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The Resurrection of JESUS

The ResurrectionThe Evidence.The Facts.

FACT? FAITH? Both?Historical FactsCharles Lindberg was the 1st man to ___________________________________?The Emancipation Proclamation ended _________?Thomas Edison Invented the ____________?Alexander Graham Bell invented the __________?The ___________ were the 1st to Fly an airplane?

Charles Lindberg: cross over the Atlantic Ocean in an airplane?The ended Slavery?Thomas Edison---light bulb?Bell invented the telephone?Brothers---1st to Fly an airplane?

2 The resurrection of Jesus Christs body is a fact of history, and as such is non-repeatable. One might ask: How can it be proved?

Rather, we should be asking:1. How was it proved back then? 2. Is there new information (evidence) which would change 2000 years of history?

-----Answer to the first question: It already has been proved (past tense) by Jesus walking around in the plain light of day for 40 plus days after he was raisedThe resurrection is a historical event and therefore cant be repeated.

-----Based on this, the question FOR US at LP Church tonight 2012 is NOT: can it be proved..

Rather, the questions for us are: 1. How was it proved back then? 2. Is there new information (evidence) which would change what has held water for 2000 years?

*****If you take the resurrection out of its historical context you can quickly convince yourself it is not a fact but this is a mistake which is easy to make!!!!!****EXAMPLE: a homicide today would be PROVED based on the evidence available today (eyewitnesses, DNA blood samples, phone and email records, etcThese along with other types of evidence would be used to determine the TRUTH or the FACTS of the case 20,30, 40 100 years from now, someone would go back and look at the EVIDENCE and FACTS of the case which was used to PROVE the CASE then. ONLY if CREDIBLE new information is found can the case potentially be reopened or retried (ex: letter written by someone else who may have had a motive to kill the victim)

Importantly: Science, archeology, history over 2000 years have not found the letter if you know what Im saying; The only arguments Atheists can make is than taking scripture out of historical context or making complaints about what was not written

Method for Proving a past event1st examine the quality of the evidence and 2nd the reliability of the witnesses3Over the next 2 weeks, lets look at the evidence and witnesses of the Resurrection

when we do, we must apply reason in the proper historical context to the facts

*****If you take the resurrection out of its historical context you can quickly convince yourself it is not a fact but this is a mistake which is easy to make!!!!!****

Method for Proving a past event1st examine the quality of the evidence and 2nd the reliability of the witnesses4The ResurrectionResurrection proclaimed as FACT by the ApostlesTestimony of a converted skepticThe number and quality of the witnessesThe apostles transformationLack of a Rebuttal to the resurrectionThe empty TombOvernight converts from JudaismOngoing experience of the Resurrected Jesus

51st Proof of the Resurrection:

The Witnesses ClaimThe Witnesses ClaimActs 1:22---beginning from Johns baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us. For one of these must become a witness with us of his resurrectionActs 2: 32---God raised Jesus from the dead, and we are all witnesses of this.

Just a few Weeks after the CROSS and Resurrection and just Days after the Ascension, the apostles publically, plainly and repeatedly claimed Jesus death, burial and resurrection as FACT.

Acts 1:22: disciples are discussing Judas Iscariot's replacement

Acts 2:32: (standing beside the other 11 apostles) Peter speaking to a crowd of Jews approximately

This is how Christianity (the Christian Church) as we know and understand it today BEGAN.on this claim.

7Consider the Apostles Claim in its proper historical context. Just a few Weeks after the CROSS, the BEDROCK foundation of Christianity was being laid on one central theme: the resurrection of Jesus.Why is the timing of their claim significant?-2 main points- The timing is important because: 1. THIS WAS HIGH RISK STUFF: Remember, This was a very fresh wound if you will and the resurrection message wasnt sunshine and daffodil' ACTS 2 Peter says: This Jesus whom you killed has been raised by God..The church was established and Built up by the thousands in the most hostile of environments (Judaism and Roman Suppression).

IT was NOT an afterthought developed years and years later; it was not a romanticized legend, IDEA/thought or myth or folk tale which was conjured up or developed over the years. HUMOR: ;) 2000 years ago, The apostles didnt sit back and say: Hey lets start up a cool religion and come up with a likeable story everyone will believeand they definitely didnt sit back for a while and let the climate of the times change (the wound was still FRESH FRESH FRESH.

Still not convinced that Legend or folklore is possible in Christianity.see next slide!!!!!!!!

8Compare these truth claims.

Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence.sacred Tradition, Sacred Scripture and the Magisterium of the Church are so connected and associated that one of them cannot stand without the othersMary was a perpetual virgin (Ever virgin) and preserved from all stain of original sin and by a special grace of God committed no sin of any kind during her whole earthly life. Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, was redeemed from the moment of her conception----as Pope Pius IX proclaimed in 1854The following are doctrinal claims (catechisms) of the Roman Catholic Church

MAIN POINTS: .Unlike the Apostles. 1 and 2.1. dont claim to even have been witnesses butrather claim-divine revelation by people who were not in immanent danger of death for their claimHundreds and thousands of years after the crucifixion

91st Proof Summary

Unlike a legendary story, folk tale or myththe resurrection claim was made by the apostles as public fact while they themselves were still living very soon after the actual events .

