Download pdf - Tai Lieu May Tinh Casio

  • 8/8/2019 Tai Lieu May Tinh Casio


    E x a m p k 2: To solve the equa tionW - 4 x + 5 = 0 ( x = 0 . 2 5 f 0 . 7 5 i )

    Slrnultaneous EquationsEquations with Two Unknownsa Ix + b ~ y CIa a + 62): = c2

    a l x + b i y + c ~ z dla u r + b 2 y + c u = d am + b3y + caz = d3

    g the EON Mo de displays the initial simultancscreen.

    Use this screen to specify 2 or 3 as the number cknowns, and input values for each of the coefficient:Coefticient name Arrow indim8

    Element valueAny time until you input a value for the final coeR(a or two unknowns, d3 for three unknowns), youse thea nd m eys to move between coefficon the screen and ma ke changes, if you want.Note that you cannot input complex nu mbers for (cients.

    Calculation starts and one of the solutions appears a:as yo u input a value for the final coefficient.VariiM e name Arrow indicatdireclionyoushould scrollview othersolutions.

    Press the key to view other solutions. Useato scroll between all of the solutions for the equatioPressing the key at this point returns to the coelinput screen.Exam plec To sobe the following simultaneous equ2 ~ + 3 y - z = 1 53 x - 2 y + 2 z = 45 x + 3 y - 4 z = 9 ( x = 2 , y = S , z = 4(Unknowns?) 3(a,?) ....... dl?) 2 8 8 EllE 5 s(a,?) ....... d??) 38a 28 8 8( a n ) ...... (d3?) 5 E 3 E 0 4 E g E(X= 2) 0Cv = 5) m

    IStandard Deviation @I Use the @ key to enter the SD Mode'when youto perform statistical calculations using standarcviation....................................I SD @I@! (fx-95MS)lE3mD l Other MO

    User's GuideMfx-912MS owne rsPlease he w e o read the Imprrlant notlce at the back of :?ismanual..........................

    Use a sof t, dry c loth to c lean the ex ter ior of the cal -culator.I1 the calculator beccmes very d~rty. lpe ~t on w~ t hclcth moistened 1r1a weaK solclllon 01 water and a mlld.neutral housebs.: ,:elcrger~: LVr , r~g u ~ll excess rnols-lure betore fflpcrig the calculato:. N ei ?r use ihinner, ben-zene of other volatle ayerits to clean the calculator. Oo-Ing so can remove prlnted niarklngs and can damagethe case.

    The two-line display makes it possible to viewboth the calculation formula and its result atthe same time.- The upper line shows the calculat~o n ormulaThe Jower rne shows the resultA separator symbol 1s displayed eve v three dig~ts henthe ~n lege r art of the man tlssa has more than three dig-11s.

    R ModesBefora startlrlg a calculation, you must first enter the co r-rect mode as ~ndlcatedn the table below.The fo l lowing table sho ws the mo des and requi redoperat ions for the fx-95MS only. Users of other mo d-els should refer to the "User 's Guide 2 (Add i t i ona ltlttp Funct ions)" for in format ion about mod es and thei r

    $5':: ')-:I,i!n!nd I,-China select ion.E :,:rjsb:> :!p?\>-J5 fx-95MS Modes(S$ /h o perform lhls tvpe o: ! Per!?rm Ibis To enter '! ke y operalion !this mode:a ! -u ; ~ ! : cn . ~ , .

    c ,,aslc a rithmet~c alculatcons rga'arldard dev~ation 2--egress ~on alcu~.dions 13 RE GBefore s tar t lng .....a 'Yc b o i u t i o n of ~ ~ ~ o n s.XI 9 9 EO NHolding the cover as shown in the rllustration, slide the 6 - 1 .unit out of the cover. P iess~ ngh e E key more than twcce d~spiays dd~t~ ona lsetup screens. Setup screens are desc r~be d,nthe sec-Af ter you are f in lshed .....Q !cons of thls manual where they are actually used toHoldlng the cover as shown in the illustration, slide the change the calculator setup.unit out of the cover. In this manual, the n ame of the mode you n eed to enterin order to perform the caiculat~ons eing described isAlways slide the keyboard end of the uilit ~ nt ohe cover indicated ~n he main tit le o f each section.first. Never slide the display end of the unit into thecover. Example:

    ,>A=m-r- /, * ,.w

    Be sure t o read t he f ~ l l ~ w in gafety precaut~ons eforeusiog thls calculator Keep thls manual handy for later ref-erence

    Note!To return the calcu latior m ode and setup to the iniliatdefaults shown beloud, press@ E (M o d e )8.Calculation Mode. COMPAngle Unit: De gExponential D~s play ormat. Norm 1Fract~on isplay Format a h iDecimal Po ~nt haracter: Dot- Mode lnd~ca tors ppear In the upper part of the d~spla yBe sure to check the current calculat~on ode (SD. REGCOMP ) and angle unlt settlng (Deg, Rad Gra) berorebeylnnlng a calculat~on

