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Story Forest: Extracting Events and Telling Stories from

Breaking News

BANG LIU, FRED X. HAN, DI NIU, and LINGLONG KONG, University of Alberta

KUNFENG LAI and YU XU, Tencent

Extracting events accurately from vast news corpora and organize events logically is critical for news apps

and search engines, which aim to organize news information collected from the Internet and present it to

users in the most sensible forms. Intuitively speaking, an event is a group of news documents that report the

same news incident possibly in different ways. In this article, we describe our experience of implementing a

news content organization system at Tencent to discover events from vast streams of breaking news and to

evolve news story structures in an online fashion. Our real-world system faces unique challenges in contrast

to previous studies on topic detection and tracking (TDT) and event timeline or graph generation, in that we

(1) need to accurately and quickly extract distinguishable events from massive streams of long text documents,

and (2) must develop the structures of event stories in an online manner, in order to guarantee a consistent

user viewing experience. In solving these challenges, we propose Story Forest, a set of online schemes that

automatically clusters streaming documents into events, while connecting related events in growing trees to

tell evolving stories. A core novelty of our Story Forest system is EventX, a semi-supervised scheme to extract

events from massive Internet news corpora. EventX relies on a two-layered, graph-based clustering procedure

to group documents into fine-grained events. We conducted extensive evaluations based on (1) 60 GB of real-

world Chinese news data, (2) a large Chinese Internet news dataset that contains 11,748 news articles with

truth event labels, and (3) the 20 News Groups English dataset, through detailed pilot user experience studies.

The results demonstrate the superior capabilities of Story Forest to accurately identify events and organize

news text into a logical structure that is appealing to human readers.

CCS Concepts: • Information systems → Clustering; Data stream mining; Document topic models; •

Computing methodologies → Natural language processing; Semi-supervised learning settings;

Additional Key Words and Phrases: Story forest, EventX, document clustering, news articles organization,

community detection

ACM Reference format:

Bang Liu, Fred X. Han, Di Niu, Linglong Kong, Kunfeng Lai, and Yu Xu. 2020. Story Forest: Extracting Events

and Telling Stories from Breaking News. ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data 14, 3, Article 31 (May 2020), 28


Authors’ addresses: B. Liu and F. X. Han, 4359 Annett Common SW, Edmonton, AB, T6W 2V6; emails: {bang3,

xuefei1}; D. Niu, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta Edmonton, Al-

berta, Canada T6G 1H9; email: [email protected]; L. Kong, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University

of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2G1; email: [email protected]; K. Lai and Y. Xu, Tencent, Platform and Con-

tent (Business) Group, 10000 Shennan Ave, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, 518057; emails: {calvinlai,


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ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Vol. 14, No. 3, Article 31. Publication date: May 2020.

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With information explosion in a fast-paced modern society, tremendous volumes of news articlesare constantly being generated on the Internet by different media providers, e.g., Yahoo! News,Tencent News, CNN, BBC, and the like. In the meantime, it becomes increasingly difficult for av-erage readers to digest the huge volumes of daily news articles, which may cover diverse topicsand contain redundant or overlapping information. Many news app users have the common ex-perience that they are overwhelmed by highly redundant information about a number of ongoinghot events, while still being unable to get information about the events they are truly interestedin. Furthermore, search engines perform document retrieval from large corpora based on user-entered queries. However, they do not provide a natural way for users to view trending topics orbreaking news.

An emerging alternative way to visualize news corpora without pre-specified queries is to orga-nize and present news articles through event timelines [38, 41], event threads [24], event evolutiongraphs [42], or information maps [33, 34, 39]. All of these approaches require the extraction of con-ceptually clean events from a large number of messy news documents, which involves automatedevent extraction and visualization as a crucial step toward intelligent news systems. However, fewexisting news information organization techniques successfully achieve this goal due to severalreasons:

First of all, prior research on topic detection and tracking (TDT) [2] as well as text clustering[1, 18] mainly focused on grouping related documents into topics—it is much harder to clusterarticles by events, where articles depicting the same event should be grouped together, since thenumber of events that occur daily in the real world is unpredictable. As a result, we cannot usesome of the popular clustering algorithms, e.g., K-means, that require predefining the number ofclusters, to extract events. In addition, the sizes of event clusters are highly skewed, because hotevents may be extensively discussed by tens or even hundreds of news articles on the Internet. Incontrast, regular events will be reported by only a few or even one article. These single-documentevents, however, constitute the majority of daily news collections, and should also be accuratelydiscovered to appeal to the diverse interests of readers.

Second, many recently proposed event graphs or information maps try to link events in anevolution graph [42] or permitting intertwining branches in the information map [34]. However,we would like to argue that such overly complex graph structures do not make it easy for users toquickly visualize and understand news data. In fact, most breaking news follows a much simplerstoryline. Using complex graphs to represent breaking news may complicate and even blur thestory structure.

Third, most existing event time-line or event graph generation schemes are based on offline op-timization over the entire news corpora. However, for an automated event extraction system thataids the visualization of breaking news, it is desirable to “grow” the stories in an online fashion asnews articles are published, without disrupting or restructuring the previously generated story-lines. On one hand, given the vast amount of daily news data, incremental and online computationwill incur less computation overhead by avoiding repeated processing of older documents. On theother hand, an online scheme can deliver a consistent story development structure to users, sothat users can quickly follow newly trending events.

In this article, we propose the Story Forest, a novel news organization system that addressesthe aforementioned challenges. To extract conceptually clean events, each of which is essentiallya cluster of news documents describing the same physical breaking news event, Story Forestincorporates a novel, semi-supervised, two-layered document clustering procedure that lever-ages a wide range of feature engineering and machine-learning techniques, including keyword

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Story Forest: Extracting Events and Telling Stories from Breaking News 31:3

extraction, community detection, and graph-based clustering. We call this clustering procedureEventX. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first document clustering scheme specially tailoredfor event extraction among breaking news documents in the open domain.

We start with the observation that documents focusing on the same topic usually contain over-lapping keywords. Therefore, in the first layer of the clustering procedure in EventX, we utilizea classifier trained on over 10,000 news articles to distinguish keywords from non-keywords foreach document. We then apply an existing community detection algorithm onto a keyword co-occurrence graph constructed from news corpora and extract subgraphs [32] of keywords to rep-resent topics. Each document is assigned a topic by finding out its most similar keyword subgraph.However, a keyword community or a topic is still coarse-grained and may cover many events. Inthe second layer of EventX, documents within each topic are further clustered into fine-grainedevents. We construct a document relationship graph within each topic, where the relationshipbetween each pair of documents, i.e., whether they describe the same event, is predicted by a su-pervised document pair relationship classifier trained on carefully handcrafted features. Finally,we apply the graph-based community detection algorithm again to decompose the document re-lationship graph of each topic into conceptually separate events.

To enhance event visualization, our Story Forest system further groups the discovered eventsinto stories, where each story is represented by a tree of interconnected events. A link betweentwo events indicates the temporal evolution or a causal relationship between the two events. Incontrast with existing story generation systems such as StoryGraph [42] and MetroMap [33], wepropose an online algorithm to evolve story trees incrementally as breaking news articles arrive.Consequently, each story (called a story tree) is presented in one of several easy-to-view structures,i.e., either a linear timeline, a flat structure, or a tree with possibly multiple branches, which webelieve are succinct and sufficient to represent story structures of most breaking news.

Currently, access to the related public data for event extraction and organization is extremelylimited. Therefore, to facilitate evaluation and further research on the problem of event cluster-ing and story formation for breaking news, we have created multiple datasets, with the effort ofdedicated editors. First, we have created the Chinese News Corpus dataset which contains 60 GBof Chinese news documents collected from all major Internet news providers in China (includingTencent, Sina, WeChat, Sohu, etc.) in a 3-month period from October 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016,covering very much diversified topics in the open domain. Second, we further created the ChineseNews Events (CNE) dataset, where each article is manually labeled with the true event label andstory label by editors and product managers at Tencent. It is also, to the best of our knowledge, thefirst Chinese dataset for event extraction evaluation. The new datasets have been made publiclyavailable for research purposes.1

We evaluated the performance of Story Forest based on the Chinese News Corpus dataset, andcompared our EventX news document clustering algorithm with other approaches on the CNEdataset. We also conducted a detailed and extensive pilot user experience study for (long) newsdocument clustering and news story generation to evaluate how our system as well as severalbaseline schemes appeal to the habit of human readers. According to the pilot user experiencestudy, our system outperforms multiple state-of-the-art news clustering and story generation sys-tems, such as KeyGraph [32] and StoryGraph [42], in terms of logical validity of the generatedstory structures, as well as the conceptual cleanness of each identified event/story. Experimentsshow that the average time for our Java-based system to finish event clustering and story structure

1Our CNE dataset is currently available at: For the Chinese News

Corpus dataset, we are currently under the process of publishing it to the public for research purposes.

