
___________ L _ _

T H EVOL. IS . NO. 119. .

T d a h o B a n k R i F l a n F a v o r s 'O f S u m iS o t (

__________ :_______ _________ ■ ♦

Cable O ffices .. Close a t N ig h t b

NEW yOR K. Sr|«'. TI itlier reporW ocv the hurrlconB wnicn y

- n re d San Juiin, Puerto Rleo. l « t * j i l jh t and w m expected to siriitc Banto Domln«o tonight, were IrapM- jilblo u n til 0:30 tomorrow mornlw bccaUM of Iciclc ot cable commuiil- - j ^ i cailon during the early tnornliiB K hours. . •

Cable oftlcca In Santo Domingo ooon ^ *re closed a t n lclit.

Lnat reports MiUl the storm de- •troyed a number of housts al Snn ' ‘ow Pcrtro do Mftrcorls. 10 miles Irom the « c lly of Santo Domingo an<l that thera were heavy rains and strong Co»ma«. ■

__________________ dcp

IDAHO BUREAU OPENS & ■ BIDS FOR TWO JOBSj^aB O I3 E ,^ S C “ J7 T « ^B M r-w c jc

openi-d tod.iy on two highway Jobs worth about »«,000 bul contracu q were held up in both Instances by the bureau ot highway pending In-

■wrre 'nboro the englnwrlng estl- « mato of-tho state. “ gjP‘

" ' “ Tl. O.—Camp, Dpokunej—w“ *~ ^ * 'f (5ren bidder on crushcd rock surfacing i ‘ 9,7 miles of the Clnrks Fork highway 11

___ from, SandOfllnt cu ,lJn i5 L irB m fe i;i3 0 ..Ing estimate was (37,010. . I ,

••Nick" Durggmf. Idaho Falls, w a s L ,..• low bidder on conslructlon of the | •

roadbed, drainage structures »nd J crushed gravwl surfacing of one mile L , of the Idaho*Montana highway from |,j^ Spencer north-.wlth a bid of MUO.T 116 engineering estimate was »SMO.


_____ !«0<BOISE. Sept. 27 W>-Idaho So-jthe

cuilsta w ill meet hero tomorrow to the pul in the field a Ucket of a t le u l P«r

• 7 the presidential electors and poaalbly ope » fu ll stale Ucket. Ju l' The party plans were being cam- J»r pleto today by H. H. Frtedhelm. cep Tw in Palls, state secfetory. I

Tho party nominated a ticket In wll. May bu t Its action w nu lllf lM n u

Preedhetm said tho e o o w n tlo n w ter

rstn Idaho. . me

Explaining the national alms ot dSTthe party, ho said: •'SoclallsU are theagainst violent retolutlon. The party bo believes in bringing changes about meby the use of reason, not blood- fshed," __________________ *t!i


POONA.-lndia. Bcpl. 37 — A *“

------- tBe~re*tura~of MahatratrOandht-to-- ^day as he watched tiny IcdUn chU- gy, dren celebrating his sixty-third birthday—by tho Hindu calendar— in tho Yeroda JaU yard. ' thi

The little leader waa-slowly-re- jjj, gaining the strength he had lost dur- _ Ing his sU-doy f is t which solved temporarily the citizenship stale­mate between the casU Hindus and n

--------Ihe untouchables.---------------------------VThe disobedience leader tttm tA tn IJ

tha best of sptrlta and chuckled In - delight u he drained bU cup of

fru it juice, which ha l i s t e d must_____ Jj* flven h im ohly a t the hour ap- _

. pointed fo r prisoners^ meals.“ I should not break lha Jail rule#,'

he ta ld. He had been In Jail for several months ^or leading hU fo i- R

^ * lowers Into another campaign of pas­sive dlsobedlnece to British rule.

Goat m ilk •Kill be added to the Mahatma^s diet tomorrow, and-per-

JULoa.eutdi,__________ __The authorlUea granted the th in

l ittle Nationalist's request for native muslo beneath hLi mango tree In the ja il yard. Bi


_ _ _ _ tnWA8HINOTON, .Sept. 77 (iP) —

Three new destroyers, estimated to cost *4,000,000 each, w ill be placed V.

— -m d e r constnactton Immedlatery" at the Boston, Philadelphia and New “ York nary yards, in an effort to Im- , '

. prove tho employment situation.ThU n » announced todsy by

Secretary Aduna who aald that the

W p * . - " •• • ' • - 7Ko deitroyen have been eomplet- I i

ed since IWO. although fire now are under construction to be finished ° In 1934. The three ordered bu ilt to-d ir**w -o»p-w -eo&W 8tM i i i ie u *Three more ha ie been autiurteed by . oongrts* but no plans hara been made fo r their construction.


(jp, — Struck by tha automoblio o f n . U onanL-S uks . maua«tr « r Jaek n

Dempsey, Robert Patterwo, 47-year- old Negro, died to a hup lta l her«

------- lM l_nl6ht-*h ll«4il» .Ja»-wa».b«ln». <i. ampuUted. tl

> Patterwn'a brother. l<ert>y, in ju r- a W ;tn-tB6>ame accident, Augnst 31, tl .!• recoTcrln*. j i

Sack! w jia pleaded not fu llty to m-------- flut f l i me coUiitan, _

between U i car aad the truck m p which tha NegroM wer« rtdin*. i» tl

y free on IIOOO bo&d. n

: T WiBXD W IU t r ru t t ta a t

AaaooiATtD r y » i

Le - Q p e n in g 3 e p o s i t O T ^ O v e r $ 2 0 0 |

'ork Toward Resunipllon of rat Business- in Eight Idaho /

wllInstihitions— Proiftsica With Harmony Prevalent ~

______■ Ne

■ (By The As.ibclatrcl' Pres4) an

3OISE. S«pt. 2 7 -A ll binka a f- ,d fllla ied wiUi Ihe F irst Nutlonal m Bank cf Idaho w ill open thetr twi

» r8 simultaneously .w ith the cen- , i : nl bank In Bobe under plans for bli le re-organlu llon of tlje Iru tltu - on* being worlced out I'cjlsy. »nd .1 w ill be re-opened underihe same ’Stem. onCommltbws fnr.fnclxJi'aDt be- _ k i In canvassing In a day or two for Icpo-iUors' waiver*.^’ w h e r ^ the po , epailtors agree to tiie'plnn l l regu- ‘ *• lie withdrawals fJom ths banks. Dcsldrs the F irst National bank, "

jven ita to bnnk* In Idaho and two atlonal hanks,-in -O raaa-« llt-be ffccted by the plan. AU »ro mcm- j cfX o f the Craw/ord Moufc group, me of the banks U a l Buhl and nbther is in Rupert.'J?cn DlelcndnrOtnlR commlalour r or finance, stiid the p lin hod hU [ I pprovai and he would do every- f l I tilng po.wlble to furUier • the rc- jJ J

I'xtem which were plnctd in hlx f harge w ith the closlns oa August y

"The plan ha.<i my entire approv- 1." he said, "T lie depositors have ood dollars In those banis and un- c ,. ler th is plan they w ill get ever)' ent. In my opinion every depositor hould support the plan,"

Favor Small Depotllora T lie system fo r re-openlng, work-

■d.out-by-A-rc-QrgiLnltatlon cotamit- __,:o o f leading Boise business men, . irovlded that all depositors with L300 or less may wllhdrsw a t once , ,helr entire deposits on opening of > ;he banks. For sums abota lha t. «M r cent may be wltbdrftwn os >penln< of tho bank, 2S per cent on lu ly 1.1933, another 33 per cedt on January. 1. 1M4. and m final 9S. p v K p t oa November 1. lOM.

In tbe meantime, th e InstltnUoni th< w ill conduct a regular bulking bu il- Ba ness, a l explained by Ccmmissloaet an DWeBflorf.-wlth.-d«pQalU-mad*-af. U ter tH t t time not nb jec t to the JV

ments made by tbe bank on present he deposiU. In tu rn may b« erodited to tei the depositor! new account and not of be subject to turther Viiver agree­ments.

A Statement from the re-organiz- el­ation committee detailing the plan T, for rc-openlng. said WOOWO in cap- “ ita l stock of the bank will be Mid. ?5, of which hair la already suburlbed J by former stockholders in Uie or- ganlzatlon. As explained In the staUmont: ---------------- •

ffu f^ d w t* to " « n * r ^ T t TWe 5*sum vlU be obUlned frcm the TU- ^construction Finance corporation S through the pledging o f sll the pres­en t'a nd ftiture a a rts o f-thB 'lo tn

. CC(Continufd On Pase ], Col. 1) in

w i i i i i i 1J l l C l Z E S J E i

_____ aj

Republican Candidate Tells Of “ Grandstand” Aetivities

, ,ln , Dqpartmgptal p.robe »

LSWISTON, Idaho. Stpt. 37 UT>- BrlnglQg hU North Idsbo campaign ^ to Lowlston, Byron Delenbacb, Re- ” publican ca^ lda te fov jovernor. da-' ^ scribed In a speech tcnl(ht recent InvesUgatlonaoIthelilgliTaydepart- ^ m ent by Oovemor C. 0«n Roes aa "grandstand- actlTlty. ^

M uch 'of tha Investigation was ^ centered on the LewMoa dlrtrlcthl(thw » ftfflcK anil H»Tiry g,Boise equlpmenr .contractor, con-' vivicted ot fraud and sent lo tbe pen- nllen tla iy after a tr ia l before DIatrlct tiJudge Mllea S. Johnson here. ti

After ,.describing alleged' atate-manU l y I>»mnmnn iM a t ir i ihst -iwpuTOcsni_ornctaiB^aoTtjiln{pj]T y have bliiderod ths bemocntlo ad­ministration as "Inslnctrt” the can­didate dedared:

"Tbe tnvesUgatlons ot the high-way-dapinra«Bt-aad ef th*-«ndo*>' rment funds have been of the grand- ^sUnd variety, tending to raise in tbe „votera' minds feeling ot prejudice. .They are j io t tha arrm e nU of a «hlgh-mind«d1adV«aM <lffrott^TitJ>. Ier to tn itb than to luccets: they Isr« the.appeala of • shy»t«r Uwyer an Ignorant Jury. • - - ‘

I t Is noi to be expected'Unt a *man elected to publle office by such .methods will g l« an silm lnlilratlon t marked by lnte*Tlty."- -

Obamed W ltb \1et«t7 The trouble with ao many candl-

dalM-ls-tbay-became obsessed w ith .the desire to win. he declared. "They care more concerned with the pot a t dthe eighteenth' hole thsn w ith play- Cln « .tb * game boneatly,- Defenbach e asaerto^

Hit ro rrlu ilfr t hy asyipgpublican party "Uya Its cards :ipcn /the tabta" and It ^appeals to tbe 11voter alosf boneat Una." ' t


M N - F_________________ TWIN RAI,1

A IT E N T IO N . qu F A M

A t 11:30 o’elock todsy Chirage's I l| Cuba, rhampioni'tlr tlie National | learnF. w ill rnerl the New York Yanks, n ln i ir n nf the Ameriran circu it t l l lr , l i t dm Yankee «U- dinm lo th r opening clash oif the world ierir»—nnle«a rain that vas fa illn fth o r tty after midnight (bis miirning ron tlnan a n d causes pontponrmenl until Thnn- , LCCdar at th> t .m r honr.________________ *

As In prrvlnut years. The New* | w in o ffr r Knulh Idaho fandom.

*o r^ ti< »n*nn ,rv f^* .teeottd iadrr th» cnmplrlloa of ieach nanruvrr on the fields In . ' New Vork <'lty and Chicago.

Every plar «Hl be flashed •cross Ihe nation liy sjwflal leas- td wire* ronnecllng Tho News' h \ tUltorlal rooms w llh the pm a botes In both parka. Each play d ftr w ill be repr»ducrd on The News' rlRh big m s tn rlirp la T rr board In fron t ' nmt' of The Nr«» ..Cflrc. ' “ '' I t • Thl* arrurat^. romptcte and" 1|

aneolorrd «prvlre is free. Every- 1 one Is vrirnme U> see the 1932 Coll ■fries rrpfintiired » t_The_N n^_ ' ’oci

---------.:------------------ nwiPROSPECTORS- FIND GOLD

B R A W m -, Ciil., Srpt, 37 OVr- i°7, DlKOvery ot a valuat>Ie gold de- posit In the ripscrl 00 miles west L ,j o f-B m nprrra r-ttio -co in rnC o-rlrc r; was revfiiled lirrc todtiy with the j „ . ; return of n uroiip of prospectors gQ’,,, w l\h ore sprclmcn.i.

M i i i r l M i iC 0 « in E F 0 1 S 3

eeo-------- Prc

Sponsors of Probe Announce '*«• Names of Noted Americans , Enlisted lo Find Facts iS

'■ NEW YORK, Scpl. 27 W V-Forma- . . i tion of a nan-p.%rilisn commlUee HI , headed by former President Calvin III• Coolidge to 8ur •cy the financial 8lt- ’ uatlon of the nllroads and rocom- “ mend remedies was announced lost “ n ight on behalf of 31 organliaUons 5 sponiorlng the survey.

Associated wiUi Mr. Coolidge on ki tho commlst-ion w ill be Bernard M. ^I- Baruch, 0 director ol the JJalttmore ,* and Ohio railroad and well known

banker.-ai...viclL cTtalrmjuj:..Jonntf.le Governor Alfred K. SmlUi: Clark ji^ o w e ll, Atlanta newspaper publisli- ? c*r; W Alcxajidcr Legge. Chicago, it head of tho In le tnatlonal Harvea- ' 0 ter company, and former chairman >l of the federal farm board.'* In addition to conducting the sur­

vey ot tho railroads’ problems and in '* dm ftin ir a solution, tha commlttce st " Is charged w ith mobllUlng publks h'

sentiment on behalf of a remedial p. leglsUtlve program and laying the st

® program before congrcas, le Makes No Forecast ' ^

' i n ftnnotinclng the form ation-of d

n « trp r« ld c n t .of tho Emigrant In - « ^ dustrlal Savings bank, made no tore- •* cast os to whot lines tha survey and -

lU resulting proposals might lake, in - H owever.-a - le tte r -b y which-tha - cotnmlttm members were formally

Invited to serve, read In port:"Tha present deplorable condition

• o t- tba raUroads..U -not-dw-w>tolly- - to the stagnation of traffic result­ing from the long continued depres-

asion. Many c t the present 1!L arc due to govemental. financlsl, labor and management policies, some TTongTn'canccptlonrwnio"wroiiB"ln appUcatloj)/ and others rendrrrd ob­solete by radically changed condl-

| j tlons."No solution w ill bo effective un- .

le Ir«s th e ^ r^ le m o f tha railroads Is considered as an integral part of tho

jg en^tlr^ transp^^^

• way. walerway, pipeline o r air."Every Industry in the county Is

” entitled to fa ir trta tm enl—the ra ll- I, roads xu> less than tha others. Tbe g . public Interest m ilst certainly be

protected, bu t regulation should not place the railroads at a dls-

„ advantage w itb competing BRcnclen and destroy flexib ility ot operation

„ and management In liU tlve;' let A principal ut>derUklr tt of Qia ifi. cotivnlwlpa-probably w ill M .t^ -m ^ , n-' vestlgate the application of the 1920 n- ralroad act. particulnrly tho recap> let ture provision* under conditions of

today. I t also is expected to inquire” (C o n U n u e d ^ S g T 2 ‘ ,"coira)

n. IN BONDS FROM COLFAXh- SPOKANE. Sept. 27 (.T>- Nego-

part o f the loot obtained by' four *** men who fobbed tho Plrat T rust * • and Savings bank, Colfax, -last

wcdofs<lar» lt_.w .,dU closed ..tie rt today when a lis t et the securl- lies was ^ d w ith bond houses. The r<*bers also .got niore Uian

^ «OXOO-ln easb<...........- .............


I I - Ith . VASUU20TON,-8«pt^37-{;;V-Il»- ley construction Finance corporation to- a t day made $313,093 avalltbla lo ly- Georgia and U a,lt0 to Oregon for ch emergency relief funds.

Tba Georgia fond Is to be use^ ln l*-IPulton-couatyr4ncludin« th ^ lt jM M ^ on Atlsnta. and the Oregon fund In he I K lsm ath ' eounty to care for needs I

' there u n til December 31.


F A L L&I<L5, ID A H O , W ED N E S D A Y M (

S L 5 I E . . 0

LIOUflR W l H_____ . load

Legislator Opposes Outright t L .Repeal TCt bxpresses

— WilHnsntss-^o— Allow f SPeople to Pen Mandate '1Z<


Re p r e s e n ta t iv e Addison t . incr. Smith, Republican candidate cent tor re-election, ycstcrdny de- o f oi

dared himself "opposed to tho out- X I rlR ljt repeal o t tha ElghUenth ^ l i nmendmcnt w ithnul having m>me the) bc iirr plan to present in its plncr," yartf

1IL\ position was stated in i i iPtter fnbr to ills Democratic opponent, T. C. .dcrs Coffiti, mayor of Pocatello nnd ad- msi vocate o t prohibition repenl. In rc - Ran rixmne to a request ^ r a definition licvi of hU attitude toward tho question, poir

"B ut recogniilng that under our form o t Rovernment. tlie people are entitled lo the opportunity of cx- prcMlns their opinion on the advls- nblllty. o t-a_th iiiiftcJiU li(Lcon5VllU r ^ tion. in the manner provided there- ( Jn." Rcpre.ientnIJve Smith's Id le r continued, " I um willing to vote to submit to the slates In a legnl man- M l ner, fo r adoption or rejection., a n lSmb-StltuTe----- lo r Ihe— E lg rjtW inramendment which win enable tho.u ^ states to be dry which want ^ ^ f

Uia saloon to American life. t. " I propose lo dovoto my time dur-

eeonomlc Issues which are ot su- HU preme Importance to our t>eople

■during thc-ie strcnucms times."Not Predominant Issue

Representative Smith's letter to Mr. Coffin. In which he set fo rlh bts

; views pn prohibition and olher cam- (Contlnued On Page 2. CoL 4) ^

i m m iMPHovES"BOISE. Sept. 37 (AV-Iilis. W illiam

E. Bornh. til ot pslttaeoals. continu- ^■ cd to hold her Improvement late to - *“ ■

nU ht. 2: Dr. R flph Falk, her physician, U - W , Bncd-thB-follow lnff-bulle tto-at-10 ' o'clock:■ "Mra. Borah's condition m na lns W the u n e . "

Slabontlng. Dr. n i lk explaliied ( the senator's wUa fl^ok ltn g ber Im - pn

provement cuThroughout the day her condition ne

1 Improved steadn>'. Tha alarm con- in e stonily fa it over the weakness of her wh c heort abated s ilsh tlj and i t was re- jh ' J ported In a bulletin' as "somewhat ] e stronger." go

Several factor* Indicated, her Im - jce provcment. She recognized- Senator th, Borah for the firsi time In several.

>t dayn and spoke j o h ln rT J r te f ly n ie ^ e has been a t her bodslde almost h o u r -J ^

^ ^ “ 1 =


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^ mM O R N IN G , S E P T E M B E R 28, 1!


J I G H L I G H I S . - -

. <nyTUe-Asjoctated-pre*i)--------------YejicMny'.i business news Included •

tbe loilowlng: ■<:mCAGO — ExecuUvcs 'o t ha lf

a down railroads Tuesday issued statcii'.cnts recording Increased car- ioadUii:\ and interpreting U to por­tend ln;|iro;rmeni. Car-loadlngs for a i i the w rik ended September 17 gained IIM I7,E£r, L'lnt.oYcr ilia urcccdlM La><ir m day wTfk. the shari»esl advance Ui four vcirs. The BurliriKton road r«- fported L'lBt- for ttmw « tnrf __^1025 i>r|)[cmber car-loadlngs on the ■ line uTtfl higher than the total fo r ' ^ Augukt.

aiASSlLON, Ohio - Republic Steel company open hearth plant here has Jq| lncrf,k/.<'d inKOt production to 33 per cent ot capnelty, the h lg liM t level o f oiirratlniw In several .months.

xn x 'A G O >- international l la r - * « l f r company otficlals-itnnouiTcedthey Imvc contracted for 1.000.000 yard.s ui htavy, K'r«d« cotton duck fabric- ciiouKh to supply all Uie bln- dcrs Slid combiiiM the conccrn cW ld m» msiuilacture In a year. Oeorgct A.IW ii Ranncy, vtcc-pre.fidcnt. wild he be-|mo iievKTvn:roinia5*>"vaeTivd~itriowcKr~S6i poiniand Hint good bu.ilnc.vs princl- n; pies romiwl purcluurs now. iiu

NEW VOKK — DO*- Jones and t comimny prrdlclrd Tuefda/O cncrol ^ |. Motors AOUlU flnli;h 103: u'lUi Its po- mv s ltion backed by working capital in he;

rContinucd On Pajtc 2700178)----------------------------- '*DfinQniLlT^Q TDRIIll

of----------------------= -------------------— U vjHundreds of Persons Crowd i»

About Special on WayEast on Campaign Swing

i*t-------- 1

COLORADO SPIUN03. Bept. 37 — tS’y—Pnr lJii« nffftnH tlrr^o rturlny _ campaign tor th« presidency. Frank­lin D, Roouvell came to Colomdo U late tonight for 13 Iwurs of resl | ] before continuing his journey to Mc- Cook. Nebraska, foe a conference T w ith the veteran Republican litde- I pendent. Senator Norris, Nebraska. *

A fter stops at T rlntdad. La Junta and Pueblo, where hundreds of per- soss erou-dcd about th< .rear p la t- jc; form his train to hear the Demo- tt, et«Uo presidential nominee make ur brief talks, hts special, tra in came tu toColorodo Springs, where the party in l A t t to spend the n igh t In a hotel n ,

foot, ot PJke's Peak.Meets Senator . ' '

Oovemor Roosevelt. Democratic presidential no(nlnee, and Bronson m Cutting, New Mexico's independent ni Republican senator, clasped hands In friendly fashion earlier today jg. while several hundred New Mexicans cheered. ' • - - - ^

D urllic a stop ot the New York gov«mor's train a t Lamy. New Mex­ico. where he spoke to delegates o t >'*

■ the state Democratlo convention ^I ; who hi^_come from Santa_Pe_to « ' ,m eeT iilm .ilr '. Rooacvdt hailed Cut- “ ’ tins. In thi> frnxd Ttii> spnntor oulv ^

- |= (O o n H n u ^ 'O n PBge 2; Col. ^

rhe Old Elephant H unter


/ ' j f i ' i x

W 'lW ^\

! Z --------------- _ < ^ ----------------. • coprTi|bt, iM

z r s COUNTY

A I L Y,m z ,.............

P o r t o R i c a r

A g e n c i e s

j e g M t jJolin Sharp Williams, One- I

Time United States Sena- I tor, Dics-Alter-Rallying-I

VA/.OO r iT Y . M lv i. .nVMliifMlay ■M ornintj, Srpt. SK I'l’)—JOhr. .Siu4i>. IWilli.ini.'. tormer U iiitca 'fiia lM s<yt-j Iiitor ironi .MluLulppI and one of n ir I

■S6lilli'i~utnCTflin(; stn tM m rnratrnn; his homo near Denton a t nild - Iiiu lit . I

Hrnator Willlum.1 iiiu l been 111 for • P IX loiiK linic bul rcceully luul riUik-d | an.1 iccmcd to be in much better k hc;illli. ticvcr^tl niembrr;; of his liim -1 |■n7 ’«rrL“ ai’ ihi:T)ea.‘iiac wupn tnc cnfl z

Anioiia siinlvor.i arc liU children, j "K ll.’’ Wllilniiu.. Mcniphts; Mrs, Ed- Ulii R, Holmes. Yazoo C ity; Mrs. 8;.i-

: ilamt;, Niul}Vjl!f,-and A lh io ii wli- '.H lliuns, Allantn.. | |

One of tite Im I of tho sUle.Mncn of the "Old aoulh.’’ John JSlnirpAViillam.i WIU lo r ^ rars a. n1ctu^^^QUe__I fiKure in congress. He served there I (or more than a quarter of a. cen­tury, l lrs t in Ihe house of rcpri'icn la- a tivi's, wiiere he was the Democratic

. irader tn the days o f Uie speaker­ship of "Uncle Joe" Cannon, and later in the senate.

Ranking among the elder o f the (Continued On Page 3, Col. 9)


.. — st WASHLNOTON. 8cpt. 37'W>-Ret>-

rcsentatlve Charles R. Crisp. Georgia. «tho Democrat who last session Ud the aunsiipcrssful battle fo r a manufac- si turers' tax, waa appointed {p the ta r-1 jr lff-ct>m m t»!ijit-iod*y-by^Pr»klcnt.|.T , Hoover. T--Ka“ iilu m u « iD e m « ra tto vs£ a a c r created by the recent death o f U n - « coin Iblxon, Indiana, who onco was a ‘ member of the powerful ways and

■ means commillea of Uie house. CrUp was its ranking Democratic memberlast rcision, but abandoned hia chanc-

■ es for re-eledion to the house to _ seen, unsuccessfully, a senate seat.

Crisp gained prorolnenco several f' years ago as a member of the war v

debt funding commission. He was ti, conspicuous during ihe last congress p■ as acUng-chalrman-of-lhe-ways-and- - means commltlee during tho rr 3a ifo tr5 r'’U ir i ie ir * i^ » o ^ w w < r ® * ’

law.- - --------- 1----------------------------------------------------- --- I--------' —-------------------------- t

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:__________P ^ D 'O ? ' - _ iBU>^V<.'r^^T I

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H r W * ’ '

; i.• lU C iA rip m it v I v»/stik.vO*gF| W

. J O H N S H A R P \V lU L lA » A S

i i i i s i i S iCHIEFTIl M D S :

! '— . « ; Governor's Report to Depart- n ; mont of War Sends Rc- P« lief AQcncies Into Action ^

W Asm N O TO N Tsept. 37 yr» — 11< Upqn word of Oovemor Beverley of p Puerto Rico that i t waa feared the

,, entire Island had been devastated by t< Ij the hurricanc. the Red Crocs late r{ I today ordered Its chief supply officer t:

lo tlie spot and arranged fo r a de- n slroyer to carry medical supplies. t

>- Soon after tha governor'*, mdio g ». report reached the war departtnenl. le Ocorgo Smith, the Red Cross chief n 5- supply officer, was ordered to loavc i > i l n Uio mon>lng for Miami. He wW i!'|-reaeh-ihe-FlortdaH)lty-a l-3-A .-BU t

Thursday and five houra later w ffl j ^ leave by airplane fo r Ban Jtian. r w Sm llhtfpentslJcm onlhstherelnln irs '< V rlcane work InMTOoBt—U ltv ar ar : ,5 rlcane relief In 1928.IP C lu rle n Deatrayac |

Preparing to take care o t a ll medl- | cal need In Uie storm area. Colonel j Ernest P. Qlcknell. vice chairman in cliarge of Insular and foreign a f- ,

al fairs, said a destroyer would salt , ar with the necessary supplies imme- < as tilately InlormaUon Is received on | 'SS probable requirements. _ (nd. —Ten-thousand-barrols of-tba^flour - u . new-betng^.dlstrtbuted -by t t o Jua ,

bo anippcd to W cno‘M S 3 C U M rtJ j .. u-nswl-for-the-eotton-cloth which {

— U>e Red Crou also U distributing, ~1 ofllclala said. It too w ill ba dlspatcb«>

cd.Bevereleys message aald the entire i

J fru it crop was reported ruined, but i lha total ecoonmic damage wUyiave to mount Into hlgb figures to equal '

— Uul1.oU82I.____________________ _ JRed CroM reeordf show the c itrus

fru it loAs four yaan ago amounted ' to t2.ApO,000, not Ineluding "v f ld o r- i angn*," an added UOO.OOO.

___________. Tha coffee Industry, which lu d

- Carried heavy mortgages ever since the hurricono 39 years before, un­derwent a I9W.OOO loss in the near­ly malnrrd crop alone. Since cotfee aroas under the shade trees, the heavy shade tree loss o t B,fl73,174 was rranrded as no le«a a calamity than

^ UiR toM Ot c o f fe e ,trees. BIX years are required for new trees and bush to replace the broken ones.

-The sugar crop loss o t 192< was ettlmaled at 117,000,000. plus an ad­ded 13,900.000 fo r raw sugar ruined.

Tobacco losses totaled >11,000,000. Tlie loss of 227.461 cocoanut trees

was estimated as representing a cap­ital value of 11.137,303. More titan $100,000 worth o t nuts were,de­stroyed.


SALT I.M a ! m r v . Bept. 37 W l — James Alexander. 80, Tw in Foils.

= * T .T i7 ^ ^ n d ( ^ m r to - S a l t J l^ e City from England and later moved lo Twin Falls. Surviving are a daugh- l^'r. MISS Alice Alexander. Tw in

“ ra 'J rs ff ltT n ls te r. MT3.-trtale-mod-

Funeral servleea..»lU be held tn Oeotsa A. Jcnklns m ortuary chapel

■n..a»L»ni ba in Murray city cemetery.


b a k e r ', 0re.rsept, a T 'C T ^ ia c Iir nrd I*ope, Eugene, Oregon, wras k il l- ed In a hunting aocldent 30 miles

— soulhaist a t' tln lty-yesUrday. ,Tba body v brought to Baker to- nlgbL Pope was shot In tlie bade but whether he accidentally shot llimselt or,was killed by another hunter has not been determined. An

— awpty-shall-«ai.faiind In hto g im ._Randall Carllle, Unity, a hbnUng

companion, found tha body„sbortly c. after Pope died.

iPAY: F a i r a n d n i i l d .

W S■ 8 P A G E S — 6

e D e a t h— 4 " 1 * —

tn F u n c t i o nGove.rnQr Fom Emergency

-On Island of Wreckage

Ry UAIlW OOn HUM.(As.iociated PreM a i i i f t Writer)

{Conyrlght, 1032. By n io A.MOClated Press)

|2<AN JUAN. Porto nieo. Sent. 27

0*-~A~~liurHSnc~ sw irlra ttirouah Portn RICH today nml lumbered icin. leiivlng a death to ll that prob-

inbly w ill mount into hnndrr<b. and T iioperty damage th a l w ill lUmlly bo M'Hiculaicd-Uijunay millions of dol-;lar«. _ __ __ _________ — —-■j~Goviriio‘n n m e V "R . Beverly • to- ; night Mtlnuited tho dead ( it more 'thnn .200 and the Injured nt 1000,1 Jt wa.5 the "Storm of Snn Eusepln" mimed bn the day o t tha t

Isaint last Monday, when tho dreatl winds first started their rdcn llcMHorthwcstwara' courio~6at“ or~the-------c<juatarlal Allantlc,

Tonlghi all was ovcr.Tind much of the Island was devasUlcd as t l was by the storm-of San Felipe In

. im. wlmi liiinami- Ift tUfir ___and many m lllions.ln property dam- cge was wrought.

Governor Beverly lost no time in starting relief machinery and late

commiltea and given t t Instructions to tlnd shelter and food to r the- msTur thousands ot destitute and homeless.

The committee was organized pending a d irec t' appeal to the American";Hed Cross fo r badly deeded assistance.

He promised Insular funds would •

tomorrow, peodlng-a definite relief program.

The governor's courlera, sent out to gather Information on the hur­ricane. brought h im back Informa­tion upon which he based his esti­mate o f tha dead and Injured. He — said thU estlmato undmibledly

' would- be revised upward. .Because ot broken «ocnmunicatlon

' lines there was no way of tp lllng > how many dead there were.I Rafael Veve, Jr., assistant general- manaeer-of-the-FaJardo-Sugar-eom^-------L pany. arrived In the capital late to-• day a ttar a fa t i^ ln g W ra ey o f ' eSnrTiodTa frm n PeJardo only SO ‘ miles away,

“ A ll the towns between' Palsrdo and Carolina, more than h a lt the dlsUnee to Uie capital, were level-

; led," Veve said. "A ll the planUUon ‘ houses were dwtroyed.' .There ware 39 dead a t-F a ja rdo - r when I le ft a t B A. ?A. and 1 saw i about 100 dead between Fajardo and• Carolina. I can well Imagine thous- ' ands dead In the districts I traTers-

• —^ o w mueh the Insular tovem -

) te r an In s p ^ o s trip .Orden Otfleee Opened >

The governor ln rtrue te< rtir gor- B emment offices to open tomorrow— t and carry on.e "We m utt have everybody go to >l work," ho said, "as though noth in*_ had happenf<l-.onlT more so." a The mayofi o t the towns which 4 were stricken called on the governor• and were im tructed lo supply

emergency relief fo r 48 hours.Some of the mayora asked fo f '

rt H s E ^ w llh which to bury tba dead,. but the governor denied their re - . quests, asserting th a t buria l waa a . problem for the municipalities.• T h e in iu la r govemment'a du ty Is• to help csre for the living.- the d ile f . executive said. CommunlcaUons• were so hampered' tonight th a t It

Uu,***l^luJ i^ fw !v !l U la n a -^ jfe ie d

Woodfln Buttem. the governor's , secretary, covered much o t the

north coast thto afternoon by a ir- ,* plane, relum ing w ith a suggestion 3 that tha disturbance had passed to

sea just west of the capital. Colonel , R. R. m ix , the insular police chief,„ however, w u o t the be llft that the , range was ta r more extensive than .' this.

