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Bike ItProject Review 2009

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Welcome to our 2009 Review of BikeIt, one of the UK’s most successfulprojects in bringing about travelbehaviour change amongst ouryoung people by enabling them tocycle to school.

In its fifth year Bike It continues to be agreat success story. In an age when wehear so much negative comment aboutour young people, with concerns abouttheir attitude, happiness and health, it isrefreshing to see a project like Bike Itsucceeding in engaging children simplyby enabling them to do something theywant to do – cycle to school.

During the year Sustrans conductedour biggest survey yet of childreninvolved in the Bike It project. At thebeginning of the year whilst 4% ofchildren were cycling every day, a huge49% of children wanted to cycle toschool. By the end of the year thepercentage of children cycling to schoolevery day had doubled to 8%, and thenumber cycling at least once a weekhad increased from 14% to 26%. Evenmore encouraging, was the change inthe number of children who never cycleto school, which dropped from 75% to55%. This represents a lot of childrendiscovering the joy of cycling to schoolfor the first time.

How does it achieve this? Bike It isdesigned to give children the skills andconfidence to travel under their ownsteam, and parents the peace of mindto let them. It is this crucial combinationthat is at the heart of Bike It’s success– children are willing, but parents areanxious, so building trust over time withparents reaps rich rewards.


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Bike It’s success relies on the support of awide range of people – our funders,including the Bike Hub whose financialsupport enabled us to start the pilot projectsin England and Wales; teachers and schoolswilling to give their time and open theirdoors to the project; local bike traders whohelp with bike maintenance sessions;Sustrans’ volunteers who help withorganising Bike It events; and a host ofothers. It’s a team effort that has so manybenefits.

At its core Bike It is fundamental toachieving Sustrans’ vision of a world inwhich people choose to travel in ways thatbenefit their health and the environment.

We are all aware of rising levels of obesity,particularly amongst children, with the lackof everyday physical activity heavilyimplicated. The potential cost to oureconomy could be a staggering £50 billioneach year by 2050, or about £833 for everyman, woman and child in the UK today. Bycontrast, 1,000 Bike It officers, working with12,000 schools each year and millions ofchildren, would cost £65 million, or just over£1 for every man, woman and child in theUK. A perfect example of a stitch in timesaving nine.

Then there is the environmental impact ofour travel behaviour. I won’t pretend thatgetting every child cycling to school is goingto massively cut the UK’s carbon footprint.Although the saving would be significant, itwould be a drop in a very large ocean ofcarbon dioxide emissions generated bypersonal car use which account for about13% of total CO2 emissions in the UK. Butit seems obvious that creating a bike habitfrom an early age will pay dividends later. In

places like Germany, Denmark and Hollandcar ownership levels are, on the whole,higher than in the UK, and yet car usage isless, in part because of much higher levels ofcycling amongst young people.

In addition to these very obvious benefits,you’ll see that the children, their parents,teachers, Headteachers, local authoritiesand others get a huge amount more fromBike It, which in combination, add up to apositive experience.

But we can do more – so much more.During the year Bike It worked with nearly89,000 children. There are millions ofchildren of school age who could be cyclingto school, and whilst the number ofinitiatives seeking to change this is growing,the potential is so great and the benefits socost-effective, it deserves to be more highlyprioritised.

Sustrans and our partners have the peopleand know how, we have economics andgovernment policy on our side, and wehave the evidence to show that Bike Itworks. I hope you agree that there shouldbe a massive investment in cycling andwalking sustained over many years,prioritised on the basis that it’s good for ourhealth and our environment as well as beingfantastically good value for money.

Malcolm ShepherdChief Executive, Sustrans

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Our partners

It’s great to see young peoplediscovering the joy of cycling. Learning toride a bike is a rite of passage, and evenin the technically advanced 21st centurythe pleasure children get from learning totravel independently on two wheelsclearly remains. I am proud that the cycleindustry, through the Bike Hub, hassupported Bike It from the very beginning,and seeing the life changing skills andexperiences that Bike It brings to youngpeople is immensely rewarding.

Philip Taylor, President of The BicycleAssociation

The BicycleAssociation

“ We aim to encourage activetravel as an essential component of ahealthy lifestyle for all ages, and Bike Itis a proven intervention to help childrendevelop that habit of healthy travel.