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generation based on the daily news data is less than 30 seconds on a MacBook Pro with a 2 GHzIntel Core i7 processor, and 8 GB memory. Therefore, our system proves to be highly efficient andpractical.

To summarize, we make the following contributions in this article:

—We formally define the problem of event extraction for breaking news articles in the opendomain, where the granularity of an event must conform to the physical events describedby the articles and can be implicitly guided by the labeled dataset in our semi-supervisedalgorithms. We will describe it in more details in Section 2.

—We propose the EventX algorithm, which is a two-layered, graph-based document clusteringalgorithm that can perform fast event extraction from a large volume of news documentsin a semi-supervised manner. Note that the main novelty of EventX includes a layered clus-tering scheme to separate the problem of topic discovery from that of finer-grained eventextraction. Such a two-layered graph-based clustering scheme significantly improves theoverall time efficiency and scalability of the algorithm, making it applicable for industrypractice.

—We explore a tree-of-events representation for visualizing news documents. We also intro-duce an online algorithm to dynamically incorporate new events into the existing trees.Combining this approach with the EventX algorithm, we create the Story Forest system, forintelligent and efficient news story structure formation.

—We have collected and labeled a large amount of data for the study and evaluation of eventextraction and story structure organization, since to our best knowledge, there is no publiclyavailable dataset specifically dedicated to news event clustering or extraction and storyformation.

Our algorithm has been successfully integrated into the hot event discovery feature of TencentQQ browser, which is one of the most popular mobile browsers that serves over 100 million dailyactive users.

The remainder of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 formally describes the problemof event extraction and organization from massive news data. In Section 3, we propose the maindesign of Story Forest system and EventX algorithm. In Section 4, we describe the CNE datasetcollected and created specifically for evaluating event extraction algorithms. We then compareand discuss the experimental results of EventX and Story Forest among other baselines. Section 5reviews the related literature. The article is concluded in Section 6.


In this section, we will first describe key concepts and notations used in this article, and formallydefine our problem. Then, we conduct a case study to clearly illustrate the idea of story trees.

2.1 Problem Definition

We first present the definitions of some key concepts in a bottom-up hierarchy, event→ story→topic, to used in this article.

Definition 2.1. Event: An event E is a set of news documents reporting the same piece of real-world breaking news.

Definition 2.2. Story: A story S is a tree of related events that report a series of evolving real-world breaking news. A directed edge from event E1 to E2 indicates a temporal developmentrelationship or a logical connection from the breaking news event E1 to event E2.

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Definition 2.3. Topic: A topic consists of a set of stories that are highly correlated or similar toeach other.

In this work, we assume that two news articles are describing the same event as long as theincident they cover/report has the same time of occurrence and involves the same participatingentities. This assumption is highly justifiable for breaking news articles on the Internet, whichunlike fictions, are usually short, succinct, and focusing on reporting the incident of a group ofspecific persons, organizations or other types of entities, taking actions at one or several locations.We do not consider the stance, perspective or publishing date of an article. Additionally, we do notmodel relationships between events, other than the weightless temporal evolution required forbuilding story trees. This allows each event to be conceptually cleaner and more specific.

In contrast, a topic is usually determined in a subjective manner, and is usually more vagueand broader compared to an event. For example, both American presidential election and 2016 U.S.presidential election can be considered topics, with the second topic being a subset of the firsttopic. We also make the assumption that each event has a single most appropriate correspondingtopic. This ensures that an event cannot appear under multiple topic clusters, which significantlysimplifies the clustering procedure. This assumption is also realistic for most breaking news articles,where an article is usually written for timeliness to report only one real-world incident.

Each topic may contain multiple story trees, and each story tree consists of multiple logicallyconnected events. In our work, events (instead of news documents) are the smallest atomic units.Each event is also assumed to belong to a single story and contributes partial information to theoverall story. For instance, considering the topic American presidential election, 2016 U.S. presiden-tial election is a story within this topic, and Trump and Hilary’s first television debate is an eventwithin this story.

The boundaries between events, stories, and topics do not have to be explicitly defined. In real-world applications, the labeled training dataset often implicitly captures and reflects their differ-ences. In this way, even documents that are not related to evolving physical events can be clusteredaccording to a specific granularity, as long as the labeled training dataset contains such kinds ofsamples to define the boundary. Therefore, our EventX Event Extraction algorithm defines a gen-eral framework to cluster documents into events that implicitly defined by any training dataset.

Note that prior studies on text clustering usually focus on clustering at the granularity of top-ics [1, 2], which are clusters of related articles. In contrast, the event extraction problem is muchmore challenging, because on top of clustering documents that belong to the same topic, we alsoneed to utilize key information within each document to ensure that all documents within an eventcluster are reporting the same physical event.

2.2 Notations

We now introduce some notations and describe our problem formally. Given a news documentstreamD = {D1,D2, . . . ,Dt , . . .}, whereDt is the set of news documents collected on time periodt , our objective is to: (a) cluster all news documents D into a set of events E = {E1, . . . ,E|E | }, and(b) connect the extracted events to form a set of stories S = {S1, . . . ,S|S | }. Each story S = (E,L)contains a set of events E and a set of links L, where Li, j :=< Ei ,Ej > denotes a directed link fromevent Ei to Ej , which indicates a temporal evolution or logical connection relationship.

Furthermore, we require the events and story trees to be extracted in an online or incrementalmanner. That is, we extract events from eachDt individually when the news corpusDt arrives intime period t , and merge the discovered events into the existing story trees that were found at timet − 1. This is a unique strength of our scheme as compared to prior work, since we do not needto repeatedly process older documents and can deliver the complete set of evolving yet logicallyconsistent story trees to users on-demand.

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Fig. 1. The story tree of “2016 U.S. presidential election.”

Fig. 2. Different structures to characterize a story.

2.3 Case Study

To give readers more intuition on what the stories or events look like, here we use an illustrativeexample to help further clarify the concept of stories vs. events. Figure 1 showcases the story treeof “2016 U.S. presidential election.” The story contains 20 nodes, where each node indicates anevent in 2016 U.S. election, and each link indicates a temporal evolution or a logical connectionbetween two events. For example, event 19 says America votes to elect new president, and event20 says Donald Trump is elected president. The index number on each node represents the eventsequence over the timeline. There are 6 paths within this story tree, where the path 1→ 20 capturethe whole presidential election process, branch 3→ 6 are about Hilary’s health conditions, branch7→ 13 are about television debates, 14→ 18 are related to the “mail door” investigation, and soon. As we can see, by modeling the evolutionary and logical structure of a story into a story tree,users can easily grasp the logic of news stories and learn the main information quickly. Let usconsider the following four events under the topic 2016 U.S. presidential election: (1) First electiontelevision debate; (2) Second election television debate; (3) FBI restarts “mail door” investigation; and(4) America votes to elect the new president. Intuitively, these four events should have no overlap-ping information between them. A news article about Trump and Hillary’s First election televisiondebate is conceptually separate from another article that is reporting Trump and Hillary’s Secondelection television debate. For news articles, different events under the same topic should be clearlydistinguishable, because they usually follow the progressing timeline of real-world affairs.

Let us represent each story by an empty root node s from which the story is originated, anddenote each event by an event node e . The events in a story can be organized in one of the fol-lowing four structures as shown in Figure 2: (a) a flat structure that does not include dependenciesbetween events; (b) a timeline structure that organizes events by their timestamps; (c) a graphstructure that checks the connection between all pairs of events and maintains a subset of moststrong connections; and (d) a tree structure to reflect the structures of evolving events within a

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Fig. 3. An overview of the system architecture of Story Forest.

story. Compared with a tree structure, sorting events by timestamps omits the logical connectionbetween events, while using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to model event dependencies withoutconsidering the evolving consistency of the whole story can lead to unnecessary connections be-tween events. Through extensive user experience studies in Section 4, we show that tree structuresare the most effective way to represent breaking news stories.


In this section, we start with an overview of the proposed Story Forest system. Then, we separatelyintroduce the detailed procedures of event extraction from news documents, and how we modelstories’ evolutionary structure by story trees. Our implementation of the Story Forest system isopen-sourced for research purpose2.

