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  • 8/10/2019 Synoptic Essay Plans (1)


    Sample essays and suggested plans for content

    1. The process of diffusion and its importance in living organisms


    Ficks Law

    Types of diffusion e.g. Facilitated diffusion, osmosis

    Gas exchange in unicells, fish, mammals and plants

    Digestion and absorption of products

    Exchange of materials between blood in capillaries and tissues e.g. placenta

    Transpiration, root pressure, water and ion uptake by roots

    Translocation and mass flow hypothesis

    Osmoregulation by blood and kidney, unicells e.g. Amoeba

    Action potentials

    Synaptic transmission

    Muscle action

    Intracellular diffusion e.g. mitochondria, chloroplasts, enzyme action, DNA replication andprotein synthesis

    2. The different ways in which organisms use ATP OR ATP and its roles in living organisms

    The nature/structure of ATP and its importance as energy currency.

    Production and use of ATP in cytoplasm by glycolysis

    Production of ATP by mitochondria in Krebs cycle and ETSaerobic respiration.

    Anaerobic respiration.

    Role of chloroplasts in ATP production via light independent reaction

    Uses e.g. Active transport (carrier protein shape changes), Nerve action (maintaining restingpotentials via Na


    +pump and resynthesis of ACh), selective reabsorption by nephron,

    absorption by gut, Calvin cycle, muscle contraction (cross bridge formation), Biosynthesis of

    organic compounds, Contractile vacuoles, Translocation (loading of phloem), cell division

    (movement of chromosomes via spindle), CP formation in muscles, Nitrogen fixation (Blue-

    green algae), Kidney function, movement of sperm, secretion of digestive enzymes in

    saprophytic fungi, cilia and flagella action

    3. The movement of substances within living organisms (Jan 2003) OR Transport mechanisms in

    living organisms

    Diffusion e.g. Ion movement in Roots, Synapse, within a cell, O2/CO2in lungs and gills, factors

    affecting rate

    Facilitated diffusion e.g. Glucose uptake, action potentials

    Osmosis e.g. Turgidity, uptake of water in plant roots, Kidney function

    Active Transport e.g. Na+/K

    +pump, Cl

    -in RBC, Glucose uptake in intestine, mineral ions in plant

    roots, neurotransmitters into presynaptic membranes, carrier proteins, mechanism

    Endocytosis / exocytosis / Pinocytosis / phagocytosis e.g. Feeding in Amoeba

    Mass flow e.g. Phloem, Xylem, Peristalsis, Ventilation in lungs, gills and insect tracheoles,

    Bloodstream, Excretion, Cilia

    Unusual ideas e.g. Chromosome movement during cell division, organelle movement in cells,Sliding filament theory, reproductive cells

  • 8/10/2019 Synoptic Essay Plans (1)


    4. Mutation and its consequences


    Types of mutationaddition, deletion, substitution.

    Causes e.g. spontaneous, radiation, mutagenic chemicals.

    Effect of mutation on protein synthesis.

    A change in base sequence may result in a change in amino acid sequence of a polypeptide,which affects the protein structure and its function.

    Metabolic blocks as a result e.g. PKU.

    Mutation in CFTR gene in cystic fibrosis.


    Somatic mutations e.g. cancer and germ line mutations e.g. colour blindness.

    Introns and exonsmutation may be removed by post-transcriptional modifications.

    Diploid carriers e.g. sickle cell anaemia.

    The role of mutation in evolution e.g. sickle cell anaemia.

    Mutation as a source of genotypic variation e.g. bacteria and antibiotics.

    Natural selection leading to changes in populations, changes within a species e.g. pepperedmoth, formation of a new species.

    5. The properties of enzymes and their importance in living organisms OR The role of enzymes in

    living organisms

    What is an enzyme?

    How do enzymes worklock and key theory/induced fit and lowering activation

    energy/enzyme substrate complexes.

    Enzymes as proteins.

    Effects of extremes of temperature and pHoptimumsgraphs.Inhibitioncompetitive and non-competitive.

    Activators, substrate concs.

    Extra-cellular digestion - Fungal feeding.

    Digestion in animals e.g. proteases, lipases, carbohydrases.

    Enzymes in chemical processes e.g. Photosynthesis, Respiration, Nerve conduction, synapses,

    deamination, transamination, DNA replication, RNA production.

    Synthesis reactions.


    Acrosome in sperm.

    Effect of insulin on enzyme production in liver cells.Gut symbionts and cellulase production.