2000 years ago, Christianity was founded on this message: Jesus was crucified and resurrected for this sins of all men and now sits on his heavenly Throne.

Summary POINTS slide:

There is no Church without the resurrection! Without the Resurrection, Christianity is D.O.A.

NO, NONE, NADDA shred of credible evidence 2000 years later to refute itmore on this #5-

102nd Proof of the Resurrection:

Conversion of a persecutor

Who was Saul?Pharisee1.Jews 2.The strictest observers of the Mosaic Law 3.By descent, especially esteemed. 4.Character traitsa. Zealous of the law and traditions c. Outwardly moral (ex: Rigid in fasting)d. Self-righteous and ambitious for precedence/status e. Fond of public salutations and distinguished titles

We know Paul was a Pharisee (Phil 3) but.Whats a Pharisee?

A Ac 15:5. 2.Mosaic Law Ac 26:5. 3.especially esteemed. Ac 23:6. 4.Character ofa. law. Ac 15:5; Php 3:5. b. tradition. Mr 7:3,5-8; Ga 1:14. c. moral. Lu 18:11; Php 3:5,6. d. fasting. Lu 5:33; 18:12. eSelf-righteous. Lu 16:15; 18:9. precedence. Mt 23:6. g. public salutations distinguished titles. Mt 23:7;Mt23:7-10.

12Pharisees continuedHad disciples themselves Some had condemned Jesus for associating with sinnersMost were offended by Jesus teachingSome had attributed Christs miracles to Satans powerSent officers to apprehend Christ

Lu 5:33; Ac 22:3. Mt 9:11; Lu 7:39; 15:1,2Mt 15:12; 21:45; Lu 16:14. Mt 9:34; 12:24.John 7:32,45

13Saul.Pharisee & Persecutor The Stoning Death of Stephen after his resurrection message to the Sanhedrin

Acts 7: 57-58; Acts 8:1-3Acts 9: SaulPaul

Stephens message to the Sanhedrin was clear: Isreal is guilty in its sins and the Law was no longer validIn the eyes of the Sanhedrin this was blasphemy against the Lord and was to be punished by death via stoning (Leviticus 24:16)

Acts 7:5758--At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul.

Acts 8:13---And Saul approved of their killing him. On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. 2Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him. 3But Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off both men and women and put them in prison.

Time Permitting:Question 1: Acts 22:20---And when the blood of your martyr Stephen was shed, I stood there giving my approval and guarding the clothes of those who were killing him. Question 2: Why did the witness join in? According to Old testament Law found in Deuteronomy 17:7---The hands of the witnesses must be the first in putting that person to death, and then the hands of all the people. You must purge the evil from among you..the religious elite where blind to the truth

14Pauls pre-conversion autobiographyPhilippians 3:46although I once also had confidence in the flesh. If anyone else thinks he has grounds for confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised the eighth day of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamina Hebrew born of Hebrewsregarding the law, a Phariseeregarding zeal, persecuting the churchregarding the righteousness that is in the law, blameless.

Pauls short AUTOBIOGRAPHY as he describes himself in PAST TENSE (once) before his personal encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus

Emphasized that he was a pure blooded Jew (unlike other less noble jews who were circumsized later on in life)Family heritage could be traced back to Abraham; He was also a Benjamite,tribe was viewed with great esteem (his pedigree was impecable)Born into a family with Hebrew mother and father (no mixed blood)I.R.T. the Law, Paul was a Pharisee, the strictest sect among his people. In addition to the Law of Moses the Pharisees added their own regulations which in time were interpreted as equal to the Law.What greater zeal for the Jewish religion could anyone boast of than that he persecuted the church? Paul did this relentlessly before his conversion to Christ (Acts 9:1-2). No Judaizer who he was writing to in this letter to the Philippians could match such zeal.In legalistic righteousness Paul ain his own eyes he was faultless orblameless

15In the Historical ContextPre-conversion Paul (Saul) had a very impressive resume and a life many Jews would have strongly desired.He gave it all up after encountering ______________?

The Resurrection changed Paul directly and dramatically, he left the lofty Pharisee position and lifestyle and traded it in to preach the Good News under severe persecution. The same type of persecution he used to deal out, he was now willingly and joyfully accepting for the cause of Christ.

ANSWER: encountering the Risen Lord Jesus.16SaulPaul the Missionary 2 Corinthians 11:2128--Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they Abrahams descendants? So am I. Are they servants of Christ? I am more. I have worked much harder.been in prison more frequentlybeen flogged more severely (OT punishment-Deut)been exposed to death again and againFive times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one.Three times I was beaten with rods Continued.2 Cor written Pauls 3rd missionary Journey 22-24 years after the resurrection and his conversion..

