Download pdf - $T STANES - Kotada

Page 1: $T STANES - Kotada

$T STANES AMALGAMATED ESTAIES LTD,,"SAE GARDENS' 3A & B, Kamaraj Road, Red Fields, Post Box No, 3717,

Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : 0091 -422 -2223942, 2223943 Fu : 2223941

E-mail : [email protected] Website :

CIN : U01132T21946P1C000180 GSTlll : 33AAGCS719601ZL


8123-24, Race Course Road,cotMBATORE _ 641018

corporate ldentification Number (ctN) : U011 g2[z1946plCooo180T et: 0422 2223942; F ax 0422 2223941

E mai I : saeteaad m i n @ saetea. com, website : wtn^nr. saetea. com



NorlcE is hereby given that the iEVENTY FouRTHAnnual General Meeting of themembers of stanes Amalqamated Estates Limited wil! be heldon Monday, 24h. {ygr:! zoio at 1L00 AM through video Gonferencing("Vc") / other Audio Visual Means ("OAVM") to transact the following business:

Ordinarv Business:

1' To receive, consider and adopt the Directors' Report and the Audited FinancialStatements of the.-company toi tre tinanciat-ylai'ended 31.1 March 2020, and theAuditors' Report attached thereto.

2' To appoint a Director in place of Mr. N. venkataramani, Director (Din 0000163g) whoretires by rotation. He is eligible for re_election.


3. SPECIAL BUSINESS:To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modifications the followingResolution as "special Resolution',:

"Resolved that the provisions.of section 196,1 g7 (read with schedule V of thecompanies Act, 2013) and.-bther applicable prorisollr of the companies Act, 2o1g(including any statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof, for the time neing in force)Mr' PS wallia (DlN ooo10755) be and is trereoy reappoint"o as Managing Director of thecompany for a further period of one yea.r.from i.i npiil 2o2o on ini.rliro*irig terms,conditions and remuneration as- approved by tne goaii of Directors or in" company attheir meeting held on 1st June 202b with an ,rinoritv Io the Board to vary / modify hisremuneration from time to time within the overait c;i'ring ririt. "i

sJiol'1 of part lt ofSchedule V of the Companies Act, zolz". ' rrr I rrr'o vr .,=U.rurr

A Member of the Amalgamations Groupr "

Page 2: $T STANES - Kotada

$T STAA'ES AMALGAMATED ESTATES LTD,,"SAE GARDENS' 3A & B, Kamaraj Road, Red Fields, Post Box No. 3717,

Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : 0091-422-2223942,2223943 Fu : 2223941

E-mail : [email protected] Website :

Clt{ : U01132T21946PtG000180 GST!l'! : 33AAGC$71960121



a) Salary: Rs.1,55,000/- p.m. as from 1st April 2020.

b) SpecialAllowance: Rs.75,000/_ per month.

c) Performance lncentive: Rs. 2,oo,ooo/- per annum (payable annually)


a) Medical Benefits: Medicat Expenses incurred by the Director for self, his wifeand dependent children will be reimbursed subject to his one-month,s salaryfor every year of service.

Free use. of company's car with driver, the monetary value of which will beevaluated as per lncome Tax Rules,1962.

Free use of Telephone at residence and also re-imbursement of mobilecharges.

d) Free Gas, Water and Etectricity at the residence of the Director

e) Fee for one club provided that no life membership fee or admission fee is paid.

0 Personal Accident lnsurance for self and Mediclaim lnsurance for self and hisWife.

g) Reimbursement of Entertainment Expenses as may be approved by the Boardfrom time totime.

h) Leave Travel Assistance: For self and Family once a year in accordance withthe Company,s Rules.

Allthe glove perquisites shall be evaluated as perthe lncome Tax Rules ,1g62,whereverapplicable' ln the absence of any such Rule, eerquisites shall be evaluated at actuals.

iii) LEAVE - As per Company,s Rules.

iv) TERMINATION oF APPOINTMENT - Three Months' Notice on either side. Alsothree months' salary in tieu of notice for termination uv in" company.