    R Input CapacityThe mem ory area used for calculationinpu l can hold 79"steps." One step IS taken up each time you press anumber ke y or arithmetic operator key (0,0.l,m).A @ or key operation does not lake up a step, soinputting 1%,or example, takes up only one step.You can lnput up to 79 steps for a single calculation.Whenever you input the 73rd step of any calculation.the cursor changes from "-"o "M" to let you knowmemory IS runnlng low. If you ne'ed to input more than79 steps, you should d ivide your calculation inlo two ormore parts.Pressiny t i i r 5"; ke y rrccalls the last result obta ~ne d, h~ ch~. .yo^, can usd 1 1 , ; u o i c ~ ~ e ~ t iI . , . Y ~ ~ I , I , . c- n,,;. .~crMemory" lor morn iniormation about using the'3ey

  • 8/8/2019 Tai Lieu May Tinh Casio


    C3Use the @ key to enter the S D Mode'when you 'to perform statistical calculations using standarcvlation.SD ....................................@ (fx-95MS)((Other MaAlways start data inpu; with @ O ( S c 1 ) =statistical memory.lnput data using the key sequence shown below-data> mlnput data is us ed to calculate values for n , &,an an d an-I,hich you can recall uslng the keytlons noted nearby.

    Examp le: To calculate a n - I , a n ,i,, Zx, ndthe following data : 55, 54, 51, 55, 53, 53, 54, 52

    To mcall this lypa of value:wLx

    In the SD Mode:

    Pertom Ih h LQ oparallcornom m m

    El64 (Sc1 ) e Stat clear)55 El

    Eacn t n e y w press bi3 to reglgterythenumber ol data mpul up to Ihlndlcaledon the display54 k@ 51

    5 3 m m 5 4 E lStandard Deulatbn(%-I) = 1.407BBSOUSLanderd Dsviatlon On) = 1.31IBSd719 @Mean(i)53.375 O ' E

    of Data (n )= 8 BIiiiElof V a l m (L)427 E%k%iI

    um orSquaresorvalues (&'I =zzw ElrUu*llnput P r e c a u t i o n s

    i inputs the same data twice.You can also input multiple entries of the same ding &?Ia.o input the data 110 ten times, for erp r e s s1 1 0 E 3 0 1 O m .You can perform the above key operations in an)end not necessarily that shown above.Wh'k 'mpun~ng ata or alter inputting deta is COyou can use the [Elarid keys to scroll throu(you have input. If you input multiple en tries of thcdata using @a o specify the data frequency (rof data items) as described above, scrolling throulshows both the data item and a separate screendata frequency (Freq).You can then edit the displayed data, if you wanthe new value and then press the key to re@;old value with the new one. This also me ans thzwant to perform some other operation (caiculatiorof statistical calculation results, etc.), you shouldpress the key first to exit data display.P ress ing th e m key instead ofmafter changingon the display registex the value you input asdata item. and leaves the old value as it is.You can delete a data value displayed using [Elby pressing @ @. Deleting a data value catvalues fo!lowing it to be shifted up.Data values you register are normally stored i n Itor memory. The message "Data Full" appears rwill not be able to input any more data if thermemory left for data storage. If this happens, pre ey to display the screen shown below.

    Press to exit data input without registering ttyou just input.. ~ r e s s mf you want to register the value you ju.without saving it in memory. If you do this, how 8will not be able to display or edit any of the dhave input.To delete data you have just input, press @ @After inputting statistical data i n the SD ModeMqde, you will beunable to dlsphy or edit individitems any longer after pedorm either the tcoperations.Changing to another modeChanging the regression type (Lin. Log, Exp, FQuad)

    -I U l l .V l l O U Il l= I V I I V V V I I I Y y the cursor changes from "-- to "Mu o let you knowusing this calculator. Keep this manual handy for later ref-erence. memory is running low. If you ne'ed to input mo re than79 steps; you should divide your calculation into two orI a Iore parts.1 CautionnTtlis syrnbol I:, . e r' ' ):( ! I ,J:S> :r,:,r' . ,? [;C , : : 3 c , . . , A ;result in person al Irijury or rna terlal damage if ignored.Batteries

    After removing the battery from the calculator, put ~tIn a safe place where lt will not get Into the ha nds ofsmall ch~ldre n nd acc~dentally wallowedKeep batteries out of the reach of small chtldren Ifacc~denrally wallowed, consult w~ th phy s~c ~anm-med~atelyNever charge batteries, try to take batte r~es part, orallow batter ~es o become shorted Never exposebanenes to dlrect heat or d~spo se f them by Incln-eratlonMlsuse of batter~es an cause them to leak and dam-age nearby ltems and can create the r~ sk f flre andpersonal InjuryAlways make sure that the battery's posltlve @ andnegatlve @ ends are fac~ ng orrectly when you load~t nto the c alculatorRemove the battery 11 ou do not plan to use thecalculator for a long tlrne (fx 95MS I100MSi57 0MS)Use only the type of battery spec lfled for thls calcu-lator In thls manual

    Disposing of the C alculatorNever d~spose f the calculator by burnlng c Dolngso can cadse c erta~ n omponents to suddenly burstcreattng the r~ sk f f~ re nd personal Injury

    The displays and lliustratlorls (such as key mark~ngs)shown in thls U ser's Gu~ de re !or !Ilustrat:ve purposesonly, and may differ somew hat from the actual Items theyrepresentThe contents of this manual are subject to change with-out notice.In no event shall CASlO Computer Co.. Ltd be l~ab leoanyone for special, collateral. ncldental, or conseq uentialdamages In connection w ~t h r arlsing out of the purchaseor use of these materials. Moreover, CASlO ComputerCo., Ltd. shall not be liable for any claim of any klndwhatsoever against the use of these materials by anyother party.