  • 8/10/2019 Synoptic Essay Plans (1)


    6. The ways in which a mammal maintains constant conditions inside its body

    Blood pHdecreased pH counteracted by secretion of HCO3-from distal convoluted tubule and

    NH4+from kidney cells and increased pH counteracted by secretion of H

    +from distal convoluted


    Exercise and blood flow to parts of the body

    Temperature regulationhypothalamus, vasoconstriction/vasodilation, piloerection, shivering,

    metabolic rate, sweating

    Blood glucose regulationpancreas, islets of Langerhans, Insulin, glucagon, liver,

    gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis

    Water balance/OsmoregulationKidney, Nephron, ADH, permeability of the Loop of Henle,

    hypothalamus, Pituitary, Cl-transport, Plasma sodium control by aldosterone

    Regulation of hormones e.g. sex hormones

    Negative feedback

    7. Negative feedback in living organisms (June 2005)

    principle of negative feedbackdeparture from a norm initiates changes which restore a

    system to the norm.

    importance in homeostasis; principles of detection of change, role of receptors, corrective

    response, role of effectors.

    Thermoregulation; roles of thermoreceptors and hypothalamus in detection; heat loss and heat

    gain centres; sweating and vasodilatation in heat loss; vasoconstriction, hair erection, shivering

    and increased metabolism in heat gain.

    Regulation of blood glucose; role of receptors in pancreas, secretion of insulin or glucagons;effect of insulin on surface membrane receptors/carrier proteins in stimulating uptake of

    glucose and glycogenesis; role of glucagons glycogenolysis.

    Regulation of blood water potential; role of receptors in hypothalamus; secretion of ADH from

    pituitary; effect of ADH on permeability of d.c.t and collecting duct; role of loop of Henle in

    maintaining high ion concentration in the medulla; effect on urine concentration.

    Control of ventilation; stimulation of chemoreceptors in medulla; effect on inspiration;

    stimulation of stretch receptors in lungs; stimulation of expiratory cells in medulla.

    Control of heartbeat; roles of chemoreceptors and pressure receptors; inhibitory and

    acceleratory centres in medulla; effect on SAN and rate of heartbeat; effect of change in rate on

    pH/pressure of blood.Metabolic pathways; examples of build-up of a product in a metabolic pathway resulting in

    inhibition of its formation.

    Population stability; effect of increasing competition/predation on increasing population size

    and restoration of balance.

    (selectionstabilising selection resulting in constancy of species)

    (oestrous cycle; effect of feedback on hormone production, e.g. oestrogen on FSH and

    progesterone on both FSH and LH. From Option 8)

    Any other sensibly argued example showing negative feedback should be credited. In a good essay

    the description of the changes in a system should be clearly related to the principles of negativefeedback, with sufficient detail for the relationship to be explained.

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    8. Chemical coordination in organisms

    Need for chemical coordination

    General principles of chemical coordination

    Endocrine control in animalsnature of hormones, glands, principles of hormone action

    Animal physiologysexual reproduction, control of blood glucose, osmoregulationPGRs auxins, gibberellins, ethane, cytokinins, ABA

    Plant physiologygrowth, seed dormancy, leaf fall, root growth, bud development

    Ecdysis in insects


    9. The production and elimination of metabolic waste products in living organisms

    Requirement for removal of toxic metabolic waste products.

    Mechanisms of removal via specialised pathways or organs.

    CO2Aerobic respiration

    Diffusion by unicells


    Carriage by plasma in mammals as HCO3-

    Bohr shift

    Mass flow in lungs after diffusion from blood

    Control mechanisms by medulla

    Removal by insects

    Nitrogenous waste

    Produced by deamination of amino acidsUrea formation in liver (via ornithine cycle)

    Transport of urea by plasma

    Ultrafiltration and elimination by kidneys

    Removal in other animals e.g. uric acid in birds and insects

    Oxygen removal after photosynthesis

    Leaf abscission e.g. tannins

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    10.The biological importance of water (Jan 2003) OR The role of water in the lives of organisms

    Structure - dipolar nature, hydrogen bonds

    SolventHydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions leading to stability of membranes, proteins,

    nucleic acids etc, diffusion of molecules, dilution of toxic compounds e.g. urea

    Osmosis and turgidity and their effects on plant support

    Transport mediumxylem, phloem, blood, lymph, secretion, excretionHigh heat capacitytemperature regulation, constant external environment for aquatic


    High heat of vaporisationcooling effect e.g. sweating, panting, transpiration

    Surface tension and cohesionTranslocation, mosquito larvae, pond skaters

    Chemical reagent e.g. in P/S it is a source of Hydrogen, hydrolysis reactions

    Incompressibilityhydrostatic skeletons, eyes, joints, seed germination, amniotic fluid, shock

    absorption in brain

    Densityfloats when frozen and insulates

    Transparentlight penetration for aquatic organisms

    Medium for movement e.g. gametes, seed dispersal, oceanic migration, mucus in alimentarycanal

