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Summary Financial Reviewfor the year ended 31 March 2015

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Chair and Chief Executive’s Statement ___________________________________________________________

We’re very proud of what Vista has achieved this year.

Last year we started a series of changes to ensure that Vista is a sustainable organisation with a bright future. This year we’ve built on this firm foundation and grown in a period of austerity, and we will accelerate that growth in the coming year.

This growth is built upon our Strategic Direction, which was created in partnership with the people who use, or could use the services we provide. What they told us was that we should focus on just three things; promoting eye health, reducing the impact of sight loss, and supporting and caring for people with sight loss, and that is exactly what we’ve done.

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This year we worked in partnership with Novartis to promote eye health around the particular issue of wet age related macular degeneration, using roadshow events, and coverage in press and on the radio.

To reduce the impact of sight loss, we’ve extended our family support service, enlarged our befriending service and continued to fund social groups and community based learning.

In supporting and caring for people, we have also added to the New Wycliffe Home. It’s already a fantastic residential home, but we have built a new extension that provides a specialist wing for people with sight loss and dementia. In doing this, Vista has established a model that the Department of Health recognises as leading the way, and is a national Beacon of best practice. Not bad for a local charity!

This year we also secured £5 million of Big Lottery Funding that we will use to fund organisations working across the diverse communities of Leicester City, increasing our reach into communities where we currently have only the lightest of presences.

This has been a hugely successful year and whilst we know that next year will bring challenges, we also know that we have great plans, great staff and great volunteers who will continue to work to improve the lives of people with sight loss, and for that we can be very grateful.

Sue Disley Paul BottChair Chief Executive

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Who we are___________________________________________________________ Vista is the leading provider of services to people with sight loss in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We have three areas of activity:

� Promoting eye health to prevent sight loss � Reducing the impact of sight loss � Providing support and care for people with sight loss

2014/15 Highlights

Over 2,500 people contacted Vista’s helpline.

12,684 hours of rehabilitation support was provided to help people with sight loss develop new skills and make the best use of their remaining sight.

9,749 hours of support through social groups, which provide real human contact to people who are the most socially isolated members of our communities.

174 people attended visual impairment awareness training.

6,345 people supported in hospitals providing advice and emotional support at the point of diagnosis.

398 children supported in schools, homes and in the communities in which they live.

More than 240,000 hours of care delivered in our residential homes.

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Our Achievements___________________________________________________________

Our aim:To promote eye health through education programmes and involvement with schools, communities and health professionals.

How we did: � We continue to be actively involved in the Local

Professional Network for Eye Health, led by the Clinical Commissioning Group with input from Eye Health specialists from across Leicestershire and Lincolnshire.

� We worked with Novartis, staging a week of events and media coverage on wet age related macular degeneration to raise awareness of the importance of immediate action.

� We worked in each of the seven eye clinics in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to provide essential information, advice and emotional support to adults, children and their families.

� Our dedicated telephone helpline enabled us to reach 2,643 people, providing much needed advice, support and reassurance.

� We rolled out our Mobile Support Service. In the coming year this will reach 139 of the most rural locations in Leicestershire and Rutland, ensuring that everyone can have access to sight loss services locally.

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Our aim:To reduce the impact of sight loss through the provision of support to people at the point of diagnosis and through supporting the development of new skills to aid with daily living.

How we did: � Our successful deafblind reablement service supported

people to maintain their independence and communicate effectively. Our guide communication service is still in high demand amongst people with personal budgets.

� We provided 12,684 hours of specialist rehabilitation, helping people with sight loss regain their independence, from learning the safest way to make a cup of tea, to developing the confidence to go out and about or use a long cane.

� We adapted people’s homes to make everyday tasks, such as using the washing machine, cooking a meal or controlling the thermostat, that little bit easier, and provided specialist technology to help with daily living.

� Our children’s rehabilitation team successfully delivered orientation, mobility, rehabilitation and life skills services for 398 children with sight loss.

� Our Low Vision Clinic, run in conjunction with Leicester Royal Infirmary and the Clinical Commissioning Group, helped people to make the most of the sight they have. Now based at our flagship store in Leicester City Centre, the clinic hosted 466 appointments last year.

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� Vista remains one of the largest providers of talking newspapers in the UK, distributing 61,984 copies. We continue to use volunteer readers, including volunteers from Gartree Prison, recording publications in English and local community languages.

Our aim:To support and care for people with sight loss including children, young people, working age adults, adults with learning disabilities and older people including those with dementia.

How we did: � Social groups continued to form a key part of our

service, supporting friendships and ensuring that some of the most isolated people in our communities were able to experience real human contact.

� Our year-long activity programme for children included iCAN driving experiences, creation pottery sessions, horse-riding and pony care team building sessions, and a residential holiday at PGL in Liddington. We supported children, including those with sight loss and complex needs, by building confidence and creating life-enriching adventures that would otherwise be out of reach.

� We extended our Family Support Service, which supports families in hospitals at the point of diagnosis, and families at times of crisis, and follows this up with home visits and introductions to parent networks. It also includes music therapy for families with complex needs, and stay and play sessions for the whole family.

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� Our experienced deafblind team have enabled people to remain an integral part of their community. In addition to meeting the needs of individuals, the team has taught family members these communication methods.

� Our residential homes for older people, New Wycliffe Home and Kathleen Rutland Home, continue to offer high quality, person centred care. This year has seen the opening of a new Dementia Lounge and Garden at our New Wycliffe Home, which has been widely publicised and has served to be an innovative approach to caring for those at all stages of the condition.

