper process is based on

real learnings and experience from a range of


• Delivers immediate tangible improvements in

business performance and real payback.

• Individuals and teams generate the ideas that

create real business improvement, through being

empowered, encouraged and inspired. Sustainability

is real as staff own outcomes.

• Easy implementation – TakeON! is designed to

fix issues, not create them. Simple, flexible, practical

processes and tools adapt to your organisation’s

specific needs and reflect your priorities and pace.

• Builds internal capability to create leaders that are

more confident and competent to address challenges

on an ongoing basis.

• Experienced assistance and support from your

TakeON! Business Partner.

Why is takeon! the right option to get traction in your business?

Why it Works…

• Involves staff at every level and across all functions,

bringing a change focus that is directly relevant to their

roles and responsibilities. Employees feel like they have

a voice and a direct opportunity to influence the future.

• Builds on your current strengths and what is

working now.

• Tackles challenges in manageable bite-sized

pieces to achieve real resolution before moving on

to the next issue.

• Senior management set the context and can

maintain transparency over how issues are being


• Shifts the focus towards constant, incremental

change – quick wins build confidence and momentum

across the business.

• Blends leadership and management

development with on-the-job application.

• Provides Partner support where and when

you need it to achieve effective implementation,

sustainable change and subsequent self sufficiency.

• Offers ongoing support and resources through

our ON2net online community site, where you can

share ideas, experiences and questions with the

TakeON! team and other TakeON! organisations.

TakeON! – desigNed TO make a real bOTTOm-liNe differeNce

“Great to see a group of people

contribute so wholeheartedly.”

—L&OD Manager, large Australian Superannuation administration company

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7© ON-Brand Partners 2009

Any business improvement initiative is only as good as the tangible results it delivers and TakeON!

is proven to deliver strong results in a range of key performance areas.

These two success stories highlight what TakeON! has achieved for several of our clients.

Finance company perFormance turnaround

This client needed help

to achieve their strategic

objective to become ‘a very

different finance company’.

This involved developing a stronger

‘relationship-based’ sales/service

model, leveraging the distribution capability within

the business and lifting the engagement of staff

and customers.

And all this against a backdrop of declining

asset growth, declining profitability in the ‘core

business’ and decreasing staff engagement!

The Pay-off: Within 14 months our client had

achieved strong results.

Business measures:

• +12% income on previous year

• Profit (before provisions) up 17%

• +13% loan book growth (after 3 years of


• Employee engagement up 11%.

After reviewing the initiative, staff identified the

following as the top three improvements achieved:

• Greater customer focus

• Working better together

• Stronger culture and engagement.

“ What mattered to us was improving sales performance in our contact centre. After 3 months… not only have results improved quickly but we have been able to reuse the resources time and time again – it’s now a core part of how we on-board every new employee and get them up to speed”

—Contact Centre Manager, Leading NZ Energy company

“ This is an innovative and exciting business initiative that ensures the business maintains control and drives the change while being supported, challenged and guided throughout.”

—CEO, Major NZ Finance company

your business matters

improving contact centre sales

Despite being in a highly competitive

industry, in this organisation there

was real resistance by Contact

Centre staff (200 FTE) to

cross-sell other services to

existing customers with staff

instead focusing solely on

managing customer queries.

The organisation also lacked a clearly

defined branded service proposition, making it

difficult for contact centre staff to understand

who they were working for, and what their role

was when dealing with customers. In terms of

implementation challenges, as with any contact

centre, time off the phone had to be kept to an

absolute minimum, and call quality measures had

to be maintained throughout.

The Pay-off: Within four months our client had

achieved strong results including:

• 90% improvement in sales conversion rates

• 6% improvement in overall call quality

• Contact Centre staff engagement increased by

14 points, higher than the average across the


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© ON-Brand Partners 20098

getting ready to takeon! If tackling the challenges that

are impacting your business

performance are a top priority and

there are too many ‘matters’ keeping

you awake at night, we’d welcome

the opportunity to come and

discuss what TakeON! can do for

your organisation.

TakeON! – pOwered by ON-braNd parTNers

TakeON! has been developed by ON-Brand Partners,

a New Zealand based international ‘business partner’

focused on design, innovation and execution in

Organisational Effectiveness. Share our proven success

in transforming a diverse range of organisations.

For more visit us at

about blacksmith – your takeon! business partner

Blacksmith is a consulting business dedicated to

forging successful businesses with engaged, high

performing cultures and awesome brands.

We take our clients from where they are to where they

want to be. Using the core TakeON! tools, we work with

your people to address your specific business matters,

deliberately shaping the conversations that transform

your business and culture to achieve the results you want.

Our role is that of a trusted facilitator and expert external

resource, building confidence and capability within your

business so you can be responsive, agile, innovative and


Everyone on the Blacksmith team is passionate about

the difference our work makes. We get a great deal of

satisfaction from the close relationships we develop, the

level of trust and confidence our clients share with us,

and the amazing results they achieve.

We know through our experience with a wide range of

organisations, large and small, that if you want different

results you have to do things differently. We understand

the imperative for optimised business performance and

know that the way to create this is through clear direction

and expectations, engaged teams and aligned effort.

To find out what’s happening in the TakeON!

world connect with us at

YourTakeON on Twitter

TakeON on Facebook (search TakeON)

contact blacksmith:

Call: +64-9-974 3917

Email: [email protected]

For more about TakeON! or Blacksmith visit

business partner

“ If you’re ready and open to change, want to build a sustainable business and move in exciting new directions you may not have considered, plus truly believe it’s all about people – then get on board with Blacksmith. Trust me – you’ll have fun, be challenged and grow.”

—Internal Communications Manager, Leading NZ retailer