    Protection e.g. lachrymal fluid, mucus

    Factor for evolution e.g. terrestrial organisms have to adapt to conserve water

    Water vapour can act as a greenhouse gas

    11.The importance of proteins in living organisms

    Structure and chemical composition of amino acids, amphoteric nature

    Essential and non-essential amino acids

    Peptide bond, ionic bonds, disulphide bonds, hydrogen bondsDenaturation by heat, heavy metals, pH

    Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures

    Fibrous (Collagen in tendons and bone, myosin in muscle, silk in spiders webs, keratin in hair,

    horn, nails and feathers) and globular (Enzymes, antibodies, hormones e.g. insulin, histones for

    compacting DNA) proteins

    Conjugated proteins e.g. phosphoproteins (Casein in milk), Glycoproteins (Mucin),

    Nucleoproteins (viruses), chromoproteins (HB, Phytochrome, cytochrome), Lipoprotein

    (Membranes and for lipid transport in the blood), Flavoprotein (FAD in ETS), metal proteins

    (nitrate reductase in plants)

    Structural collagen in connective tissue, keratin in skin etc, elastin in ligaments, sclerotin ininsect exoskeletons, mucoproteins in mucus, capsid proteins in viruses

    Enzymes: RUBISCO, any named

    Hormones: Insulin, glucagon

    Transport: Hb, Mb, serum albumin for lipid transport

    Protective: Antibodies, fibrinogen and thrombin for blood clotting

    Contractile: myosin and actin

    Storage: ovalbumin in egg white, casein in milk

    Toxins: snake venom, diphtheria toxin

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    12.How the structure of proteins is related to their functions (Jan 2004)


    o Primary structurepeptide bond

    o Secondary structure

    o Tertiary structureGlobular (bonds between R groups give spherical shapeshape

    determines functionactive sites and receptor sites)

    o (Allow quaternary structure Hb incorporates ions for oxygen transport)

    Structural proteins

    o Fibrousregular pattern of H bondscoiling,

    o (e.g. keratin coils twist together to form rope like structures flexible and strong, e.g.

    collagen coils more tightly bound more rigid)


    o Channelcomplementary shapecharges-gated

    o Carriercomplementary shapecan change shape

    o Active transportphosphate group attached by energy from ATPcan change shape


    o Active site, enzyme-substrate complex


    Activation energy reductionexplanation e.g. brings molecules closer


    o Synapse

    o Insulin / glucagons

    o ADH

    o Rhodopsin


    o Actin thinbinding site

    o Myosin thickcross bridges

    o Tropomyosinblock binding sites

    13.The importance of lipids in living organisms

    Structure and chemical composition

    Properties e.g. fats and oils, saturated and unsaturated, insolubility in water

    Functions e.g. energy storage, insulation, protection of major organs, hydrophobic/hydrophilic

    interactions, membranes, lipoproteins, myelin sheath in nerve action, buoyancy (aquatic

    organisms), metabolic water on hydrolysis (kangaroo rats), waterproofing (leaf cuticle, insect

    exoskeleton, synthesis of steroid sex hormones, glycolipids, structural (beeswax in

    honeycombs), Scents, Pigments (carotenoids and chlorophyll), cholesterol, rubber

  • 8/10/2019 Synoptic Essay Plans (1)


    14.The importance of carbohydrates in living organisms OR The structure and functions of

    carbohydrates (June 2003)

    Contain C, H, O.

    Monosaccharides: glucose (blood transport) and fructose, monomers of which other

    carbohydrates are composed. Glucose as a source of energy; a substrate in aerobic and

    anaerobic respiration; brief outline of biochemistry of respiration. Structural formula.

    Disaccharides: condensation reactions to form sucrose (glucose and fructose) used in phloem

    transport and Maltose (glucose and glucose)- and poly- saccharides, formula, glycosidic bond,


    Energy source e.g. glucose, fructose, galactose released via respiration

    Respiration intermediates e.g. glyceraldehydes, dihydroxyacetone

    Photosynthesis intermediates in light independent reaction e.g. Ribulose bisphosphate

    formation of carbohydrates, CO2accepted by RuBP, reduction of gycerate-3-PO4to

    carbohydrate and regeneration of RuBP.