;A Member of the Amalgamations Group,

Page 3: $T STANES - Kotada

STATVES AMALGAMATED ESTATES LTD,,"SAE GARDENS' 3A & B, Kamaraj Road, Red Fields, Post Box No. 3717,

Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : 0091 -422-2223942, 2223943 F u : 2223941

E-mail : [email protected] Website :

Clil : U01 132T21 946P1C0001 80 GSTltl : 33AACCS71 9601 ZL


ln the event of absence or inadequacy of profits in any financial year during the tenure ofthe Managing Directol- !h!-.-qlrrv (i.ani p"iqrlrit"i iiiy ". specified above wourd beadmissible as MINIMUM REMuNeiiarloN r,ioi".ii".th_e ceiting under ctause (A) ofsection ll of Part ll of schedule v to the compaiLs Rct, zot 3 on the basis of ,,effectivecapital" computed for each financial year with an authority to the gorrd to vary lmodifyhis remuneration from time to time wiinin the overaii."iring limits of clause(A) of sectionll of Part ll of Schedule V to the Companies Act 201g.


No other Director other than Mr. PS wallia (DlN ooo1o7s5) is concerned or interested inthe resolution.


Place: CoimbatoreDate: 15th July 2O2O

(By Order of the Board)V.VISWANATHAN

Whole Time Director & Secretary

--- :AMemberoftheAmalgamationsGroup,

Page 4: $T STANES - Kotada


GARDENS' 3A & B, Kamaraj Road, Red Fields, Post Box No. 3717,

Coimbatore - 64'1 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : A091-422-2223942,2223943 tu : 2223941

E-mail : [email protected] Website :

Cll{ : U01132T21946P1C000180 GSTII{ : 33AACCS719601zL


1) ln view of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs("MCA") has vide its circulardated May 5, 2020 read with circulars dated April 8,2020 and April 13, 2020 (collectively referred to as"MCA Circulars") permitted theholding of the Annual General Meeting ('AGM' or "Meeting") through VC /OAVM,without the physical presence of the Members. ln compliance with the provisionsofthe Companies Act,2013 ("Act"), and MCA Circulars, the AGM of the Company isbeing held through VC /OAVM.

2) An explanatory statement pursuant to Section 102(1) of the Act, relating to specialbusiness to be transacted at the AGM, is annexed hereto.

3) Pursuant to the Circular No. 1412020 dated April 08, 2020 issued by the MCA, aMember entitled to attend and vote at the AGM is entitled to appoint a proxy toattend and vote on his/her behalf and the proxy need not be a Member of theCompany. Since this AGM is being held pursuant to the MCA Circulars on AGMthrough VC / OAVM, physical attendance of Members has been dispensed with.Accordingly, the facility for appointment of proxies by the Members will not beavailable for the AGM and hence the Proxy Form and Attendance ,Slip are notannexed to this Notice.

4) The Members' Register and Share Transfer books of the company will remainclosed from 18th August2020 to 24th August 2020 (both days inclusive).

5) ln compliance with the aforesaid MCA Circulars, Notice of the AGM along with theAnnual Report is peing sent only through electronic mode to those Members whoseemail addresses are registered with the Company/ Depositories. Membersparticipating through the VC/OAVM shall be counted for the purpose of reckoningthe quorum under Section 103 of the Companies Act, 2013. Members may also notethat the Notice and Annual Report will also be available on the Company's website

https://wwr,y.saetea.comand also on the website of National Securities DepositoryLimited ("NSDL') at www.evoting.

6) Corporate members intending to authorize their representatives to attend theMeeting are requested to send a scanned certified copy of the board resolution(pdfljpeg format) authorizing their representative to attend and vote on their behalf atthe Meeting.


Page 5: $T STANES - Kotada

$T STAA'ES AMALGAMATED ESTATES LTD,,"SAE GARDENS' 3A & B, Kamaraj Road, Red Fields, Post Box No. 3717,Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : 0091 -422-2223942, 2223943 Fu : 2223941E-mail ; [email protected] Website :

CIN : U01 132T21 946PtC0001 80 cSTilt : 33AACGS71 9601 ZL

7) ln case of joint holder attending the Meeting, only such joint holder who is higher inthe order of names will be entiiled to vote. e' - "'' -

8) The voting rights of Members shatl be in proportion of their shares of the paid up equityshare capitar of the company as on the cut-off date of 17h August 2020.9) The Members who have cast their vote by remote e-voting prior to the meeting mayalso attend the meeting, but shail not be entiiled to cast their vote again.10) Mr' s. Kasi Viswanathan, partner, Goparaiyer & subramanian, charteredAccountants, coimbatore has been appointed by the Board of Directors as thescrutinizer for voting at 74th Annuar Generar Meeting, e-voting process. Thescrutinizer witl scrutinize the e-voting process (uotn nerore the AGM and on the AGMdate) in a fair and transparent manner.11)considering the above, we urge the members to update their e-mait lD, Bank account

l"i:iii * I:::lt:lf::l,l Number (pANi ;i; the comp any tRrA to ensurereceipt of Annuat Report and ror any other communicril;';;5;'ir: ;##;