Here, with a hint of sarcasm knowing what the people in Corinth are hearing, he gives us and the readers in Corinth at that time some autobiographical info of what types of things have transpired since his conversion from Pharisee to Christian Missionary.

They want to boastLets boast

Deuteronomy 25:13 (NIV) When people have a dispute, they are to take it to court and the judges will decide the case, acquitting the innocent and condemning the guilty. 2If the guilty person deserves to be beaten, the judge shall make them lie down and have them flogged in his presence with the number of lashes the crime deserves, 3but the judge must not impose more than forty lashes.

So the question has to be askedWhy did he go on? Go to the next slide

17I have:three times I was shipwrecked once I was pelted with stones I spent a night and a day in the open seaI have been constantly on the moveI have been in danger from riversin danger from banditsin danger from my fellow Jewsin danger from Gentilesin danger in the city, in danger in the country

Continued.I have: in danger at seaand in danger from false believers. I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleepI have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without foodI have been cold and nakedBesides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.SO.KNOWING WHAT PAUL GAVE UP (PHARISEE LIFE) AND WHAT HE WILLINGLY ENDURED FOR THE CAUSE OF CHRIST

Knowing what Paul gave up and subsequently went through how do you explain the words in the next slide.19PaulPhilippians 3: 7-11written 27-30 yrs after the resurrection1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 14, 30-33written 22-25 years after the resurrection

Main points from Phil 3: 7-11---But whatever gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ---I consider everything a loss because I know Christ Jesus as my Lord and for his sake Ive lost all things---I consider them garbage---I want to know Christ and participate in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death and somehow attaining the resurrection from the dead

1 Corinithians 15: 3-14---verse 3.I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.---verse.14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.----verses: 30-33If there is no resurrection as some are claiming then why have I been suffering for you and the Gospel????we might as well PARTYJimmy Buffett was right: wasted away in Margarhita ville looking for my lost shakers of salt, YOU ONLY GO around once you might as well party it up while you can..

1 Corinthians 15:29-32---Now if there is no resurrectionwhy do we endanger ourselves every hour?...If I fought wild beasts in Ephesus for merely human reasons, what have I gained? If the dead are not raised, Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die

20 Question

Considering Pauls life history, why can his conversion and his VITAL role in establishing the church be considered our 2nd proof for the resurrection being a historical fact?Question Answered: 1. ) God did not confine evidence of Jesus resurrection to only Jesus friends or believers in him while he was on earth.If the resurrection was confined to them the Resurrection story would have been subject to strong BIAS.Rather Jesus displayed himself directly to the SKEPTIC of all SKEPTICS, the highly decorated Pharisee and skeptic/persecutor.2.) Paul on the Road to Damascus met the RESURRECTED JESUS. and Paul left the LOFTY, PRESTIGOUS and very esteemed and comfortable position of Pharisee and RELIGIOUS ELITE to enter into unspeakable sufferings for the rest of his life (DECADES) voluntarily and joyfully refute the Judaism and preach the RESURRECTION.

Why did Paul give up his old life? BECAUSE he was transformed by a personal encounter with the Risen Christ in PUBLIC might we add (the men with him heard a sound but did not hear Jesus voice clearly, they had to lead Paul into the city because he had been blinded by Jesus)AND the promise of a RESURRECTION was revealed to Him and his assigned duty from God was to bring that message to the Gentiles..He had everything to GAIN and nothing to lose because he knew the RESURRECTION was real because he met Jesus in person and that gave him strength to carry on proclaiming the resurrection and the Good news for DECADES DECADES DECADES. This was not a flash in the pan.21 God did not confine evidence of Jesus resurrection to only the apostles or believers in him while Jesus was on earth.If the resurrection was confined only to them the Resurrection story would have been labeled __________ and untrustworthy.After Pauls encounter with the resurrected Jesus on the Damascus road he gave up the lifelong legacy, comfort, prestige, and nobility as Pharisee/Religious Elite to enter into unimaginable suffering for 3 DECADES preaching the resurrection..WHY?

Answer 1:BIASED..additional info: Rather Jesus displayed himself directly to the SKEPTIC of all SKEPTICS, the highly decorated Pharisee and skeptic/persecutor.

Why? Because he KNEW without a shadow of a doubt. that, like Jesus resurrection, a RESURRECTION was awaiting Him and all those who believe in HIM.

