Page 1: Summer enrichment experiences for students on the WIU-QC ... · sufficient curiosity, motivation, achievement level, and maturity to benefit from the program. WIU-QUAD CITIES The

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Summer enrichment experiences for students on the WIU-QC campus

WIU-QC Summer Enrichment Programs July 5-8 & 25-29, 2016Explore Comic Books, Mathematics, or Writing in a Cooperative Learning Environment

GENERAL INFORMATION REGISTRATION: Enrollment is limited; these programs accept only 24 participants. Please register early; students are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. The registration fee is $249 and includes classroom instruction, supplies, lunch, and field trips. Parents who wish to use a payment plan may send a $100 deposit at the time of registration. Full payment is due 30 days before the start of the program.

Register online or mail the attached registration form with check (made payable to Western Illinois University) or credit card information to: Study Abroad & Outreach-HH8, Western Illinois University, 1 University Circle, Macomb, Illinois 61455-1390. You may fax your registration with credit card information to (309) 298-2226. Please duplicate the registration form for additional registrations or register online at

MEDICAL: Students do not qualify for University health care, so parents should check family insurance policies for health and accident coverage.

ADA COMPLIANCE: Western Illinois University is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Please let Study Abroad and Outreach know of any special needs students may have at least two weeks prior to the

program start date. Our toll free number is (866) 933-8964. The office phone number is (309) 298-1911.

REFUND POLICY: Western Illinois University reserves the right to withdraw a program because of unforeseen circumstances or insufficient enrollment. If a program is withdrawn, participants are notified and fees are refunded. A $50 fee is charged participants who cancel within 14 calendar days of the program start date. No refunds will be made after the Wednesday before a program starts.

FURTHER INFORMATION: For further information call Study Abroad and Outreach toll free at (866) 933-8964 or at (309) 298-1911.

Western Illinois University complies with all applicable federal and state nondiscrimination laws, orders, and regulations. The university is an affirmative action and equal opportunity institution and affirms its commitment in all programs and activities to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, national origin, and status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam Era veteran.

Page 2: Summer enrichment experiences for students on the WIU-QC ... · sufficient curiosity, motivation, achievement level, and maturity to benefit from the program. WIU-QUAD CITIES The

WIU-QC Summer Enrichment Programs1. COMIC BOOKS & SUPERHEROESGrades 4-6 • July 5-8Have you ever wanted to write your own comic book or create your own comic book hero? If you have, here’s a wonderful opportunity on the WIU-QC campus to expand your horizons and learn how to create your own comic book.

Sometimes referred to as “graphic novels,” comic books have been a source of enjoyment and entertainment for decades. In recent years, comic book characters and heroes have made a splash on TV and in movies with such hits as “The Walking Dead,” “The Avengers,” “Iron Man,” “Ant Man,” and many others.

This summer, join us as we create group and individual projects which will allow you to explore drawing, as well as working with silk screening and iPads. Participants will leave with several projects including their own comic book and silk screened cape. Field trips include an outing to a book bindery and comic book store. Students are encouraged to bring their own comic books and participate in comic book trading on the last day of the program. Craig Lennon, a Golden Apple recipient, coordinates the instructional portion of the program and is an art instructor at Bettendorf Middle School.

2.YOUNG WRITER’S WORKSHOP: ON THE RIVERGrades 9-11 • July 5-8This four-day camp is for area high school students who love writing and literature. Taking advantage of some of the QC’s most beautiful places, as well as WIU-QC’s beautiful new riverside campus, students will look to the Mississippi River for inspiration as they write poetry, fiction, and journalism about the natural environment. Students will embark on morning nature outings before returning to the classroom to engage in workshops by WIU and area high school faculty. The final results will be featured on the summer camp’s blog.

Nature outings will include a visit to Nahant Marsh, kayaking in Sylvan Slough, a campfire/cook out, and a hike or two in nearby parks. Workshops will focus on reading literature about nature as well as writing creative nonfiction, poetry, and civic journalism. The faculty coordinator for the program is Dan Malachuk, Ph.D., an internationally renowned expert on Thoreau, a Fulbright Scholar, and author.