The e-voting period "o^ r0 at 09.00 A.M. and

:Iff""J"*JfJ, il?^?!i !:::,, ?_!?d.ibi:il;:il. Durins this period, Membersor the companv, holdins shaies "itt'",

in physicai il;T','rT:11"",1;l;,IiT3r",l]as on 17h August, 2o2o may cast their vote electronically. The e-voting moduleshall be disabled by NSDL for e-voting thereafter. on"" the vote on a resorution iscast, the Member sha[ not be ailowed to ctrange it "ru""qrenry.ln compliance with the provisions of section 10g of the Act, read with Rule 20 0f thecompanies (Management and Adminiskation) Rutes,- iot4, as amended from time totime' the Members are provided with the faciliiy to .rrt tn"ir vote el"ctronically, throughthe e-voting services. provided by NSDL, on ail in"

=rolrtions set forth in this Notice. Theinstructions for e-voting are given n"Lin below.

A' ln case of a member receives an e'-mait from NSDL (for members whose e-mailaddresses are registered with the company/Depositories):

'^"r[i:?ffjfff"jflonicailv on NSDL e-Votins svstem consists of ,,rwo steps,,which


Step 1: Log-in to NSDL e-voting system atstep 2: cast your vote etectronicary on NSDL e-voting system.

; A Member of the Amalgamations Group ;*-**----

Page 6: $T STANES - Kotada

$T STA'VES AMALGAMATED ESTATES LTD,,"SAE GARDENS' 3A & B, Kamaraj Road, Red Fields, Post Box No. 3717,Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : 0091 422 -2223U2, 2223943 Fu : 2223941

E-mail : [email protected] Website :

Gll{ : U01132T21946Ptc000180 GSTllt : 33AACGS719601zL



Visit the e-voting website of NSDL. open web browser by typing the following URL: either on a personal computer or on a mobile.once the home page of e-Voting system is launched, click on the icon ,,Login,,whichis available under'sharehotders, section.

A new screen will open. You will have to enter your User tD, your password and aVerification code as shown on the screen.

Alternatively, if you are registered for NSDL eseruices, i.e., IDEAS, you can tog_in at with your existing TDEAS togin. once yol rcg-in fo NSDLeservices after using your log-in credentials, click on e-ioting and'you cin proceed toStep 2 r.e. casf your vote electronically.

Your User lD details are given below:4.

Details on Sfep I is mentioned below:

Manner of holding shares i.e.DEMAT (NSDL/CDSL) or physicat

Your User lD is:

(a) For Members who hold shares inDEMAT account with NSDL

8 Character DP lD foltowed by g DigitClient lD.

For example, if your Dp lD is 1N300***and Client lD is 12***"** then yourUser lD is 1N300**r. 12r.r.r.r,r,r.

(b) For Members who hold shares inDEMAT account with CDSL

16 Digit Beneficiary tD.

For example, if your Beneficiary lD is12************** thgn your lD is1 2**************

(c) For Members holding shares inPhysicalform

EVEN Number followed by FolioNumber registered with thecompany.

For example, if your fotio number is001*** and EVEN is 101456 thenUser lD is 101456001***

- " - -: A Member of the Amalgamations Group;

Page 7: $T STANES - Kotada

$T SIA'VES AMALGAMATED ESTATES LTD.,'SAE GARDENS' 3A & B, Kamaraj Road, Red Fields, Post Box No. 3717,

Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : 0091 -422 -2223942, 2223943 F u : 2223941

E-mai I : [email protected] Website :

Cl1,l : U01132T21946P1G000180 GSTIN : 33AACCS719601ZL



ln case of joint holders, since one of the several joint holders is entiled to exercisevoting power, in case of e-voting the User lD & Password is sent to first holder.Aceordingly the vote casted using the User lD and password sent to first holder isrecQgnized on behalf of all the joint holders, as the shareholder who casts the votethrough the e-Voting services of NSDL is construed to be doing so on behalf of alljointholders.

