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When in 13th century, the muslims invaded the Indian territory, they brought with them their

astrological traditions. Very receptive to all arts which deal with the prediction of the future, the

learned people from the subdued land got the arabian astrologers’ hellenistic techniques and

synthesized them in a new astrological system, known under the name which was used in the Indian

world to designate the muslims: tajika.

The most important technique of arabian genethlialogy – the annual revolution of the nativity – remained the principal

technique of the Tajika school's system, under a sanskrit name – varshaphala – which means simply „the effects (or

fruits) of the year”.

From the astrological basics, the creators of the new system took the invaders’ zodiacal circle with its divisions: decans,

limits, triplicities etc. However, all these elements were modified and became unrecognizable for an eye accustomed

with the basics of hellenistic astrology.

The best known text of Tajika’s school is Tajikanilakanthi, composed by Nilakantha, the court astrologer of Akbar the

Great, but many other compilations circulated along the centuries.

Like in the arabian astrology, the chart of the annual revolution is computed for the moment when the Sun is positioned

in the place where it was at the moment of native’s birth, in the year for which a consultation is requested.

To elaborate their predictions, the tajika school's Indian astrologers use some special factors:

-the progressed ascendant-sign of nativity (muntha) which is obtained through the progression with a zodiacal sign per

year of the ascendant-sign of the nativity; it is possible that at the beginnings, it was a chronocrator, because the term

„muntha” has the same origin with that of the term „almuten” from medieval latin translations of the arabian

astrologers’ texts; in the current practice they elaborate predictions by the analysis of the position of muntha in zodiacal

signs, and of the planets which aspect or are placed in the muntha sign;

-the lord of the progressed ascendant (munthesh) is the planet which is the lord of the sign in which the muntha is

placed; predictions are made also by analyzing its position in the natal chart;

-the annual revolution’s ascendant sign is the ascendant sign in the chart of revolution; it is used together with the lord

of the sign in which is placed;

-the lord of revolution (varsheshvara) is the strongest from the three candidate planets – the lord of the progressed

ascendant (munthesh), the lord of the annual revolution’s ascendant sign and the lord of ascendant in the natal chart –

designed by some elaborated techniques of planets’ strength evaluations.

Like in all Indian astrological schools, the secret of the predictive techniques is carefully preserved, and it is passed

according to the tradition from the learned masters to devoted disciples.

Radu-Claudiu Canahai

2006 © Classical Astrology

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