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Bar Gas Company

Bar Gas is one of the companies which produces natural gases to meet the requirements of many medical and industrial organizations

It have three branches Obour city branch Alex branch Suez branch

Final Products


Types Of Materials Carbon monoxide: the

exhausts of the fertilizers factory are purified ,distilled and then liquefied at 250 bar

Other gases(oxygen ,hydrogen, nitrogen and argon) : the air is absorbed , compressed , liquefied , distilled and at specific temperature degree each gas rises

Tanks and cylinders


Criteria on which suppliers are selected

Low costAvailability and timelinessLimited suppliers

Purchase style Centralized purchasing of material for like

tanks and cylinders Decentralized purchasing for carbon mono

oxide factory

Product providing time

It depends on the quantity mentioned in the contract but the company delivers its products weekly at most

Outsourcing The equipment & compressors

are imported from china

Cylinders are imported from Turky and Ukraine

Tanks’s Iron plates are purchases from Abu zaabal for engineering industry.

Retailers & Distributors

Target customers

Contact between the company and its customers

The customers order a specific quantity of specific product and the customers receive the ordered quantity after the period mentioned in the contract

The customers buy the quantity demanded from a retailer

The customer can contact directly with company through the website



logistics After absorbing oxygen rich liquid we pack it in cylinders and

tanks , then they are loaded on the lorries to customers.

Inventory After compressing the gases in cylinders and tanks

the workers store them at the factory’s inventory

Bull whip effect There’s no a bull whip effect, the customers get the

quantity of gases mentioned in the contract in specific period

The value added to differentiate the company from its competitors

There’s no competitors Good quality at a reasonable price Timeliness The company incurs low cost Great location