Your password details are given below:

a' lf you are already registered for e-Voting, then you can use your existing passwordto login and cast your vote.

b' lf you are using NSDL e-Voting system for the first time, you will need to retrievethe 'lnitial password' which was communicated to you. Once you retrieve your'lnitial password', you need to enter the 'lnitial password' and thesystem willforceyou to change your password.

c. How to retrieve your'lnitial password'?

a' lf your email lD is registered in your DEMAT account or with the company,your'lnitial Password' is communicated to you on your email lD. Trace theemail sent to you from NSDL from your maitbox. Open the email and openthe attachment i.e., a PDF file. Open the PDF file. The password to openthe PDffie is your 8 digit client lD for NSDL account, last I digits of clientlD for CDSL account or folio number for shares held in physicil form. ThePDF file contains your'User lD,and your,lnitial password,.

b' lf your email lD is not registered, please follow steps mentioned below inprocess for those sharehotders whose e-mail lD are not registered.lf you are unable to retrieve or have not received the "lnitial password,, or haveforgotten your passyrord:

a' Click on "Forgot User Details/Password?" (lf you are holding shares in yourDEMAT account with NSDUCDSL) option ,rritrbl" on

b' "Physical User Reset Password?" (if you are holding shares in physical mode)option available on

c' lf you are still unable 1o

g"l the password by aforesaid two options, you can senda request at [email protected] mentioning your DEMAT account number/folionumber, your pAN, you name and your registered address.


Page 8: $T STANES - Kotada

STA'VES AMALGAMATED ESTATES LTD.,"SAE GARDENS' 3A & B, Kamaraj Road, Red Fields, post Box No. 3717,Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : 0091 -422 -2223942, 222}g4g Fu : 2223941E-mail : [email protected] Website :

GIN : U01 1 32T21 940P1C0001 B0 GSTIN : 33AACCS71 9601 zt

d' Members can also use the orP (one Time Password) based login for casting thevotes on the e_Voting system of the NSDL.t fitj":;s;Hn.r"r,

password, tick on Agree to ,,Terms and conditions,, by serecting on

9. Now, you will have to click on ,,Login,,button.

10.After you crick on the "Login" button, Home page of the e_Voting wifl open.

Details on Sfep 2 is mentioned below:


1' After successful login at step 1. you will be aote to see theClick on e-Voting. Then click on Active Voting Cy.i"s




' fltffi,il#*:,iT^r#:*"t:.jl:y wi, be abre to see a, the companies ,,EVEN,,in wh ich vou are hording .iri". rnj ;*" ;,#J=d:;T il' jffi;"Jlffi :lselect "EVEN" of company for which you wish to cast your vote.Now you are ready for e_Voting as the Voting page opens.

fi:'1ffi[t".iH3?:l'[rr,:lrJ:11^1,,:^il:::, 11 _".""nt or dissent, verinT/modiry

ff"1Hffi I;l*T'"::::*n'r;;il;;';;.''f i,""tT;J:,,:'-"J,1,,:J#il'"il'Jalso "Confirm', when prompted.

6' Upon confirmation, the message ,,Vote cast successfuily,,wifl be disprayed.7

#l^:T"if,'rt:ffJl:;:'"'t or the votes cast bv vou bv crickins on the print option

t :J[:

you confirm your vote on the resolution(s) you wiil not be ailowed to modify your

t ';"ff:i,T;H"* whose emait addresses are not registered with the company /

1. ln case shares are held


Home page of e-Voting.

please provide Name, Folio No., sharenumber and e_mail address at

in physical modePAN, mobile

certificate number,

a.l on the RTA website.

Page 9: $T STANES - Kotada




httPs://www. inteo raterl inrl ia i on the RTA website.





{$'ffi fiif#fifr tr# ffi! iii4l!!!11Tel : 0091 -422 -2223942, 2223943 Fu : 2223941

E-mail : [email protected] Website :

Clil : U01 1 32T21 946PtC0001 80 GSTlll : 33AACCS71 9601 zt

ln case shares are held in DEMAT mode, please provide Name, Dp lD-cLlD (16 digitDPID + CLID or 16 digit beneficiary lD), PAN, mobile number and email address at

3' Alternatively shareholder may send an e-mait request to [email protected] forobtaining User lD and Password by providing the details ,entionffi-point (1) or (2)above as the case may be.

4. Please follow all steps given in Detail on step 2 above, to cast vote.5' Login to the e-voting website will be disabled upon five unsuccessful attempts to keyin the correct password. ln such an event, you will need to go through the ,Forgot

Password' option available on the site to r"r"t th" password.


