Page 1: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)




COM 525Programming Package for the Communications ProcessorsCP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Volume 1/2

Order No. 6ES5998-1DB21Release 08

Page 2: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

wolwodNctud Ulewmmm Ofalll rmrlualbr~rounmlh8Jdw8m md 8dlwme daclbd.

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Siemens AktiengesellschaftPfhodlnllratWud~d Gummy

Page 3: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


--..,Risks involved in the use of so-callednon-Siemens manufacture

SlMA17GcompatiMe modules of

“The manufacturer of a product (SIMATIC in this case) is under the generalobligation to give warning of possibie risks attached to his product. This obligationhas been extended in recent court rulings to include parts supplied by othervendors. Accordingly, the manufacturer is obliged to observe and recognize suchhazards as may arise when a product is combined with products of othermanufacture.

For this reason, we feef obliged to warn our customers who use SIMATICproducts not to install so-called SIMATIC-compatible modules of othermanufacture in the form of replacement or add-on modules in SIMATICsystems.

Our products undergo a strict quality assurance procedure. We have no knowledgeas to whether outside manufacture of so-called SIMATfC-comPatiMe moduleshave any quality assurance at afl or one that is nearly equivalent to ours. These so-called SIMATIC- compatible modufes are not marketed in agreement with Siemens:we have never recommended the use of so-called SIMATIC-compatible modules ofother manufacture. The advertising of these othef manufactmm for So-cafledSIMATIC-compatible modules wrongly creates the impression that the subjectadvertised in periodical, catalogues or at exhibdicms had been agreed wti us.Where so-cafled SIMATICampatWe modules of non-siernens manufacture arecombined with our SIMATIC~ systems. we have a case of our productbeing used contrary to recommendatm“ s. Secause of the variety of applimons ofour SIMATIC automation systems and the large number of these products marketedworidwide, we cannot give a concrete description specifically analyzing the hazardscreated by these so-called SIMATICampatibk modules.



G90w-onse3--ol lzm 3

Page 4: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

It is beyond the manufacturer’s capabilities to have ail these so-called SIMATIC-compatibie modules checked for !helr effect on our SIMATIC products. If the use ofso-called SIMATIC-compatible modules leads to defects in a SIMATIC automationsystem, no warranty for such systems will be given by Siemens.

. - . ,

In the event of product liability damages due to the use of so-died SIMATIC-compatible modules. Siemens are not liable since we took timely action m warmngusers of the potential hazards involved in so-called SIMATIC-compatible modules. ”

4 C79000-08S63-C70251 12189

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Page 5: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Guidelines for HandlingElectrostatically Sensitive Devices (ESD)

1 What is ESD?

VSLI chips (MOS technology) are used in practically all SIMATIC S5 andTELEPERM M modules. These VLSI components are, by their nature, verysensitive to overvoltage and thus to electrostatic discharge:

lhey are therefore defined as“Electrostatically sensitive Qevices”

“ESD” is the abbreviation used internationally.

The following warning label on the cabinets. subracks and packing indicatesthat electrostatically sensitive components have been used and that themodules concerned are susceptible to touch:

ESDS can be destroyed by voltage and energy levels which are far below thelevel perceptible to human beings. Such voltages afready occur when acomponent or a module is touched by a person who has not beenelectrostabcally discharged. timponents which have been subjected to suchovervoltages cannot. in most cases, be immediately detected as faulty; mefault occurs only after a long period in operation.

An electrostatic discharge- of 3500 V can be felt

of 4500 V can be heardmust take place at a minimum of 5000 V to be seen.

But just a fraction of this voltage can already damage or destroy anelectronic component.

Page 6: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

ESD Gudehnes

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The ~pical data of a component can suffer due to damage. overStreSSing orweakening caused by electrostatic discharge; this can result in temporaryfault behavior, e.g. in the case of

- temperature variations,mechanical shocks,vibrations,change of load.

Only the consequent use of protective equipment and careful observance ofthe precautions for handling such components can effectively preventfunctional disturbances and failures of ESD modules.

2 When is a Static Charge Formed?One can never be sure that the human body or the material and tools whichone is using are not electrostatically charged.

Small charges of 100 V are very common; these can, however. very quicklyrise up to 35000 V.

Examples of static charge:



Walking on a carpet up to 35000 vWalking on a PVC flooring up to 12000 vSitting on a cushioned chair Up to 18000 V

Plastic resoldering unit ‘ Ufl to 8000 V

Plastic coffee cup up to 5000 vPlastic bags up to 5000 vBooks, etc. with a pfastic binding Up to 8 0 0 0 V

Important Protective Measures against Static ChargeMost plastic materials are highly susceptible to static charge and musttherefore be kept as far away as possible from ESDS.

Personnel who handle ESDS, the work table and the packing must afi becarefully grounded.

e.5unolIs A(3 c7mDmn%x3901


Page 7: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

ESK) Gudelmes

4 Handling of ESC) Modules

. . . . .. . .

One basic rule to be observed is that electronic modules should betouched by hand only if this is necessary for any work to be doneon them. Do not touch the component pins or the conductors.

Touch components only if

the person is grounded at all times by means of a wrist strap


the person is wearing special anti-static shoes or shoes with agrounding strip.

Before touching an electronic module. the person concerned mustensure that (s)he is not carrying any static charge. The simplestway is to touch a conductive, grounded item of equipment (e.g. ablank metallic cabinet part, water pipe, etc. ) before touching themodule.

Modules should not be brought into contact with insulatingmaterials or materials which take up a static charge, e.g. plasticfoil. insulating table tops, synthetic clothing, etc.

Modules should only be placed on conductive surfaces (table withanti-static table top, conductive foam material, anti-static plasticbag,. anti-static transport container).

Modules should not be placed in the vicinity of monitors, TV sets(minimum distance from screen > 10 cm).

The diagram on the next page shows the required protective measuresagainst electrostatic discharge.

S Measurements and Modification to ESD Modules. Measurements on modules may only be camied out under the following


the measuring equipment is grounded (e.g. via the PE conductor ofthe power supply system) or

- *when electrically isolated measuring equipment is used, the probemust be discharged (e.g. by touching the metallic casing of theequipment) before beginning measurements.

. Only grounded sold&ing irons maybe used.

Page 8: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

ESD Guidelines



a f


Sitting position——





Standing position



a Conducbve flooringb Antmabc tablec Anb-stabc shoesd Atm-srabc coale Groundq wrist smpf Grounding connecbon of

the cabinets


Standing/sitting position

6 Shipping of ESD ModulesAnti-static packing material must aiways be used for modules andcomponents, e.g. metaiized plastic boxes. metal boxes, etc. for storing anddispatch of modules and components.if the container itself is not conductive, the modules must be wrapped in aconductive material such as conductive foam, anti-static plastic bag,aluminium foil or paper. Normal plastic bags or foils should not be used under ,%any circumstances.

~ .>.,”

For modules with built-in batteries ensure that the conductive packing doesnot touch or short-circuit the battery connections: if necessary cover theconnections with insulating tape or material.

4 ~ siOnwns A(3 c7mD&17e.c33sQl

Page 9: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Contents “ I


Warning C79000-R8576-C499Information$WJ9@~co*i~s

volume 1



How to Use the Manual C79000-D8576-C499-03 3CP 525-2Communications ProcessorInstnmtions C79000-B8576-C537-07

CP 524Communications Processor t-


5Instructions C79000-B8576-C536-06 I -

6Computer Link with RK 512User’s Guide C79000-B8576-C539-08 7

Event Output and Listingwith the PT86/PT89 PrinterUsefs Guide

8C79000-B8576-C541 -05


I 10

Volume 2

Page 10: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



How to Use the Manual



Page 11: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



1 Things to Remember

2 Where Do I Find This in the Mawal?

3 Abbreviations

4 OrderingD ata

5 Further Relevant Documentation









Page 12: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


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1 Things to Remember

This manual is intended to help you use the CP 525-2 and CP 524communications processors as follows:

- for the ‘Computer link with RK 512” and- for ‘Event output and logging with the PT88/PT89 printer”

It is also intended to help you program the associated CP 525user program with the pr~ package QM 525.

The manual is divided into tm parts.

CP 525-2

The CP 525-2 is often abbreviated to CP 525.

CP 524

The CP 524 can be used just as the CP 525 when you wish tocommicate with cmly m partner.

The CP 524 has only cae serial device interface; it has m K~. Therefore tiy EPROM subwdules that have been pro-gransned on the PC can be used on the CP 524.

The serial device interface of the CP 524 corresponds to thedevice interface IF 1 on the CP 525. An EPROM mlmodule pro-grammed for IF 1 can be used both on the CP 525 and CP 524.

The CP 524 is not referred to in the parts of this manual;howaver, almost all tie informatim referring to IP 1 on the CP525 also applies to the CP 524, except the CP 525 functicmsavailable when you are using the PC online (e, g. stxmx, stop,transfer) .

Page 13: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


You should first develop your user program using a CP 525. Youcan then ccmnect the PG online and transfer your CP 525 userV- directly to a RAM mbmodule plugged into the CP 525. Thenyou can auryout the start-up. Any Corrections whichmybeneeded can then be carried out quickly. Once you have completedthese corrections, you can then program the EPROM for use withthe CP 524.


The CP 525 and CP 524 camwtbe used inassociationwith theprogrammable controller s5-13su@~ (CPU 921).

We wish pu every success with your communications processor !



Page 14: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



D8576499 -02

2 Where Do I Find This in the l%nual?

This manual

COM 525 program@ package for the comunicationsprocessors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-lXE)

is divided into m parts. Both parts contain a table of ccmtentsof the whole manual .

Part 1

Section 1 This Sectim is - Uaed

Section 2 !mis Sectim is - used

Section 3 ~ m IMIlg * W#xmal

These are general instmctions that you shouldbear in mind; this section also includes- abbreviations and their explanations- ordering data- ~r relevant documentation

Section 4 a .-~ F==== = 5=-2


This is an introduc tory description; it containsimportant informaticm about installing and nmningthe module.

. . . . . .

... -

Page 15: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


This is an introductory description; it containsimportant information about installing and rmningthe mdule.

Section6 !JMssecticm ismxused

section 7 ~ link Wilh RK 51ZUserfs guide

This guide provides the following:- bsic facts- important, general information about programming- help in correcting errors in the computer link~=t

Section 8 B5tcntqxtmd Ulgg@EJ uith~R88/m?9 plmlteruser’ s guide

This guide p*&s you with the following:- basic facts- important, general information about programming- help in correcting errors in the logging printer


Page 16: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)




Part 2

Section 1 ~ link with BK mExample of application

This is sn introduction. When you have workedq this _le you will have generated a CP525 user program in which all the hqxmtant func-tions of the computer link are implemented. Thissection smming the STEP 5 user pro-concerns progrgram for the CPU.

section 2 Ibesl’t aatpatandloggiqg WithhRs8~9 ~Example of application

This is an illtroduc tion. When you have worked_ * _le P will have generated a CP525 user program in tiich all the impmtent func-tims of the logging printer are implemented. Ihissection also concerns prog . . the STEP 5 userW- for the CPU.

section 3 EkJms m * opere~ SysteBs PCF’’-86 aud S5-D06user’s guide

This is im.formation you should be familiar withbefore ym install the (XM 525 p~ package.

Sectitm 4 ~ me CCM 525user’s glride

This is an introductory guide for the pr~p-e m 525 as follm:- cmtains all the screen masks output by CX)M 525- includes instructions about the entries to bemade in the fields of the screen masks.




Page 17: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


Section 5 aRf 525 ~esReference nnnual

This is a description of the error messages whichare displayed cm the screen of your programmer bythe C(M 525 pr~ package.

Section 6 ruCM 525user’s g’dde

This is an introduction to programing EPROMs asfollows :- includes all the screen wsks output by PROM 525- contains information about the entries to be made

in the f iel& of the screen masks.

This reference manual prtides an overview of thefuncticms provided by the handling blocks, withparticular emphasis on the computer link or thelogging printer.


Page 18: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


3 Abbreviations

A-NR Job numberGmdition codeword

AS 512C Ihterface mdule 51.2C

B BellBI&R Field length

c Ccmdensed printCF Coordination flagCL Chained logCL computer link

Current message logCOM 525 ~ package COM 525 for the

cmmmications processors CP 525 snd CP 524CP Commmicatlons processor

Central processing unitCR Carriage return

D% Dam blockDBNR Data block nmberDL I.aft-hsnd data byte in a data wordm Right-band data byte in a data wordDw Data wordIx -d data block

FB Function blockFD Disk drive

First in f ixst out bufferlw Flag wordFx ~ me

Group inhibit bit

, .,...-..%H Heavy printEDB (data) Handling block

IF Device interface

JB Jtnuper block

Page 19: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

D8576499 -01


I!EP adapter



Procedure IAUFFT88(logging printer PT88/PT89 function)

Module -lXIWM-pmgramming adapter

~mti~ block

Condition code byte for parameter assignmenterrorsRogrsm blockR~ble controllerRogramer

PSEUDO R/W function PSti READ/WRITE functionPSL Recess stares logP188/PT89 PT88/PT89 printer

Start address of sourceQLU Source length = number of pieces of source

data~~ * = type of data source

QVZ Timeout

Reply telegrsmIW422-A EIA stsndard RS422-ARS485 EIA standard RS485R/w function READ/wKm function

S-DOS Operating systemS5 program STEP 5 program

Sequential message logInterface number

SYSID Identification area SYSIDError message area of the SYSTAT

current loop signals (20 la)

u UnderlinedUPMTESML Update sequential message log



Page 20: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Start ad&ess of destinationDestination length = number of pieces ofdestination dataDestination type = type of data destinationCharacter timeout

. . . . . .


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Page 21: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


4 Ordering Data

-~ for the CP 52.5-2 SIB3 CP 524:

KHuufsak)ass Order number

16 Kuords 6ES5 373-).AA4132 Kwrds 62S5 373-JAA6164 Kumds 6ES5 373-lAA81

Ik=my mbnkibs for CP 525-2:

mu Sakxhiles Order numbsr

16 Kwords 6ES5 377-0AB2132 Kwcmis 6ES5 377-0AB3164 Kwords 6ES5 377-0AB4164 Kwords, 377 SAM subnmiule, buffered 6ES5 377-0BB41

hterf=e m&bs for ths @ 524:

V.24 62S5 752-0AA22TN (20 M) 6ES5 752-0AAI,22S422-A/485 6ES5 752-0AA42

Insauatima guwaims far SIMA!mc UqasCt ~:


s~ Iimctims for !xalMkrd ~’S: 6ES5 848-7WA01 (7=MS-DOS)6ES5 842-8WA01 (8=PCP/M)

-t ‘~ --: 6ES5 848-7WE01 (7uMS-DOS)6ES5 848-8wE01 (8=PCP@l)

~ -e OCiH PIE: 6ES5 895-4sF21 (9=5.25”)6ES5 835-4SF21 (3=3.5”)




Page 22: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. .



~b~’ Order number

S5-135U/Rpessor 6ES5 842-xC8XO(-YY)

S5-150U 6ES5 844-xCAxO{-YY)

S5-155U 6ES5 846-xCAO1

Please enquire at your nearest SIEMENS branch or the nearesttechnical office about the numbers or letters msrkedx or (-yy).

Stam&rdcsble ~ Order mmber

CP525 -

CP 525/524 -

CP 525/524 -

CP 525/524 -

CP 525/524 -

CP 525/524 -

CP 525/524 -

CP 525/524 -

CP 525/524 -

cP524 -

CP 525 IP2 -

PG 61a (TTY) 6ES5 726-OX%XO

CP 525/524 (TTY) 6ES5 726-lxxxO

PROMEAll (m) 6ES5 725-8xxx0

AS512C(TI’X) 6ES5 726-2xxx0

PROMEAR (TTY) 6ES5 726-3xxx0

PT88/PT89(TJ!Yfl.24) 6ES5 726-5xxx0

l!odem NIO (v.24) 6ES5 726-7xxx0

CP 525/524 (V.24) 6ES5 726-8xxx0

PRoMEAR (v.24) 6ES5726-4XXX0

CP 524 (V.11/SS422-@ 6ES5 725-7Juu0

PG 7XX 6ES5 734-5xxx0

(xxx=SIMATIC len8th~Y)


Page 23: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


5 Further Relevant Documentation

/1/ See the ordering data for the handling blocks

/2/ PT88/PT89 printer - description


Wehavochccksd Ihocontenlsol Ihlsmommlhx The reproduction. trensmlsslon or use of Ihls docu.$gmementwl!h Ihehiwdware and sollwafedesc~ibed. menlorilsconlenls Is nolpennills dwilhoul ● xpressSIncadeviallons oennot be pmcludaden!irely, wecen. wriltenoulhmily.not OUatanleR full ● greamenl. HowOver. Ihs data in Ihis Offenders will be Iinble lor demsges. All riohts. In.monual are reviewed regularly and ony necessary coo cludino rights created by potent grant or ragislratlonracliona included In subsequent editions. .%ggestlona 01 a utility model or deaign. are reasrvetj.

Ior improvement are welcomed.Technicel dale subject 10 chonge. Copyrighl ~ Slemens AG 1989 All RlghIs Reserved


Siemens Aktiengesellschaft C79000.08576.C4SSGertilewark Kedawhe

Printed in the Federol Republic 01 Germany

Page 24: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


-. . .



Communiostions Processor CP 525-2

Instructions C79000-BS576-C537-07

Page 25: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)











T~ -~

Applicatim24ecbenfml DesignSerial Device InterfaceDuel-port RAM, Iimerface to the CPU- ~~esHardware ClockTechnical. Data


Slots in the Rograsmable ControllerPlugging in and Iteum@ the CP 525-2Installation Guidelines

(km’itroh and DiS@S)R3Operating Modes

Status DisplaysJumper SettingsModule Address/Interface NumberBnabling/Disabling IPC FlagsSettings of the Device InterfacesPermanent Jumper Settings

Settisg up the Eerduam

Pin Asaigmantxl

Backplane ConnectorBackplane Crmnector


Memo-iy Submodule InterfaceDevice Interface 1 (IF 1)Device Interface 2 (IF 2)












Page 26: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


Stasxkd Ceble Ctamecturs

connection cP525 - PC 6XX (TTY)camection CP 525/524 - CP 525/524 (TTY)camectioncP 525/524 - PlwMEAlf(lTY)Camect5.0n CP 525/524 - AS 512C (~Camection CP 525/524 - PROMEAR (TTY)Camection CP 525/524 - PT88~89 (TIY/V.24)Connection CP 525/524 -Hodem~O (V.24)Connection CP 525/524 - CP 525/524 (V.24)Connectim CP 525/524 - PRDMEAR (V.24)connecticm cP525,1P2 -PG7XX(TTY)






Page 27: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576537-04 mmlmln ications Processor CP 525-2

1 Technical Description

1.1 Application

---- The ~ pmcesam CP 525-2 can be used in the pro-grammable controllers of the SIMATIC 5 Urange (S5-115U, S5-135U,S5-150U and S5-155U). Mote ti * CP 525-2 cammtbeusedticaljumctimatlltbes5-135u/spmceSor.

Usingthecaurmmications processor CP 525-2 and the accompanyingpmgrambgpackage COM525 youcanaccanplish the following:

By coxmecting the printer PT88/PT89, you can log ~ocess statesand messages. The cmmni-tions processor CP 525-2 initiates thecanpilaticm of message texts and their output on the printer.

~ the ~le COII=O1l= (~) fi P- of = =mtionnetwork, it can exchange datxa with one or more pmgrmmablecontrollers or with a central process caquter (ccmputer link).These tasks are also carried out in~tly by the CP 525-2.

The data exchange between the CP 525-2 and the central processor(CPU) of the programsble controller is restricted to a minimm.Only the variable data (current process values) is exchangedbemmen the CPU and the CP 525-2. The CP 525-2 hSS its mm memoryfor invariable data, which you program using the progmmingpackage CC&l 525.

.. . . .. .

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Page 28: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576537-04 Coiniinmications Processor CP 525-2

CP 525-2:- listing process statuses and messages originating in the pro-cess

- linking programmable controllersters





with each other or


IIo04—.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I mI

~STEP5 “..,,..’userprogrem .,.’ . ., .,. &=m2

with compu-

,i%ogrmmsblecontrolkcLg. s5-l15u —

S5-1S5US5-150US5-155U I

I I 1 I

*,*, *,*,

The Comnnxnications processor CP 525-2 can be plugged into the S5~ble controllers of the U range. By using a programmerprogr

(PG) and the progmming package COM 525, you can write your uaerprogram for the CP 525-2 (e.g. message texts to be output m thePT88/PT89 printer). Once written, this user progrsm is storedeither in an EPROM s&module or in a RAM submdule.

If you decide to store it in the RAM sukmodul e, connect the PCto detice interface 2 of the CP 525-2 and transfer the userprogram for the CP 525-2 to the RAM submdule. This submdulemust already be plugged into the memory submdule receptacle ofthe CP 525-2.

. . ..

Page 29: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


You also pmgrsmusing the STEP 5

comunicaticms Processor CP 525-2

your STEP 5 user progr~ for the CPU on the PGBASIC PACKAGE.

The following devices @m be connected directly to the CP 525-2:. . . ...,.

other programmable controllerscentral ccmputer

- the PT88/PT89 printer


With the CP 524 and with special drivers you can connect othermsnufactmrers equipnent to ymr progrsmable controller (e.g.computers, printers or intelligent subsystems). For moreinformation about special drivers contact your nearest Siemensbranch or technical office.

. . . . . .

Page 30: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Cozm? a= .Prwessor C? 525-23857653 i - c 3

1.2 Mechanical Design

CP 525-2





Receptacle formemory submowe:

RAM: 16,32 or64 Kwords

EPROM: 16,32 or64 ‘) KWOdS

Mode SQ&@X

LED display fordedce “mterhcel

Device -Slwfacel (IFl )TIY orV.24

LEDdiifordeujw interface 2

Device interface 2 (IF 2 )llY orV,24

TTY hterface for pmgmmingthe CP 52s with the pG

*): when programing the 64 Kword memory submodule m the PG youneed an a&pter (MEP adapter), since a different pr~-voltage is required for EPROMS of the type 27256.

. . . .. .-.


Page 31: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

3~375537.03 Commnicatiom F-rmessoz C? 525-2

On its frm-it panel, the wmmm ications processor has tvo 25-pinfemale Carmm connectors with serial device interfaces forconnecting devices (printer PT88/PT89, other programable con-trollers or central computers). Instead of these detices, deviceinterface 2 (IF 2) can also be used to ccmnect the programmer(PG).

Each of the device titerfaces has an IA) display.

Using the mode selector che following operating mcdes can beselected:

-RUN- STOP == PGR (no jobs will be processed)

The function of the switch setting STOP is identical with that ofPGR.

mmemorymkmodule fortheuserprogramis pluggedintothesubmodule receptacle. You csnuse either EPMK~or M~.

The cmnectim to the S5 bus in the PC frame is established viatwo 48-pin backplane connectors.

1.3 Serial Device Interfaces

‘hansmission via both device interfaces is serial and asynchro-nous. Both loop current (TTY) and V.24 signals am available onthe two device interfaces.

The loop mrrent (201YIA) canbe auppliedby both the CP 525-2 andfromtiepartnertice. Only the endwhichprovides the currentisnon-fl.eating. ’i’he@s%@iesthe~ent (20mA)viajumpersin the connector of the device interface. The 24 7 reqdred forgenerathg loop current is takan frcm the PC bus. With a closedcircuit, a current of 20 UA must flow ( logical 1) if the linecurrent cimuit is functioning correctly. When the current isinterrupted, logical O results.


Page 32: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

., .

2$576537-03 cOmIu.n ications Prccessor CP 525-2

The CCI’iT recommendations V,24/V.28 apply for the V.24 signals. Alogical zero is a voltagt greater than +3 V; a logical 1 avult-age less than -3 V.

The foregoing technical details are irrelevant if you use thestandard cable connectors to connect the PT88/PT89 printer, otherprogrammable controllers or certain computers. These connectorsare designed for V.24 or TTY signals (see Section 6).

When you write the user program with the COM 535 programingpackage you decide the following:

. . .- which partner is to be linked on which interface- which settings are required for the transmi ssion parameters

(transmission rate, frme format)

For further details refer to the user’s guide for the COM 525programming package.

1.4 Dual-portlUUIII, InterfacetotheCPU


The data ~change between the CP 525-2 and the CPU is restrictedtoaminimum. onlythevsriabledata (currentprocessvalues) isexchanged between the CPU and the CP. The CP 525-2 has its ownuser memory for invariable data, e.g., message texts.

Data is exchanged between the CPUand the CP 525-2 using a commmemoryarea: *eH-pmtB4M.

The dual-port RAM is m +& CP 525-2 and is similar toamailbox.The CP 525-2 and CPU can leave messages (data, requests, etc.) foreach other in this mailbox.


Page 33: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

E4576537-03 Commr.icaciom Processor CP 525-2

,, ., ,,:. . , .- ..,


The CPU of the PC always acts as master for data exchange. TheCP 525-2 must “wait to be asked” by the CPU whether it wants totransfer dati. This polling function is carried out by stan&rdfunction blocks (Wmd13ng blacks=) in the CPU. These are thesame handling blocks that are used by other cCmmlmicathlsprocessors.

The actual exchange of &ta between the CPU and CP 525-2 is alsomanaged by handling blocks. For more details, refer to the &-scripticm “Using the handling blocks” in this manual.

<------------ CPU ----------- >


<-------- CP 525-2 ---------->




,> .%. . .









I memory






Page 34: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576537-03 cOEmlunica.tions Processor CP

The daal-prt RAM of the CP 525-2 is structured as follows:


Dec. Hm.61952 F200







62176 F2E062207 F2FF

62464 F400


65279 FEFF

tiea: I&al-pom RAM

FYo - FY 31

FY 32 - FY 63

FY 64 - FY 95

FY 96 - FY 127

FY 128 - FY 159

FY 160 - FY 191

FY 192 - FY 223

FY 224 - FY 255

Rs - area

(2) page I (3) page

RI area RI areafor IF 1 for IF 2

(4) VectOr I (5) ~.interface interface




f-;. . .... ”,..-. .

(1) m flag area

(2048 flags)

--- ----Systemdata area forcontrolling/xmitoringthedataexchange— - - - - - -me page is availablefor each deviceinterface

Ihterface area forjob data- - - - - - -

--- ----A vector register isassigned to each page

-1---- -—-

This diagram is explained on the following page.


Page 35: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


. . . . . .=.

,- .,

. . . .

38576537-03 COzmunications Processor CP 525-2

cmmmicatim (IFc)flag/Irea:

IPC flags are &fined as follows:

- IPC flags are part of the flag area of a CPUor

- if they are specified as IPC output bytes (in terms of thecomputer link) they are part of the dual-port RAM of theCP 525-2. These IPC flags are also called coordination flags.

IPC flags are required because they are used as follows:

- for the cyclic exchange of data between CPCJS in bytes- for the data exchange between CPUS and the CP 525-2. The IPCflag area in the dual-port RAM of the CP 525-2 is responsiblefor this fition.

The IPC flag area in tie CP 525-2 covers 256 IPC flag bytes(2048 IPC flags).

With the computer link and RK 512 the IPC flags (coordinationflags) can be used m inhibit and mable tlmd?lta~ ~t-weem * (XJ A @. By inhibiting tiis me, you can preventdata that has not yet been evaluated fran being ovanvritten.These IPC flags must be deseted as output flag bytes. Forfurther details see the user’s guide for the computer link withRK 512.