An overview of our Story Forest system is shown in Figure 3, which mainly consists of fourcomponents: preprocessing, keyword graph construction, clustering documents to events, andgrowing story trees with events. The overall process is divided into eight steps. First, the inputnews document stream will be processed by a variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) andmachine-learning tools, including document filtering and word segmentation. Then we performkeyword extraction, construct/update keyword co-occurrence graph, and split the graph into sub-graphs. After that, we utilize our proposed EventX algorithm to cluster documents into fine-grainedevents. Finally, we update the story trees (formed previously) by either inserting each discoveredevent into an existing story tree at the right place, or creating a new story tree if the event does notbelong to any existing story. Note that each topic may contain multiple story trees and each story


ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Vol. 14, No. 3, Article 31. Publication date: May 2020.

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Table 1. Features for the Keyword Classifier

Type FeaturesWord feature Named entity or not, location name or not, contains angle brackets or not.Structural feature TF-IDF, whether appear in title, first occurrence position in document,

average occurrence position in document, distance between first and lastoccurrence positions, average distance between word adjacent occurrences,percentage of sentences that contains the word, TextRank score.

Semantic feature LDA

tree consists of logically connected events. We will explain the design choices of each componentin detail in the following subsections.

3.1 Preprocessing

When new documents arrive, the first task Story Forest performs is document preprocessing, whichincludes the following sequential steps:

Document filtering: Documents with content length smaller than a threshold (20 characters)will be discarded.

Word segmentation: We segment the title and body of each document using Stanford ChineseWord Segmenter Version 3.6.0 [8], which has proved to yield excellent performance onChinese word segmentation tasks. Note that for data in a different language, the corre-sponding word segmentation tool in that language can be used.

Keyword extraction: Extracting appropriate keywords to represent the main ideas of a docu-ment is critical to the performance of the system. We have found that traditional keywordextraction approaches, such as TF-IDF-based keyword extraction and TextRank [23], can-not produce satisfying results on real-world news data. For example, the TF-IDF basedmethod measures a word’s importance by its frequency in the document. Therefore, it isunable to extract keywords that have a relatively low frequency. The TextRank algorithmutilizes the word co-occurrence information and is able to handle such cases. However,its computation time increases significantly as document length increases. Another ideais to fine-tune a rule-based system to combine multiple keyword extraction strategies.Still, such type of system heavily relies on the quality of the rules and often generalizespoorly.

To efficiently and accurately extract keywords, we trained a binary classifier to determinewhether a word is a keyword to a document. In particular, we first extract the potential keywordsfor a document from a massive vocabulary maintained by Tencent, which contains over 10 millionnamed entities. We regard an entity as a potential keyword if it appears in the document title orthe content. We then hire human judges to determine whether a candidate keyword is indeed akeyword of the given document. Following this procedure, we collect 20,000+ positive keywordsand 350,000+ negative keywords from 10,000+ documents. Each keyword is transformed into amulti-view feature vector. Table 1 lists the main features that we found to be critical to the binaryclassifier. For the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) feature vector, we trained a 1,000-dimensionalLDA model based on news data collected from January 1, 2016 to May 31, 2016 that contains300,000+ documents. The training process costs 30 hours.

After acquiring the features for each word. A straightforward idea is to input them directly toa Logistic Regression (LR) classifier. However, as a linear classifier, LR relies on careful featureengineering. To reduce the impact of human bias in handcrafted features, we combine a Gradient

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Fig. 4. The structure of keyword classifier.

Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) with a LR classifier to get a keyword/non-keyword classificationresult, as shown in Figure 4. The GBDT component is trained to automatically discover useful crossfeatures or combinations and discretize continuous features. The output of the GBDT will serveas the input to the LR classifier. The LR classifier will determine whether a word is a keyword forthe current document. We also tried Support Vector Machine (SVM) as the classifier in the secondstage instead of LR and observed similar performance. It is also worth mentioning that on anotherChinese keyword extraction dataset, our classifier achieved a precision of 0.83 and a recall of 0.76,while they are 0.72 and 0.76, respectively, if we exclude the GBDT component.

3.2 Event Extraction by EventX

After document preprocessing, we need to extract events. Event extraction here is essentially afine-tuned document clustering procedure to group conceptually similar documents into events.Although clustering studies are often subjective in nature, we show that our carefully designedprocedure can significantly improve the accuracy of event clustering, conforming to human under-standing, based on a manually labeled news dataset. To handle the high accuracy requirement forlong news text clustering, we propose EventX, a 2-layer clustering approach based on both keywordgraphs and document graphs. The major steps in EventX include keyword co-occurrence graphconstruction, first-layer topic clustering based on keyword co-occurrence graph, and second-layerevent extraction based on document relationship graph.

Note that the concept of “event” in this article and our proposed dataset is fundamentally dif-ferent from the “event mentions” in cross-document event coreference [19]. In our case, no matterhow many event mentions can be found in an article, there is always a single major event that thenews article is intended to report and cover or that triggers this report, with its narratives focusingon this major event. The task of EventX is to extract events by identifying whether a group of doc-uments are reporting the same breaking news with different narratives or paraphrasing, insteadof identifying what event mentions a document contains. In the following, we provide a detaileddescription on the inner workings of EventX.

3.2.1 Construct Keyword Co-occurrence Graph. Algorithm 1 shows the detailed steps of EventX.We show that our two-layered approach significantly improves the accuracy of event clusteringon long news articles.

Given a news corpus D, we construct a keyword co-occurrence graph [32] G. Each node in Gis a keyword w extracted by the scheme described in Section 3.1, and each undirected edge ei, j

indicates that wi and w j have co-occurred in a same document. Edges that satisfy two conditionswill remain and other edges will be pruned; the times of co-occurrence shall be above a minimumthreshold δe (we set δe = 2 in our experiments), and the conditional probabilities of the occurrencePr{w j |wi } and Pr{wi |w j } also need to be greater than a predefined threshold δp (we use 0.15). Theconditional probability Pr{w j |wi } is calculated as

Pr{wi |w j } =DFi, j

DFj, (1)

where DFi, j represents the number of documents that contain both keywordwi andw j , and DFj isthe document frequency of keywordw j . It represents the probability thatwi occurs in a documentif that document contains w j .

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ALGORITHM 1: EventX Event Extraction Algorithm

Input: A set of news documents D = {d1,d2, . . . ,d |D | }, with extracted features described in Sec-tion 3.1; a pre-trained document pair relationship classifier.

Output: A set of events E = {E1,E2, . . . ,E|E | }.1: Construct a keyword co-occurrence graph G of all documents’ keywords. Connect wi and w j

by an undirected edge ei, j if the times that the keywords wi and w j co-occur exceed a certainthreshold δe , and Pr{w j |wi }, Pr{wi |w j } are bigger than another threshold δp .

2: SplitG into a set of small and strongly connected keyword communitiesC = {C1,C2, . . . ,C|C | },based on the community detection algorithm [25]. The algorithm keeps splitting a graph byiteratively deleting edges with high betweenness centrality score, until a stop condition issatisfied.

3: for each keyword community Ci , i = 1, . . . , |C | do

4: Retrieve a subset of documents Di which is highly related to this keyword community bycalculating the cosine similarity between the TF-IDF vector of each document and that ofthe keyword community, and comparing it to a threshold δ .

5: Connect document pairs in Di to form a document relationship graph Gdi using the docu-

ment pair relationship classifier.6: SplitGd

i into a set of document communitiesCdi = {Cd

i,1,Cdi,2, . . . ,Cd

i, |Cdi |}, based on the com-

munity detection algorithm. Each community represents an event.7: end for

3.2.2 Topic Clustering on Keyword Co-occurrence Graph. Next, we perform community detec-tion on the constructed keyword co-occurrence graph. The goal is to split the whole keywordgraph G into communities C = {C1,C2, . . . ,C|C | }, where each community (or subgraph) Ci con-tains the keywords for a certain topic i (to which multiple events may be associated). The intuitionis that keywords related to a common topic usually will appear frequently in documents belong-ing to that topic. For example, documents belonging to the topic “2016 U.S. presidential election”will frequently mention keywords such as “Donald Trump,” “Hillary Clinton,” “election” and soon. Such highly related keywords will be connected to each other in the keyword graph and formdense subgraphs, while keywords that are not highly related will have sparse connections or noconnection. Our objective here is to extract dense keyword subgraphs associated with differenttopics.

