Page 1: Strategies to capture the interests of your Audience

To Dr. Ahmed FahmyPresented By :Mahmoud Nasa

Strategies to capture Interests Of Your Audience


Page 2: Strategies to capture the interests of your Audience

Business Communication Course


Page 3: Strategies to capture the interests of your Audience

Starting a presentation with a strong opening is just as useful. A good opening will get, and keep, the audience's attention. More than that, it will also prepare the audience to understand your topic.

Open a speech with power


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Start your speech with a question.

• A question automatically gets the audience thinking of an answer. It is important to choose an interesting question that also leads in to your topic effectively.

• You could ask something that challenges the audience


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Gets the audience thinking!

• if your topic has to do with job interviewing techniques, you might not ask "Are you satisfied with your job?". Instead, a question such as "What would you do if you lost your job tomorrow?". That really gets the audience thinking!


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Start your speech with an interesting fact or surprising statistic.

• Do a little research on your topic and you will uncover some information that you can use in your speech.

• Example• you could begin by telling your audience that

"the average person changes career 5 times during their lifetime". That will get the audience thinking about their own experiences


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Storytelling.•  Tell an interesting story that your

presentation. “Facts tell and stories sell.”

Stories hook audiences from the start. Share a unique story to hold their attention and make sure to tie it into your presentation.


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 Ask your audience to participate. Play a game, solve a puzzle, or perform an exercise. Avoid telling your audience everything. Let them learn through trial and error. Give your group an exercise and ask what worked and what did not.


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Surprise. Say, show or do something that is shocking or unexpected. It can be as simple as a loud noise (a clap or a few notes of music) or an odd picture added to the slide deck. The purpose is to reengage the audience’s brain.


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Keep your audience guessingHold their brains off balance by feeding bits of information as opposed to revealing your point early.

Build a graphic slide by slide, briefly speak to each part and keep your point is revealed in the end.


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Use a powerful quotes.“The beginning is the most important part of the work.”—Plato“No audience ever complained about a presentation or speech being too short”

“In presentations or speeches less really is more” 


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“Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance” 

“The audience are likely to remember only three things from your presentation or speech”  by : Stephen Keague,


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Write clear headlines.

• Write headlines for your slides that express a point of view.

• The audience will get the big idea and look at the body of the slide for evidence that supports your point.


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Keep it short.• Stop talking before they stop listening.

The mind cannot absorb what the behind cannot endure.



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Use a creative visual aid.

Show a gripping photo.“ A picture is worth a thousand words”

Play a short video.“Videos evoke emotional responses,”


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Memorable Conclusions Ending your speech in such ways is a big missed opportunity! Most people forget the main points of a speech. How will they remember your message? They key is to end with a good conclusion.•Give a very general summary of your speech•End by emphasizing the main point•End your speech with a "call to action


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summary1. Start your speech with a question.2. Gets the audience thinking!3. Start your speech with an interesting fact or statistic.4. Storytelling5. Involve.6. Surprise.7. Keep your audience guessing8. Use a powerful quote.9. Write clear headlines.10.Keep it short.11.Use a creative visual aid.12.Memorable Conclusions


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Now the Mic waiting for you


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