When you are using the pcinter PT88/PT89, you do mt need the IPCf lags.

The IPC flags are transferred once per STEP 5 program cyclebetween the flag area of the CPU and the IPC flag area of theCP 525-2 (similar to the process image for dfgital. inputs andoutputs) .

To prevent multiple addressing when using several CPS or CPs anda coordinator in one PC, you must ditide the IPC flags into

-s (j=w se=iw see 3.4.2). This also applies if there ismore b one CPU in a PC.




Page 36: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576537-04 communicaticms Processor CP 525-2


S5-IL5U: the IPC flags must be listed in DB1 as IX outputflags.

S5-135U:S5-155U: the IPC flags must be entered as IPC output flags in

the DB1 of each CPU. This is also the case when onlyone CPU is being used along with a CP 525-2.

S5-150U: since the IPC flags are in a different address area,the fiction block PB ‘llUNSFER handles the cyclic-e of IPC flags between the CPU and CP. The IPCflags must be specified when the block is called. Theblock call must be at the end of the cycle of your STEP5 progrsm.

(2)(3) X&ta tmmafer ~ (l?%@

Each detice interface of the CP 525-2 has its own page assignedto tt . This means that each CP 525-2 used in a programmablecontroller has m pages.

The me is the ares within the dual-port B&4 in which data is~med be-en the CP 525-2 and the CPU. ‘his &@ may, e.g.,

numerical values, to be logged on the printer. In additim,the programmable controller can also transfer system mes-sages to the CP 525-2 via the page.

(4)(5) vector re@ster - ~ IEmber

The pages of all the CPs in a PC are in the same address area. Toensure that only the required page is addressed when data are_ed, es* page can only be addressed by its ~nmbar. ‘lhis is between O and 255 end is set on the CP by meansof juqers.

Each page has a ~ ragkter allocated to it. The vectorregisters of all the CPs have the ssme address.



Page 37: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


If one of the two pages of a particular CP is to be addressed bythe CPU (e.g., to transfer data to the CP 525-2), the CPU writesthe interface number of the required page in all the ~registers available. Each CP compares the contents of the vector

T register with its own two interface numbers. If the CP re~izesthat the number retches an interface number, the required page isenabled for &ta transfer. This function is carried out autcmat-icallybyhandling blocks.

. . . . . .“

Since the interface numbers of the CP 525-2 can only be set inpairs, you set the even interface number of IF 1 on the CP 525-2.The interface number of IF 2 is automatically set with the nexthigher number (for more details see 3.4.1 Module ad&ess/inter-face number).

first CP 525-2

Page 1 Page 2

4 4- - - - - -Inter- Inter-face facemmber numbere.g. ‘2W e.g. ‘3”--— - - -Vector Vectorregister registex

second CP 525-2

Page 1 Page 2

i 4- - - - - -Tnter- Intar-

face facenumber numbere. g“ “4W e.g. ‘5W- - - -—-“:ector Vectorregister register

Exalqle with 2 CPs. . - - -

all pages are inthe same ad&essarea

-----numbers between Oand 255 set withj=pe=s on the Cp

.- - - -all vector registersare in the sameaddre-= area- - - - -

. . . . . .. . .. . .. .



Page 38: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


1.5 Memory Submodules

Thememorysubmodule of the CP

Cw_zwiczzi3ns ETocessor C? 525-2

525-2 contains your CP 525 userprogram. The user program includes the foilOwGg:

the specific programs for the device interfaces (Interpretersand procedures”). These programs decide which function (compu-ter link or printer) is carried out via which interface on theCP

the “actual” user program, i.e., the message texts for thelogging printer and/or the telegram parameters for the computerlink

The interpreters and procedures of the two interfaces require atotal of 8 K~ds (2 x 4 Kwords) in the memory submdule, regar-dless of whether me or both interfaces are being used. TheCP 525-2 also stores a user data manager for each interface inthe ~ sukmdule. This manager is dynamic, i.e., it growswith the number of items of user data; per interface it can be amaxim3mof 4Kwordslong.

Comwter linkwithRK 512: per interface amsximum IKwwrd is re-quiredfor the telegram parameters. A16MsEsmrysubmiWeis adequate for one ccmrputer link per CP 525-2 interface

hinter PT88/Pl’89: the available memory space depends on the ca-pacityof the memory subnodule andonwhether one or two inter-faces are being used.

You can use either J3PMM~ orRAH dmlodules. when it isplugged in, the RAM is battery-backed ~ the backplane bus ofthe programmable controller.

!IHRXlwT! : if the BAM ~ is unplugged frmn the CP 525-2or the CP is disconne ctel from the PC, the user program stored inthe RAM is lost! ! !


Page 39: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)
Page 40: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576537-07 Caimum.fcstions Rocessor CP525-2

1.6 Hardware Clock

In cmtrast to the CP 524 (software clock) the CP 525 has abattery-backed hardware clock to display the date end the.

Leep years and changes of year are automatically taken into ●c-count by tie software of the CP. Even if the CP 525 is switchedoff (for up to 1 year), with date supported only by the batteryback-up, changes of year and leap years are taken into accountwhen it is switched cm again.

As soon as the CP 525-2 module has been plugged into the pro-grsunmble ccmtroller, the clock starts mnning with the settings:January 1st, 0.00 hours. The year is set at random

Further details about the hardware clock can be frond in theuser’s guide Wmputer link with K 512” or in the user’s gufde‘CP 525: signelling end listing with the PT88/PT89 printer*’(CP 525: reading and writing the date and time).

The hardware%.e. +/- 4.3

clock is accurateseconds per day.

to +/- 50 ppm,


Page 41: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

,. . . ,, ‘-. . . . . .


,. .-.


1.7 Technical Data

Degree of protecticm accordfngto DIN 40050 and IEC 144

Perm. *ient tamparatmreduring operationduring transport and storage

Hmldiq ChlSS DIN 40040

Operating altitie

Power supply

current input 5 v

Current input 24 V

Back-up vol-ge

Back-up current (at 60°Cend without RAM aubmdule)

Transmission procedure

Transmission rate

Transmission cable

Transmission link m

~SSiOIl link V24

Designdimensions (W X H X D)backplane connector(peckAging system)


Ccsmmmicaticms Processor CP 525-2


O“c to Ss”c-40°c to +700C

code letter F

up to 3,500 m above sea level

5 V +/- 5%; 24 V for currsmtsources

2.1 A max; 1.8 A measuredstatically

60 m4

ndn. 2.7 V

140 * msx.

asynchronous, procedures can beloaded vie PG

110 to 19200 bpS

with TTY msx. 9600 bpS

shielded cable withbraided shield and mtelconnector: earthing requiredboth endsmax. 1 km at 9600 bps

max. 20 m

20.32 m X 160 = X 233.4 nmES 902 / row 2, 48-pin

approx. 0.4 kg


Page 42: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


2 Installation

Ccmmllm ications Processor CP 525-2

2.1 Slots in the Progranable Controller

The CP 525-2 can be plugged into the following programnsblecontrollers (fan required):

S5-115W with subrack CR 700-2Slot number

I I I I IS5-U5U with aubrack SR 701-3

I I I IThe interface modules 304 and 314are required

S5-lMU with subrack CR 700-3:

I I I IThe interface modules 304 and 314are requiredFanraquixed


I I IWith the CP 525-2, no coordination processor is required if onlyone CPU is used.


I 3I


Furtherdetails about yourprogranmable controller canbefoundin the appropriate rnsnual.


Page 43: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576537-06 comrmmications Processor CP 525-2

,.. . . ....--.


19 1111111111175 83 91 99 107 115 123 131 139 147

The CP 525-2 canbe plugged into the following expansion unit(fan requixed):


19 27 35 43 51 59 67 75 83 91

The interface modules 304 and 314 are required.

. . . .

. . . . . .

2.2 Plugging in and Removing the CP 525-2

lblmt~ [email protected]&po,erison!’[email protected]?

2.3 Installation Guidelines

The connecting cable between the CP 525-2 and a partner devicemtha-bletitiatiieldtiedatkti-mdtitimticonnectors. The standard cable connectors listed in the catalogand in Section 6 meet these rquirments.

The shield must make large area contact with the casing of themetal connector (not on pin 7). If the partner device does nothave a metal connector, the cable shield must make large areacontact with ground. If there is a large difference in groundpotential between the CP 525-2 and the partner device, a poten-tial equalizing cable should be

.- kept away from thyristor drives* 500 V. Further informationin the “Installation guidelinesordering data).

included. The cable should beand power cables carqdng moreabout installation can be foundfor SIMA1’IC canpact devices” (see





Page 44: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


3 Operation

3.1 Controls





con?Lunicatims ?rocessm Cl? 525-2

and Displays


Mode selector



LED dispkyfordevice interface 2

,. ..,


Page 45: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

gg7-L~ ~: .~,~--/ , “

3.2 Operating Modes

Mode selector

RUN The processor nms in the nmmal operatingmode, the user functions which have beenprogramed are processed. The LEDs are notlit (L.f LEDs are lit, see 3.3)

STOP = PGR No jobs are processed.switch position “STOP”of WGRW. lhe IEDs are

The function of theis identical withlit.

3.3 Stabs Displays

Each interface has a red LED display. If the IED display ofdevice interface is lit, one of the following has occurred:

device driver and procedure for the interface not loaded

mode selector switched to S’lUP/PGR



following the loading of the user program, drive and procedure,no CP 525-2 cold resta?.~ was carried out

CP 525-2 still in start-up phase following a power failure(takes max. 10 s)

“serious” error recognised during start-up (e. g., wrongmemory submdule; submodde type not permitted).

Page 46: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. .

The diagram below shows the position of the jumper blocks on themodule. Adjummnts need to be made only on JB 16 / JB 25 / .J3 51.The jumpers on the remaining jumper blocks are set in the factoryand should not be changed.

IF 1

Memory submodultj






JB25lPCilag area







IF... = Device interface . . . JB . . . = jumperbkxk ,.,








Page 47: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B2576537-93 Cozm,miczcions Pzocessor CP 525-2

3.4.1 Mldd.e Mdress / Interface Nlmuber

As described in 1.4, the data is transferred via the page area ofthe dual-port RAM. Each of the two device interfaces of the

-.. CP 525-2 has its own page and is allocated its cm interfacenmber(vakesfromO to255).

You specify the interface numbers by setting the ~e addressof the CP 525-2 at JB 16. For _le, if you select the mduleaddress ‘O”, (no jumpers inserted), then device interface 1 (IF1) has the interface number “Ow. Detice interface 2 (IF 2) isautomatically assigned the next higher number - interface mnnber

. . .

1.?1 n


Page 1

Moduleaddress — > Interface number

e.g. ‘On

(mlyevennumbers allowed)




plus 1= e.g. ‘lw

[email protected]~c~be selected for IF 1; IF 2 is then automatically assigned thenexthigheroddnmber.

luote:to enaure that the CPU addresses the CP correctly, you mustspecify the same interface number (PSrameter SSNR) when assigningparameters to the handling blocks as that set on the CP.

. . . . .

Page 48: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


Jq=bl=k no- 16:

16 15 14 13 12 11 MI 9

~ ‘r ~~e.t~

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 86-11 4 22

5-12 8 23

Jumper open: O x 2n = OJumper inserted: 1 x 2n

4-13 16 24

3-14 32 25

2-15 64 26

1-16 128

16 15 1413 12 11 10 9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I I0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Jmpers 6-11open.


The upper device12andtheloweraddress 13.

5-12 are inserted; the other jumpers remain


interface (i.e. IF 1) now has interface numberdevice interface therefore autcmtically has


Page 49: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

3.4.2 Euablin@isabli143~_

AS described in 1.4 and in the =er’s wide “_ter lfi W*K 512” you can enable or inhibit the data transfer between the

7. CPU and CP 525-2 by using the x= flags. ~@s@ ~C flags -t bespecified as output flags; in tjmis simation the term ‘tcoordin-aticm flag” can be used instead of the term IPC flag.

The printer ~88/PT89 does not rewire *Y mc fl~:gs.

A total of 256 IPC flag bytes are available in the programmablecontroller (2048 IPC flags).

In multiprocessor operat:km, IPC flags are a means of exchangingdata bemeen the processors. If several CP 525-2s or severalCPUS (in the S5-135U) are installed in the Pmgr-ble control-ler the IPC flags must be di~ded UP _ the ~$ ~d tie ~-dfitor (see ~SO i.nstructi.cms for the S5-135~. me ~G fiawmust then be enabled on the modules by means of jumpers. On theCP 525-2With theIPC flag

there are eight jUW=S ==~ble at jw= block 25”appropriate jumper setting on *ti bl~) ~ ~ti-bytes can be enabled or disabled.


.,. ,


Page 50: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Em=T ‘:=I I 6-11

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5-124-133-142-151-16

IPC flag byte--

0 3132 ::: 6364 . . . 9596 . . 127

128 . . 159160 . . 191192 . . 223224 . . 255

Jumper inserted: the corresponding IPC flag bytes are enabled.

!~!: the corresponding IPC flag bytes must alsobeentered in tie DBIs of the CPUS in the S5-135U and l15U! Thesecan then be addressed as flags in the STEP 5 program.



Page 51: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

The following is an example of the distribution of IPC flagsbetween two CP 525-2s and one coordinator with the S5-135U:

Cmrdinator firstcPu


DB18, 12IPCoutputflagbytes






firstCP 525-2——0..31

— .

secondCP 525-2


‘his example specifies that the first WUWcoordi.natesW the data

. . . . . . . .

exchange with the fixst CP 525-2 * me (or several) bits of theIPC flag bytes 8 and 1.2. Therefore the area O to 31 is enabled mthe first CP 525-2. (k area of 32 contiguous IPc flags Iuustalways be enabled or disabled). Jumper 8-9 is inserted on jmperblock 25. In DB1 of the iirst CPU, you mat enter bytes 8 and 12as IPC output flag bytes.

h the same way the secund CPU coordinates the da= exchange withthe second CP 525-2 * IPC flags 32, 35, 61. On “&e secondCP 525-2 the area 32 to 63 mat therefore be enabled (jumper 7-10inserted). You mst then enter the bytes 32, 35 and 61 as IPCoutput flags in DB1 of the second CPU.

Since the IPC flag area Asts mly once in each PC, only the IPCflags 64 to 255 can be used for other purposes. In this examplewe selected the IPG flag 64 for CPU - CPU communication (IPC-t fkg in DB1 of the f ixst CPU - IPC input flag ti DB1 ofthe second CPU). The area which contains byte 64 must thereforealso be enabled in the coordinator.

Page 52: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

3~57~53 7.(33 Co7niI-.L22EiaRS I&ccessor C? 525- z

3.4.3 Settings of the tice Interfaces

Each detice interface has both 20 ti current loop signals andV. 24 signals. According to CCITT, control signals are requiredfor V. 24. The evaluation of the control signals depends on thedevice procedure installed, The jumpers are set at the factory sothat the signals are not evaluated by the procedure software.This setting means that all devicesthe CP 525-2 can be oper: ted.

The control signals are as follows:

Pin6 Data set ready DSR5 Clear to send CTS

intended for connection to

On each device interface me of these signals can be used (asrequired).

factory setting of the jumpers is as follows:

16 15 1413 12 1110 9

.--y. .,.

m ‘b””-”1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

. . .-+



Page 53: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

:3576537 -05 /-~oz!zm.i.catior.s %bxssor G? 525-2

The significance of the :umpers is as follows:

Device interface 1:

8- 9 inserted and 7-10 open =7-10 inserted and 8- 9 open =6-11 inserted =6-U open .

5-12 open .

5-12 inserted .

Device interface 2:

4-13 inserted and 3-14 open=3-14 inserted and 4-13 qen=2-15 inserted =2-15 open =

1-16 opem =

1-16 inserted =

. .

DSR (pin 6) selectedm (pin 5) selectedCTS/DSRinputnotusedthe signal selected with jumpers 8-9 and 7-10 can be evaluated by thesofixarethe signal isinvertedforevaluationthe signal is evaluated directly

DSR (pin 6) selectedCT8 (pin 5) selectedCTS/DSRinputnotusedthe signal selected with jumpers 4-13 and 3-14 csnbe evaluated by thesoftwarethe signal is inverted forevaluationthe signal is evaluated directly


Page 54: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

BS576537-03 Conmnicaticm,s ?rc,cessor C? 525-2

3.4.4 Pelmanent - Setti.ugs

The following jumpers arc set in the factory and ust not bechanged:


16 15 14 13 12 1110 9I I I

II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ill Ill I0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I# 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

16 15 1413 12 11 10 9

u1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

Jumper block no. 17

Jumper block no. 23

Jumper block no. 34

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8,>.


Page 55: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. . .W, ,., ..-. 1.







. . . .


4 Setting up the

Cozrur.%cacions Processor Cl? 525-2


When installing the CP 525-2 module, follow the checklist below:

Check the jumper setting on the module according to 3.4.

Insert a memory submodule in the CP submodul e receptacle.

Plug the CP 525-2 module into one of the permitted slots inyour device, The power supply must be switched off (see 2.1).

Connect the partner device (e.g. PT88/PT89) and the CP 525-2(see Secticm 6).

Check the position of the mode selector a the CP 525-2. Itmust be switched to “RUN”, to allow data exchange with thepartner device.

Make the correct settings at the partner device. Thesesettings can be found in the user’s guide Wcmputer link withRK 512W and ‘Rinter Pl!88/PT89w in the sectim describinginstallation.

Make sure thattheparameters required fortransmz“ssion (datarate, pariq, stop bit, character length) are the same in both

the partner de~ce an~~e Cp 525-2.

%itbm~e~r~lyto~cp.~th~~sp~fimthe frmt of the CP 5?5-2 light up. The operating systemcarries out a self-test. The LED of the device interface beingstarted goes out if n.> error has been detected and you havedone one of the following:

- plugged a programed EPROM into the CP (detice driver andtransmission procedure must be programmed for each deviceinterface)-transferred your user program from the PG to the RAM pluggedinto the CP 525-2 and have then carried out a cold restart.


Page 56: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. .


5 Pin Assignments


















Ccnmz.aicaci.ini ?TGC?SSGZ CP 525-2

Backplane Connector 1

d b z

I Ground I +5V


ADB13 I ~B 1 1-

ADB14 I ADB 2 1-


I ADB 5 I DB 1

ADB 6 DB 2

ADB 7 DB 3

ADB 8 DB 4

ADB 9 DB 5

ADB 10 DB 6

/DSI ADB 11 DB 7



Page 57: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

d b z

2 Grtnmd +5V









20 @oLnA /Dl#FA

22 TxD /S’iW’PA





32 Ground + 24 V




Page 58: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Cmm.ziicarions TRocessor C? 525-2

5.3 Memory Submodule Interface

c b a

1 ADB 12 Ground +5V


3 ADB 3 ADB 4 ADB 5

4 ADB 6 ADB 7 ADB 8

5 ADB 9 ADB 10 ADB 11

6 ADB 13 ADB 14 @

7 m DB O DB 1

8 DB 2 DB 3 DB 4

9 DB 5 DB 6 DB 7

10 DB O DB 1 DB 2

U DB 3 DB 4 DB 5

12 DB 6 DB 7 K1

13 /cs /(x K2

14 \cs /(x K3

15 UCMOS Psw K4

16 +5V Ground KS





Page 59: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


P i n

—.,. 1-2-3-5-6-


10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -

Device Interface 1 (IF 1)


grind (G=)trs.nsmitter TXDV24 IFlreceiver RXD V24 IFlclear to send CTS V24 IF1data set ready DSR V24 IFl; receiver must be converted

from CTS to DSR with jumper.Tl!LOvnot usednot usedtransmitter (+) TTY IFnot usedcurrent source (+) 20 mAreceiver (+) TTY IFlreceiver (-) TTY IFlnot usedcurrent source u(+) 20 mAnot usednot usedtransmitter (-) TrY IF1.not usedcurrent source ( ) 20 IIAnot usednot usedcurrent source (-) 20 mAnot used

. . . . . . ~

. . .. .. . . .

Page 60: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

35576537-93 Cmmmications Pr(jcessor CP 525-2

. ., ,.





10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -

Device Interface 2 (IF 2)


ground (G=)transmitter TXD V24 IF2receiver MD V24 IF2clear to send CT’S V24 IF2data set ready DSR V24 IF2; receiver must be conve rted

fromCTStoDSRwithajumper.TTLOvnot usedreceiver (+) PG TTYtransmitter (+) TTY IF2not usedcurrent source (+)20mAreceiver (+) TTY IF2receiver (-) TTY XF2not usedcurrent source (+) 20 mAnot usedreceiver (-) PG TTYtransmitter (-) TTY IF2not usedcurrent source(-)20 mAnot usedtransmitter (+) PG TTYcurrent source (-) 20 mAtrbtter (-) PG ~





Page 61: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

33576537-07 Communications Processor CP 525-2




6 Standard Cable Connectors

For the most Casmn camections between devices there are stend-ard cable connectors available (see ordering dims).

6.1 Connection (!P 525 - FG 6= ( T T Y )

The cable can only be connected at the lower jack” of the CP 525.

CP525 mI——————— 1 --


/II——————— J

r ——————— 1

+ 12 v

?I!i ~



+‘“ ‘t–– Y ! & ! – – – . j ’ + 4 ~ icesktg(3ex ~ I


K1 In17 iI

IQ - @ ’ - II

I@~13 II

!2 I~Transmission I

I rate setting 1——————.

Page 62: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576537-04 communications Processor CP 525-2

6.2 Connection CP 525/524 - CP 525/524 (TTY)

cP525/524 CP525/524-- —.. ------- -—... . . . . )----------------------------13] .,+RxD -TxD ~, 19

tFieceiver 1 / \

141 j -RxD +T)d)

21 I -20mA u 12p

& +24 V

+24 V-12 1 +20MA 21

iloj +TxD 1[ 14

“~e{91 , /.T,~ +~ \

Casillgmx -.3’---.------su5P__--..--f-t- ,— -------- —.. —--- J L-.... -.—.:-. ------ .-... J


n(.,.., ,,, ,. .,,,

., ,

525/524 - PROMEA M (9XI!Y)6.3 Connection Cp

cP525/524.---. --..— -----------


PROMEAM/ --.- -.-- — -----------------+ 5V

13} /) +RxD + s ni 7t\ 1

14 -RxD - s 1r I II -1 2V

10 +TxD +E+ 5V

19 -TxD - E

‘ Receiver sz~

~qx ~--- Weld \/1------------------------”--”&--i----- . -1 2V

, J_ casing,---—.— -------------- ! i


Page 63: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)





. . . .,.


Page 64: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



6 . 5 Connection

CP525/524~ --------- ------

CP 525/524 - PROMEA R (TTY)

PROMEA Ri 16j ,i1 +20mA

+ 24 V~ v 1

Receiver 14\/ \-w --- - - - -— - - - - - -+TxD .“; [14IT i I

1~ ~241: .-20mA. . : ;T

1 I1! ! ,;..

-1- ‘“ 115Casing Gex J_--p’------y~-f*------~-y~



;--------------J I I, - - - - - - - - - - J

,.. ....,*{


Page 65: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Comnmications P r o c e s s o r C? 5 2 5 - 2


,. .,..

6.6 Connection CP 525/524 - PT88/PT89 (TTY/T7.24)

CP 525/524 PT88/89---------------- r---------------,I t3i ,. + RxD +20mA ..1 I r s . . + 24 V i


+ 24 V

I Ii i i ;: &



I -.-. -.-. -.-. -.---. -.-. -.----J; j -.-. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ 1

51 j ~ CTS~ ~ ~i

1 I 25 I/ I

I- 0 . . . 0 7. I

,! I II 1

I~! ;.1


; Casing GIW J-=?-A ‘---------------A ? J-Casing- --- iI,--------------- J I ______ I

Note: The cable is des@ned for both TTY and V.24therefore be used regardless of the ~ ofin the printer.

With the CP 524, mke sure that you use the@De as in the urinter.-. .


SigMb. It caninterface used

same interface

Page 66: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


6.7 Connection

CP525/524.--—. ----——--————----


Receiver ~

Gomunications Processor CP

525/524 - Modem N1O (V. 24)

Modem NIO.- —--— ---—----- —------


---,t I,a Transmitter i


, ,I

/ CasingGex ~–---+A-–-—-----------------——-+-l ,.——-.—--—---— -—---—. ,Rls j 4 - :


6.8 Connection


@-E- 10


- CP 5 2 5 / 5 2 4 ( V . 24)

CP525/524,.—-——-————1 i,I Trmitter !



Page 67: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



6 .9 Connect ion CP

CP525/524r - - - - - - - - - - - - - -III Receiver 1

conununications Processor CP 525-2

525/524 - PROMEA R (V.24)

PROMEARr- - - - - - - - - - - - - -I 1I! Transmitter i

I . .I


Transtnitter ~~ \I

I iI !I 21! :TxD I

I: 7! ‘y’ Shield


~ Cash)gmx ~--t-----.--------— iI

I--------------J L-------------- I

. . . . . . . .




Page 68: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


6.10 Connection CP 525,






Ccsmnunicetions Rocessor CP 525-2

IF2 - m 7XX (Tl!Y)

.-P07XX:2i ‘- - - - - -


# ,’.$,


1: ‘:--=w I .. . ,(king 1:”-- -“ --------------- ..4...+11M8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Page 69: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)




Communications Processor CP 524

Instructions C79000-B6576-C536-06

-, .,,

Page 70: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Contents Page


..-.. .,,


1 . 11 .21 .31 . 3 . 11.3.21 .3 .31 . 41 .51 .6


2 . 12*22.3


3 . .




ApplicationMechanical DesignSerial Daxdce InterfaceV.24 ModuleTTY WduleR2422-A/485 kduleDual-port MM: Interface to the CPUMemory SubwdulesTechnical Data


Slot6 in the Rograannable [email protected] in end Remmdng the CP 524Znetellaticm Guidelines


Controls and DisplaysOperating halesStatue DisplaysJumper SettingsModule Address/Interface NumberMebling/DisabMng IPC FlagsJumpara on the V.24 ModuleJuqers on the TTY moduleJuqers on the RS422-A/485 Module

setting Up the BardMare










Page 71: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

6 44

Comecticm CP 524/525 - CP 524/525 (2TY)Connectim CP 524/525 - PR014R4 M (’m?)Connection CP 524/525 - AS 512C (TTY)CZmnection CP 524/525 - HLOMEA R (lTY)Ctnmection CP 524/525 - Xodem NIO (v.24)Connection CP 524/525 - CP 524/525 (V.24)connection cP 524/525 - ~R(V.24)Camection CP 524/525 - PT88/PT89 (TTY/V.24)Connection CP 524 - CP524 (RS422-Aor V.11)



Page 72: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

!38576538/4 Coznnnicacians Processor CP 524

1 Technical Description

1.1 Application

The ~tims processor CP 524 can be used in the program-mable ccmtrollers of the SIMATIC 5 U range (S5-115U, S5-135U,S5-150U and S5 155U). 190te that it ~ beuaed incomjmctionwiththes5—135u/spmceSSa.

Usingthecommni cations processor CP 524 and the accompanyingprogramming package CCM525 you canperformthe followingfunctions:

In association with the PT 88/89 printer

- Process Stames and messages can be logged. he conmnmicetionsprocessor CP 524 hitiates the preparation of messages to be

-t ~ the printer.

ogxamable controller (PC) is part of an autaoationIf the prnetwork, it can

exchange data with me or more programable ccmtrollers or witha mpervisory process computer (computer link). The CP 524performs these tasks independently.