Tho police chief bad - . ports that 23 were killed a t Aredba, much turther west than San Juan.

I nnd Alson on the north coast. T h e .- Plano wos unable to cover the Ared­

ba area owing to continued rain.- The storm put S.'in Juan's water s. and ligh t facilities out ot commls-

jS ny i5 r r tw ild 1 ) ^ Im p o * s IB l i- t6 -~ ^d restore either service before Thura- i - day. A new transmission line must :n be bu ilt before power can bo ^ lr - l - nlshod-for pum plnf.watar six mllea

- from ..iho rescnQir_.Arrangements... tn for a temporarx sa le r supply’ weroel belnc rushed.Ut..— ^ . . l^ f t .T n fT T r r c ta w ....... <______

San Juan was le ft a nightmare oT vreokage- by tbe storm ..— «—

TTis great steel lowers o l radio station WKAft.-_which :p n l>roadr...-

T easting during tbe e v lT pa rt o t the storm, lay bent and twisted. In tbe

, _ streets------- ----------------------------------“ ■ A concrete wall o f Ttes Bandera.*;,

a popular movie Uieatre,T»iur blown ' “ In. ami rubble was strewn over the

Numerous small c ra ft along the « waterfront wer« stove In and driven

sgrotmd. Several o f tha piers, notate ^ ly pier Number 8, were le ft roofless^-. ^ Ore>t dam age'vss.dona to msr*

ns A t least 800 o t the 1000 dwellingsJy 1 r -

tContlnaed On Page 7, CoL 3)

Pag® Twtf

a P L l S I O I H I L 8

i p i W E n i— 'Judge. Who-Prcsided.Diiring 1__ MUcn Funnelled Trial i

Escapcs' Death in Blast .

. W R C E S T in i. MiM.. Sept. 37 >-8acco-Vancettl cue crtsbed' back In to prominence i«J»y lu » bomb r*rU a lly wreckcd U;c home ot Judge • Webrtff T liaycf. «ho nrealdtd « l

^ trt, T hayff and h tr maid, Mina Join Aahi>. were Kllglitly Injured by r tliln j; debrt* wWie tne juo ie .w a* | U4pped.lB,h!B bedroom by »mMhed fumltura and woodwotli.

Six house* In the vlelnlly were dAmaged bftdly while windows lt» a rcore of homes In the excUulve weit »lde d ls lric t were broken by the force of the blaat.

- The bomblnj cauied police of- — j fT ff i t f iTcurtrn rnmmnt<in»« tn

throw pja rd * around the homes of Prealdent A. tawTcnce Lowell, Har* vard unlvrrally. former Oovemor Alvan T. Puller and all wllnewei. _ Jurors an dofflclnls who psrtlclpated in Iho tria l of Bacco -and VanieUl. ■

___ Polko Call Espert EMean«hlla police directed their 0

e f fo ^ tfiimrtf-detwminlnff I t in Wnd " j o t fJiploslvfl uaed. Captain C h tr l«

■ J. Van Amburjh. «Ut» wplotlva e*- pert, said h« belicvKl It probaWs dynamite was used alihoush ho was unwllllnc os yet to make a definiteitire m e n ro h lKe“ cau*e:----- ------------S

The explMlon happened shorUy after 4 A. M. Judes and Ura. Thay- L. er wure sleeping on the second floor o f the house and MUa Ashe In a

slofplns In the U *t room but ona toward the rear of the house while

The force ot tha explosion r tp p ^ “ away the entire, bsck of the house □ and caused the Thayer tarage, once

------to - collapse.- Plaster andwoodwork plunged down upon U n . Thayer and » door from the back room was hurled on top o t her. Judge Thayer w u blown from hU m

. .bed. Amid faUlnf wood and tumb- m ling Tumliure ha tried' to reach the door to VO to hta wife's aid bu t hU room WM «uch » wreck tha t he qi could not force h l i way out. M in

- y »« >p«ppKl In tip f »IHa rnmjl _ as tha sUlnesy leitflng tip to I t w u blown away.

Polica found Mr*. Tbayer. her tchead cut, trying to flniggle out from b<beneath the wreckace. ‘They teinoT* n,

____ od her and then went to tha Judge's „■ald.'They bod to Mre# open-tbo’docr 5,ogainst tha weight o t wreckage to ^reach Wm. t l

•Mrs. Thayer w u sent to a hos- j ,pltal. Fireman placed a Udder aagainst tha house and took Miss qAshe to oofetr. T lra.drpartment of- ^ l ic li i r p o ln W oul tha t theThayersand Ulsa Ashe a ll undoubtedly owed t<their llvea to tbe fact there w u .n o „

' ilra u g u pour*d fioB i tha pipw ju whleh were to rn apart. •

Oovemor Joseph S. B y hurriedto Worcester from his homa tn ^W ^ le ld to learo Urst hand o f the u

■ exploelott and to oUer his iympa>- thles to Judge Thayer. Tha gover*

' nor u ld h« would tuggest to theezecntlve council Friday tha t ■ re* j] ward bo offered Xor InfonnaUon ,« leading to arrest o f tba erlm lnali. _

Reraorkabir C ala n____ Judge Thayer w u remarkably

calm ”

a n a jro a n S T fi^ ftU thU.“ A iked-lf ? he ^ b u t e d tbe bombing to h lf part IB the 8aceo*Van*ettt tr ia l the tc Justice answered: “ You can t get me rc to aay that. That U for the police P

-------to determine.- .......... - .......... ......... «The Thayer home.-hot ‘ fa r from >

Worcester Po!ytechBlo In rtltu te w u under g u a r ^ t t ^ b

Sacco, who were sentenced to death S' in the electric chair by Judge Thay- er Jn 1031. w l lh InUreel la th« case w at such a pitch the guard w u main- P

---------t»ln»d-untll about a yesr agn-------- ^A woman living near the Tbayer u

•homo reported that on being aw*k- P ened by the b lu t she looked out tha r

— window of her home and u w two « meti seated In an automobile bear- * ing New York reglitratlon pUles. I' She u ld the men ta lked excitedly o fo r a moment and then drovo away, b

, A descrlpUon et the car n ju sent Q

Eait.The fact that the H arrard unlver- f

slly opens for the school year to- t morrow aad .this bnngbt hundreds r of strangen to the un lran lty earn- ■ pus caused Cambridge and Banratd f

- police to be extra r lg ila n t In watch- t Ing President Lowtll’a home. Lowell . w u a member of a committee ot three which w u eppdnled by Oor- I emor Fuller In 1937 to pau on tbe r

........ -g u il t or ln ftoe«Be*^-lhe-tw o todi-- <caU who were charged w ith slaying > a man during a ]» y r« ll hokSap a t ( Bnlntree. . t


•_ (CoKUnued From page One tempany u coUater^

: Cafl te A ll Stock . “ A ll stock o f the present banking

■ ■'forpfggtlcn.. whleh c a rr lu an Inter- ‘ e(t~In .the loan company, w ill "b#

----------^called ta .a n i eone^llfd, From ^. loan oompany's advance from the

'RennutnjcUon Flnooeo eorpontion the old etockholdera w ilt supply

_______tUaOQaot-Bev.captUl lottha-bank.receiving In esehanga therefor lUO ihares^ or halt, their former hold-

to»ette^w’lth \b i% W n f ’ i l f ^ •eeure tbe Reconstruction Hnance C w yra ttea Io m . ^ ' ___

Flaaaee cerperatlon loon, whleh f i l l be made thrangh the loan e o m p ^ , th« bank wUl tum orer aU nnde-

'n rtb le er f r o m asMtt.• “ l a Ik w ort, each o t the prewnt

----------- iteckhoWaw w rw ndeta an hU p m .eat stock, b o r rm from tha Wast- em Locn and Jnre ttnent eomptzty J u t tJ d a t n o n ty le buy ha lf eif t)» amr im a . oQd tb ta pledges this

------- «tivfc te

Roosevelt Ch

THB-PEM O CBATJC pfM idential hia v is i t t o an o rth o p cd ic hoai h is W e s te rn cam p a ign to u r .—

'rO R E C A R T iT6 I I T O m T “ A«D “ TOMOBBOn—Fair M d mild.

.Twin FalU temperatures ranged bclaeca B0_ind.J9 degrees ,la_the m 34*hour period preceding 6 P. M. yesterday. I t w u reported by D. B. ci Cheyne. gorem m tnt weather ob- st le rre r here. Tho day w u clear and R the barometer registered 3gJ51 ol inchei a t B P.^NfTWlnd wi» Ul tBff Ti northwest. Hum idity ringed between so Oi and 91 per ccnt o t uturatlon. d]

RAILROAD SURVEY Si - COMMITTEE FORMS “(Continued From Page 0 ns)

into the proetlcallly ot other exist- Ing n llw a y legisUtton. .

May SBgieil Chaagee .vI t may recommend readjustmenls . l

ot the federal reiulatlve machinery a, and InrMUgato whether sUtotea ffo«*ntlng-rallzoad-operaUons-bavs become obeolcte.

In making formal announcement _ tonight o f tho sJrrcy, whleh had „ been anticlilated for some time, Ben- ^ ne tt aald It w a i deelgned .to aate- _ guard the Interttta ot the savings ^ sanksrinsurance companies, roufldo- UonM and other fiduciary InsUtu- P’ tlona who aro the principal hold­ers o f railroad bonds. The National P' Association o t Mutual Satlngs Banka heads the Uat.of the JI »pon- P'son.___ ..___,*___ '____________ — - »

Announcement aa to the commit- ” tee's oTganlxatlon and plan ot op- " craUon, Bennett t t ld . w ill come from _ Mr. Coolidge ahortly. 7%e M om is- ” Sion members wUl aerva gratullovstr I'i but an expense account may be pro- “ Tided by the Institutions eponsorlng their work. *

T lie organloztiona lUted 03 Invit­ing the commlsilon to serve, prln- “ clpally Insurance competnlee. Include ■’ narvord. Yale. OolumbU and Chi- * cago B n lre n ltlo , the RaUmy Busi­ngs usoclatlon and the Inreetmcnt ^ Bankers* Association ot America. °

. j io o v E i t r tE A a g p J^ A w m M n T O H g«Dt..y!.<g^ Boure«*-cleeo-to-PrTili1fnt Hnnrirr. - tonight sold he w u pleased a t the ^ formation of the non-portlson ra il- ci road commission headed by former « President Coolidge and regarded the creation -of tbe committee u a "highly oonstructWe etep,"

in reliable adralnlstratloa souroes. : 11 w u sold thst M r. Hoover had been ooanisant ot the effort to c rt- ale « ch 'a -g rou p 16 lUfTty M il i» - ‘ lU t in solving railroad problems. I t w u said he "greatly favored" the plan.

The chief executive recently h u E lm H ^ - h D n s e l f - In ' t l jr - d r f t lW ~ problems. Disclosure w u made only yesterday by BecreUry Doak that M r, Hoover had requested both ra il­way labor leaders and railroad pres- idenU to defer fu rther dlscusaloni of wage reductions un til at least the beginning o t i m . when, h» w u quoted u belicTlng. the economic tim .tlnn h« _

The president also h u acted te . encourage railroads to enlarge tba(r . program ot replacement and rt> s pair through fund* borrowed trom . federal agencies in order to prottda 1 employment and stimulate Indus- . tria l activity.1 I _____ __ ■ ................. .......t ----------------------r r - ....... ............ V- through 11 to the BeeoostnicUoa 71- e nance corporation, u additional se- -n curnyTTia>rTOiT:JUcoi5R»betJM-in= g nonce corporation advance. In ad- t dition each pledges all hia pereoiMl . assets. The other half o f the ttoek.

1500 shares, win ba soU to tho pvb- lio at $300 » shore.

-The reorvonlatloQ vU l bs eom- \ pleted when th t new ttoekholden

sleet their d h w t ^ and offlcet*.'!,

- - r fffO e n u n g . u iC c ^ t r o n t e ot the currency, sold:

_ T h is plan meeu every r*v»lr*- ment o f th» cctoptro%r o t tba our- rraey fa r • reoptalng - « t tba

t - . ___________

« PORTO RICAN HURRICANE' ^ ^ m e iN ' - O W i D - M O l W T S

(Continued Ftom ^ Q ne ' .» of the ooeon fron t aectlon e f 6oa I- Juan elUier. were, destroyed or dom-

to X le fo r S efcrww poxX :e living in thetn. During the alght

hqpdreds o f tamlliea fo m d r « f ^

HI Cristobal.y. The coiuolty Ust la 8aa J o id H- 9- self v u .k e p t dew&.becouM pelle*.

w vaed ta odvoxKe o f th * lam ln - at ence o f the storm, rouaded up s- h u n d » d i-o f-v o n e B -a n d -4WMr«v t - and rloeed them In thufehet oad xy lehMT bsUdlnn whleh w en nueh » a « * *ub«*jjU iJ37 b«l« th«a - ib ttr is h e n u . in t k i vUlogu u ttla protw -

Cheers Seattle Crippled

n t ia l nonoineo, G o verno r F r a n k l in J h o a p ita l, w h e re he chccrcd c r ip p lc ur.-H yP ) P h o to .


B -------CContlnutd From page one-. 0 few days ago rebelled agsinst the

slate Republican organisation and le proposed to set up hU ovn group.

' " “ 1 ' belleVe"tHere~i8''li< re 'ln the B. crowd a man whom I have known b- since he « u in short pants," Mr. ul JiooMVeit u ia . -H o U an old Mend M I ot m y family. I am referring to your w VtyyaiitliH P EaheU -seimtor. Pnin^5n son Cutting, come up ond say how­

dy." ’- —A-m om eo l-la te r-C uU lng passed

through the private car ol the coOf* dldote and entered the specially con-

iS structed. speakers' stand tha t had been reared oJongsJdo the track.

Bmiieo Broadly 7 W hile the assembled group of Dem-

ocrotlo leaders looked on. CuUlog smiled broadly and walked ocrou

, , the platform to grasp th« hand ot ^ tho nominee. Through the remain- ^ der o t the stop, ho remained on tho " cor and ebottcd brte /lr w ith mem- " beu 'Cf th e -can d lda to -p a rtrbe fo rr

the trs tn left. Ho declined to com- ment on tha significance of hia ap-

” peoroneo there.“ D o « thU mean you w ill support

„ Roosevelt?- he was uked.J* - K * aoid he would le a v e rs intor^ u. preUtloa to the political writer*.A. State DemocraUo leadem freely

predicted, however, tha l he would X, support the Kew York governor for Q. president.

As Cutting strode ocroea the plat- It.- ro rm .a m im ieoT i> rC i(n ii« i:--M iie - n . h im support you. F rankl"

The stop a t lAm y w u ths longest modo b r the nominee on h tt Jour- ney I r ^ WlUloms, Artiona. ocroes

Q. the brood.' pueblo-dotted highlands » ot New Mexico to Colorado Springs

where, ha wUi spend tonight.1, . Earlier he hod halted for 10 mln-

utea a t Albuquerque, and similar dg stops came at U a Vegu, L4 JunU

and Pueblo,,} . In his ta lk o t Lamy made to a n* crowd In whleh there w e^ numeroua

bronse-sklnned. dork-eyed men and women of Lotln-American and In -

— drnTTflwcent, M r . Rooaeveit sott! the DMnoeraU*-part>-wo*-th*-pa*ty-of

^ - “ l-in rb *com lag -« on v lae ed if.rn*-1 he M id. 'tha t there Is not room in this ‘U- country for two parties—both con- V« serv'oUve.-•bo Reviews PropoMts

• Ho related tho plans ha h u out-

g A L ittle Boost F

ona - ) ' ]' • I I

I —

s e - ______

od- ~ I ’ ’

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^ I


P A LLS. ID A n O r

;d Children ^____________________________ RUB

• . ■ fnn

j ^ B r :.r: ii>e

~ I pro—-sue

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9 i ^ B ^ B B S B i 9 S S 9 im:

,i» D .-E u o a c v £ ilt,J f l-a h Q iY n _ d u r iiiiL ^ pp lcd ch ild re n d u r in g a a top on .

opI. llll

lllned In previous speechu for deal- i,] ling the agricultural and raU-:,,^

0 irosd problems and added: " I be-lpe ieve In control by the people of'tu :

ih f lr own eources o f water power.'':u„ As he concluded someone shouted'coi

" ‘ We wAnt to see Mrs. noosevelt.'' A ihi ul little lAler the wife ot the nominee ml

w u Introduced to the crowd u w u :(o itheir, son.-Jam£a.-Roosevelt.______itui

J® Grouped about tliB governor on 'w i ™ the plftiform M he spoke were 8 e n a -d r "■ tors Watih, Montana; PlUmon, N

vada. and C»hen. OeorgU. Oovemor to ^ A flbU f agUgm!>n..?<?y Me^co; a e n il_ ; * ftlor Bratton and neprescnUtlve.inj '* Chare*. New MexJcft Former Repre- Ifm

sentativo John Morrow. New Mexico, of nl*o“ wa» coiled-to-tho plotform -to-du ta lk 'w ith tho governor. i

1- : A fter spending tonight o t C oloro-I,, »d do.Sprlnfis.-Mr. RooBcvelt w ill leave N

there early tomorrow to Journey | through Denver to McCook, Nebros- j ko.

Governor Roosevelt likely w ill sec!« the f ln t Chicago game of the: - “ world's series on Ssturdsy. Arrange- D( ot ments hove been tentatively mode h« '*• fo r the nominee and his party to . ill M vis it Wrigley field when the Cubs nr

and the New York Yankees meet de r»7i in h f i ‘ ih ird 'B am o'onh6'M r te » rT n n r

firs t two are scheduled for New L« P* York tomorrow and Thursday. ! co

Rooievelt w ill not make a major ss Tt speech in Chicago although a group!

of party leaders h u urged h im to ar r * locou one ot his-lmportont address-, ne

ra in the Illino is city. The Sloiix tn ly C ity address on ta riff ond ogricuU 'pe Id ture w lll end hU speoklng program, fo or except txrhops for brief sddres&rs be

In Milwaukee, Chicago and Detroit, m: ■ t-____ . • _ .


(Continued From Poga one pi

AT polgn Issues, w u u follows: teto “ Your letter d f the twent>'«tfilrd

Instant, requesting informaUon u to .at o my position w ith reference to thejco

us proposed repeal ot the Eighteenth !a t nd amendment ond tho Volstead act, b> n- h u been received. —- Uihe " I I I ' i cplr .~i ~beg t o u y - tha t- I of o f betiev»-t1ilA qliesUon Is not the pre- a ;n :|dohtlnat>nw uB -nrtttli-a tm po lgn-ln m n m n n r a n n my opinion, we ore lm - ‘|C ais medUtely.concemed.with4 hc.prob- OJ in- 1cm o f finding o solution for theicc

world-wide economic depression re- !n< suiting from the war with oermony,

U- whleh destroyed'billions in p rope r-'u

t From Behind Wouldn’t K

l ^ p

. ■■ • Copyrlebt. IW

iQ f-W E D K E S D A Y -M n R N T N G n :S I

ty and .m m ianj of Hr«. o u r people ■re more interested in legUlatloo to Ht Ruarantee bank deposits; relief leg- t-la tion-to prevent for*cloiures on liomrs and forms and to Insure t / fnrmers o'better price for Ihelr pror ■ ducts: the reUef ot unemployment; l l Ilie broadening and. protection of our markets: and QA storage of

(floo<J*wacer« fo r existing }rr!g»Uon iprnjrcls, n u to insure sn omple

. ;z u o ^ of water to etiib^e the fonn*

yw>onl» nf Idaho are __■H ?i5ena£ntT3po irtte^« ii^ —l(iur prowrtlve u r i l f , so u to pre-

..v rn t the foreign producer trom '(lumping hts,products in our mor- !l:<-ts. . ■

"As you and probably every other »« 'lirrson in Idaho knows, I am now nU :vml olways have been personally »«

'a dry. 1 believe that tlie outright oil: Irrpcal of the ElghteenUt omend- p r

-mt*nt-owd- thg-yolstgad-ofJ^'KlthOMt oL ‘ s', the same time providing o sub- op 'um to thprefor. would result in the Pr

\ih indo rm ent 0/ all prtnrrf'ss {ft«i .has been niade throughout tho cen- Id' turles In the control of the Uquor ba trnffio and the advancement of tem- mi lirmnce: and that as a result of re- ot

' iKnl we would have chaoi. coused so bv the absence of effKllV'n taws liv ca many states to control the Illic it lo lfi

. 'o f alcoholic beverages. w«-I------------Dem M di Better F lin -----------«

*-Bellevlng u obovt suted, X om opposed to tiio outrljtlit repeal of

. llie Eighteenth amendment-without ■ itavlng some better plan to present Pf- In iU place: but recognising thot 0‘ •b inder our form of government, the -Ipeopio ore entitled to th# oppor-t 'tu n lty of expressing their opinion on- - "iU io odvlsablilty of a change In the th t'constitution. In the manner provided za therein, I am witling to vole to sub- Ft

B m il to the plates In o legal manner. K s .fo r adoption or rejection, fc subsU- gt ■ituta for tha Eighteenth.nmendment 1! which w ill enable those stotes to be A{- dry which wont to be dry. ond to su -'prevent the return of tha saloon ge r to Americon life. • fo 11 " I pcopoaflJfljlemU a y tUin.<lur;. _ the coming campaign to discuss- wi - ‘ (ng tliose economic i33vta which ore El

of supreme imporUnce to our people cHo-durlng-these-Btrenuous-times."------ bo

I ------------------ ----------- Jii

N O TE D S T A TE S M A N _______ w

' j SU C C UM BS IN D IX IE „I -------- ur

c ! (Continued From Psge Onef'. I. tu- DemoaoUo group in the senate, he e held o commanding position during0 11)0 dO)« of the World war. He w u tn 3 an ardent Champion Ot former Presi- jc t dent Wilson, one of the most flCroE' iei (‘" ic 'c r itlu 'Q t Gcriusuy, and on 'odm in ' nr V LMrotlon leader In the ions and bitter rli

: controversy over the Treaty of Ver- ai rsa ille s .p! In tho ofter-the«var days ho wok0 an opponent of the Treaty o t Berlin, {c Hording odmlhlOr ec X tration, and obso ot tha Knox-Cortcr m .'peoce resolution by whleh Congress ej. I.'form ally declared the state ot war tii s between the United States and oer- «l ;. mony o t on end. tn

.^During the Isstyeon of hlsservlce, jg- scnito r-W iniam r-ictlT ltScs-on-ihe -

senote floor were circumscribed by - inereulng deafness to whleh many

‘ Of his friends attributed in-part; at j j,

i le u t, ilia decision mada during the campoiga of 1933 not lo otter for t t - election, ond to retire to h it cotton pUntoUon In Yosoo county, mImU-

- sippi, o t the end of his second senste , i term. M ifc h 3,1933. u,

1 Although Intensely partisan. Sen- o,otor-W illlom s woa.courteous to ond wl ejconstdemte.ot his polltlcol opponets. m ti.ond VOS warmly-loved ond respected ^ ^ by hls-colleaguea on both sides of « ^ «S- croticr-os^uler-vlgOKMSr—bvu—( t l r - vv n m lnde^aU lesm oh '^t th«“ Stouth'ct ~ ;- jC lT ll ■war times. He -lored a fight 30 It ;ond plunged into the iw lr l of every pi la controversy w llh Intense earnest- * :• ,nea, vigor ond power. jo r . l A student. 0 master o f Mveral ci ’ languages, and equipped with a vast m • — — — ^

fc H u rt R ight Now •>------- - ____ _________________ _ u

yk hia y **


w ^f i/ r / . , ClI j j / I / , ____________ ftf f / / f ' 0' r / I - ^^ j / f ■. ■ 7 / r . Ij" l l y *'

f F t '

1 1 — -■

, iw a . by The Mew York Tram nt. Infc

vSEPT-EM3ER 28. m z __________

m i i s i l tilFDHTftBLESlH a v a n a Goes U n d e r M il i t a r y I

— R u le — i i j f l e r - ^ O i r t l m r s H I- T ) f — P o lit ic a l— V io I e n c c - |

l l•' HAVANA. Sept. 37 W!>-IUvan» f w u placed under nilUtory rule to* ] night o fte r on outb\ust ot political I vlolfnco hod resulted In the oasas* sinoUoa of Clemente Voxquea Belio. I p ^ d e a t of the Cubon senaU, and I nf three sromlnent members of the | | ^ ^ l U o n to tna ooimnistrouon Oi f t

jn a n iB ia iiB tu t iim m s U iB p iM ' 1 klent explained tha t m ilita ry rule H bod been Invoked " u a prerenlatlve ■ measure ogainst re p r iu li by Irlcnds" IB ot the oialninen. He urged tha t os- P soclotes o l the victims r e m ^ L calm. ' I

The killing ot tba oppooltionlsU ■ w u described by/lnvesU^tora as on ■ 401 c i xctalla linn .for.l he .jlaylPs-flL.M Dr. Vazquts Bello,'a strong M a - iM chodo supporter who. hod he lived, | M probably would have been.the next ■ president ot Cuba. A fourth member ■ of the opposition w u gravely wound- 11 t i . 1

Three Brathen I. Tho oppooitionlsta slain were { L three brothers, Representative O o n-. K zalo Freyre de Androde; Guillermo i M Freyre de Andrade, an attorney, ond I ^ Leopoldo Freyro de Andrade, an en- glnecr. h

Bepresentotlva Miguel Angel S Aguiar, who partlclpaMd'Ul the’ im - ^ succeaaful revolt again the Macliado t - govemmentlnAugust,103l,wosshot four times. '

Dr. Vazques Bello- w u shot u he w u driv iiig owoy from h IT^C 5le7 E l Bohlo, which adjoins tbe country, club. There “-were 10 bulleta in hts body,-JU-41edJ)cfnnUiU.chouIfcur. _ Julio Suares, who had been wound­ed. could drive him to Comp Colum­bia m U lt^_ho tp lto l. '

The rteyre 'do 'A ndrade 'hro the rr s «-ere attacked in the Vedado sub­urb. They died almost instantly.

None ot the assollonta w u cap­tured.

Examine AnteWhen pollee examined tha auto­

mobile -in which the senate pros i-: - dent w u riding they found 87 bul- ■ le t marks. Joee Inerara, an a u ls l- I

rid ing with him, sold he' would be Iobla to recognize the ossosslns. I

Dr. Vozques Bello belonged to o Ifamily which h u long been po llt- I.

> Ically powerful in Cuba. He w u elect- IL ed .senator .from Bonla.QIaro prov^ I‘ ince in lOU. He and President M o- I‘ ehsdo were close friends aad tbe Na- I' tional Liberal party, which he head- I' ed. already had supporUd a move- I

ment to make him president in the I 1934 electlcna._______________________I

’ ' I - - I; fund o f Information, Senator WU;, ; ' Uami wos beside* a skilled-p«rll«<S-‘■ mantartan. keen of w it and endowed’ with generous humor. ■ t‘ W llh hU prominence I n ‘ house , ’ and senate. Senotor W illiams na tu r- i ‘ ally took an Important po rt in the 1

leadership of hl» porty. He w u o • ' delegoto lo the Chlcogo convention m 1 which nominoUd Grover Clerelond• and Adlal Stevenson; served as tem- 1 porary 'chairman ot tha 1004 Dcm- ’ ocrotlo notional convention aad‘ ^ o »l^efat« to tha BalU- _

f —B orh 'on iem pW fTTe im ew erJn ly ^ : 30.1834, Senotor WUlloms as a chik l - r passed through tho_6outh's ^ I n g■ days during and Immedlatek I& - *

lowing tha C lrtl war. Hia fa the r. .1 Christopher Harris WUlUms, a colo- t nel o f tho Tennessea Volunteers, w u ,. killed a t tha batUa ot Shiloh. His

mother, trhose maiden name - v u Annls Lewis Shorp.'hoving died, ond

_ \Tfmntiin being threatened by the _ Union t u M . Senator wiiUoms' fsfflUy raorrd to his mother's fam ily homestead la Y a»o couaty, where at Cedar Orove Form the Senotor

_ m adaJilgJlcm ^ ____ _____________ _A ner tuteloge In prirote schools,

M r. WUliams entered the Kentucky | M ilito ry Institute. Later he attend- ed the University o f the South ot Sewanee. Tennessee, and the tfn l- verslty o f Heidelberg a t ZMden.

- Oermony. H e-itM a ifd -la» -o t-Jhe . _ University ot Vtrgtnlo ond waa ad­mitted to the Tennessee bor la 1877.

- ‘f h a yeof fenowing hs roti im ed tft . . Cedor Orova Form. Yosoo eounty, where he engoged In the practioe of his profession ond the pursulU o f a cotton planter. He w u m arried on October 9, IV n, at Livlncston. Alobamo, to D iol Webb, doughter ot Dr. Robert DUkens Webb. They hod seven children.

Senotor WlUloms w u elected to congress tha firs t time I r 1899 ond served-In Uiojjouse for 18 yeors, re­ceiving o il o f tho Totes cost when he last offered for election In 1»07. He w u elected to the *n u t« th » fd - lowlnc year and took hU w «^ la 1911.

Daseeaded from on inustrlouo line o f reTOluttonory leaders, Benotor W lllloau hod Mnferred upon •him


Commercial H ig h lig h ts

(CociUBOOdlWoPUOOiio . oa amount doN t« tb a t a l lha

s ta rt o f (he slump, improfvemeni u reuU sotu w u glrea as the reason.

CHICAGO — OftldaU^Qf Carson, Ptrle. BOQtt ta d oonpony, vholesal- era o f c m ia g and dry loodo, report­ed th e largest bnstaoM ‘day in

- three jH m - V U u lr «nploy i» -hcre beea called back to work. I t waa an­nounced. oad Ul* eatlre c ta lt worked

» hours of -BT. LO U n — O tden reoelred by

the in te m a U e u l. Shoe compoay- sU^a August » have ohown a as per

cent tacnoae orer ocdera to r the oor- respeodlng period lost year. > t«ak C. Raod. presldeat, annotmced Tuesday.

CHTCAGO — The Serenth Fedeial I• ' Reaerre D lsttict b a o k reported

Gandhi’s A id - J

1, Cj

’* V IT H A L B A I J. P A T E L , sec- H e ond in com m and o t th e I n - ^ y d ia n n a tio n a lis t m o ve m e n tr u a a r r iv e d in N e w . Y o r l f t ec..__ prp flch thf» (roancl o f M a h n t- ^I- m a G nndh i to th e A rpc rM y in '■ , people.— (/P) P h o to . Irf

Question In Series

JS W IL L O L D C Y M O O R E eq ua l I a. hi.<t g re a t re lie f w o rk o f j J. • 1928 in the co m in g w o r ld id flcries? T h a t’s been a b ig ii■ j__ gucittion in w eigh in jr th e _” chancca o f th e Tan R cM "

W —c Ia a 9 ! t - - - ( iT ^ 'P h o t6 .~ - - - — |

' t R a z o r b a c k C a p t a i n . ;U ■ .

» ' ^ ‘

E J h ^ S I •iT 1 I

re I I r[ ■ E | H | | | H | | | | 0 n l r

d- ‘

It- < IV

rte.___ ’<1* n • * ! 1 P>7. <t a ___ _______________________________J

Its ^ ■ b S ^ B L ^ S x Ied

■ K 9 H IB B S J

he • ' ------ -!He — i r i f - V 4 _____ol* .la

^ j o n s e N - i r i i n w r f . ^ r a p t i i i i ro f th is year'B foo tba ll team

*.-& tU h»4;n iv«rg ity-of-A ri(a»- sas. Is the la test o f th e Ions:

— lis t o f lincmen“ to lead"the t s Photo.

