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"One in three women may suffer from abuse and violence in her lifetime. This is an appalling human rights violation, yet it remains one of the invisible and under-recognized pandemics of our time.” –Nicole Kidman

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Violence against women is fundamentally known to be tolerated and accepted in some countries around the world.

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So many women are being hurt and murdered because of this violence. And yet, most of the time, it is invisible.

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And they’re treated like puppets - people think they can control them.

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Most countries have a law on violence against women, but it is still

a global phenomenon.

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Violence against women isn't just about being abused, it is also a violation on women's basic human rights.

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A right to have freedom. A right to live free from violence. And a right to have their political, social and economic rights.

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Rape MurderDomestic violence

Dowry Stalking

Types of Violence

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Why do people abuse women?

• Violence against women is deeply rooted in the discrimination against women •A belief that they can behave in whatever way they want •While they were growing up they received or saw other people being abused (e.g. their siblings) would have made abuse seem normal for these people. • They may have mental issues or disorders, for example anger management issues•For the sexual or financial gratifications, or simply to have power over other people’s lives.

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●Long-lasting physical pain (e.g. headaches, back pains)●Psychological symptoms (e.g. depression, suicide, drugs and alcohol problems)●Stops women from accessing their human rights (e.g. security, health, education and work)●Increases the possibility of having infections or diseases.


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“Globally, at least one in three women and girls is beaten or sexually abused in her lifetime” (UN Commission on the Status of Women 28/02/00

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“An estimated 150 million girls under 18 suffered from some from of violence, in 2002 alone” UNIFEM

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“Approximately, 100 to 140 million girls have experienced genital mutilation and cutting” UNIFEM

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“In the United States ⅓ of women murdered, were killed by intimate partners” UNIFEM

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Dowry deaths happens when the women can’t meet the needs of the dowry. She is either murdered or driven to suicide, by torture and harassment.

In India in 2005 alone, there were 7,000 dowry deaths.

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“One woman is beaten by her husband or partner every 15 seconds in the United States.” Uniform Crime Reports, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1991

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If you suspect a woman you know, is being abused SPEAK UP and talk to them It may seem like it’s none of your business, but for them it

may be the difference between life and death.

What to do and what not to do if you know a woman who being abused:

Do:•Ask if something is wrong.•Express concern.•Listen and validate.•Offer help.•Support his or her decisions.

Don’t:•Wait for him or her to come to you.•Judge or blame.•Pressure him or her.•Give advice.•Place conditions on your support.

Table Adapted from: NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic ViolenceTable Taken From:, “Domestic Violcence and Abvuse – Signs of an Abusive Relationship

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So, what else can YOU do ? •Donate Donate money to organisations who are working to end violence against women.

•Find out more Go onto websites, such as Amnesty International or simply Google ‘ stop violence against women’. Also you can Visit your local library

•Volunteer Volunteer to help at a local organisation that helps stop violence against women or helps abused women, for example women’s refuges.

• Spread this video This could be as easy putting the link of this video on facebook, twitter or any other social networking site. You would also talk about the issue to your family and friends.

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We should stop the violence against women because they are humans too. They are real people, with real emotions, with real hearts.