The data exchange between the CP 524 and the central processor(CPU) of the programsble cmkroller is restricted to a minimum.Only the mriable data (current process values) are exchangedbetween the CPU and the CP 524. The CP 524 has its own memry forinvariable data, which you program using the software package

.. COM 525.

. . . . .

Page 73: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Cmrmnica:ions Processor CP 524

With the CP 524 and with special drivers you can connect othermanufacturers’ equipmnt to your programsble ccmtroller (e.g.computers, printers or intelligent subsystems). For moreinformation about special drivers cmtactyournearest Siemensbranch or technical office.




Page 74: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. . . . .


1.2 Mechanical Des@n

CP524 (vlIfromftwt)


Comur.Tcazior.s Processor CP 524

~f~— mernorysubmodule

EPROM: 16, = or64 ‘) KwOrdS



— Deviceitltetface

*): when progmminggrimmer, you need an

the 64 Kmrda&pter (MEP

memory submdule cm the pm.aapt=), since a different

programming voltage is required for _ of the type 27256.

..-., The CP 524 has me detice interface; the interface module isplugged into the lower receptacle of the CP 524. You can select.,.., ..’a V.24P TTY or Rs422-A/485 interface.


Page 75: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. .. .’, ’

EE57E536/’4 Comm-,icacior.s Processor CP 524

The mode selector is used to select the operating mode “RUN” or“STOP” ,

More detailed informaticm on the two LED displays can be fomd in3.1 “Controls and displays”. .,=+.

. .

The memory submodul e containing your CP 524 user program isplugged into the upper receptacle of the CP 524. In the CP 524,only KPBQM ~es can be used. Ihese must first be programedwith the programmer using the programming package COM 525.

The connection to the S5 bus in the PC frame is established viatwo 48-pin backplane connectors.

1.3 Serial Device Interface

The serial &vice interface is plugged into the CP 524 and se-cured by means of two screvs. l’he follm interface ~es areavailable:

TrYxdlileV.24 molxlaRS422-A/485 mdtile

Connecting the CP 524 to the partner &vice is made easier byusing standard cable connectors (see also Section 6). If you donot wish to use these standard cables, note the pin assignment ofthe interface module in 1.3.1, 1.3.2 or 1.3.3.

Page 76: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


The following s~d tile

CP 524 connectedto:


CP 524CP 525AS 512CPROMEA MPROMEA RModem NloCP 524PROMEA RPT 88/89PT 88/89CP 524

Module in

,-bomxxnicatior.s Processor c? 524

connecters are available:

CP 524: Interconnection in

- moduleTrY- module

- module- module- module

V.24 - moduleV.24 - moduleV.24 - moduleTTY moduleV.24 moduleRS422/A-485 module

CP 524:transmitter, receiver

active, passiveactive, passivepassive, passivepassive, passiveactive, active

passive, passive

The order numbers can be found in the ordering date secticn ofthis manual.

Whenyouwrite yourCP524user programusing the programmingpackage COM 525 ontheprogrammer, you set the transmissicmparameters (transmission speed, frame format).

1.3.1 V.24HDdnle

TheV.24interfacemodulenot onlyhas linas for transmitting andreceiv3ng but also has a series of cmtrol snd signal lines inaccordance witi the CCITT reccmmendations V.24/V.28. For thecomputer link with RK 51.2 and the PT 88/89 printer these controlsignals are, however, not required and do not need to beconnected. H you want to prepare your own cable connectors,remember that unused inputs may have to be connected to opencircuit potential on other devices. For more in.formatti refer tothe appropriate manuals and the CCIIT reccmunendations V.24 orV.28.

Page 77: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

5357653 S/’& Corzxr.ic.a.:iom Processor CP 524

The following diagram shows the basic interconnection of V.24interfaces. In the example only the transmit and receive linesare connected. With V.24 signals, logical O is a voltage greaterthan +3 V; logical 1 is less than -3 V.

Device 1 Device 2




Page 78: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



5657 : 53 S/& ~ ~~ Lcatiom Processor CP 524

The following figure shows the pin assignment of the 25-pinfemale CannmI connector on the front panel of the V.24 nodule:

25-pin female connectorPin no.

102 / GND 7

104 / RxD <—3

103 / TxD —+2

105 / RTS —*4

106 / CTS -—-c-5

108.2/ DTR —> 20

107 /DSR +—6

111 —+ 23

125 /RI 4— 22

109 /DCD 4—8

141/ PS3 —+ 18

142 /PKL +— 25

113 —h 24 mlyforsynchronousdata transfer

n4/TxC +— 15 (not available withstandard jumper

u5/RxC +— 17 settings)

102 Shield 1(<>lkmwshowsdixectionofsignal)

Signal numbering is according to CCITT reconmndaticm V.24, sig-nal designation is according to internatitmally accepted abbre-viaticms (M 232 C).

Page 79: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. . .

E85765:8/4 Commications Processor CP 524

The position end signtiicsnce of the jumpers oncan be found in 3.4 in these instructions.

When pu program your CP 524 user progrsm usingpackage COM 525, you specify the setting of theparameters (transmission rate, frsme format).

the V.24 module

the programmingtransmission

1.3.2 TTY Modale

The TTY module is equipped with a trensmitter and receiver for20 mA current loop signals, The current loop itself can be sup-plied both by the CP 524 and the partner tice. Only the endwhich supplies the current is mm-floating. The CP supplies thecurrent (20 IIIA) via jumpers in the frmt connector. The 24 Vrequired for generating the current loop are taken from the PCbus. With a closed circuit, a current of 20 mA must flow(logical 1) if the line currentWhen the current is interrupted

The following diagram shows thesignals .

Device 1


cimuit is functioning correctly.logical O. results.

interconnection of current loop

Device 2



24v-F?-1 J


arrows show direction of flow


, ..




n. . :2

Page 80: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


. .


The followingfemale Cannon

Comnnicacions Processor CP 524

figure shows the pin assignment of the 25-pinconnector on the front panel of the TTY module:



Current sourceReceiver(20 IDA)

current sourceIhnsmitter(20 HA)

G r o u n d —

24 V 24 V

25-pinfemaleconnectorpin no.

+4— 13

—+ 14

+4— 10

—+ 19

+- - 16

4— 21+

-* 12

-e.— 24

‘-“Current generation

show direction offlow)

Page 81: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 communications Processor CP 524

The position and significance of the jumpers on the TTY modulecan be fcnmd in 3.4 in these instructions.

You set the parameters for the dam transmission (data rate,parity, stop bits) using the progmming psclcage CX)H 525 on thePG. A maximum data rate of 9600 bps is possible with the ITYmodule.

1.3.3 xs422-A/485 Mmklle

The RS422-A/485 module can be used in the ~ Idnk totransfer data in full or in half duplex. !Ihe jumper settings wnbe found in Sectirm 3.4. In half duplex operation, you cannot usethe standard procedures 3964 and 3964R. In this case, you mustuse special drivars.

The RS422-A/485 module can also be used with the _ printxxP188/R89, there are, hmrever, no standard cable connectorsavailable.

The RS422-A/485 module electrically isolates the interfacesignals from the power supply. The electrical characteristics ofthe RS422-A/485 module are as follows:

- in full duplex mode: according to the HA standsrd RS422-A(CCI!tT recamnen dsti.on V.11)

- in half duplex mode: according to the EIA standard RS485.

The difference between the two standards is that only onetransmitter may be available with the EIA standard RS422-A,whereas smeral transmitters and receivers are permitted with theEIA standard RS485. In half duplex nude, the dam exchange take place via the two-wire line R,

W from the transmit and receive lines, the RS422-A/485 moduleis equipped with a series of control and monitoring lines

dation X.24 snd IS(I 8481. For theaccording to the CCI!lT recomnencomputer link and the logging printer PT88/PT89, these controland monitoring signals are not required and do not need to beconnected.

. .. . .



Page 82: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576538/6 Cammmications Rocessor CP 524

In the following examples, only tranmit and receive lines arecannected. The following applies to signels according to the EIAstanderd RS422-A (V.11) end HAstendardRB485:

-logic O(ON)correspmds toV >VB$

VA . greater than +3 v- l@c 1 (()~) c~e~ds to A < VB VB = ~ller * ‘3 v.

Basic wiring of the interface in W dapk XI&




/ T(A)/ T(B)

. R(A)

. R(B)

Bhield1 1 I

(<> signal direction)

Bekic wiring of the ‘interface in half duplex 6:

E=--l F=-R(A)R(B)

BhieldI I

/ \ R(A)/ . R(B)


(<> signal direction)

CaIIHM: Do not ctmnectelectrical isolation is

the shield with the GND. thedisabled.


Page 83: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 Camnun ications Processor CP 524

The fola diagram shows the pill ● d.#ment of the i$pinCannon connector h the front panel of the BS422-A/485 module:








15-pin femalePin number




I (<> signel directim)

Signal desi~tion according to CCIIT recmmumdation X.24

1) If ytnt operate the interface in full duplex, dnta can onlyreceived on thie 2-wire line. M half duplax, ~ta can bereceived and tranemitteid.



Page 84: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576538/4 ccmmnmications Processor CP 524

2) This signal can be connected either as an input or output (seej=per settings).

3) This signal can cmly be used when signal B is used as anoutput. In this case, the line X(A) is connected to the framesnd mt to the interface.

The position and use of the jumpers on the RS422-~485 module canbe found in Section 3.4.

When progmming your CP 524 user program using the CCH 525P-- wc~ge, YOU select the required transmissionparameters (transmission speed, character f~).

1.4 Dual-port RAM: Interface to the CPU

Data is exchanged between the CPU and the CP 524 via a comonmemory area: the &s.1-pact BAII. The dual-port MM is m the CP524 end Is Sillli&r to a mailbox. ‘l’he CP 524 end CPU can leavemassages (data, requests etc. ) for each other in this mailbox.

The CPU of the PC always acts as master for data exchsnge. TheCP 524 mat ‘wait to be asked” by the CPU whether it wants totransfer data. This polling function is carried out by standardfunction blocks (%andhg blocks”) in the CPU. These are thesame handling blocks that are used by other comunicationsprocessors.

- . . .


Page 85: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

,, . . .


The actual exchange of &tamanaged by handling blocks.

conmnmications Processor CP 524

between the CPU and CP 524 is alsoFor more details,

scripticm ‘Using the handling blocks” in this

<------------ -----------> <-------- CP

IS5 bus




Dual-blocks pom

~ RAM(Standardfunctionblocks) I

refer to the de-mmual.

524 ---------->



...4, ,

Page 86: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


. . .


The &ml-port


Dec. H=.61952 F200







62176 F2E062207 F2FF

62464 F400

65279 FEFF

. . . . .


Communications ?rocessor GE’ 524

W of the CP 524 is structured as follows:

Acea: Dual-pelt RAM

FY o - FY 31

FY 32 - FY 63

FY 64 - FY 95

FY 96 - FY127

FY 1.28 - FY159

FY 160 - ln191

FY 192 - FY223

FY 224 - FY255

M - area

(2) plge

RI area for &viceinterface

(3) Vector regiater

interface number

This diagram is explained on the following


(1) lrcflisg~

(2048 flags)

--- ----system data area forcontrol.MIlg/monitoringthe data exchange- - - - - - -one page is availablefor the deticeinterface

Interface area forjob data- - -

- - -Avactorassigned

- - -


--- -

--- -register isto each page

- - - -

Page 87: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576538/4 Coawnicatkms .%ocessor C? 524

(1) nltfqmcesscm Coimumicatti (rPC) flag area

IPC flags are defined as me of the followhg:

- IPC flags may be part of the flag area of a CPU,- If they are specified as IPC output bytes (in terms of thecomputer link), they are part of the dual-port RAM of theCP 524. These IPC flags are also called coordination flags.

IPC flags are needed because of the following:

- IPC flags are used for the cyclic exchange of &ta betweenCPUS in bytes.

- They can also be used for the data exchange between CPUS endthe CP 524. The IPC flag area in the dual-port RAM of theCP 524 is responsible for this functicm.

The IPC flag area in the CP 524 covers2561PCflagbytes (2048IPC flags).

With the computer linlcandBK512, the IPC flags (coordinationfl.ags)canbeusedtoiddbitand enablethedata ~ebe-


twemtheCPWamlCP.Byinhibitingthisexchange,youcanprevant data that has not yet been evaluated frcm being over-written. These IPC flags must be designated as output flag bytes.For further details, see the user’s guide for the computer linkwith RK 512.

The IPC flags are not used, if you are working with the PT88/PT89logging printer.

The IPC flags are transferred once per STEP 5 program cyclebetween the flag area of the CPU and the IPC flag area of theCP 524 (similar to the process image for digital inputs andoutputs) .

To prevent multiple addressing when you are using several CPS orCPS and a coordinator in one PC, you must divide the IPC flagsinto groups (jumper settings see 3.4. 2). This also applies ifthere is more than me CPU in a PC.

,. :;,:,

Page 88: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576532/4 Conmurrications Processor CP 524



,,: .-,. . . . . . . 2,, S5-135U:


S5 155U:

the IPC flags must be listed in DB1 as IPC outputflags .the IPC flags must be entered as IPC output flags inthe DB1 of each CPU. This also applies when only oneCPU is being used along with a CP 524.since the IPC flags are in a different address area,the function block FB TRANSPER handles the cyclic ex-change of IPC flags between the CPU and CP. The IPCflags mat be specified when the block is called. Theblock call xwst be at the end of the cycle of your STEP5 program.the IPC flags must be entered in DB1 of the CPU asoutput flags. This is also the case when only one CPUand one CP 524 are being used.

(2) Data transfer area @slw’)

The device interface of the CP 524 has a page assigned to it. Thepage is the area within the dual-port RAM in tih the data are_ed between the CP 524 and CPU.

(3) vectcJr E@ster - harface Tstdlar

The pages of all the CPs in a PC are in the same address area.To ensure that only the required page is addressed when data isexchanged, each page can mly be addressed by using its ~mmber. TMs is between O and 255 and is set on the CP by meansof jumpers.

The page has a vactor ~tXX allocated to it. 13M vector regis-ters of all the CPs have the same address.

If the page of a particular CP is to be addressed by the CPU. . (e.g. , to transfer data to the CP 524) the CPU writes the

interface number of the required page in all the vector ragisttxsavailable. Each CP compares the crmtents of the vector register


Page 89: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


with its own interface number. If

Ccmmnications .Processor CP 524

the CP recognizes tint thenumber which has been entered matches its interface number therequired page is enabled for data transfer. This function iscarried out automatically by &ta handling blocks.

first CP 524


.--—----—Interfacenumbere.g. “12”



second CP 524



nunibere.g. “13”

- — - - - — - - -


-hWith two CPS-—-----——-all pages are inthe same ad&essarea- - - - - - - - - -numbersbatweenOand 255 set withWWer$mthecp- - - - - - - - - -allvector registershave thesameaddress




Page 90: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


. .. ..



1.5 Memory Subniodules

communications Processor CP 524

The memory aubmodule of the CP 524 contains your CP 524 userprogram, which includes the following:

the specific programs for the device interface (Interpreterand procedure”). These programs determine which functton(computer link or printer) is performed.

the ‘actual” user program, i.e., the messages for the prfnterand/or telegram parameters for the computer link.

The interpreter and procedure require a total of 8 Kwords in thememory module. The CP also sets up a manager for the user data tithe module. TMs”menager is dynamic, i.e. it grows with the num-ber of user data. It can occupy amaximum of 4Kwords.

For the computer link with RK 512 a maximum of 1 Kword isrequired.To operate a computer linka 16 Kxmd EPROM module is required.

For the PT 88/PT 89, the required memory space depends on thesize of youruaerprogam.

onlyKPBilM dsmxlules cenbeused in the CP 524, since (in con-trast to the CP 525) there fs no interface to the programmerrequired to load the softwere in the RAM.

The following memory aubmodules are available for the CP 524:


16 Words32 Kwords64 Kwords When this submodule on the

PGyou must use an adapter (MEP adapt-er), since a differant programingvoltage is required for EPROMs of thetype 27256.

The order numbers for these submodulesordering dew section of this manual.




Page 91: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/6 Cuumunicacfons Rocessor CP 524

1.6 Technical Data

Degree of protection accordingto DIN 40050 and IEC 144

Perm. ambient temperateduring operatimduring transport and storage

Humidity CbSS (DIN 40040)

Operating altitude

Power supply

Current input 5 VCP 524‘1’lY moduleV.24 wdule2S422-A/485 module

Current input 24 VTTY tie

l’renemissicm procedure

l’ranemission rate

Transmissicm cable

Tranemissfon link TrY

‘hUISUli.SSfOll link V24

‘kSIMlliiSSi(m link RS422/A-485


O“c to Ss”c-4(PC to +70°c

code letter F

up to 3,500 m above sea level

5 v +/- 5%;24 V +25X/-l5X

1.5 A mexo0.8 A, measured statically0.1 A, measured statically0.2 A, WSU?X!d statically0.5 A, measured sQMcally

60 M

asynchrcsums, exchangeableprocedures

110 to 19200 @$

with TTY mx. 9600 bp$

shielded 4-wire cable withbraided shield and metalconnector: earthing requiredboth ends

mex. 1 km at 9600 @$

max. 20 m

mex. 1200 m

Page 92: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


Comnications Processor CP 524

20.32 m X 160 nun X 233.4 mES 902 / row 2, 48-pin

approx. 0.4 kg

Designdimensims (W x H x D)backplane connector

(packaging system)



Page 93: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. .


Es 57652 6,)4

2 Installation

2.1 Slots in the Programmable Controller

The CP 524 can be plugged into the following programabletrollers (fan required):

S5-1151J with subrack CR 700-2Slot number


1 I 1 2 3 4 5I

S5-115U with subrack EEL 701-3Slot number

2 3 4I

The interface modules 304 and 314 are required

S5-115U with subrack CR 700-3Slot number

I I I 1 2 3 4 5

The interface modules 304 and 314 are required

S5-135USlot number

19 27 35I

With the CP 524, no coordination processor is required if onlyone CPU is used.

S5-15(KISlot number

m w m m m m w



.-. .


Page 94: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

38575538/4 PMmIru.nicaiions Processor C? 524


S5-155USlot number

I I19 27 35

I123 131 139

Further details about yourin the appropriate manual.

The CT 524required):

m 185USlot number

can be plugged

bleprograma controller can be found

into the following expansion unit (fan

The interface modules 304 and 314 are required.

2.2 Plugging in and Removing the CP 524

. .


Page 95: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

38576538/4 Corcx.nications Processor CP 524

2.3 Installation Guidelines

The cmnecting cable between the CP 524 and a partner device mustbe a cable with a shield earthed at both ends and with me-lconnectors. The standard cable connectors listed in the catalogand in Section 6 meet these requirements.


The shield must make large area contact with the casing of themetal connector (not on pin 7). If the partner device does nothave a metal connector, the cable shield must make large areaccmtact with ground. If there is a large difference in groundpotential between the CP 524 and the partner device, a potentialequalizing cable should be included. The cable should be keptaway from interfering a.c. power controller cables, thyristordrives and power cables carrying more than 500 V.

Further information about installation can be found in the ‘In-stallation guidelines for SIMATIC compact devices” (see orderingdata) .


‘ ..,

Page 96: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



3 Operation

3.1 COntrds and Displays


PI RUN., .;.. .,. ::;:::::::: Srol

0 0IF1 IF2

(hmmunications Processor CP 524



Page 97: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 Ccxlmnmications Processor CP 524


3.2 Operating Modes

Mode selector

The processor runs in the normal operatingmode, the user functions which have beenprogramed are processed. The IEDs are notlit (if IEDs are lit, see 3.3)

s’mP No jobs are processed. The LED IFl is lit.

3.3 Status Displays

If the LED IPl is lit, one of the following has occurred:

- device driver and procedure not ka&d- mode selector switched to STOP- CP 524 still in start-up phase following a pover failure (takesmsx. 10 s)

- serious error recognised during start-up (e.g. , incorrectmeumry suhmdule - suhmdule type not permitted).

If the IED IP2 is lit, one of the following has occurred:

- serious error recognised during start-up (e.g. , incorrectmemory suhodule - sulxnodule gpe not permitted)

- CP 524 still in start-up phase following a power failure (takesmax. 10 s)


Page 98: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

,. ..—.


3.4 Jumper

conmunications Processor CP 524


The jumpers on the interface modules (V.24, TTY d RS422/A-435)and on the W 524 are preset in the factory. You cen use thissetting to operate the CP 524 and the interface modules imm-ediately (if only one communications processor is used in the PC).The interface number is then O. All the IPC flags are enabled.

To chsnge the interface number (module address) on the CP 524 orenable/inhibit IPC flags, mske the appropriate jumper settings.For more information refer to 3.4.1 snd 3.4.2.

V24 Module:Jumpersettingsassupplied



. . .

I Backplaneconnector


Page 99: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

, . . . . ,., - ,.. . . .- ,,. .





communications Processor CP 524





Page 100: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)




cuiumxnlcatia Processor CP 524

0 10 Ill 20 0 03

Backpbe oonnector



Page 101: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



CP 524: factory




Processor CP 524



Memory submodule~leL10


‘JU8 :IilJu9



JB 53 ~dmTestjumpews s .0-”0”%8


o Ju5 (1,23)


~#J= ❑ Ju2 (1,2,3)

JB 54

Jul (3,21)

4.->!. ,

IF = interface

—.———.—.1 i

Juo.. = jumper . . . JB ... = jumperbio . . .







. . . . .,,


Page 102: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


,.. . .

B8576538/4 coIluIIun ications Processor CP 524

3.4.1 I!b&la~~~

As described in 1.4 the data is transferred via the pages of thedual-port RAM. The ~ge is assigned an interface number =w%from O to 255. With the CP 524, the interface number is identicalwith the nwdule address.

The module address (interface number) is set in binary on the CP524 at jumper block JB53.

EJota: to ensure that the CPU addresses the CP cozzectly, you mustspecify the same interface number (parameter SIR) when assigningparameters to the handling blocks that is set on the CP.

16 15 141312 U 10 9

1 ‘ - ‘a’: .;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 86-n 4 22

5-J2 8 23

x open: o x 2n = oJumper inserted: 1 x F

4-13 16 24

3-14 32 25


1-16 128 27

Page 103: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 CamIlunications Processor CP 524

Raqle: selected interface number equals 12.

16 15 1413 12 11 10 9

m1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

12 decimal == ox2%0x21+lx22+lA.0x2LOx25w6e’

Jmpers 6-11 and 5-12 are inserted, the other jumpers remainF.

As described in 1.4 and in the user’s guide ‘Computer link withM 512W you can enable or inhibit the data transfer between theCPU and CP 524 bg using the IPC flags. These IPC flags must bedesignated as output flag bytes. ~ this simation, the term“coordination flag” can also be used instead of IPC flag.

A total of 256 IPC flag bytes are available (2048 IPc flags).

No IPC flags are used with the P’I 88/89 printex.

In xmltiprocessor operation, IPC flags allow the exchange ofdata between the processors. If several CP 524s or sevaral CPUs(in the S5-3.35U) are installed in the progr-ble controller,the IPC flags must be divided up among the CPs snd the coor-dinator (see also instzwctions for the S5-135U). The IPC flagsmust then be enabled cm the modules by means of jmpers. On theCP 524 there are eight jumpers available at location J852. Byappropriate junper setting at this location, 32 ccmtiguous IPCflag bytes can be enabled or disabled.

Page 104: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

E9 10 11 12 13 1415 16

CaImnmications Processor CP 524


8- 97-1o6-115-124-133-142-I-51-16

IPC flag byte

o 3132 ;;; 6364 . . . 9596 . . 127

128 . . 159160 . . 191192 . . 223224 . . 255

Jmperinserted: thecoxzesponding IPCflag bytesareenabled.

!~!:tiemem~mfl~~esmtdmbentered in the DBIs of tie CPUs in the S5-135U snd 115U! Thesecsnthenbeaddressedasflags intheSTEI?5program.

. . . . . . .



Page 105: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 Commun ications Processor CP 524

The following example shows the distribution of IPC flags betweentwo CP 524s and on& coordinator with the S5-135U:

coordinator first m second CPU firstCP 524


DB18, 12IPCoutputflagbytes







secondCP 524


me M* the first CP 524 via one (or several) bits of theIPC flag bytes 8 and 12. Therefore the area O to 31 is enabled cmthe first CP 524. (AQ area of 32 cont@uous ~ flags must dWSJW

be enabled or disabled!). Jumper 8-9 is inserted on JB 52. In DB1of the first CPU, you must enter bytes 8 and 12 as IPC outputflag bytes.

In the same way the second CPU coordinates the data exchange withthe second CP 524 via IPC flags 32, 35, 61. On the second CP 524,area 32 to 63 must timrefcme be enabled (jumper 7-10 inserted).You must then enter bytes 32, 35 and 61 as IPC output flags inDB1 of the second CPU.

Since the IPC flag area exists only once in each PC, only IPCflags 64 to 255 can be used for other purposes. This example usesIPC flag 64 for CPU - CPU ccmmmi=tion (IPC output flag in DB1of the first CPU - IPC ixpt flag in DB1 of the second CPU). Thearea which contains byte 64 must therefore also be enabled in thecoordinator.


m, .,,,,,,,:.

,. .,,\

. .34

Page 106: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576538/4 Gcmmnmicatiom Processor CP 524

3.4.3 -P= m * v.24 MOC--

Jumpers Jul snd Ju2 d~termine whether the intexnal clock pike ofthe CP 524 is used as the transmi t and receive clock pulse on theCP 524 or whether the pulse is supplied by the line

1 2 3Jul o Receive clock pulse internal

o ~ Receive clock pulse from line

Ju8 o Receive clock pulse = transmit pulseo ~ Receive clock pulse depends on Jul

Ju2 o Transmit clock pulse internalo ~ Transmit clock pulse from line

Ju4 o lhnsmit clock pulse of CP 524


With j-$ Jd andreceived data can be


with jumperthe signals

ccnmected to l~e 113 (pin 24)~ ~ansmit clock pulse not supplied by

CP 524

Ju5, the polarity of the transmitted andrevarsed as follows:

2 30 Transmitted data with normal polarity

o ~ Transmitted data negated

o Received data with normal polarityo ~ Received data negated

3s6, all V.24 receivers can be connected so that allare in the positive voltxge range as follows:

1 2 30 AU received signals must hew the

V. 24 signal level.o 0---o All received signals can be in the

positive volmge range

Page 107: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 commmications Processor

With jumper Ju9, CTS can be permanently at open cixcuitor switched through from the frunt plug as follow:

1 2 3

CP 524


Ju9 o CTS at open circuit potentialo ~ CTS at pin 5

3=4.4 ~ - * = ~

With jumpers Jal and Ja2, the polariq of the transmi tted orreceived data can be reversed as follows:

1 2 3Jul o Transmitted data negated

o ~ Transmitted data with nonml polariq

o Received data with normal polarityo ~ Received data negated

With jumper J@, the 24 V source voltage for generating thecurrent loop can be reconnected as follows:

24 V supplied by pin 9 of thefront connector24 V supplied by backplaneCamector (internally)

Receive clock pulse from transmitpulseReceive clock pulse supplied by CP524.


Page 108: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. . .: .,. . . .

... -

. . . . . . .

B8576538/4 conmnmications Processor CP 524

3.4.5 Jimpers cm the BS4Z2-A/4S5 mdule

The jumper ~ is used to switch over the data direction on thetwo-wire line R .