Adrian Dawson, Director of PublicHealth at Bournemouth and PoolePrimary Care Trust

The PrimaryCare Trust

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The localauthority We warned the Ofsted inspector

that she would have to wear a bikehelmet and join in the fun. In hersubsequent report she praised theschool’s community spirit, the excellenceand the enjoyment she saw of childrenand staff at the assembly. If you get achance to be a Bike It school, I urge youto grab it with both hands. It will be oneof the best things you ever do.

Carole Jones, Deputy Headteacher,Roman Road Primary School, Gateshead

The school

The profile of cycling has beenraised enormously both in Bike It schoolsand beyond. We now have a waiting listof schools wanting to join the fun. Oneunexpected bonus for schools has beenthe increased involvement of parents inactivities, particularly dads. The projecthas renewed the schools’ awareness oftravel plans, and we have a great workingpartnership with Sustrans.

Jane Deeley, School Travel Advisor, Swindon Borough Council

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Bike It works directly with schools who want toincrease levels of cycling. We do this by helpingschools to make the case for cycling in theirschool travel plans; we support cyclingchampions in schools and demonstrate thatcycling is a popular choice amongst childrenand their parents. Our aim is to create a pro-cycling culture in the school which continueslong after the Bike It officer has left.

What is Bike It?

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The project also adds to local investment incycle routes, bike sheds and cycle training byinvolving pupils, teachers and parents andenabling them to take the small steps whichare necessary to make a real difference.

Bike It officers work with schools by:• explaining the benefits of cycling• contributing to classroom work• addressing concerns about safety and

liability with the help of the local authorityand other partners

• sharing good practice with schoolmanagement teams

• organising practical cycling activities• generating positive publicity.

Where possible, we work with clusters ofenthusiastic schools in areas which areparticularly suited to cycling and where we canlink the efforts of secondary schools and theirfeeder primary schools. Each Bike It officerworks with 12 schools over the course of anacademic year. Some schools keep Bike It fora second year if they are not quite ready to goit alone or still have the potential to increasecycling levels further.

Sustrans’ Bike It officers meet regularly toshare ideas and swap skills so that whilst eachof them plays to their own strengths whenworking with schools, they all benefit from thecollective experience of the wider team. Aspart of the wider Sustrans School Travel team,Bike It officers also benefit from Sustrans’ longexperience of delivering a wide range ofsuccessful projects to increase levels ofwalking and cycling to school.

In combination this helps keep the SustransBike It message fresh, engaging and relevantto young people. In addition we provide staffwith full training in first aid, risk assessment,cycle safety instruction, outdoor activities andchild protection.

What did you do before Bike It?Before joining Sustrans I worked in primaryand secondary schools teaching PE andtutoring children with special needs andbehavioural problems.

What do you enjoy about the job?I feel privileged to be in a position where Iam able to influence people to follow anenjoyable, healthier lifestyle. It’s incrediblysatisfying to see the happiness cycling toschool brings to parents, teachers andespecially children.

Is Surrey an easy place to promotecycling?Schools in the area know how important itis to promote active travel and have takento the idea very well, meaning hundreds ofchildren are cycling to Bike It schools onmost days.

Best moment in the last 12 months?One of my schools, Furzefield PrimarySchool, in Merstham, jointly won thenational Bike It Virtual Bike Race in Maylast year. It was called the Tour d’Afriqueand the school had to cycle the distancefrom Cairo to Cape Town by cycling toschool over four weeks. They completed itin an amazing three and a half weeksamounting to 2,000 journeys made bybike to school.

What exciting plans do you have foryour schools this year?14 of my schools will soon be taking partin this year’s national virtual bike race;‘Round The World’ following the 46,000mile route that adventurer, AlastairHumphreys cycled.

I am very excited that Alastair will becoming to talk to my schools and toparents, about his epic journey and toencourage them to complete theirs. TheCouncil have kindly agreed to fund aMountain Bike Stunt show for the winninglocal school.

Meet Gayle Rowson,Bike It officer workingwith Reigate andBanstead BoroughCouncil in Surrey

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Bike It is a partnership project and we workclosely with schools, parents, local authorities,and other funders. But there are many otherorganisations that play their part and Sustrans’Bike It officers frequently co-ordinate much ofthis work within the school.