He was obedient to the calling he had been given to deliver the Resurrection message and Promise to all those who come to faith in our living Lord and savior..Jesus.. 22The ResurrectionResurrection proclaimed as FACT by the ApostlesTestimony of a converted skeptic and persecutorThe number and quality of the witnessesThe apostles transformationLack of a Rebuttal to the resurrectionThe empty TombOvernight converts from JudaismOngoing experience of the Resurrected Jesus

23Number & Quality of the Witnesses Willing to DIE for testimony they originated

Knowing full well* about the imprisonment, persecution and murder of the witnesses before them, the witnesses continued to preach the resurrection (DBR).which therefore makes them quality witnesses

AFTER ALL text on slide is visible Read NOTES:

Lets play skeptic: Knowing Full WellThe witnesses to the resurrection may have not known that the other witnesses were being killed and were blindly sharing it not knowing what was going on?

WRONG: Stephens stoning death around 33 A.D. (Acts 7)Paul had many saints imprisoned and killed see (ACTS 7,8,22,26)Acts 8:1-4 (persecution scatters and Philip goes on..Ethiopian official is saved)Acts 11speaks of those who had been scattered at the Stephen killing sharing the Good newsJames killed around 44 A.D. (Acts 12)Council of Jerusalem around 48-52 A.D. Acts 15Paul, Barnabas, other apostles, all discussing doctrine of the faith (specifically circumcision of the Gentile Christians1 Corinthians 15: 3-6 (OVER 500 witnessed the resurrected Jesus before his ascension and Paul mentions.most of whom are still living though some had fallen asleepPaul was acutely aware of the witnesses condition even when writing this letter 22-25 years after the resurrection) AND PAUL HIMSELF knew full well how the Jews viewed the resurrection messagehe was the one persecuting the Church and killing the early Christians when it was first being establishedThe witnesses knew full well because one of the strongest witnesses was a leader in the persecution prior to his conversion.EVERYONE knew what JESUS went through on the Cross so it was not BLIND FAITH, Based on this simple fact they all knew the risk

Summary: One cannot say: The apostles and witnesses were blindly spreading the Gospel without knowledge of the risktherefore one has to say that these were numerous more than just quality witnesses.

243rd Proof of ResurrectionKnowing many others had been jailed, persecuted and killed the hundreds of witnesses pressed on..They didnt jump ship!

All the witnesses could have saved their lives by changing their testimonybut they didnt.

This can only be explained as solid evidence and affirmation of the truth of the resurrectionAfter reading the 1st bullet pointImagine if you will a trial with a parade of witnesses who have been warned that if they dont change their testimony they would be executed. The 1st refuses to change his testimony because its the truth and is executed while the others see itThen the next witness (knowing the fate of the 1st) holds on and doesnt waver and is killed

This is the case for the apostles and the many other witnesses who proclaimed the resurrection over several decadesno one backed off, no evidence that ANYONE changed their story.

AFTER READING the 2nd Bullet POINT:---Seeing that early Christianitys fearcest opposition was Judaism and Rome, EVEN UNDER the threat of DEATH, neither ever found such a witness If they had they would have used this former resurrection witness as a star witness to refute the resurrection (Christianity)---

After reading the 3rd Bullet point: --The witnesses knew that Jesus had been resurrected and their testimony was true and they knew they didnt have to fear death because they had their own resurrection awaiting them whenever they died!!!

25The ResurrectionResurrection proclaimed as FACT by the ApostlesTestimony of a converted skeptic and persecutorThe quality of the witnessesThe apostles transformationLack of a Rebuttal to the resurrectionThe empty TombOvernight converts from JudaismOngoing experience of the Resurrected Jesus

26Disciples Before the CrossMark 14: 27 31Jesus was arrestedVerse 50: Then everyone deserted him and fledPeter denied even knowing Christ 3 times 1stthey werent always that BRAVE witnesses

With only the yellow scripture visible.Will Plexico read---Mark 14: 27-31 - Jesus referred to what Zechariah prophesied 480 years prior and Jesus was referring to the Judgment of Mans sin on the cross (I will strike the shepherd) and the resurrection (But after I have risen).(BOTH EVENTS) WHILE also (and) included the RESPONSE of the disciples to the event before it Happened!!!!!!!!!

Disciples Dialogue with Jesus Before the arrest: Jesus says: you guys are gonna run for your livesPeter stands up BOLDLY and says Back to Jesus: Even if they do, I wontJesus says: actually Peter, heres whats gonna happen specifically in your case, your gonna deny even knowing me not once but 3 timesPeters reply: your wrong Jesus, even if I had to die with you, I will never disown you and ALL the others said the same!!!!

HIT transition to bring up next text.

THEN JESUS was arrested and their Bravery weined as they ran for their life and Jesus words were fullfilled at this point one would choose the word fearful, not Brave or courageous.27Friday leading up to and during the cross & Sunday

Friday: only the disciple John was present at the cross standing along side several womenSunday Morning: 1st heard it they didnt believe it the women's news that Jesus had risen seemed like nonsenseSunday Evening: -On the evening of that 1st day of the week, the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the JewsJohn 19:26-27- When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing near by, he said to his mother, Dear women, hear is your son, and to the disciple, Here is your mother. From that time on, the disciple took her into his home.

