Page 1: Sustainable housing development assignment


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Page 2: Sustainable housing development assignment


Education for sustainable development is a medium which converts theory and

principles into common practices in the construction industry. Sustainable development

focuses on extending the lifespan of a building by using energy efficient methods that is

cost effective, quick to construct and does not sacrifice the safety and quality of the

infrastructure. By implementing this education, it is expected to benefit the condition of

buildings and the environment in the long run.

There are a few parties which drive a great influence on implementing

sustainable development some of which are stakeholders, universities and various other

groups. Stakeholders are able to drive their project towards a more sustainable concept

and universities are able to educate the younger generations and those interested in the

concept to in hopes to make buildings more sustainable in the near future. Although

most stakeholders are still unaware about this concept, few universities have already

started to integrate this as a curriculum or elective which covers the issues of limited

resources and environmental awareness though not enough to make an impact in the

construction industry. There are many challenges involved in the integration of this

subject as it takes into account more than just teaching and implementation but more so

about having the resources to give the proper education as well as lecturers and

speakers having the right concept of sustainable development to be taught.

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The problem with education for sustainable development is that lecturers and

academicians do not see the importance of sustainable development in construction and

hence are not emphasizing on it as a core subject. Moreover, the general public views

sustainable development as being irrelevant to their lives as it does not bear any direct

consequences. Due to the lack of education in sustainable development stakeholders

also lack knowledge in housing concept. Stakeholders also do not take into account the

environmental impacts of their projects as they are not educated properly on this issue.

Employees also suffer from a lack in education as they are unable to acquire or use

technologies or concepts that are related to sustainable development.


Having said the problem which is the lack of education among stakeholders and

the individuals involved in the construction industry in general. The most efficient

solution and obvious way is to educate them by means of including sustainable

development as a core subject in tertiary education and by organizing a talk to educate

the general public as well as potential stakeholders. The real question is how should the

said topic, be taught as people tend to disregard the issues of sustainable development.

The amount applicable input received by listeners will heavily depend on the teaching

methods of lecturers and speakers. Teachers should teach using the resources available

in the surroundings when trying to convey the importance of sustainable development to

make it as relevant to daily life as possible as it may affect the listeners’ future decision-

making ability for the better. By participating in international and regional education

programs, the people can see the global urgency for sustainable development. Though it

may seem unimportant, it is crucial to give the rights to the students to make comments

and give suggestions to certain controversial issues regarding the environment to further

involve the student in an active learning process. The can also play a part in motivating

lecturers to teach on this subject by means of giving incentives and setting policies.

In conclusion, each party needs to put in their respective effort and contribute to

a better environment for the future. By taking one step at a time, the dream of achieving

a completely sustainable environment will one day become a reality.

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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): Challenges to Integrate Sustainable

Development (SD) Concept into University Courses

In-text: (Yaacob, 2012)

Bibliography: Yaacob, M. (2012). Education for Sustainable Development (ESD):

Challenges to Integrate Sustainable Development (SD) Concept into University Courses

(1st ed., p. 9). Selangor: Journal of Applied Sciences Research. Retrieved from


Challenges of implementing Sustainability in Malaysian Housing Industry

In-text: (Chen Goh, Wee Seow & Hwang Goh, 2011)

Bibliography: Chen Goh, K., Wee Seow, T., & Hwang Goh, H. (2011). Challenges of

implementing Sustainability in Malaysian Housing Industry (1st ed., p. 8). Batu Pahat:

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Retrieved from