    Be su re to p ress the @ key before usin g the ca lcu-lator for the f irst t ime.Even it the calculator i s operatin g normally, replacethe battery at least onc e every three years for the fx-115MSlhr-570MWx-991MS, or at least once every twoyears tor the fx-95MSlfx-100MS.A de ad battery can leak, causing damage to and mal-functlon of the c alculator. Never leave a dead battery inthe calculator.The bat tery that comes wi th th is un i t d ischargessl ight ly dur i ng sh ipment and storage. Because ofth is , i t may requ ire rep lacement sooner than thenorm al expected battery l i fe.Low bat tery power can cause memory contents tobecome corrupted or lost complete ly. A lways keepwritten r ecord s of all important data.Avo id us e and storage in areas sub jected to tem-perature extremes.Very low temperatures can cause slow display response,total failure of the d~splay. nd sho rtenl~ ig f battery I~fe.Also avo~ deavlng the calculator In dlrect sun l~ght. eara window, near a heater or anywhere else ~t m~ gh l eexposed to very high temperatures. Heat can cause dls-coloration or deformation of the calculator's case, anddamage to internal circuitry.Avo id u se and storage i n areas sub jected to largeamounts o f humid i ty and dust .Take care never to leave the calculator where it mightbe splashed by water or exposed to large amounts ofhumidity or dust. Such cond~t~onsan damage Internalcircu~try.Never drop the ca lcu la tor or o therw ise sub ject i t tost rong Impact .Never twist o r bend the ca lcu la tor.Avoid carrying the calculator in the pocket of your trou-sers or other tight-fitting clothing where it might be sub-jected to twisting or bending.Never t ry t o take the ca lcu la tor apart.Never press the keys o f the ca lcu la tor wl th a ba l l -point pe n or other po ln ted ob ject .

    Pressing ne- key recallsthe last result obtained, wh~chyou can use In a sub seq~ enr a,rd,di u~~SLC A,.,.rcrMemory" for more lnformat~on bout uslng the @ keyw g orrections D uring lnput

    Us e ;i? a n o m o move the cursor to the locatlon youwantPress % to delete the number or functlon at the currentcursor p oslt~onPress to change to an Inse rt cursor :: nputllngsometh~ngwhlle the Insert cursor IS on the dlsplay In-serts the Input at the Insert cursoT posltlon-Presslng~4@ or= returns to the nor iral cursor fromthe Insert cursorE Replay Function

    Every tlme you perform a calculat~on, he replay func-t ~ o ntores the calculat~onormula and ~ tsesult In replaymemory Presslng thea ey d~splayshe formula andresult of the calculat,on you last performed Presslngagain back steps sequent~ally new-to-old) hrough pastcalculat~onsPresslng the 3 1 orm key wh~l e replay memory cal-culat~onS on the d~spla y hanges to the ed lt~ng creenPresslng the 3 orm key lmmed ~ately fter you flnlsha calculat~on tsplays the ed ~t ~n gcreen for that calcula-tlonPress~ng n does not clear replay memory so you canrecall the last calculat~on ven after you pressReplay memory capaclty IS 12 8 bytes for storage of bothexpresslorls and results* Replay mernory 1s c leared by any of the f ~ l l ~ ~ l n gc-t~onsW h e ~ou press the o*l keyWhen you lnittallze modps and settlngs by presslngb~Z or CL) =When you change from one calculat~onmode to anotherWhen you turn off the calculatorE Error Locator

    Press~rig or Cd after dn error occurs dlsplays thec d l c ~ l a l ~ o n1th he cursor p osl t ~o i ed t the loca tonwhere the error occurred

    P r , , ( l l t l . q t~ t~ r ,~~r , l- ? " cxprp",:,?- . t , " t - .T.?*,- 8,: : I ! , , &or rnore irna!iei :xpreisluris, r% licf i rejolned using a colon( : ).Example: To add 2 + 3 and then mult~piyhe result by 4

    2 0 3 k 3 D @ Q 4 ED.p.spE Exponential Display FormatsTh ~s alculator can dlsplay up to 10 d ~ g ~ tsarger valuesare automat~cally isp la y~ d slng exponentlal notatlon Inthe case of dec ~ma l alues you can select between twoformats that determine at what polnt exponentlal notatlon1s usedTo change the exponent~al lsplay format, press the @key a number of t~m es nt~ l ou reach the exponentlald~sp layorrilal satup screen shown below

    Press 3 1 On the format sele ct~on creen that appears,press l i to select Norm 1 or for Nor m 2

    W ~ t h o rm 1, exponent~al otatlon IS automat~cally sedfor integer values w~thmore than 10 dlg~ts nd dec~ malvalues w ~t h ore than two dec~mal laces* N o r m 2W ~ t h o rm 2 exponent~al otat~onS automat~cally sedf o ~nteger values w~thmore than 10 d~ gits nd deccmalvalues w~ th ore than nlne dec~m al laces

    All of the examples In this manual show ca lculat~on e-sults uslng the Norm 1 formatE Decimal Point and Separator SymbolsYou can use the display setup (D ~s p)creen to spec ify thesymbols you want for the dec ~m al oint and 3-digit sepa-rator.