Members will be able to attend the AGM through vc / OAVM or view the live webcastof AGM provided by NSDL at https://www." by using their remote e-voting login credentials and selecting the EVEN for company,s AGM.Members who do not have the User lD and Password for e-voting or have forgottenthe User lD and Password may retrieve the same by following t[e remote e-votinginstructions mentioned in the Notice to avoid last minlte rush. Further Mlmbers canalso use the orp based rogin for rogging into the e-voting system of NSDL.The Facility of joining the AGM through vc / OAVM shall open 15 minutes before thetime scheduled for the AGM and will be available for Members on first come firstserved basis.

shareholders are encouraged to join the Meeting through Laptops / ipads for betterexperience' Further shareholders will be requirel to switch on the video L.iiitv ,ijuse lnternet connection with a good speed to avoid any disturbance during theMeeting.

Please note that participants connecting from Mobile Devices or Tablets or throughl'plop connecting via Mobile Hotspot may experience AudioA/ideo loss due tofluctuations in their respective networks. tt ii therefore recommended to use stableWi-Fi or LAN connection to minimise / mitigate any kind of aforesaid glitches.Members who need assistance before or during the AGM, can contact NSDL [email protected]/ lgOO-222-ggO

'--'-'' vsr' vvr'rsvr

A Member of the Amalgamations Group, ,

Page 10: $T STANES - Kotada

-lSTANES AMALGAMATED ESTATES LTD,,"SAE GARDENS'3A & B, Kamaraj Road, Red Fields, Post Box No. 3717,Coimbatore - 64'1 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Iel : 0091 -422-2223U2, 2223943 F a : 2223941

E-mail : saeteaadmin@uetea,com Website :

CIl{ : U01132T21946P1G000180 GSTlil : 33AACCS719601ZL

ln case of any grievance in connection with remote e-voting, Members may contactMs.sarita Mote, NSDL, 4th Froor, "A" wing, Trade wortd, Kamara Mils compound,senapati Bapat Marg, Lower parel, Mumbai 400 013, e-mail: [email protected],Tel:1800-222-990.

Members who would like to express their views or ask questions during the AGM mayregister themselves as a speaker by sending their request from their rigistered emailaddress mentioning their name, DP lD ano client lD/folio number, pAN, mobilenumber to [email protected] from 21th August, 2o2o (g:00 a.m. lsr) to 23rdAugust, 2020 (5:00 p.m' IST). Those Members whJhave registered tnemsetres as aspeaker will only be allowed to express their views/ask questions during the AGM.The Company reserves the right to restrict the number of speakers depending on theavailability of time for the AGM.

1' Procedure for e-Voting on the day of the AGM is same as the Remote e-voting asmentioned above.


only those shareholders, who are present in the AGM through vc/oAVM facility andhave not cast their votes on the Resotutions through remote e-Voting and are notothenrvise barred from doing so, shall be eligible t6 vote through e-voting systemavailable during the AGM.

lf any votes are cast by shareholders through the e-voting available during the AGMand if the same shareholders have not parti-ipated in the Meeting through vc/oAVMfacility, then the votes cast by such sharehoiders shall be considered invalid as thefacility of e-voting during the Meeting is available only to the shareholders attendingthe Meeting.






1. Non-lndividual sharehotders (i.e. otherCustodians are required to log on tothemselves in the,,Corporates,, module.

than lndividuals, HUF, NRI etc.) and and register

;A Member of the Amalgamations Group;

Page 11: $T STANES - Kotada

$T STA'VES AMALGAMATED ESIATES LTD.,"SAE GARDENS' 3A & B, Kamaraj Road, Red Fields, post Box No, 3717,Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : 0091-422-2223W2,2223943 Fu : 2223941E-mail : [email protected] Website :

CIN : U01 1 32T21 946P1C0001 80 GSTIN : 33AAGGS71 9601 ZL



It is strongly recommended not to share your password with any other person andtake utmost care to keep your password confidential. Login to the e-voting website willbe disabled upon five unsuccessful attempts to d; inln" correct password. ln suchan event, you will need to go through the "Fbrgot User Details/password?,,or,,physicalUser Reset Password?" option Lvailable on ***." to reset thepassword.

ln case of any queries, you may refer rhe F_requenfly Asked Questions (FAQs) forshareholders and e-voting user manual for shaieholders available at the downloadsection of or call on toll free No.: 1g00-222-ggo or send arequest at [email protected]. in