“ ■ whotesite ‘grocery u iee Inm ased *— per cen; la the dUtrlct during August. V°* The report sold boidwaro solfio gain?• “ ed 4 per cent, dry goods 38. dmgo 14,

ond shoe* M per cent, lo l- _________________

3 T o g t i « t e T o g a s a i f y

S »P PM AND BOARD. M A S O K - able rate*. a jlh lT d A v e n u a north.

I by _______w POR S A L K -R m S o BETT P t K i -

er. *30. One mile west and three- quarters oouth o f Ctirry.__________ _

da y llLA S r WXSS OF BPECIAI. U M ;o a ll permanent. Orpheua Beaaty fted^ahoppe. Phone m

G IE J W IIT S B R T .iiiioyoliiPortland Man Says He Acted ....As—UnwiUing~~A^~en(~iir - ~■" PrepareiliiessDayTTagSy

PORTLAND, Sept. 27 {/n _ 7h» OregonUn tomorrow wUi carry a signed sUtement by Paul Caill- cotte, well known Portland moim- taineer. In which he'dcclates his btliet lha t he is the man who.placed the y l t c a ^ b ^ b ‘ ^21916, which 'cortio lives Midsent^Tom

-prison lo r life.• 'iliB Oregonian w ill quot«>Caltl- ' ' cotte u saying he acted aa unwitung agent in the ease, hU statement af­firming that he woa promised and psld IS lo carry a suitcase from Oak­land to flan Pronclsco on the doy o ftha Preparedneaa parade. _______

I t w u this'suitcase, according te Calllcotle'a belief a* expressed In tho ’ OrcBonian's story, which exploded 00 '2;oe p. M. that doy. k illin g 10 per- * sons and Injuring 43 others, on oes of which Mooney and B iilinga wer« convicted of having perpetrated.

The suitcase w u placed In the tx - oct * i» t wiicro tiM explosion occur­red ot Steuart and Market streets, tho Oregonian quotes CoUlcotte u sut> Ing.and w u placed only a few i^ n * utss before tbe explosion took place.

CalUcotte VOS 10 years old a t iho time, and had' no Idea o f the eon- tent* of the suitcase, the Oregonian S .summarizes his statement. He was 1 Interosted solely in making the >S. '-The-Oregonian says<h*-went-volun--------tarily to police headquarters tonight 1 and lo id tu t n o r y he/ore Chier o t -. { PoUoe Leon V. Jenkins and Chief_____

They said his statement would be Investigated ond the information wlU w th o r t to ."^ ^ ^ ' 'x 't f '-T '*

• Explains DeUy

The Oregonian aald CalUcotte was asked why ho had not mode his state­ment sooner, and w u quoted u hav­ing given the rcuons th a t b b par­ents, then living, were devout sev­enth Day Advcntbta, and would have

-be en -h urt-w tU i-ttift-kn ow led |«-ho— went to a parade on the Advcntlsu' ssbboth; thot he assumed from aews- paper accounts o f the bombing and tria l tha t Mooney and BUilnES were leaders In the plot; th a t because of.h ia_i'fiu th-ho_Tr**_ofraltl to make ___known his participoUon, thouglThe knew he w u Innoccnt o f any crim - - ^ inal m tent; that subsequently hs w u I worried about the a ffa ir bu t besiut- ed moking a statement while hU por- enu were oUve.. ^ . j

He sold, the Oregonian states, he I w u now prompted to moke the s ta le -, 1 m « t to "get i t o f t hia chest." 'gColllcotw said he d id no t see the

explosion, the Oregonian states, and that the suitcase he placed a t the spot might hove been removed from the explosion scene and another put In its place. Other circumstances con­vince him, hoivever, the Oregonian quotes him u saying, th a t his suit­case w u tho fa ta l one.

The Oregonian quotes the follow­ing substance o f his narrative;

________ ^ t U T t r g l Bt f k oag___________"Thot teteral months prior to and ^

" ;ottf~tii«'>ifpii^on''li~e hod bMtt t n -■ ployed'by tha Sunset Lumber com-- .paay,.Oaklaad:-thot-th»-doy betor* - -

(he explosion he wo< offered 95 to lake a package to San Franclsw); that lbs foUowing doy ha took a suit­case across tba bay on a fe rry; that he then met a man, had lunch with him ond later placed the sultcose on the spot where the explosion subse-

. > i.ent1v nreiirryrf- thut. ha Immedl- atcly le ft tha scene and w u la the ferry buUding, f iaa FTaaclsco, • few minutes later when the explosion took | place."

firs t came, the Oregoalan states CalUeotlA declared, a fu r ho hod bees le ft 31 homa alone w ith a broken leg on tba a l c ^ pf M ount Hood In IMO.He WM acting u a guide fo r a party - when the climbing rope broke, 1s t- ^

- t lD fh in - n a . He gent th rp o itrba e fc— f « old. A t the end of h ia long, poln-

- v igil lit the freezing weather ha■ w u !not sure i t wowu Lw lieuo*

sarr fo r h im to make tha decision to ^ te ll t ^ , " ^ r » -keep stUl." HOw u nearly x ttz in . .

CalUcotte, who Is 33. married and the father of a young child, h u been o c t l^ U guide on M ount Hood fo r several yeors, h u climbed the know- copped peak innumerable times, and claims the record fo r the fastest tlmo from the Umberllne to ths summit

■ a ^ r e lu W ; ' :-------------- ---


. A ltom eyi aad police who flguredJp the prosecution of T h o m u J. Mo3-

M lv i p«rt»eipauoB“ aT U * f f nt*« *^rn*f1r[r iM i- -" tonight placed little credenee la the ^ story told by Paul M . Callleotto In

l*ortteBd,-la-wHleh'*POrtlaad-poUoa--BT la id l u admitted eartytng a o u l fe ^ • e of-dynamite to 8aa Fraaclsco oa ta *

day o( tbe bombtag.RepretentaUves of tho M o ^ D e* •

• hame w ith complicity

• lan itlga tad , t i fn r rm . repreoeaU-

vtiwiig*. others once acUvi O T r u w d e fe tu e w proaecutlon aald t * i .^ S jh ? tS rD e T .r had beard of oaUl- .


aad eerrtee. Fbene 4 M .-A d r. .


iLFl ill IT JERDiraCliS I

R e v . . A . R ._ H e r r in g S u o : _ H

As O rg a n iz a tio n S e c re ta ry m

' JEROME. Sdil. 31 lapecUl to The E |News)—Rev. A. n . HeiTlna Pr*- ■ e»y took up liw worn m *fcreiary of

'thv local , acllare organUaUi^B. -ul','ch.po3lllon WM le« vne*M ifncn \ fr / . O. L. Kendall W

O . L. Jh orfjwn, chalnnan. A. U g

bcri A. While, rtproMaWnj ihe ^ county Red CroM. Rev. Herrlne wl» ' J m«lnulnlhfrsame office on the th ird A floor o f tho Jerome bank buUdlne. I l l w ith office hours from B lo 13 A. M.

A meetltiK of representatives ot all Jodgeji, club# iind churche# wbi cftlled by the Bssocutlon Tuesdny

-aHernoon nt the Civic club rooms. '"■T M klns lo r cooperatlonTh jilR rw ork for this winter, imjieratlv# need of ^ clothlne. ejipectally «hoea »nd itocX*Ins* for «hoo l children, wiu otj- nouncjfmnid e» drlvo pliinned for U»U week. A standlns conimllleo coffwos- j cd ot Mro. W. E. Jelllaon. Mr*. J. K . «<» W heftUroft nnd Nfr*. B. W. Carpen- «»“ " ter was chosen from imone the rep- P**" resentatlvea present to waist the see- re u ry In supplyln* clbthln*. The • — city la maklDB upeclal effort lo fu r­nish emploj-ment. OrnnjM w ill be njked to secure need(*d farm prod*UCU. - - -

APPLIES FOR PATENT, j SJEROME. Sept. '27 (Special to Tlie H }B

Neva/—^r~i!r^MdHancy. Jerome, u ; 1 9 9 applying fo r & United Slnte^Eovem*; ment patent on a bAll-and*socket ap*

Irlvance. which Li coated with hard [ nibber. screws into any U«hl «ock-1 ■ ' ct and, becaitfe It ean be lum ed to '

tion w ith excenslon cordi. I t e)lm- lnatc« unnecessary wear from bend- Init nrul prevents shorilng and con- scQuenl fire hazard. ^

JEROIVIE C O U P LE W E D S ■_____ . : iS l

JEROME. Sept. 27, (Special to The-■Nowal-------.TitfXhurn and MtM

Arlva Bnow were mairied last Thurs- day n igh t a t the home of the bride's parents. M r. and Mrs. Joseph F. '

■ Bnow, by Blsliop Heber Folkman ol tho local Latter Doy Salnls’ churcl;.The younir people plan to make thcli

— liotnc"on'ft fnnn norUJ'ortom r---------

SO NS A R R IV E IN JE R O M E H E l_____ B

JEROME. Sept. 27 (SpecUl to The _ tn — KewA)—^Diree-eona-arrlved'ln-^er^ — SI

ome fnmllles tn the last week: nrTo M r. and 'M ra. E lla Bruach. jn

September 31. a soft: to Mr. and Mra. ,,Cart H.- 8mall,.8«ptemt}eN33. a aCU; »<to M r. #hd Mra. fHlkner. Wendell flthosplUl, September IB, a M . t i


OURLEY. SepU 27 (Special to Tlie News)—A meeting of tha student body senate w ill be called soon to / Ibten to n Joint message sujmUted

^ by" 6Uj»trlntBndenf"OeonC C. Dcrf- man. and Bud Smedley. president of

make recommendations u to aetlvl* H

T lie senate Is made up of Russel | H. JBCSbMn. Jane Daven and Jule Pea- H

cock, tenlors: Bud LewU, Dale Par*' ■Uh and Ada. Mae Clark. Junlbrt; H Snm Henderson. Oraham Daven and Ivy Mannliiff. sophomores. .


— New»>—fihoplim ng-and-peU y-tW av-i-M e rr U prcraJroC here, aad ■complalnu are coming to the police . H and sheriff's offices from both city and country. W B

Saturday nleht. Andrew Anderson, manager o t the Penney store, see-' ; in(r'a*RUsptc]oo5~cnuvcur, fottowiKT ' him .-The man picked up a pair of i- hose In VMt En>elen'» store, walked I

who embraced him and awaited Ihe ^advent o t Sterling Clark, police / /■ chief. ■

Clark started wllh the pilferer. ' - toward th i clly hall. Presently, the E j /

la tter broke and ran. lo the ac- Smcompanlment of four shota from | M Clarks automatic. The last shot

to close to the feet of the — sprinter tha t he discreetly slopped. • . , . He gave hia name as red WllMn. M.from Washington state. «<

P A U L ” r e s i d e n t s V IS IT i t-___ Tc

"> The (flNew*)—.paul arrivals asd deoarturts ___in the last week Included tt^TfoUow- —

__ ___ _ _

.....Mfs. U M . Wood, P lo rm T im S i^ t tJ lr le h O ld h ^ motored through to i lu -

A. M. Hengy. a bee-ralser, orrlUe . Ci^CTOla, arrlTel W d « , S'®, H enrr Keck-* home.

M lu Helen Nelson and « r . Kllcr Wataon. 1933. graduates of the Paul jchool. aro attending the soulbcro M W ^ o t the University of Idaho at

——.M la s iiu re M w e a s to o h a a rtttm t-ed to the University tn Pocatello for

- r l h * aecood year. —, . “ *“ ^y irg tn la OUon Is attending

, ™ ^ “ *oa normal school thla year.and MIM Alice 7

C ^ e n t * h * ,e returned to Albion acbool fo r the second year. ' i r t t t * and HUda Wlddlson

Brigham Youngunfrersliy tn ProTft

Wonian Voicea

Mra. Daniel A. Warren, a t odd*Ith Ibe Glen RIdie. New JerM j, j,'ty CQonell, ordered her residence , 5ilaa lm l-iH th m in i « )d plaaiered- —<lh signs tmUr It looked Uhei-a -imposlte eomle sopptemenl and a . .sd. dream. Mr*. Warren wanlcd _W aeclJan* where h t r hoas* U BSfated resonedso I t rould be rent- BE1 ^9f bnalnfca. purposei, but the K mneU wonldn't retone. hence thealnt job to offend the eye* of L L Dsnell m e m b e n ^ l^ Pholos.

5ears FamouB Name Jj]|

_____ ______ __News.. IXgijttislons

f W y - — II J S T * n l '~ - ' - | X . • 3 $ ^ ! A l I * .Icrcs!f t - ................ ' • Icvcnl

p r r ^ . - - . '0 "

-JI * v"Me<

Mlu-.V. ■ • \ dlsl

V ' V ■

---------------------------------------. clayE N R Y C A B O T LO D G E .B 0 V e r 1 y , M a 8.sachuM tta. (rran dso n o f th e In to U n ite d tend

-S ta te s -s e n n to r-o f- th tr« 8 m c -B o tvnam e, m ad e h ia a tn r t in poU i t i w b y w ln n in ff th e R epub . l i iy in n o m in a t io n to the .inm , s ta te house o f roprcKentn* day t iv c fl.— (/P) P h o to . cii

Pres'-------------- Satu

B a b e ’ s U n d e r s t u d y o" aMl

^ talni dlnn

venu —and.

" ' . V ’ hont

X T j H n j W w u B theMl


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TheH B B fflB y ■ ed fl

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•«— ' oveG c M M b

I R H S H H t a H c a i i S S - ber

*«erv6 o u tf ie ld e r . m a y 's c t 'S o n chancc In th e w o r ld 's Rcricfi. fsm: i f c f fe c ta o f re c e n t illness P'^a Torce R u th o u t o f game.— { / ^ - v h o to .

— '7 *1 by >

______ - • tnbji•JHTOME, Sept.'3T (Special toT lie _ _e « ) —M la j Anna Johnatnn. 14. a —eahnutn.. In.Jcromo high iQuiiii 1—leased tbe exact weight of tb rW - t j Ich a t the Jerome county fair. Thele&s was 3M0 ounces. N<

■ ■— * K i

QODIN&CAVALR Y Jm S _OOODINO, Sept. 27 (SpecUl to ~ ho Newaj — Troop A of Uie Ono In imdTfdth.S ttteentii eivaiary of the“ j iahtt national guard have resumed '111 to r the new year w llh 46.troop- « out In uniform. The accond VO eeUng brought out 60 troopen, in* bu udlcg 10 new memben. j



t w d ; f a l l d d a i l y

icca Protest W ith Riot 01

B f e " -

wTEyis'EP^’ WPS Busil

"T JU iiU ' V. 8ff>r,~3r rspfcia>-t4rTnr- H Newsi-Among Burley .social ses-i V slons ot the Inst week were llie fo i- I mUjQKing:____________________________L H -

A t Uic Mclho<llst cliurch an In- Wtcrcsunc iiiteilnR waa held Sunday Vcvcnlni: with i l ii : boys o t Mra. A. W. ■ - TtM fcFHnTTTiisnn-cnwfferAM minirpP^on Ihe itfOKrnm were Robert Cole- fman. Forest Rcdflcld. Frank Robin- b:.on. Bob Warbunr and Ralph Reed. ^MLis Dorothy ICing. furnished mu* ■ ^Ical number.i. Tlie sermon waa deillvered by Rev. C. W. Reed on. ■••Meaning of Surrender." ■

Mls-Monary society i f the Mctho- ■dlsl cliurch wHl meet Thitraday a ft- ■

■^rn!xjn~iir-thn-h(jme-of-Mrar-Ar-07 - H•opaiir wllh Mrs. A. E. Coleman In i ■ :hnrgc. ■

The same aftenioon the Presby- ■ tir la n women will enjoy a covered- ■ :'.ih lunchcon at the homo ot Mrs. ■

- ‘cKc Urardt-w ith Mr*. C .- I^J la r* . clay In charse of the missionary “= lirogrnm. n ? '

Wednesday evtnlns.the Endeaw foclety of the Methodist church w ill i tender a fiirewcll party lo Bobby r

-Bothwril. wlio-J«i-l»Avln«-ttUh-hia molher, Mrs, Catherine Bolliwell, to ^ makii Uielr home In Kansas. r■- Ladles' L iterary club wlJJ hold Jti , •Initial meeting for tho season F rl- ‘ day afternoon. t

ChrUilan Endeavor society ot the • I Presbyterian church held a party ____ Saturday afternoon In the church — parlors, sponsored by Mesdames C. q g O. Anas nnd O. R. Shockcy. ' anjn

Mr. and Mr;«. W. D. Punk enter- g . j talned a number of friends a t a hosi dinner Sunday afternoon, honoring Mr.\. Punk o ;i her birthday annl- vemary. Covers were laid for M r, h | i nnrt Mr< H. P. Andrew and-daoRh—— L

•iers.-T.p :' aira Mrr c . - y.-M cpgnaid —and rimiqh tr r i i Mr, anti MrPi Wr R, ’-----

wnrt-th»-h.»^.;-fmnlly:—J ? -- r z — Mtes. Loralna-Smedley was tha ^ honored guest at a birthday party, 5 “ at the R. E. Smedley home, with “ Ut about 3S.friends bidden lo.*>end the evening. , “ *«

M utual Improvement association held a meeting Monday evening at ^rlr the tabernacle with about 100 young men and vom en attending. tna

?■of their president. M r*. C. J. O rlf- “ s- flth . Mrs. Hattie Daven read a pa* ^ per on "H istoric Mod,es of Transpor- •>« tatlon.” froi

— Buslne»-« i>d-P rore« lona l-W o- men's club met the name hour at cru the homo o f Mlts Veryl MeCulloeh.The hostess had four tables arrang- reC' ed for bridge, which was followed by chi a dalnty.lunch. Quests for the eve* ^

Thomas. Helen Whitley and Miss L. — Lewis. —

Ine a homecoming dinner In the church parlors w ith ovrr 100 attend­ing. An excellent proKram followed • he meal and a lovely evening en* 'oved.

Mrs. W. D. Punk was honored on her birthday anniversary with a 'uri'rlse d inner planned by a num­ber of neighbors and frlendr Cover* were laid fo r Mr. and Mrs. H. P.

Donald and dauuhtrr and the Punk fsmlly. The after-dinner hour w*s pleasantly spent.

MUlej Bridge club members were ri^llahtfiiHy enlertalned a l a 1 o'clock luncheon Monday afternoon by Mrs. George Denman. The r^smswere m ^ e ^ jt^ ^ tW e y l ^

• tnbjes.?rttt» covers for Mesdamai a

N ew M o d e l A u tn s A re N o B e t te r T h a n T h e irE n ifln e a ------- -----

. — and no w a .ih e r is an y be t-

—o r th e gears be ne a th th e . tu b r r fo r ._ th e r e is 'w h e r e . w ashers w e a r o u t.

C om e in and le t us show you W H Y th e H A A G la. b u i l t b e tte r— a n d w i ll la s t h u R c r. .

.M O U N T A IN S T A T E S ' IM P L E M E N T CO,


Of Paint B u l



the^SI~ l i s r s

T tiry and dl their




rallie j



Waiio . l>cr. a

- J — ' ____ I Scv• _ - tcndii

Romance Broken orculiar;, u l Ih

. eon aH | L _______W l ‘ '- • . . < i » J ^ t . a i i the f

■ -I r g *W i • I ' * '■ • ' ' : 4 m priM:I 1 J x U Hli ’ . -’■ .i ‘ ' ^ FounL > 4 ■'■ - M i Mrs.

R ' ' • ■■■.' M lirli

n iE R E H A S been n i p l l t in f J S th e dome.<itic l i f e o f G re ta land, Nis.scn, b lo n ii f i lm a c tre s s ,!

-^ d a V o ld o n -H < J j'l)u rn , . t tc to t : l.P J “ i an d T fo rm e r co IIc ro a th le te , were G re ta .^aid i t w iis b c ia use u r ; th e y d id n 't seo th in tfs " i n th e same l i f fh t . ” — {/P>

■ P h o to .a = r. , j. sus JC. Selby, M. W. Crouch. A. D. SlecU smith. H. A. OrohojJty. s, H. Kunau.Z. S. Pixton. K. P. aiujser and tha h o rt.» .

DISTRICT COURT OPENS S S — SESSIONSATSHOSHONE' e iiosHO KE. sept. 37-(spe«in-io E D IH ie News)—T b e .fo il term o t .t j ie dUtrlct court of Lincoln county com- _ ineoced jeitvrday. T lierc were diUy five- cases on Uie motion calendar, flvecase.non'the irla l cslcndar, three crim inal ea-ies and ono naluraltza- V“ tion case, which U considerably leas than In pajt years.

No Jury ciura a il l be called unlU ^

ease wUi be licard Saturday morning.A divorce wus Usucd today to Bea-

sle Oatendorf, p :» lntlff-of thU city from Burd (Osicmlorf. defendant of .C«llfgm la^Ira-!;>6ttn(lQ rr.' alleged, c i i . cruelty and non-iupport. They were r * * - married In 1031 In }>lUsourL She aUo received Um custody of two minor P: children, atroldlne. 10. and Ken- Nen selh, age four months. Harland D. wee)

the co ffe i

a b re a ,

a, m o rii

a sei-up _

~^^% '^vgsofihe^

Cl)^j ll .


OOODINO, Sept. 37 (Special to the :w.^j—A second burglary in one rek occurred here Monday n lgbt, ii»i»-Uil*vi*-cafried aray.lflO.gHLL- . . .

e^ahell oil ftaUob here. No trace ' ^ U bwh im \d at imuvj uam. — i h licy apparently took down a sign I t Id dragged It alonir the d irt to cover / f l lelr tracks. j f lThe same night. burgUra took a | B tO-iwiind safe from the NaUonal I ■ sundo' here, and 'oixned 11 no ru i i | l iM or here, ge llln t about tSO in . ■ uih. , • I d

'iHLIlES|NTSBUSy^BUHL. Sept. 37 (Special lo Th#

c\k.M-GulId.v I>agues, Bible Khool illies iitid «>cial Items figure prom- lenuy m ihe community news inliilil (liLiweek. ...........1Annual Promotion day was observ* •

d 111 the Baptist church Sunday. ei)ieuiber 25, wlUi Uie pastor. Rev. — kofKf f ’. Barton. offlclaJfng. Tfiojwt ^ I charKc of ihe dciiarimcnU were: |Irs. Cilcn Alwood. Mrs. I. E. Rob- ri4, .\llsd KalWeen Hyde; ushers, »■« i’anua Mcj cr Maxine Kelly. Ua N ip- • g i f cr. and Lois McBroom. i dScvcii(yA\ix ond 71 years of a t- —

cndiince at Ulbte schood arc tho rec- Til3 o{ Mrs. Perrin and Fred N l- R lL lar;. who were .especially honored h I the riilly ten’lcra of the Metho-;i5C cniirch sunda>-;---------- - ------ —

Mfinbcrx oC Ihe Episcopal. Guild llio *i>oiwored the 1 o'clock lunch- on and cards following, Saturday athe home ot Mrs, C. E. Lore, m yle >17. ____rjiu jji'wjcy Js uwd in m iin ti ln in # he Rround.1 and buildings of Uie ^pLsOuiml cliurch.- M n. Mary Mc- ira th won hiBh; Mrs. Parry the cu t irizc; Mr*. HiLrola iiyae coiisoiatlonr Z

caihoUc Women's League met Sat- / / irday with Mrs. J. c. Ham ilton fo r f f

'ounccn members and three guests. .•' >lrs. VVoIfc. Mrs. Finn, South Dakoia. | ,Iiiriat Ulckehaupl, were present.

Buhl M Uiblcrlal assocUtloa met a t .he Baptist Parsonage Monday, Sep* •ember 20. with Rev. C. W. Halscy. v Ilev. George F. Barton, Rev, O. L . vn CendAll, and Rev. ChrU J. Denny. • jrescnt. <.a

Aniirrlran li-glnn A in lllanr m et a t fc |. Jie Auxiliary room of tho American I M ./Cgloii tia ll Monday evening to lu - ta il new offlcere and hear a report )f the PorUand convenllon. Mra. D.

Jean Day, Kimberly, district presl* lent, assisted in tho InsUUatlon and H ;ave a re ito rfo fth e iu te convention.- - ■ klra. Harry Benoll, Twtn P&Us, COT- ■ ;red lhcnatlona lconventlonatport- ■ and. Officers Uisialled were: PrcM- K lent. Mrs, L. O. Nelson; f irs t vice f iresldcnt, Mrs. A. J. Amos; second [ l'ltc~p1tsiilin l. "Mrsl Sy'LT Bo'rron:' • ' secreury-ueasurer. Mrs. j . Q. Ven- f V ler; historian. Mrs. OIIO Ring. ci

— . -----------. . . . . . 1Uff. T lie defendant did not appeu*.

The case ol A. I. McMahon ver- tus Evelyn Thomas, on collection ot a note, wad eel lo r hearing on Octo- x r 8. Paul S. Haddock U U>e a tto r- d ney fo r the plalnlllf, and Wayne ii Barclay, Jerome. U Ibe atlomey fo r f tho defendant.

The divorce case of iJarle Mlzo* " 5uchl_versus Prank MUoguchi waa t dlamUs«d.llo6a.B..HaUdockj!(M_the. _ C attorney for U» p la ia tU f........

EDEN - GIRLS CONVeW S "_____ _______ her.

EDEN. Sept. 37 (Special to The Ncws>-«econd mooUng of the Kdea ^ O Irl Resen’cs was held In the O Irl Reaerve room of the high school Mon< c day evening. The meeUng. which w-u well altended/ w u devolod to learning club songs, and a declalon

week. Plans also were mado fo r the annual cabinet "setting-up" confer* ence a t Filer, October l.

Fa-EB-STUDEN^L-EAVE-W t.m , Sept. 27 (SpecUl to The

NewB>->PUer departures In the lasl week Included the following: . ,

9fee is ffo o d

^ a }^ a s t!

r B l f j g !

’p jv rth e T T a y !

ffe e is good.____ _ _

w w o T T jin g !


Cubs’ Lead Oi

R lL L H E R M A N . ChicaRo C ubs th e f i r s t m an to s te p up to th (

_ o p c n a _ \v itb _ lh {L X ftn k tC 3 .m .N c w

Coach A t Purdue G0(


S ________ A « fe y t= = = - - J Tlin t jeho

N O B L E K IZ E R . he ad g r id coach a t P u rd u e , is p re p a r­in g h is B o ile rm a k e r e leven f o r a n a m b it io u s schedu le H o f s ix B if f T e n gam es and tw o in te rs e c tio n a l t i l ta . —

~ g P ) :P H 6 tb , - - :-ZZ r '_ _ _ . _ wbi

OrieleyTSaoraa^UCen^: ^ \e r tho atate teachers' college fo f Th« her. second year In th a t-lu tltuU on . ani

Harry Wilson le ft Saturday for cha Chicago, where I he wUl enter tbe pot Chicago university. sam


T T R l

. ■ JV thaye jus t recc “ Seconds” in trucl see why they are c


FirestoneAD EP A R TM E N l

M E M B E R IN D E I P bon« 75

O ff iVIap g[j(

t(on I

R more


^ pie s sp(?cdy seconil b n s fm an , w i l l[) th o p la te w hen w o r ld 's series t^oN c \v _ X f lr k . r r : (J ! }L B io to ._ _ _ _ ihia


-------- NewGOODtNO.-Srpt. 27 (Special to celv

3auuNegfl}=Wclcnmc Qftt]Of)i_MU ila i l of Mrs. A. A. Oarlock o t tUbi city, righ and a former Gooding boy. Is a mcm* the ber ot t he cttflt of a Nevr^York m

Ihe play season a t ttio Hanna the- llghaUe in Cleveland. Ohio, lost week, of h

The comedy is cnUUed. “ Of Theo YI Slug." and U the play tlia t won thethe PullUer prise for 1B31-1B32. I t acoU a pollUcal aallre on Washington redgovernmental acllvIUes and life. M r. P »Oarlock U listed In the program. roa< copy of which has been rece ln ^

BM d." as “^ w *a a t? « lL “

SHOSHONE PUPILS..VOTE ra’’;_____ -. Iras

- SHOSHONB.-Sepl.-37~<Sp«clAl-tO tloa' Tbe News)—A atudcnt.'txKly elccUoa. «>de WOA held today w ith the following nlni resulta: any

.President,' Dorothy M ink; vice president, tie between Agnea Pagoga wtJd-fiob-Schlllerrwhleh wm bo^-otwl- oft a l A later date; secretary, M arr The ElUabeth SmlUi; treasurer. K . P. Bu' MeOuIre; aergeant-at-amu. S ill MC' Hubba; ygm n ner. Eugene Bonnlng. her

Thera are IM student now enrolled Car In high school, compared to the 1S7 jcho were enrolled a t thU time last

_________________1. . Ne

FRACrtlBES AB.M delHOLLISTER, SepU 37 (Special to a t '

The News)—Leo Knudson, aon o f weiMr. and Mr>. M. N. Knudson. frae-. _tu red_h ls_rlgh l forcann Suitday — when’inotof.. ^

^ T t o i ^ T T C s a p a ^ p a ^ O i i t o S The News)—Allen Smitfa. Qoodlng. anlvcd .here . la a t. week. to_ take .« charte of Ihe Oregon Short Line de* *■ pot here. Uoyd MUler le ft here tbe same day for Caldwell. M

JC K Mo u r _ _ _

ESTCCOMJ"sJSEBd■eceived our J irs t shipmen ■uck sizes. You’ll have to i •e called “ Seconds"; ; .and


[le Service Stw;NT STORE FOR YOUR ^[D E P E N D E N T M E R C H A N T S ’ A S


RANGEiVOTE Tfl FORM lESEyE-jOR JUSTICEFILER. SepL 37 (Special to The :ws>—A t a meetlng ol-the execu- ,'e commlUee of the Twin FalUt u iity Pomona Onui8«i * p lw »as

prnvlilliig tnr nrg tn lta-_in or a "LeSKiie fo r Economic Jus- :e,” In Tw in ¥»ll» coUnly. Pikp(»6' the organliaUon u to give "those

no are unable to pay their debU.-a ftsonnble amount of protection."A temporary board ot five members lU be appointed by the pomona aiiter. These five w ill select four, ore. making a total of nine mem- ■rs of the "Justlcc league." ~ Koiirteen of 15 subordinate Orance I'.rtcrK or tlie county attended the cellng. along w llh oiner orsnsers lio boosted ^ e attendance, to 30


BUHL. Sept. 37 iSpecUl to Thn ewA) — Announcement, was made Klay by Mrs-'F..W. MacManua.pres- . lent of the local cliapter of the Red ro-vt. l l ia t a limited am jynt of cot- in goods would be nvallabte for dU* rlbutlon lUler November l . Mra. P.

Bartle tt. In charge of flour dls- rlbullon, gave out IS sacks of flour londny.Mrs: BarUelt stales that requests

3r flour havo grown less because of n lionest effort on the part ot peo- le to help themselves ihrough the annlng and vegeUble aesjion. Red iroas authorltiM are graUfled w ith ho reiponsa people ara making In


lews)—Bob Lambeth. Jerome, re­elver (reatmdnC lu. a loesl. pbyslr lan'8_otHec_Sunday night after M Ight leg bone waa fractured ijeiow he knee cap, when he was struck by . car driven by William Wetgle, who. 4»erver«*-*ftld.-wa*. blU«Ud-bjr-ttoa IghU ot an approachUig car. west if here.Young Lambelh was walking on

ho right-hand aide ot the road w ith L companion, and tbe KCldopt occur* «d when M r. Welgle attempted to laas ft car parked by tbe side o f the oad.


Ise News)—Flro originating in a rash pile a t the' A. W. Kayes real* l o n c a - i n - / - w n . Iderable excitement_Mondaf mor* ling, but was extinguished Ticfore iny damage resulted.

v is r r IN rA iR T tE tD

me News)-^Ur. and U rt . Dave luralclc. Monterey, California, have >een visiting a t the Ulnear homt >er«. Mr.-Survlclt-waa a rsUdent oi ^amas prairie 30 years ago.

CLOVER V lS r rC M LCAVK CLOVER, Sept. 31 (Special to Th<

News)—M r. and Mra. Qustar KaU ‘ pr and M r. and Mr*. Julius Kalsei departed last week for Ihe lr homi at Oakland. CaUfornla. after a twO' week vU lt here. •

- Sweet’s -M s ttre ss -F a e te rr- Save Money

mw0 S *

i r ^ o f Firestone rloo fc-c iose ly^— ' i d the prices Sre

r d V E B ■

fesTlflc:a u t o m o b il e

\S S 0C IA T10N 410 M a in A re . S o o th

TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWSu**'___________' coun

■ P M O um oN *A T« i InivUr tr» a it m

By c*m«rOn* T»4j— ■! I Pr,

’.T . . : ; ji-itho n . Uoolh------- ------------------------1 «

■ o « . m r —_ . r 2 L Z ! !L s — -------------- -------------h»ncZntnvd *M •♦««« e iu i m«I raMWf.