  • 8/8/2019 Tai Lieu May Tinh Casio


    the @ key a numbe r of times until you reach H FIX, SCI, RND Example 3: e l0 = 22026.46579 m a o = -Example 4: 10 ' = 31.6227766 @3CC15Eo change the senlngsfor the number of declmal places,the number of significant digits, or the exponential dls-play format, press the key a number of tlmes untilyou reach the setup screen shown below Exam ple 5: Z4= 16 2 & 3 4 BH Square Roots, Cube Roots, Roots,Squares, Cubes , Reciprocals,Factorials, Random Numbers, n, ndPermutation/Combination

    Example 1 : b 2 t s 3 . 5 = 5 287196909B , 0 i - r L 3 E ( 3 7 5 E-Example 2: ' 5 4 ' -27 = -1.290024053

    ~ ~ 5 0 ~ ~ < ~ @ 2

    F i x S c i Normselection screen.0'm @(ara)hat corresponds to Press the number key 1 0 ,m, r m ) hat correspondsto the setup Item you want to change.0 Fix). Number of declmal placesrn Sci): Numbe r of slgniflcant digits(Norm) : Exponent~a l lsplay format

    t ) : Period decimal point, comma separatormm a) : Comma decimal point, period separatorExample 1: 200 i x 14 =

    owing key operatlon when you want to

    O ( A I I )EExample 3: 'i- ( = 123;) = 1.988647795

    7 m o 2 3 8Example 4: 123 + 30' = 1023 123 O 30a

    (Specoiles th ree"ma1 places ~ ( F I X )(Inlernalcalculatlon conllnuesusing 12 dlgils I 2 0 0 a 7 ~ m Example 5: 123 = 1728 1 2 I 3 . e

    '@ ;1n the case of fx-5 70MSIfx-99 1 MS.1Example 6:- 121 1- - -3 4 C O 3 D e 1 4 ~ ~ ~The following performs the same calculation uslng thespecified number of declmal places.lculations@ key to enter the COMP Mode when you

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Example 7: 8!= 40320 8 8 a E(Internal rounding) @ =Exa mple 8:To generate a random number between

    2 3 i 1 2 3 m0.000 and 0.99 9 0.664 1Press @ .....m ( N o r m )0 o clear the Fix specifica-tion. :The above value IS a sample only Resulls differ each tlme It withln

    x --f 2.34 aExample 9: 3n = 9.424777961 3 @ B EExa mple 2: 1 - 3 dlsplaylng result wlth two slgnlflcantdlglts (SCI 2)

    B..... ( S C I )l 1a EExample 10:To determine how many different 4-digltvalues can be produced uslng the numbers 1 through 7Numbers cannot be duplicated with~nhe same 4-digitvalue (1234 IS allowed, but 1123 IS not). f a o )

    7 E E Ep le 1: 3 x ( 5 ~ 1 0 - ~ )1 . 5 x 1 P

    3 1 3 5 B 0 9 E Press ..--. ( N o r m )a o clear the Sci specif~ca-tton.l e 2 : 5 x ( 9 + 7 ) = 8 0 5 E I D 9 0 7 E I Eskip all operations before 8 . Exam ple 11: To determine how many d~fferent -mem-ber groups can be organized In a group of 10 lndlvlduals

    (210)4 0 ~ 1 . 4 8

    '@ In the case of fx-100MSlfx-115MS/fx-570MSlfx-991MS+ numerator + denominator + separator marks)

    Use the @ key to enter the COMP M ode when youwant to perform a calculation using memory.COMP ............................ H Angle Unit ConversionPress @ @ to display the following menuAnswer MemoryWhenever you press after inputting values or an ex-pression, the calculated result automatically updates An-swer Mem ory contents by storing the result.I n add it ion t o e , Answer Memory contents are also up-dated with result whenever you press @ m,@@,@@, or @ fo ll ow d by a letter (A through F, or M. X,or Y).You can rec all Answer Memory contents by press lngW.Answer M emory can store up to 12 dlglts for the mantlssaand two digits for the exponent.Answer Memory contents are not updated ~f he opera-tion performed by any of the above key operations re-sults in an error.

    Pressing0,n, r converts the displayed value tothe corresponding angle unit.Example: To convert 4.25 radians to degrees

    2 1.3:- -4 2 2 B 4 8H Coordinate Conversion (Pol (x,y ) ,

    Rec (r ,0 1)Calculation results are automatically asslgned to vari-ables E and FH Consecutive CalculationsYou can use the ca lculation result that is currently on thedlsplay (and also stored in Answer Memory) as the firstvalue of your next calculatlon. Note that presslng anoperator key while a result is displayed causes the dis-played value to change to Ans, lndlcatlng it IS the valuethat IS currently stored in Answer Memory.The result of a calculation can also be used with a sub-sequent Type A function (xZ,xJ,x ' , ! , DRGF) , t, ," ( x ' ) . I \ - - . X, t, Pr and nCr.

    t,Fraction Conversion Exam ple 1: To convert polar coordinates (r= 2, 8=60)to rectangular coordlnates ( I , ) (Deg)r = 1 @ @ 2 0 6 0 m E

    = 1.732050808 @mlong as two secondsPress @ m o display the value of x, or @a o dis-play the value of .v.31: 2.75 = 2- Decimal +Fraction)4 2 . 7 5 8 Exam ple 2: To convert rectangular coordlnates (1,)3)to polar coordinates ( 1 , B ) (Rad)r = 2 m . 1 m LL~~CD'@@ln the case of fx-100MS/fx-115MSlfx-570MS/fx-991 MS.0 = 1.047197551 a m

    H ndependent MemoryValues can be input directly into memory, added tomemory, or subtracted from memory, lndependentmemory is convenient for calculating cumulative totals.lndependent memory uses the same memory area as *'variable M.To clear independent memory (M), nput @ a$(M+).

