
Study the map and locate Israel, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Brazil, Egypt, China, Japan, North Korea, Mexico,

India, Australia, Russia, Washington, D.C.Students will be called up randomly.

WH AP Nine Week Exam Review

Mr. Wyka’s AP World History

1. Feudal states arose in both Europe and China directly as a result of a. the decline of the Roman and Byzantine

Empiresb. the fragmentation of central government

unitsc.poor living and unsanitary conditions in

larger towns and citiesd.the rise of the Abe Froman Sausage franchise.d. economic changes brought about by new


On Christmas day, 800 C.E., Pope Leo III crowned this man emperor.


Charlemagne instructing his son, Louis the Pious

What does Charlemagne mean?

Charles the Great or Carolus Magnus

Charlemagne was the king of what Germanic people?

The Franks

The tributary system was a practice in which

a. the Chinese emperor traveled to foreign countries to pledge his allegiance to them.

b. countries acknowledged the supremacy of the emperor based in China.

c. the emperor made an annual trip down the Grand Canal.

d. the emperor made a pilgrimage to please the gods and the ancient ancestors.

e. Buddhist monks blessed the Emperor and royal court.

What is the name of the rhythmic wind patterns in the

Indian Ocean basin


The self-sufficient economic system that developed in Western Europe during the time period 600 to 1450 is known as

a. Industrialization.b. Mercantilism.c. Manorialism.d. Capitalism.e. Communism.

Ploughing on a French ducal manor in MarchLes Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, c.1410.

Manorialism was the organizing principle of rural economy in medieval Europe and an essential element of feudal society.

Hindu subcastes, similar to trade guilds, that assumed much of the

responsibility for maintaining social order in India.


A fief was a

a. grant of land

b. outlaw

c. church office

d. code of laws

e. traveling musician

Troubadours, traveling poet – musicians of Medieval Europe

Which of the following is true of commerce in the Indian Ocean during the time period 1000-1450?

a. Chinese merchants dominated the trade routes of the Indian Ocean.

b. There was very little commercial activity in the Indian Ocean.

c. Merchants from Europe dominated the trade routes of the Indian Ocean.

d. Following the rise of the Mongols during the thirteenth century, the volume of Indian Ocean commerce fell sharply.

e. Indian Ocean commerce flourished and was conducted by a mixture of Asian, Middle Eastern, and East African merchants.

The bodhisattva is associated with what religion?


Bodhisattava Avalokitesvara

Chinese system during the Tang dynasty in which the goal was to

ensure an equitable distribution of land.

a. Hangzhou system.

b. Tang Taizong system.

c. kowtow system.

d. equal-field system.

e. new economic plan.

Which of the following was NOT an external influence on Japan?

a. Confucianism and an all-powerful emperor

b. The Bushido samurai code of honor.

c. Buddhism.

d. Chinese-style conscript (drafted) army.

e. The use of Chinese written characters.

Japanese Samurai warrior, 1860.

•Taken 7 years after this American admiral forced Japan out of it’s isolation.


•Admiral Matthew Perry

After Meccan leaders felt threatened by his popularity, Muhammad fled Mecca; his flight was known as the

a. Jihad.b. Hijrah.c. Jinn.d. Hajj. e. Hadith.

The term “samurai” describes men in feudal Japan who were most like the men in feudal Europe known as

a. lords of the manor.

b. Catholic bishops.

c. serfs.

d. knights.

e. merchants.

The chief virtue in Feudal society was

a. charity toward one’s neighbor

b. skill at arms

c. loyalty to one’s lord

d. skill at farming

e. patience

Disagreements in the umma arose over

a. the successor to Muhammad.

b. the meaning of Muhammad’s revelations.

c. the location of the capital of the empire.

d. the best invasion route into North Africa.

These disagreements about succession (who should be caliph) gave rise to what two branches of


Sunni & Shia (Shi’ite)

Which of the following statements about the Mongol Empire of the thirteenth century is true?

a. The invasion of Japan was attempted but was unsuccessful.

b. The number of Buddhists and Muslims in Asia dropped significantly as a result of Mongol persecution.

c. In China the Mongols ruled under the Mandate of Heaven.

d. The Mongols conquered Constantinople.e. Ibn Battuta’s writings described, in detail, life in

the elaborate court of Genghis Khan.

Mongol invasion of Japan, 1281

Which of the following statements regarding the tenets (beliefs) of Islam is accurate?

a. Islam is a monotheistic religion.b. Muslims worship Muhammad.c. Pilgrimage to Mecca commemorates the

birth of Muhammad.d. The Quran is meant to supplement

Jewish and Christian scripture.e. Friday is an obligatory day of rest for


This picture is a symbol of what religion?

• Buddhism

Who did the Tang blame most for growing instability in the Empire?

a. Buddhists

b. Confucians

c. Christians

d. Women

e. Mongols

The Tang Dynasty, 618-907

During the Song period, women experienced subordination and social restriction epitomized by

a. an increase in voting rights.

b. widow burning.

c. veiling.

d. foot binding.

e. an increase in the ability to gain a divorce.

Which was NOT true regarding the relationship between vassal, lord, and king?

a. A lord’s manor was the effective source of government and justice in most areas.

b. Land was granted in return for taxes.

c. Kings granted land to vassals, who granted it to their own vassals.

d. Vassals could hold land from one or more lord and swear loyalty to each.

e. Vassals promised military support for kings in exchange for a fief.

In medieval Europe, agricultural workers who belonged to the manor and were obligated to the lord were

a. Indentured servants.

b. serfs.

c. nobles.

d. bailiffs.

e. fiefs

During the Medieval Age, the sole institution claiming jurisdiction over a large segment of the European population was

a. the Kievan Rus czar.

b. the Christian Church.

c. Roman military legions.

d. the Islamic Caliphate.

e. the university system.

In the Byzantine Empire, Caesaropapism was the

a. combination of powers of the king and religious leader.

b. Byzantine refusal to follow the Roman pope.

c. church’s lack of political power.

d. end of Roman imperial rule and influence

The name of the Hebrew God.


The largest empire of all time was created by the

• Mongols

Women in Mesopotamian society

a. had a lower status than women in Paleolithic hunter-gatherer society

b. were equal to men

c. had a greater status than men

d. could move up in social status through hard work

Tents used by nomadic Mongols were called

• Yurts

The rock and pillar edicts were created by

a. Kautalya.

b. b. Harsha.

c. Hammurabi.

d. Chandragupta Maurya.

e. Ashoka.

f. Abe Froman

Which culture would you associate with the picture?

China. This is a model of a Chinese Junk.

Who was the European explorer who spent twenty years at the

court of Kublai Khan?

Marco Polo

To succeed on the 9 week exam

• Study the reviews