Who do wework with?

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British Cycling encourages moreyoungsters to take up cycling as a sport.Sustrans works closely with their ‘Go-Ride’coaches who deliver basic cycle skillstraining and help run after-school cyclingclubs at several Bike It schools. As part ofour partnership in Derby, a new BMX trackwas constructed in Alvaston Park next tothe National Cycle Network. The facility nowattracts youngsters from schools acrossDerby and beyond.

We work closely with local authority roadsafety teams and private training providersto promote take up of Bikeability(accredited on-road cycle training) andencourage local authorities to sign up to thenational scheme. In some schools wedeliver Level 1 (basic skills) training to pupilswho want to cycle with their parents, beforethey reach Year 5.

“More schools are coming forward to takepart in cycle training as a result of Bike It” –local authority

Schools sports co-ordinators have beenhelpful in creating cycling resources linkedto the curriculum and have helped withfunding to establish after-school cyclingclubs and cycle training.

Active travel to school is a regular andinexpensive way of boosting everydayphysical activity. Healthy Schools Officersare recognising the benefits of promotingcycling at schools seeking Healthy Schoolsstatus. With the help of local authoritySchool Travel Advisers, we ensure thatschools make progress with their travelplans and share good practice with otherschools.

On top of the financial contribution made bythe Bike Hub, local cycle retailers havesupported Bike It schools and promoted thebenefits of cycling to school to theircustomers. One example is Tredz BikeShop in Swansea which has run Dr Bikesessions in Bike It schools in the Neath PortTalbot area, and Isla Bikes and Raleigh havealso offered bikes as prizes for schools.e

“We all think it’s a great project. Just thefact that there is a dedicated Bike It officerwho can go to schools and get the kids(and adults) interested in cycling is fantastic”– local authority

Cycle parking manufacturers, includingUrban Engineering and Lock It Safe, haveoffered generous discounts to schoolspurchasing bike parking, as well as prizeslinked to cycling incentive schemes.

Sustrans’ Bike It officers also work closelywith regional Sustrans colleagues and localauthority transport officers to ensure thatBike It works in schools where new cycleroutes have been constructed. Sustransalso has funding (in England) to constructsafe routes to schools which encouragewalking and cycling. Find out more

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Bike It works

of children told usthat they now cycleto school everyday, compared to4% before Bike It.

8%of children told usthat they now cycleto school at leastonce a week,compared to 14%before Bike It.


Calculating the benefits

In the school year 2007/08, Sustrans conducted hands-up surveys of

pupils at schools where Bike It was being introduced for the first time.

In total, Sustrans surveyed around 19,000 pupils at 72 Primary and

17 Secondary schools in England. Before the project began, Sustrans

asked the pupils how often they cycled to school and how they would

prefer to travel to school. Sustrans then asked the same questions

after Bike It had been delivered. Regular bike shed counts were also

conducted throughout the academic year. For more information about

Sustrans’ Bike It surveys please refer to the Bike It Technical Report:

of children toldus that theywanted to cycleto school.

49% Before Bike It,

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The percentage ofchildren that told usthat they never cycleto school droppedfrom 75% to

55%after the completionof Bike It.

of headtechersfelt that Bike It had helped pupilsbecome morephysically active.


Never Once or twiceeach term

Once ortwice a week

Every day

% o

f p


Source: Sustrans, 2008Note: Data based on hands-up surveys of around 19,000 pupils,

asking the question “Do you cycle to school?”

Increase in frequency of children cyclingto school at Bike It schools: 2007-08

Before Bike ItAfter Bike It











Once ortwice each



4 8 1018


4 6

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Headteachers (and their nominated schoolchampions) have given Bike It a resoundingthumbs-up after we asked them about theimpact of Bike It. Of the 70 schools thatresponded:

• 69% said that the number of childrenbeing driven to school by car hadreduced since Sustrans had startedworking with their school (29% said thenumber of children being driven hadremained the same)

• 97% felt that cycling levels hadincreased (3% felt that they hadremained the same)

• 94% felt that Bike It had helped pupilsbecome more physically active

• 85% said Bike It helped improve schooltravel plan quality and delivery

• 54% believed that Bike It had helpedteachers use the project for classroomwork or curriculum activity

• when asked if they would recommendBike It to other schools, 99% ofschools said ‘Yes’

• the most important factors for increasingcycling were listed as information andadvice from Bike It staff, promotionalevents, cycle training, then cycle storage(bike rides, parents’ involvement, safetyimprovements and local authorityinformation were rated less important).