Read after 1st bullet point:Despite Jesus telling them on several occasions before he was arrested that he would rise 3 days later, BY THEIR ACTIONS they obviously didnt believe or expect the resurrection that Sunday morningHow can we say this?scripture tells us!!!!

Read after 2nd bullet point:

--HEARD news of the resurrection didnt believe it (mark 16)..was non-sense-Luke 24

--Luke 24:6-8 tells us that Jesus had told the women about the resurrection and they didnt remember either or believe UNTIL the angel in the empty tomb reminded them. Interestingly, the women received the news with belief and joy and ran to the disciples to give them the good news which they in turn didnt believe. CRAZYJesus disciples and closest pupils/students said essentially to the women: your crazy, were gonna keep on hiding out in here

READ AFTER 3rd Bullet point:

That evening, w/ the Doors locked for FEAR of Jews, Jesus came and stood among -John 20:1928Finally See Jesus Resurrected1st time they See the resurrected Jesusstartled and frightened thinking they saw a ghostdoubts arose in their mindsstill didnt believe it so Jesus asked for a piece of fishHe opened their minds so they could understand the scripturesRECAP: Scattered at the arrest, nowhere to be found at or leading to the cross and not expecting the resurrection on Sunday morning as Jesus had told them numerous times (women were going to the tomb to put spices on Jesus body)NOBODY, not even Jesus MOTHER was anxiously awaiting with supreme confidence that Sunday morning!!!

So they FINALLY SEE HIM with their own eyes now display the initial reactions!!!!!!!To carry it one step further.Even the 1st time they SAW him with their own eyes that evening they were skeptical until He opened their minds so they could understand (LUKE 24)

Proverbs 2:6For the Lord gives wisdom and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding..

Interesting Side NOTE: Thomas was not with them during this encounter (John 20) and despite 10 apostles telling him Jesus was alive he said he wouldnt believe it until he saw the nail marks and put his fingers in the wounds and put his hand into his sideJesus gave him that opportunity 1 week later

294th ProofDisbelief, Scared, Fearful, Skeptical, witnesses to Fearless and Forever Faithfull witnessesImprisonment, flogging, nor death could shake them from their messageAll reason demands that it would take a fact as stupendous as Jesus resurrection to transform this timid band into courageous apostles who turned the Roman Empire and their world upside down for Christ for 3 decades

30The ResurrectionResurrection proclaimed as FACT by the ApostlesTestimony of a converted skeptic and persecutorThe quality of the witnessesThe apostles transformationLack of a Rebuttal to the resurrectionThe empty TombOvernight converts from JudaismOngoing experience of the Resurrected Jesus

31Lack of RebuttalActs 26: 25- 32---I am convinced that none of this has not escaped his notice, because it was not done in a cornerFor 2000 years, the burden to provide a logical rational rebuttal to the resurrection has been and continues to stump an unbelieving world.The SILENCE is significant.ACTS 26: 24-32 BACKGROUND before reading.On his way to Rome to testify before Ceaser, Paul speaks about the crucifixion and resurrection being public knowledge.

David or someone read the verses

HIGPOINTS from the verses: Paul challenges King Agrippa and Festus indirectly, I am on trial for something that is true and factual. He gave them an opportunity to refute the claim. They didnt refute the claim of the resurrection!!! What Agrippa said back to Paul was: Do you think that in such a short period of time you can persuade me to become a Christian?.Not exactly a convincing response which would suggest the resurrection didnt happen. Those in the room with Festus and Agrippa all agreed with each other and said: This man is not doing anything that deserves death or imprisonmentAgrippa followed and said he could have been set free if it were not for him appealing to Ceasar

Rabbit Chasing: ****This didnt happen in a corner, or a forrest or a cavewhy is this signifiant????? (1820 Joseph Smith praying in the woodsMormonism) or in a cave (610 A.D. Prophet Muhammed- received Islamic doctrine and the Kuran was revealed to him) where one man in isolation received a divine vision or revelation and made up a religion.

Galatians 1:8Paul says: but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel different than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned.

In contrast: Resurrected Jesus was public knowledge seen by over 500 people and Christianity spread by FAITH under persecution (not by war and force like Islam)total opposites!!! And unlike the Buffet of religions available to choose from today, these have havent been started under the intense persecution of early Christianitycome one come all this day and age.