The benefit of using community detection in the keyword graph is that it allows each keywordto appear in multiple communities. In reality, it is not unusual to have one keyword appearingunder multiple topics. We also tried another method of clustering keywords by Word2Vec. But theperformance is worse than community detection based on co-occurrence graphs. The main reasonis that when clustering with pre-trained word vectors, words with similar semantic meanings aremore likely to be grouped together. However, unlike articles in a specialized domain, news topicsfrom the open domain often contain keywords with diverse semantic meanings.

To detect keyword communities, we utilize the betweenness centrality score [32] of edges to mea-sure the strength of each edge in the keyword graph. The betweenness score of an edge is definedas the number of shortest paths between all pairs of nodes that pass through it. An edge betweentwo communities is expected to have a high betweenness score. Edges with high betweenness scorewill be removed iteratively to divide the communities. If two edges have the same betweennessscore, the one with lower conditional probability will be removed. The conditional probability ofedge ei, j is calculated as (Pr{wi |w j } + Pr{w j |wi })/2. We calculate the betweenness score of edgesusing breadth first search (BFS) and iteratively remove edges with the highest betweenness score.

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Whenever we remove an edge, we recalculate the betweenness score of the remaining edges in thegraph. As the edges is constantly removed, on one hand, the maximum betweenness score of alledges will keep decreasing. On another hand, a graph may become not fully connected and turninto two sub-graphs. Once a keyword graph is no longer fully connected, we continue the sameprocess recursively on each newly created sub-graphs. The splitting process ends if the numberof nodes in each subgraph is smaller than a predefined threshold δд (we use 3), or the maximumbetweenness score of all edges in the subgraph is smaller than a threshold based on the subgraph’ssize. We refer interested readers to [32] for more details about community detection. We notice thatthe betweenness-based community detection algorithm is used as an off-the-shelf tool in EventXalgorithm. There exist other community detection algorithms that are more efficient in terms oftime complexity [27], and we can easily switch to these algorithms if time efficiency is a concern.

After obtaining the keyword communities, we calculate the cosine similarities between eachdocument and each keyword community. The documents are represented as TF-IDF vectors. Givena keyword community is essentially a bag of words, it can also be considered as a document.We assign each document to the keyword community with the highest similarity, as long as thesimilarity is also above a predefined threshold δ . At this point, we have finished clustering in thefirst layer, i.e., the documents are now grouped by topics.

3.2.3 Event Extraction Based on Document Relationship Graph. After we partition documentsinto topics, we perform the second-layer document clustering within each topic to obtain fine-grained events. We also call this process event clustering. An event cluster only contains documentsthat talk about the same event. As mentioned before, since event clusters could vary dramaticallyin sizes, traditional unsupervised learning-based algorithms, such as K-means, non-negative ma-trix factorization, and hierarchical clustering, are not appropriate. Instead, we adopt a supervised-learning-guided clustering procedure in the second layer.

Specifically, in contrast with the keyword graph in the first layer, now we consider each doc-ument as a graph node, and try to connect document pairs that discuss the same event. In thekeyword co-occurrence graph, judging whether two keywords are related is achieved through theco-occurrence of keywords in documents. This is feasible because the granularity of a topic is rel-atively coarse and subjective compared with an event. However, simply combining unsupervisedstrategies to judge whether two documents are talking about the same event cannot produce satis-fying results, because events are highly diverse and the clustering granularity should be adjustedaccordingly.

To address the above challenges, we propose a semi-supervised clustering scheme which incor-porates a document pair relationship classifier to construct a document relationship graph, andperforms event extraction on that graph. Given a set of documents D = {d1,d2, . . . ,d |D | } within

a topic cluster, for each pair of documents 〈di ,dj 〉 that belongs to D, we add an edge edi, j if they

are talking about the same event. We trained a SVM classifier to determine whether a pair of doc-uments are talking about the same event using multiple document pair features, such as cosinesimilarity of TF-IDF vectors, number of common keywords, LDA cosine similarity, as the inputvector. Table 2 lists the main features we utilized to train the document pair relationship classifier.For each pair of documents within the same topic, we decide whether to draw an edge betweenthem based on the prediction made by the document pair relationship classifier. Hence, documentsin each topic D will form a document relationship graph Gd . We then apply the same commu-nity detection algorithm mentioned above to such graphs. Naturally, each community within atopic cluster now represents an event. Note that the graph-based clustering on the second layer ishighly efficient, since the number of documents contained in each topic is significantly less afterthe first-layer document clustering.

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Table 2. Features for Document Pair Relationship Classification

Feature type DescriptionKeyword Number of common keywords in titles or contents, percentage

of common keywords in titles or contents.Textual similarity TF-IDF (and TF) similarities of titles or contents, TF-IDF (and

TF) similarities of the first N (N=1,2,3) sentences.Semantic LDA cosine similarity of two documents, the absolute value of

the difference between the LDA vectors of the two documents.

In a nutshell, our two-layered scheme first groups documents into topics based on keywordcommunity detection and then further groups the documents within each topic into fine-grainedevents. It has multiple advantages compared with a number of existing clustering algorithms:

(1) It does not require a pre-defined number of event clusters. This is critical in real-world ap-plications, as for real-world data such as daily news, the exact number of events is almostalways unknown and varies dramatically. Most existing clustering algorithms require thenumber of clusters as a parameter, or need to carefully choose parameters that control theclustering granularity. For EventX, even though we still need to specify a stopping criteriain the community detection algorithm, the threshold hyper-parameters in our algorithmare much more stable and insensitive to different sizes of news documents. Therefore,these thresholds can be selected using grid search, and do not require to be updated fre-quently for news articles from a different date.

(2) Our algorithm can adaptively determine the granularity of different events based on thepre-trained document pair relationship classifier, as well as community detection on thedocument relationship graph.

(3) The performance of our algorithm is less sensitive to the parameter settings in the firstlayer, because the granularity of a topic is usually subjective. We can set relatively lowthresholds in the first layer to ensure that documents belonging to the same event aregrouped together, then extract the fine-grained events in the second layer.

(4) The performance of event clustering can be improved by adding more features in Table 2to represent the similarities between two documents or increasing training data to im-prove the document pair relationship classifier in the second-layer clustering procedure,without affecting keyword extraction and topic clustering in the first-layer clustering.We can also apply a more sophisticated algorithm for document pair relationship classi-fication by representing two documents as a Concept Interaction Graph and apply graphconvolution, as we have introduced in [20].

(5) The two-layered scheme of our algorithm makes event clustering highly efficient. Directlyperforming relationship classification within a document corpora is not feasible, as thetime complexity is at least O (n2

d) where nd is the number of documents. By utilizing the

two-layered scheme, the documents will be split into multiple topics (each topic usuallycontains 1 to 100 documents). Therefore, the time complexity for the second-layer eventextraction is approximately O (nd ). The total time complexity that taking both two layersof clustering into account is still much smaller thanO (n2

d), as we will discuss in Section 4.4.

3.3 Growing Story Trees Online

Given the set of extracted events for a particular topic, we further organize these events intomultiple stories under this topic in an online manner. Each story is represented by a Story Tree

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Fig. 5. Three types of operations to place a new event into its related story tree.

to characterize the evolving structure of that story. Upon the arrival of a new event and given anexisting story forest, our online algorithm to grow the story forest mainly involves the followingtwo steps: (a) identifying the story tree to which the event belongs; and (b) updating the foundstory tree by inserting the new event at the right place. If this event does not belong to any existingstory, we create a new story tree.

(a) Identifying the related story tree. Given a set of new events Et = {E1,E2, . . . ,E|Et | } at timeperiod t and an existing story forest Ft−1 = {S1,S2, . . . ,S|Ft−1 | } that has been formed during pre-vious t − 1 time periods, our objective is to assign each new event E ∈ Et to an existing story treeS ∈ Ft−1. If no story in the current story forest matches that event, a new story tree will be createdand added to the story forest.

We apply a two-step strategy to decide whether a new event E belongs to an existing story treeS formed previously. First, as described at the end of Section 3.2, event E has its own keyword setCE . Similarly, for the existing story tree S, there is an associated keyword set CS that is a unionof all the keyword sets of the events in that tree.

Then, we can calculate the compatibility between event E and story treeS as the Jaccard similar-

ity coefficient between CS and CE : compatibility(CS,CE ) = |CS∩CE ||CS∪CE | . If the compatibility is bigger

than a threshold, we further check whether at least a document in event E and at least a documentin story tree S share n or more common words in their titles (with stop words removed). If yes, weassign event E to story tree S. Otherwise, they are not related. In our experiments, we set n = 1.If the event E is not related to any existing story tree, a new story tree will be created.

