Page 1: Synonyms, Thesaurus, And Common Words in English


1. About (kira-kira; sekitar)Approximately → The work will take approximately 30 minutesAround → The final reports must have been submitted around 5 o’clockRoughly → There were roughly 200 people attend the meetingSomewhere in the region of → He earns somewhere in the regions of $ 40.000 per monthOr so → I expended $250 or so to purchase backpack and its accessories

2. Angry (marah) → Annoyed = Upset = Irritated = Furious = Pissed off = Mad = Cross = Heated3. Large (besar) → Massive = Enormous = Vast = Tremendous = Bulky4. Revenge (balas dendam) → Avenge = Retaliate5. Admire (mengagumi; menghormati) → Respect = Revere = Idolize = Honor6. Admit (mengakui kalau sesuatu itu benar ada/terjadi) → Accept = Acknowledge

(mengakui kalau sesuatu yang salah itu benar ada/terjadi) → Concede = Confess = Fess up7. Cheap (murah; terjangkau) → Affordable = Inexpensive = Reasonable = Economical8. Afraid (takut; ketakutan) → Fear = Scared = Frightened = Terrified = Nervous9. Worry (khawatir) → Anxious = Concerned10. Allow (mengizinkan) → Let = Permit = Authorize11. Alone (sendiri; sendirian) → = On subject own = Unaided = Single-handed

(merasa sendirian) → Lonely = Isolated12. Always (selalu) → Constantly = Consistently = Forever = All the time = Time after time

She is forever/constantly losing his keyHe received consistently high marks throughout the second semesterThey study the physics all the time/time after time

13. Argument (perbedaan pendapat) → Disagreement = Dispute = Controversy = Feud = Squabble14. Arrive at (tiba; sampai) → Get to = Reach = Come = Make = Get in = Turn up = Roll up = Fetch up15. Synthetic (sintetis; buatan) → Artificial = Fake = Man-made = False = Imitation16. Embarrased (malu) → Ashamed = Mortified = Guilty = Humiliated17. Ask (bertanya; meminta) → Inquire = Question = Consult18. Assess (menilai) = Appraise = Estimate = Cost (money)19. Astonish (mengejutkan dengan sangat) → Amaze = Astound20. Attack (menyerang) = Assault = Invade = Ambush21. Attract (menarik perhatian) → Draw = Entice = Lure = Tempt = Seduce = Appeal22. Beautiful (cantik) → Attractive = Pretty = Stunning = Gorgeous = Good-looking 23. Start (memulai) → Begin = Commence = Erupt24. Blame (menyalahkan) → Accuse = Condemn = Impute25. Boring (membosankan) → Tedious = Dull = Bland = Monotonous26. Brave (berani) → Courageous = Dare = Bold = Valiant = Gutsy = Plucky27. Break (merusakkan) → Bust = Crack = Chip = Fall Apart28. Broken (rusak) → Bust = Dead = Defunct = Out of Order29. Buy (membeli) → Get = Purchase = Buy up (memborong) = Snap up = Pick up = Invest in = Treat

(membelikan sesuatu untuk sesorang/mentraktir)30. Calm (tenang) → Cool = Unruffled = Placid = Composed = Unflappable31. Cancel (membatalkan) → Call off = Scrap (plans)

Postpone → (membatalkan suatu hal tetapi berencana untuk melakukan hal itu lagi di lain waktu)Abandon = Curtail →(membatalkan suatu hal yang sedang dilakukan saat hal tersebut belum sempat diselesaikan)Off → (untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah dibatalkan)↔ The trip is off because John has serious ailment

32. Careful (berhati-hati) → Cautious = Play (it) safe33. Careless (ceroboh) → Sloppy = Negligent = Thoughtless = Irresponsible = Reckless = Rash = Slapdash

Page 2: Synonyms, Thesaurus, And Common Words in English

34. Cause (menyebabkan) → Bring About = Result in = Lead to = Trigger = Spark = Responsible for (person) = Make = Arouse (feeling/emotion)

35. Change (mengganti/mengubah) → Alter = Vary = Convert = Transform = Modify = Switch = Turn (phrase/object) into = Replace

36. Chance (kesempatan) → Opportunity = Possibility = Occasion37. Choose (memilih; menentukan) → Pick = Select = Decided = Opt38. Choice (pilihan)= Option = Selection39. Clean (bersih) → Spotless = Spick and Span40. Clever (pandai; pintar) → Intelligent = Smart = Bright = Brainy = Brilliant41. Cold (rasa dingin yang tidak enak) → Bitter = Freezing = Icy = Chilly42. Confident (percaya diri) → Self-assured = Assertive = Bold43. Correct (benar) → Right = Exact = Precise = Accurate44. Criticize (mengkritik; mengecam) → Attack = Condemn = Denounce = Censure = Blast = Hammer =

Pan = Knock = Badmouth45. Cruel (kejam) → Inhumane = Callous = Ruthless = Nasty = Mean = Heartless = Malicious46. Shout (berteriak) = Bark = Bawl = Bellow47. Cut (memotong) → Chop = Carve = Trim = Slash = Hack

Slice → (memotong menjadi tipis-tipis; mengiris)Snip → (memotong sesuatu dengan gunting)

48. Dangerous (berbahaya) → Hazardous = Harmful = Risky = Perilous49. Betrayal (pengkhianatan) → Treachery = Treason = Disloyalty50. Decide (memutuskan) → Resolve = Settle = Finalize = Set (time/amount) = Fix (time/amount)51. Decrease (berkurang) → Lower = Reduce = Lessen = Drop = Fall = Plunge = Decline = Dwindle = Shrink

= Diminishverb

52. Destroy (menghancurkan) → Demolish = Devastate = Annihilate = Devour53. Differentadj (berbeda) → Unusual = Distinctive = Distinct = Unlike54. Difficult (sulit) → Hard = Complicated = Complex = Tricky = Awkward55. Dirty (kotor) → Filthy = Mucky = Scruffy = Messy = Squalid = Soiled56. Disappear (hilang/tak nampak) → Go Away = Vanish = Go Missing = Fade Away57. Disappointed (kecewa) → Disheartened = Gutted58. Dishonest (tidak jujur) → Fraudulent59. Disturb (mengganggu) → Bother60. Eager (ingin sekali melakukan sesuatu) → Keen = Avid = Enthusiastic61.

Page 3: Synonyms, Thesaurus, And Common Words in English sef
