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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Photographer:Florent Courty

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Theme or focus of images These following picture are landscape images that have been taken by French photographer

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Florent Courty who is known for doing landscape photography as well as doing wildlife photography. Most of this artist work uses natural light to set stunning positioning for his images .The positioning of the sun always follows the same theme throughout his work ,the sun is always seen in the centre top of the photo wail shining directly down on the camera . The sun is usually partly covered by clouds this always makes sunrays shine down at the which makes parts of the scene brighter than others I feel that this adds some personality to the scene .This artist uses the blend of colors' in order to set the mood of the photo . The use of the orange and yellow of the sun mixed with the green and brown from the ground I think that this gives off the feeling of happiness and joy . Although there are some exceptions but a lot of his work are done on mounting sides he has done this because being on mountains and hills tends to give a good view of the sun. I feel that the main focused in his work is the sun but his work always feels full so there a lot of things that the eyes can focused on so it is arguable what his main focused is. Another recording theme is that he uses a large dept of field to show the whole landscape in view this allows us the see the whole thing as he would without any blurring .

I shall now go into some detail about the previous photographs the first one that i shall be looking at is the one with the sheep overlooking the sunset. This photo was taken on a mounting side in the center of France .In this photo we can see a field full of sheep with a few hills and bumps then off in the distance we see the sun which is covered by a ring of clouds . I do like the way that the clouds ring around the sun he must of been very lucky when taken the photo with taking photos of nature it takes some luck in order for the weather and terrain to look as good as it can be for the photo. The sky in the background is red this shows that the sun is setting this gives us the feeling on happiness ,it also shows that he has waited up there a while for the sun to get to the correct point in order to shows that he has waited a while in order to get this shot in the perfect position ,it also shows how well planed that his shot has been. The colours in the photograph work well with each other the bright red and orange from the sun mixed with the green from the grass gives of the emotion of happiness and warmth it also gives the impression that it is in the summer . I would not say that this photograph has a main thing to focus on it could arguably say the sun or the sheep but I believe that the artist intended to focused on the whole thing in general instead of a particular part of it .The composition of this particular shot was done in a low down crouching or prone position wail tilting up and looking slightly to the right of the sun .

The final image that I shall be having a look at shall the one that is second from the top . In this image we can see that the setting is some field in the centre of France .In this field we can see that it is filled with yellow flowers these could be trumpet daffodils but I am unsure .In the background we can see a wall of trees and behind that there is a small town or village .The lighting in this photograph is done by natural lighting from the sun this has always been a repetitive theme with his work I do like that he keeps it constant in all of his work it adds some of his own personality to the scene. I also think that unseeing light from the sun always looks more natural in any photograph this is something that I would like to include to my work .In this photo the sun is falling just below some dark clouds I really like this because it gives us a feeling of light and darkness and how it is contrasting between

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each other .The sun aperies to be setting in this pitcher this is also another theme that he tends to keep in all of his shots I think that this is very good because sunsets can be one of the most beautiful things that nature has to offer also each sunset never looks the same so each time he takes a photograph of the sun it shall always look different. the artist has also set up the position of the shot so that it can look as good as this scene can be .He has done this by first being in a crouching or a prone position so that he is low down he has also positioned himself behind the flowers so they are the front of the image then he has positioned the camera tilting up so the sun is almost in the top centre of the image this has been done the etherize the sun . The reason why he has the flowers at the centre front of the camera is because they are a very bright colour that can easily draw the eyes of anyone who looks at the photo .

CompositionThe artist usually keeps the same style of composition throughout all of his works with a few exceptions. The way the artist usually dose the composition is to set up the camera in a low down crouching or prone position so he can be as low to the ground as possible .He will then tilt the camera up at the sun he does this to make the sun somewhere close to the top centre of the photograph . The artist never zooms in when taking the photo he does this so that he can get the whole scene in shot .He uses a wide angle lances with possibly a light filter so the yellow and orange colours stand out more than others. He also makes sure that he stands far enough away so that he can get the whole image in the shot so nothing is left out .

Techniques used shutter speeds- the shutter speed that the artist would of used would be something near the 1/60 to 1/120 because there is some slight motion bluer with the sun rays. The aperture would be around the F 24 mark but it could go as low as the F12 mark . Then the IOS would be slightly higher since the photo is very bright so it might be anywhere from 300 to 400 .

rule of thirds - The artist has thought about the rule of thirds because the sun is always on one of the integration lines this shows that he has put a lot of time in order to perfect the positioning of the shots.

depth of field- The depth of field of these work is somewhere between the F12 and F24 aperture since the photos background is mostly in focus he has done this because he wanted to show off the distance clearly.

Strengths & WeaknessesStrengths

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I really like how the contras of colours work well with each other

I like how he uses only natural lighting

I like the how he keeps the consent theme of having the sun in the photo

I like his positioning of all his shots


There nothing in particular to focus on

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)