Page 1: TAHIMA Oct 17, 2013 IT/IS: A Tongue in Cheek Look at Our "Love/Hate" Relationship

TAHIMA Oct 17, 2013IT/IS:

A Tongue in Cheek Look at Our "Love/Hate"


Page 2: TAHIMA Oct 17, 2013 IT/IS: A Tongue in Cheek Look at Our "Love/Hate" Relationship

Bob Short MCSE CCA Sr Systems Administrator – World Vision US Former Supervisor Microsoft Servers Catholic

Heath Initiatives WA/OR

Introduction: Who am I and why am I


Page 3: TAHIMA Oct 17, 2013 IT/IS: A Tongue in Cheek Look at Our "Love/Hate" Relationship

Not Every Application Is A Success

Page 4: TAHIMA Oct 17, 2013 IT/IS: A Tongue in Cheek Look at Our "Love/Hate" Relationship

Just like Doctors, we all have specialties Help Desk Application Analysts Network / Telecom Engineers Server Engineers Security Engineers Enterprise Architects

How does an I.T. department work?

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Calls Prioritized Ticket Created Ticket Routed to “Specialist” Issue Investigation (possible customer

interaction) Issue worked on Issue Resolution (You should get a call!!)

What happens when I call the Help Desk?

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F1 = Help Google – BE Careful (Whitehouse) Reboot

Things to try before you call.

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Have you tried turning it off and on again

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Why do you I.T. guys hate me and my computer?

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Why can’t I update my computer myself.

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Trying to keep you and your computer safe.

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Why security? Lock your computer Windows Logo+L: Lock

the computer (without using CTRL+ALT+DELETE)

Strong passwords Don’t hide your password under the

keyboard HIPPA effects I.T. also!

EHR – Electronic Health Records

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Mail Boxes – Your inbox is just that…

File Storage – Keep a good folder structure.

FY folders

SharePoint – What is it and why use it.

Get Organized

Page 13: TAHIMA Oct 17, 2013 IT/IS: A Tongue in Cheek Look at Our "Love/Hate" Relationship

Cloud PING IP Address Workstation Server Cat5 Router Switch Citrix

Vocabulary lesson –

Page 14: TAHIMA Oct 17, 2013 IT/IS: A Tongue in Cheek Look at Our "Love/Hate" Relationship F1: Help CTRL+ESC: Open Start menu ALT+TAB: Switch between open programs

(Windows + Tab on Windows 7 and later) ALT+F4: Quit program SHIFT+DELETE: Delete item permanently Windows Logo+L: Lock the computer (without


Bob’s FavoriteShortcuts for navigation

Page 15: TAHIMA Oct 17, 2013 IT/IS: A Tongue in Cheek Look at Our "Love/Hate" Relationship

F2: Rename object F3: Find all files CTRL+X: Cut CTRL+C: Copy CTRL+V: Paste SHIFT+DELETE: Delete selection immediately,

without moving the item to the Recycle Bin ALT+ENTER: Open the properties for the

selected object

Bob’s FavoriteShortcuts for navigation