3' shareholders are encouraged to download the user manual available in

1*tl':'/t#:f::Hq Tat .", well in advance to have a better understandins of the

4' Any person who acquires shares of the company and becomes member of thecompany after despatch of the Notice of AGM and holding shares as on the cut-offdate i'e'' 1vh August, 2020, may-obtain login lD and password by sending a requestat evoting@nsdl' However, are Ilready registered with NSDL for remote e-voting' then you can use your existing passworo to, casting your vote. lf you forgotyour password, you can reset your password by usint -,,Forgot

User Detairs/Password', option available on' The scrutinizer shall, immediatety after the conclusion of voting at the AGM, first countthe votes cast during the AGM, ihereafter unblock the votes-cast through remote e-voting and make, not later than 48 hours of conclusion of the AGM, a consotidatedscrutinizer's Report of the total votes cast in favour or against, if any, to the chairmanor a person authorised by him in writing, who shail countersign the same.6' The chairman / whole-time Director will dectare the results of voting forthwith uponreceipt of report from scrutinizer and the same shall be immediately placed on thecompany's website ,no

- on the website of

7' The resolutions shall be deemed to be passed on the date of the AGM, subject toreceipt of sufficient votes through a compilation of Voting results (i.e. remote e-Votingand the e-Voting held at tne nCnA1. lrrrv 'vesr'(e \r's' rst

A Member of the Amalgamations Group;

Page 12: $T STANES - Kotada

$T STANES AMALGAMATED ESTATES LTD,,"SAE GARDENS" 3A & B, Kamanj Road, Red Fields, Post Box No. 3717,

Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : 0091-422-2223942,2223943 Fu : 2223941E-mai I : [email protected] Website :

Cll{ : U01132T21946P1C000180 GSTII{ : 33AAGCS719601ZL

8. ln terms of section 124 of the Act read with MCA General circular No. 16/2020 dated13 April 2020, the amount of dividend remaining unpaid or unclaimed for a period ofseven years from the date of transfer to the unpaid o-ividend account is required to betransferred to the lnvestor Education and Protection Fund (lEpF). Accordingly, thecompany will be transferring the final dividend for the financial year 2012-13 andcorresponding shares to IEPF. Members are requested to ensure ir,rt tney claim thedividends and shares referred above, before they are tr"n"i"ri"o1" n",rlo Fund.since the AGM will. be held through vc / OAVM, the route map to the venue is notannexed to this Notice.


Place: CoimbatoreDate: 1Sth July 2020

(By Order of the Board)V.VISWANATHAN

Whole Time Director & Secretary

- ^^ -: A Member of the Amalgamations Group

Page 13: $T STANES - Kotada

STANES AMALGAMATED ESTATES LTD,,"SAE GARDENS' 3A & B, Kamarai Road, Red Fields, Post Box No. 3717,

Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, South lndia

Tel : 0091 -422 -2223942, 2223943 Fa : 2223941

E-mail : [email protected] Website :

CIN : U01 1 32T21 946P1C0001 80 GSTIN : 33AACGS71 9601 ZL


Item No.3:

Mr. PS Wallia (DlN 00010755), Managing Director of the Company, is in the emptoymentof the Company for the past 52 years. He has served the Company in various capicitiesboth as an Executive and as a Whole-time Director.

He is overall in-Charge for the conduct of the business of the Company subject tosuperintendence, control and directions of the Board of Directors of the Company.

At the Board Meeting held on 1st June 2020, Mr. PS Wallia was reappointed as ManagingDirector for a further period of 1 year from 1st April 2020 pursuanlio Sections 196lnd197 and other applicable provisions read with Schedule V to the Companies Act, 2013.

The remuneration payable to Mr. PS Wallia (DlN OOO10755) on his reappointment asManaging Director of the Company, as approved by the Board of Directors of theCompany, require the approval of the Shareholders by means of passing a SpecialResolution at a General Meeting of the Company, in term of requirements of Section ll ofPart ll of the Schedule V to the Companies Act, 2013. Hence ihe Special Resotution isproposed for consideration of the members.

He_, being a Managing Director as contemplated by Article 27 of the Company's Artictes,will not be liable to retire by rotation while holding that office.

Full particulars of the remuneration and perquisites proposed to be paid/ allowed to himare set out in the list of the resolution and are within the limits permissible under ScheduleV to the Companies Act, 2013


Place: CoimbatoreDate: 1Sth July 2020

(By Order of the Board)V.VISWANATHAN

Whole Time Director & Secretary

A Member of the Amalgamations Group '--- --