    2: ? , .5 (Fraction H Decimal)1 ~ ~ 2 8 1 1 ~ 2 . Pressa to display the value of r , or m o dis-play the value of 8.

    Example.2 3 + 9 = 3 2 2 3- 9 k d @ 0 ~ b J ( (M + )53 - 6 = 4 7 5 3 0 6 1 m

    - ) 4 5 Y 2 = 9 0 4 5 m 7 ~ 2 ~

    H Enginee ring Notation CalculationsExample 1: To convert 56.088 meters to kilomerers-t 56.088 r 10 ' 56088Bkm

    Fraction H mproper Fraction

  • 8/8/2019 Tai Lieu May Tinh Casio


    . ... ... .,. , IIndependent memory uses the sam e mem ory area asvariable M.To clear independ entine riory (M), input @(M+).

    Press a o display the va lue of r, or m o dis-play the value of 8.Example :

    2 3 + 9 = 3 2 2 3 C 3 9 ~ ~ W ( M t )5 3 - 6 = 4 7 5 3 0 6 @ @

    - ) 4 5 x 2 = 9 0 4 5 = 2@ @

    Engineering Notatlon Calcu\at\ons . ,Example 1: To conver t 56,088 meters lo kllomerers-,56.088 r 1O3 560888@

    (km)H Improper Fraction

    2 5- +-3 31 @ 2 @ 1 3 8 -

    (Total) - 1 1 El El M+) Example 2: To convert 0.08125 grams to milligrams+ 81.25 X I O - ~ 0.081258 @

    (mg)ariablesThere are nine variables (A through F,M. X andY), whlchcan be used to store data, constants, results, and othervalues.Use the followlng operation to delete data as signed to aparticular variable:a@ @ m.his operation de-letes the data asslgned to bariable A.Perforn~he following key operation when you want toclear the values assigned to all of the variables.@ ~ ~ ( M c I )

    tion display format, press the @ key The EON M ode lets you solve equations up to three de-grees and simultaneous linear equations with up to threeunknowns.D i s pm Example: 23 = 8.4 Use the @ key to enter the EQN M ode when you wantto solve an equationEQ N .......................@? @W (fx-95MS)@ @ rn Other Models)he selection screen.

    @ess the n um ber key ( a r m ) hat corresponds toMixed fraction1c) : Improper fract ion

    Quadratic and Cubic EquationsQuadratic Equation. a$ t bx + C = 0Cubic Equation. r1*3 + b? + cx t d = 0Entering the EQN Mode and presslng @ dlsplays the ini-tial quadraticlcub~cequation screen.

    Use the @Ikey to enter the COMP Mode when youwant to perform basic arithmetic calculations.COMP ......................................................@

    1 * ~ e ~ee?2 3ercentage Calculations

    : To calculate 12% of 1500 (180)1500El12@3'E Use this screen tospeclfy 2 (quadratic) or 3 (cublc) as thedegree of the equatlon. and input values for each of thecoefflclents.

    Certain types of calculations may lake a long tlme tocomplete.Wait for the result to appear on the display before start-ing the next calculation.?c = 3.14159265359

    2: To calculate what percentage of 880 is 660(75%)

    66 0 E3a80 mE2Coefftc~ent ame Arrow lndlcatesdtrectlon you

    elementsrigonometric/lnverseTrigonometricFunctions3: To add 15% onto 2500 (2875)2 5 0 0 m 1 5 @ @ 0 IElement valueTo change the default angle unlt (degrees, rad~ans.grads), press the @ key a number of t lmesvntrl youreach thesngle unlt setup screen shown be W . - -ple 4: To discount 3500 by 25% (2625) Any ttme unftl vou ~np ul value for the f~ na loefflctent (r1 1 , a r ' 7 ' P J ~ a ' d r lo i ~ ~ I L, ,'? ,- can use h e an dd eys lo move between coen ~clents on the screen and mak echanges, it you wantNote that you cannot lnput complex numbers for co-effic~ents

    5: To discount the sum of 168,98 , and 734 by(800)1 6 8 0 9 8 0 7 3 4 8 @ @ @ @ o

    ~ m n 2 0 ~ ' ~ o-emory value into a varlableth e ma rk u p ld ~sco u n t

    a S pressed stores a result to Answer Mem ory0 ey is pressed.

    Press the number key ( r n a. r m ) ha t correspondsto the angle unlt you want to use(90' = radlans = 100 grads)2

    Calculation starts and one of the solutlons appears as soonas you lnput a value for the flnal coefflclen!Varlable name Arrow ~ndncatesII. x.LE-. ........