    Synthesis of e.g. Nucleic acids are pentoses (ribose and deoxyribose)sugar phosphate

    backbone provides strength, coenzymes (NAD, NADP, CoA, FAD), AMP, ADP, ATP, Disacs(sucrose, lactose, maltose), Polysaccharides (Starch/amylose, glycogen, cellulose, callose, inulin)

    - No osmotic effects, compact molecules, easily converted into sugars, relationship of structure

    to function, starch, glycogen and cellulose are all polymers of glucose differing in the number

    and arrangement of the glucose molecules. Starchhelical shape for compact storage,

    insoluble for storage (osmotically inactive), large size cannot pass through membranes,

    provides large numbers of glucose molecules for respiration.

    Glycogensimilar to starch but more branches, insoluble storage compound in liver and

    muscles. Conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage. Importance of control of blood glucose.

    Structural e.g. cellulose (long straight chains, OH groups linked by H bonds forming microfibrils

    and macrofibrils. Layers of fibrils orientated in different directions are interwoven and

    embedded in a matrix providing a rigid cell wall; gaps in layers provide permeability), pectins,

    hemicellulose, murein

    Optical isomersonly D forms used in nature

    Transport e.g. sucrose in phloem

    Food store e.g. lactose in milk, starch in plants, glycogen in animals.

    Glycoproteins, glycolipids, mucopolysacs (chitininsect exoskeletons, nails, mureinbacterial

    cell walls, pectinsform gels, hemicellulose, heparin - anticoagulant, hyaluronic acid,

    chondroitinvery viscous component of synovial fluid and cartilage and cornea, gums and

    mucilagedrought resistance)

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    15.How the structure of cells is related to their function (June 2002)

    Leaf mesophyll cellschloroplasts, thylakoids for P/S

    Xylemwaterproof, no end walls, lignified for support and water transport

    Phloemminimal cytoplasm, end plates for sucrose transport

    Guard cellsmechanisms of controlling gas exchange by stoma control

    Epidermal cellsflattened for protectionSclerenchymapolygonal for support

    Root endodermiscasparian strip for regulating entry of substances

    Collenchymacells thickened at corner for support

    Pollen grainshooks for attaching to insects

    Ciliated tracheal epitheliummoving material away from lungs

    Squamous epithelium of alveoli and bowmans capsulethin for diffusion

    Gut epithelial cells - microvilli for absorption

    Cornified cells of skinflattened and keratinised for protection

    Nerve cellslong, myelin sheath, mitochondria, neurotransmitters

    RBCshape for increased SA, Hb for carrying O2, no nucleusSperm cells - tail and mitochondria for swimming

    Egg cells

    Muscle cellactin and myosin for contraction

    Secretory cells e.g. goblet cellssecretory vesicles, sER

    Rods and Cones in retinalight sensitive pigments etc

    Pyramidal neurones in brainmany dendrites = parallel processing

    Bacterial cellsflagella for movement, capsule for defence/adhesion

    16.Natural selection and the effects of environmental change

    Natural selection

    o Variety amongst individuals of same species

    o Survival characteristics

    o Selective advantages

    o Survival, breeding genes/alleles passed on to next generation

    o Advantageous characteristics become common

    Change in gene pool Environment and selection pressure

    o environmental factors exert pressure

    o e.g.s of environmental factors e.g. climate change, pollution, predation, food

    availability, diseaseo Environmental change favours certain characteristics

    o Differential mortality/natality

    o Stabilising selection

    o Directional selection

    o Disruptive selection

    o Isolation and speciation

    Specific examples

    o Industrial melanism in the peppered moth

    o Heavy metal tolerance in plants


    Insecticide/antibiotic resistanceo Sickle cell anaemia in Afro-American population

    o Banding patterns in Cepaea

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    17.Gas exchange in animals and flowering plants

    Surface area: volume

    Specialised surfaces e.g. gills alveoli




    Lenticelso Leaf structure, mesophyll and stomata


    o Transport mechanisms

    o Fishgills

    o Insectstracheoles and spiracles

    o Protozoans


    o thorax structure, alveoli, ventilation, breathing control

    18.The importance of molecular shape in living organisms

    Receptor interactions

    o Drugs and Toxins

    o Immunoglobulins or antibody/antigen

    o Hormonessecond messenger or direct action

    o Neurotransmitters and synapses


    o Structural (cellulose), storage (starch, glycogen)


    o levels of structure, globular, fibrous, enzymes, specificity, properties, channel



    o Phospholipids, storage, structural (beeswax)


    o Dipolepolarity, cohesion, adhesion


    o Quaternary structure and O2 binding/release

    DNA Double helix

    o accurate copying, stability, base pairing etc

    Pigmentso Rhodopsins/opsins, chl, phytochrome


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    19.The factors affecting the growth and size of populations

    Population defined

    Description and explanation of typical population growth curve

    Carrying capacity

    Population change (Birth + immigration)(death + emigration)

    Density dependent and density independent factorsExamples of abiotic factors e.g. light, inorganic ions, oxygen, temperature

    Competition for abiotic factors

    Examples of biotic factors e.g. food supply, spread of disease/parasitism, predator prey

    relationships, interspecific competition, intraspecific competition, competitive exclusion

    Demographic changes in human populations/ population pyramids

    Birth control.