� Our residential homes for people with a sight loss and a learning disability, Applegarth and Simmins Crescent, continue to be highly regarded by the people who live there, families and carers, and professionals involved in the homes.

Our business aims: � Improve the sustainability of Vista, so that we

can support people today and into the future.

� Develop the profile of Vista, so that more people know about the services we provide, to increase the numbers of people accessing services and the number of people willing to donate and volunteer.

� Engage our people, so that we benefit from the strengths they bring in their diversity.

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How we did: � Our partnership with Novartis and Leicester’s hospitals

delivered a week long media campaign to raise awareness of wet age related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the country.

� We launched our city centre store last year and have used the meeting space to host information days, demonstration events and a photographic exhibition by renowned blind photographer Brian Negus. We used this event to launch our photography programme for children and young people with sight loss. We invited families to the exhibition launch, and gave away cameras to children and young people to spark a lifelong interest in photography.

� We generated newsworthy stories, engaged local MPs, supported local campaigns and raised awareness of important issues that affect people with sight loss. This resulted in coverage in local press, local and national radio and on regional TV news.

� We held staff conferences, staff forums and a visual impairment forum. We undertook an effective campaign to ensure that when Leicestershire County Council was making £120 million of cuts the voices of people with sight loss were heard.

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The Years Ahead___________________________________________________________

We have worked closely with people with sight loss, their families and our staff to develop a new strategic direction for Vista, focusing on how we can deliver on our aims of promoting eye health, reducing the impact of sight loss and support and care for people with sight loss.

This strategic direction focuses on supporting local people, tackling loneliness and isolation, promoting quality and being here for the long term. Work is already underway to deliver on the promises we have set.

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Financial Highlights___________________________________________________________

Income and ExpenditureOur total income for the year amounted to £5,777,000. We successfully maintained the income we received for most aspects of our operational activities. After total expenditure of £5,660,000 the net incoming resources for the year amounted to £117,000 (2014: £361,000).

The key operational measure of the charity’s financial operational performance is the net result on unrestricted funds, as stated before deduction of past service pension costs. In the current year this amounted to a net surplus of £112,000 (2014: £73,000) which represents continued steady progress towards ensuring Vista’s ongoing financial sustainability.

As a result of the calculations of the respective actuaries for our two final salary pension schemes the total balance sheet liabilities have increased by £298,000. This is in addition to the actual cash cost expended during the year of £135,000. The risks and financial commitments associated with the two final salary schemes continue to be managed as actively as possible.

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Total Funds and ReservesAfter recognition of the total movement in funds of £22,000 the net reserves of the Charity are £5.5 million. Of this £2,568,000 is tied up in fixed assets, namely land, buildings and equipment that we need to deliver our services, primarily our four residential homes. Restricted funds of £395,000 are limited to activities specified by our donors.

A Development fund of £1,655,000 has been set aside for approved future investments as part of Vista’s Strategic Direction. These reserves are not considered as available to the charity for any other purpose than those which they were designated for.

The Trustees have set aside sufficient funds of £884,000 necessary for day to day working capital and to cover potential identifiable financial risks in accordance with Charity Commission recommendations and guidance. This represents two months of Vista’s operating costs.

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Summarised Statement of Financial Activities for the year ended 31 March 2015___________________________________________________________

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Net incomeLoss on sale of investment propertyGains on investment assetsActuarial losses on defined benefit pension schemesNet movement in fundsFund balances brought forward at 1 April 2014 Fund balances carried forward at 31 March 2015



(386) (22)

5,524 5,502


361 -



A full copy of the annual report and financial statements for 2014/2015 is available upon request.

Income 2015 (£000’s)Voluntary income - 295Retail trading - 83Investment & other income - 207Residential services - 3,967Community services - 1,156Leicester Ageing Together - 69

Total income - 5,777

Expenditure 2015 (£000’s)Fundraising costs - 137Retail trading costs - 160Investment management & other costs - 51Residential services - 3,881Community services - 1,266Leicester Ageing Together - 84Governance costs - 28Past service pension costs - 53

Total expenditure - 5,660

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Vista’s family support officer has been brilliant, and has shown us the wide range of services the charity has to offer to young people. It’s really encouraging to know that Vista will be there, helping Max as he gets older, and it’s great to see the opportunities that will be available to him in the future.

Rob, Max’s Dad

I contacted Vista in 2009, and was matched with a Befriender… just a coffee and a chat made such a difference. We now organise trips and outings with other visually impaired people, and it has changed the way I live. Vista’s Befriending is a vital service, it really can improve someone’s life.


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Our Mobile Support Service is touring Leicestershire and Rutland, providing information, support and advice.

The mobile unit features a welcome area, leaflet display and seating area for individual consultation and support. Our friendly staff are on board offering free advice about reducing the risk of sight loss, as well as the support and services available through Vista. The team are also on hand to demonstrate equipment and assistive technologies designed for people with sight loss.

Come along to one of our visits - for a full list of dates and locations, visit

Are you looking after your eyes?We’re here to help.___________________________________________________________

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For more information about how we can help, please contact

VistaVista House1A Salisbury RoadLeicesterLE1 7QR

T 0116 249 8839E [email protected] charity number 218992

If you require the information in this booklet in an alternative format (e.g. large print, audio or Braille) please contact Vista on 0116 249 0909.

Vista is the working name of The Royal Leicestershire, Rutland and Wycliffe Society for the Blind.