1 2 3x3 ~o

x3 o~

Setting for full duplex mode. Datacan only be received on the two-wireline R.Setting for half duplex mode. Withthe signal /RTS, da- can either betransmitted or received on tie mo-wire line R.@rS = 0 --> transmit/RI’s = 1 --> receive

Using the ~ & you can apply either the signal /PS3 or theinternal transmit clock pulse (!IMX.nt) to the two-wire line B,providing that the txo-wire output B is set as an input byj~rs is anti Xg.

1 2 3x4 ~o

x4 o~

with jmper x5 you can usewire line S as the receive

Xs 0 0


Signal /PS3 can be transmitted on thetin-wire line B.The internal transmit clock pulseMint can be sent on the tw-wixeline B.

a clock pulse transmitted on the two-clock pulse.

Clock pulse at input S is not used asreceive clock pulse.Clock pulse at input S is used as thereceive clock pulse.

Page 109: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


clock pulse.





Comlmmications Processor CP 524

select the transmit and receive

The internal transm“t clock pulse(lMint) is used as transmit-andreceive clock pulse.

The internal trsnsmit clock pulse(Mint) is used as the transmitclock pulse and is used as thereceive clock pulse.

The clock pulse transmitted via thetwo-wire line S is used as thetransmit clock pulse and the internalreceive clock pulse used as thereceim clock pulse.

The clock pulse transndtted via thetwo-wire line S is used as thetrsnamit clock pulse, the internalreceive clock pulse (RxCint)as the receive clock pulse.

is used

The ~ X4, X5. X6 and X7 can be used for synchromustransmissim with clock pulse control according to the DIN draft1S0 8481. The m-wire line B (designation X according to ISO8481) must be set as en outpt by jumpers X8 and X9.

1 2 3x4 o~x5 ~oX6 0 0 0x7 o~

The internal transmit clock pulse(’hCint) is used as the transmitclock pulse. The internal clockpulse is simultaneously transm‘ttedon the bin-wire line B.

Page 110: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)




. SMPb -


,. ,.,

.,-----., ,..,,..-


... -


Page 111: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 CCmImunications Processor CP 524

4 Setting up the Hardware

When setting up the CP 524 mxhle follow the checklist below:

1. Check the jumper setting on the nodule according to 3,4.

2. InsertaprogramedEPROM mbmodule in the receptacle.

3. Insert an interface xmdule in the receptacle. Check the jumpersetting according to 3.4. The interface mdule must be securedby the tw) screws.

4. Plug the CP 524mdule into one of the permitted slots in yourdevice (see 2.1). The power supply must be svitched off.

5. Connect the partner device to the CP 524 (see Section 6).

6. Check the position of the mde selector on the CP 524. It mstbe switched to ‘~, to data exchange with the partner de-VLce.

7. Make the correct settings at the partner device. Thesesettings can be found in the user’s guide Womputer lti withRK 512” and “Event output and logging with the PT 88/PT 89printarw in the sections describing installatim. Make surethat the parameters requixed for trammissicm (data rate,pari~, stop bit, character length) are the ssm in both thepartner device and the CP 524.

(??3. . ,.,... ..f

8. Swit& on the power supply to your PC. Both MD displaya onthe fmmt of the CP 524 light up. The operating system carriesout a self-test. The LEDs go out if no error has been datectedand if the device driver and transmission procedure for theserial &mice interface are present in the EPRCH.

. . . . . .“i.

Page 112: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

... ,-


5 PinAssi9-=ts

Beck@ane cunnectorl



d b

O v


O v




Cammmications Processor CP 524

Backplane cameCtmr 2





d b

O v


H 24 VO v



M 24 W+ 24 T

Page 113: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


Memory Submdul e connector





SDB 10SDB 13SDB OSDB 3SDB 6CslCS2Ucms +5 v+5V




.,,... .,

Cclnmnmications Processor CP 524



Page 114: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. .


,,, -...


Interface module connector

CQmuxun ications Processor CP 524

c b a

12 M M M3 +5V +5V +5V4 SsKl m l5 SSK2 in6 SSK3 iiiii FiE7 iii!ii8 xii9 E

10 G11 E1213 !hc Int.14 RxD’15 lIf24 V 1! 24 V he Int.16 + 24 V + 24 V + 24 V

Page 115: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 Coznunmications Processor CP 524

6 Standard Cable Connectors

For the nmst ccamKRI connections between devices there are slxnd-ard cable connectors available (see ordering data).

6.1 Connection C!p 524/525 - Cl? 524/525 (!LTY)

CP525/524 CP525/524

13; .-, +~ -TxD ,.-, 1191

,41 I ‘i$szRecehmr ,

-RxD +TxDr1 I !

I 211 -20mA !T I

i 121 ! 1! +24 V-CO-: +20mA

I :I +TxD !

\ / !!13 Receiver

! -TxDzs~ ~

+FtKDI~ ~~ &LS!!?- ‘+’ I 1

- - - -f ~ - - \


f??... ,...;,




Page 116: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 COnnnunications Processor CP 524

6.2 Connection Cl? 524/525 - PROMEAH (Try)

CP525/524 PROMEAM.—.——————— -1 .———----—— ----- .

i—-. —-—----!

Page 117: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


6.3 Connection CP

CP525/524—.—-. --------------—----


comnmications Processor CP 524

524/525 - AS

AS512;---. ---- —-- — -------------,“. +RxD -TxD , ,.,,, i 14

,, , 1




1! .X* ~--–y---------—––_____-A_+___

~ J_ Casingt.- —-------—..—--------1 o

G’23‘ 11~ 24f 12,2s

q 13.--—


Note: to generate a current loop the AS 512 nmst be supplied with24 V wi.a the AMP connectors on the front panel.

. . . . .

(-?,. .., ..2


Page 118: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

.,. -

. . . . .



6.4 Connection


COILmunications Processor CP

CP 5 2 4 / 5 2 5 - PROMEA R (TTY)



: , :,

6.5 Connection CP 524/525 -MdemNIO (V.24)

CP525/524 Modem NIO.—-—--, ----1 .————-—-3

, 1


j ::I !: Receiver

,: Shield

,., ,., , -1_‘*’ I 1


Page 119: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 bmmunications Processor CP 524


6.6 Connection CP 524/525 - CP 524/525 (V-24)

CP525/524, ---------------------------- .1

Receiver ~31 :-.,,

T! ;

Transmitter !~


M R@



, , , .

Shield1. ‘[ !v:

! ~n9Gex ~-~ ~- --- -----------—-------------..4--+—---{ ~casinmex

:------------—-- .—.-------: i----- ----—--

6.7 Connecti.on CP 524/525 - PROMEA R (V.24)

CP525/524 PROMEAR-- —-———---—-----—-. ,-------—-—--— -------------

Receiver [ , Transmitter ~3! f-, FfKD TxD ,<.,, / 3

r : ,0 : i \ ‘: : I

,, :,


Transmitter ~ ~ i ;2 i \ : TxD

~~ o,, ; i

, 7 ~ ~: Shield; - - r ~ – - ” - - ,L———--— --------- L-—--—-----—-. -—--—--!


Page 120: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576538/4 conmnmications Processor CP 524

6.8 Connection CP 524/525 - PT 88/PT 89 (TTVV.24)

CP 525/524 PT88/89,. ..-. —.---------- —---, ~.--—--- — ------ .----------,

13; p, +RxD, +24 V I/ \









, ,


:- ——------.-- .---------,L---.-—--——---—-. --—-->

Note: The cable istherefore be

designed for both Tl!Y and V. 24 signals. It canused regardless of the type of interface used

in the printer.

With the CP 524, make sure that you use the same interfaceqpe as in the winter.

Page 121: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576538/4 Caxmzunications Processor CP 524

6.9 Connection CP 524 -

CP524,..---------------_-_--, *

CP 524 (RS422-A or V.11)

CP 524.- -----_----------------a1


I1 8A

i ~ [ G G ~ /18I

1 y \/ 1\; T1

/s 9!1

$t 1~-~ weld I

1!! ~_ —-- -–------------------------–-&--+J---l! C=f’w- - \

8 LCesingfk ;I

! --------- ---------- —_! -— —_- —--— —-—-- J


-. . . . . . . . .siemens Alaengesellschaft TW WUMiW, tranamiaeion o r ~ of thisdocument or its contents is not permittedwithout express written authority.Offandesa will be liable for damages. Allrights. incfuding rights ccaated by patentgrant or registration of a utility model ordeaicin, are resewed.

@“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . siefnen6 AG 19SS

order No.: c?9000-e8576-c538.05

Oder from: Geratewark Kadaruhe

Rimed in the Federal Republis of GermanyA G 0 6 8 9 0 . 5 AB 54 E n

.,*,C,*>*..<”W+. $.T::..:.:::::. .,...,<,::. >, .,..::,...:?:,, -q

Page 122: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


—.., .,” ,,, L.,. ,.’:.

.. ..,.’ SIMATIC S5

Computer Link with RK 512

User’s Guide C79000-B6576-C5W-(M

Page 123: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. . . . . . . .





1.1 Transmitting Data (SBND Job) 51.2 Fetching Data (FEIVH Job) 7

2 ml. &me Rmctims 9

2.1 User Memryofthe CP 525 122.1.1 Memory Requirements of the Job Block 122.2 Aesignfng Parameters to the Job Block forthe CP 525 132.3 Assigning Parameters to the Interpreter and Procedure 172.4 Parameters for the Handling Blocks 182.5 Example ofa Complete Parameter Set 212.6 Job Tables 26

3 Settiqp8nd - - q

3.1 Settings ontheCP 5253.1.1 Jumper Sett5ngs3.1.2 Setting Interpreters and Procedures3.2 Settings on the Partner3.3 Start-upRoutine3.3.1 Routine Following Pwer-up3.3.2 SYNCSRONJob frau the CPU3.3.3 Hode Selector Settings RUN/STQP/PGR3.3.4 Transferring from the PG

4 Emxslkmllkansferred?

4.1 Telegram Level4.1.1 Sending Data4.1.2 Fetching Data4.2 Quasi Full Duplex Operation


3838383839393 94142



Page 124: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



5.1 Procedure 3%45.1.1 Procedure Data5.1.2 lkanemitting with the 3964 Procedure5.1.3 Rsceiving with the 3964 Procedure5.1.4 Initialization (kmflict5.1.5 Procedure Errors5.2 3964R Procedure5.2.1 Procedure Data5.2.2 Transmitting with the 3964R Procedure5.2.3 Receiving with the 3964R Rocedure5.2.4 Conflict5.2.5 Procedure Errors









=~- @-t*

-J- Can58doatbytbamu

PSEUDO READ/uRITE PunctionReading the Error Message Area of che SYSTATResetting (Clearing) the Error Message AreaReading the Whole SYSWIResoling the SYSIDCP 525: Reading and Writing the Date and TinB


Error Messages for SYSTM, ANZU and REPTEL ArrangedAccording to the Numbers for ANZUError Messages for SYSTAT, NW and REPTEL ArrangedAccording to the Numbers for SYSTATError Messages for SYSTAT end REPTEL ArrangedAccording to the Numbers for REPTEL

Tine ~ta - Pmcasaing a DIBIMX Job











Page 125: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-04 Computer Link with NC 512

1 Functions

In automation engineering data must often be ~

The dats achsnge can be implemented using the Connamicationsprocessor CP 525 with its interpreter M 512 and the procedures3964 or 3964R.This IQeans that you csn link the following programsble control-lers:

- the programable controllers of the SIM4TIC S5 U range (l15U,135U, 150U, 155U) with each other

- the pmgramable controllers S5-11OS, s5-13CKJ, s5-150A/K,S5-150S (if they are equipped with sn AS 512C mdule) with theMS, S5-l~U, S5-~5U, S5-150U snd S5 155U

laotedaattluscP52s ~ be used with * S5-lml” pmcawor.

... .h. -


Page 126: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

The NC 512 interpreter uses the same message format as theinterface module AS 512C in SIMATIC S5,

The data is exchanged via a point-to-point link as sham in thefollowing diagram.

-{$ ‘,

,.. .

CPU CP 525



ICP 525 PC2

The excbamge of data can be carried out in two ways as follows:

ble controller PC 1 can ~● ~amma date on its own“initiative” to programmable ctmtroller PC 2. In this case CPU1 must call a ‘~ jdbw cm its ‘own” CP 525.

● PC 1 can fetdt data m its own ‘initiative” frcm PC 2. In thiscase CPU 1 mst call a VEKC3 j*” ~ its “own” Cp 525.

In the same way, PC 2 can also trammu‘t data to or fetch damfrom Pc 1.

Remember that per CP interface a mximunl of 10 jbbfs @EE) ad- jobs) can be processed ‘simulmouslyw. A new job can bestarted only ~en cme of the 10 jobs has been terminated with orwithout errors.


Page 127: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

> ,.. .:. .’,.. ..:,. .—



The interactiontroller 1 and 2

Computer Iink with RK 512

during dam exchange between progpsnmalhle con-is shown in the following diagram.

PC1 PC2STEP 5userprogrsm


IInan-dling ●





CP 525 CP 525user userPrw=l program

C? 525 CP 525


Inter-preter I


III Jobblock


I lmer-preter











Data ~ blocks (EDBS) in the STEP 5 user program on the CPUtransfer the data from the CPU to the CP 525 and &e-versa. HDBsalso initiate the jobs to be axecuted - a m job (smd da=) ora FETCE job (fetch data). The HDB is assigned a jdb ~ underwhich the correspmding job is stored in the job block on the CP525. All the jobs together are lmown as the job block.



Page 128: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

.’ “.,

B8576539-C3 Ccmputer Link with RK 512

The jd block on the CP J25 contains all specifications regardingthe destination or source of the data in the other PC.

The Ckta badlbg block in the cPU contains all the specifi-cations regarding the source or destinatim of the data in ita- PC.

To make use of the computer link, you require two programs foreach programmable controller as follows:

- the SIYIl? 5 user program in the CPUincluding the HDBs with parameters assigned according to theirjobs


- the CP 525 user program in the CP 525including the jobs in the job block and the procedure andinterpreterInterpreter: msnages the data exchangeProcedure: implements the transfer

The programing package (%X4 525 supports you when you aregenerating the CP 525 user program.




Page 129: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. . . . . . . .

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RX 512

1.1 !rransmitting Data (SEND Job)

The CPU of PC 1 is to send data on its own initiative to the CPUof PC 2 (SEND job).



CP 525


l-’ ~ IDIRECT Nn








IF Inter-● preter



n = job number. . . . . . .



Proce-dure I


limer- 1preter = IIRECEIVE‘AIL


Page 130: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


5s57652 9-03

First the HDBthe CPU of PC

- DIREXX n (n = job number) is called in1. ‘II&s initiates the call-up of the data from

data source in the CPU of PC 1 by * interpreter of the CP(PC 1). The SEND DIRECT requires the following parameters tospecified:

- interface number of the CP 525 in PC 1- the nmber of the correspcmding SEND job on the CP 525 (PC- details of the data source (where the data to be sent isstored in the CPU of PC 1)





The data transfer from the CPU to the CP 525 in PC 1 is handledby the HDB SH!lD ALL.

The following parameters are assigned to the SEND job in the jobblock on the CP 525 of PC 1:

- the mmber of the correspmding SEND DIRECT in the CPU- details of the data destination: i.e. , where the data is to be

stored in the receiver (PC 2)

This information is sent to the receiver PC 2 along with thedata.

No job block is necessary on the CP 525 in PC 2. Ik the CPU of PC2, the handling block~ AU is called cyclically. Thishandling block transfers the data received by the CP 525 to theCPU. The RMEIVE AIL is assigned the interface number of theCP 525 plugged into PC 2. (To set the interface number, see theinstmctions for the CP 525 in this lnamlal) .


Page 131: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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%576539-03 Conputer Link with RX 512

1.2 Fetching Data (FETCH Job)

PC 1 is to fetch data cm its own initiative from the CPU of PC 2(FETCH job).









“ Inter-— pretax



n = job number

==(1)l——> Roce-

11 Idure=(2)—


IInmer-preter <

Pc 2





Page 132: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

38576539-03 Conputer Lid: with ELK 512

The HDB F?lWi DIRECT n (n = job number) is called in the CPU ofPC 1. It must have the following parameters specified:

- interface nmber of the CP 525 in PC 1- number of the corresponding PETCH job on CP 525 (PC 1)- information about the data destktion (where the data fetched

from PC 2 is to be stored in the CPU of PC 1)

The FETCH job in the job block on the CP 525 of PC 1 containsin.fomation about the location of the data to be fetched from theCPU of Pc 2. This infomation is sent to PC 2 in a request tele-

gr= (u.

No job block is required on the CP 525 of PC 2. ‘The handlingblock SEUl ALL is called cyclically in the CPU of PC 2. This HDBtransfers the requested &ta from the CPU to the CP 525 of PC 2.It is assigned the interface number of the CP 525 in PC 2.

Once the requested data (2) is received in the CP 525 of PC 1 itis transferred to the CPU of PC 1. This is performed by thehandling block EIXZIVE ALL. RECEIVE AIL is only assigned theinterface number of this @ 525 and is called up cyclically hthe user program. (To set the interface number, see the instruc-tions for the CP 525 in this ~).

Page 133: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


2 Programming

To use the computerfollows :


Corputer Link v-ith F(K 512

the Functions


- the S’IZP 5 user program- the CP 525 user ~


must install ~ pr~ as

the CPU (with handling blocks)the CP 525

You generate the CP 525 user program using the mogramI@package COM 525. A detailed desc=iptim o; the =ctims ofCOM 525 can be found in the user’s guide “Programming packageCOM 525” in this manual.

The STEP 5 user program for the CPU contains the handling blockcalls. More detailed information corm erning the handling blocksin conjmction with the contputer link can be found in the descri-ptim “Using the handling blocks” in this manual.

The next pages provide an cmrview of the following:

- the parameters requixed during progmming- where these parameters are to be specified (STEP 5 or CPU 525user program)

- the significance of the parameters in a wider context

In addition, Section 2.6 contains the job tables that list the-ssible c~b~tions of P=mters. Use these tables to checkwhether the transfer you requ.ixe can be implemented.

. . . . .

. . . . . . . .




Page 134: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



38576539-03 Conputer L. Ik with RX 512

When generating the user programs you should proceed as follows:

1. First ask the following questions: #-

- with which partners is da= to be exchanged?- which device interfaces are the partner devices to be connected

to?- which data is to be exchanged?- which jobs are required and which

2. Generate the CP 525 user program

handling blocksareneeded?

as follows:

assign prameters to the jobs (Section 2.2)assign parameters to the interpreter and procedure(Section 203)load the job block, interpreter and procedure in the usermemory of the CP 525 (RAM or EPMM sdmodul .

“ml, ‘)

assign pa~ters to the jobsassign parameters to the interpreter and procedure

Jload these in the user meunry of the CT 525:

either in an EPROM auhwduleor in a RAM submdule (serial transmission)

Page 135: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. . . . . ..“. , . .. . .



3. Generate(Section


Computer Link with RX 512

the STEP 5 user program for the CPU2.4) as follows:



parameters to theassign haldling

load them in the memory suhnodul.e


of the CPU:

either in anEPRCM mbmoduleorinaRAMsubmodul e (serial transmission)

Page 136: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer L: nk with RK 512

2.1 User Memory 02: the CP 525

You insert either a RAM or an EPROH submodule (see ordering data)in the memory s&module receptacle of the CP 525. The user memryof the CP 525 is ditided into two areas:

...a>, \

- one area for the interpreter and procedures of the two deviceinterfaces

- one area for the “actual” user data and their manager

O Kwords

4 Kwords

8 Kwrds


Interpreter and procedure

for device interface 1

Interpreter and procedure

for dewice interface 2

available for ~ data(job block)

and their manager.

2.1.1 Melwxy ~of tk Job Black

If yuu operate the cmputer link cm a device interface of the CP,the required job block occupies 1 lhmrd in the menmry module,regardless of how many jobs have been programmed. If the CP isused @y for the computer link, a 16 = memory submdule isadequate.

Page 137: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. .

B8576539-06 Computer Link with RK 512


usinga jobfetch

Assigning Parameters to the Job Block for theCP 525

the software package cXM 525 you nust assign parama tars toblock if your CP 525 is to transmit daG3 to a partner, ordata from a partner on its an ~.

A CP is active when it transmits cm its own initiative. A CP ispassive when it cannot operate on its mm initiative; i.e., datacan only be sent to it or fetched from it. If a CP is onlyrequired to be passive then it needs only an interpreter andprocedure (no job block!) in * CP 525 user program.

It is assumed throughout this description that a CP isits partner passive .

active and

The jobs in the job block contain infonnatim about the data~tbl OC data ~ ~ * l==== A msximum of ~ job$

=beww’—— in an active CP 525.

when assigning parameters to the job you must specify




. . . . . \,-, . . .

- job Inaer - nalst match the Mmtber specified in the HDB(SEND DIRECT or PETQi DIBECT). The job numbar cml Ilmm valuesbetween 1 and 189.

JObtgpe - SEND or FETCH

Tgpe Of data tobe~ - a SEND job can send &a tothe following types of destinatim:

data blockssystem dataabsolute addressesextended date blocks

Page 138: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


a FETc’H job can fetch data from the





data blockflag bytesinput bytesoutput bytes1/0 bytestimer locationscounter locaticmssystem dataabsolute addressesextended data blocksexten&d 1/0s

Canputer Link with

following types of

RK 512


Deatinatial addraas for SEND or aaxrce addrasa for FETCH -limit values depend on the data type.

CPU mmber - if a particular CPU is to be addressed by thisjob, then the range of values is 1 to 4. No specification ismade if the partner only has one CPu.

DB ~ - assignad if ‘dam blockw or wextended data block”was specified as the typ. With a SEND job this is thedestination data block, with a FEl!CH job it is the sourcedata block.

~ ~ (@ - specified if w s-e ~destination is a data block or an extended data block

Notes on ‘“ a- flags:

In conjunction with the compterreplaced by ‘coordinatim flagw.

Using coordination flags you canchsnge between the CPU and CP.

link, the

enable or


term ‘IPC flagw can be

inhibit the data ex-


Page 139: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

58576539-03 Cmnu:er U lk with M

In the SEND or FETCH tekgram the byte and bit number of thecoordination flag are transferred to the partner, which then


evaluates them. This prevents as yet unprocessed data from beingoverwritten or read. The partner Mce then sends a reply

>. .. . message with an error number to the active CP 525.

You can write the STEP 5 user program in the CPU of the active CPso that it evaluates the received error number ana repeats theSEND or FEI!CH message later.

For more information cm coordination flags refer to the sectionin the instructions for the CP 525 (Whabling/ disabling IPCflags”). The coordinaticm flags must first be enabled by means of

@W=s on the -e. In some PCs the Coordination flags must bedefined as output IPC flags in DB 1.

~ flags Vitil tin? link CP 525 ---> As 512C

If the CP 525 sends a telegram that cmtains not only data butalso the byte and bit number of a coordination flag, the AS 512C(as passive partner) sets the corresponding flag to ‘Im when thismessage is received. The data is accepted or read.

If the CP 525 sen& another telegram with the same byte and bitnwnber for a coordination flag to the AS 512C, the latter recog-nisas that the flag is already set. The data transfer/receptionis disabled. The AS 512C sends a reply telegram with an errornumber to the active CP. In the active PC an error number isindicated in the condition codeword. If the the HDB is calledagain @END DIRECT or FETCH DIRECT) the telegram is sent again.

In the passive PC (with the AS 512C) the coordinaticm flag mustbe reset by the STEP 5 program after the first teLegram has beenprocessed or when new data is ready to be fetched. The exchangeof data is then once again enabled.

. . .

Page 140: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 ChpXer Link with ~

The range of values of the coordination flags is :s follows:

byte number O to 223bit number o to 7 or

no specification

CoordiMtion flags Vith * link CP 525 ---> CP 525


f-, ..

If the CP receives a telegram with the byte and bit number of thecoordination flag, it ch~.cks whether the Coordbaticm f leg withthis number is set. If it is, the CP rejects the exchange of datawith the active CP by means of a reply telegram with an errornumber. The data that has been sent is not tranfexzed to the CPUor is ignored by the CPU. If the coordinaticm flag has alreadybeen reset when the telegram is received the data exchange takesplace.

With the last data transfer between the CPU and CP 525, the bytenmber of the coordination flag is indicated in the conditioncodeword of the SEND ALL or RECEIVE ALL. (The number of date j?transfers depends on the nmber of items of data transferred and ..,’.:the field length for the data transfer - see parameter (fieldlength BxGR for the ‘ SYNCEWW llDB). This byte xnmber can beevaluated by the STEP 5 progrsm end theappropriate coordinationflag is then set.

To allow the coordination flag to be evaluated by the passive CP,the byte number must be -in the range between 1 and 223.

Page 141: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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B8576539-04 Computer Link with RK 512

2.3 Assigning Parameters to We Interpreter endProcedure

Each CP interface being used requires an interpreter and proce-dure in the CP 525 user memory. For the cmputer link these areas follows:

The interpreter requires no parameters. You must specify thefollowing for the procedure:

Data xate

19200 bps (*)9600 bps4800 bps2400 bps1200 bps600 bps300 bps150 bps110 bps

(*) 19200 bps are only allowed if you use the V.24 interface withthe CP 525/CP 524 or the RS422-@W5 interface with the CP524. In this case you can only load and operate m interfacevith the CP 525.

If both devices want to place a telegram m the transmis sion linesimultaneously, me device must back off. The CP with the higherprioriq transmits its telegram first and the partner with lowerprioriq, transmits its telegram seccmd. You can select thefollowing:



Page 142: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Conputer L::}: with RK 512

The following parameters are fixed for the 3964 and 3964Rprocedures:

character length in bits: 8- parity: ~- number of stop bits in bits: 1

2.4 Parameters for the Handling Blocks

Tostart aSENDjob,youmust call the SEl!lDDIRECL’HDBin theSTEP 5 user program. For a FETCH job you call the FElYZDlRE71!HDB.

The following parameters must be specified:

(1) Mxzface Ixmbe!r (Ssm)


Every CP (or IP) in the PC is allocated one or more interfacenumbers. The SSNR is set by means of jumpers m the module. TheCP 525 has two interface ~s. The’ even number addressesdevice interface 1; the next higher odd number ad&esses deviceinterface 2.

Range of values: O to 255

More details can be found in the instructions for the CP 525 inthis manual.

(2) Job mmbar (A-NR)

Every job (SEND DIRECT@TCH DIRMT) is assigned a number thatmust match the number of the corresponding job in the user ~mof the CP 525.

Range of values: 1 to 189


Page 143: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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. . .




Computer Link with RK 512

~ W (W) with SEND DIRECT orDest. qpe (ZTYP) with FETCH DIRECT

following source ws can be sent with SHWD DIRECT:

data blocksflag bytesinput bytesoutput bytes1/0 bytestimer locationsCcnlnter locationssystem dataabsolute addressesextended data blocksextended 1/0s



The following destination types are possible when receiving(FETCH DIRECT) :

data blocks DBsystem dzml Rsabsolute addresses AS

extended data blocks DX

(4) IMa M maler (DBNR)

If you selected a data block or an amended data block as thesource or destinatim type, you enter the *r of the datablock here.

Range of values: 3 to 255



Scmme!startaamss (QANF) with SEND DIRECT orDeSt. start ~ (ZANF) with F’ETOH DIRECT

range of values permitted depends m the data type.

