Download pptx - Take 5 journalism 2016


5 ways to make money online

Take 5 series by @simonecas5 ways to get into journalism


1. Consider a journalism degree. If you have another degree, do an accredited course, such as an NCTJ diploma. Apply for work experience then network like crazy.

2. Start a blog to build an online portfolio of your work. Develop a social media profile and interact with journalists on Twitter.


3. Research publications and send unsolicited CVs - its old school, but many prefer a letter to more emails in their inbox.


4. Start small: a student publication, local newspaper, charity/community newsletter...

5. Make use of any foreign language you know and keep it up - Arabic and Chinese are very relevant right now.

Thanks for reading!Photos: Prawny, NBC via Wikimedia, The Italian voice, Al Ravenna via Wikimedia, Marian Gadzalski via Wikimedia, University of Maryland Press Releases. Copyright @simonecas Feel free to embed this on your blog or website but you cant change it!

Fiveish web wondersRoutes into journalism to become a freelance writer advice for wannabe journos media: pro forum & training newspapers: jobs & advice

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