  • 1. Syria and the Arab SpringAlex Burgos 10th Grade Modern History Spring 2014

2. Rationale for Teaching Integration The Arab Spring, and SyriaS involvement in the region wide conflict in particular, have been revolutions of the modern age. Therefore I believe it is impossible to teach a lesson that is so dense with ideologies and struggles of the modern age without the use of modern technology. 3. Internet Content All of the information I have acquired for this presentation is from reliable sources. Images and graphics will bring you to the site they came from and the notes section of each slide will provide additional info on the site. 4. Blog Aljazeera America is the nations leading source for the most up to date information on the middle east. The site contains a blog devoted entirely to the conflict in syria. 5. PodcastClick on the bbc to hear the podcast!This podcast is from the bbc worldwide website and provides insight into some of the un security councils major discussion on the issue of humanitarian access into the nation teacherS can uSe thiS podcaSt to facilitate a model un type debate in which students take on roles as members of the security council and propose sanctions and policies that would benefit the nation. 6. Instructional Videos watch Syria: Whats behind the conflict? here! 7. Internet resources The Guardian This Site contains an interactive timeline of the Arab spring as a whole. It details every uprising, governmental overthrow, outbreak of violence, and regime change in every country involved in the political protest. Bbc news- Syrian timeline This timeline from the bbc provides students with an at a glance reSource containing all of the major eventS in Syrian history . It details the rise of Bashar al-assad along wit h the formation of the government created by is father. Pbs- history of us involvement in the middle east This source outlines some of the most influential instances of us foreign relations with middle eastern nations. Teachers can use this site as a means to spark debate as to weather or not the us is making the same mistakes with Syria that it has in the past. 8. Inspiration 9. Teaching Materials This map quiz is a great way to familiarize students with the region before you dive into the more complex issues. 10. Teaching materials Marygrove Prezi The Marygrove University mat program created a link with lesson plans for teachers in which they provided a prezi on the Syrian conflict.New york times quiz The new york times has created a quiz that can be given to students after they have been given an overview of the conflict. 11. Teaching materials Click the link below in the notes section to view the worksheet!The choices program worksheet in coordination with Brown University the choices program has created a worksheet that helpS teacher teach with the newS. 12. Subject-specific internetbased resource Dr. Marty Levine, a Professor of Secondary Education has created this website which is a collection of lesson plans and activities that teachers can use to more effectively teach social studies 13. Subject-specific internetbased resource i would uSe the brain bowl game located under the current events tab to do weekly quizzes with my students. I like this feature because students can play against their parents. 14. Uses of the internet: the new york times The new york times is a great resource for up to date information on everything newsworthy. Since the conflict is still an ongoing issue I would want my students to be very invested in this website and I would probably have them checking it every night for the latest information on syria. 15. Uses of the internet: Aljazeera America This site is one that is completely dedicated to delivering the most unbiased news from the middle east. I would use this to contrast different sources of media and news with my students. Focusing on the differences in the way stories are portrayed. 16. Uses of the internet: Modern history sourcebook Fordham university has gathered an expansive collection of all there is to know about modern world history. In this online database I could find essentially all that I need to teach a lesson on the middle east. 17. Web 2.0 The world food programme is a major humanitarian in the middle east and Syria. They are constantly on twitter posting updates to their many outreach programs. 18. slideshare This presentation can also be found on slideshare.