1, wwiously PB 2, Fevi.ously OB(6) Scume ~ (QUiE) witb SEND DIRE(7I=. E (w) with FZTCE? DIREC1’


,.. ,--. .._,. .—. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .




Page 144: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

, .

28576539-03 Coqm:er I irk wic”n X 512

(6) Scurce length (QIAE) with SEND DIRECT orMat. len@I (ZME) with FETCH DIRECT

You enter the number of items of data to be transferred. Whetherthis is specified in bytes or words depends on the data type (3);e.g. , flags are specified in bytes, data blocks in words. Therange of values permissible also depends on the data ~ and islisted in the job tables in Section 2.6.


(7) Other parameters are the condition codeword NEW and theparameter assignment error byte P-. These indicate whether adata transfer was performed successfully or whether errorsoccurred. For more details see the description Wsing the han-dling blocks” in this manual.

Page 145: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 COT.puter Zir&. with M 512

2.5 Example of a complete Parameter Set

Task I: SRW) job

Ten data words frcm &ta block 20 (DB20) starting at data word 10(DWIO) are to be transferred from PC 1 to PC 2 an~ be entered indata block 5 (DB5) starting at data word 1 (DWl), Make sure thatPC 1 and PC 2 are each equipped with a CP 525,

lil Pclymlraquixe * following:

- the SR!U) DIRECT HDB, which triggers the job. It must ham thefollowing parameters assigned:



;= 10QM.E 10Pm

interface Ilumberisojob number is 1condition codeword is flag word 12source is a data blockwiti number 20 andwith the start address 1010 data words will be sentFYU. is selected for parameterassignment errors

- the SMD AIL HDB that transfers the data from the PC to the CPmust also be called. It requires the following parameters:

!Els interface nvnber isoAU functicm is selectedccmdition codeword is lW16F’Y19 is selected for parameterassignment errors

Note: the condition codeword of the ALL job must be differentfrom the A.NZW for SEND DIBECT, since other information is writtento it.

Page 146: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

58576539-03 Comwter Link with RK 512

Before beginning with the programming read the description “Usingthe handling blocks” in this msnual to find the form in Wchthese parameters must be specified.

- one job in the job block

job number 1job SENDjob type DBdest. word address 1CPU numberDB no. 5coordination flags -


number as for EDB parameterssend has been selected&st. is a data blockwith start address 1only one CPU existsthe dest. DB no. is 5coordination flags are notbeing used

- the interpreter I/X 512 and the procedure (e.g., 3964). For theprocedure you must set the following:

data rate 9600 bpS da= rate for this examplepriority low optional


Page 147: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Computer Link with RK 512B8576539-08

In Pc2ymu =@= * f~:

- the RWXtW AU HDB, which transfers the date end @lt@3 thefoil.dng in the destination DB:




interface number is Ojob number is OALL function is selectedcondititm codeword is PU 6FY4 is selected for parameterassigment errors

For * a in PC 2 you require the fo~:

- sm job block, as long as no active jobs are called wp in PC 2(SEND D-, FEfCH DIRECT).

- the interpreter RK 512 end the procedure 3964 for this CP. Setthe following:

Idate rate 9600 bps data rate for this examplepriority higher

, . . . . .


Page 148: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

BS576539-OS Computer Link with BK 512

Six flag bytes stxrting at FY7 are to be fetched frm PC 2. 2’he8ebytes are to be writtan into data block 20 startimg at data word30 in PC 1. A FETCH job is ~erefore ~anmad in PC 1.

Ill m 1 ytm raquimJ the f~:

- the call for the PEIW DIMCf HDB to trigger the job:





as for task Ijob mmber here is 2ccmdition codes in PU34destination is a DBwith no. 20 andstart address 30fetch 6 bytes -3 uvrdsparameter assignment errors

the RMZtW ALL HDB to receive the data fetched:

\WR oA-NR o

FU27Pm FY26


interface number is Ojob mmibar is OAIL fmctfon is selectedcondition codeword in FU27parameter asslgment errorsin FY26

Page 149: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



B8576539-08 Ccmputer Link with RK 512

For * CP in m 1 yul - the folmwiug:

- the job with the number 2 as follows:

job mnnberjobjob typesource byte addressCPU no.DB XW.coordination flags



the interpreter and procedure areavailable - if you ca&ied out task

number as for HDB

source is the flag areafrom byte 7only one CPU presentno parameter possibleno parameter possible

alxeedy programed andI:

I data rate


9600 bpS

priority low I

In Iv2ymrequims * follming:

- a SMD ALL HDB as follows, which transfers the flag bytes toits CP:




interface number is Ojob number is OALL function is selectedFW40 is selected as ANzWPY39 selected for parameterassigment errors

Page 150: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-06 Computer Link with RK 512

... -!

- = job block, however, interpreter and procedure (If notalrea~ available from @sk I). For the procedure you need thefollowing:

data rate 9600 bpspriority higher

2.6 Job Tables

The follawing tables contain all tha ~’le data ~ andtheir parameter assignments in the HDB and in the job block.SPecifiostione regarding the addrasses depend on the PC and arenot always the same for different types. ‘l’his is psrttcularlyimpomsnt with absolute addrasses. Also refer to thedocumemation for your specific PC.

Because of the wide vari.aty of parameters, each tabla is spraadover two pages. Remember tit the two tables are, in fact,one.

1. !mmSd.t data: SRm

As the source, all data types stored on the psrtner in adestination DB or DX (exception AS/2S) can be used.

The parameter QIAE (source length) regmaents a mssber of bytes, if thesource area is _sed in bytes; if not, it represents a numberof words. If O is specified there will be no exchange of tele-grasls ,

Be careful with odd numbers of bytes; since the desti.naticm areais a DB or M, only full words can be stored there. If the partner is aCP 525, it writes 0s to the right-hand dam byte (DR) if itreceives an odd number of bytes.


Page 151: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


Computer I ink with NC 512

,. . . . .-

Notes on the tableOn the right-hand side there are three columns with specffice-tions for the telegram header. These specifications need to betaken into account only if you are using a device of a differentmake as the partner, end you are implementing the communicationssoftwere purself; or if you wish to monitor the data exchange onthe line with an interface test device (FOXFG). The specifica-tions refer to the contems of bytes 3 to 8 in tht header of theSEND telegram,

Explanationof the abbreviations:

psrameterassignmnt of ~he HDB

QTYF =sourcetypeDBNR = date block number

=sourcestartad&ess$% =sourcelength

parameter assignment in COM525

Z-’rgp E destination typeZ-DB M data block number of t’he destinationZ-A& E destination start addressCF-poss. = coordination flags possible?header, bytes u telegram header of the data

transmission on the line

. . . . . .

Page 152: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

,, . . . . . ,

B8576S39-08 Ccmpmar Idnk with RK 512


Data block

Ext. DB

DEwt. , Paz-am. assigmant of HDE in PC 1tom2

m D= - a-

Data block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-204s

Data block Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-2048

Flags irrel.I =-.l.=-

Inputs I Data block I IB I irrel.1 O-127 I 1-128


hinters 115U

Date block QB irrel. O-127 1-128

Date block CB irrel. 0-127 1-I.28

hinters 135UI Date block I CB I irrel. I O-127 I 1-128

hunters 15(NJI Date block I CB I irrel. I O-255 I 1-256

Timers 115u I Dete block I TB I irrel. I 0-127 I 1-128

Timers 135U [ Data block I TB I ixrel. I 0-127 I 1-128

Timers 15(IU I Dsta block I TB I irrel. I O-255 I 1-256

1/0s Date block PY irrel. O-255 1-256

Sy-ldr. 135U Sys. addr. Rs 5rrel. O-255 1-256

sy-Adr. 150U Sys. ad&. Rs irrel. 0-511 1-512

Abs. addr.

ext. 1/0sonly forPc 150U

Abs. addr.

Data block


As irrel.

OB irrel.










Page 153: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. . . .

. . . .

B8576539-03 Computer Link with M 512

Param. assign. in C(M 525 in PC 1 - Telegram header, bytes3/4 5/6 7/8

Z-’lyp Z-DB z-Adr (z’. poss. - -. Z-DB/Z-Adr Null. in

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AD DB/DW words

DB 3-255 0-255 yes Ax DB/DW words

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AM DB/DW Bytes

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AZ DB/DW Bytes

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AA DB/DW Bytes

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AZ DB/DW Wbrds

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AZ DB/DW mrds

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AZ DB/DW words

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AT DB/l%J words

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AT DB/DW words

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AT DB/DW words

DB 3-255 0-255 yes AP DB/DW -s

Rs — O-255 no AB Address words

Bs — 0-511 no AB Address words

As — O-65535 no As Address Words

DB 3-255 0-255 yes M DB/DW Byte


Page 154: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-06 Computer Link with NC 512


Source, Dest ., Param. assignment of HDB in PC 1Secdti toFc2Pcl DBNR QANF QIAE

Data block Ext. DB DB 3-255 0-2047 1-2048

W. DB Ext. DB DX 3-255 0-2047 1-2048

Flags Ikt. DB FY irrelo O-255 1-256

Inputs Ext. DB IB ixrel. o-127 1-3.28

-= Ext. DB QB irrel. o-127 1-128

ounters 115U Ext. DB CB irrel. O-I.27 1-128

omters 135U Ext. DB CB irrel. o-127 1-128

muters 150U Ext. DB CB ixml. O-255 1-256

I!imers I.lsu Ext. DB TB irrel. o-127 1-128

r-s 135u Ext. DB TB irrel. O-I.27 1-128

ras mu Ext. DB TB in-a. O-255 1-256

[/0s Ext. DB PB tmel. O-255 1-256

=. 1/0s Ext. DB OB irrel. O-255 1-256mly forPC lsou


Page 155: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576539-06 Computer Link with RK 512

I Psram. tZSS@X1. in C(IM 525 in PC 1 Tele<

















Z-DB I Z-A& I CF. POSS. ~ &n

3-255 0-255 yes 1 OD

3-255 0-255 yes ox

3-255 0-255 yes (x4

3-255 0-255 yes OE


3-255 0-255 yes Oz

3-255 0-255 yes m

3-255 0-255 yes OT

3-255 0-255 yes m

3-255 0-255 yes OP

am header, bytes I5/6

1 - I7/8Z-DB/Z-Adr Num. in







Page 156: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


2. Fetch data: -

Computer link with RK 512

All data types can be specified as the source in the parmer PC.The destination in the EDB m only be a &ta Mock or anexten&d data block (exception RS/AS). The destination length(ZIAB) can be specified only in words. If, for example, 5 inputbytes are to be fetched, ‘3” = three wmls = six bytes must bespecified in the HDB. If O is specified there is no telegram- e -

Notes on @’ie -bleOn the right-hand side there are three colums witi specifica-tions for the telegram header. These specificatims need to betaken into account mly if you are using a device of a differentmske as the partner, and you are implementing the cosmumicationssoftware yuurself; or if you wish to mmitor the dam exchange onthe line uiti an interface test tie (FOXFG). The specifica-tions refer to the ccmtents of bytes 3 to 8 in the header of theFEIWl telegram.

Explanation of the abbrtitions:

parameter assignment of the HDB

ZTYP = destination qpeDBNR = data block nmber

= destinaticm start addressZSAE = destination length

Paramet- assigmsent in MM 525

Q-W = source typeQ-DB = data block number of the sourceQ-Adr = source smrt addressCF-poss . = coordination flags possible?header, bytes = telegram header of the data

trammission on the line


Page 157: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

Source: Dest. : Psrsm. ass”qgnment in HDB in PC 1fetdl- inlclIW2 DBNR ZANF

Data block Dsts block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-2048

W. DB Dsts block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-2048

Flags Dsts block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-M8

-s Dsts block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-64

-= Dsts block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-64

CQunters M.5u Dsta block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-I.28

Counters 135U Deta block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-X28

Ccnlllters MOu Dsts block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-256

Timers l15U Dsts block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-I.28

Timers 135U Dsta block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-128

Timers 150U Date block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-256

1/0s Dsts block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-128

sys.Ad.135u Sys. sddr. Bs ixrel O-255 1-256

sys.Ad.150u Sys. Sddr. Rs irrel. 0-511 1-512

Abs. ear. Abs. Sddr. As ixrel. O-+32767 1-3276713.5 u -32768

Abs. ad&. Abs. Sddr. AS irrel. O-+32767 1-32767135u/150u -32768

ext. 1/0s Dsts block DB 3-255 0-2047 1-128only fors5-1.5ou


,. ...=*,

. . . . . . . . . ~ ..,. .--,...

Page 158: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with M 512

P~. i


sign. :Q-DB

b cm 5:Q-A&

inpcl - Telejmposs. - 3/4

yes ED

yes Ex

no EM

no EE

no Eli

no Ez

no E?

no Bz

no ET

no ET

no Er

no EP

no EB

no EB

no Es

no ES

no m

sm header5/6


DB/DW --4bytes7/8

Mm. in



1 Data bl O-255 0-255

Ext. DB


O-255 0-255



Dx/Dw Wor& I

1BytesL@e addr

me addr 1Bytes



O-X26 byte addr,



Wix&o-1.27 knmter IX







counter o-127 bunter IX

O-255Oounter titer IX

O-127 Timer m.



Timer rm.

Timer no.O-255

0-2541/0 1/0 addr.


Sys .addr.

Sys . det . 0-255






Sys. det. 0-511

)-65534Abs. addr Abs .addr.

AbS . ad& )-65535 Abs .addr.

ext. 1/0 O-254 1/0 addr. JByte

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . , . . ... ,,. e..=,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 159: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-06 Computer Link with RK 512

Source: Dest.: Psrsm. Sss-t ~ ~B ~ ~ 1fetdlfmm inlcl=2 DBNR ZANF

Dsts block Eict. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-2048

Ext. DB Ext. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-2048

Ext. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-128

Inputs Est. DB DX 3-255 0-2047 1-64

outputs Ext. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-64

Counters 115U Ext. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-128

$omters 135U Ext. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-128

hl!lters Mm Ext. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-256

Timers l15U Ext. DB Rx 3-255 0-2047 1-128

Timers 135U -. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-128

Timers 1.50U Ret. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-256

I @ M. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-128

ext. 1/0s Ezt. DB Dx 3-255 0-2047 1-128only forSs-lsou



Page 160: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-06 Computer Link with RK 512


Param. assign. iQ-’bP


Q-DB5inPcl - Tele(%F’ poss. - 3/4

yes ED

yes Ex

no EH

no EE

no EA

m Ez

m E?

m Ez


no ET

no ET

no EP

no EQ

‘- k--”-- bytes7/8

Nufn. in

,6U &Lcaucs,


==-l-= O-255 DB/DW


byte adck

byte addr



I-— 0-254




O-I.26 byte addr




IComter — 0-3.27 Comter n

IC o u n t e r — o-127 knmter xx

counter I — O-255 bunter xx --lWords

-1 —,I

O-I.27 Timer no,




Hmer —

rimer —



Timer no.

Timer no.

d1/0 —

m. 1/0 —

D-254 1/0 addr.




3-254 1/0 addr.

. . ... . . . .

Page 161: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576539-03 Computer Link with the RK 512

3 Settings and Start-up

Chapter 3 cm~ins information about the following:

- settings on the CP 525- settings on the partner- start-up routines

3.1 Settings on the CP 525

As described in the instructicms for the CP 525 in this IBamlal,you must set juqers on the CP 525 (to assign interface numbersand enable the interprocessor ccmumi=tion (IPC) flags). Hojw=r se=q =e reed for interpreters and procedures.

M setthgs are required on the interpreter RK 512; it is simplyloaded in the CP 525.

You set the data m,~ ~ - ~ f= *procedure when po&amniq the @ 525 user~ with C(X 525.The permissible values can be found in Section 2.3.

3.2 Settings on the Partner

If the partner is also a CP 525 the settings are as described inSection 3.1.


3,r”~:‘. -:..

Page 162: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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B8576539-03 Computer Iink with the RK 512

If your &ta exchange is performd with an AS 512c interfacemodule, you must set tie requixed priority and data rate (seeinstmctions AS 51.2C).

If the partner is a PROMEA or a DUST 3964 the settings can alsobe found in the correspmding instructions.

3.3 Start-up Routine

3.3.1 BaItilw lw&dtqJ Rmar-llp

After you switch on the power supply the mm IXM m *efront panel of the CP 525 light up. The CP 525 now checks

- the MM and EPROM are ticti.mal- the interpreter and procedure are present and cmplete in thememory sdmodule

Following the start-up phase M takes appoxhately twoseconds, tie IEDs of the loaded interfaces go off. If theselector is switched to SIVP/PGR or a hardware error hes beenre~d ~ ~S r- ht.

Following the start-up phase, the CP 525 expects the~ jobfrom the CPU.

Ihesmmmjobis inkiamd after* ~-P #’-e

The SYNCMRON HDB is requked for handling the SEND, FEKH,RECEIVE jobs so that the length of the fields for the datatransfer between ~e CPU ad CP 525 is established. The SYNCHMNHDB is usually called in the STEP 5 user program in orgsnizatiunblocks OB20, OB21 and OB22 .



Page 163: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


When the SYNCHRON job runsprocess jobs (SEND, FETCN,m=.

Ccmpmer Link with the

without errors, the CP is ready toRIKEIVE) from the CPU and from the

RK 512

Possible reactions before SYNCHRW runs are as follows:- the parlmer sends a telegram before the SYNCHRON job has mm;

the CP sends a reply telegram containing the error number 2AH.4FN is entered in the error message area of the SYSTAT.

Jobs sent from the CPU (except SYKHRON) before SYNCHRON basrun are handled as follows:- they are rejected with %ot ready” (error message number 81H inthe PAFE byte of the job).

A-SYWMMEI job is recaiwadly a fmctimd inmdace :(e.g. , the reset switch on the CPU has been pressed)

If a prtux job is being processed it is be aborted with areply telegram containing the error number 24H. The correspondingerror number in the error message area of the SYSTAT is 4FE.Partner jobs are then ignored until the CP 525 has gone tbrwghits cold restart routine.

If a PC jab is being processed, it is t e.rminated with the errornumber 7H in the condititm codeword. The error number ME isentered in the error area bf the SYSTAT.

E SYNCHMN runs ~ errors, the job statuses (snd thereforethe Ccmditicsl codewords) of all jobs are cleared. The errornumber 7H, is therefore no longer ~ible. The entries in SYSTATare retained.

If SYNCHMM runs viti errors, all the PC jobs set to %mnin#duringnumber

New PCreadywjob).

the cold resin phase are also terminated with the &ror7E. (16H is again entered in ~).

jobs (except for SYNCHRON) are then blocked by the %otmessage (nwnber 81H in the PAFE byte of the corresponding

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B8576539-03 Canputer Link with the RK 512



Aborting a PC job by mans of SYNCHRON can also cause a furthererror status.

Reasm: if a job is stoppad immediately, this fact Calmot besignalled to the partner. The partner still expects follow-ontelegrsms connected with the current job. It therefore interpretsthe first telegram following WNCRRON as a follow-on telegram.The partner, however, recognises that it is not a follow-ontelegram associated with tie current job and answers with a replytelegram with the number 36H. This causes the first job followingthe SmwBRON to be aborted with the error number ~ in the

odeword. The nwnber 37H is entered in SYSTAT.Conditial c

3.3.3 lbde SdSctxx~~’

The settings of the mode selector on tie front panel of theCP 525 are-as follows:


The I(K 512 intarpraterfram the partner (if a

errors) .

The ~S of the loaded525 are no longer lit.


processes jobs arriving fran the CPU andSYNCUWN job was performed witlmut

interfaces on the front panel of the CP

These settings are identical. They are used to stop the transmis-sion of data ml * serial transmis sion 1*. Any jobs arrivingare rejected wi~ an error message.

- PC jobs (SEND/FEPCii) are terminated with the error number CH inthe cad.ition codeword. The error number 27H is written inSYSTAT.

- Partner jobs are rejected with a reply telegram containing theerror number 2AH. The number 4EH is entered in SYSTAT.


Page 165: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



If a job is culzently beingwithout an error message!

Computer Link with the RK 512

- mm m smP~

executed it will be ccmpleted, i.e. ,


Depending on the number of items of data to be transmitted, itmay take some time before the STOP/PGR sate is reached. Thiss-te is shuwn by the LEDs m the front panel.

Switcb.iqg tk? - aelecmx -slm/J3alto ElJE

The interpreter once again begins processing jobs. The LED on thefront panel goes off (only if the intqeter and procedure areloaded). The CP 525 does w go through a cold restart when themode selector positicm is changed.

If part or all of the interface has just been loaded or reloaded(===far from W) the interface requires a cold restart. In thiscase, switching the selector position from STOP/PGR to RUN bringsabout a cold restart, or you can press the key ‘cold restart” cmthe PG. The selector on the PC must be set to RUN.

If the transfer of the interpreter or procedure or job block isinitiated at the PG, the software of tie CP 525 goes to the waitstate. In the wait state the IED of the corresponding interfaceis lit al the frcmt panel.

The transfer is started mly when the program to be transferredis different frail the program already loaded in the CP 525. Forthis reason the PG first reads the program in the CP and compares

* - %=~s~~-ft~e po$ition of the mode selectoris irrelevan


Page 166: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with the RK 512

Before the soflxare of the CP 525 goes to the wait status, thejob currently being proce ssed by the partner and CPU is canpletedwithout an error message. kpmding cm the number of items ofdata to be transmitted, it may therefore take sane time beforethe wait status is actually adopted.

During the wait status no jobs sent by the partner (partnerjobs) csn be processed. The procedure does not react to charac-ters arriving via the serial interface. During the wait statusthe LEDs on the front panel are lit.

During the wait s~tus the CP 525 also rejects auy jobs from itsown CPU (PC jobs), instead %wmrload” is indicated. Thfs isr~ed W * e== *r 9~ ~ * pm W= of *e jobaffected. In rare cases, a PC job might be completed (terminatedvitb error) before the PAFE error message (number 6H in thecondition codeword and U.H in SYSTAT). In this =se the PC wasunable to recognise the overload early enough.

Following the transfer, the sofmare remains in the wait statusuntil yuu initiate a cold restart on the interface, either withthe ‘cold restart” key on the PG, or by switching the mode selec-tor ml * CP from STOP/PGR to RUN.

Following the cold restart the IEDs on the front panel go off ifthe transferred program is correct and uxuplete. Following thetransfer, a SYNCHRON job is no longer reqdxed.

. .


Page 167: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


4 How is Data Transferred?

The data transfer between the partnersfollowing three levels:

1. ~ =

Computer Link with the RK 512

The interpreters of the two CP 525s exchange

place on the

data in the form offixed e. The interpreter of the CP-525 (1) sends theinterpreter of the CP 525 (2) a ccmmand telegram, CP 525 (2)answers with a reply telegram.

2. F’nmake lsvd.

The telegrams are c&nged~to * ~.

3. ~ le?lml

The hardware MM covers

into a particular format and integrated

transfer. The CP 525/CP 524 can operate either with TTY (currentloop 20 mA) or with a voltage level V.24. The front camectorsare designed for both types of signal. In addition, the RS422-A/485 module can be used h the CP 524.

CP 525 (1) CP 525 (2)

ma Data


E!El”Pmcedmm level


. .


Page 168: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576539-03 Computer Link with the NC 512

4.1 Telegram Level

The following sectims provide detailed imformaticm about thetelegram level. The various telegrsms are defined as follows:

CP 525 (1) sends a ~ ~ to @ 525 (2).CP 525 (2) sends a -Y ~ to @ 525 (1).

Ccmnand telegrams are either - telegrams (send data)or ~ ~ (fet~ &ta).

With SEND telegrams the passive pertnar sends a-Y =@X’- ~ -!

With PETCH telegrams the passive psrtnar sends a-Y =mB=- - - -

If the volume of data exceeds 128 bytes then a filhmm ~is sent.


Page 169: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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B8576539-06 Ccmputer Link with ILK 512

Smture ad CamentS ~ a ~ @Qw- (~ ~telegram

A SEND telegram consists of a telegram header and data.A FETCH telegram consists only of the telegram header.

The telegram header is made up of 10 ~ and contains (in aSEND telegram) details of the data destination; (in a PE1’CHtelegram) detiils of the data source.


1 2 3

high low high lowOOH

(R) conmsnd dest ./source nmber OPu Ilo./cP

Sismificance of the bytes:1 - : telegram id&tifier (OOH or FPM wLth foil. corn. tels)2 : telegram identifier (oOH)3 : camtand, SEND ( ‘Acor ‘O’) or FETCH (’E*)


,, ,...,>

4 : Ccn!msnd tYPe$ i.e. qpe Of dStS‘D’ = data block ~x* =

‘E’ = q bytes VA* =qqt = fq bytes Qp* =

‘z’ “ Culnter locatims CT! =‘S’ = absolute addresses *B1 =

‘Q’ = extended 1/0s5 and 6: destination address for SEND or

tobe transferredextended DBoutput l@esIN bytestimer locationssystem addresses

source address forFEKH, e.g.: byte 5 = DB no. and byte 6 = DW no.

7 and 8: number of pieces of informsticm data to be transferred,depending on the ~ in bytes or in words 9:byte number of & coordination flag. If no CF tispecified, this contains FFH

10: bits O to 3: bit number of the coordination flag (CF)If no @ is specified, PH is entered

bits 4 to 7: CPU number, a number from 1 to 4.If no CPU mmber is specified, but rather a coordina-tion ~, this C~tSiIkS ~. ~ no ~ m. and m ~ isspecified, byte 10 ccmtains FFH. In both cases allCPIJS are possible at the partner.

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B8576539-03 Cmputer Link with RK 512

,... ,.. . .. .-,

. . .

. . . . .

. . .

The letters specified in bytes 3 and 4 are ASCII characters.

The telegram beader of the follow-on comnsnd telegram includesonly bytes 1 to 4.

Mter the Ccmmand telegram is transferred, the interpreter ex-pects a reply telegram from the partner within the mmitoringtime. The length of the monitoring time depends on the data rate,i.e. the baud rate.

Table of mnitoring times in the CP 525:

19200 - 1200 bps = approx. 5 seconds600 bps = approx. 7 w300 bps = approx. 10150 bps = ~“ ~110 bps = approx. 20

The reply

Tolerance: +/- 500 m

aldcummta ~-==w~

telegram consists of four bytes and contxdns informa-ticm about the processing of the job.



I2 3 4

Iom’ml m I m I=rSignificance of the bytes is as follows:


telegram identifier (OOH ortelegram identifier (OOH)Ccmtains Omerror nuniber of the partner

F’FH for follow-on reply telegrams)

(see Cbapter 8, Ikror handling).

Page 171: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


4.1.1 Smiillgmta

Computer Unk with RK 512

SR!JD job: CP 525 (1) Sd dsa to CP 525 (2).

CP 525 (1) CP 525 (2)interpreter <=> procedure procedure <+ interpreter

— = ~~(telegram header + dats)

<—-Y~~ -—

Follov-on SEND telegrams snd follow-on reply telegrams are sentwhen the wolume of i.nfOrmsticm dsts exceeds M8 bytes.

Page 172: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

Sequmceufewentsfcma SHi#) ~:

CP 525 (1) CP 525 (2)-.