In London, results have echoed trendsseen in the rest of the country. The share ofpupils cycling every day increased from4% to 6% whilst the proportion cycling at

least once a week grew from 13% to 21%.The proportion of non-cyclists fell from 78%to 66%. It was also encouraging to see anincrease in young people’s preference forcycling as a mode of travel to school, upfrom 44% to 50%.

At individual schools bike counts andcycling activities vary enormously dependingon the interests of teachers, local terrain,size of catchment area and the amount ofcycle storage. The outcomes listed belowreveal a huge appetite for change andrepresent the start of significant shifts intravel behaviour.*

• once the severe flooding had receded,25% of pupils cycled to Castle HillsPrimary to win the local Virtual Tour deFrance cycle competition held betweenDoncaster schools

• in Coventry, the Big Family Bike Rideattracted 165 pupils and parents fromBike It schools who completed an 11 mileround trip along National Cycle NetworkRoute 52

• levels of every day cycling have trebled atSkerton High School in Lancaster, in partbecause of a bike loan service and ‘selfesteem’ sessions aimed at Year 9 girls.

• at St Aidan’s RC Primary School inKnowsley, Bike It has successfully beenused to improve pupil attendance

• female students at Charter SecondarySchool in Southwark presented theircycle clothing designs at theFashion2Ride show after they workedwith clothing designer Sarah Buck

• in South Buckinghamshire, 250 children –over half the school - turned up at the BikeWeek event at Butlers Court Primary.

* these figures taken from the Bike It Summer 2008newsletters and Bike It Supervisor updates.

Wider benefits

At the moment, I cannot think ofany ways in which I could improvethe Bike It project. It has been sucha good thing for our school. – Bike It School Headteacher


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Feedback from local authorities has alsobeen extremely positive, with particularpraise for the way in which Bike It hasincreased cycling levels amongst children,provided popular activities and events forthe community, established local examplesof good practice, improved publicity for thecouncil’s work and improved localpartnerships.

The comments below were returnedanonymously from local authority partners.

“Bike It has demonstrated that the intensivesupport of a dedicated officer can achievewhat for many appeared to be animpossible task - large numbers of childrencycling to school. The Bike It officer hasn’tjust talked about making it happen – she’smade it happen!”

“Our Bike It officer is excellent at getting theschools excited and interested in Bike Itactivities and it has had a large impact atthose schools, the number of pupils cyclingat each school has increased massively.”

“As a Cycling Demonstration Town, we hada target to get 20% of children cycling tosecondary school. We have all but achievedthis at most of our schools. This wouldn’thave happened without Bike It.”

“Bike It has helped to influence the PrimaryCare Trust to look at cycling to school andas a result given £80,000 to increasewalking and cycling around schools thisyear. The majority of the funding is forcycling infrastructure.”

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RJ Mitchell Primary School,Havering, London

Total number of pupils on school roll:185*

Based on a survey of 195 pupilsbefore and 179 pupils after Bike It,the proportion of pupils regularlycycling to school (once a week ormore) increased from 2% to 51%.

How the change happened:New cycle storage; improved linksthrough a local park and otherSustrans networks; teacher-led praiseand reward for pupils who took upwalking and cycling; regular Bike toSchool Days. Efficient take up ofBikeability training scheme. Prioritygiven to walkers and cyclists arrivingat school.

Star performance: Through theirparticipation in Bike It’s first NationalVirtual bike race ‘The Tour d’Afrique’the school managed to generate 907cycle journeys over a four weekperiod; an average of 50 riders perday.

In their own words: “I've found theinvolvement with Bike It and Sustransa fantastic experience. Having all thechildren involved and being 'allowed'to cycle to school has meant that theculture shift (from car to bicycle) ishappening earlier. The input fromSustrans has been much valued andwe feel like we have got to know BikeIt officers and staff really well. Beinginvolved with Bike It was an importantpart of the school winning TravelSchool of the Year for Havering.”Barry Read, Headteacher

* School roll figure taken at different time to pre and post Bike It surveys.

