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TAEMUN VII December 6-7, 2019


The United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

Topic A: The Libyan Civil War

Topic B: The Role of Reconciliation in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security

Director: Samantha Grealish

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United Nations Security Council

Esteemed Delegates,

My name is Samantha Grealish, and I am currently a sophomore at Thomas A. Edison High

School. This is my first year participating in Model UN, and I am very excited to have the

opportunity to direct such an important committee. Although this is my first year in Model UN, I

was previously a part of the Model U.S. Senate Team at my last school. I am currently on Edison’s

Speech and Debate Team, and in my free time, I enjoy reading, playing the violin, and watching

Friends. I look forward to a productive and interesting committee session!

Best regards,

Samantha Grealish

[email protected]

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United Nations Security Council


The United Nations Security Council is the principal organ in the United Nations System

that is tasked with the protection of international peace and security. Established by Chapter V in

the Charter, the Security Council is comprised of the five permanent members (these same five

members who also have the veto power on the Council): The United States of America, the United

Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French Republic, the Russian Federation, and

the People’s Republic of China. Along with the five permanent members, 10 members are elected

to the Council for a two-year term basis from the General Assembly and be geographically


The Security Council is the only organ within the United Nations system that has the ability

to issue sanctions upon member states or individuals in the international system. The Council is

also tasked with the deployment of peacekeeping missions across the world when needed to ensure

peace and stability. The Security Council is also the only organ that can issue binding resolutions

upon members’ states of the United Nations system. Should a resolution be issued by the Security

Council, all member states are required to adhere to the language of the document.

However, the body has experienced its fair share of criticism on its powers and functions

as a whole. For example, the ability of the permanent members to perform a fait accompli before

voting on any draft resolutions that are on the floor separate from the rest of the Council, where

they can attempt to lobby and caucus without the presence of the non-permanent members. The

veto powers that are also given to the permanent members are also used as a criticism, as many

felt that the veto powers hold the Council, and the international community hostage to the whims

of an individual nation and in some cases, on the whims of its good allies on the council. While

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United Nations Security Council

there have been some amendments made to change the nature and composition of the council, no

serious amendments to change the Security Council or the United Nations Charter have been taken

or made.

As is the nature of the United Nations Security Council, there will be some special motions that

will be outlined for delegates to utilize:

• Fait accompli: Utilized only by the P5 members within the Security Council, this move

must be motioned by one of the P5 members and must have (minimum) one second from

the other P5. The fait accompli can only be motioned when draft language has been

introduced to the Council and is on the floor, before moving into voting procedure.

Maximum of 10 minutes will be given for delegates to utilize the fait accompli session.

Bear in mind (with Quorum) that the Security Council will continue deliberations.

• United Nations General Assembly Resolution 377: The “Uniting for Peace” resolution,

which allows for two thirds of the General Assembly to overrule the veto power of the

United Nations Security Council on the debate for a particular topic. For TAEMUN VII

and the Security Council, ANY member of the Security Council (including the observer

member states [Palestine and The Holy See can NOT] at the meeting) can motion to

enact UNGA Resolution 377, and this motion will only require a minimum of TWO

seconds. The member of the Security Council that motions to enact this resolution must

choose which General Assembly to bring the removal before: The First Committee

(DISEC), the Third Committee (SOCHUM) and the Fourth Committee (SPECPOL). Once

brought before the General Assembly Committee, two speakers for and two speakers

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United Nations Security Council

against will be required to speak in front of the General Assembly to sway the selected

committee to either vote for removal, or against removal of the veto power for the

selected topic only.

• General Assembly Resolutions: All General Assembly Resolutions (from DISEC,

SOCHUM and SPECPOL) that have been passed in committee will be sent to the United

Nations Security Council for a final vote.

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United Nations Security Council

Topic A: The Libyan Civil War


Although the start of the Second Libyan Civil War was fairly recent, there are numerous

factors that have contributed to the rise of this conflict. During the First Libyan Civil War in 2011,

the rebels, led by the Transitional National Council (TNC), were fighting to overthrow Libyan

dictator Muammar al-Qaddafi. Eventually, the rebels were successful in their quest; Qadafi was

found and assassinated on October 20, 2011. However, without a dictator, Libya no longer had a

functional government. The TNC appointed themselves to be the interim government of Libya

until a new, efficient government was created. They struggled to enforce their policies upon

Libyans, as there were many autonomous groups during the First Civil War that saw the TNC’s

weak grasp on power as an opportunity to seize control of the government. This was the cause of

Libya’s Second Civil War.