— A yu «■ m ». *t ta» po»Mtfn fi Twin M * . . y»iu. unflw tb« t t t 01 tufcB i , ,^rni

i t ? - .____ ■ --------- -------------------- that,lMu«d m r? merntec KMSt Hosiu^ , Inc, Twtn ru u . Twiij ralSM foust>. ,

*iu»nih»4»0fc_________ oven"''w E uB ni o r ASscm Teo p r is i tmpi

TH* A«4Mtti*<l n m 1* PiciualTiir cn* tll lM to tn . Ui. ror puWlatWB oC WI nrwt ai»p»icn« « « i i ^ to n, or oqi ini o lh .riru* «*dlt*d m th lj ftsd toth . local f i.v i poDlUbKl bmtn. All acnt

to ' no

CT> m.*a« AMOtUUd Prwa. |y f,Tb* K.«s U a nrtnbtr of ta . Audit «hei

BiiMsu of circulaiioD*. /mm V>»m u i wrormilien a i to MtenUUon m»j t>. ob- lions

; Ka?u.".c.aisBa",Sua:'»HS rMpsntlbiatf l« aMumM tor Ui.

car* ot tinioU«lt.d maniucnpt*. ptuu>> cnoM or o itiit contrtcuiM matltr. A r i l e l * . (UbtnUtfd far putllesuon

- .•noul4'M»-axa**4-Uua*.&und2ca.*otdaIn i.niU) anil aneuM b* oaotlMd to d topic* of euntnt ■metal ini.rMt. Aaoo* f Ttaoui comnunieaeioiu r> that* attacii. , tn t * f dMUlai m ptnenaiitua will do( ^ b« puBlUliwl. MO maouicrlpl will b* »•- luroM xinl*M aceompaoiM by nK ttm ?PC BU K---- --


t i n YorK. Chlrafo. S.n rrancMO. LOf AfitMM. MatU*. ^ D,S ^ = g s , opec


A great deal h u been t t l i . u i4 |||[* ' — lacely-wtil-botrftTO-repeatwl parrot-

taalilOH, next few »c>M. to tha lug 1 cffcc t tSfti 'Ainerican 'l i iJ irn c p n A - pw t tion Jim *erlotuly liiHrter*<l wlUiA m e rica c x ix im rM f l:------------------^

. in cofukUxliig thei* U Mrtloni, U ep«a wUI M 'tr tU U keep t t tw eu tn tU l o f th

— n g t r c a m y m maa.— ------------------ ^I t U to b l notod th» i more Ih tn

n lm ty per cent of the in c r e w con* m U ttlned tn the prtM o t ( i r l t l l&wi are W R increu e i on producu and naw m*- lerUU which are produced In Idaho. ,

That fact alone lA iurtlcl«Dt to ex* of < pla in the oppoeUloo on the part o( and Istereita which have tradltlonaUrot* low Jected to ta riff en raw matertaU. “ " J

Then the feela to be remembered ^ n

ExporU:aU over the world declined In IN I. m our countrr the pertent-

__age of decline wa« 43.7; In Canada p^gg49.0 and the AxtenUne, UM. w>)lch New:

— would-lndlcau w h a th a i been.hap- P«rt — pe n ln r-to -M T l« itm i^-prod uo tJ .- -

]n IM l free Unporu In to the U nlt- ed au tca decUoed 61.1 per cent be- War low 193^ and dutiable Unporu de- Jrd

— a a e f f j r f p t r w a t r — ---------- ----------But. I l l >U1 w« to<« 10 per cent „ n i

o t aU the.vctld 'a Uaporta while ua- eun — der Uie Demoentto Underwood ta riff Hoei

act we took only 9.4 per eeni of (he ^ ^t« u . J ; ;

: i U Intereellni. too, to obeerve tn d th a t under the p re nn t ta riff la it tion

- year two>thlrds jiT iU the unporu hrou*hi.Jnlo UUa o^jmtry, came in Ire* ot duly. Mr*.

Tha leeord U eoaclualve that the pin,___Unit«(l8(at«a>UUI«.9B«o{t}i« ireat:— e» t M arte tr lB - ta i-w e rtd - to H w Utt ~ p ^ u c u . ' •

— b la iom ao t tha .worlds linaiicoUcc- Vtlona o t valuable book*. When the KSoTlet Bovenunent recently offered | r theee fo r u ie coUectari and book-

to acquiring tome or the rare'books T t aad nunuacrlpu. They have been >7 « m uchdiiappo ln te iA U kjrU ofca tch - . f i

.-ea hare developed. The aa'Uosit 11- pi# b w y >t Lenlngad t u t fonad-ta *h a have l i n t claim on the confucated T) Ubrariea. I t can requUltlon from them j” *" any book or collection needed to »up- ,bie

■ ■ p ltm ftnt Ita own__ oU ier..publlo-li* —N<brarire In l^iM la, wtth lu ta of the dori booke *uppo»«lly fo r eale. nave lha

books ne«dpd for Ihelr o»n ahelvea. him; Would-be purchaeere were told that that they would have to' rtUnquUh tny bookf they bouitiC which happened to be <0 rtauUliloned, ef couru with and

' lultable financial adlulmenta. vlrtt: These were not tbe only

lo forelgo purebatera. a l<eBdoD _ , _ b e ^ l ]er. hoplnt_io purchaw a 'ya/|' T>

markable French library which hadW lru beloosed lo* Catherine u , ^beithe d ifficu lty h,e encouaiercd. u »a» Impoealble to penuade the Ruulan* ju to name their prlco fo r the Ubrary. he v

. fo ; they Immediately rabed any npjfA ■gr*^, , ’ lire i

e o ^ '^ ' iV e f ^ T H ^ ip ^ iJ t t y nj»n n a t4 te keep Uio m bookAy&d niaau- In •erfpU in R uula. but toes about l u <iuet pfOfram la lU an je wayi. w hy Invite

bxartea i f l t doea ao i intend to part *clet _ w ith lAem? F e r^p c l l »im« to m ke '*

R tw un a i h ^ l v c a mere awan of Ihelr treuurea. Perhape I t only b ^ S S

• * * " - i « r i w i r r i im i » V iJw aa the fo r i % f titn era thowed their eagerneu. You —

—-B tT tr .-c a r te lt 'about-BU M lt--------------- --

M M M U H O K * H A W E x k ^ ^ ^

» ot a ll the Counly Commbalooere— o r Tw iu ra a rc o o m y -c fiiu a n iW a '

uaU in favor of Um lu i t a ta ln ti theq ? m n o r to comptt t i l* juppiy jn* of iv td ty thouuad deU tn ot Oor<m- n t a : re lief tunda ta u u i couaty. Commlwaaaer B a r t o t Buhl U oa

' r M e r d > i lh a lU to a e a t lha t aoi' on ly d id b i oppoM U u auti agalaetU w O O ftrn o rb u fca e rtftjie d toJoiB ' ^

' T ii'HU Fuuf--------------- ^ ----

le ether two In the h l r l r j of fpeclai' mniel to pr«iu t)^e fctlon tnitead ot ^iivUlullnj the »ame tnroujth the, —flee of the Couniy ProMcuior, I-ProMTculor Wlthnm U ^lell »ui>plie<t, ■Ilh.lrgA l aI4 In the conduct of hUi, |flc« but It l i not apparent lhat iii« S lu tlo n of hU coneeni or rtfiiAal to,tndla the au lt th rom h l i l i office;. E IW ~<vcrTT?ut luo to Bim_-T;n<i_j)nlr,’ . |irh t anwdHiU'tfi thn >verM» man MT~ Jviat,.ii,-lth lef(nl inachlniry for euCh . L:tlon a t hand bought and paid (or. I .,'0 o f the Comraluloneri elected to j I.errlde Ihe vlewe of the th ird and^ |iiploy a tpcclai attorney to prtat. |klelr claim. Siniportance atUchej to ihe in d - I;n t chiefly from the fact t tu t thla Jno tlmr_(or_thft e«T»nditure of ot>e 3

ngle unneceuary dollar ot Coun- • g’ fiind*. t f ihere ever waa a tim e, Ihen economy should rale the ac- ions of ptibllc offlclAla clear down • EI the lAft penny, IhU I j m e ly It, I


U n . C. a. WiUiaxna ' ^

Pboae IM fi

D etlfh tfu l In every detail w u the ^ pening rKeptlon of the ‘I'wentlethentury Oluo held Tueeday after- . . . oon a t tho homo ot tlic prMldcnt,(II. D. L. Alexander, oit lUgltUi ave- ]uc North, who with tho past p rr tl- __ jent3orOiB"club“heakicTthe re'celv- /Ig line. M n . ^ M. Wolfe. Uurley, a *M t president, cauie duwu for tlic * . ‘xaslon. Ideal weather conlrlbuled ^ > the pleacure of the gueaU alnco" large p » r gr -Xirfl' a f ln uuuu-w B» — x n t viewing tha beautiful gardrna r the hoAlM* IneliKlIng Uie Illy l>ool,

i r extending from Uie alley to the iu k part of the house. Numbcrleat I>aU and UU wicker btukeu tlUwl _ ■un autumn iiowet* nQ<T!tt lo me gitractlvencM o f the garden. Tra wil h[io Mrved In the garflpn from n la - Ile coveted w ith a liandsoma doth Uf embroidered imen with edging Ind inMrU ef cluny lace. A large B)w c ry iu l bowl held an exquUlte ] |rrangemant o f Iceland popples Jh Irtam, yellow and orange. Presiding ■I t urn at t he a llv tr *er\ic» were the I

resent. Tha rooms wero lovely w ith Iu a i and bowls o f fa ll flowers In a P irle ty of shadw. A short miwlcal l l rogrnm arranged by Mm. J._W. _1Lewman, chau-man of the M iulo De- i •rtment,..lnclud(>d^l»fo. piano se- _ .cllons by Mrs. R. a. McClatlln, two Fx a l eoloa. "Awake Beloved." Ed- raixl*..and "The Friend of You." 1rare, Mrs. O. P. l^iivall, accompnn- >'d by Mr*. Alexander, and violin unbera-bjr.MiaaJlaleA.S’antslLWUh ... . Irs. Nellie Oatrom at the piano. A r* ■tngemenu were In charge of the ' anding commltteea which includes:;oateM.-Mn.-H. O. OelU^^ Mrs. R. : Oale. Mra. A lv in Cas«y. Mra. U.r. T^rry, Mre. Robert Haller. .Mm, |'. T. McAtee, Mrs. W. I . McFarland Ind fttre. OUude Brown; decora- I lona Mrs. O. S. Und, U r i. E. M. I weeley.'Mrs. W. B. Dotson. Mrs. R. I

Robinson and Mrs. H. A. Beverln; I efreshmenU. Mra. Carl Beiwon, I Us. 0. R-. Kelfrecht, Mrs. t*m Cha- I tn, M n . W illiam I'rentowsky, Mrs. | | L J. Vallton. M n . B. E. Bum i, Mra, ^ - y b t e r ; ^ t i i ^ w a g ^ ^ a a ^ ^ .

uwto present numbered one hun- ___;

l i Child gl:jThe young child’s hero la typical-

r lomeono who ean "do anyth ing.", Father Is a hero eo long u ba l i !

eld omnipotent. StorlM about peo- le who by sUength or magto g e t ; ^ ‘«y-w ant-ara .<no*l-p leae ln irfy« The child a t this sUge -w anu: » • '

ower and pleasure at any price an d ! }7* e admlrrs people who seem ble to get them. | b‘f-Not unlFl he arrive* Bt adole i«ncrf-“ *" Of* he give up this k ind of hero.l*"*' Then new values begin to assert J

^emselves. Experience ha* taught' im tn it evfn.' ia tti f f tnuK anju ir r ^ ; Imself to the rights of other* and la t there I*. a lu . no relUblo magic. ® ‘ He has le ir iie d that In tho long ' ' ' f

in only thoee people are adajlred ho rcpreeent real achlevemenU Qd embody a large share of thote * rtue i known an lionesly. seacroe- y. coiuage and tlie caiAclty for lerU lclnf momeatary pleatura tor «a* socially valued goal. cv-ThU !*■ tho eh .,, ^gtires awaken enthuilavn axxl ben the blopraphles o f great men . ' re rekd w ith eigernesa, for- the ® ° Hid U setting up a new self Ideal. ■ He Is deciding what sort of man

e wanU to be and identifies him- !ir w ith a K r l « of glamorous fig - cdr

lenu... . . . , ^In hia dally life he tries to con- « «

uct himself In accord with his new- ^ mnd Ideal »diHe b-now more concerned w llh »hl

av .b * a c a -« « ^ « ilence than ■with whetlier or not e win beaunlihed m w « n i3 a n g ; |5rb NO longer does he want maraly to lea:

a able to "do anything." He wants o t : U>ctfaa»-Ux r W V t f M nw y J b a I l f earn to a high degree the ap- <


w i th P a l K i lp a t r ic k a n i R h y th m , d ire c t f r o m

T h e H o tte s t an d F a « ti I n Id a b

Veterans Para

M O R R T I IA N 600 vctcfiin.-^ t>f th< p«p to m n rc h in th o parnde a t

___a m D m e n t jQ llh c J 3 r a n ( i_ A n n yf ie ld , I l l ir io if l. V c tc ra iw p in y ir

. sho w n Icn d in ir the m n rch .—

M r s . H o o v e r B e w s

■ I X J R I M G ^ A ^ I ' I U x u t h a J l l a t t

S* " " i \^ o r i^ K i 'U 'c r o s a o r n c ia l lT i f. • ________________

B U R L E Y S T A K E H O L D S \ fr .

A N N U A L c o n f e r e n c e !

BURLtY. g fp t. TT l6oa«iUt to The > . Ne«si— Annual fa ll conference of

. the D urlry stake " n t l l c f Aociety.: ' ,; ChuTch ol Jeaua ChrUi, Latter-Day . ’ BalnU. dfew.'a large-numbcr of dele- . i ,! gate* fron i the nine ward* Saturday ’A n dJu nd ijL JC ja .m um tian jjp an ed -

I’ l Saturday noon, with Mrs. K. M.11 W rifh t. prealdent. pretldlng. An ot- ': flcerj' m rttlng wo* the f ir s t order of

bi«trtr.'.<«. tn the afternoon. Mr.i. An- rUu.;v«U a.cannon.;b llLaka Clt).vihe t * ' “ iift« l board represfnuitive. j>poke j o il the ih fm e of the meeting. "Com- ■

j m^n»y aen-lce Through W e lfa re ;-

I Gunday morning the speakers were ' IjBUhcp R. unander. Judge e . m. „

. W riih t and M n. Cannon, each our * s tr ru in g some phase of welfare ler'vice, • y

At th e noon aeuion. Mr*. "Dor. P lfk f lt « i.i the prlndi’A l speaker;

. she KiLs totlowed by A lfred Crsi:t who repreiented ths ( t ik e pre],!(!en-cy, in<) toM o r th e cooperation of l |

. lh.g,*ar1out boanla H ih u commiin- jTtywrv-lce. . J

An interesting aeulon was held at I3 o'clock m the afternoon when Mrs. 1 E. M. W rts lit gave her aunuat reporto f tlie Acilvlijes o f the »oclelles. Mr*, iJoMi>h Payne sang a \'ocal solo, ac- 4cdpipaiUed by Vera Aylpr. Mr*. C»n- l noa again spoke on ••Peraonal Peace." i -

: an>* f wt wa w w i- w w r^>*w *» ;-*o^f-

' ^ i ^ S ^ c c f ' ^ u ^ m l d c n t ^ ^ Lantlo la, l l. o . J la ll c»te the cl« lng ) »d rtrf« Mlth 111* subject -Cltltea- •h ip Tomorrow."

: tSrisVsl o f hU fellow m*!i. and he h u I I learced to lodge h tnu tlf In the tight i I I o t a wclaltted-ldeel. | |

'C h ile SOe qaarl a l Varftwy-*. - .M v . I

r O N I G H T i

^ L A N D ^ Ia n d h i t S ix A c t * o f I

ro m Pa .v« tte L a ke s ■^•A tn t 6-Ptece Band ■ :Idaho. p

-------------TWIN FALLS DAILY Ni" N E W S . T\^^TX FdT,T.S, T p A H Q.

irade Again 1 jy


th e C iv il w u r m u s te re d en o u g h j 3 a t th(^ .> )ixty-n lxth a n n u a l e n - i = •m y 'o f th e R op u h lic n t S p r in g - | ty in ? t l io f r fe and d r u m a rc

I’ l io lo . ■

fs I'or Red Crons p



_ tfn<



U tr lc t -o 'f -C o lu m h la - IU d - lC ro M - . r H o o v e r e a t do ivn a t r sew lT i?' " I K tlt.c>ntnT ne~~cloth 8 S - f or T i pgrty :’ - 1 u fe ~ llio tt-n " \s 'a iC lllD « JU T .= = l/r j '


J G O O D T O D A Y !

JOE-K BAY8:- ■....................p { I t doesn't make any special d lf-• .ference how you get a haU-nel-r son on the rig h t thing, to 'U you-get-andU reeia-w j-uv-it-K h—

w liatr ll'a up to you to get y o u r li '- sh»ro of; OOOD TIM E3 Just 11 r nround tho comer . . . .* I ■ - a t Joe-K-s


^ w i L L i m r l h___ CillUJNG

M Y S T E R Y l

- K M i iI — ADDCn •> I

CoBeJy . N fV r -“ K S ^ S tT " I• — PLl'S —

Medbenr ta A B Y M IN U - I COMING SOON! I

* O T » T « N WOMEN* I

NOTC; IVa A ll In Fun. and We I ' Wertt Raise Our Price'sl I

KMdles t ie ~ A«s»e U e 1^ L o ^ B n s a s s a s ^ B j

M A K E . T H I S M C I

Tw in Fa lls D a ily

\ m ^ .I _ „ , j — ra g


l i i l i H ^ B / A *la l >'’>the



In ^ bS“ I ciil

m■ for

_______ _______________________ __ _ 8 S

^ 'n '

I I m H K^ dti

■ an


X w ^ i L Tl

1-------------------- --- - - V A — _ .A i

. R ea l E s ta te T r a n s fe r * • “

, ' Ti?Fsnilshed by Ibe iB teraeanU ta ^

■' ■ ■ - ' Vflm :p tc .m b e r 26

wase: L. E. Smith to H, Tliomp-son 8E BE 3J-10-17. crop Rent, Rl

Deed; C. E. Stevens to Naomi i l . , ,atevens 1100. NE 8W 33-0-14. i U

' LEAVES J E R O ^JEROME, Bept. 37 ISpeclal to The „ ’

New*>—Hoo-D:-&houn,-who-a-f*w- -«* weeks ago returned to Jerome trom the veterans' )jo*plU»l,ln Boise, le ft Ttieeday for Tennessee, where he P® w ill ipend the winter. He waa accom- psnled by Oeorge Meade, who In- as tfnd»;iiJk fo r the win- >"■ !;


K ] w iE n i y r s . p r i n s i» c i. i l i H * 'T h . N flw D - Kimberly vU lw r. m I r r the last week included the follow-1 jh: In g ;' !jjn

Mr. and Mrs. Emerson EtaiM jrai and Mr. and Mr*. ,E. J. Bro«ii Ue: le ft Monday morning fo r th e ir 'ca home s t Aurom, Nebruka. a lte r ’ rai


----------------------------------— O u r - t i :

past h

___ __ -______:___ tn cnnopen (

' man. 1 bus an' ' many

u s in fifea tu i

I . wfien

'; ■ ■ As 1M * " w ortfi

o r re f\ wKatl■ ^ y e k i ’ e

V Res

I ________________ y o ^ u j)


) D t L A X . ' ^ O M e I J I

ly News Pattern ' '•»

PATTERN .S4«8By Ana* Adama .

- ' 'ThB 'm o d S H ii'f lM re e d T E r^ d a i: “

•a ffL T B fg r^ tn iW T O H ltW ty ^ h ‘ V* I ~ '

fO T 'the ^ la rn r^ fV gurtr'T h e" irM t-'jment o f lace a t the neckline is cuic and unusual, while the lurpUce do l­ing la held w im a graceful bow at q the side. Tucki mould the walxt-. line •lightly. B la ck 'uU n and while , „ | lace 1* are fre ih lng combination. I joh

Pattern 3«5 m iy be ordered o n ly j ji " m aues M ^to i« . flUe._aa.t<qulres|*^^'*,

yards 3S Inch .lace. ' illustrated a

f -*tep lawlng ln.-rtructlons in-1 Far w ith tma pa tte n . TSa

• ., - c per - y . ' mu

send n rX E E N CENTS (IBI lo coins or atamp* (coins preferred), to i for each pattern. W rite plainly your whi name, address and i t y l i number, m


THE FALL AND WINTER E01*' V TION OP THC ANNE ADA.MS n r i PATTERN CATALOO IS R EAD Y :!,j Oliarmlng. flattering models — loa pages of the newest and beet houAe.' „ ,;j street and formal frocks _ clevcriy nsi designed *ty le i for large figu re t- jaii and beautiful, practical models lor nsi Junior* and kiddla*. Lovely lingerie! ing

, patterns, and suggeiUona for bUls )n i that can be euUy. and Inexpensively '•

. made, are al«o Included, s e n d rO R l = THE NEW CATALOO. PRICE OFl _ CATALOG, n m S E N CENTS. CAT- "

..ALOO AND.PATTERN.TOGBTIien: i TWENTV-FIVE CENTS. AddrCAj all I I malLorden to The New*. PatUrn De-! i partment. j •

M n and A in . S.. W. Biraaringciu j j

her daiighier, m im M argaret'shep-i ^ ard. to Salt Lake City, where «hr{ j T>ill enter her second year of j

verally o f Utah. j


RUPERT, Sept. 37 (Special to Tlia Newil-R a tns numbering 138 w ill be _ entered by Minidoka county wool' groTi-er.1 In the annual ram sale at Pocatello. October 15.

T lie list, as supplied by'C oiinty i Agent Buford E. Kuhns, includes:

w . C. Nelson—one pen. 14 Hamp- Milre yearttngsr Olson end Turner— on* l>en. 1(1. one pen. S Hampshire yrKrllngs; 8, W. Beck—ono pen, 10. one pen 0 Hnmpahlre yearling*: T~. i

{ j . Konrad—tour peru S Hampahltt! | ix a o ija n ib 4 iJ ^ _ H a d lf ir= n ta . f lL 3 u _

one pen 10 Hampshire ram lambai'l I Fred Llndauer—one pen s Hamp- .I shire ram lamba; M r*. A. M acKen-, !zl<v—two pttis.O each fiiiffo lk -H am p!I ram Iambs; Qua Meuleman — twftj pen*, in each. Hamp«hfre rem lamb*: i

' Carl W iuiamt—one pen. 7 HampAhlre 1 _ ’ ram lambs. .. < ■

he A g e of

--------------------- - r s - i t

- t i m e s - a r e - m a r k e d - b y - o n i

t h i s t o r y — f r e e d o m o f c h o i

^ u n g m a S n o w h a s a H i

D n . i l d e r . H i . s g r a n d f a t h e r

n t o t h e s c i e n t i s t , w r i t e r ,

I . W h e n w e t r a v e l , w e o f t <

a n d c a r a n d p l a n e . E v e r y

> y o f f e r e d .

R ls '4 s ' t h e ’S g e ^ ^ l e c t i o

t i f o r m e d . T e l l s u s t h e s p e c i

l u r e s o f t h a t S h o w s u s

! n a n d h o w m i l c h . '

s w e r e a d w e l e a m h o w t o

^ l i , t o b e s u r e o f ^ a i u e r e c

e f r i g e r a t o r o r a c a n o f b e :

I t i t o f f e r s . A d v e r t i s i n g t e

: e a d t h e a d v e r t i s e m e n t s

_ u p . t 5) d a t e i n t h i s A g i p f

= s = ^ = s s = s =

.SEPTE^lBER 28.1032

liM A S LABORS 0 » : rap

WHEAT SALE PLANi• • J____ :• ___ Thl

Despite Influenza, Qooding ^ ^p^dion—Leads—Flqht—fot jg !| ■ Northwest Qrain Disposal ™

J aOODINa.fiept.37(8pecla]t0T1ie M l Newi)—Although Incapacitated by ,

' serious a tuck of In fluenu, fienatgr I I John Thom u fro m -h i* home Ivt

, {Qoodlng ia leading ftghc l i i Idaho for jthe sat* o f NorthweM wheat to the "n i

‘ .p t i in w iftY trn m W i---------------------- m1 senator T ho m u wired both the cal• Farmer*" National Grain corporation we• and tn r R m iHtrugllSn r&iancr cb r- ~3

peraUon, urging tha t tbe lale be mt made p m ld ln g tha t Nor^iwest wheat pa

I would be sold. He called altentlon to . to the fact tha t the fo rm :r aale ofr 'lsheat to Chlnue government re- l®«. moved the surplus (rom the North- I«i'. west and raised the price Irom 10 to !“ TJ-citSU-pet'-bluJRi:----------------------- Tfn• I w ord received from the Farmers' yei >,National Grain corporauon indlcai- Bu r ed Uie federal tarm board waa anjt- riv• lou* to sell the grain, but i t w is ne- ovi . ' ceMary for the •Reconitnictlon F l-I . nance corporation to fUiance auch ' ''sale. Senator T ho m u haa wired F i- .lai r , nance corporation eeveral time* urg- 'an C'lng.necetsUy o f financing this sain i , in order >o proteoi wheai grower* of ii ! — — .. -------- =P|

li; j In II

‘ I lm W a


All-aur C»it J

B p l_____ I

)f Selectio

h e r e — -—one^ast-advantage-over- ihoice fo r the average pert

I fitmdred fifteresting care

er, teacher, athlete, busij )ften choose between r a i l : iry last th ing we buy is on<

rt io n .- t 'o r^ v e r t is in g r lS ^ i a l benefits of this, the I us how to build houses Kplaina. iwhy ,and_5there^

r to discriminate, to recogi rec'elyed.~'iSe?OTe we"Buy a beans, we know what i t is f teaches us how to liveby

ts in this paper. They bi o f ^lection.^_______

the Pmclrio NorthwMt. H . h i . cillert / auentlon to the fact that the surplus of w h ia i in the leas crop amounu to ’# approxlmauiy 60,000,000 buJheU a n d - (hat the proposed lale to China would piova a hrge' percenUKe o f thU *un»tU*. He also reminded tho RecoMtroctlon Finance corporallon Thai I t w u aulhorited by congress to nrovlde funds for the msrketlna of grain and that thU was an

lu ll lh a t -ttrheai sale to CTlneM gov emment w ill be co o ummated,


The News'— A change h * i- been

cal Sweet'*' furn iture store thlaweek. ____

Urswr M i.lti.aii. « liu l i u ( j i j i i . ------managing the local atore for tho p u t three years. w|ia transferred to the Burley store, where Raiold ^tcKean h u been manager since 1930. He w ill now be manager a t lerome store.

Mr. and Mr.i. Leat#r ^lcKean;«n a ' .two aw g h tfn —lett Jr n jiiiB-------yesterday fo r ihe lr «new homa In Burley. M r. Harold McKean ar­rived in Jerome “ esday to Uke over Uie store 1 ) ^ . •

Charle* P. Coal Co. SaUa-.facUotj O vara^M d, prU *. ^tj»my and lervlce. Phone 416.—Adv.

Chile >(»e euaxt a l Varney's. —Adr,

TODAY/ 'musimv, ebtatiaf c&armira who

lie* aud a U*ck}*ck. . . . skyi—

m B o u a a A i B g g _

l i M S i g rIhe s«»on'i ae* tomtdy •'S tH l'

n^Uon— ju g ra

u d s r iAmrnvoiTAK f f i l j _ rRANciB OM eSKgf I.EB TttACV I m t '

d S T Aonaa I

flMotial ‘ " | ~V l>ramoiini Nnrs I

— au u ; Liae-ne I■ K i f l B rn i lee, tse. }»e 1

3 1 1

;r-a ll----------.--------- — ~I

rson._ ___ ^ . 1

ireerg •B are________________ j .ligfissla n d 'ne o f

«epS= --------- ------- ----•fiew i and1 j n d . = . L = - . v -

gniz^•gcaf is andy*{E5s"™ ’

iir in g

. . ■ ■ ■ ■ . I'

V ■

Y a n k e e s

O ffic ia ls D o N o t

4 0 ,000C usto raersProspects Seem Goodlier

Pitching Duel Between ~T“ — Gn?-Bnsli; Windy City,— :

And Charley (Red)RuffinBJ ... '• ■ _________

— ^PROBABLE ~ L IN E -U P S [ a

N tw YORK. : t ( r - r rn b *■bit llo*-up« <or th t oprniiic i*nia »r tb t woflo m iM >( lt>* V tnktt ‘“ cub* - " " " ” ” " ' .YASKfEl*— .HERMAN. COMDK. t tt . rsoM M i. Jb J. ^S T E riirf jio x ,» nrnR io ,’ ib I

8umi. p n u m n Q . p • JOltlcUli; Utnplrtt — uintiMn «na U

lUtMktmh, ^*s»tl*on"h'. *T1niB*"e^ ■, ^ t im * 11:16 (Mannuin itanBard ;Unit). ■

B r ALAN GOULD {AMOcUtM PreM sportj.W rUer)

t ln j that m»y lic lc lU cuitom-

wORther 0^ box»oltlco 'conditions } H A I u ke A quick lurn (or the belter, ilie co b*tHe tor world nerlet bueball ••ROl<l p f nnd g lo ry 'w ill *i*rtU>inoriow iu r itw r - ‘ purpo** of determining whether the ' New York Y ftsktts hkvo tlie power lo overthrow th * h u it l in t Chicago Cub.i.

For reasons not qulta clenr. the /V Yknkerf uUl ro Into their Mventl) I I C world *erl#* a t lei«« a-io -I favorltM , V t f to bring the big banner back to the | American league, fleiplta Wo w e ll* ' i known lllneu of their batting I \

--ihreal,-''Babe''-RuUi,-and-*U*-tat«i>----------developed sliaklneu 0( their pitch­ing a ltf(. i r It'a powtr alone U ia i r . v ! lablbhed Ihe New Y ^ k e r i 80 rirm ly ■ na pre-nerlra favorltea the Cub» re<l fonvUicfti iney hate lha *pe»d. p itch . _.m, Ing crati and (IghUng tp lr l t to o t ( - ;iCt U. q

A'ld* from all llie Inevllable «r> n „ „ KummU befnra ihe battle, liowevfr, homi the ftitUeni |iros)>ecU fo r a pltclilns duel between any JJu»h o f tha Cubi

— n n < rc n ir ity ~ m e d rR u m n rD t~ tn B - j: : |^ YankfM, for the -opcnlog garnet. .'Uowery weather and a lum out ot j> „ „ cMh eiutomeri not likely lo exceed

■■ 40,000, unlr.'s tlirr^ U lu i iinexpecled g ,,i, la.M-mlnute •■break"*ln ihe -wMthrr and a consequent ru th tor tha lurn*• t l iu . ■

Dlftnal OoUook «- 1 Box-otriee eondlUona were nM Un- V. J

proved by today** cold dlamal out* w ‘“ look. The rain and chlUy weathar kept Ihe cub*, who arrU M a t 10 A. 1;?? M. a t va il aa Ihe Yankeu, (rom rUk> ing ihalr musclet In any workouti a l ' w,,.| U>e Yankaa tU dlum . 1

U n lu t Uiera la tom a lh lnt more' e = — lhan-**ahow<r,-how9TeT. to m o n tn n ' _ •

the f ln t baJl iuid a fiblabta,crowd. ^ Including Speaker John N. aar&er, 1

— aMenblad giong the tM i'U n u . ' r V r K a potlpooamonl u neeeullaled,

tha aertet geiaway w ill be pu t un to • ThurKJay. with the tecond game here P I Friday and th t opening of the three- garae K t In Chicago atarllng 8un- .