(b) Updating the related story tree. After a related story tree S has been identified for the incom-ing event E, we perform one of the three types of operations to place event E in the tree: merge,extend, or insert, as shown in Figure 5. The merge operation merges the new event E into an ex-isting event node in the tree. The extend operation will append the event E as a child node to anexisting event node in the tree. Finally, the insert operation directly appends event E to the rootnode of story tree S. Our system chooses the most appropriate operation to process the incomingevent based on the following procedures.

Merge: We merge E with an existing event in the tree, if they essentially talk about the sameevent. This can be achieved by checking whether the centroid documents of the two events are talk-ing about the same thing using the document-pair relationship classifier described in Section 3.2.The centroid document of an event is simply the concatenation of all the documents in the event.If the centroid documents of the two events are talking about the same thing, we merge the newincoming event with the existing event node. Otherwise, we continue the procedures below.

To merge a new incoming event with an existing event node, we add the set of documentscontained in the incoming event to the set of documents belonging to the existing event node.Besides, the set of keywords of the incoming event is also merged into that of the existing eventnode.

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Extend and Insert: If event E does not overlap with any existing event, we will find the parentevent node in S to which it should be appended. We calculate the connection strength betweenthe new event E and each existing event Ej ∈ S based on the following three factors: (1) the timedistance between E and Ej , (2) the compatibility of the two events, and (3) the storyline coherenceif E is appended to Ej in the tree, i.e.,

ConnectionStrength(Ej ,E) := compatibility(Ej ,E)×coherence(LS→Ej→E ) × timePenalty(Ej ,E).


Now we explain the three components in the above equation one by one. First, the compatibilitybetween two events Ei and Ej is given by

compatibility(Ei ,Ej ) =TF(dci

) · TF(dc j)

‖TF(dci)‖ · ‖TF(dc j

)‖ , (3)

where dciis the centroid document of event Ei .

Furthermore, the storyline of Ej is defined as the path in S starting from the root node of Sending at Ej itself, denoted by LS→Ej

. Similarly, the storyline of E appended to Ej is denoted by

LS→Ej→E . For a storylineL represented by a path E0 → · · · → E |L | , where E0 := S, its coherence[39] measures the theme consistency along the storyline, and is defined as

coherence(L) =1


|L |−1∑i=0

compatibility(Ei ,Ei+1), (4)

Finally, the bigger the time gap between two events, the less possible that the two events areconnected. We thus calculate time penalty by

timePenalty(Ej ,E) =

{eδ ·(tEj

−tE ) if tEj− tE < 0

0 otherwise(5)

where tEjand tE are the timestamps of event Ej and E, respectively. The timestamp of an event

is the minimum timestamp of all the documents in the event.We calculate the connection strength between the new event E and every event node Ej ∈ S

using (2), and append event E to the existing Ej that leads to the maximum connection strength.If the maximum connection strength is lower than a threshold value, we insert E into story tree Sby directly appending it to the root node of S. In other words, insert is a special case of extend.


We conduct two groups of experiments. The first group independently evaluates EventX, since it isa core novelty within our Story Forest system. We report the performance of EventX on a manuallylabeled CNE dataset and the openly available 20 Newsgroups dataset. We then compare EventXagainst several clustering baselines. In the second group, we add the story visualization structuresand examine the overall performance of Story Forest on a much larger news documents dataset,i.e., the Chinese News Corpus dataset. We also investigate the effects of various hyper-parametersin EventX as well as the algorithm complexity of the entire system.

4.1 News Datasets

To help evaluate Story Forest, we create the Chinese News Corpus dataset by collecting 60 GBof Chinese news documents (approximately 1.5 millions of news articles) from major Internetnews providers in China, such as Tencent and Sina, in a 3-month period from October 1, 2016 toDecember 31, 2016 covering different topics in the open domain. The entire Story Forest system is

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Fig. 6. The characteristics of the introduced Chinese News Event and Story dataset.

tested on the full 60 GB of Chinese news documents and we employ human evaluators to analyzeits overall performance.

We then sample a smaller subset from these documents to create the CNE dataset, which ismanually labeled with the truth events and stories, by editors and product managers at Tencent.It is also, to the best of our knowledge, the first Chinese dataset for event extraction evaluation. Inthe creation of CNE dataset, we assume that (1) each article only has one event ID, i.e., associatedwith the breaking news that leads to this article; (2) different events from the same story are clearlydistinguishable, partly because they usually follow the progressing timeline of real-world affairs;and (3) each article only belongs to one news story indicated by a unique story ID (we ignorethe complex storylines and entangled plots such as those in a fiction). We train and evaluate theEventX algorithm on this labeled dataset of 11,748 Chinese news articles. When evaluating thewhole Story Forest system on the Chinese News Corpus dataset, documents belonging to the CNEdataset are removed.

Figure 6 shows some statistics of the new dataset. Figure 6(a), (b) and (c) demonstrate howmany documents, events, and stories each topic contains. We can see that the distributions arehighly skewed. The top three largest topics are “entertainment,” “sports,” and “current events”.Figure 6(d) shows the histogram of word counts in documents. The average number of wordsin a document is 733.67 and the longest document has 21,791 words. From Figure 6(g), we cansee that the average number of keywords extracted from each document is 19.8. In terms of thesizes of events and stories, the histograms of the number of documents in each event and that ineach story are shown in Figure 6(e) and Figure 6(f), respectively. We can easily observe that for

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real-world news data, a majority of events only contain a single document; the average size of anevent is 1.26 (documents), while the largest event contains 277 documents. The average size of astory is 3.15 (documents) and the largest story contains 322 documents. Finally, Figure 6(h) and(i) plot the distributions of the time spans of each event and story. The average time span of anevent is 0.26 days, and that of a story is 2.15 days. These statistics help to justify the assumptionswe made above when labeling the dataset—most breaking news events and stories have relativelyshort lifespans with simple narratives (in contrast to fictions or scientific articles).

4.2 Evaluation of EventX

4.2.1 Evaluation Datasets. We utilize the following datasets for evaluating EventX:

—Chinese News Events. This is the full dataset that contains 11,748 news articles belongingto 9,327 events. The average number of words in documents is 733.67.

—Chinese News Events Subset 1. It is created by removing events containing less than twodocuments in the CNE dataset. It contains 3,557 news articles belonging to 1,136 events.The average number of words in documents is 768.07.

—Chinese News Events Subset 2. We further filter events that contain less than four docu-ments in the CNE dataset. This dataset contains 1,456 news articles belonging to 176 events.The average length of documents is 760.04 words.

—20 Newsgroups3. This is a classic dataset for the evaluation of text clustering algorithms.It consists of 18,821 documents that belong to 20 different news groups. The average lengthof documents is 137.85 words.

For Chinese datasets, after word segmentation, we extract keywords from each document us-ing the supervised approach mentioned in Section 3.1. The binary classifier to classify whether aword is a keyword to a document is trained on a dataset that we manually labeled. It contains thekeywords of 10,000+ documents, including 20,000+ positive keyword samples and 350,000+ neg-ative samples. On another Chinese keyword extraction evaluation dataset, our classifier achieveda precision of 0.83 and a recall of 0.76, while they are 0.72 and 0.76, respectively, if we excludethe GBDT component. The average number of keywords for each document in our proposed CNEdataset is 19.8. For English documents, we extracted keywords using RAKE [29].

4.2.2 Evaluation Metrics. The evaluation metrics we used include Homogeneity (H), Complete-ness (C), V-measure score (V) [30], and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI). Homogeneity andcompleteness are intuitive evaluation metrics based on conditional entropy analysis. Homogeneityis larger if each cluster contains only members from a single class. The completeness is maximizedif all members of a ground truth class are assigned to the same cluster. Homogeneity and com-pleteness scores are defined as:

H = 1 −∑

c,k nc,k lognc,k

nk∑c nc log nc


, (6)

C = 1 −∑

c,k nc,k lognc,k

nc∑k nk log nk


, (7)

where nc is the number of documents in class c , and nk is the number of documents in clusterk . nc,k is the number of documents in class c as well as in cluster k , and N is the number of


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total documents in the dataset. The V-measure is the harmonic mean between homogeneity andcompleteness:

V =2 × H × C

H + C. (8)

NMI [12] is also widely used for text clustering evaluation. It measures the amount of statisticalinformation shared by the ground truth cluster labels and the cluster assignment results. The NMIis 1 if the cluster results perfectly match the truth labels, and it is close to 0 when the cluster labelsare randomly generated. NMI is formally defined as:


∑c,k nc,k log

nc,k ·Nnc ·nk√


c nc log nc

N) (∑

k nk log nk



4.2.3 Methods for Comparison. We compare EventX to other document clustering methods, aswell as methods that utilize both word and document clusters:

—KeyGraph: The KeyGraph algorithm [32] clusters documents based on a keyword co-occurrence graph, without the second-layer clustering based on document relationshipgraphs and document pair relationship classifier.