325th Proof Now, if the best brains of the human race, facing the Bibles challenge to disprove the resurrection of Jesus, have been unable to find a solid refutation to the claim for two millennia, obviously one does not exist. A lame, I dont believe it just will not wash; it clearly reeks of, Ive made up my mind, dont confuse me with the factsQuote regarding the Silence33The ResurrectionResurrection proclaimed as FACT by the ApostlesTestimony of a converted skeptic and persecutorThe quality of the witnessesThe transformation in the apostlesLack of a Rebuttal to the resurrectionThe empty TombOvernight converts from JudaismOngoing experience of the Resurrected Jesus

34Ancient Roman Crucifixion protocol most victims of crucifixion were either thrown in a graveyard reserved for common criminals or simply left on the cross for birds and other prey to feed upon

The cross was part of Gods sovereign plan (Acts 2: 23-24)

In the history of crucifixion, the death of Jesus of Nazareth stands out as the best-known example by far. From ancient literary sources we know that tens of thousands of people were crucified in the Roman Empire. In Palestine alone, the figure ran into the thousands. Yet until 1968 not a single victim of this horrifying method of execution had been uncovered archaeologically.Crucifixion in antiquity was actually a fairly common punishment, but there were no known physical remains from a crucifixion. Then, in 1968, archaeologist Vassilios Tzaferis excavated a Jerusalem tomb that contained the bones of a crucified man named Yehohanan

Despite the fact that the ancient Jewish historian Josephus, as well as other sources, refers to the crucifixion of thousands of people by the Romans, there is only a single archaeological discovery of a crucified body dating back to the Roman Empire around the time of Jesus. This was discovered in Jerusalem in 1968. It is not necessarily surprising that there is only one such discovery, because a crucified body was usually left to decay on the cross and therefore would not be preservedThe Romans often broke the prisoner's legs to hasten death and usually forbade burial.[citation needed]

In the Qur'anThe Qur'an mentions crucifixion several times. In Surah 7:124, Firaun (Arabic for Pharaoh) says that he will crucify his chief wizards.[79] Also, Surah 12:41 mentions Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) prophesying that the king (the current ruler of the land he was stranded in) would crucify one of his prisoners.[80]'And the wizards fell down prostrate, crying: "We believe in the Lord of the Worlds, The Lord of Musa and Harun". Firaun said: "Ye believe in Him before I give you leave! Lo! this is the plot that ye have plotted in the city that ye may drive its people hence. But ye shall come to know! Surely I shall have your hands and feet cut off upon alternate sides. Then I shall crucify you every one."' Surah 7:120-124[79] 'O my two fellow-prisoners! As for one of you, he will pour out wine for his lord to drink; and as for the other, he will be crucified so that the birds will eat from his head.

In Surah 5:33, The Qur'an mentions crucifixion as a form of punishment. There are four different punishments for the different severities of crime. Crucifixion is the punishment for the robber who kills his victim after robbing him.'The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.' Surah 5:33

Gods set purpose and forknowledge!!!!!!!!! Unlike typical Roman crucifixion protocol, it was Gods plan to have his sons crucified body taken down from the cross so that he could raise him from the dead, the resurrection.351st century Jewish Burial Tomb

Picture: well outside of Jerusalem, example of a first century burial tomb


Matthew 27:59-60 Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting opposite to the tomb.Joseph of Arimathea was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jews.asked Pilot if he could take Jesus body off of the cross, prepared it and laid Jesus body in the unused tomb

Picture: Note the track for the stone to roll in. Some of these tombs had even larger stones and a steeper incline... making it easy to close the tomb and very difficult to open.

37Mathew 27: 62-66The GuardMathew 28: 5-8Resurrection Sunday at dawnHe is not here! He is risen, just as he saidNow quickly go and tell the disciplesso the women hurried awayMathew 28: 11-15The Guards Storysome of the guards went into the citythey gave the soldiers a large some of moneyso the soldiers took the money and did what they were instructedAFTER reading the highlighted Scripture: 1. BY THEIR ACTIONS, the Jewish Chief Priests and Pharisees remembered better and had more confidence in the resurrection than the disciples (as we have covered earlier).they called for the guard!!!

After reading the 3rd and last scripture:

Guard is Plural!!! Not 1-2 guards Possible 16-32!!! Ie---team,

3. THE Chief Priests and Pharisees themselves!!!! accused the disciples of stealing the body, apparently in an effort to explain its disappearance (and therefore an empty tomb).

38Where was Jesus body?The disciples stole it?guards story.The women went to the wrong tomb?Hallucination Theory-Swoon Theory-

1. The disciples were hiding for their lives!!!

Joseph of Arimathea was a member of the Sanhedrin so the location of his tomb would have been known and what kind of sense does it make to use a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin as a tool for a plot to steal the body..and Mathews account said the women were sitting outside the tomb the day of the crucifixion. Importantly, still no body is produced. The guards claimed the empty tomb themselves, if the women went to the wrong tomb all anybody had to do was produce the body!!!! Did not the Sanhedrin have every motivation to produce Jesus' corpse (if it were available) and put an end to these rumors of a resurrected Jesus once and for all? The fact that Christianity began to gain converts in Jerusalem tells us that no corpse had been produced despite the Jewish religious leadership having every motivation to produce one. If Jesus' crucified body had been produced, the Christian movement, with its emphasis on a resurrected Jesus, would have been dealt a lethal blow.

Everyone is seeing the same hallucination at the same time???????Jesus just passed outresearch it yourself to shoot holes all in this one!!!