D up lle the tlum p in Uw aale of M

aeau, aattbau Commlatloner LaodU Irejected the tuggettlon of the Yan* UIkee otflcUla lha t the club be permit* |U |ted to aeU tlngl*>game puleboardi CMintlead of conUnuIng to o f f ir them ■

. , The reguUtloni call fo r a p u r 5 i a « r H to pul do'jm 116.50 or 310,80, depend- f f Ing on wheilier he wantt a lesened K granrtiland /eat or a box chair, (or W

— tnr-H nt.-tecona-ana--iirtH -«tm ct.— *■—tcheduled here. The commlaaloner,-----

■tald any lant mlnule changra would Uie 1___ t»c unlalr 'to prcvlout blU’Cft ,i,;«jc,

Lea tnsn naif the reierved Mala i* u t have been told. Tlie proepeclt of any- in tl thing approximating a typical world orm aeriet luruoui depends on the aalo of u t< 13.000 unretcr^ed grandalajid te tu but: a t tSJO each, and 33.000 bleacher ihe teau, at IM O each. tomorro5» morn- or C ing. ball

I f moat or a ll or thete unretenre<t, place# are told , the probabUlUea are i u tha crowd wUl go beyond 40,000 and ' keet

Of the *erlea’,;oeorairo( and m r •a<,180, bolh aeiablUhed at the V a n - '» tu u I j “ “ JJum' t capacity, ap i

Cab* Confident lu r r lin to town. good- , kee

^ Chicago dele-: ven .**• * ' ‘« ‘ .ll*temng fo r 't j ia :

< j £lSpitching they w ill bump in to the •

... ..iw ld-MrJ#* baui#a-ia-iw7,^^- tb a t ; , - ^

Tuihenble," lu g g e itr t^B u T T S n Veeek, pretldent of the Cuba. T o ‘ and which the Ketlonal Uague'a chief ex- © fit ecuUTe.JohnAmo:dUeydlar, added: in 1

- I think the Yankeea w ill au(fer'eon( m « r t f l« r o n ^ i b e U irin -m a lrop o ll'B Mtaa Aipertoriry, They wUl flo d out haa

' the Cube are 1 much better ball club wt«) *5“ the, haw beea l td to cxpect. I nock

for the NaUonal league cham- cr.- P iO M toaaow thotam oklndofap lrlt awe « D4 etfeetlTe ball tha t enabled the i t

~ overthrow Uie Athletic* peni

• Out fiitfh . the Mis- toa<“ ••PBi w nrf.b»U

F o y p iCan Tl

f - 1 § i^


I■ J

\ ^ * " ^ ' W b u r lV i^ k '____ ^ q ^ | i i t t g . j.G .R JM £S Jl i j !

A LT IN ’ G “ B A B E ” R U T r t nnd Lo corps in th o w orlrt'R series R tarl o f hln n io n iim fn tn l c lm its . w i l l i ( I r iK R s . iifm m e n r tJ W c r C liF p itc K i

Iscar E ckha rd t, Mis Continues to Set P

tBy The A-Moclatf LOS ANOELES. Bept. 27-O sf»r KckJi milnufd lo net the pace In Ihe batting c it l i ft .367 RVfrftge.Krniik Demarcr. (ormer Sacramenlo i’'» T ot the Chlcaco Cub«. »tand« #e«ond ou iirn i. Beadle. I t th ird w ith .3SR, Knillfi ome nmii w llh 30. and Onrlbaldl, Ban lany tlolen ba^es a* any 01 nis nvaii, 1

ckhardl, MUulor ......emarae. Bacramenlo ------------- -------—urn«, eeattln ,...atiler. H ollyw ood___________________talnbart. .Lot Ai lnn»y. TWUnnd lat*. Lo*- Ancrle arlyle, H olljvood lollanri. Bealtle'-i ohnion, Portlin t tonroe, Portland/oodall, Bacramenlo .... .......... .....______lalnbacker, Bacramenlo ....... ................ampbell, Lo# Angglea_____— —_____tuUeavy, O a k la n d________________ __

2 > N lA w % w ti l£ )> 5 » r r< v * ir# ‘ [o n i

VtoUR V l^ ^ 6 u Y , W C T O « | '7 » " e «M)ULOtNCLU{>e] IH A V fiN T I At PLEN TY OP

I f t O N l ^ X IW M Y ln|2 plug

l l ’ 7 ^ ^ ^ I I rtcoi! I ^ , yUI

I ^

-----'------— - - YUllle Cuba’'o n ly victory o;er the AUi- ■Um jn IQM. th r Npllnnal lea^iii^ra I elleve they w ill have a decided edge J the v ital department ot pitching. irlmm haa not commlitced hlm M lf s to-hU choice fo r the second g*me | l< u t I t w ill -be e ither Lonnie wameke, D l le fre thm in eenaatlon ot the yetr.j r Charley Root, tho veteraa fa ii* i . all trU tt. ' !

DItpoaei o f DrabU IManager Joe McCarthy of Ihe Yan-

eet meanwhile dUpoaed of -doubuj , q

Jmlng cholce^«^IW tf^ig, big atarboard (Unger who h a t : ; '„ baiung punch o f h it own to back % “

p hia mound efforU. R u ffis ra a i- „v< itudo.ia u « i If R uUj, oebrlg, U i - io f fBrri. Olekey and the r t t l of the Yan- 1 U ee a lu ||tra do no t batter dova t h e j ^ fi»b d m rn * t rh » "will attend l» 4 h e -s ^ iluatlon peraonaUy. • - i ^ _ For the second game, acheduled!”

■hunday a t tho atadlum I t may be, " emon (U ( ly ) Oomea, fo rmerly o f! « ne Boise club of the V>l league, the^ r i

McCaniyr not only dUcounled* any'J n J * big

.lo faaeaaiiha-pIaUasaver-butde- -— ,Ud he had any appreheoalve feel- T ]g about the f i ln e u o( hia plich ltig the□Of. • • 'M g n r T o r r i tW lia I h a i ' i r m p ypuid. berwell- to let*-tli4 ' “ BabeJl'on 1

S m t n ^ S ' i S S r t ' t h n 'S r S g j b il lnd Oomet had erratle streaks out ton ftb e lr iy iK m s in th e p a ttfe w w e tfcv : A\ which he expressed'yisii nfidCQfe .he could lely on Walier o f - irown. powerful right-hander wlwlbuci a* come llo n g fa it In the last tw o 'ch f tekt, and the releran Herbert r tn - jA l l i ock. always a jre a t '•money p ilch- ctm r," who haa never been defaawd In .loni world teries game. |pit<I t w ill aurprltlng if both 'iiiw

■ennock and Burleigh onm et. the'p:*t :ubt' ancient tp ltbailer. go back In - t>m > action, etpeclally i f any fonrgency i* : i R C } t ( K t tA a U lt t» , tM P ltA l( O l ' l .Ii

--------- ----- ---------------------TWI^

ired 2 Tl1 T h e s e C u b H u r l e r s S t o p

T Z : : - :


| |

i Lon U i 'l jr i f f nn tl tH c re s t o f U ic T H tarlin if to da y in N e w Y o rk . "R n i i l l) C!f ) i r ig rc itd y to » tcp i ip nn d tn litcKcr* WHO w i l l see sn rv lc c a re iVIfv

Mission F ie lder, Gr [Pace fo r B a tte rsjc latffl P:fM)Kckhtrdl. young M lsilon OuKleWfr,

ting o( th* P.icl(lc coait league ctib<

lo r'tye f «evertl weeks tln c r a mem- "I (id out with a .3M count, while Oeorge; iftillfr, fictttle heavy h ll ie r .lead* In p o ” Btn PYtnclKO Jits fllmoRl twice as t^rn

111, Tht itsnd lng i ot the lenders; do ( 0 AB n . HR BD Pet. gftm i27~si5“ ii[B ~ 5 ” i r * - ja r W r i :

_________ 10* «1 159 12 6 ,3M_________ 105 eJ#' 335 13 21 458 ke*.......... .......153 <34 1 3 .354;our.......... ......117 4fl7 1« fl 13 .354110 1......______ ITS 841 2«0 fl I t -^51 Van.................. 181 713 549 fl 35 .350 out...... .... _....175 fl4»,J34 14 IS J i S . I f i_________ 130 Rl# 174 15 14 .338'teat-------------- 143 610 171 37 B .339,be <

_,114 403 i n B 11 .338 *< _.,117 872 1 23 3 2 JSSlnw ...153 54* 179 i 9 ^3710116

_____ ____179 463 157 8 10 J 3 8 ! ^____ 128 475 155 _0 30 - ,a 3 « l'_

^a r**-o f-t»»<hlnrH«i«nt-t>ow-reHed-\tff{

! ot these old warrionr h a s -ttm tn ff to 'stand the younger-Beaeratlon on lU i - w TnESdJnrconditionshappeTto-breat^iif-, ; raverabljr for them. 'o fr

Aside from the quMllon as to Ruth's caat IcondiUon. both clubs expect to be In ttm ' I top trim fo r the opener. M ark Koc- jnlg, the former Yankee star who'o{ t plugged the Cubs' ihorUtop gap, haa’i | „ . rtcorered from hia Injured w rist and *1ii U m ut> with Young man around the keyitona of the in* qa* (Kid. I t Ruth needs any replacement;In right field, eammy Byrd U ex- pected to draw the assignment In-1 itesd ot M yrll Hoag. lr>w

-Opening on their home grounds.1 w>ief»-th«-rlght-fl«ld-blasrhfri lo tim ^ ■; caressingly fo r their lffi-h ij> d td ; clubbers, the Yankees have the ad -'A b i Ttnlage a t the outset that w ill pu l |t i l t dtfenalv* U w e-sinetlyup to th*-8»nvisiting delegation. The Cuba believe, they have the i tu f f to check Uiese But ij-plcal Yankee scoring surges, how-,

' I cndM in » deadlock tonight. ':| -------------------------- B, -

! i B u r l e y , J e r o m e b .»

! A n d B u h l B a t t l e

I A t C a n y o n C r e s t p

;OolfeM of in# Oiear u k u OoK E® -Iftnd-^unln'^Hibr-Vereme-OotintryTTwi 'club, Burley Country club and Can* ner

!:yon craai club w ill «ompet« a l the ' Canyon Crest course in a four-ctub

match next Sunday, Canyon Orest IV] lOtdclaU Announced la it night.

. j Fifteen men from each clu>.wm J

'^ m a w i l acora^ree po lnta-^ne for , I low to t l l acore, and one fo r low*hola I'ucorrr In each nine-hold rotmd.|1 • ---------- ;------------------ ^

s C u b E l e v e n W h j p a , Jp"

i r C a s l M O T a ; ^ ^ S

i H - P t t - L i n c o l n E i e l d i " ;

• T«.ln r& IU high school Cuba and as^

'ton Lincoln g«M'yest«nUy afMmooa o t i • In a ragged but* evenly-matched *d ( jb illle th a t ended In a 13*to>4 vie* km ; tory for the Btby Drulns,<» i«

Ati^r a sooreless ( ir t t period the dOi l,ylsltlng eleven opened iw a aeries { r of-lotig—pattw i,-inU ed.5wU h-U n» th l tibuckii, lh a t proved efrnU ia l In qr( > chtlklng up a! touchdown (or Coach ut• A llin Van Alta's boys.'.The score d« ■icsme after the completion of two .x t,long passes (hat octled 40 yards and «ni

pitted tha ball on the Oub 30*yardI line, where another pa u wat com- wit1 p:»t»d (or tba touchdown. An at- pet ■ t ‘ mpt to buck the ball orer (or the wa■■ I*:ra point (ailed. (o■I .la U v U iua ^ 1 0 4 U u a ia . pu b jth t


op R u t h And G e h r i g ?

----------------- r r "

STj W IB S ^ $

^ - A iu r

r- -


ir^ T n itfg g -F U iggp rs- i i r t l i c - l j i y - j tifa - ‘ R nm b itio ” is s lio w n it i c o t il r r I’ tu-' d ta ke hi,-? lu s ty c u t. H iiy n tiw li Ims 1

Grimm A n d M cCarthy On Eve O f Fi

<By The Assoclateri PrtM) n unis N n v YO flK . Sppt.,27-Nenegcr ''j" ','J

Charley Orlmm o( the Chicago Ct.b*: ■ ^M « !

•'It'S fifllne lo be ft great serlct. and-imturaUy. r . lh ln k we' 1 ‘ v won’t flitempt to »ny how mnny E!\RiM 11 will go, bul wrTc pfling lo do w ir best to grnb ihete tirat two J , ' ' game* here ond Uien (WUh It a t oWrigley-field:---------------------------- -

• My men'areu t scared of the Y*n« ju jjm kee hiuers. W« liavo confldtnce la n*t,io ,our Dttchtrs, We don't axprci then) « iu c j :io Itop a bunch nt h lilers like U)( -~ j ( I Yanks. Not entirely. But *» csn go i^^'t out and get a (aw runs ourselvei.

I I f we didn’t feel we have tha beat 'team and w ill win. there wouldn't - i , be any use playing the serlu. „ ,y p

I *Quy Bush is my cholco for tomor* game I row,’ Wllh Lon Wameke likely to happ ^ t c h the second game. I f l l slaya R utd -<oot like ihls, Bush^should win. He's fo r u

^halfback , in isrceplad a pa a nn nm -, Elam. t1eroraT'40*yinl-im e and-ran -fo r handi

l ^ ^ t in m iT n h ^ m in u te s ' to plsy :iiT “u r r M . i- « u i r ic t r u is - o u i i r io i 'o ff a long punt that rolled to the] CtsUaford lO.yard line arid lha a i* tempt to punt, out o( danger went iWlde, with Cubs gaining poMeulon ,o( tho ball on Castletord t 10-yard line and bucking over Ihe touch- L down and the extra point ]u it be-

CABTUTOnD - IW N FALLS CUB8' i o !« I (8) <13» Tony.Todd ................ .................CowglllI . * " ‘1 ■ tonlgILewlt .....- .................. ...........Lyons <j4y 'I tackle caSs.-Jr-Thwnas___________________ K ln i._____I • g u ird 'A b ih lre ..........------------------- - Lovens jy,

•8en(t»n-„.-.:.„::r—. - .-.t::.;:......; W tH *I gutrdButler ...........................— Harden « « '

1 tsckle.......... ; „ 7 ------------» y » " | go ^, end • ,n_

B, T h o m u ........................M. Smi'.h ‘ "**(juartcrback

.Blue - ................................. .. Bmall ^halfback

iC a n lre ll.............. - ........ - Mltldlelon S f1 halfback , " * " } .M cQueen........................... CrockettI ■ Tn ^

!z55nii!4! !cflaa!d’*toam7T w ln n r t ia ^ l: b ct?ln; -3'. ■ Lour .' ner, Pierce. Fix, and Doatell,

M innesota Team = Loses to N e w a rk : e I n UpeMng Game' ^

NEWARK, N.' J., Bept. 37 I ^ D o n Brennan's tour-h it pitching, backed up by hard h itting and remartoble . ipMd'Ofl t w b a j i i . g iw iii#'“feiw<' ' ark Bears, champlona of tha Inter* naUonal league, an Il- to -0 triumph jo m MlnneapoUs ^In

28 games during the regular cam-1 P»Jfn.-w»UlW<ontroLof_lh» ijtu a -i Uon-aJl th t-way. in s ja iU s ; l4 d bjr* Oeteher-Oherlle- Kdrgreavei. pound* ed four M iller veterans for 18 hlis and stole three bsses tn th tlr romp to tha lesd in the clssslo of Ihe double A lesgues. 1

Ilargrcavf* poled r homer In to , th t-rH htrneltl-b leaehm -ift the t« « ^ — ond Inning. He added three - to h it collection before the end and ' drove In four runs.

Dreary weather held lha attend* anc« to about 8C00. ’ i' 'I losy B ill” Ryan, most consistent

' winner tor the Amerlea'n axsoclstloh ' pennant winners In h it own league.’ wat Msniger Donnie Buah's choice

to t ls r l bul he was wild tnd took i jth s bench la Uu fourtli lan ln |. U a


t e r S e r i t

- SiTwin


l " _ mTj

. towardI'niven

tg ^ Z ™ * 'IC T ^ ;K " celf» ll' )1ay It

•' IU ON I rield‘ a!

. x | P j y |w a r n e k e I , ' I I Ttylnr,

<j S ^ $ B 3 | & J RurlryG ant:

' ■ -JI.. ■ ■. 3kR (uardft

' W. Sn Sarkel

■ Sh» ______________ O l

nfa-f nd ng -H in -G T ib a*-7n oim t t — i-rw,-'!«iiiif Ih f t p ln lo i t f lo r ofic JIS h p o n 'im m rd fo r l l io o iw n . L"*’ ’ -™ 7 n ii .< r t ;= ( / r ) ;M ,n o ^ ----------S 3

................. ... I I. rtuallthe B

/ I to allly lo m m e n t F irs t T itu la r F ra y S

. , er btixniflrl p lld ie r, and this stu ff aboul m rk i Im likluc hot weather is the bunk. or :e nice* 11 cool." ThiMannser Joe McCarthy of the time, rw York Ynnloi: ,ha ^“ It'ji tl toas-iip In my mind, a greot bay t

ftturnl Mrlrs between the two big- mie t w l c llle t in Ihe country. u"TTirre'f no tH llng whether l l 'w il l canti plirhera' or r hlltera' serle.n. We've been

OtJIlC .Mning edie . f t u t . ^ r t t o e u iA - nnt doenn't mean much in a ahort (ake erlra like this. Tlie big hlilers are Abb tn bell every ball right a t arlllca l ____ 1'" J th ink wa ll win a lL r ig h i T h t t t ■n'( a limp or a gimp An th * (lub.V’ete In grand shape from top to cUom.- r haven't t l» falntent Idea what

ny pitchers w ill be after the first ame. iVe got lo wait atid see what lappena. But you ean salely aay th ftl „ tu if ln g will aU rl the opening game « “ • ' p i 2

------ ' ' .'U— i icagiHam Van OIKter,^another Tight- .anderrfollowed in that onier w iu t- -• nt (ttnnninr the mn*msnufaclifrlngrtB O ^ e s r» r -------------------------------------gj;

' ken . ....................... ........ .......... j Yan]


' ' PCrOSTPDNB r iQ HT remr

0-round non-tllle figh t between «h»rony Canionerl. lightweight cham* ute:)ion. and Lew Kirsch, scheduled fo r mgljonlght*lthoQueensboro»tadlum,to* x iI4y waa postponed to Thursday be* jtanlause of rain and cold weather. i ;30

Dubllnsky >VIm _INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. ' 37 (/TV-

Harry Dubllniky, .Chicago, 1)8 w joufidsT' » W “ l “ « « « W n -T tr-t» n u a i ■ounds her« tonlghi over Tracy temi 3oit, indianapoiw. 1J7. Dubllnsky vithffrert Cf.« aiiffictentl r to over* ximo' the la ite r’s tuperior .punch- « ^ ;ng. my

Mack W ln t wlniDCHVER. Bept. 37 . ( ^ Gddle Btee

Mack, recently depotel Oolbrado in (< Ihrhtweight •"Champion, staged a torli mild comeback tonight to detest atM Ah w ing Lee. Portlsnrt, by the lO-reund decision roule. n

Al} Wing ftyg h t at, lU and


LOS ANOELS9, SepU 37 ( ^ - - I n Adv

^ n S M rW HILE IT !

^ 16 00 ^-22 -S m « « 4 4 1 U ;» w«c. .a U 100— 3 2 W in ch e flte r SpeciB l, &

60— 2S I l« m ln ;^ o n , a t .............1000— 30-06 A rm v M ..... ............

GOO 32 n tm if ig to n , a t .................- 8 0 - 3 0 0 ^ v a ( f « , a t _____^ “ i M ^ o m / w h t a l a r r i C- - BOO—« - S r - f t - W r f to n F » r * t - : : :7

300— 3 8 CoK k A u to m a tic , a t .\V « H a r * A l l t h e tc a t l lD f f B n

B u t W este rn Lead: — A.— T h t r t a t f n M a c c f o r D e e

G U N S O F A L L K I N D S -

G e rr is k * s ! „ ^ o o d s 1

252 M A IN A V E


i e s W i t hlah^’s -V anda ls=t t C a w = m i -~ v V r t a i r

southei-------- b a llc h

in F a lls , F ile r , B u r le y S i : , '

A nd R u p e r t Boys S o on tw o o jtIgame.

Begin Journoy Westward______ ___ I ,,__________ c j iattalOSCQW. flepl. « 01-,^1'iilvcfal- nf Malio (iKtlball t^am rneve*,***^- * ard California lO R ikrw To m e r» '^ r versUy et California al Lot An- U a w

In the Olymple lUdlum T fl- r f l l In td ah tfi (Iral canfertncf

le of Ihe ar.iMiR, . ^ Im leam le.ivr'. « l 4:10 oVtoA C CO by way ut S t il l.nke City. A ich U o Callanit and l i l t 2R play- "w tm il f t rT rT iw a w itB - ir r f fn n - - ----------• nlghl. They w ill work out un-

Ihe flDcd l l ih U o» Hutehlnaond a( the aonUjem branch of the OOaV vpfjily t lirr r .'Isver* making Ihe trip : f.udm U l I’lnr, Twin I'alln; Randsll. Fowle«. — - rlry; Hanford, HrhmlU and Q f n t : laeklet. M rlnem r, Moeer, tl. F i lm Herhlg and Bwann: irdfc i:iden; .NulUng, Derg, Twin it>: and llnggan: eenlera. K lln r, lutle : (lUartert. Wll»on, Geraghly,

Smith and riastlne ihaKbackt, ^ . rkeU. Twin FalUi Jaeoby. Norby,' I . / pcrti-andJ_ner«;-f»U badu.-Tyf. . - W ! I. Cordon and B. flm llh ..,.- .....

how er Eleseends O n N e w J ^ o rk X ityNEW YOItK. lAVedneeday MorA- s i, Bept. J8 tflV *A heavy ahower ^nrhert New York't i lr te ta th li Cltit arninc thnrily after B ld n lfh l, lUalng no m u* ronstermtlen In M rm le minds «( baaeball fans hoping i « « J I altend the opening game of the ord series between ihe Vanheee and oakUi ubs a l the Yankea ttadlom th la iu m Ic llemoon. POThe ahower eeated an hear laU r ^ . Jt heavy elooda carried a Uireat 0! ora rain yi>t to Th* tonlg]• btireau't io rtra it^ fV ;i8 b d in ifc> 7 ,tU» arked by probable ihoweia,r*mala*I unchanged.The shower broke up, for a shori .. .» , me. the line ef 25 men waiting a l ifl Yankea aladlnm ticket offlea to L . ik , ay bleacher aealt when they go oa ^h i tie th l* morning. • aeailI t drove away all hat WUIUm Bnalniham. Kantas City, who ha t ‘ r rn In line for mor* than a week. na Ktanley^-C’flrtoran.-aaeond to • ike hlajMSlUen In line.

FACTS S_____ Th

fBy The Assoctsted Preaa) O 0NTU TAN T8 — New Y o r k ^

ranktea, American league cham- . ilons, te r t ia Chicago Cube, National eaguo champions.

MANAGfcRB — Joe McCarthy. ’ an iiM t unit rh iT lev nrtmm. CllBS. I 8A ' cO N D rrioN S ~~Be<t four ou t of miss:

■BC H ID U tB“ = ^ s t - g im B , - :Y in ' woni cee stadium, today; aocond gama was banket atadlum. Thunday; th ird , s(!att m irth and fif th games, October 1. Th I and 3, a t Wrigley fUld. Oblcago; MiM ilxth and saventh gamis, U necee* Ban ttry. a l Yankee stadium, October a i . and 0. McQ

PORTPONEMKNTV — Teama w ill B ru emnln in *h l<h ever city .t^tX haP; ___

ichtduled for tha l clly. dataa for ater games being thUled accord*

' t im e o r QA.MES - 1:30 PJW- K ” ;tandardEaalem tlma at New York; g'T ,;30 P. M. Central lime at Chicago.

w ttftB sm .*! ATTENDANCB TO* * . 7 ^^ t y " 5 T s t a a i u n d „ , ,

W SATIIEtt FORECAST rO R TO- OAT=Probablr•«howwe^•m*deraU *mperatures. T,. _________ ______ Baera s llrrlng and^lolo iw flnisli. T om * g , my Hermsn, Chicago welterweight, lUged a surprise upeet tonight by winning » decUlon over Jtaddle Steele, ha td-h ltllng Tacoma fighter, k „ ] In (our rounds a t the Olymplo audl* p},^ lorlum. Hermsn weighed IM U and [,uii ataele 149.

n o t Tamales a l VarDey*s<^dv. (4^

^ D R .- w Y A T t . ,c u ia Q 3 ^ C T a a t tS l ird . Ave. N. Phene 1177, to w !««» — DOW In etfeel. Na atiflTi to eltob.—

. - ■ ■


b S J................. ................... U # B o x................. ................... 7 8 * B o x I

= f * v 8 0 B o x - I—............ ............ .'..V..... M 9 i B o x ,.......................- ............M t B o x fc

_____ : » t , o o : 3 6 i r —

i r r E ^ 5B ra n d a o f A m m u n it io n - ^*ads T h e m A l l . »'

S— N E W A N D U S E D a

S p o r t i n g

S t o r eV E . S O U T H

a s s s B s s s B s a s K u *

E IU S..1632 J .

h C h i c a i................................... «

Iha ttanog^W ins (Jo, D i x i « -T it le

uthern a.<uioclatlon won the base- l l champloiwhli) o f Dixie by de- ¥1 klliig Beaumont of the Texa.i M ' igue. 7 It) 3, hrre today. I t waa , 1 e (ourlh utrnlglit victory for Chat- nooga. Beaurnonl non Ihe f l r i t .

The acore- R H ?: DiCtEiftumoiii ..... 13 j

>lber: MiiColl and Bolton.

*o rtla n d Defeats " Seattle, 12 to 3 ,!a

__________________________________ i i s t ' i_ _ _ h»i "I

o a v o rs S tre n g th e n C ha ncc

O f v y in n in g C ha m p ion sh ip

“ 6 l P a c it ic C oa s t L e a g u e . “ K

rA C m C COAST LKAQUB "COrWrortU nd a i Seattle " I^ t l:

M iu lons a l San Franelsco nlgtUKacramento a t OakUnd 'Wal^

_____________ . ______ Cami

i.n r r .B f i . f« ----------- « w J i j

js r . ' i— := - « ■“PORTLAND. Bept. 37 W V-Port- d(W

and club strengthened Its chances 1 T h o Uke thU year s pennant, w innm * ,tle i innKrht't hall ssmo here from 9e* of M itiie , 13 to 3. while the second-place | ^ Hollywood s u ra were dropping one eelpt ■a l o t Angeles. W ith only six gkn iu e ft to play, the Portland Oueks need taxH [ourmorewlnsiobecomematheiniit. amoi ically cerUIn of Ihe pennant. .tract

T h e K o re - R .H .E . W l3eaille :...,.:.".001 OOO 30 0- 3 8 3 tM lvPortland ____ 130 Oil 70X-13 U 0 o f co

na lleriM : pnge. Waltera and P»W Cox; Shores snd Palmlaatio. _ _

ANQBLS >, H T A U i ’ »>«• •LOB ANOELE8. Sept. 37 MV-HoV*

lywood slipped rapidly toward fa ll-1 w ure tonight in p u m lt of PwUand » £ and\the Pacific coast baseball pen* ‘ Oei nant when to s Angeles took ^ eloei ,tl«« game. 3 to 3, while Portland defeat* ed Beattie. 1 :1"‘ ®

The sco re - ^ >Hollywood — ..OOOOll 000-3 5 0 WexLoaAngeles......100 000 30t—3 3 'O .o a r i

Bfttterlea: Yde and Bassler; W ard . and Cronin.

M IIS IO N I U . S B A U • ^- SAN PRANCiyX?. J

ers tor l» h lU and 18 tuna today and tcfag w on .- is -to -ft.-m fm a a-i'U U iu .au irr ifT O was h it hard but kept th * U nties w ill s(!attered. - M U

The Kore— ‘ “ tR I I X h« ‘MlMlon# ..........003 000,843-15 18Ban m ncisoo 110 003 olo— 8 U a yeu

Baturleai R. P llle tu and R le d ji. McDouga), HsDdtrsoo, s tu u aad w> BrtnsaL r (

Oa k l a n d , ' sept. S7 o fv -s iu r Phebus held ths Baeramento Ben* C ators to five h tu here tonight while Pee the Oaks hammered Deahoni and mai 'Balvo fo r 18 h iu and an e a s y ll- to - was ,3 v lclorr. Mne of the runs and 13 edjftf - fh t f l t t T f r f tn thonlx Innlnst. The Oaks cinched the wot camn In the sixth whin they nicked _ B Dethong for 7 hlls and a t many yal

"'T he score - R K K lhaBacramento ...001 001 000- 3 A 3 [sen

B a lt^ le i: Deshong, Salro in d I T Woodall; Phebus and RalmoodL pan

........ novP tllVATr: T irrO R IN Q . FSRNALD has

Keller Method fo r Atypical ehUdraB.'an(; Fhene lt6J . 343 B. L. Blvd. Ko.. Mra.,ed LUlla L a k .-A d r. |red

Chariea P. La ran C S I Co. Satis- the (aeUoB O aarutM d. Price, qaallty and serrlce. Pbeaa 4M.—ABr. I

' ' - J

D A M A G E D0 When you me. tho Gill

_ben^ razor comert (freq

“ 75Trdr5inhrTRKjr)'can’r

fort. The blade's pater

as8ti?h^>erfect alignment <

prevent warping or un

g o a n sird e n O ffic ia ls -) | p I I ; ____ f

Fu tu re ContestsDtators Want Qerman to'

and SIribiing Before ' Meeting , Jack Stiarkey ..

By EDWARD X NKIL Associated Preu'BporU W ritor) new YORK, Bept. 37 -The hea-h-etchc dlvlAlon ot the figh t gam*I ••lutiiea'the c b rn J r^ r t f t rp ia n g * ■pped out today fo r Max Schmel-

and the remainder of the eon- dera tor Jack Sharkey'a cham* iishlp •actually a r t carrftd out. tiding the wave ot 'enthusiasm ivfollowed SchmeUng’s sensation* \ eight-round technical knockout

iMicke'y W tlker;laat night, M a d l- }, Square .Carden laid out m pro- iln th a t 'w ill send the form er » ^ l g h l tltleholdw into U t t lo Ice before nest summer, when ix. If hU success eontlnues, wlU . ;e Sharkey tor the ohamplonahlp'The'tniTcrtime:-------------------------------Khe Oarden wanU to pa ir M ax -

lanky Oallfomla belter who )red a technical knobkoot ever - e fty" O rltfllhs In Ohlcago l u t i t i t while achmellni waa crushlnc a lM r here, -against ths I’man >nA«lf>»-erf the dlttelon. y r im o - rnera. In an Indoor match to r ivember. flchm tllh i Will M M I W *— nner « f thU bout here ia June, ler a winter^ warmup against ■ o u n r*« r-S trtb lln r in -» D tm H a — bruary.

Connl ReeelpU While all thU lay In th * fu tu r^ s rdtn ottlolals counted the ’ re - ipU for the second and last out* o r success of the season.Tha Bchmellng-Bharker UU* bat*> this summer draw net m e lp ta

ipU 11^ n ight w«r* t m J S ao ^II proceeds after de du c tion .o f xM, .l ia .i0 T M . O f Iho U tU r nount BohmeUnt under hia con- - act calling for 37^ per cent, would . celve 188,840. but hia wagH, at* ohed by-Prlm o Oamera'a brMOh - ’ contract suit, are eUlmed In court ipert to b* 10 per eent higher. W alksr recelvad a fU t 17U per m t c f th * net p r o e ^ . o r Mfl.-

Mlehsy R atftet BamaWhile U ttla Miokey, who decided ) fig h t m id d itw tiih u In the fu ture - fte r being k n o ^ down three imea' before hU manager, Jack - leams, refused to le t tha battle to ito the h in lh round, h u n ta d ljo n *> Rumsen. New Jeraer, hl> een* uetac talked orer his fu ture w tth larden otflclalg.Unnurked, and apparently u nhurt

7 tbe flare* bodiy punehea th a t are Walker four e t - tbe e l ib t Mtnds, flchBellBf .aeoepted lh a larden battle lehedul* and prepar*

efa^ t o ^ one gam* tn the » w ld

f il l r S f f ? ln time t f r t r a n r lia r th * '' tia tn l bout w ith StnbUnr, whom 1* naocked'otii ta - th e - t i f ta e n tn — ound.of O lm la a d t w o - ta rs age.

