Page 1: Sunday Small Group Info Flyer - Clover provides a place for you to connect with a small group of Christians

Inglewood provides a place for you to connect with a small group of Christians for a time of Bible study and fellowship each Sunday morning.

Choose from either age-specific classes or those open to any age. All of them meet at 9:45 a.m. between our two morning worship services.

Start your journey in Origins ClassStart your journey in Origins ClassStart your journey in Origins ClassStart your journey in Origins Class

OriginsOriginsOriginsOrigins————This 6 week class is for visitors or new members and is offered several times a year to provide an introduction to Southern Baptist doctrine and orientation to Inglewood Baptist Church. Helping every member grow in Christ., Pastor Shawn Barnard Pastor Shawn Barnard Pastor Shawn Barnard Pastor Shawn Barnard and Minister of Education, Steve Brown Steve Brown Steve Brown Steve Brown co-teach this class.

Select from these ageSelect from these ageSelect from these ageSelect from these age----specific Sunday morning classesspecific Sunday morning classesspecific Sunday morning classesspecific Sunday morning classes

Devoted:Devoted:Devoted:Devoted: We are a group of young married adults in their 20’s that include newly married, married without children, and married with toddlers. Scott Scott Scott Scott

Jeffries,Jeffries,Jeffries,Jeffries, reference librarian at Dal-las Baptist University, and Brice Brice Brice Brice HesterHesterHesterHester, a local accountant, involve the class in dis-cussion rather than offering a lecture, making the lesion more personal when possible. Rather than consult too

many sources, they seek to keep the freshness of simply looking at a passage and working through it on a personal level.

Connect:Connect:Connect:Connect: We are a group of young married adults in our 30’s some without children and others with children from newborn, to toddler, to early ele-mentary. Jack ThomasJack ThomasJack ThomasJack Thomas and Steve Steve Steve Steve

Brown Brown Brown Brown team teach in alternat-ing months, using the scrip-tures to provide life lessons for young couples. Lessons vary from topical studies like stress, marriage, career to book studies in Scripture. Through interactive and illustrative methods,

Adults learn how scripture relates to their lives and how to build strong families. Jack is retired from Social Security Administration after 38 years where he was the regional training director. Steve Brown serves as Inglewood’s Minister of Education, having served previously in the Air Force.

Scott Jeffries

Brice Hester

Steve Brown

Jack Thomas

Martha: Jeanene DumasMartha: Jeanene DumasMartha: Jeanene DumasMartha: Jeanene Dumas com-bines lecture and discussion to look at how scripture relates to life here and now for 80+ year old women who have a lifetime of journeying with Jesus Christ. She begins class with time for per-sonal visiting that usually leads into the Life Ventures curriculum. Jeanene is a commercial flooring estimator with experience in interior design.

BE REALL: BBE REALL: BBE REALL: BBE REALL: Believers EEEEngaged in in in in RRRRelevant EEEExposition and AAAAnalysis for LLLLearning & LLLLiving.... Our group consists of married adults in their 40’s. We desire to study the Word of God using the Acts 17 model of examining the Scriptures verse by verse with

diligence. The class is led by Rick Barnes Rick Barnes Rick Barnes Rick Barnes who has a local lawn maintenance company.

Older Than Dirt:Older Than Dirt:Older Than Dirt:Older Than Dirt: We are a group of senior men 60 years old and up who want to do it right today by getting into the Word of God and applying God’s Word in daily life. The Lifeway curriculum based study is led by Chris AgnewChris AgnewChris AgnewChris Agnew, a drainage engineer with the City of Grand Prairie.

BYKOTA: BBYKOTA: BBYKOTA: BBYKOTA: Be YYYYe KKKKind OOOOne TTTTo AAAAn-other is a senior adult ladies age 60 and older taught by JamesJamesJamesJames HeffintonHeffintonHeffintonHeffinton, a local restaurant owner. We value studying God’s Word and using our gifts to serve our church and community.

Shawn Barnard

Lydia: Lydia: Lydia: Lydia: We are a group of senior adult ladies age 60 and older. Patricia AndrewsPatricia AndrewsPatricia AndrewsPatricia Andrews stimulates discussion by asking questions, drawing from curriculum resources for Life Ventures provided by Lifeway. She introduces the study as a springboard to the topic being addressed and moves toward a definitive conclusion. Now retired, she was a staff administrator for a legal department.