One of these autonomous groups, the Libyan National Army (LNA), led by General

Khalifa Haftar, claims the goal of the LNA is to cleanse Libya of terrorist groups. Haftar had

assisted Qaddafi in overthrowing King Idris I in 1969 and was a supporter of Qaddafi’s during the

First Civil War; the major concern of Libyans is that Haftar will establish another dictatorship

similar to Qaddafi’s. In April 2019, the LNA began attacks on the Libyan capital Tripoli. Within

one month, 400 people were killed, and 50,000 people were displaced. This violence has stalled

the creation of a new government, meaning the TNC interim government is the only obstacle to

Haftar establishing a new dictatorship.

The conflicts in Tripoli and the absence of a stable, permanent government have

contributed to Libya’s poor economy, despite having an abundance of oil. Trade sanctions have

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United Nations Security Council

been put in place by supranational organizations around the world, meaning Libya has very

minimal income. This has resulted in a GDP per capita of $9600 (2017); roughly one-third of

Libyans live below the national poverty line.

Current Situation

Presently, the TNC’s UN-backed temporary government, led by Prime Minister Fayez al-

Serraj, has control of Tripoli. This constant combat has not only affected Libya’s economy, but it

has affected migrants as well. Because Libya has a border along the Mediterranean Sea, migrants

often stop in Libya before emigrating to Europe. However, the constant fighting has prevented

anyone from leaving the country. Refugees from as far as Eritrea and Somalia are held captive in

one of Libya’s 26 detention centers. Each of these centers is seriously overpopulated, and living

conditions are inadequate. At these centers, frequent problems include human trafficking, sexual

abuse, and forced labor.

In an attempt to quell the LNA, a House of Representatives was created; each

representative was self-appointed, as Libya’s government was too disorganized to run elections.

Unfortunately, the House of Representatives has proved ineffective because legislation created

cannot be enforced. In May 2019, the House of Representatives building was hit with an aerial

bomb, and one of the representatives was kidnapped by the militia. Libya’s Government of

National Accord (GNA) believes that the LNA was responsible for the incident.

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United Nations Security Council

Past United Nations Actions

The United Nations has been involved in both the First Civil War and the Second Civil

War. As mentioned previously, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) had unanimously

approved exacting economic sanctions; additionally, they placed a travel ban and implemented an

arms embargo on Libya during the First Civil War (2011). Later that year, the UNSC proceeded

to authorize military action with a vote of 10-0; Russia, China, Brazil, India, and Germany had

abstained from voting. In response to this, Qaddafi had called a cease-fire; regardless pro-Qaddafi

forces continued launching attacks. On September 15, 2011, after the rebel forces had gained

control of Tripoli, the UN General Assembly voted to officially recognize the TNC government

as the representation for Libya.

During the Second Civil War, the Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, visited

Libya during April 2019. The UN has called for the LNA to cease attacks immediately. The

International Criminal Court (ICC) has begun investigating Libyan migrant cases and hopes to

soon begin searching for criminal suspects, among them Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi, Muammar

Qaddafi’s son. The ICC does not have the power to arrest or track these suspects; this power still

remains with the states. However, according to Fatou Bensouda, the ICC Prosecutor, the ICC is,

“developing, in coordination with the states, enhanced strategies, and methodologies to track and

arrest suspects” (“Violence, Atrocities, and Impunity”).

Questions to Consider

1. What resolutions could improve the quality of life of Libyan migrants?

2. How involved should the UN be in this conflict?

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United Nations Security Council

3. Will stimulating Libya’s economy indirectly aid the TNC government?

Works Cited

Borges, Anelise. “Watch: Special Report from inside War-Torn Libya.” Euronews, 13 June


“Libya: Who Is Khalifa Haftar and Why Does He Want to Take Tripoli?| DW News.” YouTube,

YouTube, 6 Apr. 2019,

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Libya Revolt of 2011.” Encyclopædia Britannica,

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 8 Feb. 2019,

“The World Factbook: Libya.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Feb.