    20.Cycles in Biology (June 2003)

    Ecological cycleso N cyclerole of microorganisms in the processes of saprophytic nutrition, deamination,

    nitrification, nitrogen fixation and denitrification.

    o C cyclerole of microorganisms in the breakdown (respiration) of complex organic

    compounds into CO2making it available for reuse

    Metabolic cycles

    o Krebs cycle: acetyl CoA combines with a 4C molecule to produce a 6C molecule which

    enters Krebs cycle; the 4C compound is regenerated during the cycle involving a series

    of oxidation reactions and the release of CO2; production of ATP and reduced NAD and



    ETS: cyclical reduction and oxidation of NAD, FAD and other carriers.o Synthesis and breakdown of ATP

    o Light independent reactionsCO2 accepted by RuBP to form 2 molecules of Glycerate-

    3-PO4, reduction of Glycerate-3-PO4 to carbohydrate, and regeneration of RuBP.

    Physiological cycles

    o Negative feedback mechanisms: regulation of body temp/blood glucose/blood water


    o Cardiac cycle: relate pressure and volume changes in the heart and aorta to

    maintenance of blood flow.

    o Role of tropomyosin, calcium ions and ATP in the cycle of actomyosin bridge formation.

    o Nerve functiondepolarisation/repolarisation of a neurone in terms of differential

    membrane permeability and cation pumps, synthesis and resynthesis of Ach (synaptic

    transmission)/rhodopsin (rods) and restoration of a resting potential.

    o Menstrual cycle.

    o Ventilation in fish, mammals, insects.

    Life cycles

    o Mitosis / cell cycleexplanation of stages of mitosis, importance in growth and sexual

    reproductionvegetative reproduction.

    o Meiosisimportance of maintaining a constant chromosome number from generation

    to generation; outline of process (no detail).

    o E.g.s of life cycles might be provided in terms of mitosis, meiosis, fertilisation, and

    chromosome number.

    o DNA replicationsemi-conservative replication.

    o Predator / prey cycles.

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    21.The causes of variation and its biological importance (Jan 2004)

    Gene mutation

    o Addition

    o Deletion substitution

    o Effect on alleles

    o Effect on polypeptide / protein

    Sexual reproduction

    o Crossing over

    o Independent assortment

    o Random fusion of gametes

    o (allow chromosome mutation)


    o Nutrients

    o Disease

    o Light

    o Temperature

    Biological importance

    o Enables adaptation

    o Natural selection

    o Speciation

    o Evolution

    22.The process of osmosis and its importance to living organisms (June 2004)


    effects on cells

    turgidity and support

    plasmolysis (idea)


    cystic fibrosis

    importance in animals role in relationship between plasma and tissue fluid

    role in medulla of kidney

    reabsorption in gut

    sweat production neutral

    importance in plantsrole in movement of water from soil to leaves in plants

    role in mass flow hypothesis for movement in plants

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    23.Energy transfers which take place inside living organisms (June 2004)


    Synthesis from ADP and P

    Role as an energy source



    excitation of electronso generation of ATP and reduced NADP

    o photolysis

    o reduction of glycerate phosphate to carbohydrate

    o structure of chloroplast in relation to energy transfer


    o net gain of ATP in glycolysis

    o production of ATP in Krebs cycle

    o synthesis of ATP associated with electron transfer chain

    o ATP production in anaerobic respiration

    o Structure of mitochondrion in relation to energy transfer

    Uses of energy in biological processes

    o active transport

    o muscle contraction

    o nerve transmission

    o synthesis

    o translocation

    o kidney function

    o nitrogen fixation

    o receptors


    How microscopes have contributed to our understanding of living organisms (Jan 2005)

    reference to both light and electron microscopes

    o e.g. resolution, magnification, techniques.

    o good candidates e.g. clear distinction of advantages disadvantages of each, historical

    developments, reference to wavelength employed and limitations.

    cell structures (typically) visible with each

    o good candidateshow observation of structures can inform about function; viewing

    isolated organelles and their internal structure.

    tissue structure


    e.g. histology of digestive system related to function, muscle structure, kidney tubules,

    leaf structure.

    o good candidatesexplanation linking appearance of features to understanding function

    observation of processes

    o e.g. cell division, fertilization, capillary circulation

    o good candidatesappreciation of using microscopes to observe dynamic processes, use

    of tracers.