    1.. ..........Examp le 1: sin 63"52'41" = 0.897859012

    @ .....a ( D e g )~ 1 1 1 3 0 5 2 0 4 1 ~ 1 e

    Exam ple 2: cos (+ ad)= 0.5@? .....a ( ~ a d )

    H C ! 3 ! 3 r 3 E 3 3 I 2 3 8

    Press the key to vlew other solutlons Use and mto scroll between all of the solut~onsor the equatlonPresstng t h e m key at th~ s o~r,t eturns to the coeff lclentlnput screenCertain coeff~c~entsan cause calculatlon to take moretlme

    6: If 300 grams are added to a test sampleweighlng 5 00 grams, what is the percentage(160%)

    30 00 00 @a --2Example 3 : cos- ' = 0.25 n (rad)(= craa))2 4ample 7: What is the percentage change when a valueIncreased from 40 to 46? How about to 48?

    (15%, 20%)4 6 0 4 0 @ mmmmmmmae

    Example 1: To solve the equat~on1 ) - a ' - 2 + 2 = 0 ( x = 2 , - 1 , l )? .....*=Rad)k 3 3 @ o 1 3 7 2 E 3 2 m E @ k l E 3 D O E (Degree?) 3( 11") 180 1 ? 1 d 2 8(c ?) a 1 8( d ? ) 2 8( i 1 = 2) rn(12 = -1) m(13 = 1)

    Examp le 4: ta n-' 0.741 = 36.53844577-@ .....m ( D e g )a .741 8, ~i nu te s, econds

    Hyperbolicnnverse HyperbolicFunctionscan perform sex agesima l calculations ustng degrees

    eslmal and de c~m al alues Examp le 1: slnh 3 6 = 18.28545536 @ 3.68xag es lma l value a nd t he n w t o d e clmal va lu e Exam ple 2: slnh ' 30 = 4.094622224

    & d k 3 3 @ 3 0 8 If a result IS a complex number, the real part of the flrstsolutlon appears flrst. Thls IS ~ndicated y the "A-1"symbo l on the dlsplay. Pre ss@ ir-.]o toggle the displaybetween the real part and Imaginary par1of a S O I U ~ ~ O ~o m m o n and Natural Logarithms1Antilogarithms2: To perform the followlng calculatlon:

    12 D 40 60 .45 8 43O24O31.2 1Example 1: log 1.23 = 0.08990511 1 1 23Example 2: In 90 (= og= 90) = 4.49980967

    a 0 8

  • 8/8/2019 Tai Lieu May Tinh Casio


    IRegression Calculations cREG-)to perform statistical calculations using regression.................................EG B@Ifx-95MS)8 (Other Models)

    2. Check the formola you are working with to confirm it iscorrect.3. Enter the correct mode and try performing the calcula-tion again.If the above steps do not correct the problem, press the@C key.The calculator performs a self-chedc Operation anddeletes all data stored in memory if any abnormality isdetected. Make sure you always keep written copies of al limportant data.Entering the REG Mode displays screens like the onesshown below.2: To sdve the equation

    W - 4x + 5 = 0 (x = 0.25f 0.75i) Error Messages

    4 85 BI = 0.25 + 0.75i) 0

    The calculator is locked up while an error message is onthe display. Pressrn o clear the error, or pressmormto display the calculation and correct the problem. See'Error Locatof for details.

    m l t m-Pwr Inv Quad

    Math ERRORCausesCalculation result is outside the allowable calculationrange.An attempt to perform a function calculation using avalue that exceeds the allowable input range.An attempt to perform an illogical operation (divisionby zero, etc.)

    Press he number key ( m ,m, r m ) hat correspondsto the type of regression you want to use.(I3 (Lin) : Linear regression(Log) : Logalithmic regressionm Exp): Exponential regressionm m Pwr) : Power regressionrn lnv) : Inverse regressionmm Quad) :Quadratic regression

    Equations with Two Unknowns:+ bly = CI+ bzy = c2Equations with Three Unknowns:+ bry + crz = dl

    * + b3y + c u = d3ng he EQN Mode displays the lnitial simultaneouson screen.

    ActlonCheck your input values and make sure they are allwithin the allowable ranges. Pay special attention tovalues in any memory areas you are using.Always start data input with @ m(Scl ) to clearstatistical memory.*. lhput dhta using the key sequence shown below.a-data> cy-data>The values produced by a regression calculationdependon the velues input, and results can be recalled usingthe key operations shown in the table below.

    Stack ERRORCauwThe capacity of the numeric stack or operator stack isexceeded.To ncall Ms lypa o value: Pertonn Mlr key operation:o m m2 or 3 as the number of un- ActionSimplify the calculation.The numeric stack has 10 lev-els and the operator stack has 24 levels.Divide your calculation nto wo or more separate parts.

    wLXnZ YZYw.fXO"X0".1YP nP".RegressioncoefficientA

    ,rrow indwtesI I direction you4 should scroll to. I

    Syntax ERRORCauseAn attempt to perform an illegal mathematical opera-tionlernentalue

    y time until you input a value tor the final coefficientor two unknowns, a5 for three unknowns), you canthe and rnkeys to move between coefficientsake changes, if you want.input complex numbers for coeffi-ActlonPress or m o display the calculationwith the cur-sor located at the location of the error and make re-quired corrections.