3. MATH ON THE MISSISSIPPIGrades 5-7 • July 25-29Just because school is out for the summer doesn’t mean students can’t continue learning. Keep your kids involved in learning math and science this summer by enrolling them in “Math on the Mississippi,” a fun and interactive week-long summer

camp at Western Illinois University’s Quad Cities campus. Open to incoming sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students, this program will focus on grade-appropriate mathematics and science concepts relating to the river and surrounding area. Outings and activities include a trip to Lock and Dam 15, building boats and testing their ability to float, shooting water bottle rockets, and much more! The coordinator for the program is Susan Brooks, Ph.D., who received her doctorate from the University of Iowa and is a recipient of the WIU-Quad Cities Core Value Award for Academic Excellence in 2015.

PARTICIPATION CRITERIAGifted status or minimum qualifying scores on standardized tests are not requirements for our programs. Neither are these remedial programs. Participants should have sufficient curiosity, motivation, achievement level, and maturity to benefit from the program.

WIU-QUAD CITIESThe WIU-QC campus is easily accessible from either side of the Mississippi River. Participants will experience WIU-QC’s state of the art classrooms, laboratories, and nearby community resources as part of each individual program. Students will take full advantage of easy access to the Mississippi River, Ben Butterworth Parkway, and other exciting location within minutes of the campus.

The new Western Illinois University-Quad Cities Complex has LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Silver certification and uses a geothermal heating and cooling system, energy-efficient lighting and controls, recycled building materials and finishes, and a vegetative roof system as part of its commitment to sustainability.

SPONSORSWestern Illinois University

School of Distance Learning, International Studies, and OutreachCollege of Arts and SciencesDepartment of EnglishDepartment of MathematicsCollege of Education and Human Services

Army Corps of EngineersNahant Marsh Education Center

For more information about our summer youth programs, visit

REGISTRATION – WIU-QC Summer Enrichment Programs July 5-8 & 25-29, 2016__________________________________________________________________________________Student Name


__________________________________________________________________________________City/State/Zip Code

__________________________________________________________________________________Phone Number (include area code) E-Mail

__________________________________________________________________________________Age Gender Grade as of Jan. 2016

How did you hear about the program? _________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________________________________Title School/City/State

__________________________________________________________________________________Phone Number (include area code) E-Mail

Parent or Guardian1. This student is sufficiently mature to benefit from this program, to observe campus rules, and to live under

supervision in a campus environment.

2. I understand and accept all program policies and conditions as set forth in this brochure.

Parent or Guardian Signature_____________________________________________________________

Parent or Guardian Name (printed) ________________________________________________________

You may register online by visiting

Please make check payable in the amount of $249 to Western Illinois University or pay by credit card:

❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ Discover

__________________________________________________________________________________Card No. Exp. Date CV Code (3 digits)

For More Information: Call the Office of Study Abroad & Outreach at (309) 298-1911.

Scholarship Available

Page 3: Summer enrichment experiences for students on the WIU-QC ... · sufficient curiosity, motivation, achievement level, and maturity to benefit from the program. WIU-QUAD CITIES The

Western Illinois University- Quad Cities

School of Distance Learning, International Studies, and Outreach

Math on the Mississippi



Parent Name __________________________________________________________________________

Participant’s Name _____________________________________________________________________

Current School _______________________________________ Grade _____________ Age _________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________________ State ____________ Zip ___________

Daytime Phone _____________________________________ Evening Phone _____________________

E-mail Address ________________________________________________________________________

School ___________________________________________ Grade _____________ Age ___________

Total monthly income from all sources _____________________________________________________

Number of individuals residing in the household _____________________________________________

Names of Household Members Age Gender Relationship to Applicant

Please attach a separate sheet answering the following questions:

1. Briefly explain your interest in math and how you would like to use it in your future career


2. Briefly explain your need for financial assistance (Please attach proof of total monthly income

with this request for assistance):

I certify that the above information is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I hereby acknowledge that

the information relating to determination of eligibility requires verification and/or documentation, and by

my signature I authorize others to release such information as may be required for the determination of


Signature of Applicant __________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________________________________

Please mail completed application form and proof of

income to Study Abroad & Outreach-HH8, Western

Illinois University, 1 University Circle, Macomb, IL

61455-1390. For further information, please contact

the Office of Study Abroad & Outreach by phone at

309-298-1911 or by e-mail at [email protected].