ALL THE THEORIES still say one thing: the TOMB WAS EMPTY

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3. 39 All the Romans or Jews had to do was produce Jesus crucified body and the way (Christianity) would have been D. O. A.But that didnt happen because there was no body to produce!!!! It had been resurrected and was walking the streets of Jeruselum (women, disciples, more than 500 eyewitnesses)40The ResurrectionResurrection proclaimed as FACT by the ApostlesTestimony of a converted skeptic and persecutorThe quality of the witnessesThe transformation in the apostlesLack of a Rebuttal to the resurrectionThe empty TombOvernight converts from JudaismOngoing experience of the Resurrected Jesus

41Quick rundown of Judaism Moses, was inspired BY GOD, understood and integrated the available written records, oral traditions, and material revealed directly to him BY GOD---wrote .Pentateuch(1446-1406 B.C.)

The Pentateuch is important to Jews because it chronicles creation through the Jewish nation's deliverance from Egypt, and outlines God's instructions (laws) to Israel After reading the 1st text: ---Numbers 12:8(speaking of Moses) GOD SAYS: With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in Riddles

---Gen, Exo, Lev, Numbers, Deut===Pentateuch

----The Exodus occurred approx 1446 B.C.---40 years go Red Sea, Mount Sinai 10 Commandments, wandering in the wilderness, to Moses death in 1406 B.C., this time period of 40 years gives time for Moses to talk to God and instruct Gods people of Israel and write the 1st 5 Books of the bible while the Iraelites were wandering in the wilderness.Moses died around 1406 B.C.42Adam 4000+ B.C.Abraham 2000 B.C.Moses 1500 B.C.David 1000 B.C.Resurrection 30 A.D.OLD COVENENTNEW COVENENT1. ) 1500 years of Jewish Law, tradition and RELIGION---Which not only detailed the Israelites history but also detailed history from the Beginning of time, Creation of the heavens and universe world itself in Genesis, (all the way back if you will) was believed and handed down to these faithful law abiding and tradition obeying Jews because they believed it was handed down to them by GodKey point some of it was (Pentateuch, prophets, psalms..what we know as the OT and some of it wasntthe legalistic traditions created and handed down by MANNOT God. Over time became a mixture of man made traditions and Gods commandments which they believed to be 100% God Given.-phariseesmade up their own legalistic laws, rules which were held in high regard just as the original words of Moses2.) Jewish converts by the thousands days, weeks, months, years after the crucifixion by people who had followed what they and their families had believed for THOUSANDS of years

3. ) All because the Death, Burial and RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ.The resurrection was the catalyst.

4.) Christianity has its roots in Judaism. The OT laid the groundwork for NT, and it is impossible to fully understand Christianity without a working knowledge of the Old Testament

5.) First, Conservative (Uncoverted see Acts 26:23-26) Jews believe in a Messiah who has yet to come. Christians (Converted Jews and Gentiles) believe Jesus is the Messiah. Second, conservative Jews accept only the Old Testament writings (which they call the Hebrew Bible) as their inspired texts. Christians accept the 66 books of the Bible, Old and New Testament, as the Word of God.

While Jews and Christians continue to stand as two distinct religions due to these key differences.

43Acts 2:41 - 3,000 converts Acts 5:14 - multitudes of converts Acts 4:4,5 - 5,000 converts Acts 6:7 - numbers multiplied

Resurrection 30 A.D.And with great power the apostles were giving witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all. Grace not Gimmicks! The Great Power was from God the Holy Spirit, not man.

447th Proof Overnight conversion Thousands upon thousands of devout tradition dominated Jews who were obsessed with a law keeping, Sabbath-observing, sacrifice offering religionovernight converted to one based on Faith in Jesus DBR, thereby disowning and divorcing from thousands of years of religious heritage and beliefs.

Only explanation- The Resurrection of Jesus ChristOvernight when considered against the timeline of the Jewish history

DBRdeath. Burial and resurrection45The ResurrectionResurrection proclaimed as FACT by the ApostlesTestimony of a converted skeptic and persecutorThe quality of the witnessesThe transformation in the apostlesLack of a Rebuttal to the resurrectionThe empty TombOvernight converts from JudaismOngoing experience of the Resurrected Jesus

46Ongoing experience of the Resurrected Jesus

YOU and ME and all of the millions of people who by FAITH.have been savedare being savedWill be savedPast tense: Have been saved from the penalty of my sin and separation from God

Present tense: Now we are being saved from the power of sin our lives by the Holy Spirit

In time/in the future: Will be saved from an eternity without God47Time permitting.Are these men any different than the Muslim men who died for their Islamic faith on 9/11?.Consider the original source and how each was originally started and grew. Public vs. Cave . Repent vs. ForceREMEMBER: Apostles = originators of the testimony of Jesus resurrection (it was not passed down to them). Granted, while martyrdom is remarkable, it is not necessarily compelling. It does not validate a belief so much as it authenticates a believer (by demonstrating his or her sincerity in a tangible way). What makes the earliest Christian martyrs remarkable is that they knew whether or not what they were professing was true. They either saw Jesus Christ alive-and-well after His death or they did not. This is extraordinary. If it was all just a lie, why would so many perpetuate it given their circumstances? Why would they all knowingly cling to such an unprofitable lie in the face of persecution, imprisonment, torture, and death?