Peckinpaugh Signsl ^ A - H f o n n f f A - I i i d i A i u i —.A ,y A T A M S IO I^ C ^ IIU IC U IO

C t r r r U M D i ie p t . r t U V-ne«er ^ u tp a u ih todgy w u reappeiated nanagcr of the Olereland in d iu u , i t ras announced la j i telegram rece lv*.. Id from Alva Bradley, praaident o f , he rlLih. Whft t« In New Yarfc fo c tb a — Korld series.

Bradley also announced tha t 'B ib ' Palk, former Oisveiaod outfielder - irtto-managed the Toledo club o f - Jia American assooUtlea th la sea*, ion. would beeom* coach o f th * in *

The length and tertni e f P*cUn* ' paugh'a new contract were ne t an* nounced. In the past, howerer, he h u been given a ons*year eontract in d It also h u been reiuibly report* ed tha t he wUl hare to take a salary reduction. -- pecklnpaugh haa beea manager ot the Indians for tha Ust five years.

n o t Tamale* a t V a r a iy ^ ; - ^ .

F r u ^iinette BLUE BLADE. '

?guendy c«u»e4_ ;^ » M _

’ t ^ a t t o y T J a y t a y w i n * ^

ented cut-out comer*

t o( tha ^ v in g edgei,

uneven 'edge espodinLf • ,

Page F lv*


MEeiUSinnOLES : J I l S M i i E I f

------- wJ«i

-^aUs,. .Stffth and,..Mote Lead Sluggish MbflerHbnl Efifling In Protit-Taking i|"»l

. Low,


cheelu dull rally.Bondi: irreguUr; TJnttcdSUle* [mer

------>»»»nvB3tnuHfif1y— !------------------■ Curbi'P trra. olla *t«<ll«r. prc

• TWrJpn «tch»ncwr Jm #u l« r; wUi•Wrllng eaay. . pfol

Cotton: Higher: m m a lw k rn a r- tryket: higher cable*. ly •

Sugar: Qulel; Cuban support. 120,Cofrer: In -« u l» r:. generally ot i

_ h l^ht r in commuglon houaa b u y iiarlog. • TOti

CHICAOO: , ix ll Wheal; SUady: larger *e tk ly

clearanwt North America; fa irexport aalM. 1• Corn: parely steady; bearWi are

weather (oreeait; continued llQul- ^ 'I 'ldatlon September. wht

Cattle: Slow and iteady.Hoga: Slow afld lower.

B r JOHN I l ' c o o l e v ■“ (Aajocuted Preu Financial Writer) ‘ -TJTW YORK. Sept. 37-PlnaoclaJ ^

— mfTkiiia atruBtittL th ro u ih Jnconclu- alve Ifadlng today, and cloalns price* were irregular. . . . .

Stock* moved iluggUUly Jilghcr. under leadership o f rail, steet and molor Usuei. but profeaslonali Iin - ally aeteptcd.-proUU with U« reault thattoajQuoUXiooaahovedAiJberal “ ,

— jni»iUT8'6r 'ia i i i i Biin»'Bninoue5,-inB— b B ia n » ^ lg h t lr< « ’« ‘ ''«-‘ ‘^ P ‘ *<‘*--------

Second grade railroad bonds. timicU a, Uttle; generally, however, tha In - N

l a ^ w {?ue*of nTaKr^c^niodiUe*. ~ T ExUeme gain* by aharea In tho 1'.

three above-menUoncd g r o u p * cen afliounted to « point o r tw9. The m *r- P ket got temporary a*il*unce trom B tho declaration of regular dltldcnda by American Can and AlUed Chem* leal, although both acUona had been ^ expected. -„o

E>UmaUa JUb

ImpMvemcnt H ?- badappeared.‘and available car load-

ine reporu fo r la*t week auggeited a ^ bonUnuatlon or the recent taTorable i l , trend. Soma carrier ezecutlve* are i L ttotlotably more optlmUUc.

. . D r«* Sbart* Drop - . . i i !S harw ol Drug, incorporated, drop- 4.^

ped « polnu in r« ipon» apparently, to word tba l L . K . U g g itt ons o( l u ^ leadlag *ubtldunM . taoed rtorgan- ^

----- a *a o in m le i« -ftttU l-« o *u -w *r» -r*- —duoed: otherwlie price morement* were fairly narrow. r

Uuited State* S uet common held pci a irae tloa of a3 -po ln trU eandB eth- tur lebtm alao ralraated from » almllar i gain. Allied Ohemlcallott a point net, fut w bll* American Telephone w aa ] alightly lower: to wcra SanU Fa and I Union PacUlo tn tbe raU divlalon, al* Ea UuKigb K«w' York Central. BalU- i more and Ohio. Canadian PacUlc, an Morthem Pacific and Southera Pa- . cifta w en allchUy blgbtr.X}U Pont. Asurieaa Smeltlne. Na- . tlM ia l Blaoult. oeneral Motor*. , Ohrnier. Mack Truck. N ortli Am eri- ri,!

------etnnBa-M im tra ne rrW ard aUo nn-la&ed wtea aoma UnprareffitfRt.^Q i wara agate quiet, aalea totaled U M .-

=1The a B u n ^o a o f money on tap ^

eapecJalirtlioae w ltS ^ o r te r matur^ no‘ — r a a rw in m k in o r r e r iM iw T a T n e " i

Teiy favorable Urma oa wblch 'tha ) ' United SUtea Ireaaury w at able to ') .«cU lu la te ii b ill ofierlnc. The raU. po

, aometblng leia tban a quarter o f one 4 i

lbr»e yeara ago. and contraaied w ith 3'. tb f discount of a llghtly mora than 3 to per cent a t which one luu « waa aold eri in ISM. Further l ig h t on the current Yc potlUon of the money m atkeu waa ke

____«hed by tho prompt orer-aubecrlp- ut

— ---------- ------------ --------- --------- — » po

Twin F«lli Uarkth "--------■ ^ ^ -T w ta - ru ^ a a w ita U K H - iU ^ —

O M tn n lib t bulcban. ue-leo l& t_ U UVndcr »!■■. so ta l u l a.-------------------- ”5»e»ta» to n . no ita. up________ 13.00 H

, s ijo to w ja teJl*UnB . —, I >»J0 «oCJ0v i5 ” o jfS ::^ , p jo S M jo u

^ Pottlirr . *” cr!!S.7&'Srffl.'r“ i.;‘! s i z = : S i"Ooiorwl brollen. 3 »■. uB _»______ te 90fcgs s a a y c i;

- — ..... , . » i K----------------------------------ts«

c*i«. ...... '■ ■ _ I1T0B**t I* 71 '

Vtm d*alm'quotMl O m t Honhtmi Ba i ' * . : ; g

OtM dMJtr r*porl*d n*d U rxtcuit ' TMu«<i »t st.e0»D(^J0.* j j ^ 0T « r------------------------------t r .« M

......- » ^ = « s ? s » = i s = i = p = = ^ ! ! ^ “Braa. loo-poimd l«t«_______.— —TeeBr*B. UO^^ousa lou-------- 0 «

SSSJ1f f i = = s = = ! i '£ i

ssau‘; s g 3 ------ ---------------------------------- r ^ 't t I

- IWtwrmfioofc n . - - ^

. ------------- I L - J ; .OfMB p w r s ------------------ ae e

• t m --------~~ j i i g ,

S '

Page six

Stock Market Averages

BW YOKK. 8»pt. W^-BUxH tvM. ^ t« . jeopTWfht. ItM. elune>nt flu lU - ^n compuiri jg '» to ^oc»t __atJo—fc iiu—MJo.T»y. dht . . si.M : d ;ju u jul u t »|0 „ MJO MJO M.IO »J0

SS,”,S,=.SiS .as =ii5 .SS if lV lM l . - « 0 « I W.0 .130 cmn. lB10 ..Ja3 W 141.W H IM 3CO.M A ow, Jrao ...llJ iK) J*.« l« iO lM-70

lon for Canada’s $60,000,000 one- - ear gold note ottering. InqurOe* l o r ; he la tter came chletly trom large; nve*tort. banka, inturance compaii- • ra'B rd ‘eGf i» 'nciiDiin t '<;uu;j muptoyr ; - nent for caah r«wr\e». Wall S trtct UM manlteatrd- wide Interest In the > r o p o te d ' -Coolidge c6rrimii»!l! g whlctt U-to-aun-ey. uanaportatlon e >robleou. The huge itake tlie coun- § ry ha* in tho carrier oovcra not on- y a monetary Investment of aroufid _ 120,000,000,000 but aliio the llvelDiood — )t an army ol workers, and a non- taiUsan approach to the big subject.

jelleve, yield conttrucUve retulu.HpecDiaU on PUk Up

To what e x U iif itc e l oixratlont ire likMy lo pick ui> U ili (all Is tome- ikjifti more (ifoblffiia ticai now l iw i «Ue« the forwaatcr* were .UsuUiB " { [ ihclr optlniltUc tu w m e nu several ^ m k * ago. There luu, however, been Am in Increase lu tonnage, mostly in or- Am I tr * for mUeellantoui producU, al- though U>cM tn themMlvca are ari icarcely enough to make an appreci- ^ iblo Impreaslon od eantlngi'and bet-' ;e r-«d*r*-lrora-U ia-U f«*r-con ium ^ au :rs aro being anxiously awaited. -American M c u i Morkeis" calli the u«, ilerJ price altuatlon "ta lrly ta ilitac* ui» cry ."AS for actual production, i t says g*j lemand to r tubuUr good* and aheeu ^*1 I ts shown a “ quite substanllai" in - cu• Inflt month,--------^ ^

-------- • cm--------------------B t tw n ---------------------^

NEW YORK, sept. 31 m - Call V i „ Tioney: Steady; ^ r cent all day. i;-“ J

Time loans: eieaayn«rd»>Tl-K )-;rSi l'« ; 3 to e months lU to 14

'*Prt«>e commerclaJ paper 3. cV,Banker*' acceptances: Unchanged.


juoutlons: -Liberty 3'.k_33-_47^... ........... I1M.13|«;Uberty 1st 4'4S 33-47 ............ t i m « u«Uberty 4th 4'.U 33-3S _ |I0 3 J3 unUberty 4th 4 'iareg . 33-38___ 1103.30Treasury 4M» 47-33________ I108J3 o rm a tu ry 4a 44-S4 _______ _ I1 0 4 3 3 Orrr*a*ury 3 \ 46-M ----------------oj,rrcaaury 3Sa 40-43 June _41D0.30 unireaaury 3?ia 43-47 ________ «i0053 imTreasury 3Ha 41-43 March ..I1D0J8 j "Treaaury 3Sa 4S-49________ t D8.6 KeTrtaaury 3a fll-S8-----------------4 ,u i

--------------------SttTAEB--------------------NEW YORK. Sept. 37 t/T) — Cop- m I

per: quiet; electrolytic apot and tu-ture SWc. . H. T in : Easy; apot and nearby t34A0| kifu tur* 134:83. JJ'

Iron : Quiet; tmchanged. SJLead: Weak: spot New York >1.1S; n<

Ea«St.L0UU»3.1S. . HZinc: Steady; East St, Loula apot -

and future *T3S.', Tntlmony _|5.6i.

BA X'S lLVC fi NEW YORK. S4pt. 37 W - -B a r

jUYBi.euier._Jk.lown at n s c . ..


duce exchange: BuUer 304300 u po'unda; chec»o'iQjJK)Q"pouhdi: ejST n none. e<" D u tt tr in t)u3r33c.--------------- ------- 81

Egg*: Unchanged: si■poultry: Leghorn hens under 3W O

pound* 10c; 3S« to4 pound* 13c; over i} 4 pound* 13c; colored hens 3U to 4 u pound* 16c; over 4.pound* 30c; boll- t» er* 1 to m pounds 33c; over IH to 3'* pounda K c ; Leghorn fryer* al» _ to 3 ]iou:iU> l ‘ ic ; co.ored li>e;’ roost* era over 3 4 pound* 10c. Ducks: Young lOc, old 10c. Oecae 12c. Tur­keys: Young tom* 13 pound* and up30c:dreuedU poundaandupU c; - hena 0 pounds and up 18c; dretsed 8 pounda and up 34c; old toms 18c; dressed iBc.

----------OUlOAflO ^BO DUCB— — JCHICAOO. Sept. 37 W >-H tepou l- 4<

try: Recelpu 83 trucks; easy; hens ::

ed springs*13 to 13Hc; Rock sprlnga u 13 to t4c; Leghorn broilers l ie ; root- 3 ter* eWc. Turkeys 10 to I4 c Spring j duck* 11 to I3'.ic. Old 11 to 13c. Oeeae | Uc. ' p

Butter: Recelpu 13.433 tut«; easy; i|: creamery specials u acore IS)^ lo » 30Uc; extras 91 IflSic; extra flrsU n 90 (0 91 IS to laS c; f i r tu 88 to 89 11 1«H to-17>4c; teconda 88 to 87 IS to i iShc; standards 90 ceutralUed o r - . lot»“ l lH c . C ,

Eggs: Receipt* 48S0 cates; about 1 steady; unchanged. t


SAN FBA^JCISCO, S ^ t. 3 7 ,W ^ b Bu iterfa t 33c. ' . i

■ R«*t utKhanged.' 7: ' SButter: 93 tcare 31c; 9t * ^ 30c; <

W aeore J9c- ' 2Eggs: United 'Sutes extras, large r

Cheese: FlaU 13c.. 1

' 8UGAB—ta W -Y O n K ,-B *n t--3 7 -V rM ? *« - I i t i i f a r ' d e c f f i K T ^ r t i i a B ^ ^ ! IncreaKd offerlnga of ryarby duty 1 trees. The aale* reportad Included c 33.900'tB«a orran ipp luea foTTJcto. 1 ber arrival a t 83 J I and MOtf baca for 1 H M tm a tt KTivaLAt4>.131o.41«e^ 1 retlner. a iu l 33J00 baga o f PhUlp- < plnea fo r December arrival a t I3 .U . 1 to as outport re fin e r............. ‘ i

There waa Uttle varUtloo la fu - I turea, and what bustnMa thera waa 1 eeirared-j»nneljiany-M the~D6«Bl=- ' ber poaition-with the market clos­ing se t unchanged to X point lower.• Approxlmau aalea Were 9300 toaa 1

} o t whlcb two-third* were b i tbe Da* 1 ° cember poalUon. October cloeed 98c., December liJM, January I ' m a Mareii <t.Of. May liJM. July fIJW

and next SepUmber 8U3.) lU flned sugar was quiet v l lh > prtcea tmchanged a t 8439 for flaa ! eranulated and *«ond hand* araU-I a b to .a tX ro a |[U S to » 4 Ja

■ N E W Y

a n w K MfJ (Ur n * AM odtua.Fm tl ' ,ff<2 Allied cnrm i t U t»r.S3't T t'iiN t , AIIU b li^ in rr i . ___ 1U'«* 10 lOUU'a

Amofie»a c«n ...— m 4« M 'i • m ji-«^ Am c»r S( m n ___ I3S 13 13>j l-{. Am ror J-uwer--------I l ‘ * lo ij

Am naataiur ___ lOU V'j t*> i>iAm URMit A IU f._ .. 20'.4 )»U i'l0 Am T»l d> Tel:____ IM 'i l l l» , 1 3S Hi

. Am -R)b-D..............7a>. TT., «*, IK- .\m-W»Cetwof>u-------27**— 24’.*—. AnscoDda copptr _ . 13U » : h;•- AUI>UQH-T M H r,._ MU— u u __ &4UaiMI. lIMtlmoto ts Ohio— IS n u «%;£)»

Ilrnuillx AvUlloii ..... I3U HU <li Hr e Ucihlrhem Uieel __24U 2] - 2}'> lit- UlKTOUSlU Adtt ____lU'., lUU 10], HIJ * *S'' So» C-'ftxiiuSlan J*»elHo _.... n U It nv« w- cu« Tnriomni ____ M'.« MU a«|, tu_ Crne ac 10 __ HI

ClilCMO Ai N W ~Z" lu u v i j VU tJl. c 11.1 1-.......Z Z «u »u »'.« HI

1 Vlifjr»ljT)^C0fp ____ Jtt|. n U 1*1* T|

rlcom aoulhrrn ___ 4' au 2'« uu.-oi(!K>ii>iaiMi ou __ su eu «'.• Ul[cou ou l>el_______8U BU uCorn IT oJucu____ HU J»lf 34!, l)i

1. CurlUt Wflichl ................2‘ , 3U u1X1 Si llutteoa__ __ I t 7a 7S i;Urua m e _________ 41U JT'.i Js*i uUlli-ont Ob N«m____ 41U 41'.« <3% Vi

1 ii;: i;.i sb i t » a _________ 8 # w

3 |t}en»rn B ^ y o __- » U 1S|» U«;4 Uaneral Mown —... 1»U HU M lU ~3 UlidiSgn u o _______ B s s mQ UoId Utl»l ........ .... - isu IS IIU A:“ ooodrrar n<ibb«r MU W i 32 c.3 on tiim .......- 3U ' 3 lt 3U C3 Or«»l Hotth U» pt..... IBU n 17U Bg Ul(Sl WMl Buikr. . . 0 SU *\» E' Ilupp UoUim ______ 4U 4 4 K0 Illinois C e iiU U ___3IU >B‘ i IB 'i N3 lo t IUrTMl»r ____ '3 t u 2BU 37<„ N» isssf^ i™ — !S.i s1 KennKOlt C’opMr . . 14U 12U H U ;OlKfum« i l to ll . , 'U U !» Vi

jU iX Si Mier* ’.'jb B M OU <}- ! S K S i « ' - ' „ 4 ! ; : - f f i ! ~ 5 S .y- ...... S'.i «U *'.« T<. MUkOiirl PkcKIo ! TU 7U 7>{ A

Mluoiirt l>*cllle p t.. 11 I3U >1U KMonlfomtri Ward . . IS** >4U l i ' * A}; Kuh UoioM is u AH tt CuH M t A____ HU » U HU fN*t D«lry .............. JIU 21 Jl». UNsi row A I6U iB'« ie \ c

S; N tv York Cvntrtl__30U Z**« NH Y N II * llU d ----JIU M'.i 31'.* A

3t — ■ —

, | j i T f l H l l B I ( E T r | :

OO tra tk 3>; to U l t inlted 8Ute» stUp - '* g r n e n U ^ r r d o n . ' l iitU ng alow; sack-, J

ed p»r ewl. Cobbler* Wiaeoattn *0 to • “ B7He;-InmB?soU UoiUadale wtcUoa J 60 to e7)ic; M lnniaoU tand laad ‘

W Ohio* S3 to 60e: South DakoU Ear-: ‘ er I7 Obloa U to <15«: N orib DakoU Red, ' 4 lUver Ohioa GO to 67>ie; Idabo R u - >

^ aeto 11.10 to H.2S.___________________

I l i i l i M l l i E T S Ind _ ________________ ______ I

18 " CmCAGO UVECTOCK 1CHICAGO, Sept. 37 c;n tu S D A) ‘

Hogs: Recelpu 33.000; closed more > active than early, mostly 10c to IV ; •

~ Wdw“ M (rndiiT^lw l»rW fl8ntj'35c-w : ol- 400 o ff; ligh t packing aowa I5c lo ‘ ns 330 lower; good to cholco 180 U « 0 *

><a to 260 pounds 1403 to 14.30; 370 to ' M- 310 pounda >3.73 to 84.03; 400 pounds ' ng »3.40; 140 lo .170-pounds 83.M to ' !*e 14.13: medium grades down to l3 J3 ; {

' pigs 83.M to 14; pU ln loU down to ' ly; >3; packing *ow* |3.8S to 83JS; pig* I to (3.30 to 4: pUtn lota down to 13;

tU pacUng sows 83.83 to 13.33; smooth ' 89 ilghtwelghU I3J3 lo 83.60; shlpprra ' to took aooo; estimated holdover* Moo. '

i r - . Cattle: Receipt* 7000, catve* 3000; ’ -» Blow, aboul ateady • off*»H*e!a.wa: ‘ Hit 1409 pound fed buUdcks topped at

81033; next hlghetfp rlce 810.J0 tor ' 1340 pouixls: prime 1130 pound long ' yearlinga 810; practical top 39.V): '

>— bulk fed ateer* anO yearling* |6 io ’

XT ro M ^ w iM n v T fta ■ >tng 'A t(!sn»-^lb1e 10^83.73 do«n; 'ward;' m oaf re^cem enk offering*

Oo; |4J3_to 83J0; few load* belter year- ling t to (7.2}: beef cows dull. ,

rje mostly »3J0 downward: pracllcal-i. •«< top weighty sausage tmUa 13.10;' beat T,

held a t 13.23; good and choice \-ea!- ers largely 86 to 87.

Sheep: Recelpu 31,000; finished

uty week; feeders unevenly lower; bulk led desirable native lambs 8S to I3J0; to- several cloaely aorUd loads 84.75; for strieUy a6 lM ~C 61w idos'- aoallht M i- anHUut 10- pQijn^^ In filiilin g -*"**** lp> o f 16 offermgs Monday. 83A3; bulk .11. range lambs 8SJ3 to 88J0 ; feeders

• t«.T5 to 85: asking 8509 fo r selwud fu - black faced kinds; best lUughter n s ewea 83. . -

--------------------- -------------------------- : -os- SAN FRANCISCO UVBSTOCK •tr . BAN FRANCISCO. Bept, 37 VP) (0 oaa 8 D A )—H op : RecclpU 330; fairly t>e* acUve, butchera ateady; top 818S oit 98c. two and ha lf cars i n to 197 pound J12. C alifom U t; lightly aorUd M.3S; IM car 179 poundt 83.80; packing tows

a t 83.nth Cattle: Recelpt« 450; very naa moithldsandu1eaweak.spoUahade all- lower; two cars medium 1031 to \070

. P 0 U D 4 d n o a , I r a n «i»e« |S .to


g a :

Y O R K I” ;

,ffor(h Co ____ 3*T, 3«'i* Nortlimi l-»clfla ..-..23!i 20U 21'.,. (. 41 Molon ___ 4 3Ul-<il>ll» ------- J*. 4t, 11,

jji: s ;;;;;I i>iillin»i> Ino --------- 3JJ, 2J 2i>. JJIQJ ‘umo^cirp o t 'A i i l - l o u BU a v * : : :

■Ht 1, Sun rrmn Hy__ 3», !« ‘0 .»iii»»_lloetiUCl_..— ..3 !»_.33>.j__2Ji^«-^; ^ S S ! l : S * K r : = i . d i ; “lltlrll Ullli'll ..... ...... 7 fl*i 7 “ ',1 Blmmow CO — 13'i ll>« 13 ,■ Vsnium ----- WU »U 10 i •

South C»1 C»ll*on ..._ 37U 2B7, 21U;nnB•, Hftultii-m rucino __ 39 27’ , 2SU■ Huiiilsrit IJrands — 1>U 13** U ‘ a 'Cr;« Hlyifl.UM & a .i.,__ 21 >__ 'in,T Buiirt«ni on s j ’" ~ s ij! aou1 BludeDtKft Corp .... BU S*. BU N<-4 T ftU Cotp . . ... .. nU 13U 13U « Tlmt»n Itnl nesr.....1 1» 17 U 1»- ,; E S a i ! S ; - ; r - T ? ;:

Union Oil C»1_____131. 13 13 ]Union incifio _____7a'i 7S>« 7t ,

■, Unllwt AUcrtfl ----- 31U 2B<» 30 ], DnllM O** & Imp.— I#U 10 IB, U » Inti Alpohol___ 33 30 31»; ^i U H 4S'* 52U « '* ia c l* WMf?rn"unlon'” ! ~ 40>* 3B>J 39U:K-‘ i ' i Wnillnstiau*« B*C ... 31'a 33U 3« ' lO'J* Woelwirth Co ....... 3»U 37?, 2 8 U lj„

Hot <iuoulloM cln*«j:li Amotlcsn Bup»f l>owrr_________ _ 6'.j ' **'

Crntrti HUlM BecUIO---------------4>. ;ioI.i C1U«* B«rvle« ............ .................. <U;w,}, D»cirla llond snd Sh«r*---------_ 3 3 U . . ]U B»clrle Dnnd »nd BH»:» pr---------eoufiitlonAl rmetCofB .. ....... ... 3*.' i Nitlonkl Powtr Mid U ilit es pr— 7i<; ( I.n NlMsr« XudMn r o w r r , „ , 16 ^r n*l? ComK>lW»l«l________ U O''

Hisndud on or m m uii-------------- 2i>, ateUnllKl roundeni ......... ................. 2U oil

U W*Jrt»n comp»ny-------------------14>; ariC IAL W]KE bur. „' i Trl Coot Corp. ........................ . 4»i■1 Am*n»n Powtr M d Uabt.______ 13U dl)U Bociric row«r «nd U iht-. --------- HU criU Amtrlesn rottl»n r tw tr warrsau 7U “*, AmsrtcsD CiM »nd B»etdc........U romnwrelsl Boutben».»»rr»BM...ll/H chU Ualt«d Ots t» m o u (bid)...... .... 1corporal. T ru il B&MS (bWl — M02 ™I, H.tionU n u e u lt --------------------- 42 Wl!, AuBurn A u lo ----- ------------ M bu

■ >- ------ ~ 83'_ ft.33; load 1333 pounda from umoI shipment »5; some held above « .« : Joi

more, desirable lig h t steera quotable rapot&lbly'f6< U tah helfera unsold; to

I Tew good cows 83J0; medium U.S0 ns to 83; odd low eutteia 81; bulls U.30 m

_ rin»r> Cslvesi H w e liM 78: nominally Tc.

^ • s a r t f ^ t t 4 J - g n ^ a '=TM h —^plainer-ut»B«rfd; aome blda on tom- i . : mnn lo mcdluni lower; two decks C9 __

pound wooled. O regon 'bm bi M.65; «< ^ better gradea quoUblopo4slblyt325;'JO , tour decks Idnhoa on sale, asklnic 1 l i 'f t ro u r ia 85 on top; part deck*»14 w ^,1 pound e * t8 81.50.

^ OMAHA. Sept. 37' W K U S D A l - bi Hogs: Recelpu 8OOO; closed dull. R' « s k ; lig h t IlghU mostly 3Sc Inacr: ; f f lop >3.90 paid fo r sorted.around 200 d( pounds; bulk good and choice 170

-J to 330 pounda » ie 5 to 83.80; 140 ta l*ra pounds >3.35 to 83.63; Aovs S3.50 to 83-2S; suga 83J0 to 83; feeder pigs 83.75 to 83J5; Shipper* took tl: 2000. cl

^ >;*«*n«r TtlOQ. cnlvM yx); aiIn fcdsteeraandyeftrllngsbarelysieady^ll 120 to 35c lower; tnoatlysteady to a rnk; ja i

^ * u » ^ ^ o a^t^ig;* h w !^ calrrs slow, w A. weak; slocker and feeder s te m dull, bi

weak to around 35c lower; fed steera .ni and yearlings 8«.75 to'84J0: choice’ ir

,1 I3M pound steers 89-13; choice 1367 Hi pounda sold to arrlvo 810; fed helf- _

S* ers 85.73 to 87; bulk grass cowtiJJS - to 83; few loU 83.33 to 83JO; cutter grades 81.73 to 83.3S; medium na-

^ live bulls 83J5 to 83.60; practlcsl top veaJera *5.50; faw « ; slocker and iM fler J te t» .M to iiJ O ______________

I . Sheep: Receipts 13,000; lamba r„_ strpng to 15c higher; bulk sorted Z rnnge lamba 84.65 to 83.15; best held

above 8555; late top Monday 85.10;^ iotifg. native lamba 84.SS to 83; ewesw .

^ ST. J06ETU UVESTOCK ir- ST. JOSEPH. Sept. 37 (,PHU a D ill. A>—Ifoes: RecclpU ^DOO; aloa-, gen- :al-i erally 5o to lOc lower; top >3J)0: bulk Mt good ■and'chbJW’ ^W'W5SrsS)■tlfiaa Bl- >330 to >3.65; 360 lo 310 pounds

>3.60 to 83.73; light lu h u >3.60 10 led >3.86; common to medium quality Bt-. hogs »a.75 to M.63; sows mostly

ulk sows; tm lk 83.60 to >3.15; lop >3J3.SO; calUe: RecelpU 7000, calves 300;15; la te ly slaughter sleer mnd yeartinff Ihc rtm ,' medium to good grada ste«ra iM prcdeiplm^^*^ffi to •i lk weak on slaughter steera and year- 1 ers 11 ; caws, bulla and vealers about 1 led Iteady; calves alow,'tehdtng lower; ' ter slockert and feeder* *!ow. steady;

load good aod choice 1306 pouAd i£ e e r*8 « 5 ;'» m e 7 i» v rW 8 ii« rn io n r-

C fed ateer* and yearlinga >6 to >8; 5 (U most beet oowa >340^'>3.30;.cul* irly U r grades 81J5 to 83.35; bulU 8X35 m to >3-68: top Tealer* tis a . md Sheep: Reeeipta 5000: market not 35; esUbllshed on W esunu; native )ws lamba steady: top 84.T3; bulk good

andcholc«natlves84JOlo84.7S; me- iw ; dlum quaUty 84 to 84.33.tde --------070 OODEN MVF.STOCKto . OQOEtf. S«x>t.J7 } * ) tU p D A ) -

10 . W H U N E ijU A y M O R W ICG. 51

\ASO UNE i a Z l e v — a <

■ ^ h H -C )H ! •*’' , ■ ;/7 RUhJM iKt . AWA.'** } : L ^ . TO O S T M &R R ieO , _ _ y ,H es1 OOW T NOO^ Y KWONM V O O CAKfT L i i r C i ' I 0 6 T AW AS VslPTH ,

V ■ .-TriA-T> —

I j ^ B I

Recelpui 853, Including 449 for mnrlcot; niM tly around 5c lower; top

lt4.:o on few truck lood-i 209 pounds; ib',wk’ 170no-300-poinia'tlrtvetn*->3^0 - l|o i f l 5 ; pncklng sows i:!.50 lo >3.10;'l - '* extra quality >3.CU; most light ' iii-iiu around 83.83; deck 200 pound Nvijro.ikss >453 w llh llKtit llghU out

Cii;Ue;_RecelpL 715, Including 033■ [ iir market: aJow. steady: moaily 35c 1 lovkiT lor week; load Kood 1000 pound .MuiiUina AKcrs >4.(>0; icw Iota com- nioii nnd medium steers and heifer*

I IJ iO to X ; oft grades downward >3; jme<llum and good cowa yesterday j nW Jy >3.35 to >2.75; lew to >3; low­er Kriidcs downward to >IJ5; load

T 7i;a iw im d" grass slccr* »435T1i»d lii-:i;y hcltcrs >3.30; load good cows $2.70,

i Sliccp; RecclpU 7544. Including ; ’ 3086 lo r market; alow, unevenly lo w , ' cr; load.< medium grade UUh faC■ H I'j : tic fk jnc tllum S ffld tJ ifj. —

voiiu S4: Miori load Idaho feedersi fj,7 i.w iih .35-out >3; .loa<U70-po)iml —

' Ncind.i tredcrs >3.65; 'load and half ' nit.M'd WyomliiB feeders >3JS; drive*

M.50 10.>1J5._,__________________

! K.VN.SAS CITV LIVESTOCK1 KANSAS CITY., Sept. 27 (-l-) lU S . ;d A i—ftoaa; flccclpta 5000; uneven.