I replytelegram

—STx 02H ~><— DLB 10H— 1st byte OOH — >— 2nd byte OOH — >— 3rd byte 41H — >— 4th bJme 44H — >— 5th byte OAH — >— 6th byte OIH — >— 7th byte OoH — >— 8th byte 32E — >— 9th byte FF’H (byte) — >—lOth byte F’FE (bit) — >—llth byte — >—12th byte — >


—Ml byte— DLE 10H ~>—Em 03E * >

<— DIX 10H

<— S!CX 02H— DLE 10H<— 1st bJme OOH<— 2nd byte OOH<— 3rd byte OOH<— 4th bp OOH<— DIZ 10H<—ETX 03E— DIE ICH

start characterpos. acknowl.

SEND Camnanddata block typedest. e.g. : DB1O

w e.g. : 50DWmmall CPus1st date byte2nd de- byte

Wwm wn w

nth data byteend identifierw m

pos. aclmowl.within 5 secstart characterpos. aclmowl.

error numberend identifier

w w

pos. ac.knowl.

. . .The characters marked * are added to the &ta field with thetelegxam header during tie trausfer by the 3964 procedure.


Page 173: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. ., ,.

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

The telegram exchange for a SEND telegram without errors and witha length less than 1.29 bytes isreply telegram does not contain

FolAm+m SR!lD tebgmms

caupleted (the fourth byte in thean error ~).

...-. .,,

A follow-on SEND telegram is started if the volume of data to besent excee& 128 @taa. The sequence of events corresponds to theSEND telegram.

CP 525 (1)

I follow-ontele. header

I data

I follow-onreptel

— STX 02H<— DIZ 10H— 1st byte FFH— 2nd byte OOH— 3rd byte 41H— 4* byte 44H— 5th byte— 6th byte


— Xth byte— DIE 10H—Em 03H<— DIE 10H

<—s!lx 02H— DLE 10H<— 1st byte FFH<— 2nd byte OOH<— 3rd byte OOH<— 4th byte 00H<— DIE 10H< — E m 03H— DIE 10H

CP 525 (2)






start characterpos .acknowl.follow-on tel. id.

Camand: SENDqqM: data block129th data byte130th data byte

n ww w

nth da= byteend identifierw W

pos . acknowl.within 5 secstart characterpos . aclmcwl.fol. reptel id.

error messageend identifierw W

pos . aclauwl.

Another follow-on SEND telegram is started if there are more than256 ~es to be transferred;


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B8576539-03 Ccmputer W with RK 512

4.1.2 Fe_lkxea

FEK3 job: CP 525 (1) requests de- from CP 525 (2).

CP 525 (1) CP 525 (2)

interpreter <=> procedure procedure <- interpreter

4—==== Fk)h-ul reply ~d.adata —if errorIm dats

Follow-on FE1’Ui telegrams snd follow-ai reply telegreins with dstssre sent only if the volume of infonnaticm date exceeds 128 ~,

If there is an error nmber # O in the 4th byte of the replytelegram, then no &ta will be added.



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B8576539-03 Computer Link with NC 512

=P==~ events*a~ tdegraw (request telegram)


I replytelegram


CP 525 (1) CP 525 (2)

—STx 02H ~> start character<— DIX 10H ~ pos. acknowl.— 1st byte OOH — >— 2nd byte OOH — >— 3rd byte 45H —> Camoand: FETCH— 4th byte 44H —> qpe : data block— 5th byte 64H —> source: DB1OO— 6th byte 64H — > ” Dwloo— 7th byte OOH —> number:— 8* byte 32H — > ” 50 Ix7— 9th byte OAH (byte) —> CF = F 10.7—lOth byte 17H (bit) —> only CPU 1— DIZ 10H ~> end identifier—ETx 03H ~>w w

<— DLE 10H

< — S’JX 02H ~ start character— DLE 10H ~~s. acknowl.<— 1st byte OOH —<— 2nd byte OOH —<— 3rd byte OOH —<— 4th byte OOH — error nuuiber<— 5th byte — data byte<— 6th byte — 2nd data byte<— 7th byte — 3rd data byte

w w ww w ww m n

<— Xth byte — nth data byte<— DIE 10H ~ end identifier<—ETX 03H— DIE 10H ~~s. aclumwl.

l!hisisthes~e Of events for a FETCH telegram withouterrors and with a length of less than ).29 bytes.



. . . ..

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B8576539-03 Ccmputer Link with NC 512

If more than 128 ~es are requested, these are automaticallyfetched in one or more follow-on telegrams.

Follow-on FEN2H telegram wi* follow-on reply telegram:

I follow-cmtele. header

I follcw-onreptel


CP 525 (1)

— S I X 02H<— DIE 10H— 1st byte FTH— 2nd byte OOH— 3rd byte 45H— 4th byte 44H— DIE 10H—Em 03H<— DIE 10H

< — s ’ l x 02H— D I E 10H<— 1st byte FFH<— 2nd byteooH<— 3rd byte OOH<— 4th byte OOH<— 5th byte<— 6th byte


<— Xth byte<— DIE 10H< — m 03H— DIE 10H

CP 525 (2)

~> start character~ pos. Scknowl.—> fol. on tele. id.

—> CamEmd: FETCH—> ~: dsta block~> end identifier~>~ pos. Sclmowl.

~ start character~> pos . acknowl.— fol. rep. id.

error nmiber— 129th dsta byte— 130th data byte

w!!muw w

— nth dats byte~ end identifier~W w

~> pos . eclmowl .

Another follow-on FE1’CH telegrsm is started if the volume ofinformation dats excee& 256 bytes.


Page 177: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

4.2 Quasi Full Duplex operation

Full aaplex means that telegrams can be sent at anytime, except in the followimg sitxaation: --

- CP 525 (1) must smt send information da=, ~en CP 525 (2) issending informticm data.

- CP 525 (1) must wait until the telegram is completed with~~ fran CP 525 (2) and UXO from CP 525 (1).

Under certain circumstances, (if both CPs wish to send), a SENDtelegram can be trans ferred by tie partner before the replytelegram; for example, if a SEND telegram from the partner hasbeen entered in the -t buffer of CP 525 (1) before the replytelegram.

In the following -le, the follow-on reply telegram (*) forthe f fist SEND telegram is sent only after the ~ talagmm of- P=@=”

‘f--%., .,, ,.,?;.,Example of a possible telegram exchange:

CP 525 (1) (7P 525 (2)

— S~ telegram ~<— reply telegram ~— 1st follow-on SEND telegram ~


4—E==u= 1st follow-on reply telegram — (*)— 2nd follow-m SEND telegram ====+

~ 2nd follow-on reply telegram -

.. . . .

Page 178: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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B8576539-03 Computer Link with the RK 512

5 Procedures

Section 5 con-ins informaticm about the procedures 3964 and3964R.

5.1 Procedure 3964

5.1.1 Rocduca ma

The procedure 3964 ccmtrols the flow of data between P= m-gramable controller and ~ partner, e.g. , a central processCCSWpUt~, another CP 525 or an AS 512C . In the CP 525, theinterpreter transfers the data to be sent into q hxffera forthe procedure. The pxmxlure sends this data along with thetrammission protocol 3964 to the partner; if necessary repeatsthe tmnsmissicm, and signals non-recoverable errors to the in-terpreter.

Data frail the partner are stored in iqmt lmffere. If the data isreceived without errors , it is transferred to the interpreter for~ P===*”

~ 3964 ~e fi aU ~, bit =* transfer proce-dure. The tmnsmissicm rate both sending and receiving Bmlst be* ~ ~ tlM CP 525 ad 011 the psrtner (~ becausethere are no timing circuits belxeen the mo devices).

Cbxtml * M5acmMm ~ are transmitted on the link.To ensure that every character is recognised by the receiver andto allow the transms“ Sti to be checked for ~OES, the ChS333C-

ters are encapsulated by other bits.


Page 179: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


The order of the bits is as follows:

Computer Link with the ELK 512

ISA= StSXt bitI* =informationbitno.PA= pariqbitso= stop bit

The control characters for the 3964 procedure are taken from theDIN s~d 66003 for the 7-bit code. Eowever, the Cbaracterlength used is S-bit (bit 7 = O). There is no code prescribed fortheinfOrmation characters (code Usnsparency) .

You can set the following procedure parameters when writing theCP 525 user progrem with COM 525:


The speed of the data trammission is specified in bps. You canselect the following values:

19200 bpS *

9600 bps4800 bps2400 bps1200 bps600 bps300 bps150 bps110 bps

(*) 19200 @S ~e -y alowed if ym ue the V.24 interface withthe CP 525/CP 524 or the RS422-A/485 interface with tbe CP 524.In this case you can only load end operate m interface with theCP 525 since the msximum sum of the data rates is also 19200 bps.


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B8576539-03 Computer Link with the RX 512

To resolve initialisation conflicts, you can set the prioriq ofthe GP 525. At tie partner the opposite priority must be set. You

,.?. can choose between the following:

higher Prioriqlower priority

The following are fixmd for the 3964 procedure:

character length: 8 bitsnmber of stop bits: 1parity bit, i.e., checking for even parity

To establish the link, the 3964 procedure sends the controlcharacter STX. E the parmer replies within the time allowed of550 ma (i.e., no QVZ = timeout) the procedure starts the trans-missicsl. E the partner ansuars with N4K, any other character(except DLE) or if there is a timeout, then the attempt to estab-lish a Link has failed. After a total of six Unsuccestiattempts, the procedure gives up, signals the interpreter thatthere is an error establishing the link, and sends the characterNAK to the partner.

If the link is successfily established, the infomtion data inthe current output buffer is sent to the partner at the selected&ta rate. The partner mnitors the time between the charactersas it receives them. The time between two characters mst notexceed the character delay time of 220 me (ZVZ = character time-out) .

Each DLE character found in the buffer is sent as two DIE charac-.. -----ters (DIE doubling), i.e. , the date (1OH) is sent twice.


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B8576539-03 Computer Link with ‘Ae RK 512

After sending the contents of the buffer, the procedure adds thecharacters DLE and ETX as end identifier and waits for sn aclmow-ledgemant . E the partner sends the character DIE within the timeallowed (QVZ), the data field was receiwed witit errors. E the /----= replies W* W, any O* character (except Dxx), acorrupted character, or if there is a timeout, the procedurebegins again with the link establidment SK titer a total ofsix unsuccessful attempts to send the data field, the procedurebreaks off the attempt, signals the error to the interpreter sndsends NAK to the -r.

If, while data is being transmitted, the partner sends the char-acter NM, the procedure breaks off the field and repeats it aspreviously described. If any other character is received, theprocedure waits for the character delay time (ZVZ) to elapse andthen sends NAK to reset the partner. Then the procedure beginsthe transmission again with the link es~blislment STX.

Example of a data -e without errors:

CP 525procedure 3964

let character...

nth characterDLE



Partner(e.g. AS 53.2 C)




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B8576539-03 Ccmputer Link with the RX 512

5.1.3 Ea=i-- with * 3%4 ~

In the idle state, i.e., when there is no send job to be process-ed, the 3964 procedure waits for the link to be established by* ~“

If the procedure receives any character (except SEC) while im theidle sqme, it waits until the character delay tim (ZVZ) haselapsed and then sends a N&K character. The error is signalled tothe interpreter.

If the procedure receives the character STX and if it has anempty iIlpUt buffer smilable, it answers with DLE. ‘he charactersthen receivad are entered in the input buffer. If two DIZ charac-ters are received in succession, only one DIE character is en-tered in the input buffer. E the input buffer is full before them= has started to terminate the link, the full buffer istransferred to the interpreter end the next characters SrrMngare entered in the second input buffer.

After each character received, tie procedure waits for the nextcharacter to arrive within the character delay t*. If there isa character timeout, the F&u character is sent to the partner andthe error signalled to the interpreter.

If the procedure recognizes the character sequenc e DIE ECX, itstops receiving and sends DIE to the partner to indicate tit thefield was received without errors (or NAK with errors). The pro-cedure transfers the contents of the input buffer to the inter-preter and returns to the idle state.

If there is no empty input buffer available when the link isestablished with SIX, a waiting time of 400 ma is s~ed. H,after this time has elapsed, there is still no _ input buf-fer, * error is signalled to the interpreter. The procedure .sends a NAK cbaracter and returns to the idle state. E an inputbuffer becoms available, the procedure sends the DIE characterand receives the data as described above.

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B8576539-03 Computer Link with the RK 512

If transmissim errors occur during the reception (characterslost, fram error, parity error), reception is continued umtilthe link is tenni.nated and then MC is sent to the partner. Thena repetition is expected. If the field cannot be received withouterrors after six attempts, or the repetition or repetitions by


the partner do not taka place within a waiting tim of 4 s, the3964 procedure stops receiving and signals the error to theinterpreter.

E8ample of a da= ~e without errors:

CP 525 Partnerprocedure 3964 (e.g. AS 512 C)


< 1st character< .

< .< nth character< DLE< — E m


If a device receives a send request (SIX character) from itsI==== and does Tmt answer within the aeknowledg ement delay ti.llwQVZ with DIE or NAK, but also sends the character STX, there is

. an initialisation cmflict. Both devices are attempting to carryout a send job. The tice with the lowar priority desists andanswers with the DIZ character. The dewke with the higher prior-ity sends its data as described above. After the link has beenterminated the lower priority tie can then run its send job.

Page 184: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Cmputer Link with the RK 512

You set the “priority” parsmeter when writing the CP 525 userprogrsm with CUM 525 in the ASSIGN FROC. PAM. mask. Remmberthat one device must be assigned higher, end one lower prioriq.

. . . .,-.

E=mple of resol~ sn i.nitialsation conflict:

CP 525 Partnerprocedure 3964 (e.g. AS 512 C)lcuer priority higher priority

STX >< — S!IZ

DIE >< 1st character< .< .< nth character< lxx< — EJ!X


S’J!X >< DU

5.1.5 Rocdnre ~

The procedure recognises errors caused by the partner*s reactingincorrectly, and errors caused by dietmrbsnces on the line.

In both cases an attempt is made to send or receive the datafield correctly. The first repetition is signalled to the inter-preter. If the data field cannot be sent or received within themaximum mmber of repetitims (or a new err= occurs), the ~oce-.dure breaks off the transmission or reception. It signals aspecific error number to the interpreter for the first errordetected and then goes to the idle state.



Page 185: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with the RK 512

The interpreter enters the error number received fmm the proce-dure in the error message area of the SYSTAT. The significance ofthe individual error numbers can be found in the error tables inSection 8. E the erxxm occurs during transmission for a PC job,the job also has an error entry.

If you find that there is often an entry for send or receiverepetitions in the error message area of the SYSTAT, but it doesnot have an exact error number, you can assme sporadic dis -mrbances of tie data exchange. These disturbences are ~-sated by the number of repetitions. You should check the trans-mission line for sources of interference, since the effectim&w rate and reliabili~ of transmission are reduced by largemmbers of repetitions. The cause of the problem could also beincorrect reaction by the partner.

Note that a link to an AS 51.2C xtdule usiqg a higher data rateoccasionally causes repetitions.


- If there is a BREAK on the receive line, the BRE4K error numberis signalled to the interpreter immediately. No repetitims arestarted. The exror signal remains active until the problem iseliminated.

- when transmis sion errors are detected (lost character, frameerror, pariq error), the same number is signal.led, regardlessof whether the error was &tected when a da- field was trans-mitted or received. The error is, hoummr, signalled only whenthe repetitions are unsuccessful. If the ~~d character isreceivad while the procedure is in the idle state, the errornuniber is signalled to the interpreter immediately to indicateserious interference on the trawmissicm line.

.. -.-%

Page 186: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


5.2 3964R Procedure


Ccmputer Link with RK 512

5.2.1 Pmce&mlkta

The procedure 3964R controls the flow of date be-en your P-gramnable controller and the partner, e.g. , a central processcom-puter, enother CP 525, or an AS 512C. In the CP 525, theinterpreter transfers the data to be sent into tmqmt bu&ms forthe procedure. The procedure sends this data along with thetransmission protocol 3964R to the partner; if necessary repeatsthe transmission, and signals mm-recoverable errors to the in-terpreter.

Data frcml the partner is stored in ~ Mffers. If the da= isreceived without errors , it is transferred to the interpreter forfurther processing.

The 3964R procedue is an asynchronous, bit Serial trsnsfer pro-cedure. The trammiasion rate both sending ad receiving mast betim ~ on the CP 525 and m the~ (~ ~ethere are no timing circuits between the two detices).

Cmtrol md ~ chmummi are transmitted on the Mnk.To ensure that every character is recogn5.sed by the receiver andto allow the trmsmission to be checked for errors, the cbarec-ters are encapsulated by further bits.

The order of the bits is as follows:


SA = StSrt bitI* = ~o~t~ bit ~.PA = psrity bit.SO = stop bit

Page 187: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-04 Computer Link with RK 512

The cmtrol characters for the 3964R procedure are taken from theDIN standard 66003 for the 7-bit code. However, the characterlength used is 8-bit (bit 7 = O). At the end of each &ta field ablock check character (B(X) is added for data protection. Theblock check character BCC is the even lmgitudinal parity of theinformation bits of all &ta bytes of a field that has been sentor received. ‘Me characters begin with the first byte of informa-tion data following the establishment of the link and finish withthe DIE ETX character when the link is terminated. No code isprescribed for the information characters (code tmmpmmy).

The following procedure parameters can be set when writing theCP 525 user p~SIII with COM 525:

Daa ratz

The speed of ~e data transmission is specified in bps. You canselect the following values:

19200 bps *9600 bpS

4800 bps

2400 bps1.200 bps600 bps300 bps150 bps110 bps

(*) 19200 *S me OIUY allowed H you ue the V.24 interface withthe CP 525/CP 524 or the RS422-1#485 interface with the CP 524.In this case you can only load and operate m interface with theCP 525 ince the maximum sum of the data rates is also 19200 bps.


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B8576539-03 Computer Unk with M 512

. . . . . .

To resolve initialisation conflicts you can set the priority ofthe CP 525. At the -r the opposite priority must be set. Youcan choose between the fol.kwing:

higher prioriqlower priority

The following are fixad for the 3964R procedure:

character length: 8 bitsnumber of stop bits: 1parity bit, i.e., checking for even parity

To establish the link, the 3964R procedure sends the cmtrolcharacter SIX. H the partner replies within the time allowed of2000 ms (i. e., m QVZ = timeout), the procedure Stares the trans-mission. E the partner ~s with N& any other character(except DIE) or if there is a timecmt, then the attempt to estab-lish a link has failed. After a total of six msuccessfulattempts, the procedure gim up, sigasls the interpreter thatthere is an error establishing the link, and sends the characterNM to the partner.

If the Wik is successfully established, the infoxmation data inthe current output buffer is sent to the partner at the selecteddata rate. The partner mmitors the time betwaen the charactersas it receives them. The t- between * characters must notexceed the character delay time of 220 ms (ZVZ = character time-out) .

Rach DIE character found in the buffer is sent as two DIE charac-ters (DIE doubling), i.e. , the data (1OE) is sent twice.

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B8576539-03 Ccmputer Link with RK 512


titer sending the ccmtents of the buffer, the procedure adds thecharacters DLE EIX and EC’; as end identifier and waits for an

t. If the partner sends the ckracter DIE withinackmwledgemnthe time Almd (QVZ), the data field was received withouterrors. If the partner replies with NM, any other character(=cept DIE), a corrupted character, or if there is a timeout,the procedure begins the link establislnuent again with STX. Aftera total of six unsuccessful attempts to send the data field, theprocedure breaks off the attempt, signals the error to the inter-preter and sends NM to the partner.

If, while &ta is being transmitted, the partner sends the char-acter W, the procedure breaks off the field and repeats it aspreviously described. If any other character is received, theprocedure waits for the character delay time (ZVZ) to elapse andthen sends NAK to reset the parlmer. Then the procedure beginsthe transmission again with the link establishment STX.

-le of a data exchange without errors:

CP 525 Partnerprocedure 3964R (e.g. AS 512 C)

IS character...

nth characterDLE




>< DIE


n,..:. ;.

Page 190: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


. . . . . .



5.2.3 Beceiviqwi*tks 3%4R

Camputer Link with RK 512

In the idle state, i.e., when there is m send job to be process-ed, the 3964R pmcdure waits fcm the link to be es=blished bythe partner.

If the procedure receives any character (except SIX) while in theidle state, it waits until the character delay time (2772) haselapsed and then sends a NAK character. The error is signalled tothe interpreter.

If the procedure receives the character STX and if it has an@4W x buffer available, it answers with DIE. The charactersthen received are entered in the input hffer. If ~ DIE *C-

ters are received in succession, mly one DIE cbaracter is en-tered in the input buffer. E the input buffer is full before theS= ~ s~ed to terminate the link, * m ~fer ~transferred to the interpreter and the next characters smkhgare entered in the second input buffer.

JMter each character received, * procedure waits for the nextcharacter to arriva within * character delay time. H there isa cbsracter timeout, the NAK character is sent to *~~the e= signslled to the interpreter.

If the proc* recognises the character s~ DLE EIX endMC, it stops receiving. It ccmpares the received block checkcharacter w with the lmgitudinal parity calculated internally.If the block check cbaracter is cmrect and no other errors haveoccurred during reception, the procedure sends DIE. The proceduretransfers the input buffer to the interpreter and returms to theidle state. If the MC does not correspond, NM is sant to the~=o * a repetit~ is expected. If the block ~ bereceiwed withust errors following six attempts cm if tie repeti-ticm by the ~er does xwt take place within the waiting timeof 4 s, the 3964R procedure breaks off the receptim snd signalsthe error to the interpreter.

If transmission errors occur during the reception (characterslost, frame error, pari~ error), reception is continued untilthe link is terminated and tien NM is sent to the partner.Then a repetition is expected as pr~ly described.


Page 191: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

Example of a data exchange without errors:

CP 525 Partnerprocedure 3964R (e.g. AS 512C)

< SmME >

< 1st character< .< .< .< nth character< DIE<—Em<

DU >

5.2.4 &&iaUzat&m cusflkt.

If a device receivas a send request (STX chsractar) fmm itsm- and doas not answer titbin the acknowledgement delay timeQVZ with DIE or N&C, but ako S6!IldS the chsractar S’lZ, there isan initialization conflict. Both tices are attempting to per-form a send job. The device with the lower priori~ desists andsnswars with the DIE character. The tice witi the higher prior-ity sands its data as prevLously described. After the link hasbeen terminated, the lower prioriq device can then run its sandjob.

The prioriqr parameter is set vhan you are writing the CP 525user program with C(JM 525 in the ASSIGN PROC. PARA mssk.Remember that one ~ce mat be assigned higher, and one lower,ri.ority.P


Page 192: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer with RK 512

E=.mple of resolving an initialization conflict:

CP 525 Parulerprocedure 3964R (e.g. AS 512C)lower priority higher prioriq

>< S’lx

DIX >< 1st character< .<< nti character< DXZ<—m<



5.2.5 ~%mra

The procedure recognises errors caused by the partner reactingincorrectly, and errors caused by dieturbances m the line.

In both cases en attempt is made to send or receive the datafield correctly. The first repetitim is signalled to the inter-preter. If the date field cannot be sent or received within themaximum number of repetitions (m a new error occurs), the proce-dure break+ off the tmnsmission or reception. It signals aspecific error number to the interpreter for the first errordetected and then goes to the idle state.


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. .

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

The interpreter enters the error number received from the proce-dure in the error message area of the SYSTAT. The significance ofthe individual error numbers can be found in the error -bles inSection 8. If the error took place during transmission for a PC ---%job, the job status also has an error entry.

If you find that there is often an entry for send or receiverepetitions in the error message area of the SYSTAT, but there isno exact error number, you can Sssmle sporadic dismrbances ofthe da- exchange. This is, however, coqensated by the number ofrepetitions. h this case you should check the transmis sion linefor sources of interference, since the effective data rate andreliability of transmission is reduced by large numbers of repet-itions. The cause of the problem could also be incorrect reactionby the partner.

Note that a link to an AS 512C tie using a higher data rateoccasionally causes repetitions.


- If there is a BRE4K cm tie receive line, tie BRE4K error numberis signalled to the interpreter immediately. No repetitions arestarted. The error signal remains active until the pr6blam iseliminated.

- when transmis sion errurs are &tected (lost character, framerror) the sam number is signalled, regardlesserror, paritg e

of whether the error was detected when a &ta field was trans-mitted or received. The error is only signalled when the repet-itions are msuccessflll. If the cmmpted character is receivedwhile the procedure is in the idle state, * error number issignalled to the interpreter immediately to indicate seriousinterference on the transmission line.

Page 194: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


6 Multiprocessor Operation

Computer Link with WC 512

Compared with single processor operatiun, multiprocessor oper-ation requires even more that the programing of the individualCPUS (STEP 5 user programs) and of the CP 525 (Cl? 525 userProSr~) G c=refully matched.

The more complex the application, the greater the care that mustbelAcento ensure the numbers of the individual CPUs are cor-rectly specified in the CP 525 user program.


If sevaral CPUs are to supply jobs to only one interface of a CP525, the STEP 5 user program of tkse CPUs must be coordinated.

Remember that a maximum of 10 jobs can be processed simultaneous-ly m one interface. If an elemnth job is initiated, it iarejected with an error number in the PAFE byte. Axmther job carJbe initiated only when me of the ten jobs has been caupletedwith or without errors.

If jobs with the same job manber are pmgmmed on more than oneCPU the ycm slmuld CkS@ the STEP 5 user ~ so that at auyone time only m CPU can su one of these jobs. All other CPUsmust wait until this job is signalled as ‘cmpletedw (with orwithout errors).

For more information cm specific jobs see the correspondingsections in this user’s guide.


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. . . . . . . .. .

88576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

7 Special Jobs Carried out by the CPU

Section 7 contains information about the following:

- the PSEUDO BIMD/WUTE function- the error message area of the SYSTAT- the identification area SYSIDthe reading and writing of the date and time

7.1 PSEUDO READ/wRITE Function

The READ/WRITE fiction (R./U *tion) with which you are famili-ar as a user of the handling blocks must not be used in connec-tion with the CP 525. This is tme for the following reasons:

- This R/W function does xmt allow the specification of acoordination flag and the CPU number.

- It ovemrites part of the data area in the dual-port RAM of theCP 525, which currently contains data to be transmitted.

Therefore a~w~ is used, based essentially on thefunction and stmcmre of the known ~ function.

The pseudo R/W function means that YOU can act as follows:

can change source and/or destination specifications of a jobdynamically while the program is runningdo not have to change source smd/or destination specificationsof a job dynamically uhile the program is running

- do not have to change source and/or destination specificatimsof a job dynamically while the program is running

- do not have to program this job with = 525

All the parameters for the source and desthation are stored in adata block (DB) or extended data block (DX).

The job numbers 190 to 199 are resemed for the PSEUDO READ/wRITEfiction.


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B8576539-03 Cmputer Iink with M 512

A SEND job with the pseudo R/W functim is started by one of thefollowing HDBs :

SEEM) DIBECI’ 190 to m DIBECI 199

The pseudo R/W job is entered in the internal job queue of the CP525 just as other direct jobs. When the job is processed the CP525 uses the SEND U HDB to request the specified data block (orextended dati block) with the assigned parameters and checks thesource and destination parameters specified in it. If these arewithin the pexmitted Mmits, ~ CP 525 requests the first sourcedata by means of a second SFND AU HDB and then processes theSEND job as usual.

.--. . . .

,.. . . . .

Page 197: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Camputer Link vith NC 51.2




CPU CP525.—




1 I


Fig. 1 URIT8 ftmctim




Page 198: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Cumputer Link with

A FETCH job with the PSEUDO R/W function is started by mefollowing HDBs:

= DIBECT 190 to - DIRIS1’ MS

RK 512

of the

As with the SEND job, the CPU fetches the specified dsts blockusing SRW) ALL snd evalustes the source/destination parameters.Then the FETCH telegrem is sent to the pertner. Once the detx isreceived from the partner, the RECEIVE ALL EDB enters it in thespecified destination.