St Paul’s Primary School,Brighton

Total number of pupils on school roll:216

Based on a survey of 77 pupils beforeand 118 pupils after Bike It, theproportion of pupils regularlycycling to school (once a week ormore) increased from 7% to 28%.

How the change happened: Busyroads, hills and a lack of cycling facilitiesall posed challenges for families wishingto ride to school. The Headteacher hasbecome an enthusiastic champion forcycling. The school has installed newcycle storage, plans to promote Level 3(advanced) cycle training and is keen totrial family cycle training for parents. Tenpupils from Year 3 upwards aremembers of the school’s BUG (BicycleUser Group) which promotes cycling tofellow pupils.

Star performance: A Two WheelExtravaganza where pupils wereencouraged to dress their bikes inrecycled Christmas materials and rideto school. “It was cold, dark andabsolutely bucketing down when Iarrived at school and I feared the worst.But half an hour later over 80 smilingparents and pupils arrived with bikesproving just how much Bike It meant tothem”. Ben Sherratt, Bike It officer.

In their own words: “The shelters,which were arranged by Bike It, havereally enhanced the fabric of the schooland are focal point for both cyclists andwalkers. They provide shelter on wetdays and act as a social point for thewhole school community.” Linda Dupret, Headteacher


e st



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Hadrian Primary School,South Tyneside

Total number of pupils on school roll:314

Based on a survey of 144 pupilsbefore and 136 pupils after Bike It,the proportion of pupils regularlycycling to school (once a week ormore) increased from 4% to 35%.

How the change happened:Commercial support from Sage Plcand Capital Shopping Centresenabled the school to purchase a newbike shelter and cycle transporter.Incentivised reward schemes includingprize giving from the local mayor andexcellent role models in the form ofteachers cycling to school.

Star performance: The school camefirst in the region in the Tour D’AfriqueVirtual Bike Race for the number ofjourneys to school made by bike.

In their own words: “Bike It is greatfun, it’s helped me become fitter andnow I love cycling!” 11 year old pupil

Isambard Community School(Secondary), Swindon

Total number of pupils on school roll:240*

Based on a survey of 192 pupilsbefore and 221 pupils after Bike It,the proportion of pupils regularlycycling to school (once a week ormore) increased from 65% to 73%.

How the change happened:Intensive work with the feeder primaryschool to map children’s cycle routesto their ‘new school’; support fromlocal volunteers and the local SchoolTravel Adviser. Benefits of cyclingintegrated into Year 7 PSHE lessons.

Star performance: Bike It wasintroduced as part of the school'sOpen Day for prospective parents andchildren. This instilled the idea thatchildren at Isambard CommunitySchool choose to cycle to school.

In their own words: “Our studentsnow see cycling to school as the normand are very informed about thebenefits to themselves, the environmentand also all of the risks and safetyimplications related to cycling.

Our partnership with Bike It has beenextremely valuable and I wouldrecommend other schools to join thescheme.” Terry Conaghan, Deputy Headteacher

* First year of school intake


e st



Bike It begins at Hadrian Primary

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Neath Port Talbot

Gateshead and South Tyneside


Stockton and Middlesborough


BuryRochdale and


Merseyside (2)Doncaster




Luton, Bedford and St Albans


South Bucksand Slough

Southend, Basildon and Thurrock

Reigate and Banstead


Brighton & Hove


Bath & North East Somerset


London (6)


Bristol (3)

South Glos

Harlow and Cheshunt

Sheffield (2)

Bournemouth and Poole

Great Yarmouth


In 2009 Bike It will work inthe following locations.

Going forward

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Over the year funding from CyclingEngland, the cycle industry via the BikeHub, the Big Lottery Fund, WelshAssembly Government and localauthorities enabled us to expand ourteam to 43 staff, each supported by aregional supervisor and Mike Madin, theproject manager. We now work with 443schools in 55 local authorities andestimate that we are giving a positivecycling experience to nearly 89,000children.

As part of their child obesity strategies,several Primary Care Trusts havecommissioned Bike It in their areas. Newfunding from Cycling England hasestablished a further 12 CyclingDemonstration Towns and Cities, andeach, we hope, will be supported by aBike It officer. Our next goal is to establisha network of around 70 to 80 staff acrossEngland and Wales, enabling every localauthority to join the project, and subject toagreement commence pilot projects inScotland and Northern Ireland.