I ’ oiiciicd wc:ik to 10c lower; closing •lacilv'o with moat ot early loss re- I 'Kaiiird; Ilg lit IlghU dull. 10c to 20c I lO'.icr; lop >3i)0 on cholco 160 to 330

• i;>ounds; bulk desirable 170 to 360 I pound*l3.80 to >3J 0: henvlca acarce;

• I lev,’ 270 to 325 pouird5“>rC3"W >3JO;'. I bcltrr grade 140 to ICO pounda >3.C0 ^'10 13.80; sows >2.03 to >3.15; few■ .'.lock pigs around lOd lower; ■i>3iO to >3.75; estimated holdovers I iOO.• Cattle: RccelpU 10,500. calves 3000;• beef steera and yearlings uneven,, aicndy to 35c lower; ahort fed kinds• olf moat; she stock dull, weak; stock-

rrs and feeders steady lo 25c lower; bulk fed steers >S io >6; four loads

• weiHintolied-UOO pound steers (8,35;. —■ beat hfavy steers unsold laU ;/b ld - r dliig under >Q on medium short fed• graiicrs; common graasateera do»Ti-*, ward to >3.50 nnd below; few loadi ~I choice hellera held around 87; bulk, butcher cow.i >2.35 lo >2.75; low cut- I I• tcrs and cutters >1.25 to 83; medium IP

bulls >2.25 to >250; practical lop | walers >5.S0; stockers and feeders

■ >3iO to >3.75,J Sheep; RecelpU 13.000; native- ; lambs weak; odd loU sheep steady;B range lambs uneven, mostly steady;; top >525; others >4.65 to >5.15; best •0 natfvQ lambs >4.75; belter gradea 9 mostly >4.50 to >4.75; laU Monday T ■■c-l— . ,________________^ • - pORTf7AyTV —' PORTLAND, Sept. 27 (/71 (U 3 D A)® —Uofis; Receipts 500; nothing sold:• Monday>mark«iclot«donba*u>4^ - : to >4.60 for beat light butcheri*1 Catlle; Receipts 85;' calves 10; i>]• Monday's market closed uneven trom ^

aie.ndy 10 oa much as SOc lowcruUnoJj, lofld.1 held over; extreme lop steers

. bulk'dMlrable >'to <VdO; medium U 1. grade lirlte rj now quoted >450down; Ig,

COW.I J32. down; low cutler cow* j , 0 down to >1.25. p; 0 Sheep; Recelpi.v300: none aold. » 0 ----------- h0 . nOSTON WOOL t t r 'BOSTON, Sept. 37 (/TV-Much oflc tho piecing out business on wool In- ^

eludes 5C.V 46. son g i^ e of both fleece j],and territory lines. RecenUy eaUb- 2,

y llla h fd price ranees fo r Uiese griaeS jj; (arc being m aicuined Jn the cuirent y,II sales. Terrliorr wool* fine r than 5fls _ ?, nre recrlvlng i jm e Inquiry.'but lliue1. Is being cloned as holderst .are quite Iirm on quoUtlons which fe In many r.vea arc above recenl seU- ,j17 ling prices. .j

; = = = = = ;

1 Coiwalescing--------5 '5 ^ ----- k

D ' * ' f t \I- '

ti .X ........ .. - ••• — . . . — ^ —• : m 'a JO K g e n e r a l J O H N A . t ; L E J E U N E .ju p c r in lc n d e n t “ o t V ir g in ia M U lU r y t a t l - o l tu te , a n d f o r m e r com m and- >■ a n t o f U n ite d S ta te s m a r in e

. . ^ r p « , fa tc c o v e r fn * fro m *• M rto u s in ju r ie s B iu U In e d

w he a he fe l l d o w n »n em - b n n k m c n t on th # cam pus.—


i ^ h a n Ce of plans


), 6Q01MT. IPJ 6 W HAT - lU e Y fte 'r 6 u a s - m s 'f WAKfT. w tw

N O T t T A K B ^O FF THB /: — y -

J. f t i *

. T H E O L D H O M E T

--------- ( ^ O T E X r Y O l T C E ^ ----------/ -ms LA'N.CANt I( you Do SO M E -J L ■WING ABOUT/ ^

^ T H I S ? _ _ l


Cl-------------------------■ t ^ b^ M h i :

S T A N t ^

i E l w E T' S L U H i C l l G O ,SemWanoe of Backbone De-

_ - veloDs In Grain Values


' - (Associated Presa Market-Edltor) CHICAGO, sept. 37 — A sem-

> bianco of backbone developed In> wheat value* laU today, contrasting ’-j.«Ub-weakness earlier.• I Lale rallies scored by Uie wheat

‘ j mora U tkt government restrictions on> I grain trad lns would be modified. Tho* rumors met w ith a denial a t Uie de­

partment ot agriculture In Washing­ton. but the denial «-a» not known ol here u n til the day's uading had end* -

. «1-1 Wheat cloecd Irregular, H o ff to■ H upi compared w llh ycalcrday* f in - lah. corn H to ’.a down. oaU « t ’ « lo '

■ i i decline, and provWons varying^ lrom” 5 cenU eclbock U T T T itiU rM - '* Vince.S ______UnTliij^ rotuplflon*________® B ^ ln g on the pari o rEM iern fn -

lU rva u m a t also yesterday wcro con- ^ Upicious In purchasing accompanied

the U U recoveries ot wheat values, Theae rtcoverlea wcro despite an-

r nouncementthattheworld'savaUable supply of wheat ahoucd 32,004.000 busheU increase UUs week chiefly a t­tributable to the heavy rura l mar* ketlng movement In Canada o fU te . On tne other, hand, domesric re*

■ ceipU of wheaKfcoaUauaJlfihl..csi»c* . UUy northwest.

Demand'was slow for com and oaU. w ith neartfy deliveries of com ,

I touching a new low«prtee record fo t I the aeason. . v

-,£rarU te ia .>M rjsgg^ l p w a j> a i ia * . .

I 'V v'bM t^ Open U lfb Low Cloeei Sept. oW 81 ii s y . 5 l!i_ _ 5 3 ',i; Sept, sew—no tn id ing .'1 D c c .___ 54li 53H M t iJ- - -M T y -; ::: : :3 B ? r -5 5 T -H — 3o?rt Cent—1 .d e p t .____ 37 27 U 26S_ 26»;3 Dec. ------38^ 38S 38N» 28UI M a jl ......M H '34 33S 33k

I S e p t.___ 1614 ------ ------ 18^I Dec. ------17U 18 IT i i 17Ha -M a y ____30S 3 0 \ 3<»»i 20S

3. — — r a t c a n f t r a i t n n aA iw ~- " j CHICAOO, §ept. n m — Wheat: n No. a hard 84c; No. 3 m U M 6)Kc. i U -Oom t-N ft-l-^»llo*.39-tO 39Uc;-N0.

3 w blU 3S% to 29c. y OaU: No.3 whlU 17K to IBC.--------n y e: I f u salea.---------------------------- -K. Ba tler 35 to 36c.n t T im othy seed 8305 to 83JO per 100i t pounds.^ aover eeed 87 to 88.TO per 100 a - pounds. r»e Im roilTLAKD OBAtNed PORTLAND. Sept. 37 W )- W h e a l _ cloeed: May 8««c; SepUmber 514c;

Deeember MHc- Cash w&eat: B lc I Bend Bluesiem 60c; soft while 53c; I ‘¥«stcra vb lM 81pi bard w lnU r 6 lU c ;

-SEPTEMBER-28rt932---------~ T

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hole- ig- of id* -

to ‘ti .','.nMJ lr M Hin*“ > T H E S E U N IV E R S IT Y o f W as

J in u n y - E h c lo n h o w .th e y .n rc f o r th e H u s k y v a rs ity . The; U ge W ia t r a k . ta c k lc s . - ( /P ) ^

^ __ ' ' ■ ' ----------

M C a r d s ’ B o s s G r cin - - — . ble 000 a t-



fo t

oee - tV rJ I w T r V M u L f S S c ^ ^ l 3.',i _ N j y > i i l a i M

o s

r '

to s '

fa t: ' ' 'c. T H E O N C E -G R E A T G ro ve r C

— .m K n a g « r-o f- tb » -H o u s » -o £ ^ jn 'ecU n tr G a bb y S tre e t, m an

__ ______.w h e n .U ic ir . tc a in a jn e t. in _ aA le x onco s ta rre d fo r th e

' s = = = = ^ = = = 100 northent spring 91e; western r td 50c

Car recelpu: wheat 37. ’

rOBTLAND l U r heal PORTUlND, Sept. 37 Wl - Kay 4c; Steady; ubrttto fed.B lc ---------83c; DENVER SUEEP

l i ic ; OENVKR, Sept. 37 i U 8 D Al

~ ..... 7----------------------" f

• By STANLEY^6 W E f r T J M E - t - ^ ^ ----------------M B E R IW A S S T A R R IN i T H E S P ID E R S G IN S T: ORlOl-HS IN '95-1 - , -5 O l^ P I R S T W H E N : C A T C H E R V V J N K E O A B L O N D E A N D 1l e s e c o n d , - m ir e oV IE A N D ■ T M E U M P lt?E 5W y A ) J ^ P E M '. - A N D > ______^ C K IN



i c a s T W S A > C 7 E re s W H E N O B A D IA H .

r tE 1 Q E A t h e s t o r y o f:A S -M O R ff^ l/'*= JE R ftS r//« < 9 --------------, ^ B A - m . g -Itr CtMrairitu 9 - 2 8 ‘3£.

'ake To A ir

V--------------- -----------------------------------^ _____

'ashington griddcrs ahow Coach rc Boinz to perfo rm as lincBmen - hey are TSnTBurlcci a e f t r a n d•) Photo. -

reets“ d l i Peis ’

• Cleveland AlejanderlMt). now ifJaitid-liaMhall club, l5 tliomi. anager ot tho St. LouU Cardinab

» c . shM p: ReeelpU l«W>. Include* sev." en car* back; QU*uty w ry uneven; few loads s trlctly-cheie^ u t iv e laaibc #tea4y; better crades |440 to

ay; ^ jT b M T S lo ra d o s held above 85.15 w stronser; buyers talklnc steady 5 w S k : extreme top Monday w . is ; . bulk fa t umbs >5.65 to >S; feeder top

A ) Moodoy H M *

^ 1 1 N o t h i n g■ k y P a t r i ^

(coatlcucd iroai ul-/

SYNOPSIS: nud. nr t u l r loppUnf wnrM r««lt »ciiln b«twee; o itiltr ths know ltd fe J lik t I t . w u 3l«B<n

*ico^*^uno -H o ra rc V i trcachrrT, who had U n f t a n hkrdly b«ror« MTtd hi* Ufe. N»n b u tod That i tha room ancrilr ^ ' coiuclcFerdtnand Prancl* fa ll to conrlnco .ilttred JmtU that Rotamsnd't conato. a p rr:t Robert L w w d . I« UhlJjd the niter. »erlri of lau rd fron i • “ ae«WenU“ iha» hare threatened J e rr li o f j,l»‘ r- _ ; Ihlnu I

Chapter 33 ' iNan'aTENDER THOUGHTS

J fn i* went a lrld ln i: aown n'O'a-dcD dme and. oncc outbid# th<s 8»Wf,i “ turnfd Into n tteld. He couJd *>*ve , round his way bUnd(old. but out J ’ here under the eky and away frotn | r .» - i.ha<Jo*7 treei, I t waa not w.darfc.

.The c’.oudlew c*panie *« > « «head w m lum lnoiia nnd nlrendy “

-p ricked -tr llh -etarfc-Tha- mooft-hftdJWa «not yet rlaen. ,**’ « ‘ ’j

A* h» walked h i* tlioURhts r lM rrd ,,''*^ re 11 It waa Han who hnd aaved hU llte "bout ten yeara ago at the x lA of her >"»and if *he had k ;io*n th l* . thelriPened, whole relation wna oti a different] Jrrv baxli: I t was profoundly nffecled— m *0 profoundly. In fac t m to niter hl3 i t let entire point of view. everyt

He went bnclc to l l i r MlnglnR lie | nhoeki o f Boiamund’a defection on house the eve of th t lr m arrlaift. He had hall, believed then,- and had sWw had never

• th li beHef In t^s lfle d . that I t wns « llRht “ 7tinntrlriRnnnd'*callouinnnnoTOvre^o*hc"TiiL

iijpplant him «a h l i e randfalhtr’A thum] hptr. • • ;«nuffl

To countrr th b , he must be inar>iBranl rlcd by iho date fixed tn Ambrose | As : Weare's w ill. Nan bad stepped Intojoound

that they should marry aa a tnnt- 'bed hi ter of buslnes.1. She had been veryJfeU aj

“ bailfl«ilIIM .“ 8 ll6' h ill»nnc\'ft“ 6bi(i-'‘ *h y n thins for her trouble—a pereentaRe.'so stll She hnd. In fnet. pu t herself up for | He '

had not known then that the money heard was for her nlster. who was now on Nnn'.n hey way Ui Australia. , 'jwoutd

Jervis wns aware that he hlmseirihimse had. not bothered nbout beJnj falr.'so. he By marrylns Nan he spoiled Ro«n-|mome mnnd'a d irty earne. and th a t wns a ir door h t had cored fo r at the time. Tn the wn^ b last 3< hours he hnd experienced n l Dut dlantaltlnn tn tu rn his baric nn ihe.awitgl events which had led up to his m ar-1 sltUni rtaie. They made a backaround In-'canop oompatlble w ith Nan as he was b e -a Ras

- R lrn ln f-to -know -h*r.---------------------- Iw lth -'f l'P . ’s story 'made It Impossible to.paws

bM ihlntts out. Ho fe lt Instead an tfran tl o^w he lm ln tr de*lre to know what h rr n had been at the back of Nan’s mind i As wbtn she propo«e<! ths t business! flunic anan«ement. He had set her down jand t as a jhrewd opportunist catchlntt a t,Ins ai A marriage above her hopes. D ut.tins a:

—then, -why-net .pl*y-her-be8t-eartt—i—j e r why not show her scnr and claim hls.JUs f uratltude? had

The*-shrewd opportunist would reach m e ly have don* thts. And Nnn. ac- rum «Vdlnii lo P. r . had hidden her j on B trump card Instead of plnylns it.{nolhl: Sha h«d hidden h r r pnreiitnRe. (oo. ifear No opportunist worth thn namel She would hnve neslectcd to clnlm Nisei with Torsyth as n fnther. W lint had been the b Inhe rm ond. jwUdlj

Bomethlni; irilmmered nmone his asont thcushts like a w ill o' the wisp. I t pupil, was a dnncInK point of ligh t th a tjn ljth t turned a flickering itleam here nnd' and i there and was none. He would havetfell *

-m arried anyone, and picked her up i Jer —anywhere. He - l i t t l eeitaliili' l ie tu ib e tn

D a i ly C ross-W (. M M o n ftf Ve»Ur«t.

l ia t r U O U a . [ H it i p M B ls lS l lJ I

P e r o i L i

IT. Towird Ul* r * A I&' C ^ MM ' iTT •h«lt»r*d l* r 'P p * ^ J b NBM AU. l« n i driBks: i j .

— j a a ^ n ^ n 4tiomtd ta l-------n. ■ g LM lA W A IC j& l

a l s cvavtB- IS IE tS IP A P k LT

it • y § is H * iE i s y

n.“ ^ ra . »i- n f iw *• ?

« _ P

; V e n t u r e —1 W e n t iD o r t h ^

— • • i'; - A and l l nas Nan who had s ^ ^

,-een h im nnd the abyss. The , g, m rmicSed’that. _ .

welves to 'h lm in words. I t could - ,P lly be Bfild tl ia t he recoBntod t the Klcam showed him. HU iclous thought had not Rrcatly red ns yet. Tliere was behind It j f t•etsuro whleh would c o m p e lllto W//

rrvb turned and begkn to walk c by the way he had come. One R ja IR n t least he could now explain rU-owit-M>iUfo»<loui and t}>at waa I’s extraordinary obsession with ird to Robert Leonard. He didn't

comlnK down.the cUtf and pass- the pool. T ha t was'nonsense— LfJtM

t of the obsession.whnt had happened was quite

lously this—Nan had seen I« m - n somewhere o nthe beach either •

t dny or some other day. Bhe had Jl.n'.rhock. nnd wa* feverish, a n d __ ,had Rot Leonard mixed up with _ . fever. She had had a bad dream

lUt Leonard nnd hnd tacked I t on _ the thing th a t had really hap- led.rrvU fe lt mucl'i better wheri he I setiled this. I t le t Nnn out. and _ , let Leonard ont-* I t ncplnlned TJaii ry ih lnp perfectly. Tra^le Rot bcck to Wearc lo find the ue dark except fo r a l igh t la th«1. Monk- had standlna orders ^ •er to s it up. He- put out the hall T™ ' I t and went up Jn the dark. As

imp of Bran's ta ll and a fn liit iffing sound. He said, "Lie down, _ m l". Tral:IS he opened Ills own door, the • nds ceased. He put on his lightUundrMsed>-B«ftfr>-ht-BOt-lnto. .Tna; he drew ih a curtains back, nnd

asleep while he w wonderlnit __»tUl?°” * ma e c ’!e wnked w ith a start, he did not

ird n sound — Brnn moving In Q's room. Rcilless brute! But that i ld n 't have waked him; Ho raised iself on his hand, and as he did he heard a choking cry a^d In % ment was out of bed and at U>o a jt I >r between the two room*. I f I t l , - i bolted.............

lu t It ftave to his hand. He

Jne up In her under the crimson lopy. her eyes wide nnd blank tasplnff cry. Bran, w llh his fore k. , , ^ -te rro r,-aad-bsr-U ps parted iQ rs on y ie bed. whined and licked fltlca lly at her hair her shoulder *'

the lU h l went on. he trowled. ng round, dropped to the floor, i bounded to meet Jervis, th n u t- Le*a\ : a t h im w ith his head And mak- ne ti ( anxious sounds.ln hia throat. ierrls*bndc*htttT"lte-down^*hxr8hlyr ' firs t thouRht v&s tha t the dog: Lea' d frlBhtened Nan. Then, aa he ArrI iched the bed,, he saw that her w> was f lx jd neither on him nor —

Bran, i t had no focus; tt saw IhljjR. I t waa Just'a wide gaw; of so I

51ie waa alttln jt s tiffly upright Ih her hands pressed down upon riehi J bed. Her short brown hnlr waa i.-ii Idly rumpled. Her fnce was o f an onlrlng pallor, her eyes nil storing ,rani pli. She hod on a-ehlldlsh white sh [ht-Rown. rather high at the neck. »no' d beneath I t her breasts ro « and t w ith ja ch Bobbin* breath. ,.i.h Jervis sat down on the ed*c o f the 3-i n tt'pu t fc-M na on fler »B6ulderT

. ~ , , 1, ^ tlenl

M P u z z leed ti

^ ' “ 1 be a

*rday*g P un l« A ngal

l l l u H I d I I&1 Be«D* er action -'r

r F g -I ! c f i u ot u«bt‘ fcJH l»1 IA JL |T I K iiam saro td one-

■ a 6 r e S J: Bln '' 'E R i T V ^ *■ won-A L l_ N E » bed1 1 Q 6 5 1 >*•1 N i 6 ^ p ia jrd is t i ■ irm

L E H | T E ^ Ruiiiss ssttr | P B A N 3 I I . Osrk browB look

' p im tn t nati, _ . . »• Altimallvo ~T^ «• '« « « • r*»»r Jdtoeord <I. Dnatitieal** He^ IKiiorfea) m - Um Iv flo e ti Seoleh 4a.'N«r soy TCt

: A f t i iS rS " ' der*

r ^ ,o 7 T

2 *


^ ________ ^

_ . T WTW F A U J n A n . T - t r o a

i f i lN t J Y C»UMf*M J I pocrr b o y u « c o i b

D g U b W r IM V1 U U JN £ t'• A3WA.Y FROrt^ IW S P l^ W

B U W ^L E ^E C A'»lT-BUMM»b

: PRSTTY C IR C LED -. - t - — ! IM TW tAJPl—

T IM E T A B L E S \BebedDles of rassenger I r a t ^ and

Motor Oiuscs Tasslng Throocb Twin — Falls: _ _

OREGON snO RT LINE (Eastboond

Train 8i leave*_________ 3:30 P. M.T rain M t leaves............„ 8 :2 3 A. U.

Westbdimd lU]Tm ln 63 Uaves ______ lt :M A. M.■ ^ n 5«3 leaves________ V .ii P. M.


. SontbbooBd— 'JHUy Except Sunday ____

Trala 3TO leaves-------------2:10 P. M. CHEIi?orthbotmd *°

4»aln-J+iMrrl*ev^rmn™,™ailO-P.-Wr BAS


EasibeendArrives _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #:(M A. M.•Uftlf-U ,......™ ________„ . 0 : l l A,_M,____Arrives_________________3.18 P. M . ___Leaves____ p. m .Arrives_______________ I3;B5 A. .M. „ / dLeaves_________________ 1:30 A. M. Wh;

• 'W ettbeuafc =Arrives--------------------------8:07 A. M.Leaves ________________B:15 A. M.Arr{ves_________________«:M p. M, ^Leaves • - ......_ S;S7 p. M. f l

Leav?! . . 7 Z Z Z Z Z 3 ZZ.i ‘:30 A. m ! IThs eastbound stage arrirlng at ■

»:13 A. M. and tho westbound stage Iam nng ar8Ti3-p. a i tniTcl-by-»ay - ■of J e ^ e . WeadeU and Qoodlng. I


Leave ................................ 10:30 A.M. IR e tu rn .............................6:45P.M. I

— —^TW LV-PAU jS-WKLLS— — ILe ar*__________________11:05 A .M . IA rr ive_________________12:18 P. M. I

” Nnn—what b It? Plense donX be [Iso frlKhtened—you're all righL I t Iwn.t Just a dream." She trembled. aand he put his nrm about her. "A ll l lright In a minute. Just hold on, and Il l ' l l go. Would you like n drink of Iwater? . . . No. I won't go t i l l you Iwant me to." • I

She was small nnd lU lit lo hold. [IAnother of those dreadful ahuddert Hpn.ved over her. He fe ll her struggle I with It, s tiffenlns herself against h liarma un til iha-was-rigldr-A-«wMer» — Iawkward tendemcM for her fear _

;emperamenl he had a ao ftl | heart fo r children, animal*—any- U th ins weak, defenceless, frightened.B« p itte d her shoulder and tighten- ||ed hia c m p . • ---------- _

"Look here, there Isn't anything to be afra id of; I t wa« only a dream."

She turned then, straining back ngalDst hU arm ao that she could __

"D id you—dream Jt —tcp?" ’ = : “ No. Look here. It's no th in g -*

dream's nothing—It can't hu rt any. “ one—you've only got lo wake up. ^ Here'a B ran te lling you the um e th ln?.-He'i most awfully u [w t about ' yo>i."

Bran had his fore paws on the bed again. The tip o f his ta ll moved : deprecatlngly. He pushed hi* head £ forward and blew warm puffs of a ir * i f h e f hand. h V r'n rm r - - 9

"Feeling better?" said Jerrts. J "W hnt wna It? Would you like to tell I m e/- j |

Leaning against his nrm. nnd I looking up a t him w ith those un- I naturally wide eyes, she said; -

“ t thought—2CIU were dead.- Hcr volee wan the lost ghost of

Itself. He hardly heard the words; yet .they reached him. releasing Mimn emotion which he did-not un­derstand. He did not try to under­stand it. but Jt reinforced that odd tenderness.

; ‘ i-(flougnt--ycni wer4 desd." said ' Nan.

“ Do I feel as i f I were dead?" His arm tightened about her. '

• I sa»r*tou—la a dark p la« . You -

' ''WouW you mlmJ. Nnn? hs asked

•(Copyrleht. ~io32. L ip p ln so ttV ^ ^

<To b« Continued)


TtW .S,-T W T N J A I . T a , - n i A H n . T O

: . T H

V ^ A T B M N UFE ^

" BEE F s v i ^ l M r o u w I i b ^ T BONS BCJE. AAIU>U THE ‘

W a n t A d


- --------------------------------------------GOO'All W apt Ads aUTo and actlra aad

—U i^ bring tbe buyer. . ------ !

, 'For Sale— Furniture ^

CHEAP. ELECTHIO RANOB. PI- ano, fu rn iture. Call 811J.

BAaaiNPrgRIB-AND-M A-PTRECO, 1 - 77,,; good BA new. »5.00, phone ISfiJJ.


Idaho, prepares for promotion. Wine W h/ d r ift this year? See i

Young Ince To W

- i j

T H O M A S T I.n fN C E , 20 -yen r-o ld b t iv o . is show n w i th h l.i finn cec , a p p lie d f o r a m arrin R o llccnsc inM U < Kitf4i«%n U Itnn ivn n« Mnw/.

Two Chiefs Meet 1


mmMG O V E K K ’O R '^ O O S B V E E T ,

p a r ty , m e t .1 c h ie f o f th e Y a k in ^ y a l l u p , W a sh in g to n .— (/P) Ph

________ ' L' ■ - CFvea / ' e C 3 > 0 ^


tn r»m»4



ds-Barg' For Sale Miscellaneo'lis |

)SK BEET RACK AND BE ET.f o U p jlle r for sale, r iio iie 0483J3. I get

jQOn LIG H T WELL BUILT trailer house, 8x16,105. C. E. Morrl«, -nvc

^yn.____________________________ sal300D ELECTRIC 8 TOVE AND “ ’’ j

sood Mavtas Washing Machine tora!e.-134^;Peplaf.- ------------- - —— [-a u t

KOOD~AT“ TiEAD OP OOOSE Creek, dragged out where you caii ^

:o»d. Dave Stokesb^rry. Phone » .)3m«. _________^lU TO D O O R 01*AB«, -W INU- ----- \

shleldi. and window glass. No ------tnr i fU Ing yl«i« Phone 8. ^

Moon's Paint and Furniture Store. Pf FOR SALE—NEW >tARLlN RIFLE. DES

•M^Calibre Olobe A: Peep SlRhls. — Wind gauge. Full Block, OU finished, '•'' ft Bee at 635 Main Weit. phone 12M.= : = = = = - w n

Wed Actrcss--------- - - - . WAI

H V kL ' ' ^

B e • ^or rHat.

LO fM jP -.


Id Bon o f th e la to f i lm cxecu - ^ :ec, D o ro th y K i tc h c i i, ns th e y ^ c in Lo s AnKclca. I n th e f i lm s Dh« tiTipy D ra x o l— (<P) P hotn =

et In The West “

n g w P i i M P i i > B w r v ^

_ BT

; ] ^ Q C 3 9 m E 2 ^ m | I Wi

ik im a In d ia n s w he n ho v is ite d r P h o to . , i * d i

. ' r

X - r -\1 1 U

\ E B E B H i y E

I ^ N t ) AfaAJM .

^ \ I 9 3 2 / <'THE OU> V

/ P£E PSVER . •

H I M - ’ * ;

^ 3 . ^ . B O Z Z - l. (

^ : •• . w u i ,

g a i i n s - O

Reip Wanted^ R SA LESLAD I^. ABOUT tS. ROC See ilrs , Donlel, perrln* hotel, no

___________________ - S B iVNO LADIES FOR ADVANCE 44 sales work. No experience neces- —

ary. 803 Main East, from B to 13t. M. and *> to 10 P..M.________lUTOMOBILE SALESMAN W ANT- ed to sell Ford Cars. Applicant must *“ have clean record and be a proven ~

producer. Apply Minidoka County ' .fotor Company, Rupert, Idaho. _ _

Mfsoellanoous— ™___________________ 1888W ANTED— F E E D E R LAMBS. ~-~

Phono dJSlRl. -------------------------3EST CAR l«0 W ILL BUY. W RTIT DIo

■ '________ — HA'W A N T E D - POULTRY. H. O. al

Hunter. Phone 806.______________ rooikSTLL BUY lOO TO MO YOUNO

ewes a( today's market. A rthur U NE' Jwlm. __________________________ blIVANTTO OLD AND DEAD AN1> U l l

mala.LO.Prescott,pboMO102IU4. Coyoto Pirlr, ------------------J-m

WANTED - 80 COAL RANGES, rool W ill pay cash. Moon's Paint and gjo

Fum ltuTo Store.___________________ jjoy

WANTED JN EXCHANGE FOR ON custom grinding wheat and oata a l fi

)8c cwt., barley 55c. Hayes Hatchery, me

WANTED-LEOHORN H E N S ^N D a ll kinds of poultry fo r cash, trade

sr pullets. Egg* 150 in trade. Baye* ~ Hatohery. ___


on side of noec. Reward. Phone OM. tua-------------------------------------------------- fl*«LOST 6 D N D A Y -K E Y -C A D D Y Irtc

w ith eight keys. Reward. Phone tro:073-J. Lat — ■ ■■■--—,■■- ,

LOST LOOOINO CHAIN ON SEC-ond or Third East. 80S M ain Eh . . .

Phono 860W. p ri

LOST USED SCYTHE ON ROAD ^ between Knull and T « ln Falla; Be-

ward. Phone 1535W.

specUl prices October fo r year.M ^ Conner, 133S Addison, phooe

a n y iM p e r m a n z n t s w it h o o telectricity: 17.50 to | 10. Special . prices on other permaaeata. O r- “ • pheum Beauty Shoppe. ^

' .Loans ”-------------------------------------- ------ aoiAM PREPARED TO JUAKE A FEW u j

loons only on choice. Improved — home* In Twin PWls. A rthur L .8 w»m. TC

W L I,” SUPPLY DESIRABLE S r iE kei and finance building a smaU mod- na

em house fo r party who w lli pu t in — k few hundred dollars. A rthur I» w: Swim. I

— _ I J taiSituations Wanted ^

* ^ o a ie ^ 8 m l«r.‘ *“ “ *“ ' —------ - — CKWANTED-HOOSE CLEANINO OB «

laundry Phone 673-J. ^

LAD Y WISHES COOKIN'O OR f c j housekeeping, phone 1383J. i

rWANTED POSITION AS H O u iE - ?= keeper. Write Box 34, Care News.

STENOORAPHER, BOOKKEEPER, ~ «ecuiate; Rgfrrfnces.-WritaTtwt - t t : TC

C ar* News. I

WANTED PLAIN AND EdalUratlons. Mrs. JackUn, 1307 7U> -= ATC.East.

80-ACREa LAND W ITH a o o o n i - Hs provements, write, give partieulon. la

« d d r6w Box ed, care News. t«s

'■ "^1 • •

- : ■ - . M j : =^ / W E L<

. >V.______ ,t<^. / tUM &L-------A -------- ------------------------ ' ^ 6'I

OUCW.''l W f ,^ • ^ ' / r _ . . ^ f AO!

Jppo rtuF o r R en t— F u rn is h e d

ROOM " a n d ” B O A ^ . « 5 ' jn d north.

COOL ROOMS ANO BOARD las.l M i West Main.

aLBEPINO ROOM,CLOSEIN.yUR- _ nace heat. Phone 131SJ.

^ ^ h e d ’house. c S u w ^ * * * *

FOUR ROOM FURNISHED OR UN- oT furnished house. 438 3rd Avb. East. __

T H R E E ROOM FURNISHED ^»|mtiULiiL,-i(H am AUi HJUt l i ll flnn —

1888.______________ •

DInaley a t Drug Store.

HAVE APARTMENTS TH AT ARE ^a ll r ight, also the prices, 3 and S S

rooms, furnished complete. Tbe Ox- “ford, 438 Main North. _

NEW MANAGEMENT. C A nT- bridge Uotel, Telephone 337, Com- ok

fortable warm rooms, 50c. 75c. flXO. = L ig h t Housekeeping Suite.

138; 6*room furnished tS 3 ^ : 8- room modem I3S; 8-room modem 130; «-room modem t l 8; 4-rooro pi Jiouw J 10._A. W;_LonB..PhonflJ<a.__ ___ONE. TWO AND .THREE ROOM ^

furnished aparimenU w llh k ltch - ^ enettes. Furnished and u n fu m ^ e d w houses o f various sites. W. E. Bang- | er. 300 tihoshone St. South. Phone _ 430. Ol

.1 - • i — ForSale—Real-Estat*— 5

Land bank subdi^- JaJon, Ranler, Oregon. R ich Oolum- n

bla River bottom lands la (raeta offive acres and up. Telephone, Bl«o- Estrio lights, rural mall, school bus. con- -

I tracts available on telephone peaa. lU Land particularly adapted to la tca -slr« farming such as peso, beans. P>

’ 'cabbage, cauliflower, etc. Come and r' see it, now while crops are growlaff. ^

Price t l8 0 M an acre, lO percent ; down, balance to suit a t S per cent. ^. W rite John o . Cowles o r Lea O o l- _

lagher, Representing Federal r.atw< gi L B«-ok. Ranler. Oregon.

• W n i'E X C R A N O E ROOM BENT, or apartment for wood oc cooL SOi ”

Sth Are. East. Phooe.IiW.----------------- g; O N E 15-10 INTERNATIONAL n I Ita e to r la A-No. I coadltloo or - . trade fo r sheep and bay. 330 S ixth

street West.