    Arg ERRORCauseImproper use of an argumentRegresscon coefficient0 I B&@mm mRearess~onalculatcon other than auadrat~cearesslonsolutions appears as soone for the final coefficient. Correlation coeffccient r


    ActionPress orD o display the location of the cause ofthe error and make required corrections.Variable name A m w indicate$The following able shows the key operations you shoulduse to recall results n thecase of quadratic regression.

    I I direnion y wOrder of Operations

    - 4- 0.PI To recall this type of nlue: I Psrlorm h ~sq opsratlon:

    should scroll toview other-) soIutions.Calculations are performed n the following order of prec-edence.

    Irnkey to view other solutions. Use andl between all of the solutions for the equation.rnkey at this point returns to the coefficientscreen.

    Ij3WYwRegression coefficient CElB9

    OCoordinate transformation: Pol (x,y). Rec (r, 8 )Differentials: dl&Integrations. &Normal distlibut~on:PC, Q(f, R('QType A functions:With these functions, the value is entered and then thefunction key is pressed.1.x2.x-'.x!. O ' "

    ec To solve the following simultaneous equations2r+3y - z=153 x - 2 ~ + 2 ~ = 45x+3y-42=9 ( x = 2 , ~ = 5 , ~ = 4 ) The values in the above tables can be used inside ofexpressions he same way you use variables.

    . . . .Engineercng symbols'Normal distribution: +r 'unknowns?) 3....... (dr?) 2 8 8 1 3 1 5 e.......(d2?) 3 &30 E E e.......(ds?) 5E 0 rn9a= 2) m= 5) 0

    E, 21,2,9Angle unit conversions (DRGb)Metric conversions"@Powers and roots: "(x ' ' ) ,'d-@ a%@Abbreviated multiplication ormat in front of x , e (natu-ral logarithm base), memory name, or variable name:2n. 3e, 5A, xA, etc.@Type 0 functions:With these functions, the function key is pressed andthen the value is entered..d- 3 d - , og, In, e', 1(Y, sin, cos, tan, sin-', cos-' ,tan-', sinh, cosh, tanh, sinh-I , cosh-', tanh-', (d, h', b', o', Neg', Not', Det",Trn", arg'. Abs*. Conjg'a bbreviated multiplication ormat in front of Type B unc-tions: 2a,log2, etc.@Permutation and combination: nPr, nCrL*@ Dot (.)"a x , +@ + , -@and'@ xnor', xor', or'

    Linear RegressionThe regression formula for linear regression is:y=A+&r .Example: Atmospheric Pressure vs. Temperature

    Perform inear regression to de-termine the regression formulaterms and correlationcoefficientfor the data nearby. Next, usethe regression formula to esti-mate atmospheric pressure at18C and temperature at 1000hPa. Finally, calculate the coeffi-cient of determination ($) andsample covariance(%;--;.f.Y)

    In the REG Mode:DJ(Lin)E]@o Scl)E Stat clear)


    C%!3@ key to enter the SD Mode'when you wantperform statistical calculations using standard de-

    .................................... El (fx-95MS)@? @ m Other Models)1\wavs s\arl data :no"; wnh lElRi m i l ~ r l l n clear

  • 8/8/2019 Tai Lieu May Tinh Casio


    C S U ~the key to enter the SD Mode'when you want

    perform statistical calculations using standard de-...................................@El(fx-95MS)@ @ a Other Models)

    start data 1npu; wtth @I~ ( S C I ) to clearal memory.

    using the key sequence shown below.rnis used to calculate values for n, &, W, f ,

    and on-I, which you can recall uslng the key opera-

    mple: To calculate On-I, on, L, ,Lr, nd W forng data : 55, 54, 51, 55, 53, 53, 54, 52

    To rocallthis type o l value:WZX

    Perlm hhkey operation:81.rumBmB

    ~ ( S C I )E Stat clear)55m I I

    Each time youpress@ to regqler your input.thenllmber ol data lnpulup to that point Is~ndicated n the dlsplay (nvalue).5 3 r n m ~ m 5 2 m

    Standard Devlatbn (On -l) = 1.407886BSJ @ rnrnSlandard Dsviatlon (On)= 1.316eSB719 @ OMean (N= 53375 BEiiIm8

    f ma (n)= B EEl@mE0: Values (G ) 427 i 3 E i 3 ~ ~of Squaresof Values (G') = ZZS& @ H O E

    inputs the same data twice.u can also input multiple entries of the same data [email protected] input the data 110 ten times, for example,

    O ~ .u can perform the above key operations in any order,not necessarily that shown above.inputting dale or after ~nputting eta is complete,can use the arid keys to scroll through data

    a o specify the data frequency (numberhrough data

    u can then edit the displayed data, if you want. lnputnew value and then press the key to replace the

    he new one. This also means that if youperform some other operation (calculation, ecall

    l calculation results, etc.), you snould alwaysthe key first to exit data t h e m key instead of after changing a value

    it is.u can delete a data value displayed usingiZ1andm@ m.Deleting a data value causes allb be shifted up.

    calcula-d yoube able to input any more data if there is no

    key to display the screen shown below.

    a o exit data input without registering the valuejust input.

    ressm t you want to register the value you just input,be able to display or edit any of the data you

    ete data you have just input, press@ @. REGyou willbeunable o dlsplay or edit individual data

    r moderegression type (Lin, Log, Exp, Pwr, Inv,

    dent of detemlnation (P) andsample covariance( k ; - ; f - 7 )

    In the REG Mode:m(Lin)@ a SCI)e Stat clear)

    1 0 m l M 3 r n ~Each bmeyou press to register your mput.the numbef of data lnwi upto that poinl smdii ted on the dlsplay (nvalue).