    observation of organisms; classification

    o e.g. bacteria and viruses, taxonomic differences in small organisms.

    o good candidatesimportance in understanding of disease.

    other uses

    o e.g. understanding effects of disease/cancer, opportunities to improve/alter/etc living


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    25.Enzymes and their importance in plants and animals (Jan 2005)

    principles of enzyme action

    o e.g. catalysis, protein structure, active site, activation energy, enzyme-substrate

    complex, specificity.

    o good candidates relate protein structure to specificity/active site, catalysis to activation


    factors affecting enzyme action

    o e.g. temperature, pH, enzyme/substrate concentration, inhibition

    o good candidatesrelate changes in activity to denaturing/tertiary structure; effects of

    concentration to active site availability, distinguish competitive/non competitive


    enzyme synthesis

    o reference to protein synthesis; link to genes, gene expression, effects of mutation.

    o good candidatesappreciation of connection between genes and enzyme production,

    e.g. one gene, one enzyme.


    roles and functions of enzymes in different processes. In each case good candidates

    should specify enzyme and its function.


    o enzymes involved in mammalian digestive system, breakdown of polymers in other

    circumstances, e.g. saprophytic digestion/mobilisation of storage compounds

    o good candidatesrange of enzymes giving source and action in sequence in mammalian

    digestion; reference to other breakdown.

    metabolic pathwaysphotosynthesis and respiration

    o e.g. light independent reaction, Krebs cycle, ATP formation.

    o good candidatesreference to specific roles e.g. in light independent reseaction,

    distribution in mitochondria/chloroplasts.

    other specific examples

    o e.g. in nervous system, such as role of acetylcholinesterase in synapses,

    o in homeostasis, such as in glycogenesis,

    o in muscle action, such as role of ATPase,

    o in fertilisation, such as enzymes in acrosome,

    o in transcription/translation, such as role of polymerase.

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    26.Mean temperatures are rising in many parts of the world. The rising temperatures may result in

    physiological and ecological effects on living organisms. Describe and explain these effects.

    (June 2005)

    Principle of destabilising effect of rising temperature on metabolic systems within organisms

    and on balance in ecosystems.

    effect on rate of diffusion/gaseous exchange; possible consequences, e.g..

    increased evaporation, more rapid uptake of ions by plants.

    effect on proteins; possible increased rate of denaturation of tertiary structure. Increased rate

    of enzyme activity; possible increased dislocation of metabolic pathways.

    Effect on photosynthesis (light independent reaction); increased rate with small increases,

    disruption with larger; increased rate of growth of (some) plants; possible increased rate of

    crop growth; effect of other limiting factors.

    Effect on transpiration; increased rate of water loss and hence wilting /dehydration; reduced

    stomatal opening may effect photosynthesis; possible consequences of drought on ecosystem

    Effect on respiration and metabolism; increased effect on growth and activity, especially of

    ectotherms.Ecological effects of disruption of food webs and the dynamics of ecosystems, with changes in

    niches and hence communities.

    Effect on species; extinction of species that are unable to adapt, especially ones with specialised

    requirements, limited opportunity for plants and some animals to spread to more suitable

    conditions as climate changes.

    Effect on agriculture, increased growth of some crops and loss of others, and effect on

    productivity; possible redistribution to different parts of the world, and overall loss of

    agricultural land.

    Ecological effect of increased rates of growth and reproduction, especially of bacteria, insects

    and pests; possible increased incidence of disease.role of natural selection in adaptation to change.

    There are many possible alternative approaches to this essay and any biologically sensible effect of

    increasing change in temperature on living organism should be credited. In a good essay the

    specific effects of rising temperature will be explained and explicitly linked to their possible effects

    on physiology or ecology. A good candidate will also recognise the complex interactions involved

    and avoid giving simplistic explanations and doomsday scenarios.

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    27.The transfer of substances containing carbon between organisms and between organisms and

    the environment

    Transfer between organisms:

    o food chains and feeding relationships

    o carbon cycle

    o nitrogen cycle



    o cell transport

    Transfer to/from the non-living environment

    o photosynthesis

    o respiration

    o exchange surfaces

    o (production and) removal of urea

    o human activities

    o agricultural ecosystems

    Transfer of substances containing carbon between organisms and the environment

    Transfer between organisms:

    o Food chains and feeding relationships

    o plants producers

    o idea of food chains as feeding relationships

    o with transfer energy

    o in substances containing carbon

    o Digestion and absorption (possible link to bacteria and fungi)