In addition a Public Service Agreementtarget ‘halting the year-on-year rise inobesity among children aged under 11 by2010’ is a target shared by the Departmentof Health, the Department of Culture Mediaand Sport and the Department forEducation and Skills. We hope that this willlead to further funding for Sustrans’ work.

Bike It is also habit-forming. Evidence fromother countries in Europe shows that wheremore children cycle to school a greaterproportion of adults cycle too. Young peopletoday are going to rely more on low energyforms of transport as we move towards alow carbon economy, so giving children theskills they need to cycle prepares them for avery different future.

Sustrans’ vision is a world in which peoplechoose to travel in ways that benefit theirhealth and the environment. Bike It isachieving just this, and we look forward tothe day when every school has access to aBike It officer enabling the hundreds ofthousands of children who want to cycle toschool to do so.

Bike It will continue to grow because it helps support somany key government objectives (in England).

• every school to be a Healthy School by 2009• every school to have a travel plan by 2010• every school to become a sustainable school (acting as a model of sustainable

travel) by 2020• every local authority to report progress with reducing car use on school journeys• every local authority encouraged to deliver national standard cycle training in

schools (Bikeability).

In its Walking and Cycling Action Plan for Wales 2009 to 2013, the WelshAssembly Government has set a target to triple the percentage of children cycling to school.

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Want to get involved?If you like the sound of Bike It and think that schools in your area could benefitfrom the project please get in touch with Sustrans:

Register your interest at to: Sustrans School Travel, Sustrans, 2 Cathedral Square, Bristol BS1 5DDCall Sustrans School Travel on 0117 915 0100

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SchoolsIf you would like a Bike It officer to work withyour school then andcomplete the on-line survey. It’s only byregistering your interest that we can make thecase for more funding. Encourage your localauthority school travel adviser to approachSustrans and register their interest too. Bike Itcan help organise Bikeability cycle training atyour school. To find out about Bikeability

Parents, teachers or school governorsIf you would like Bike It to work with your child’sschool then contact a member of staff at theschool and ask them to complete the surveylisted above. If you would like to become achampion for walking or cycling at your schoolplease contact the Sustrans School Travel teamvia

Local authorityIf you want Bike It to work with schools in yourarea, then write to Sustrans to register yourinterest. Write to: Sustrans School Travel,Sustrans, 2 Cathedral Square, Bristol BS15DD. Please also encourage enthusiasticschools to complete the on-line survey too.

Primary Care TrustIf you want Bike It to help you deliver your localphysical activity and child obesity strategies,please discuss this with your local authorityschool travel adviser and write to Sustrans.

Bicycle tradeIf you have contributed to the Bike Hub levy,thank you for your support. If you want to seethe project extended, please contact theBicycle Association or Association of CycleTraders. If your business is located where BikeIt is already active, please contact the local BikeIt officer to see how you can get involved. Theirdetails can be found


Sustrans is the UK's leading Sustainabletransport charity. Our vision is a world inwhich people choose to travel in ways thatbenefit their health and the environment.We work on practical, innovative solutions tothe transport challenges facing us all. Sustransis the charity behind Safe Routes to Schools, Bike It, TravelSmart, Active Travel, Connect2,Liveable Neighbourhoods, Art and theTravelling Landscape and the National CycleNetwork, all projects that are changing ourworld one mile at a time.

If you think what we do sounds sensible, weurgently need people like you to help us domore. By giving from £5 a month you’ll start tomake a difference. Without this financialsupport, Sustrans and projects such as Bike It would probably not exist. To find outmore about Sustrans or to become a SustransSupporter please visit call 0845 113 00 65.

Sustrans’ Bike It is generously supported by:

ISSN 1755-3415 (Print) ISSN 1755-3423 (Online)©Sustrans. April 2009Registered Charity No. 326550 (England and Wales)SC039263 (Scotland) VAT Registration No. 416740656

and many local authorities and Primary CareTrusts.

Head Office: Sustrans, 2 Cathedral Square, College

Green, Bristol, BS1 5DD

Photography: Sustrans staff, Gayle Rowson (p6),Andy Huntley (p7), James Adamson (p15).Design: printed on Revive 100 Offset. This is an FSCcertified paper made using 100% post-consumerwaste.

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