“'Violence, Atrocities and Impunity' Reign throughout Libya, ICC Prosecutor Tells UN Security

Council | UN News.” United Nations, United Nations, 6 Nov. 2019,

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United Nations Security Council

Topic B: The Role of Reconciliation in the Maintenance of International Peace

and Security


During the Nineteenth Century, foreign relations were remarkably irrelevant; however, this

approach to international policy became outdated following monumental events such as World

War I. It quickly became clear that international relationships between states were necessary to

better prevent any conflicts or violence. This led to the creation of the League of Nations in 1920

after World War I. The League of Nations, however, proved greatly ineffective in preventing the

start of World War II due to a lack of military force and enforcement powers. In 1945, after World

War II, the League of Nations was succeeded by the United Nations, a new supranational

organization created to facilitate international relations between all member states. The addition

of Russia and the United States as Permanent Five members of the United Nations Security

Council provided the UN with the implied military power and international endorsement that the

League of Nations severely lacked. Reconciliation is vital for supranational organizations such as

the UN because, as exemplified by the League of Nations, without it, the union would collapse. As

a result, the United Nations has been able to remain relevant in the international community and

maintain universal foreign influence.

One of the UN’s core purposes is to be an impartial facilitator of reconciliation and

diplomacy in the complex stage of foreign interaction and international relationships.

Reconciliation is the restoration of affable relations between two or more states. The extent of UN

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United Nations Security Council

involvement in international conflicts remains a gray area; this makes it difficult for the UN to

create resolutions without favoring any member states.

Current Situation

As of right now, there are numerous international conflicts and challenges that the UN has

difficulty preventing and mediating. A prime example of this is the Democratic People’s Republic

of Korea (DPRK)’s development of nuclear weapons. The DPRK has been actively testing

missiles; during Kim Jung-Un’s reign alone, there have been 91 missile launches. In response, the

UN has implemented travel bans, arms embargoes, and economic sanctions. While this has

drastically harmed the DPRK’s economy, it has not been as effective as the UN had intended some

member states have not been enforcing these sanctions, namely China and Russia. Right now, the

UN is conflicted as to what to do next as foreign powers fail to reach an agreement. On the one

hand, more economic sanctions would further harm the DPRK’s economy; however, Russia and

China are unlikely to follow these sanctions, and this could jeopardize United States-China

diplomatic relations. On the other hand, not implementing any resolutions at all will allow the

DPRK to continue this activity, and this would make the UN seen as lenient and permissive. The

United Nations faces challenges maintaining a diplomatic relationship with the DPRK while also

enforcing policies to minimize the threat of weapons of mass destruction to international peace

and security.

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United Nations Security Council

Past United Nations Actions

In the past, the United Nations has played an active role in reconciling conflicts between

states. One example of this is the Kosovo conflict. Kosovo was a Serbian province which was

demographically dominated by Albanians. This difference of ethnicities caused tensions to

heighten, which led to the creation of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in 1998. The KLA

believed that violence was the most effective way to gain independence for Kosovo; therefore,

they spread terror throughout Serbia by attacking policemen and politicians. In response, the

UNSC implemented an arms embargo but it had very little effect; the violence persisted, driving

hundreds of thousands of Albanians out of the country. In March 1999, the North Atlantic Treaty

Organization (NATO) began bombing Serbian military targets. Thankfully, the NATO bombings

ceased after 11 weeks, and in June 1999, NATO and Yugoslavia signed a peace agreement.

However, the conflict did not end; in 2008, Kosovo claimed independence from Serbia. The UN

also established the United Nations Interim Administration Mission Kosovo, which was tasked

with assisting Kosovo in establishing a government and protecting the human rights of Albanian


Based on this example, it is clear that without reconciliation, legislation is disorganized

and ineffective. In times of conflict, member states become divided, as most end up taking sides,

which means it would take considerably longer to create resolutions.

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United Nations Security Council

Questions to Consider

1. How can an excessively diplomatic approach to foreign negotiations cause challenges in

solidifying and enforcing future agreements?

2. What is the best way to respond to violations of previously instated agreements in order to

maintain sustainable relationships with the violating state?

3. What is the most effective solution to denuclearize DPRK and ensure the non-proliferation

of nuclear weapons and other advanced weapons technology?

Works Cited

Duan, Amber. “What to Know About Sanctions on North Korea.” Council on Foreign Relations,

Council on Foreign Relations, 16 July 2019,

Hahn, Bae-ho, and Woo-ik Yu. “Local Government.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia

Britannica, Inc., 30 Oct. 2019,

“Resolution 984.” UNSCR, UNSCR Search Engine for the United Nations Security Council


The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Kosovo Conflict.” Encyclopædia Britannica,

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 25 Feb. 2019,

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United Nations Security Council

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “League of Nations.” Encyclopædia Britannica,

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 1 Nov. 2019,

“UNMIK Peacekeeping.” United Nations, United Nations,
