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  • 8/6/2019 Summary Paca Vilcanota




    The people of the Cusco region experienced floods one year and a half ago. At the Sacred Valley, in

    a town called Urubamba, on January 25 th an entire community with 86 families since then just

    had once support from the council, but after that were totally forgotten. A project to rebuild the

    houses and a barrier near the river needs to be arranged. This people lost their houses, their

    commercial activities and the small children the primary school.

    What is the issue, problem, or challenge?

    The Peruvian government has declared a state of emergency. But just for the tourists. To rescue

    them from Machu Pichu by airplane.And unfortanely most of the communities in the Sacred Valley

    were forgotten. As they still live in tents, and some in temporary housesthat they builded with the

    rest of the destroyed ones, health and psychological conditions are getting lower.

    How will this project solve this problem?

    Me, Joana Martins decided to help this community. And as Im not part of any NGO, and this

    situation needs to be solved until the rainy season, Im here asking for external help. At this

    moment they already have clothes, donated by hostels but all the rest as the basic conditions as

    food, clinical support, construction material or money to build the houses dont. I hope we will

    concentrate our efforts in this project to help the people of the PacaVilcanota region.When the

    founds to rebuild are done, the community will build all the houses by themselves and with

    volunteers from an youth exchange program.

    Potential Long Term Impact

    Bringing much needed supplies to the region in this time of need will save them and help re-

    establish the local support as medicine, food and construction material. Malaria will be a huge

    concern, not only for locals but for travelers through the region.

  • 8/6/2019 Summary Paca Vilcanota


    Project Message

    In the last 20 years, the river wasnt so high.We are afraid the next year can happen the same if

    we are not well protected.

    Celestino, PacaVilcanota Community.

    Funding Information

    Total Funding Goal: (Ecological Construction: houses rebuilding halfadobes, half bricks) :

    470,000 soles / 115,435 euros /102,777 gbp/ 169,003 usd/ 157,249 aususd

    Total Funding Goal : ( river barrier) : 129,600soles / 31,828 euros / 28,341 gbp / 46,601usd/

    43,361 aususd

    Total Funding Goal : ( primary school for the kids) : 28,000 soles / 6,877 euros / 6,122 gbp/ 10,068usd/ 9,368 aususd

    TOTAL: 627,600 soles / 150,4,147 euros/137,231 gbp /225,674 usd/209,963 aususd

    Additional Documentation

    - 36 families;- An average of 5 persons each family- Ages average : 2 108

    Extra Needs

    I also look for a sponsor for bicycles, so some of the kids dont need to walk 2 hours to the

    next school as they dont have any money to support the transportation. And people to

    teach them and show them how to fix the bikes.I also look for institutions interested in

    internships like youth exchanges and arts and crafts material.

    NOTE:It is really important to start this project as soon as we can, as know its the dry

    season. Until December all the houses must be rebuilded.