—Co-clustering: This algorithm takes in a term-document matrix and simultaneously mapsrows to row-clusters and columns to column-clusters. Then, it calculates the mutual in-formation difference between the current row and column clusters and iteratively updatesboth clusters until this difference is below a threshold [9].

—Word-to-Doc Clustering: This algorithm takes in a joint probability distribution, typicallya term-document matrix. It first computes word-clusters to capture the most informationabout the documents. Relying on this new cluster-document matrix, the algorithm recur-sively merges the documents into bigger clusters, such that the mutual information lossbetween document clusters and word clusters is minimized [35].

—Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF): This algorithm coverts a corpus into a term-document matrix where each element in the matrix is the TF-IDF value of a word in a docu-ment. The factorized basis vectors correspond to different clusters. By examining the largestcomponent of a document along any of the vectors, we can decide the cluster membershipof that document [40].

—K-means with LDA: Extract the 1,000-dimensional LDA vector of each document, andcluster them by the K-means algorithm [18], which is probably the most widely used methodfor clustering.

—K-means with TF-IDF: Represent each document by TF-IDF vector, and cluster by K-means.

For the compared baseline methods, we vary the number of clusters for each dataset. For al-gorithms that require iterative updates, we set a maximum iteration of 20 (which proved to beenough for convergence). Notice that our EventX algorithm and the KeyGraph algorithm do notrequire a pre-defined number of clusters.

The EventX algorithm needs to pre-train a document relationship classifier. For the CNE datasetand subsets, we trained a document-pair relationship classifier using 5,000 labeled news pairs,collected from the web from January 01, 2017 to April 04, 2017. For the 20 Newsgroups dataset, we

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Table 3. Comparing Different Algorithms on CNE Dataset

CNE (K = 2331) CNE (K = 4663) CNE (K = 9327)

Algorithm H C V NMI H C V NMI H C V NMI

EventX 0.990 0.954 0.972 0.972 0.990 0.954 0.972 0.972 0.990 0.954 0.972 0.972

KeyGraph 0.811 0.959 0.879 0.882 0.811 0.959 0.879 0.882 0.811 0.959 0.879 0.882

Co-Clustering 0.962 0.773 0.857 0.863 0.960 0.839 0.896 0.898 0.958 0.901 0.929 0.929

Word-Doc 0.965 0.820 0.887 0.890 0.964 0.891 0.926 0.927 0.959 0.974 0.966 0.966

NMF 0.514 0.954 0.668 0.700 0.403 0.940 0.564 0.615 0.231 0.910 0.368 0.458

K-means+LDA 0.266 0.105 0.151 0.167 0.355 0.126 0.186 0.211 0.466 0.147 0.224 0.262

K-means+TF-IDF 0.445 0.173 0.250 0.278 0.470 0.166 0.245 0.279 0.485 0.154 0.234 0.273

Table 4. Comparing Different Algorithms on CNE Subset 1

CNE Subset 1 (K = 568) CNE Subset 1 (K = 1136) CNE Subset 1 (K = 2272)

Algorithm H C V NMI H C V NMI H C V NMI

EventX 0.973 0.841 0.902 0.905 0.973 0.841 0.902 0.905 0.973 0.841 0.902 0.905

KeyGraph 0.837 0.846 0.842 0.842 0.837 0.846 0.842 0.842 0.837 0.846 0.842 0.842

Co-Clustering 0.868 0.777 0.820 0.821 0.860 0.850 0.855 0.855 0.847 0.911 0.878 0.879

Word-to-Doc 0.897 0.822 0.858 0.859 0.876 0.914 0.895 0.895 0.850 0.979 0.910 0.912

NMF 0.491 0.913 0.638 0.669 0.351 0.931 0.510 0.572 0.156 0.714 0.256 0.334

K-means+LDA 0.886 0.351 0.503 0.558 0.956 0.340 0.502 0.570 0.989 0.314 0.477 0.558

K-means+TF-IDF 0.928 0.363 0.522 0.580 0.975 0.338 0.502 0.574 0.991 0.313 0.476 0.557

Table 5. Comparing Different Algorithms on CNE Subset 2

CNE Subset 2 (K = 88) CNE Subset 2 (K = 176) CNE Subset 2 (K = 352)

Algorithm H C V NMI H C V NMI H C V NMI

EventX 0.964 0.680 0.798 0.810 0.964 0.680 0.798 0.810 0.964 0.680 0.798 0.810

KeyGraph 0.691 0.767 0.717 0.728 0.691 0.767 0.717 0.728 0.691 0.767 0.717 0.728

Co-Clustering 0.783 0.728 0.755 0.755 0.750 0.801 0.775 0.775 0.723 0.867 0.788 0.792

Word-to-Doc 0.886 0.765 0.821 0.823 0.805 0.865 0.834 0.835 0.731 0.927 0.817 0.823

NMF 0.753 0.853 0.800 0.802 0.801 0.809 0.805 0.805 0.745 0.802 0.773 0.773

K-means+LDA 0.783 0.430 0.555 0.581 0.890 0.408 0.559 0.602 0.940 0.380 0.541 0.598

K-means+TF-IDF 0.857 0.469 0.606 0.634 0.928 0.424 0.582 0.627 0.959 0.379 0.543 0.603

used the training set4 to construct a document-pair relationship dataset and trained a classifier,then evaluated the algorithms on the test set.

4.2.4 Comparison with Existing Methods. Table 3 shows the performance of different algo-rithms on the four datasets with different number of clusters K . As we can see, our approachachieves the best V-measure and NMI scores in most cases. And our method achieves overall highhomogeneity scores among all datasets. This implies that most event clusters we obtain are pure:each event only contains documents that talk about the same event. In comparison, the homo-geneity for other methods varies widely across datasets. The reason is that we adopted two layers

4The splitting of training and testing set for the 20 Newsgroups is the same with


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Table 6. Comparing Different Algorithms on 20 Newsgroups Dataset

20 Newsgroups (K = 10) 20 Newsgroups (K = 20) 20 Newsgroups (K = 40)

Algorithm H C V NMI H C V NMI H C V NMI

EventX 0.996 0.340 0.507 0.582 0.996 0.340 0.507 0.582 0.996 0.340 0.507 0.582

KeyGraph 0.995 0.340 0.507 0.581 0.995 0.340 0.507 0.581 0.995 0.340 0.507 0.581

Co-Clustering 0.421 0.318 0.362 0.366 0.374 0.368 0.371 0.371 0.351 0.423 0.384 0.386

Word-to-Doc 0.578 0.306 0.400 0.421 0.540 0.390 0.453 0.459 0.515 0.464 0.488 0.489

NMF 0.315 0.529 0.395 0.408 0.396 0.468 0.429 0.431 0.456 0.413 0.433 0.434

K-means+LDA 0.245 0.352 0.368 0.293 0.333 0.352 0.342 0.342 0.321 0.279 0.298 0.299

K-means+TF-IDF 0.350 0.282 0.312 0.194 0.368 0.264 0.308 0.159 0.332 0.301 0.316 0.236

of graph-based clustering algorithms to extract events at a more appropriate granularity. For com-pleteness, even though our approach scored a little bit lower than KeyGraph, it is more or lessexpected. As we further split the topic clusters in the second layer document relationship graph,it is more likely for documents labeled as one class to appear in different clusters, simply becausewith a two-layered clustering scheme, we have more clusters. Considering the significant improve-ments of homogeneity, we believe the slightly lower completeness score would not strongly affectthe real-world performance of our model.

The performance of the Word-to-Doc Clustering algorithm is slightly better than our algorithmon the CNE Subset 2. However, our algorithm does not need the number of clusters ahead oftime, while the performance of the Word-to-Doc Clustering algorithm is highly dependent on thisparameter. For real-world news data, the event size distribution is highly skewed like the CNE fulldataset, rather than the subsets.