Hearts at Work: Hearts at Work: Hearts at Work: Hearts at Work: This ladies class offers an interactive lecture, Debbie PecorDebbie PecorDebbie PecorDebbie Pecor connects biblical principles with everyday lives, using Explore the Bible curriculum. She challenges herself and her class to become more Christlike through prayer, personal Bible study, corporate worship, and putting that into action through class mission

activities. She has taught school for 30 years and serves on the board of Brighter Tomorrows Shelter. College and Career: Craig & Kristi SealsCollege and Career: Craig & Kristi SealsCollege and Career: Craig & Kristi SealsCollege and Career: Craig & Kristi Seals lead this class with a 4 part focus; committed to the Word of God; to passionately take the truth of the Gospel to those around us; desire for a prayer centered community and committed to disciple-ship and mentoring of young Christians wishing to grow in their faith. Craig & Kristi are both from Tennessee, and Craig is attending SWBTS pursing his Masters in Divinity.

Jeanene Dumas

Chris Agnew

Craig & Kristi Seals

Rick Barnes

James Heffington

Patricia Andrews

Debbie Pecor

Page 2: Sunday Small Group Info Flyer - Clover provides a place for you to connect with a small group of Christians

Journey Singles: Journey Singles: Journey Singles: Journey Singles: This class addresses specific biblical issues for single adults n depth led by Mike & Trudy Price and Edna Owens. Topics vary from in depth topical studies to working through different books of

the Bible.

MOSAICMOSAICMOSAICMOSAIC————MMMMembers OOOOn SSSSite AAAAct-ing IIIIn CCCChrist: We are a non age-graded group of both adult couples and single parents. T.D. T.D. T.D. T.D. Hollingshead Hollingshead Hollingshead Hollingshead teaches from MasterWork, a Christ-centered Bible study that features a modern perspective from re-

spected Christian authors. T.D. is a local contractor.

Trail Blazers: Don JonesTrail Blazers: Don JonesTrail Blazers: Don JonesTrail Blazers: Don Jones uses an interactive teaching style, drawing from biblical materials while using LifeWay curriculum. He welcomes input from members as they share their opinions, convictions and personal experiences, trying to be transparent himself. He is retired after 36 years as a Southern Baptist missionary in Korea.

BereansBereansBereansBereans————Gary LedbetterGary LedbetterGary LedbetterGary Ledbetter leads an ungraded class of median to older adults using Lifeway’s Explore The Bible curriculum. He offers a verse-by-verse study, encouraging class members to examine and apply scripture. He is an ordained minis-ter, serving Southern Baptists of

Texas Convention.

Classes for a variety of agesClasses for a variety of agesClasses for a variety of agesClasses for a variety of ages

Mike & Trudy Price

T.D. Hollingshead

Don Jones

Gary Ledbetter

B203/204 B205/206 B207 Prayer Room

B209 B212


B213 B216 B217


C208 C210

C202 C201

D217 D216


Breakthru Room


Bunker D204

B107 B108


B109 B110 B111

B103 Library





B121 C110 C109





D110 D111


Guest Services

TAG Tree House

To Virginia Street

Circle Drive

To East


Missions Center


Office Entrance

College and Career B203/204

Hearts at Work B205/206

Journey Singles B209

Bereans B210/211


Connect B216

Devoted B217

Adult Small Groups

1st/2nd Grade C208

3rd/4th Grade C210

5th Grade C201

6th Grade (Bunker) C202

Children’s Ministry Classes

Breakthru Room D204

Jr. High Boys D202

Sr. High Girls D216

Sr. High Boys D217

Jr. High Girls B215

Student Ministry Rooms

Trail Blazers B108



Sr. Adult Dept. B111

Martha B121/120

Lydia B119

Conference Room B106

Older Than Dirt B104/105

Adult Small Groups

Toddlers C101

1 yr. olds C102

Preschool Ministry Classes

2 and 3 yr. olds C108

4 yr. olds C109

Kindergarten C110

TAG Tree House D110/111

Nursery/Bed Babies C105

Inglewood Baptist ChurchInglewood Baptist ChurchInglewood Baptist ChurchInglewood Baptist Church————Facility Map and Small Group GuideFacility Map and Small Group GuideFacility Map and Small Group GuideFacility Map and Small Group Guide

To South Parking

For more information about IBC ministries visit or call 972For more information about IBC ministries visit or call 972For more information about IBC ministries visit or call 972For more information about IBC ministries visit or call 972----264264264264----4264426442644264

First FloorFirst FloorFirst FloorFirst Floor

Second FloorSecond FloorSecond FloorSecond Floor

Origins/Focus Class B212

Preschool Office