    1 5 0 0 05m2 0 01 0 1 0 m 2 5 0 1011

    3 0 0 1014mRegs?lslonCmlllcientA = 887.4 @ 1 1 * u l m m o ~Regressla, Coencaen B = 0.M 8@[E)IE]meCorrelationCoetlnent r P 0 mmmmrneAtmoaphek Pressureat 18C= 1007.48

    1 8 ~ m m m m o e

    C o e M l Determination=0.865517241m. . l l ooooe~ a m eovarance=35 m O I w l [ E ) r n UmI.rulmElmmli]El

    Logarithmic,Exponential, Power, and InverseRegressionUse the same key operations as linear regression o re-call results for these types of regression.The following shows the regression formulas for eachtype of regression.

    Quadratic Regression

    Logarithmic RegressionExponential RegressionPower RegressionInverse Regression

    The regression ormula forquadratic regression is:y=A+Bx+C?.

    y = A + B-Inxy = A.eB'" (Iny = In A .+Bx)y = A. 2 ( In y = In A + Bln x )y = A + B.'/I

    Example:Perform quadratic regression to. de-termine the regression formula termsfor the data nearby. Next, use theregression formula to estimate thevalues for 9 (estimated value of y) forxi = 16 and f (estimated value of x)for yi = 20.

    In the REG Mode:[E) m(Quad)B@ o Scl)e Stat clear)

    2 9 0 1.6@ 5 0 0 23 .5m740 8.0 m 1030 6.4 m

    r 1 8 ~ 4 8 . 0 ~RBgre98bnCoetI1aemA=&5s(WIBPI mmmmmm~ e g r e s s h oanlcmnt I . e l 3 63 I'"lO O O ERegressionCoaWient C = -67i628667 x lo4!%EJrnIE]IE]oe~when1~v,te=-laJsalos7 1 6 @ @ m m I E ] m E~1~ny,~zo.47. iasma 20@!3("1OOOOEh heny, is20 = 17S.5872105 208 IE] IE]O O EData lnput Precautionsm inputs the same data twice.

    You can also input multiple entries of the same data us-IngBa.o input the data '20 and 30" five times, forexample. press 20 30@fla a.The above resultscanbe obtained in any order. and notnecessarily hat shown above.Precautions when editing data input for standard devla-tion also apply for regression calculations.

    W h e n you have a problem......If calculation results are not what you expect or if an erroroccurs, performthe following steps.

    u I t , ,u , ,r=y ,,ru , G , , 1111 ,a y , 5 ,,,UII,!,@3 Abbreviated m u lp l i t i on ormat in ront of Type8 unc-tions: 20, iog2. etc.@ Permutation and combination: nPr, nCrL'@ Dot (.)"a x , +

    6+.-@and'@ xnor.,. xor', or'fx-lOOMS/fx-115MS/fx-57OMS/fx-991 MS only." x-570MStfx-991MS only.Operations of the same precedence are performed romright to left. dl nr 20-,e t { l n ( r 120))Other operations are performed from left to right.rations enclosed n parentheses are performed first.When a calculation contains an argument that isa negative number, the negative number must beenclosed within parentheses. The negative sign (-) istreated as a Type B function, so particular care isrequired when the calculation includes a high-priorityType A function, or power or root operations.Example: ( -2)' = 16

    -2'= -16

    StacksThis calculator uses memory areas, called "stacks." to tem-porarily store values (numeric stack) and commands (wm-mand stack) according to their precedence during calcu-lations.The numeric stack has 10 evels and the cummandstack has 24 levels. A stack error (Stack ERROR) occurswhenever you try to perform a calculation that is so com-plex that the capacity of a stack is exceeded.Matrix calculations use up to two levels of the matrix

    stack. Squaring a matrix, cubing a matrix, or inverting amatrix uses one stack level. (fx-570MS, x-991MS only)Example:

    Numerlc Stack Command Stack

    Calculations are performed in sequence according to'Order of Operations." Commands and values are de-leted from the stack as the calculation is performed.

    lnput RangesInternal dlgits: 12Accuracy': As a rule, accuracy is +1 at the 10th digit

  • 8/8/2019 Tai Lieu May Tinh Casio


    x! 1 0 1 5 69 (x is an integer)

    0 5 n < 1 xlOlO, s r 5 n (n, ra re Integers) (nPr 0 1 < 1 x 10l0,0 5 r S n (n. rar e integers)1 5 n!l(n-r)!] < 1 x 1Otm

    Rec(r, B) 0 s r 59.999999999 x 10980: Same as sinxJal,, c< lxlOim

    I~un-l ,y~n - l .A, , r : n f O,1 IFor a single calculation, calculation error is+It the 10thdigit. (In the case of exponential display, calculationerror is fl t the last significant digit.) Errors arecumulative in he case of consecutivecalculations, vh ii hcan also cause them to become arge. (This is also trueof internal consecutive calculations that are performedin the case of w. 6 .!, 3C nPr, nCr, etc.)In the vicinity of a function's singular point and point ofinflection, errors are cumulative-and may beawne large.

    0 s b . cIxJ