Considering the results on the 20 Newsgroups dataset. Our algorithm achieves better perfor-mance than the other algorithms in terms of the Homogeneity, V-measure score and NMI. Wecan also observe that the completeness of our algorithm is relatively low on the 20 Newsgroupsdataset, while the homogeneity is still high. The reason is that the documents in 20 Newsgroupsdataset are grouped according to topics rather than events. Therefore, two documents belongingto the same cluster may have entirely different keywords, and our algorithm will assign them twodifferent cluster labels. For the same reason, we can see that the performance of KeyGraph is sim-ilar to EventX on the 20 Newsgroups dataset. After the first layer keyword co-occurrence graphbased clustering, the clusters are already pure and the second layer document relationship graphbased clustering would not further split it.

4.2.5 Influence of Parameters. The main parameter that will influence the final clustering resultof EventX is the threshold δ that assigns each document to a keyword subgraph in the first layerclustering step. Figure 7 shows its influence on the clustering performance on the CNE dataset. Aswe can see, the performance is quite robust when δ ≤ 0.3. If we keep increasing δ , the number ofclusters increases, leading to an increase in homogeneity and a decrease in completeness. The rea-son is that, when δ is within a reasonable range (usually between 0.1 to 0.3), the performance of ouralgorithm is insensitive to it, as the first layer keyword co-occurrence graph-based clustering willsplit documents into topics, and the value of δ will only influence the granularity of the clusteredtopics. The events within each topic will not be divided, and they will be extracted by the secondlayer clustering procedure. If δ keeps increasing, at some point, events will split in the first layer,resulting in an increase in homogeneity and a decrease in completeness. For other parameters,such as the δe , δp , and δд , we defined in Section 3.2.1 and Section 3.2.2, they are parameters thatinfluence the construction of keyword co-occurrence graph and subgraphs. Our event extraction

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Fig. 7. The influence of parameter δ to the clustering performance and number of clusters on the CNEdataset.

Fig. 8. The number of documents on different days in the Story Forest evaluation dataset.

algorithm is also insensitive to these parameters as long as they are within a reasonable range.The reason is the same with δ .

4.3 Evaluation of Story Forest

Now we evaluate the complete Story Forest system. Figure 8 shows the amounts of documents ondifferent days in the larger 60 GB dataset. The average number of documents in one day during thatperiod is 164,922. For the following experiments, we use the data in the first 7 days for parametertuning. The remaining data serves as the test set.

We test different event timeline and story generation algorithms on the large 3-month newsdataset through pilot user evaluation. To make fair comparisons, the same preprocessing andevent extraction procedures before developing story structures are adopted for all methods, with261 stories detected from the dataset. The only difference is how to construct the story structuregiven a set of event nodes. We compare our online Story Forest system with the following existingalgorithms:

—Flat Cluster (Flat): This method clusters related events into a story without revealing therelationships between events, which approximates some previous works in TDT [3, 43].

—Story Timeline (Timeline): This method organizes events linearly according to the times-tamps of events [31, 32].

—Story Graph (Graph): This method calculates a connection strength for every pair ofevents and connect the pair if the score exceeds a threshold [42].

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Table 7. Comparing Different Story Structure Generation Algorithms

Tree Flat Thread Timeline GraphCorrect edges 82.8% 73.7% 66.8% 58.3% 32.9%Consistent paths 77.4% − 50.1% 29.9% −Best structure 187 88 84 52 19

—Event Threading (Thread): This algorithm appends each new event to its most similarearlier event [24]. The similarity between two events is measured by the TF-IDF cosinesimilarity of the event centroids.

We enlisted 10 human reviewers, including product managers, software engineers, and seniorundergraduate students, to blindly evaluate the results given by different approaches. Each indi-vidual story was reviewed by three different reviewers. When the reviewers’ opinions are different,they will discuss to give a final result. For each story, the reviewers answered the following ques-tions for each of the five different structures generated by different schemes:

(1) Do all the documents in each story cluster truly talk about the same story (yes or no)?Continue if yes.

(2) Do all the documents in each event node truly talk about the same event (yes or no)?Continue if yes.

(3) For each story structure given by different algorithms, how many edges correctly repre-sent the event connections?

(4) For each story structure given by story forest, event threading and story timeline, howmany paths from ROOT to any leaf node exist in the graph? And how many such pathsare logically coherent?

(5) Which algorithm generates the structure that is the best in terms of revealing the story’sunderlying logical structure?

Note that for question (3), the total number of edges for each tree equals to the number of eventsin that tree. Therefore, to make a fair comparison, for the story graph algorithm, we only retainthe n edges with the top scores, where n is the number of events in that story graph.

We first report the clustering effectiveness of our system in the pilot user evaluation on the 3-month dataset. Among the 261 stories, 234 of them are pure story clusters (yes to question 1), andfurthermore there are 221 stories only contains pure event nodes (yes to question 2). Therefore,the final accuracy to extract events (yes to both question 1 and 2) is 84.7%.

Next, we compare the output story structures given by different algorithms from the followingthree aspects: the correct edges between events, the logical coherence of paths, and the overallreadability of different story structures. Figure 9(a) compares the CDFs of incorrect edge percent-age under different algorithms. As we can see, Story Forest significantly outperforms the otherfour baseline approaches. As shown in Table 7, for 58% story trees, all the edges in each tree arereviewed as correct, and the average percentage of correct edges for all the story trees is 82.8%. Incontrast, the average correct edge percentage given by the story graph algorithm is 32.9%.

An interesting observation is that the average percentage of correct edges given by the simpleflat structure is 73.7%, which is a special case of our tree structures. This can be explained by the factthat most real-world breaking news that last for a constrained time period are not as complicated asa novel with rich logical structure, and a flat structure is often enough to depict their underlyinglogic. However, for stories with richer structures and a relatively longer timeline, Story Forestgives better results than other algorithms by comprehensively considering the event similarity,path coherence and time gap, while other algorithms only consider parts of all the factors.

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Fig. 9. Comparing the performance of different story structure generation algorithms.

For path coherence, Figure 9(b) shows the CDFs of percentages of inconsistent paths under dif-ferent algorithms. Story Forest gives significantly more coherent paths; the average percentage ofcoherent paths is 77.4% for our algorithm, and is 50.1% and 29.9%, respectively, for event threadingand story timeline. Note that path coherence is meaningless for flat or graph structure.

Figure 9(c) plots the overall readability of different story structures. Among the 221 stories, thetree-based Story Forest system gives the best readability on 187 stories, which is much better thanall other approaches. Different algorithms can generate the same structure. For example, the StoryForest system can also generate a flat structure, a timeline, or the same structure as the eventthreading algorithm does. Therefore, the sum of the number of best results given by differentapproaches is bigger than 221. It’s worth noting that the flat and timeline algorithms also give88 and 52 most readable results, which again indicates that the logic structures of a large portionof real-world news stories can be characterized by simple flat or timeline structures, which arespecial cases of story trees. And complex graphs are often an overkill.

We further inspect the story structures generated by Story Forest. Figure 10(a) and (b) plot thedistributions of the number of events and the number of paths in each story tree, respectively. Theaverage numbers of events and paths are 4.07 and 2.71, respectively. Although the tree structureincludes the flat and timeline structures as special cases, among the 221 stories, Story Forest gener-ates 77 flat structures and 54 timelines, while the remaining 90 structures generated are still storytrees. This implies that Story Forest is versatile and can generate diverse structures for real-worldnews stories, depending on the logical complexity of each story.

4.4 Algorithm Complexity and System Overhead

In this section, we discuss the complexity of each step in the Story Forest. For a time slot (e.g.,in our case is one day), let Nd be the number of documents, Nw the number of unique words in

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Fig. 10. The characteristics of the story structures generated by the Story Forest system.

corpora, note Nw << Nd , Ne the number of different events, Ns the number of different stories,and Nk represents the maximum number of unique keywords in a document.

As discussed in [32], building keyword graph requires O (NdNk + N2w ) complexity, and commu-

nity detection based on betweenness centrality requiresO (N 3w ). The complexity of assigning docu-

ments to keyword communities isO (NdNkNe ). So by far the total complexity isO (NdNkNe + N3w ).

There exist other community detection algorithms requiring only O (N 2w ), such as the algorithm

in [27]. Thus we can further improve efficiency by using faster community detection algorithms.After clustering documents by keyword communities, for each cluster the average num-

ber of documents is Nd/Ne . The pair-wise document relation classification is implemented inO ((Nd/Ne )2). The complexity of the next document graph splitting operation is O ((Nw/Ne )3).Therefore, the total complexity is O (Ne ((Nd/Ne )2 + (Nw/Ne )3)). Our experiments show that usu-ally 1 ≤ Nd/Ne ≤ 100. Combining with Nw << Nd , the complexity is now approximately O (Ne ).