In contrsst to nonnel direct jobs, the PSEUDO R/U functicm re-*es = aWt* exchenge of dsta bemm the m end cp.This dsta exchsnge is hendled by the SEND ALL, which trensfersthe source/destination perimeters to the (T 525.

. . . .

-.. .


Page 199: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

,. -



Canputer U.nk w i t h RX 5 1 2

Rproassor i t -m—=






F i g . 2 READ




Page 200: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576539-03 Computer Link with NC 512

The following pages show the structure of the data block wi~ thesource/destination F=$=ter$ (P==@ter da- block). The formand order are those you see on the FG. The letters x and y arevariables. You must replace them with values.

The addresses of the da- are relative to the start address QANF,which is specified in the HDB.

. . .



Page 201: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-06 Computer Link with M 512

1.) WmJ@mreofthe k~xer data block for SMD DIREXZ 190 to

QANF +o:










KY= o,




9: m=

. . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .











. .

- DIRECf 399

; SGurce type (in mm w)

vahe range: = DB,INK,CB,TB,RS,AS, FY,QBIB,PB,OBm)t: XX, RU,NN

; source data block numbervalue range:y= 3 to 255 for source type

DB/DX irrelevant for othersource -s

; source sixart addressvalue range :x= dependent on source type

and PC ~ (see job tablein section 2.6)

;source lengthvalue

;dest .value

;&St .value

;dest .value

range :x= dependent on source typeand PC type (see job tableSection 2.6)

?YPe (for prtner)range :xx=DB,RS ,AS,DX

dependent ml source type(see job tables in Section2.6)

data block nwiberrange:y= 3 to 255 for dest. type DB

or IRK irrelevant for otherdest. qpes

start addressrame :x= dmendent on &st. qpe ad


PC- qpe (see job tables inSection 2.6)

; (dest. length) irrelevant!!value range :x= q

; coord. flags (dependent cm dest. type)value range:> O to 255: byte nunber

y= o to 7: bit numberm COOrd. fbft& : -255, p255 ! ! !;CPU no. for partnervalue range:> 1 to 4 orx= O for PC’s with only one CPU

Page 202: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

; ... ’, ,


B8576539-06 Computer Link with

2.) Sfxumlre of * ~ter dsta blmck fur m DIRECT





3: KF=

4: Ks=xx





..’--, . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .











. . . . . . . . . . . . .

RK 512


; source type (in partner)value range: = DB, IK, CB, TB,RS,AS ,F’Y, QB


; source data bl. no. for source type DB, IXvalue range :y= 3 to 255 for source qpe

DB/DX irrekvant for othersource gpes

; source start addressvalue range :x dependent on source type

and PC ~ (see job tablein Section 2.6)

; (Sourc e lengtb) irrelevant!!


;dest .value

;dest .value

;dest .value

;dest .value

rsnge:x= any

type (in m PC)rsnge:xx=DB,RS,AS,DX

depmdent on source qpe(see job tibles in Section2.6)

data block manberrange:y= 3 to 255 for dest. type DB

or XM irrelevant for otherdest. types

start addressrange:- dependent on dest. type and

PC qpe (see job tables inSection 2.6)

lexlgtbrange :x= dependmt a dest. type

and PC ~ (see job ableSection 2.6)

;coord. flags (depandmt on dest . @?pe)value range: x+= O to 255: byte number

y=oto 7: bit numberno coord. -S: x==55 , y=255 ! ! !; Cm Uo. for partnervalue range :x= 1 to 4 orx= O for PC’s witi only one CPU


Page 203: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-01 Computer Link with ELK 512

Transmissions of possibilities can be seen in the job table inSecticm 2.6.

For SEND DIRECT. 190 to 199 the data source is in your own PC. Youmust specify the source length in the parameter data block (enter --%

this in bytes if the QTYP is a byte area). The specification ofthe dest. length (ZIAE) is unnecessary. All specificatims of thedata destination refer to the partner.

With FETCH DIRECT 190 to 199 the daw destination is in your ownPC. Therefore the Spectiicaticm of the length ZIAE in theparsmeter data block is tital. Any specificaticm of the parameterQIAE is not evaluated. AU the parameters ixQolving the datasource refer to the partner.

The jobs SEND DIRJXT 190 to 199 and FEI’CH 190 to 199 are calledin the STEP 5 program just as %ormal” jobs with ‘JIP. In thespecifications in the block : QTYP/ZTYP, DB no., QANF/ZANF,QME/Z3AE, you name your da- block with the RW parameters. Thespecificatim of QIAE/ZIAE is unnecessary since the CP 525 alwaysreads 10 da= words (witi SHU) AIL).

If no more than 10 jobs are reported as running simultaneously,the pseudo R/W jobs can be called mixed in with normal SEND andFE1’CH jobs. If more than 10 jobs are called, the initiation ofthe jobs met be interlocked.

Since each job number can be assigned only once, it is notpossible to activate a SEND DIRECT 190 and a FETCH DIRECT 190 atthe same time. If the SEND DIRECT job 190 is set to running inthe condition codeword, no other job with the number 190 (e.g.,FEICH 190) can be started until SEND DIRECT 190 is completed withor without errors.

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B8576539-01 Computer Link with RK 512

7.2 Reading the Error Hessage Area of the SYSTAT

The error message area of the SYSTAT is a data area in the dual-port RAM of the CP 525. Mter the CP 525 reco@ses en error, it

Y enters the corresponding error number in the error nm3sage areaof the SYSIYU. You &cide how the CPU is to react in your STEP 5user program on the CPU.

The CPU reads the error ~ area of the SYS!UT for the epeci-fied CP interface by means of the job

The area in the CPU (destinatim area) to which & error messagearea of the SYSTAT is to be transferred, is fixed den p assignparameters to RECEIVE DIRECT 200. These parameters should be adata block. The destination length mast be at least two words.

~ DIRW’I 200 is executed Ody ~ m errm nmber isentered in the error message area of the STSTAT, since only thenis tie bit “IWEIVE - job rq” set in the Amw (bit 0).

Note: in some cases (e.g. , if no SmcHRoN has been nnl or ifStare-up errors have occurred in tie CP 525), the error messagearea cannot be read by RECEIVE DIRECT 200 (cf. mte h 8ectim7.4 Reading the whole ~) ●

,, . . . .

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Page 205: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


stm%mure of *

If error numbers ere enteked

Computer Link with M 512


in the error messege ares they a relocated (after they hsve been read by RECEIVE D- 200) ‘h theselected srea in the CPU (e.g. , in the dem Mock).

Bit7 6 5 4 3 2 1 O

Byte O (DLO) I Iwold1 (DRo) Error number 1

2 (DLl) Error number 2


3 (DRl)I

Wror number 3I

This -&egrsm is explained on the following psge.

Page 206: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. ,, ---.,

. . . . . .


B8576539-03 Computer ~ with RK 512

Byte Bit status Significance

byte O bit 3 0 no error in SYSTAT (not following(m executed RECEIVE DIRECT 200)

1 error entered in SYSEATnote: this bit is always set if thereis an error entry - i.e., use thisbit to check whether dati wastransferred with RECEIVE DIRECT 200

bit 2 0 no error 0w2rflow (max. 3 error(o) entries)

1 error overflow (more than 3 errors)

bit 1 0 no BREAK currently on the interl%ce09

1 BBEAK on the interfacenote: bit 1 slmws only the instanm-euls Satus and does not ahdays meanan error. The enmr status BIUK isdetermined Otlly by the ~ numberin DRO, DLL and DB1. ‘he current_ StatUS can OQly be indicatedif the interpreter and procedure areloaded and have been started.

bit o unnecessary for cunputer link(m

bit 7,6 , 5, 4 Unnecessary

yte 1 error number 1yte2 error number 2yte3 error mnnber 3

00 = no error

For more information on error messages refer to Section 8.


f,..:.},; ;,.,,,


Page 207: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


Example of a comand sequence within athe CPU 992 (R processor) / S5-135U:

:.:0 F 1.0:ON F1. O..:Ju FB121


Mool: .:etc.:BE

to initiate theresult of logic

Computer w with RK 512

STEP 5 user program for

reading out fran SYSTAToperation must be ‘Iw

data transfer only in error entryinterface number Ofixed job number for reading SYSTAT

dest. for error numbers is DB1Ofnm &ta word 12 &a words

test bit 3 of grmp bytejuup if no error entered


an error was entered, i.e. , tie SYSTA!Iregister on the CP 525 should be resetwith m DXRECT 200 (see followingpages)

reset nr entry in DB



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B8576539-03 Computer Link with M 512


. . .. . .

. .. .. . ..

7.3 Resetting (Clearing) the Error BkssageArea

The CPU resets the error message area of tie SYSTAT (based oninterface numbers) Witb the job

~ DIRECT 200

AU the entries are then cleared except the BREAK bit (B).

!nmxuu9T!: the error message area of the SYSTAT is not clearedby a SYNCHRON call.

The CP 525 can enter up to three error numbers in * errormessage area. More errors CemlOt be Si#ld.hd Ud~S the “old”entries have been cleared. Therefore @e error message area mustbe reset in good tim by a RESET DIRECT 200.

The destination area in the CPU must also be raset.

7.4 Reading the Whole SYSTAT

In addition to the reading of the error massage area of theSYSTAT, the entire SYsTAT of * CP cam be read by means of thejob


The area read then ccmtains the error messages for both inter-faces (in bytes 4 to 10). This job can be executed mly if thereare no error IIUIberS entered. A destination length greater ~or equal to 16 bytes (8 words) is necessary.

Note: in som cases (e.g. no SYNCHMN executed, or errorthe S~-~ of the CP 525) the SYsTATcamnot beread by means ofRECEIVE DIRECT 221. It nust than be read directly from the dual-porm RAM (from address F660H onwards).


Page 209: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



The area

Byte O













transferred with this job is structured


link with RK

as follows:

71 615141312 1 0irrelevant ma STOI


‘sign of life”


error number 2 )X1

error nuniber 3 IFl

error numbarl IF2

error number 2 IF2

error mnnber 3 Il?2


The individual bits or bytes have the following significance:

RUN = 1 mda selectorSTOP = 1 mode selector

= 1 mode selector‘Sign of lifew, this byte isVals ml the CP

switched to RUNswitched to STOPswitched to PGR


incremented by 8 at regular inter-


..- . .

. .

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B8576539-03 Computer link with RX 512

. . .

- Bytes 4 to 10: cover the error message area for both interfaces(see Section 7.2 - Reading the error message area of theSYSTAT) .

- Error message area for IFl: bytes 5 to 7 and byte 4 (bits O to3)

- Error message area for IF2: bytes 8 to 10 and byte 4 (bits 4 to7)

7.5 Reading the SYSID

An identification area is specified cm each CP 525. Informationis written into the identification area SYSID of the CP 525;i.e. , you can find information about the following:

- module- memory suhnodde- interface assignment- issue~sion of the loaded software etc.

The CPU can read the SYSID of the CP 525 bg means of the job


This is possible if the field length is greater than or equal to128 bytes; i.e. , the BIGR parameter in tie SYNCHMN is KY 0,4 /KY 0,5 / KY 0,6.

A desthatia length greater than or equal to 1.28 bytes is alsonecessary.

If the field length is less than X28 bytes the ~ssage ‘cmpletedwith errors” and the error number 7 are entered in the statusbyte and the number IE in the error message area of the SYSTM’.The SS!SID area is not then transferred.

Note: the SYSID can also be read directly from the dual-port W,i.e., without handling blocks (fran address F680H onwards) . For

ormation refer to themore inf manual for your

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B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

Stmcmreoftiidc --+-- ticaareasysn)

The SYSID comxins a number of parameters which idantify the CP.~ch ~ter is cowleted ~th carriage rem (~ = W titis also counted in the -e specification. Parameters notassigned consist simply of CR. Scme parameters have a differentsignificance &pending on the memory subodule qpes. AU theparameters are represented in ASCII.

With the CP 525 these parameters are strucmred as follows:







5 to 9



o to 9

10 to M

19 to 21

22 to 41

42 to 50

51 to 55

56 to 64


Hem. submdule identi.fier/capaciqvEPROM:


e.g. for order *r6ES5373-0AA41Shaun SS:373-0AA41xmmry capaci~ of the submod.RAM XXXKWe . g . xxx = 64

Module identifier:CP 525-2 / CP 524

Version of the CP firmware

Plant designation from mm. suhwdule:EFRCM: designation of programed

plantRAM: replaced by space (20H)

Generated on:EPROM: date of Em@M- pmgmmhgRAM: replaced by space (20E)

Not used with CP 525/CP 524

PRIM 525 - varsti:PROM 525 = programhg program for

EPROM SubodulesEPRm: PROM 525 - versionRAM: replaced by space (20H)


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . .

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B8576539-03 Computer Linlcwith RK 512

Interface 1

Parameter I Byte , Description I Example


Interface 2



65 to 6768 to 7677 to 7980 to 8889 to 91


92 to 9495 to 103

104 to 106107 to 115116 to 118


component type minterpreter name (*) RK512interpreter version mlprocedure name(*) P3964Rprocedure version ml

Description Example

component type PI!interpreter name (*) PT88interpreter verskm mlprocedure name (*) IAuFm88procedure version mend identifier El!X(03X)

*== nemeof interpreter and procedure corzespondto thedesignations in the COM library

If the interface is not assigned, the parameters specific to theinterface are replaced by spaces (20H).



Page 213: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576539-08 Computer Link with RK 512

7.6 CP 525: Reading isnd writing the Date and Tim

A CP 525 ruua~ be desfgneted either time master or time slave.

‘fires alaea: after powering up the @ reacts at first as a timeslave. It can update ics own date end time, however,the CPU cannot read them.

* mater: the master provfdes the system t-; i.e., the maa-ter must make this available at any time.

To SytlCkOlliSe the CPS (at regular intervals or whencertain events occur) the CPU reads the system timefraa the th master end acts all the tim slaves tothis the. Thfs relieves the time slaves of unnec-esauy updating taska.

The CPU can set the date and time on a CP 525 at any time. Itcan, however, only reed the date and time of a CP 525 tbat isdes~ted as time master.

mflxxl:The CP 524 doea not have a hardware clock.When using the CP 524, the software clock is not updated orbuffered if the PIE is set to SIDP or the mains voltage issvitched off. The, the CP 524 clock must be updated when the CPUis restarted (cold restart).


,..--%3,,. ,

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Page 214: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



The date/timestructured as













area transferred during writing orfollows :

Link with RK

reading is



bit O: master id. 1 = mastero == slave







In a word transfer byte, O corresponds to the left half of thefirst data word; byte 1 the right half of the first data word.The date and time are coded in BCD.

P accuracy of the clock is 1/10 s. This ~/loo s h x 2 of p date/time area is S&Tap%!time is written, the /100 s is not accepted.

the positicmWhen the

. .

. . .

Page 215: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


The job numberwrite date and

Computer Link with RK 512

218 is fixed on the CP 525 for the jobs “read /time” .

SHUD D- 218

Using this job, the CPU declares the CP as master or slave. Atthe same time the CPU can also transfer theCP.

Whether the CPU transfers the date and tinelength specified (QIAE = length of the data

QIAE = 1 d

date and time to the

depends cm the sourceto be transferred).


The CP 525 is declared as master/slave by means of the cmtentsof bit O (least significant bit) in the f ixst byte; master:bit O = 1 / slave: bit o = O.

During the start-up or in a warm restart of the CPU, the SENDDIRECT 218 with QIAE = 1 and master bit E 1 for the CP that iS tobe master mast be called up. The date and time on the CP 525 arenot changed by QIAE = 1.

QIAE=5 words

The CP is declared asf ier and the date and

master/slasre by means of the master identi-time are transferred.

Remember to set the master identifier when the timeto a master which is to remain as master.

Also remember that *e date and time are only adopted by the CPduring the handshh (m~- tion viaa different clock).

Note: the source area from which the dataCP should be a da- block.


&UtS & aft-a ream

is transferred to the

Page 216: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer Link with M 512

The CP 525 can be declared as time master on one or botb inter-faces. The date and time can mly be read on the interface cmwhich the CP was declared as master.

If the CP is declared as rester on an interface and then as slaveon the other interface, the CP becomes a time slave on bothinterfaces.

For esample, the follwing sitmation occurs: * the date/timefrom the first interface is read, the error number IF is enteredin SYSTAT. When reading from the second interface the hsndsbakeis not performed, since the bit “RECEIVE - job rea&’ in the ANZW(bit O) is not set. No error message is output.

A SYNCHRON does not influence the master-slave function.

By ~ of this job the CPU can read the date end t~ fmn theCP (if the CP has already been declared time master with SENDDIRECT 218.

The destination length must be five winds. The destination areashould be a data block.

Note: the data read only bas meaning if the date and time havebeen set at least once since the mdule was plugged in (with SENDD= 218, length: five wrds) .

... ,

., ...’


Page 217: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


8 Error Handling

Computer M with M 512

Errors occurring while the computer link is in operation, mayhave been caused at various points.

If the CP detects the errors, they are s-led to the CPU withas much detail as possible. The way in which the CPU then reactsis decided by your STEP 5 user program on the CPU (for mredetails see Section 7),

For example you can have the following:

- an error message output m the printer ITSS/PTS9 (either viaanother CP 525 or * the same CP 525 using the other inter-face)

- the error displayed as messages m a mmitor (e.g. &ith theCP 526)

- the job repeated

The error is signalled by the following:


- an error number in the PAEE byte of the bandling block (l. )- an error number in the condition Codamrd Am? of thehandling block (2. )

-anerror number ill the erzor message area of the S!lSM!C (3. )- the CP 525 S-S an error to the partner by an errormnnber in the reply telegram in BEPl!EL (4. )

The PAFS byte is a parameter you specify when callimg an HDB. Inthe PAFS byte, the bandling blocks indicate when serious errorsoccur in ccmnection with a CP or when parameters have been speci-fied incorrectly. A detailed description of PAFE byte errormessages can be found in the description “Using the handlingblocks” in ~ msrlual.



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B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

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. . .

If you receive a PAFE error number, this means that the dataexchange bemeen the CPU and CP either was not starte dor wasaborted after smal unsuccessful attempts.

In the following exceptional cases the error ~S 91E and CIHcan mean that a serious error has occurred:

- after a program section is transferred frcan the PG to the CP525

- if coordination flags have been used incorrectly

!XHKBMIH!: if these situatims occur on your system you shouldfirst repeat the corresponding job.

2. !che ermrmmberS in*cuMHtim codenmd Mlm7

The condition codewurd ANZW is also a parameter yul specifywhen calling an HDB. With direct jObS (SEND DIRMT, FEMH DIRECT,RECEIVE DIRECT) , MZW indicates whether the job is ruining or wasccmpleted.

If the job was terminated with an error, an error number isentered in bita 8 to 11 in the AN?S7. Bit 3 is also set: w objterminated with error”.

?IMRXMBT!: an error ‘m.miber is only entered in ANZW if the erroroccurred during the processing of a DIRECT job!

Since cmly four bits are available for the error numbers in ANzw,one error number normally indicates one of several error states .Owing to the limited number of error nunibers the ANZU is suitablefor evaluation by the STEP 5 user program.

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B8576539-03 Computer Link with M 512

The errors are distinguished by the various sources of error asfollows :

No. for ANZkl Source

1 to 5 parameter assignment error recognised by theCPU of the PC and signalled to the CP



error in data exchange belxeen CPU and CPdetected by CP




job cannot be carried out, error in job~ters I

9, A, B,C,D error during the execution of a job, caused byincorrect reaction or error mssages from the

E, F


error in data exchange between CP 525 and~r I

Descriptions of the errors can be found in the tables on thefollowing pages.

l!bta: a status byte is reserved iu the dual-portthe possible jobs. If the CP &tects an error ina DIRECT job, it writes the error number and tie

RAM for each ofconnection withbit ‘job term-

inated wi~ errorn in the status byte of tie correspoxkg job inthe dual-port RAM. To have the job status shown in the conditioncodeword one of the following must occur:

- the CONTROL HDB in ~e STEP 5 program must be called with thecorresponding job number in the cycle (OB1)

- the DIIWT job (SEND DIRECT) must be called vith the comnand JUand Rm=O.

See also the descripticm ‘Wsing the handling blocks” in thismanual.


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B8576539-03 Ccnnputer Link with RK 512


3. m? exrorlldbera intheeKmr mEsMm@s anBnoftbesYsH

The error message area of the SYSTAT is a data srea in the dual-port RAM; the CPU reads this area using the special job RECEIVEDIRECT 200. For each interface the error message area of theSYSTAT includes tbree error message bytes and an additionalstatus byte. A detailed description can be fcnmd in Section 7“Special jobs carried out by the (3PW.

AU errors recognised by the CP are entered in the error msssagearea of the SYSTAT. If the error occurs in connection with aDIRECT job, an error number is also entered in the Cond.ithxl

d. If the error occurs inCodevmr cmnection with a partner job,an error numberis transferred in the reply telegram to thever.

The error entry in the SYSTAT is so detailed tbat it is particu-larly suitable for mmct error analysis during Ccsunissionillg.

A p~d evaluatim of individual ~ lluabers is alsopossible. Remember that not only serious errors are entered inthe BYSTAT. For example, an entry is made in SYSTAT when the pro-cedure repeats parts of the telegram exchange. A repetition isnot an error but simply points to minor problems in the telegramwe tit can be corrected by repetitions.

The special job RECEIVE DIRECT 200 shaald be called up in OB1 toread the error message area in the SYSTAT during the comd.ssion-* phase. You can recognise tie ocCurrence of errOrS when bit Oin the ANZU of the RECEIVE DIBECI! 200 is set to 1 by the CP andthe err=~S are then copied into the da- block ~Cifiedas a parameter. If a programer is cmmected to the CPU of thePC, you can display the errors directly on the mllitor in theoperating mode “STATUS variable” or ‘CONiROL variablew.

To clear the error entries in the STSTAT, call the special jobRESEI DIRECT 200 (for more de=ils see Section 7).

. . . . . . . .*.

Page 221: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


The errors sre dist”w@-shedfollows:

So. for SYSTAT


10 to 14

15 to IF

20 to 2F

30 to 3A

40 to 53

5E to 5F

Boto B8


Do tom

bmputer W with RK 512

by the various eqor sources as


parameter ass-t =-s de-ted by *CPU of the PC, and signalled to the CP

errors in the data =change between CPU andCP detected by the CP

system errors at the begiming of the jobprocessing

errors in the processing of a PC job,detected by the CP

errors in the processing of a PC job,detected by the parmer and signalled to theCP by means of an error *r in the replytelegram

f=- during the processing of a partnerjob, recognised by the CP

reception of en uninterpretable telegram

error in data exchange between PG and CP

hardware error on the module

error in the data exchange between CP and

Page 222: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

38576539-03 Cmputer Link with ELK 512

4. Ermx Isd)ers ~ =PIY =%3==

.. . . . \

. . . .

If an error occurs in connection with a SEND cx FEICH telegramfrom the partner, an error xnnnber is entered in the fmrth byteof the reply telegrsm. The partner job is then terminated.


The numbers of the error messages are specified as hexadecimEUvalues .

The following tables cmtain a detailed descripticm of the errornumbers

- arranged according to the numbers for ANzw- arranged according to the nuubers for SYSTAT- arranged according to the mmbers for RXP1’EL

and k you cam Zm2dy 13M! prolila.

The tables generally contain tbree coltums with error numbers(no. for ANZW/SYSTAT/REPTEL). The error numbers in the second andthird COhXDIIIS correspmd to the mmber h the first column.

Note that error nmbers in MEW and REPTEL are entered only ifthe job is naming at the time when the error ~s . For==wle:

C a s e 1: an interference pulse b generated on the transma- Simlline during a break in tmnsmission; the procedure recog-nises a mrmpted character. It therefore generatea theerror code FEH which is entered in SYsTAT. The ANZU isnot changed since the error did not occur dining theactmal transmission.

Case 2: the interference @se occurs while a PC job is beingsent and the repetitions do not succeed in achieving anerror-free transfer; an em mmber @H) is entered inthe ANZW as well as the entry (FEE) in the SYS’IW.


Page 223: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

8.1 Error llessages for SYSTAT, ANZWa.nd REPTEL ArrangedAccording to the Numbers for ANZW

No. for








No. for8YSJAT


-— --02H

- - - -03H


-— --05H


No. fol


- - - -143

- - - -14H

— ---OAH

- - - -OCH


~- $=@== ~&tected by * C3m of the lx, adsiglmued bydlecP

a) Source/&st. tgpe (e.g. ext. DB)illegalarea (start address, length)illegal (negative value)

. --------------- —-b)




DB/DX not present or illegal(e.g. DBO, DB1, DXO)or

other data ~ not present orillegal------ — ---------DB/DX too Short:(start address + length > sreaorarea too short with other data

(start address + length > area------- — ---------Access to area not possible foruser:e.g. hardwue memory too smallor 1/0 mdule not plugged in- - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - -Wring cmdition codeword:m message for all. errorsattributable to this ANZW

&ror code from the CPU to the CP,which the CP cannot interpret


Page 224: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



. . . . /



- . . . .-”

,..,...- .’. ~~ ‘“’’’”””

. . -.,, ..-., ... -.,-”-

Page 225: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

No. fo~ No. forSYSTAT

No. fo]Description

Krmra detemed bycPChxC&qg dataexcb8q& bet=!en cm - CP:

6H 10H OAH

- - - -







—— --ALL job



------ -----or direct

job despite overload— --Wring

- - -<

----- —------- ----


-----sequence for bandshake by


------- ------—illegal jobWnknown job type or

nmber for d&ct

- - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - -----14H


Illegal aclmowl edgement from CPUf~


duriig adshake -


Page 226: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer %with RX 512


(heck whether RXCEIVE ALL or SEND ALL sre cslled in your m 5progrsm; evsluste the PAFE in the handling block.- - - - . - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — —Check STEP 5 progrsm, e.g., errors in hsndling block(Message also possible titer trensfer fran PG to CP).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - — - - - - - - -Check STEP 5 progrsm, e.g., errors in hendling block.

—------------------ —------- —- —-——Check STEP 5 pmgrsm, e.g., wrong perimeters for handling block.


Check STEP 5 progrem.,.


,,. . ,,

. . . .

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B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

No. fox




-— --16H

- - - -17H

- - - -

- - - -IFH

No. f






~ermrsat Stert Of jobI====4K

a) Number of direct jobs which canbe processed simultaneously tooI.erge for CP 524/CP 525

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) Current job wes termineted with

error status tien CP vas coldresmed (power on) or coldrestarted fran FG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

C) Area is mesked by STEP 5 program(bit 7 in AIWU == 1)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) Field length for ‘reed SYSIDw

@ECEIVE DIRECT 223) too smsll


e) Ted dete/t*w (RECEDEDIRECT 218) fflegel, CP is setas * Skve



Page 228: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

,.. .’




Computer W with M 512

Modify STEP 5 program so that Illeximum 10 direct jobs runsimultaneously.

------------------ —-----------—--There is no remedy witi power on. When cold resming the CPfrom the IG, you should make sure that no me CPU jobs arerunning before writing to an interface. The SYMHBON EDB ChSE3

the job statuses in the dual-port-RAM but not the SYBTA!C entxy.

