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Page 1: Suicide English3

Suicide caused by Bullying and Rumors

By: Kelsey Williams, Alaina Urban, and Maria George.

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West Senior v.s The Real World


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Rumors at West Have you ever had a rumor spread about you?

22/30 students said yes and 8/30 said no.

Have you ever started a rumor about someone?

10/30 people said yes and 20/30 said no.

Have you ever helped keep a rumor going?

25/30 said yes and 5/30 yes no.

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Rumors• Females usually have

rumors and sexual comments.

• Rumors can be spread by anyone and can be twisted through spreading.

• They can be about anything.

• Sometimes they are not true.

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Bullying at West

Have you ever bullied anyone? 15/30 said yes and 15/30 said no

Have you ever been bullied? 21/30 said yes and 9/30 said no.

Have you ever stopped it when you seen it? 21/30 said yes and 9/30 said no.

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Causes and types of bullying

Bullying leads to absences from school, poor performance, depression, social anxiety, decreased self esteem, anger, and sadness.

Physical Verbal Emotionally Sexual Racial

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Bullying Statistics 16% of U.S children say they

have been bullied.

6% say they have been bullies and bullied others

13% say they had not been bullies, but bullied others.

30% of U.S youth have been involved in bullying.

Males usually hit, slap or push.

Girls usually spread rumors or gang up on the other girl.

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Do you know anyone who has committed suicide?

7/30 said yes and 23/30 said no.

If you ever had a rumor spread about you, did you ever think about killing yourself? 2/30 said yes and 28/30 said no.

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Causes of Suicide Family life:

Parents not around Divorce Loss of parent Addicting to drugs.

Drugs and alcohol Grades and school Emotions:

Stress Self-doubt Pressure

Bullying Rumors

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Suicide Statistics 27% have thought

about attempting suicide.

16% have detailed plans

20% of sample attempted suicides were bullied, 3% were not.

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WSW & the Real World v.s Twisted


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Rumors• Rumors that occur in the book can also

happen to kids in the real world.

• A Rumor in the book: Tyler took the pictures.– Happened in school.

• Where most sources of real life rumors occur: School.

– Which is what happened in the book.

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Bullying• Tyler was bullied before he became tough and

he was bullied after the incident with Bethany.

• Kids at school and outside of school are also bullied the way Tyler was.

• People have gotten jumped before because of rumors just like Tyler did.

• Bullying doesn’t happen just in books, it can be happening all around you.

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Suicide• Kids have committed suicide because they were bullied for a long period of time and had rumors spread about them that wouldn’t go


• Tyler thought about committing suicide.

• What Tyler thought of doing in the book is what actually kids think of doing when put

through horrible experiences.

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• In the book, Tyler was being bullied, had rumors spread about him, and even wanted to

commit suicide.

• In the real world, Things like this happen all the time. It may not necessarily happen in

ours, but it still occurs.

• Books and the real world can be very similar sometimes. Just like Twisted.

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Work Cited

• “Juvenile of Bullying.” The Prevention Research. 22 Dec. 2009.

• Amanda. “Effects of School Bullying.”In My Opinion. 22 Dec. 2009.

• “The Long Term Effects of Bullying.” Mental 22 Dec. 2009.

• “What are the Forms of Buyyling?” Counseing Corner. 22 Dec. 2009.