To grow story trees with new events, the complexity of finding the related story tree for eachevent is of O (NsT ), where T is the history length to keep existing stories and delete older stories.If no existing related story, creating a new story requires O (1) operations. Otherwise, the com-plexity of updating a story tree is O (TNe/Ns ). In summary, the complexity of growing story treesis O (NeT (Ns + Ne/Ns )) ≈ O (TNeNs ), as our experience on the Tencent news dataset shows that1 ≤ Ne/Ns ≤ 200. Our online algorithm to update story structure requires O (Ne/Ns ) complexityand delivers a consistent story development structure, while most existing offline optimizationbased story structure algorithms require at least O ((Ne/Ns )2) complexity and disrupt the previ-ously generated story structures.

Figure 11 shows the running time of our Story Forest system on the 3 months news dataset. Theaverage time of processing each day’s news is around 26 seconds, and increases linearly with thenumber of days. For the offline keyword extraction module, the processing efficiency is approxi-mately 50 documents per second. The performance of the keyword extraction module is consistent

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Fig. 11. The running time of our system on the 3-month news dataset.

with time and doesn’t require frequently retraining. The LDA model is incrementally retrained ev-ery day to handle new words. For keyword extraction, the efficiency of event clustering and storystructure generation can be further improved by a parallel implementation.


There are mainly two research lines that are highly related to our work: Text Clustering and StoryStructure Generation.

5.1 Text Clustering

The problem of text clustering has been well studied by researchers [1]. Distance-based clusteringalgorithms measure the closeness between text pieces with similarity functions such as cosinesimilarity. Various representations, such as TF-IDF and BM25 term weighting [7], can be utilized torepresent a text object. After transforming text into features, different strategies can be applied forclustering. Partition-based algorithms such as K-means [18] or K-medoids [26] divide the corpusinto pre-defined number of clusters. The Spherical K-means algorithm [6] is especially suitable fortext clustering due to its low memory and computational requirement. However, such algorithmsare sensitive to variations in parameter values and need to specify the number of clusters. Theselection of features also plays a key role in the final performance of clustering [21]. Hierarchicalalgorithms [13] recursively find nested clusters and create a tree-like structure, but they still needto assume the number of clusters or a similarity threshold. Density-based algorithms [11] do notneed to specify the number of clusters in advance, but they do not scale well to high-dimensionalsparse data like text [18].

Word and phrase based algorithms find important clusters of words or phrases. [4] clusters doc-uments based on frequent pattern mining. [35] proposes a two-phase clustering procedure thatfinds word-clusters such that most of the mutual information between words and documents ispreserved, and leverages the word-clusters to perform document clustering. Co-clustering algo-rithms [9] simultaneously cluster words and documents, as the problem of clustering words andclustering documents are closely related. There are also approaches which utilize the documentkeywords co-occurrence information to construct a keyword graph, and clustering documents byapplying community detection techniques on the keyword graph [32].

Non-negative matrix factorization is particularly suitable for clustering as a latent space method[40]. It factorizes a term-document matrix, where the vectors in the basis system directly corre-spond to different clusters. It has been shown that matrix factorization is equivalent to spectralclustering [10].

Probabilistic model-based algorithms aim to create a probabilistic generative model for textdocuments. Topic models such as LDA [5] and Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing [15] as-sume documents are generated by multiple topics. The Gaussian Mixture Model [14] assumesthat data points are generated by a mixture of Gaussian distributions. However, such model-based

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algorithms are computationally intensive and do not produce satisfying results when clustering ata finer granularity.

There are also some works concerning the events described in text objects. [36] presents a newsevent extraction system to extract violent and disaster events from online news. [28] proposesa system to extract an open-domain calendar of significant events from Twitter. In contrast, ourEventX algorithm is specially tailored for event extraction among news documents in the opendomain. The length of news articles are relatively long compared to Twitters, and the types ofevents are not restricted to violent and disaster events.

5.2 Story Structure Generation

The TDT research spot news events and group by topics, and track previously spotted news eventsby attaching related new events into the same cluster [2, 3, 32, 42]. However, the associationsbetween related events are not defined or interpreted by TDT techniques. To help users capturethe developing structure of events, different approaches have been proposed. [24] proposed theconcept of Event Threading, and tried a series of strategies based on similarity measure to capturethe dependencies among events. [42] combines the similarity measure between events, temporalsequence, and distance between events, and document distribution along the timeline to score therelationship between events, and models the event evolution structure by a DAG. [22] discover andsummarize the evolutionary patterns of themes in a text stream by first generating word clustersfor each time period and then use the Kullback-Leibler divergence measure to discover coherentthemes over time.

The above research works measure and model the relationship between events in a pairwisemanner. However, the overall story consistency is not considered. [37] generates story summa-rization from text and image data by constructing a multi-view graph and solving a dominatingset problem, but it omits the consistency of each storyline. The Metro Map model proposed in[34] defines metrics such as coherence and diversity for story quality evaluation, and identifieslines of documents by solving an optimization problem to maximize the topic diversity of story-lines while guaranteeing the coherence of each storyline. [39] further summarize documents withkey images and sentences, and then extract story lines with different definitions of coherence anddiversity. These works consider the problem of discovering story development structure as opti-mizing problems with given news corpora. However, new documents are being generated all thetime, and systems that are able to catch related news and update story structures in an onlinemanner are desired.

As studies based on unsupervised clustering techniques [41] perform poorly in distinguishingstorylines with overlapped events [16], more recent works introduce different Bayesian modelsto generate storyline. However, they often ignore the intrinsic structure of a story [17] or fail toproperly model the hidden relations [44]. [16] proposes a hierarchical Bayesian model for storylinegeneration, and utilize twitter hashtags to “supervise” the generation process. However, the Gibbssampling inference of the model is time consuming, and such twitter data is not always availablefor every news stories.


In this article, we describe our experience of implementing Story Forest, a news content orga-nization system at Tencent, which is designed to discover events from vast streams of trendingand breaking news and organize events in sensible story trees in an online manner. Our systemis specifically tailored for fast processing massive amounts of breaking news data, whose storystructures can most likely be captured by either a tree, a timeline or a flat structure. We proposedEventX, a semi-supervised text clustering algorithm designed to efficiently extract events from vast

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news corpora. EventX is a two-layered, graph-based document clustering scheme. In the first layer,we leveraged keyword co-occurrence graphs to cluster documents into topics, while in the secondlayer, we utilized a novel document relationship graph constructed through supervised learningto further split each topic into events, leading to an overall semi-supervised learning procedure.Our system further organizes the events into story trees with efficient online algorithms upon thearrival of daily news data.

We conducted extensive performance evaluation based on 60 GB of real-world (Chinese) newsdata, although our ideas are not language-dependent and can easily be extended to other languages,through detailed pilot user experience studies. To stimulate future research in event extraction, wealso created a large CNE dataset that contains 11,748 long news articles collected from all majorInternet news portals in China from October 01, 2016 to November 30, 2016, with ground truthevent labels. We evaluated EventX on the CNE dataset, as well as the 20 Newsgroups Englishdataset. Extensive results suggest that our clustering procedure is significantly more effective ataccurate event extraction than existing algorithms. For event extraction, the V-measure score andNMI of the clustering results on the CNE dataset are both 0.972, demonstrating the effectivenessof EventX to extract conceptually clean event clusters from vast and unstructured Internet newsdata. For story generation, 83% of the event links generated by Story Forest are logically correctas compared to an accuracy of 33% generated by more complex story graphs, demonstrating theability of our system to organize trending news events into a logical structure that appeals tohuman readers.

In our future work, we will extend our proposed Story Forest and EventX framework to makeit applicable to a continuous stream of news documents. Currently, we can use EventX in a batch-based manner; for example, we can extract the events for each batch of documents collected indifferent hours, and merge a new event with an existing event if they are talking about the sameone. We can further improve our framework by maintaining a dynamic keyword graph, performingdynamic keyword community detection, and run incremental event extraction based on such adynamic keyword graph. Whenever a new document stream comes in, we update the keywordgraph to find out new keyword communities, and cluster new documents into new events or assignthem to existing events. In this way, our framework can be directly applied to a continuous streamof news documents, rather than processing them in batches.


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Received December 2018; revised November 2019; accepted January 2020

ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Vol. 14, No. 3, Article 31. Publication date: May 2020.
