Page 1: Study In 1 Samuel. Samuel’s Farewell Chapter 12v1-25

Study In1 Samuel

Page 2: Study In 1 Samuel. Samuel’s Farewell Chapter 12v1-25

Samuel’s Farewell

Chapter 12v1-25

Page 3: Study In 1 Samuel. Samuel’s Farewell Chapter 12v1-25

IntroductionIn our last study we saw that the Israelite's victory over the Ammonites helped to confirm Saul as king. Israel gathered to Gilgal for that very purpose - it was party time! But Samuel, who was developing a bit of a reputation for being a party pooper, used the occasion to make a valedictory address to Israel.

Page 4: Study In 1 Samuel. Samuel’s Farewell Chapter 12v1-25

Samuel’s SermonIn his address Samuel reviews his own life and God's faithfulness. His speech doesn't smack of sour grapes produced by rejection but displays an on-going concern for Israel's well-being.

In Samuel’s view Israel had made a big mistake. But he was not the kind of man to wait for them to mess things up and then leer triumphalistically, "Didn't I tell you this kind of thing would happen."

He is still determined to point them in the right direction and to help them to make the best of their new situation. His words are a mixture of personal testimony, challenge, counsel and warning.

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Samuel’s SermonIsrael listened, for although they had rejected Samuel and his spiritual leadership they still recognised the spiritual strength of this spiritual giant who had reinstated the ministry of the word of God in the land.

They also listened because they sensed that Samuel truly cared for them. You can get away with a great deal when people see that you care for them.

The new situation in Israel was of her own making v11… We surround ourselves with the consequences of decisions that we have made. Its important to see that.

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Samuel’s SermonSamuel first draws attention to his own moral integrity. Samuel's open walk with God out in the light had been the secret of his spiritual usefulness! He knew that nothing drains the believer’s witness of its power and credibility so much as a lack of integrity.

Contrast this with other spheres of work. One can be an immoral lecher like Wagner and still remain a great composer, or a noted playboy like Shelly and still remain a great poet.

Despite Samuel's integrity, Israel had insisted upon change. Would the new style of leadership prove to be as faithful and committed to their welfare as he had been? Rejecting God's messenger is only a step away from rejecting God and sometimes not even a step!

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Samuel’s SermonSamuel then reviews the faithfulness of Yahweh in v6ff.. But he is now, "the forgotten God". The God who had constantly been their help and had appointed deliverers to suit their particular needs and circumstances. [This had particularly been the case in the history recorded in the book of Judges]. Israel failed to be grateful!

Human nature tends to take the credit for success that rightly belongs to God. Israel is challenged to recognise that all that they were and had as a nation had come from God.

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Samuel’s SermonEven at this stage in her history the possibility of blessing is extended to Israel v14ff… The formula is a simple one: Obedience brings blessing.

Our attention is also drawn to the solidarity that is created between the king and nation. The leader sets the pattern for his people. The kings of Israel would be responsible for setting the nation's spiritual tone.

This sermon of Samuel’s receives a divine AMEN in v18.

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God’s SignSuch was Israel’s spiritual insensitivity that they needed a dramatic sign to attest the truthfulness of Samuel's words. Thunder and rain were unknown at that time of the year! Some have seen great significance in God's choice of this sign. A terrible downpour of rain at harvest time would ruin a great part of the harvest and result in severe economic consequences. At this crucial juncture in their history they are reminded that their hope for the future lies in the hand of God.

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God’s SignThe gut reaction of the people towards their folly in replacing the theocracy with a monarchy is one of wild panic. They stand in awe of God and ask Samuel for his prayers.

They seem penitent. But the ‘holiness’ that is produced by thunderstorms can soon evaporate as soon as the skies begin to clear. However, the Israelites do seem to realise that their present predicament stems from past foolish decisions.

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Ministering To FearNotice that Samuel does not make light of their sin. It is never wise to do that in an attempt to bring comfort to those who are smarting under an accusing conscience. But at the same time Samuel refuses to allow them to be overwhelmed by despair and so remain prisoners of their past.

Samuel is a realist and encourages Israel to face the new circumstances they have created with a new commitment to obedience to God.

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Ministering To FearThe two great encouragements Samuel extends to Israel are first, the fact of God's faithfulness in v22…, God is greater than any and all of our failures and when he begins to work in us as individuals and as congregations of his people he continues to do so until his objective is reached. cf. 1Thes.5.23-24.

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it”

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Ministering To FearThe second encouragement that Samuel extends to Israel is his continued commitment to pray for them v23. Despite being rejected by Israel and replaced by a new style of leadership, Samuel prays!!! Here is a mark of mature spirituality.

How determined are we to continue to pray for someone once we have been convinced that they have done something that is against God's will? Do we begin to loose interest at that point? Not Samuel! He continues to teach, counsel, advise and pray for this people because he loves them.