    o digestion/hydrolysis of large carbon-containing compounds

    o by enzymes

    o producing small/soluble compounds


    which can be absorbed

    o Transport of organic molecules in and out of cells/across exchange surface

    o (possible link to bacteria and fungi

    o organic molecules (including sugars and amino acids) cross cell membranes

    o by facilitated diffusion

    o active transport

    o which requires ATP from respiration

    o involving carrier proteins and/or enzymes

    Transfer to/from the non-living environment

    o Carbon cycle (and relevant parts of nitrogen cycle)


    carbon enters biotic by photosynthesiso leaves biotic by respiration/combustion

    o role of bacteria/fungi as decomposers

    o of dead organisms/ faeces/ excretory products/urea


    o light-independent reaction

    o carbon dioxide reacts with ribulose bisphosphate

    o glycerate 3-P reduced to sugar

    o reduced NADP and ATP from light-dependent reaction

    o Calvin cycle

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    o link reaction/Krebs cycle

    o oxidation of intermediates

    o generation of reduced coenzymes

    o loss of carbon dioxide

    o Exchange surfaces - for carbon dioxide

    o for animals


    and plants

    o large surface area - alveoli - mesophyll cells

    o short diffusion pathways - epithelium and endothelium - thin leaves and many stomata

    o maintaining diffusion gradient - capillary and respiration - photosynthesis and

    o respiration in mesophyll cells (time of day)

    o ventilation - breathing - via air spaces in leaf

    28.Cells are easy to distinguish by their shape. How are the shapes of cells related to their

    function? (June 2006)

    Epithelial cells in animals

    o epithelial cells from small intestine

    o epithelial cells of alveoli, gill lamellae

    Epidermal cells in plants

    o palisade mesophyll cells

    o stomatal guard cells

    o root hair cells


    o differences between egg and sperm cells

    Transport of substances in organisms


    red blood cells

    o endothelial cells of capillaries

    o xylem vessels

    o phloem sieve cells

    Nervous coordination

    o neurones

    o rod and cone cells


    o skeletal muscle



    Epithelial cells - intestinal, alveolar, kidney tubule, gill lamellae

    o Two examples allowed

    o As appropriate, relating to transport function(s)

    (collectively) large SA

    flattened - short diffusion pathway

    folded membrane - larger SA for stated function

    podocytes - pores for filtrate formation

    o Bloodtransport

    red blood cells

    biconcave shape - increase SA for oxygen exchange

    move through capillarieso Blood - exchange

    endothelial cells of capillaries

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    flattened - short diffusion pathway

    fenestrated in glomerulus

    o Blood white cells


    amoeboid properties.

    related to movement into tissues/engulfing e.g. bacteria

    Nervous system - neurones (and Schwann cells)


    dendrites - make synaptic connection to other neurons

    o axon/dendron - carry nerve impulses over long distances

    o shapes of relay, motor and sensory

    o related to function

    o myelin sheath - faster transmission of impulses

    o Nervous system - receptors - NB could be other than light

    o cone/rod cells with distinctive heads - containing pigment

    o detect light

    o dendrites to synapse with bipolar/ganglion cell(s)



    elongated - contain rows of sarcomeres

    o leads to contraction in length

    o force generated in particular plane

    o branched in cardiac - give contraction in more than one plane


    o cells lining air passages/oviducts

    o push mucus/eggs along

    o remove trapped microorganisms/towards uterus


    o sperm have beating tail/flagellum


    streamlined shape

    o help sperm to move

    o find egg cell

    o acrosome with (digestive/hydrolytic) enzymes

    o digest way into egg cell

    Plants and any other organisms:

    o Hair cells - of root

    o root - extension of epidermal cell

    o increases SA

    o for absorption of water and mineral ions


    Hair cells - of leafo leaf - extension of epidermal cell

    o reduces air flow/traps air near leaf surface

    o reduces water potential gradient for diffusion of water

    o reduces water loss by transpiration

    o Leaf cells (guard cell structure not in spec., but could be known and used)

    o palisade mesophyll are elongated

    o allows more to be packed side by side

    o to absorb maximum amount of light for photosynthesis

    o Transport in xylem and/or phloem


    elongated cellso xylem vessels no end walls/ phloem sieve cells end plates

    o rows end to end to form tubes

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    o no/less resistance to flow

    o Bacterial cells flagellum rotates pushes against external medium moves bacterium

    o Fungal hyphae (though usually cyncitial)

    o hyphae grow and branch through substrate increasing SA for absorption

    29.Movements inside cells. (June 2007)

    Plasma membranes and movement across

    Protein synthesis

    Movement through ER and Golgi

    Cell division and chromosome movement

    Water movement in plants/xylem


    Neurones and synaptic vesicles

    Actin and myosin

    DNA replication and mutation

    Electron transport chainsMolecular/atomic/ionic movement

    Any other sensible example of movement inside cells should be credited. In a good essay, the

    emphasis should be on movement.