While the September 11, 2001, suicide hijackers undoubtedly believed what they professed (as evidenced by their willingness to die for it), they could not and did not know if it was true. They put their faith in traditions passed down to them over many generations. In contrast, the early Christian martyrs were the first generation. Either they saw what they claimed to see, or they did not.

48Chronology of Early Islam570 - Birth of Muhammad in Mecca 595 - Muhammad marries Khadijah a rich widow several years older than him. 610 - Mohammed, in a cave on Mt. Hira, hears the angel Gabriel tell him thatAllah is the only true God. 613 - Muhammad's first public preaching of Islam at Mt. Hira; gets few converts619 - Marries Sau'da and Aisha

Notice how closely Islam's inception is associated with war.From 623 to 777, a span of 154 years, there are 83 military conflicts involving the Muslims...and that is just what I have recorded here. Is Islam a religion of peace? Muslims tell me it is. But....

49622 - Muhammad immigrates from Mecca to Medina, which was then called Yathrib, getsmore converts. 623 - Battle of Waddan. 623 - Battle of Safwan. 623 - Battle of Dul-'Ashir. 624 - Muhammad and converts begin raids on caravans to fund the movement. 624 - Zakat becomes mandatory. 624 - Battle of Badr. 624 - Battle of Bani Salim. 624 - Battle of Eid-ul-Fitr and Zakat-ul-Fitr. 624 - Battle of Bani Qainuqa'. 624 - Battle of Sawiq. 624 - Battle of Ghatfan.

624 - Battle of Bahran. 625 - Battle of Uhud;70 Muslims are killed. 625 - Battle of Humra-ul-Asad. 625 - Battle of Banu Nudair. 625 - Battle of Dhatur-Riqa. 626 - Battle of Badru-Ukhra. 626 - Battle of Dumatul-Jandal. 626 - Battle of Banu Mustalaq Nikah. 627 - Battle of the Trench. 627 - Battle of Ahzab. 627 - Battle of Bani Quraiza. 627 - Battle of Bani Lahyan. 627 - Battle of Ghaiba. 627 - Battle of Khaibar. 628 - Muhammad signs treaty with Quraish. 630 - Muhammad conquers Mecca. 630 - Battle of Hunsin. 630 - Battle of Tabuk. 632 - Muhammad dies. 632 - Abu-Bakr, Muhammad's father-in-law, along with Umar, begin a military move toenforce Islam in Arabia. 633 - Battle at Oman. 633 - Battle at Hadramaut. 633 - Battle of Kazima. 633 - Battle of Walaja. 633 - Battle of Ulleis. 633 - Battle of Anbar. 634 - Battle of Basra. 634 - Battle of Damascus. 634 - Battle of Ajnadin. 634 - Death of Hadrat Abu Bakr.Hadrat Umar Farooq becomes the Caliph. 634 - Battle of Namaraq. 634 - Battle of Saqatia. 635 - Battle of Bridge. 635 - Battle of Buwaib. 635 - Conquest of Damascus. 635 - Battle of Fahl. 636 - Battle of Yermuk. 636 - Battle of Qadsiyia. 636 - Conquest of Madain. 637 - Battle of Jalula. 638 - Battle of Yarmouk. 638 - The Muslims defeat the Romans and enter Jerusalem. 638 - Conquest of Jazirah. 639 - Conquest of Khuizistan and movement into Egypt. 641 - Battle of Nihawand. 642 - Battle of Rayy in Persia. 643 - Conquest of Azarbaijan. 644 - Conquest of Fars. 644 - Conquest of Kharan. 644 - Umar is murdered. Othman becomes the Caliph. 647 - Conquest of the island of Cypress. 644 - Uman dies and is succeeded by Caliph Uthman. 648 - Campaign against the Byzantines. 651 - Naval battle against the Byzantines. 654 - Islam spreads into North Africa. 656 - Uthman is murdered. Ali become Caliph. 658 - Battle of Nahrawan. 659 - Conquest of Egypt.

Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular.

As the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus: published just after the fireDATE written _________ A.D. (Annals, XV, 44)52Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired.

Commentary: Nero illuminated his garden parties with Christians whom he burnt alive. Surely someone would have confessed the truth under the threat of such terrible pain. The fact is, however, we have no record of any early Christian denouncing the faith to end his suffering. Instead, we have multiple accounts of post-resurrection appearances and hundreds of eyewitnesses willing to suffer and die for it.