- W U IWU H A H LE g-U A V im U H ®motorcyclu. one 38 Remington »

. aotomaUo rifle , H any A. Schulti. - [ 113 Walnut. E

, ‘i t ^ ' i o E S 35e BUSHEL. W ILL- trade fo r tra in , beans, etc,.a t m ar- = E ket price, 1 mile west Curry, H mileJ north. Ben H itt. _________

WE TRADE B ^ OR BELL ALL ^ Uads of used furniture, storee. and

: taages. 0 « i our price*.- phon* A ~ Moon's Paint and Fum lturo Store-

• OOOD PAYIN a BU aiN E SSraO P^ - t eriy. quick aale. 1404 8th Avenue si


I POR S P E C I A L DISCOUNT ® trackage, lots, acreaie. W rite Box

3fl. Qoodlng, Idaho.________________ ^

. F o r R e i i t ^ F a t m i ’ r ,

17 FOR BENT WEEL~‘TBJPROVED, must be well equipped and

. able to farm 313 acres. W rite John $3 3 Edwards, care of Newa.3 ' ■■ w ; ^ T.___________ M ig s !L j!Le °.u? -------------- ----■ IS Y o r o R S b io H s a p y f o r t h e z^ ..W orM :earle*?-<f.rM ~'ealI-M w te» b- Hammons 01MJ3.1 wlQ pu t your setI. la firs t claas condition and n ia ra n - fo

tee aU. work.


I i r c i iN N o ^


___________________ rn rr? C r v i r

-------------------------■■ * - ...........

LCVE6 TW UTTLE \& L E -B S E S - \,6 Y ^ V jA .Y ^W S H e .._ ------------------1SR1S.ND- •I L o v to YWE UTTLE

jn itie s _

^ 5. Professional ■ ■

g C. H ALU -O rer 01o»* Bortc a tc iZ

BusinessP tU M B W J

b a l l a n t :i n e p l u m b i n g «—TCitiBy~Cg?=8awt~M i t i w w k*.— For heating troubles. Phone 3>1-W»

T B A K if ia ___________M ^C n O L S TRANSFER * STOE-

AOB — Oorboc* tiM le d doUr* Phone 300.


For Saie— Fruits,.VegetablesCUCUMBERa FOR S A l i f PHONE V880-W. ______________ ■TOMATOES. PEPPERS AND 0V«.

cumbers. 383 Harrison.

ORAPES ARE lUPE. U south Of South park. Rena Johnston.

ELBERTA ’ PEACHM north of Hwplto l. Phon* o m n .

FOR SALE-TOMATOEB. P E A C ^ es. prunes. Inquire 403 40 . Are.


you pick. north and ‘. i vest ofF ire PolnU. ___________________CONCORD ORAPES. le LB . A T O.

V. Jones ranch, 9H m ile* *outh of South Park, ElberU WacJie* M e to 650.- • ■

BUSHBI^, W INDPALM . M cD f- toeh, Salomes, a8e..ParfO O rc h a * ^ _

appl** are a o * itaa jr. by b a a u i <JT~* truck; also grepee. peaches and prune*. Come early and b ^ co«^ talner*. 9 mUes e a s l^n T fioT O m be rir^ ro*d. Ui»n U tnMe souUi. .

FoF Sale^lvestock

scr. f i le r .__________________ .EIGHT PUREBRED HAMPSHIRB

Buck lamb*, \ i E. U S. o f Sugar factory. H .F . McKay.

■ For Sale—Automobiles ~FORD COUPE FOR SALE IN OOOD

condition, call Room 4. Boyd B loek.-

^o?1»fiti!—UnTumlshed"" “

East. Phone 7WJ._________ ■

SMALL HOUSE, 330 t i h AVENXTK East. Phone MAW..

S M ^ HOUSE, AND B ACRES ON JeffersoQ BL A rthur L . Swlnu

S IX -RO OM HOD/9B.-OUTBUILI>- Ings and paSntre, 3 miles east Twin

Falls. W. O. Smith.

^ t 9 d ^ * S * ' i » * A » e m r t North, t38J0. Photte 288J. BUM.

F IVE BOOM NEW JIODEBIf bousa, furnace. Oak floo ri, and

chotce locatioa. fme U tIB I quarter* for famUy and three apartmenU to

ren t. D ew itt St Haney, Phone 45.

G ’ S G O O D E A T I N G I

i .'DuV'V"wisMT I m a o " ■k FISH PO LE

A . W O W ^ _________


■ H E S i i i e e s r -miEF F iO M l -

Government Agent Declares , ---rCounty!a--Heed Measure '

- aOTflnunent relloi fund i of whloli Ooseraor o . Ben Bom Mcurod $300.- 000 {or expenditure in Id&ho, har« been mwl# »T*ll«We to «Ut** thPOu*h U ttlr (to>ernor» p iifflw lly for relief o f usemplojment M d duUtutloa.

-C o o g w u m tn jW1t1linn~T, Brr\1th wa»,l----- —‘ tflW here jrtnertlajr by P lcrt* WU*

liirtfl. flald reproenuUTi of th e _ ^ -

M r. WUllami. who WM »env to Id * - ___lio to contM i Oowrnor R«u, m dJ- lectcd U> B«t In toiich with Cotigreas- ww 8un Smith wbU» In ih l i s t^e . ■ por

I t WM the government'* aMump- ____tion ih * t relief lund j ihould be -------portioned lo counUes where needed,

' and noc dirertod to Inrtre eonstruc- —^o n -w ite ry rU M .-^ rc -W llll Mni t oM - -

the conKreumkn.T® Set Up CommWoB - p r

Under tertnsof the Uw which made thcM relief fund* aTaUAble, a com-mlaslon w « to bo u l up In cach jcoimty to m aki a Burvry of th a l, .J eaurily's needs »nd report to T h i g ov*r “ ■cm or who would b« authorlxed to JBdlKbuns ths fiin d t u requested by i f ltho county commJulon*. One mem* Hber or the board of county commt*- ■flonera u id ' repretentatlTfia of the ■

__Bed CroM aad other relief organ la i* _ ■tioiis would con illtu ti i lw ‘countycommlMloa ;

C ongrta^an Sm ith tald he had . ,dlicuued relief (und regutatlons w ith • . ^WlU lama by tclephona while the la t- \

- ja -e d .q .c ro » tw Washington, aaalst- ant to the d irccton of tha Recon- ;

advlaed blm by wire yesterday ot W il­liams' v is it to Idaho and Inatrucllona j

__^Blven V^Jam a to get jn to u e h jr lth . . f i iCohBfeMmati'Smith. ■ ■ " ■ '

B R € V [ T I € S |nem 00 V U (-O oo ne Bobb, De- ,

catur. JlUnola, arrived yesterday to ^ f l i l t M r. a n t Mra. B. B. Johnson. O)

LeaTH to Teach - M in C « ^ 5! Beckwtth le ft yesterday fo r Arco , where she w ill teach In the pubyc •ehool. ni

— — f l . SDbmtta to SBrtery—KauutlkSey* ( t more. Buhl, tisderweat a major op- ' sratlon yesterday al ths Tw in ?aUa county hospital.

Patient a t He«pltaUJerome Rsla* ley, RocersoQ. was admitted yeater- .

— dayJo Uia-Twln-raUs county hospital - e m to undetio medical treatment.

Uceased to W cd-O tnTcr K im * ^ j |brough. Buhl, and Anna phmips,' »Portland, aeeurad a m airiac* license ^a t tho offtc* ot the county recorder f lhere yesterday. M

Rclnms From Wyoming - * M rs. J;)!Benjamin Heldt. aoconpanled by ■ har son, Benjamin. Jr. relumed y a s -,Itrday to U n here after spendlnc a My ta r ta L e O tu s * . Wyoralns. , 1

T W t A t FoeateUs-Kr. and M in.Roy Henderson spent Sunday a t ' Pocatello w ith their son. Ashton, _1_

V is itK m -* ,M rs .B .U .W o lfs .B u r-: ley. acoompanUd by her daughter.

- Miss UicUa Wotfs. waa la Tw in Palis ^ yesterdayaUendinram e«tIn8ort)M ■ ■

- Twentieth Century dub, and m oa t-: H Inc friends. ■

Coasloda VW t — H. 3. Touncs. HtTaiifArwn,__fa ra s f T » ln -J M

Palls resident and hU daughter, Mr*.Ruth Baymiller, l* ( t' yestwday re^ x n tu m ln c lo C allfon ta fo llow tn c sever* , al day* Tlalt her*. ^

Vndcrtew O p cntla n-M r*. WU* tUam"J. Young, wits o f tbs former |Tw in Pall* county probation o t f ln r ,underwent a major operation early , this moraine a t the Tw in Pallseounty general hospital. '

LeaT* HosplUl—Am'onc patients ,dismtss«l yssterday from tbe Twtq ‘

------Palis county -genenl nonmw wbW - =, tha foilowtnc; Mrs. E. L. Black. Tw in , , , ,

P ^R oul«3.n>edlca);F lavaLydum , Wl ; Tw in PWis. iurgery patient, aad Ray Balmer, 4t9 Eighth avenuo east.

Leave fo r V trftn ia -M r*. EUsabeth L Smith, Tw in Palis resident fo r near* Sep lyaeren year* and until U U ly a nurse m«i member o f Tw in Palls county health rec( un it sta ff. Is to JesTs today w ith' her v a i mother. Mtm. Marshs3l Jettrles. on phy

- - a m e te rW r t tm i lD g t»-U ttlr-4or- - - mer home tn Virginia.

Bera Pr«m UlUan W.Carse. superintendent of tba chil- d ^ ' s home in c i s e . U la Twin

mads bsBvy demands 00 tha Idaho O b lktrt& 'iH om aJlad lnca iia jtk iao -

.............. «'B a to ra to S ta n fo rd -M r.a n d M rs .

• Craten Scott. Palo Alto, wbo have “ J bees TlslUng « t U>* boms o f Mr.

__S e o lts -pa rTO U f C r. and Mra. O.-R. eSoott^h iTa lesumed their Journey DUIII I I11 I l l l l ............I l l iC r * » i i l l -aa*vers on tba ir vay trom Xuropo af- chite r^ .e ad d lac t r ^ M ira e o tt-M -e n th ttastnKtor }n StanfoRl vn lT tn itp , dn

SansMBad P r«a Omaha—M r*. tfT , ■ ^ - U . P ind lw ,-. Omaha, s rrtn d - last

•ren lac In rasponsa te vord of tbe L'!*____crttJcia.maa** c t bar *W«r, M ia f “

Suniea Pika. T v tn M is b icb acboot ^ X& ilisb departmant Inatrtictor for ^

-------» I |B ry « W T » rtrW B 6 -|ra 'J > a U riir, a t tba ooonty f ftu ra l boap lta l.fd - = ^ lovlBC a s amergtacy oparatioa for

appeadtettla. '___________


tJBERAaA. Bratft. Sspt. 7 t V F i- f tn o M Q A b f f fB a r t t t t t lM i ln a i * ■


Willie Willis j M• By BOBBIT Q O niuD I I

~ ~(Icmt

toM rfilnny how to pray for a Ut- 2’J. M

Mcne way an’ this mor nine th r remts a Hirk e> kKtrtis nn th r ir front ^P<;reh.r

Cnatl-------- --- ^ 17.

Calls For Truce ,0"^

i i i l'I f tc

M r ' ' : ' > '■H b / ' - ' ' A

V ^ ' ", . t i noun

•• i il _ a L s

i t / % ' M "™M - . / H i v . sRANCIS W H ITE , chalm wn o f the neutral nations'

yf>rppila«lf»n /-iilloHfo r immediate, uncondition* miw n l truco between Boliv ia was nnd raraRuay In th e ir con- Vi f l ic t over tho Chaco area.— e«" m P hoto . " "

■ ---------- . . . ^ pen,

Rallies Farmers

Ne«■ • •' ' nua

I ^ •

■; % 1 1 ,

___ -— bo I, r ' >>lbl

Mai l<ev



kDLO RENO, head o f ’the SS FarmerR* Holiday Ansocia- tion which in tonduc tln ir a ' s trike fo r h lffher prices, a.^ked Iowa farm ers tb as* | j l semble in Dea Moines fo r n II* “ prote.sf* parade October 4 1 when President Hoover is I Bchcduled to deliver a-cam- — ' paljm «ddre.ts.--</P) Photo.

-----------------------------------------— T Ii


LONDON, IW edne^ay Morning), \ Jrpt, 38 WV-Win»ton ChurchluTfor- ®‘ , nerchanccUorof theeichequor. who •eeently leiumcd i'.l from Austria. ^ ra* very weak earir this morning his ih j^ c ^ lm ssld. ^

The phyiiclaus' buUeUn said be n . ' lad lu d a severs hfrnorrhago bul nel Jiat his condlUonnaa nol dangerous, jn i

Mr. Churclilll lu d a rclai>s« >-es- ^ :erday and wa* Uken from his home' i,n

« la H io B D c .s a M ^ ia » j^ « ^ r p U M - ^ Jiero joo soon. ^

w tm -m s le - K t i r e r v i* fc a d iA faconUngent of federal volunteers, to* ]day against rebcb on the northern* to most Sao Patna iro n t.

She-is known -only as “ SanU taiD loi” and « v a leader of a cult of bei

cbUdren in the su te ot Ooyai. la DJ the mtwior o n m tt l l . Her arm y U bo drawn fram.thesefoUowtra who call _ awrjta-CaaQui.wint.* " ■- —

flb t wore nowlng.whilo robea*tm- ~ t ils she Joined the federal forces and donned men'a clolhe^ A c ilw ly In - tenstod in politics, she haa hw n a firm a<»icr«at of tha Vargas got-


BERT A . SW EET Phona 1295


Buhl .Farmer Accused of At- E

“ Penalty tor Mistlenroanor'' ^

A dlrtrlc t court Jury deliberated 1 iHtor i lx hours hern ye.itprday and glli^n Intn In thn afternoon returned *:im verdict flnd lng -C h v lM Rogers. 'f.U . Duhl farmer, m illiy ot a mis* idemeanor charge o f simple aasault ^ in,.connixtlnn ,t t lth aa. nU rgfflirst. - Jinck upon O. o . (Smoky) ClaaMn. I Iaa. Mfinn ya llfy . who tertltled i l

knife while hn ,w i* Mttlng a t the , nld fo t the road rrstlng tn th» course ot a H-m ile walk hom* after call* ' " lug nn a young womnn friend a t - Cnatleford. the n igh t ot last JuIyJ / 17. <

noRrrd' wai brought to Ir la l ye*. | torday on a felon:* charge ot asAault I Iw nn t'fle aa iy weapon. ----------

Ite denied's charge o f an innrovoked SMault. nnd tM ilfled a . t,’ \ in lil r iin in l whrn lie cunie uiton :;i:»M<-n while looking for a mnii J ii.s wife lold him had b^rn looking 1 tl nt a window a t t heir residence. -

liitroducUon ot evidence was com* ~ .lifted Monday, the firs t day o f ihe trial, and (he Jury received the case lit I t A. M. yesterday after hearlog mtorneys’ argutnenta and the court's r— intlructlona.-SententT-tipon-ftogmr-artlJ-be-pnK-^ - ttouneed next Friday. DLitrlcl Judge W. A, Babcock announced.

Penally, on conviction of a mis* drmranor churgc may e^ if nd lo a , M.x-month Jnll term and 1300 fine, I

IflfflES-CBMNllSSION- -HlEfEBM-llElllllNE-l

Hearing on prices fo r handling and h clrnnlng o f Im'uivi set for yesterday S morning a t 10 o'clock a l the pro- ■- bate court room has been postponed until next Monday morning a f 10 o'clock, by order ot J. M. Thompson and J. D. RIgney, Boise, members

mission, before whom tho meeting r was to .have been held.

Notices, It Is flUted, were sent to growers bul by soms oversight wero not sent to warehouse owner*.Aa a result aboul SO growers ap* . peared a t the time set tor the meet- f Ing, while warehouse proprlrtom U tailed to put in appearance. A

I IN M l PROGRAM'Gooding. Sept. 37 (flpecUl to The .

News*—Opening feature of the an- » nual Ooodlng collego hocne-comlng is a dramatic reelU l given by the Ilkriequlns and pupils of M r*. 0..D. Merrll], who is In charge oC dramatics. . .

"Prom a Private Oentlewomsn," ||1 'wrlUen and directed' by Anabel Horsman. of the class o( 1933. w ill

Ibe preienled. In addition there will bo rrsdlnsf, ukriches, and other ex* iilbltlons o l the dramatlo art.

■ - 'B iuse [M iuciittung m m e progrnm.are; Eilarrne Harshborger. Ashton: Mamctta Jones, Jerome; Bernice* ” Levy, Audrey Robinson. Anabel Hors- man;Ruth Haggarty, Hsrrod Enklng,' I ? Jack Ooodlng, Arlene Lyon, Doris , , Bryant. JexMe Scanlon. Alye® T am -; .JL ney. and Charles Sams. Qoodlng: i

, Charles Jacoby, Tw in Falls; Stanley I ' Dsvls, Rogerson; Thelma fiaim es.'o^

r T Hi'Ui » iu ; ih e im t Koaartj, A a t n - i y can Palls; Erma. Mae Culver. Jer-

! ome; Do V o u Shaw Palrfletd; M il- . dred WohlUlb, Tw in P*lls; an i Lu* cllle'Siringer, Olenns Perry. i


Clj‘ Wr.VDELL. B fpt. 37 (S W la l t o / ” ' ' The News)— 'T w clu& meetings'

matked Wendell's soclsl acUvlUes Ll here In the last week.

; Mrs. H. J. Barton and Mrs. i John Mathewson entertaUied at Le a I'oclock lunpheon a t the home be,

I o f Mr*. M , B. MeOoy Saturday ty . tor lhi« past matrons ot the East- go

em Star. Seated a t the Uble of i w tr t Mestlamea Adams. Ira And* i

eison. II. J.^Sarton, vrilson Bowl- no by, R. D. Br»<W»aw, W. 8. C l« t, « t

e R. p. Dean. B. E. Dyar. B. S. Oor- ab ‘ nellson. IL D, Jackson, M. B. McCoy ' and JoIin'Mathewson, This lunch* —■ eon was for the purpose o f organ- ■ O' Ulng a Past Matron's club. O ffl-1 errs .ffii PT^r. .i nreardi-nt; M t» W. S. C lort. vice *• TJha ttFn t:-and-U r*, - m g ' - a ta i c -

secTrUry-trraaurer: Comnilttee on . byUw*. Mrs. M . a MeOoy. Mrs. j

& lb“ '1 M n. H. r>. Jackson was hostess ,

* to th>> Senior Bridge elub PHday afternoon. Playing a t tho two

1 tables w>r« MesOames o . O. Wein- -< f bent. M. B, McCoy. L; Jotw,

2 Dyar, R. P. Dean, and W. O. Ab*s bott. Refreshmenta w m aem d. ■fl = = ^ S = F S S S = = S ! ^

■ Dance T• - E IG B A T X L E



* BOBIB LAY»re*fl

D A N C EAdailssloa M C caU -Creniag Tlek

-----------TWIN FA U ,a n A n .Y k f-K E W R . T W m F A L I ^ . ID A H n . W

■ H olland Born Mi

FAH .M I':KKTTP:R fro m 's o v o ra l .stat^ m ilk iii;, ' u t Iy>s A iik c Ich fo r t l ic ti

H c i ir i i ' l t f t H a k k o r, w ho cam e fro n — (iV) Photo.________

S e a - G o in g C o l ic


A GO-FOOT Y A C H T b o bb ing on t l iv in g qu a rte r.^ f o r th re e frcshm V e rs ity . T h e th re e , H ow a rd C ar Tow nsend C a rv e r ( le f t to riR h

^ N e w Je rse y , a re sho w n 's tu d y ln fi — (/P) P h o to .


—NBW -YORK.-Sept.-37-(«— ^The------. American say* Alfred E. Smith, Jr,. Bl

son ot tha former governor of New Ope . York, and hU wife have separated, ousl

; Tho p a ^ says o u rtla and oiytm. Easi ‘ .law y tr8 .-*« -d ra w ln t up a-separa—v m : ’ tion agreement.:j Mr*. Sm ith was form erly Bertha

Golt. daughter o f a Syracuse. New Ti

! ried Bmlth e ight year* ago. In a mc- Ida! . ret dvU ceremony, followed Uter by honi , services in Holy Cross cburcb here, der

Smith la employed by tha Curtin and G l}^^ law firm . Ths law7«rs clU< declined to discuss tbo reported sep- In « aratlon. "

Ths American saya several shops , hsva been informed b r Smith he wUl I not be responsible to r his wife's debts.' T I and saya friends o f tho couple de* Or*

clsred they would not carry their v lt r dltterences to c ou rt j


■ Leu than a week after the campaign> began. Lewiston's annual commtml- ^’ ty chest drive w ra l over the 110,000 a™• goal today w ith an over-subscrlpUon ~ ! Of approximately tlOOO. I '

au lM ^pUoaa'bfj tlO .no were re - ' * ' ported today and addlMonal returns . were expected lo briag. tbe total w«ll. - .• above 111.000. r

f -----------F O I f B A E E — ' -

' A u t o D o o r G l a s s . . ,

‘ ■ W t n ' d f f h i e l d S t i S d " f "

r W i n d o w g l a s s . N o |

I C h a r g e f o r S e t t i n g .

^ • M O O N ’ S -

,,,- ■ . - ' ' bl ' ........ . y

T o n i g h t •£ - 0 E - M U M C ------------J> nE B HOLLYWOODlA. W inC H DC0LVDE8 ISTBBTAINBB8 i «


E L A N D . Illekrt vm l » TTM T1dt.ta. I i. '

I " • m N F . s n A Y M O R N IN G . S E F

Miss American Farm G it

^ - i l<tatf.< compcto:! n t pifchinpr hay, ch 1C title o f ‘•Amcirica'rt t-lninipion fa r ■fom i l i i l l. in d only two yenrs h ro w

Dllege Boys■ ~ 1 Thl

- jB b > ^

i f i f r p. M.■'tatc

.■ tnecti7 1 I M . 'M. /




ers 1

be h

a l a Oeoi

^ ^ B B S S S S S m t s ^ wui

“ S

un the R aritan r ive r provide.^ shmen a ttending Rutgers uni- Carver, George Forsythe and •iRht), a ll o f Point'Pleasant, r ing on tho deck o f tha craft.

■ — FIL



BLACKPOOT.Idaho.SepLirrc^-!''®;^ Opened w ith a parade through the i e budiiess d istrict of this city, the vea Eastern Idaho dlsu ict' fa ir .threw , of •wkle l u gate* today.wltb.cxtenilve.‘ hoexhibits of agrieoltural products, ,»tt< livestock and display* o f wJJd Ilfs.

Todsy was Idaho PaUa and Upper

Idaho PaUs band w u assigned th e ik ., honor o t leading the parade; The or- Hyy Of march directors. . county commlsslooers and mayors o( clUes from eastern Idaho; Indian* ^ in fu ll regalia, boy Kout troops. ™ campfire girls, 4-H cluba. Future ^ Palmers, numerous baadt and sev- eral floats. ^

Tomorrow has been designated as 151 p ra n jo day w ith Senator Borah In* noi v l l« l tobe the guesfof honor. Poca* Ad' I teDo and southwestern Idaho w ilt be __

and Bingham county on P*lday. A] Band concerts, harness and run- nlng races. Indian pageants and vaudeville and other entertainment , w ill comprise tbe grandstand pro- ! grams.

[ ' • ~ ~

a t i9500 ■

■ ■;

r E

ittiW mtKwih o ld -u p iD su ra n M c otdd y o u bU7 w l t h ' th ^ - p o M ib le loss - yo u m ig h t s u i fe r i f y o u r j s to re w e re h e ld u p d u r in g . an a v « ra g e b u a in e u d sy?

£ a n . Y o u M f o r d M ^ ‘ JW U h o u tI tT

j Peavey-Taber Co. Inc. r


i i r l Champ D 0

^ ^ 0 9 ......

.formt• •- can 11

W tt1 ll bl lie mi .Memt


ercnlio ili


' '-n il



f r * 5 p 8 C S i l 1'!''“ ''

.cLunr T r ^ ' * * n ^ eorrr

c6un!c h u rn in jr . h u s k in g c o m and i'w«'

fa rm g i r l f o r 1932’ ’ nnd JII.hs > w o n th e ho no r. She is 18. J"®

...... ' ________ - ■ - court-------------------------------------------------- - trial


The Ladies ot the Grand Army ot le Republic w ill meet for luncheon c Bpccr'fl Coffee-fihop-Prlday a l l “ . M . In honor ot Mrs. M ary M ill*.Jitc president, followed by a special fHl icetlng in the Legion ha ll at 3 P. t. A Inrgc' atlendonca is detlred. Inn-R i-E r-Le lghton-is-Ii^barss-o t = m «U om . . . . .

ome of Mrs. J. A. Empey. 853 Main ast, Wednesday. Septecnber 38, a t 4T^ -£^J l,.A ll_B o y ftl_M c lg h b o n -a tc ._ _ JThs Women's Prlendshlp'club o f J

ha Methodist church w ill meet %'hurtdsy a t 3 P. M. e t the home o f o<rs. L. c . Schncldtr, 1130 Fourth ^venun east, for a business and so* IOla l atlemoon In honor ot Mrs. Siv* %rs who is leaving fo r Florida soon, h j<rs,_Bchndder_and_Mr*._'Webb_vl11 Ve hostessea. W

A meeting w ill be held Wednesday W A 3 P. M. a t the homo ot Mr*. ^ leorge Daubner. 803 Blue Lake* 1 0 organize Blue B ird and Camp w^ itoups. _____ _______________ J i

^dtiIt council ot the O Irl Hesenres ^rlJl meet a t the home o f Mrs, T. C. %Dacon, 1347 Maple. Wednesday a t ^

■ . . . gAfconilon Episcopal Guild viU meet ^

niursday afternoon, September 3C, kI t 2:30 o'clock w ith -Mra. James ^Smith, 330 Fourth avenue north. %

T H E S E S ^


I f you have a yen to know h o v k lortuno te llers and other type* of. ^nystle fakor* operate then by aU %neans see ''Sinister Hands,'* tha nev .3

Joe-K's l io iy theatre «tartlnrtoday.- ^“ Sinister Hands” telto • ot the k

wealthy vooien. caught in the to llsof a looney crystal gase^ thrpugh « the gullib le belief in his prognasU-cations o f past and future. She baa «been paying h im huge sums o f ^money and agrees to give him an ^especially large c h e ^ In return fo r %

her home during a . large party W whlcb sha haa scheduled.

A dded 'fta tu re ttM are A Trave* % laugh. -Ifcledbary In AbysCnls." a t f comedy. “ Stotit Hearts and W illing ^ lUnds." Movietone News,‘■Raablinc k Reporter,** and a "Curiosity Reel.'* j j l

DB. W TA TT, CHIBOPRACTOB. 9 151 3rd Ave. N. Pbooa i rs i. Low te«« % now ta e ffec t Ne atalr* t« d t ia b . - C


in R E A L E S T A T E

ACT* tra c t w ith good 5-room ^. iaodcm b osne,.hanL-aad ehlclw n , khouse, nice shade and lawn. Price oU M a WOO cash.__________________k

Seven room house on good ^itreet, a ll modem, good garage, k

Haea a» - H '« i ailB T itea m oa. J 1

six room m odtra housi O with 4 lo ta J a W e r . Price I i m 1WO j

3H acres close In to 'T v la F an a . bNev s room house,' hardwood ijfloors aad batb.-T7iU la a m l 1bargain-at-anly 13900 v l tb tcnaa. j

T O K t M t n \__mnAttm >T1 ■hardvoed noor*. furaaoe. on tea t k basement, raage. m o e . J

BU xw m hcnae v i tb hatb, Lmoo._________________ In v * rooms and baUi, turalab- l

ed. m o o . - 1

D E W T T T & H A N E Y }

- ? t l 0 N E 4 5 !

5PTEMBER 28. lt)32_

D e f e n b a c h B r i n g s * 1 1

C a m p a i g n H e r e I

Brinstng to southern Idal)0 .ihe ■nmpaJitn-he has been waging In the j j , „ , in rtli. Byron Defenbach, Uwlswn,. i „ ^ tormer state tfcasurer and Republl-’ of j •ah nominee for.Kovernor ot Jdsho, Mm i l l l be Ihe principal speaker a t a pub* j,fa , lie meeting to be held In tlie Legion „ndi

rha irih iiF W Ilie^B ^S a w a iF W H H i^ , central committee, announced lasl tvcnlng. . . . .

Oilier spea'kera w ill be tormer DU* Buhtric l Judge Hugh A. Baker, Rupert, ingKho 1* 10 dLKUss naUonal Issues, and elseCapuln E. M . Sweeley. Tw in Falls mcliv atlomey, who wIirconHnue^ an the»na!)-»ls of the counly lax and finan* _ctft] tituatlon.___________ __________ —"T lie meeting 1* to open promptly

P - ^ r ________ _ _____________ -^“ 1*............ ................................. aver

j u r y 'S E L E C T I O N W AITS ON R E T U R N O F V ER D IC T “

Section o f a Jury 'Is to be com- ulrtrU m dU irle l court hCrt today fo r tria l of a c iv il action wherein C !irtD .:atlIflnJr, .se«kJng . eovff from H. A. Klnyon, Duhl. on ac* <*• c6unt ot a -promissory ndt*. The Jury panel was exhausted without com*plctlnit flclectlon of Uie Jury while ___nnothcr Jury was deliberating ycsier- -----day in tho t lrs i and only crim inal w e to bo Uled during Uie present court term. Juror* who served in tita t — t r l i l *111 be available lo r the Jury lo be completed today.

R. W. Kudelson, Duhl. is attorney Jor G riffin, and J. W. Taylor, B u h l,' m Ll Klnyon'a attorney In the case to . Ci be brought lo.U ia l today. p j

T H IE V E S R A ID D W E L L IN G ?Tliipvcs d ilr ing the past three or

canned vegeuBIcs and an army trunk | -

l A n n o i l n c

$ The Ne^ Styles

^ S e l b y * s i P r e s e r v e i

1 INS Fea tu ring th e darker brown

b la ck . . ■ Pattcras are dreasic

S "Selby A rch PresTrver Shoe” fea tu re—n o t found in any o

k tA in ly makes a difference in yI f T io ^ I ^ o f^ h o '^ m g rT io u w w o

^ A n d best o f a31~7rlce9 an

S O O a t l U and 'Come in and tr:


t i^ " H e a r t t e r t o n a "

i c n L r L C X .

2 tw M d v tlh . n* w tva t bew iw ^ 9 tCIng on fo o t shosMer . . . oad

^ H n* (Me ^leiin n o w flolao laV f c * jM * - a * a c * , . b« fc. k r ^ v w s . .

onid eowrtry. TW* fw e d h p r ^ * « itw l h« )ero»y m la tw r^ wtth

S » « — « - - " * < • IX -O

k WMT II h i Um M V v ln * sbode^

1 k . ^■ ? trinm ino. O lk « ’ ce h n *

^ M vy , 8IVOT. b io v iv or blockV - « s 9 j r


^ I d a h o D ey ‘I t ltk n ’ tRigh

rheft of P e n n i e s „ ^

Invo lves B u rg la ryAccused in a flr»

hnrRC of th e ft ot 30 conoer nennlr*I a bottle a t a farm resWencisouth t Duhl last Saturday night .Archie. llller..33. Duhl. waived preliminary earing .here yesterday *45 held nder »1000 bond to answer to the aB»»--ln itt>e:aattlct-eoUrt.—

ranco th rw g h a window scrwnIS- "P f" " '? ' • • •onr and cme-hair mile* *o„th of

luhl. and found Uie bottle ccntala- Ig the pennies on a dres»er. Nothing Ise waa taken, they said.MlUer was Arrested by member* of

he she riffs force 411 BuhL ,

ontaimng men's clothing from the ^ffflflrnrn o f H. J K refrr, i to h ------- =-venue eaat. M r. Kcefer reported to ftlcers here,last vnlng.


Thursday. Kept. 20 Pies, Cakes. RoUs. Eta.

C iren by~Xadles Dt Seventh Day Adventist-Church

’ ""Apple PicTcihgbegins a t 8 o’clock Monday m orn ing, October 8, a t Coulane Orchards. .Color p ickcrs who worked two weeks ago m ay report a t 8 o'clock Thursday Morning,

September 29

l i n g " ]

i w T ^ i r ^s I n ^

8 A r c h j i t S h o e s ^

k Iv-n k id leathers, also du ll k sler, y e t l ig h t and a iry . . . ^

A t c h -cene<g k d - i n r v p r y ^ e” is a n e jc lu s iv e T n tc i r t c d - l^ —

o th e r sho e . . and c e r i ^I y o u r c o m fo r t d u r in g y o u r % f f o r k 'a n d - o t h e r —d a j't im e - t f —

ir e L o w e f. ^ '

1 < b l v * U u Ikt r y on a p a ir . WSHOE D E P T . ff ..

ia p° H U ' %

“ " I —e p f c S t o r e (ht Bring It Back’ | j