    30.Transfers through ecosystems. (June 2007)

    Photosynthesisenergy transfer

    Respirationenergy transfer

    Carbon cycle

    Nitrogen cycleFood chains

    Ecological pyramids

    Pesticide toxicity/bioaccumulation


    Digestion and absorption

    Transfer of genetic material

    Water cycle

    Any other sensible example of transfer through ecosystems should be credited. In a good essay,

    the emphasis should be on transfers.

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    31.The part played by the movement of substances across cell membranes in the functioning of

    different organs and organs systems (June 2008).

    Plasma membranes and movement across

    Gaseous exchange system/ lungs

    Digestive system/small intestine

    Blood vascular systemTranspiration/root/stem

    Mass flow/leaf/stem

    Nervous system/eye

    Excretory system/ kidney

    Muscle systems

    Liver, blood glucose

    Root mineral ions

    Lungs cystic fibrosis

    Any other sensible example of the movement of substances across cell membranes in the

    functioning of different organs and organ systems should be credited. In a good essay, theemphasis should be on movement across membranes involving organ function.

    32.The part played by enzymes in the functioning of different cells, tissues and organs (June 2008)

    Action of enzymes

    Enzyme properties

    Extracellular digestion

    Nutrient cycles

    Digestion in humans

    Replication of DNAProtein and enzyme synthesis

    Metabolic pathways


    Coenzymes and enzyme action



    Muscle contraction

    Pesticide toxicity

    Any other sensible example of the part played by enzymes in the functioning of different cells,

    tissues and organs should be credited. In a good essay, the emphasis should be on the partplayed by enzymes.

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    33.Ions and Organisms (June 2009)

    Osmosis and turgor

    Haemoglobin dissociation, pH and carbon dioxid

    Uptake/movement of water/mineral ions by/in plants

    Ions in biological molecules

    Hydrogen, photosynthesis and respirationAnaerobic respiration and lactate

    Nerve impulses and synaptic transmission

    Regulation of blood water potential/kidney function

    Muscle contraction

    Nitrogen cycle


    Movement across membranes

    Cystic fibrosis

    Any other sensible example of the role of ions, or exchange of ions by organisms should be

    credited. In a good essay, the emphasis should be on the ions rather than describing a processand then linking an ion to the process.

    34.DNA and the transfer of information (June 2009)

    Genes/how information is carried on DNA

    Replication of DNA

    Cell division - Mitosis and meiosis

    Transcription and translation


    Genetic engineeringGene therapy

    Genetically modified organisms

    Variation (in populations)



    Any other sensible example of the transfer of information involving DNA should be credited. In

    a good essay, the emphasis should be on the transfer of information.

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    35. Carbon dioxide may affect organisms directly or indirectly. Describe and explain these effects.

    (June 2010)

    Carbon dioxide affects the physiology of organisms

    o Pulmonary ventilation and the mechanism of breathing

    o Light-independent reaction of photosynthesis. Limiting factors

    o Role of chemoreceptors in controlling heart rate

    The direct effects of increasing carbon dioxide concentration

    o Respiration, photosynthesis and human activity giving rise to short-term fluctuations

    and long-term change.

    o Yield of crop plants

    Carbon cycle

    o Indirect effects of increasing carbon dioxide concentration

    o Role of carbon dioxide in producing global warming

    o Life cycles and number of insect pests

    o Distribution of animals and plants

    o Effect of temperature on enzymes

    36. The causes of disease in humans (June 2010).


    o Pathogens include bacteria, viruses and fungi

    o Pathogens cause disease by damaging cells and producing toxins

    o Cholera bacteria produce toxins resulting in diarrhoea

    o Symptoms and transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis

    o Horizontal gene transmission and MRSA



    Risk factors associated with cancer and coronary heart disease

    o The effects of fibrosis, asthma and emphysema on lung function

    o The biological basis of heart disease


    o Differences in bases may lead to non-functional enzymes

    o Relationship between the cell cycle and cancer

    o Proto-oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes

    o Gene mutations


    The role of carbon containing compounds in living organisms

    38.The role of nitrogen containing compounds in living organisms

    39.The roles of membranes in living organisms

    40.The role of DNA in living organisms

    41.Applications and implications of gene technology

    42.Genetic variation and speciation

    43.Control of the internal environment in living organisms

    44.The movement of molecules and ions through membranes

    45.Roles of pigments in living organisms

    46.Light and life


    Support and movement in living organisms48.The chemical and biological control of insect pests