— --------------------------------Reset bit 7 in the ANZU.

---------------------------------For SYNCHBON the field length should be greater than or equal to128 bytes or do witlmut ‘Read 8Y81DW (data is nmertheleasavailable in the dual-pcmt RAM).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Before reading the date/t3me, the CP mast be designated as master- this *en applies to this mdul.e. Check ** the CP on theother interface has been set to master.

.-. .,

Page 229: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. fo]


No. for ‘- -SYSTAT


-—- -21.H

--- -


--- -23H

--- -24H

--- -25H

-—- -26H


- - -

- - -

- - -


- - -

- - -



Link with RK 512

~tuese. eImxsin*mKP5prog. detectd by the CP (e.g. in ‘ ‘thepsem& B/@ p=amere> or jobblock (CJ? 525 ~ Pw==)

~ P---= -e St-d in theCP 525 user program for thisdirect job (under this jobmnnber)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -&rar in data type (DB, OB. . . ) :- unknown data - or- dati ~ not allowed (e.g.

ext. DB) or- data ~ not allowed in HDBparameters in connection withdata ~ in the job block(CP 525 user Wwr=O

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Start address specified too highfor required data type or S-address or DB/DX m. too low----------------—Coordhatim fh& not allowedwith this data ~ or wrong bitnumber specified

-------- —--------

CPU number specified too highin pseudo R/w parameters

3 =- ------------sicm Ian@ > 64 Kbytes


too long for CP 525- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

_ of telegram ~ wgreat or length too great for9P specified (in own PC)

Q. .:.. :. .$,



Page 230: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer Link with RK 512

Create parameters for this job with COH 525 or select other jobnumber.

—— ----- ------ .---- — — ------------—Find the permissible dsta ~ end their cambinstions in thejob tsbles (Secticm 2.6).

---------------------------------. . ,Find tie permissible stsrt eddresses snd DB/DX nos. in thejob tables (Section 2.6) that cm be specified in the CP 525W= ~ = == 5 ~ (with pseudo R/v perimeters) .---------------------------------Coordination flags ere not permissible for sll dete types (seeSection 2.6). tickspecified correctly

- - - - - - - - - -CPU nos. permitted:

- - - - - - - - - -

uhetha- the bit number (O to 7) ~ beenwhen using the pseudo R/w function.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - —rime, 1, 2, 3 or 4


If necessary split tie job into seversl jobs with smsllerlengths .

------------------------ ------ —--

Fhd the permissible lengths in the job tsbles (Section 2.6)thst can be specified in the EDB a for the pSeUdO ~

parameters. If necesssry split * job into seversl jobs withsmsller lengths.


Page 231: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. fm


-—- -




--- -


- - - -


- - - -

No. fa






Computer Link with RK 512




DB / DX disabled bycoordi.natim flags

- - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - —Hardware (DMA) error at thepsrmer or with CP 525 es partner:- SOurce/dest. type illegal- or mmry error in partner PC- or error in handshake betxeen

CP/CPU in partner or- ~er ~ b in STOP state

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c) Memory access e= at partner

(memory not present)with CP 525 as penner:


=mB - for -iti.m code-Wordordata area does not exist(except DB/DX) ordata area too small (exceptDB/DX)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

,- . . . . .,




Page 232: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Ccxnputer W with RK 512

~ we w=- F=9—= after processing the last transmissiondam reset the coordination flags.In the STEP 5 program repeat the job!- — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- check whether the partner can transfer the required dati type.- Check partner’s hardware configuration.- Switch mde selector at partner PC to RUN.

----------------------------- ----Check whether the requixed dam area exists on the~ =~whether it is long enough, or check the C(M 525 job block or thepseudo R/w parawters. Check IAe len@ specified in the HDB.

- — ------------------------ -----—-

Page 233: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. for





--- -2BH

--- -2CH

- - - -



--- -

--- -


Computer link with RK 512


d) DB/DX access error at psrtner(DB/DX dOeS not exist or tooshort)Witb CP- DB/DX- DB/IE- DB/DX

525 as partner:does not exist ortoo short orno. illegal

~j.,,,=, .



Error in format of replytelegram received: first bytenot OOHor Fm- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

b) Reply telegram received afterFElwJ job has too msny data

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c) Reply telegram received after

FE’1’m job has too few data

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) Reply telegram received after

SEND job arrived with date


Page 234: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with R 512


Check whether the required data block exists cm the parmer andwhether it is lcmg enough; or check the job block (C’P 525 userPrCWS@; or check * pseudo IL/W parameters (STEP 5 userprogram). Check the length specified in the HDB.

Verify incorrect reactim of partner if necessazy with aninterface test device ( *FCEFG$ ) tapped into the transdssionline.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Verify incorrect reactim of partner if necessary with sninterface test detice ( WXPG~) tapped into the trenmissimline.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------—verify incorrect reactim of pamler if necessary Lh aninterface test device ( WXFG’) tapped into the transms- simline.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — -Verify incorrect reaction of partner if necessary with aninterface te$t device ( ‘~’) tapped into the ~SSiUIl

l i n e .

. . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .


Page 235: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

No. fox




--- -35H

.-— -36H

- - - -39H

- - - -3AH




--- -10H

--- -34H

--- -

--- -??H


a) Hrrors in the telegram header,detected by partner:first camnmd letter in header

. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —b)




Error in telegram header:seccmd comnand letter in hesder

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - -Parlmer detects wrong telegrsmlength (total length)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Partner signals “system Calsnsndillegal”- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Unknown error number received inreply telegram

A correct telegram with a length> 128 bytes was received. Thetelegram could not be interpreted.The job being processed is aborted.

..,,. ,,



Page 236: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer Link with RK 512

Check whether the ezror is being caused by a disturbance or snincorrect reaction of the partner. Verify with an interface testdevice (’Ft)XPGf) tqped into the transmissim line.


Check whether the error is being caused by a disturbance or anincorrect reaction of the partner. Verify with an interface testdedce (’FOXFC’ ) epped into tdM transmis Sion line.

-- — --- — --------------------------Check whe*er the emmr is being caused by a distmrbsnce or anincorreet reaction of the ~. Verify with an interface testdevice (S FUXIGW) tapped into the trensdssial line.--------------------------------Incorrect reactim by partner; the CP 525 never outputs a systemCoulmand.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Check whether the error is being caused by a diswrbance or anincorrect reacticm of the partner. Verify vith an interface testdevice (’FOXFG’ ) tapped into the transmia Sion Mile.

Verify incorrect reaction of partner if necessary with an titer-face test device ( IEOXPG* ) tapped into the sicm line.

,.. -...

... ’

Page 237: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. fo]






--- -


- - - -


--- -


- - - -



Link with RK 512

Salectoron STOP/pGR during PC job,p?

Errua-sia*rqily~- ‘“’”’”F*l=l=J=* detxmxdbytha CP:

a) Syncbron error W -=, since- reply telegram &rind, though

no job - orthe (fol.hw-cm) FETCH telegramhas not yet been sentora follow-cm reply telegramwas received after a FETWtelegrsm was sentora raply telegram was receivedafter a follow-on EENXItekgram was sent- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

a) Partner detects synchrm error -order of telegrams is wrcmg

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-“.. <





Page 238: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)




Ccmputer Link with RK 512

Switch the selector to RUN

This error can be signalled following a cold restart at your Kor at the partner. It is a normal reaction during start-up; youdo not need to do ~. ~m ~ operatim the error canalso occur as a result of older error statuses that ware detectedby the partner. Wherwise you can assme tbat the P===~reacting incorrectly. It is possible tit the error will mtoccur with jobs < 128 bytes.



This error can be signalled during a cold restart at ywur W orat tie partner. It is a normal reaction during start-up; you donot need to do ~. - ~ operathm the error canalso occur as a result of older error statuses that were detectedby the partner. (kkrwise you can assuue that the partner isreacting inmrrectly.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


...>.. .’,


Page 239: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512


No. for







b) Up to w there has been no coldres@rt at the partner.with CP 525 as partner:since the parer up no “SmaRoN”HDB has mm or the mde sel-ectm is switched to S!KIP/PGR.

No reply telegrem came from thepenner the monitoring timeafter a FETCH telegram was sent.

.., .-.,




Page 240: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

I m



. . . . . . .



Coinputer Iink with NC 512

-c-on the CP

a cold restsrt at the partner PC or switch the selectorto RUN.

Is the partner a very slow device?This error is often indicated as the result of an older error.For example, procedure receive errors (XOH to FFH) can be indi-cated after a FE1’CH telegram has been sent because the replytelegram could not be received cwing to a dismxbmce —> thereis a ttit. This error can somtinw occur when a cold restarthas been carried out at the partner before it could reply to thelast FETCH telegrsm received.

.- .,,

. . . . .


Page 241: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. for





--- -

Computer Link with RK 512


a) Errors during the link estAUshmmt- after STX was sent, WC or sane othercharacter (except DLE or Six) wasreceived or

- the reply came too soon or- an initialisatiml conflict has Occlxre d

. ------ . --------------—b) Timeuzt (QVZ) :

after sending STX the partner did mtreply witMn the aclmowledgemm time

. ---- — -----------------


, -----


Page 242: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with I/K 512


Verify incorrect reaction of partner if necessary with aninterface test detice (* FOXPG’) tapped into the tramnus“ Simline.

-------------------------- ------—Partner is too slow or not ready to receive or there is a Mmbreak. Verify incorrect reaction of partner if Dacesm WMl aninterfaceline.— ----

test device




tap&d into the

- - - — - - - -

... -..,

.,, -.



Page 243: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

No. foz




--- .E4H

--- -


c) Abortedbypsrtner:during transmission one or more charac-ters were receimd from the partner(inCl. w)

----- — ----------------—d) Errors at end of link:

the telegram was rejected at the endby the partner with NM or sane othercharacter (except D=) orthe aclukowledgeaent character wasreceivad too soon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e) Timeout at end of Ii&:

after link tanninsticm with DLE ETX mreply was received from the partner withinthe Qvz tilw

Transdssim error:a transmission error (-5 e=,stop bit error, overflow error) wasdetected. E this occurred duringtransmission or receptim, repetitimswill be started. If a corruptedcharacter is received in the idlestate, the errcm is signalled immediatelyto ensure that dislxzrbances on the lineare detected as early as possible.


Page 244: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Unkwith RK 512

. . . . . .


- Check whether the partner is also indicating an error, it ispossible that not all the data sent have arrived (e.g., breakin the line) or

- Partner is reacting incorrectly. Verify this if necessary withan interface test device ( ‘FQXPG’ ) @qpd into the transms- simline.

—— — ------ — -------- — ---- _ --------—- check whether the partner is also indicating an error; it ispossible that serious disturbances have occurred or

- Partner is reacting incorrectly. Verify this if necessary withan interface test device ( ‘FOXPG’ ) t+ped into the transmissionline.

-------------------------------—-- Partner is too slow or bas a fault. Verify incorrect reactionof ~r ~ ~==v M* = fit=face test H= (’-*)tapped into the transmission line.

Disturbances on the line result in repetitims of the telegramand threfore reduce the acmel data throu@pt. The chance ofan undetected error ~es. Change the cmfiguration orre-lay the cable.Check whether the data rates, parity and nwber of stop bitsare the same at both devices.


Page 245: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. for



Computer Link with M 512


The canmunicatim cable (receiver cable) tothe partner has a break. This error numberis repeated mtil the fault is cleared.

. . . . .

7f .:,.,


Page 246: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Canputer Link with RX 512

Re-establish the CCmnecticsl betx?een the devices or switch on thepsrtner. Check whether the current flaws in TTY operstion.


Page 247: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576539-03 Computer Link with W 512

8.2 Error PIessages for SYSTAT, MZWand REPTELArranged to the Numbers for SYSTAT

No. foz


- - - -02H

- - - -03H

- - - -04H

- - - -05H

- - - -06H

No. for


-— --2H




- - - -6H

No. f


- - -14H

- - -14H


- - -OAH

- - -OCH

- - -OAH

Description ~





8ource/dest. type (e.g. ext. DB)illegalarea (start address, length)illegal (negative value)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DB/DX not present or illegal(e.g. DBO, DB1, DXO)or

other data qpe not present orillegal- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DB/RX too Sbrt :(s- address + length > areaor

area too short with Oldler data

(start address + length > area- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

d) Access to area not possible foruser:e.g. , hardware memry too smallor 1/0 mdule not plugged in

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e) Wrcmg condition codeword:_ m=ge for all errorsattributable to this MZU

-----------------— ‘%

lkror code from the CPU to the CPthat the CP CamKm interpret


.; ,, ::,,, .,:.“.;



Page 248: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512


- Check parameter ass-t ~ cm =d Cp ad if necf=wcorrect or

- Partner has illegal. parameters in the telegram headerFind the permis sible data types in the job tables (Section 2.6).

. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Check parameter assignment m CPU and CP; if necessary set upblock

- Partner has wrcmg parameters in the telegram headerFind the permissible data qpes in the job tables (Section 2.6).

----------------------------- Check parameter assignment on CPU and CP if necessaryblock/area or

- Partner has wrung parameters in the telegram header

----------------------------- check parameter assigxmlant al CPU and CP or- Partner has lmmg parameters in the telegram headerFind the permissible start addresses and lengths in thetables (Section 2.6).

--------------------------—-Check whether condition codeword is valid.




- - - — -

Evaluate PAFE in handling block ( STEP 5 user pro&ram).


Page 249: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

No. for

10H-—- -


-—- -12H


--- —14h


--- -16H



--- -


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

No. for

6H- - - -


- - - -


- - - -6H

- - - -



- - - -7H

- - - -


- - - -


- - - -m

No. f

O&l- - -

- - -

- - -

— --

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -


Eumrs &tactad bycPdsd3qg data~ ~ mu A CP:a) Timeout for handahske on CP- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) AU job without request or direct

job despite overload-----------------—-C) wrong s~e for~m

CPU- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) Unknown job ~ or illegal job

number for direct job

.--------- —--- —— --—e) Illegal achmwledgemntfromm

during hmdshah

~erraaatstart Olf job~:a)






Nmber of direct jobs that canbe processed Sti~ly toolarge for CP 524/CP 525----------------—current job was terminated witherrcm status tien CP was coldres@mted (power on) or coldrestarted from FG----------------—Area is masked by STEP 5 progrsm(’bit 7 in Amu = 1)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Field leagth for md SYSID”(RECEIVE DIRECT 223) too small

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -W date/t~w (RWEIVEDIRWT 218) illegal, CP is setas tilw slave


,fp,,.. .

.:; , .-.,.7::,


Page 250: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512


Check whether RECEIVE ALL or SEND ALL are called in your STEP 5Progr=; duste the PAFE in the handling block— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - — - - - - — —Check STEP 5 program, e.g. , errors in block(Message also possible after transfer from IG to CP).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - — - -Check STEP 5 program, e.g., errors in handling block.

-------------------------------——Check STEP 5 program, e.g., incorrect parameters for hmdlingblock.

---------------------------------Check STEP 5 program.


. . . . .

-.. .

Modify STEP 5 progrem so at maximum 10 direct jobs lamSinlul.tamously.

---------------------------------There is no remedy with power cm. When cold resaing the CPfrom me = you make sure that no more CPU jobs are runningbefore writing to an interface. The SYNCERON HDB clears the jobstatuses in the dual-port RAM, but not the SYSTAT entry.-- — ----- — ------------------------

Reset bit 7 in the ANZU.

--------------------------------—For SYNCHRON the block sise should be greater than or equal to128 bytes or do without ‘Read SYSIDW (data are neverthelessavailable in ~ dual-pat R&l).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - -Before reading tbe date/time, the CP must be designated as master- this *en applies to this module; check whether tbe CP on theother interface bas been set to slave.

Page 251: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Coinputer Link with RK 512

No. fox


--- -21H

--- -22H

-—- -23H

-—- -24H

- - - -25H

-—- -26H

No. for


--- —7H

--- -m


- - - -A


--- -7H








~ass. =roraintks!JxP5 ~pqg. ~ by * C? (e.g. inthapsen&31B/u prmltem) = jobblock (CP 525 ~ FJw=)



~ ~te= -e =*ed ~ *CP 525 user program for thisdirect job (under this jobmnnber)------------—--——Hrror in da= type (DB, OB. . . ) :






udmown data @pa ordata ~ not allowed (e.g.e. DB) ordata type not allowed in HDBparameters in Camectim withdata ~ in the job block(CP 525 user I=%=@- - - - - - - — - - - - - - - —

Start address specified too highf= raquired data type or -

start address or DB/DX no. toolu#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -@Ordinate fh@ mt allowedwith tiis data qpe or wrong bitnumber specified- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -CPU mnnber specified too highwith pseudo R/u parameters- - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - —Trammissim length > 64 Kbytestoo long for CP 525- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

= of telegmm header tOOgreat or length too great form [email protected] (in own PC)


Page 252: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer Link with M 512


. .

Creete parameters for this job with COM 525 or select other jobnumber.

-------------------------------——Find the permissible dste tgpes snd their canbinstions in thejob tsbles (Section 2.6).


-------------- . ---------------- —-,..Find tie permissible stsrt eddresses end DB/DX nos. in thejob tables (Section 2.6), which cm be specified in the CP 525=er ~ = ~ 5 mm= (with pseudo E@ Ps==t=s) .

---------------------------------Coordinatim flags ere not permissible for sI.1 dats types (seeSection 2.6). Check whether the bit nwnber (O to 7) hss beenspecified correctly when the pseudo R/U ftmction is used.------------------------------—-—CPU nos. thst Sre permkted: U3ne, 1, 2, 3 m 4.

------------------------------—--If necesssry, split the job into severel jobs with smsllerlengths .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - — - - - - - -

..-.Find the permissible lengths in the job tsbles (Section 2.6) tobe specified in the HDB or for the pseudo R/U parameters. Ifnecesssry split the job into severel jobs with smiler lengths.


Page 253: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. for

27H.,. ’>.l~. . .,, . ... ..::. .’ ..:........,,..::?.:.: .






- - - -2CH

- - - -2DH

No. for






-— --BH

No. i







Link with RK 512

Selector cm STOP/PQt during PC job ,-

Wror when sending a cmmandtelegram. A correspondhg procedureerror number was entered in SYSTATimmediately before (see errornumbers Em to E5 and F8 to FF) .

EaKmsin them?!ply talsgcafx=* P--=s datacmd by * CP:a) Synchrm error by parmer, since


reply telegram arrived, thoughno job nnming mthe (follow-on) FEPCH telegramhas not yet been sentora follow-on reply telegramwas received after a FETCHtelegram was sentora reply telegram was receivedafter a follow-on FEIUitelegrsm was sent- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

b) &or in fomnat of replytelegram received: first bytenotooHor FFH

. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - -c) Reply telegram receimd after

FETCH job has too many data. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —d) Reply telegram received after

FE1’CH job has too few data- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e) Reply telegram received after~ job arrived with data

o%,, :...-:.., .


Page 254: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer ~ with RK 512

switch the selector to RUN.

See remedy for prewious procedure error number.

This error can be signelled following a cold restart at your PC,with long telegrams. or at the partner. It is a nomal reactiondur~ StSrt-Up; you do not need to do ~. _ normalOperatim the error can also occur as a result of older errorstatuses that were detected mly by the partner. Otkruise youcan assume that the partner is reacting incorrectly. It ispossible that the error will not occur with jobs <128 bytes.

------ . --- . ---------- . ------- —---Verify incorrect reaction of partner if necessary with an inter-face test &rice ( ‘FQXPG’ ) tapped into the tmnsmissicm line.

----------------- — - — -----------—.Verify incorrect reaction of partner if necessary with m inter-face test device ( ‘FOXFG* ) *pped into the transmission line.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Verify incorrect reactim of pamner if necessary with an inter-face test tie ( ‘EOXFG’ ) tapped into the transmis sion line.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - -Verify incorrect reaction of parmer if necessary with an inter-face test device ( “FOXPG’ ) tapped into the transmission line.


Page 255: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Unkwith RK 512

No. for


--- -31H

--- -

No. for







- - -

- - -


When processing a PC job:

Errors in tzansfer/reoepti.m of-%,

#data * the dwn-port-luu —>~== with the CPU.A mre &tailed error nuniber wasentered immediately before inSystat (error Uumbers 1 to 5 and 10,14, 16, 17 - S- previous pages)

No reply telegram cam from *partner within * monitoring tbafter sending a PETCH telegram.

a) DB / DX disabled byCoordillati(nl flags

, ------------------b) Hardware (WA) error at the~er or with CP 525 as partner:


smrce/dest. ~ illegalor mmmy error in psrtner PCor error in handshakCP\CPU at partner orpartner PC is in SNIP- - - - - - - - - - -


state-- —--


Page 256: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer Link with E/K 512

See the remedy for the preceding error number.

IS me I=@= a -y s1- ~-?This error is often indicated as the result of an older error.For example, procedure receive errors (Fox to m) can beindicated after a FEI!CE telegram has been sent because the replytelegram could xmt be received wing to a diaturbenca —> thereis a timeout. This error can sometimes occur When a cold restarthas been carried out at the partner before it cmld reply to thelast FETCH telegram received.

In the partner ~ogram: after processing the last transmissiondata reset *e coordination flags.In the STEP 5 program: repeat the job.

.-. ,..,


check whether P=-=- transfer the required data qpeCheck Partner’s hardware configuratimSwitch mode selector at partner PC to RUN

---- — ----- — --------------------—




Page 257: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

, “

No. for


--- -33H

--- -34H

--- -35H

--- -36H

--- -37H

—-- -

No. for


--- -AH

--- -BH

- - - -Eu

- - - -BH

--- -CH

-—- -


--- .14H

--- .16H

- - --10H

--- -34H

- - --36H

- - --


c) Memory access error at partner(=-I’JT not present)with CP 525 as partner:






- area f& condition CO&-word ordata srea does not exist(except DB/IUC) ordata area too small (exceptDB/IIX)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DB/DX accass error at partner(DB/DX does not -t or tooshort)with CP 525 as partner:- DB/DX doe$ xx)t exist m- DB/DX too Sk or

- DB/IX no. illegal- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Errors in the telegram header,detected by partner:first Coumsnd letter in header

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Error in telegram header:second cmmand letter in header

— ----------------Parmer &tects wrong telegrsmlength (total length)

— ----------------Partner &tects synchrm error -order of telegrams is wrong


— — ---------------


Page 258: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

Remedy: .,-. :..:2::4.,-.:-. ,,;:. ,- .’ ,.: ,., . . ,:..!..;;<;q?..?.:.:.,., Check whether the required date area exists on ~ partner and

T. whether it is long enough; or check the jdb block (CP 525 user. . . . . prw=); or tie Ps* W psx%uAeters (STEP 5 user Ww=O .

Checlc the length specified in the HDB.


Chedk whether the required data block exists on the partn~ andwhether it is lcmg emu@; or check the job block (CP 525 userprogram); or the pseudo ~ parameters (STEP 5 user program).Check the length specified in the HDB.

------------------------------check whether the errm is being caused by disturbances or

~ct re=t- of * P===’ Verify with an interfacedevice (?FOXFG’ ) tapped into tie tremmission line.


check whether the error is being caused by disttmbances or~ect r=ct~ of * ~. Verify with an interfacedevice ( *FOXFGC ) tapped into the trawmissim line.

------------------------------Check whether the error is being caused by disturbances orincorrect reaction of the partner. Verify with en interfacedevice (FFQXFG’) tapped into the tranmissial line.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







--—This error can be signalled during a cold restart at your PC orat the partner. It is a normal reaction during start-up ; you donot need to do ~. - ~ Cperation the error canalso occur as a result of older errm stalmses that were detectedonly by the partner. Otherwise you can assume that the partner isreacting incorrectly.— ---------- ----------------------


.., - .-.—.*-.-.”-., ----


Page 259: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. for


--- -39H

--- -3AH

No. for


--- -BH



——— -


Computer Link with RK 512






Up to w there has been m coldrestart at the partner.with CP 525 as partner:since the pmar up no “SYNmRON”HDB has rI& or “the mode selector issTOP/PGR.


-- — -------------


.-Partner signals “system Ccsmnandillegal”- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Unhewn error mnnber received



reply telegram


Page 260: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Ccmputer Link with RK 512

--------- —---------- —----------——This is an incorrect reaction by partner, the CP 525 nevar out-puts a system ccmmsnd.---------------------------------Check whether the error is being caused by dismrbances orincorrect reaction of the partner. Verify with an interface testdevice ( ‘IWXPG’ ) tapped into the trsmmissim line.

. . . . . . .


,,.!. . ..


Page 261: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Computer “ti with RK 512

No. for







No. for

— ---






- - -16H

- - -16H

- - -10H

- - -10H

- - -


%lmrixltlm2~ telegr?m Uf

~ ~= A =@Yti= fiSeat tmlilepartaarSpe@3ed ~ m. in * a ~. .

a) Error in 1st comand Iytenot OOH or FFH

. - - - - - - - - - — - - - - — - - —b)





Error in 3rd commmd byte:cammnd letter is not ‘A” or ‘Ow

or “E” or T- - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - -Error in 3rd camnsnd byte infollow-on telegram: ccmmandletter not as in 1st ccmmandtelegram----------------—

Error in 4th Ccmmand -:cammnd letter wrong


Error in 4th ccsmmd byte infollcw-on telegram: commandletter not as in first comandtelegram- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Page 262: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with BK 512


For more information on cmmend tel~, see Sectiml 4 in thisuserss guide.

Bssic format error in ~ss header. Verify incmract reactionof partner if necessary with an interface test tics ( WXFG3 )tapped into the trmsmissi.on line.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - — — —Basic fozmst error in partner’s header. Verify incorrect reactionof partner if neceasazy with an interface teat dwke ( TOXIG’ )tapped into the tmnsmission line.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - -Basic format error in partner’s header. Verify incorrect reactionof partner if necessary with an interface test device ( *F(XPG* )tapped into the tmnsmissioll line.

-------------- ------------------—Basic format error ~P===1s header or a camend Casbinationis requested, which is not allowed with the CP525. Clmck the,’permissible Cmmends in thea~iate tSbbS (Section 2.6)verify incorrect reactim of pamner if necessary with en inter-face test device ($ FUXPG* ) tapped into the trammission line.

---------------------------------Basic format error in partner’s header. Verify incorrect reactionof partner if necessarg with an interface test tice ( ‘FCXFG’ )tapped into the transmission line.

---------- — — ------ — --------------

Page 263: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. for


——- -46H

——- -47H

—-— -48H

--- -49H

--- -

--- -4BH

-—- -

--- -4DH


No. foz

——- -

——- -

-—— -

--- -

--- -

--- -

- - - -

--- -



- - -34#


- - -OCH

- - -12H

- - -34H

- - -34H

- - -34H



Link with F& 512

f) Error in 5th coamsnd @e: 0.DB/IIX no. illegal (e.g. 00)


.- —---- —--- —— ------









Error in 5th ccmmand byte:start address too high---------------—-tior in 7th + 8th conm. bytes:specified length too high- - - — - - - - - - - - - - - — -Error in 9th + loth ~. bytes:coordinatilJn flag CanImt bespecified with this data type orthe bit number of the coor-dination flag is too high (Penn.value range O to 7)

- - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - -Error in loth CCmmnd byte:CPU no. too high(Xtted vahaes 0,1,2,3,4,F)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -system comwnd W not allowad- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Send telegram was longer than-ted, i.e., more data wssreceived (poss. with follow-mtelegrams) than indicated inthe telegram header---------------—Send telegram was too slmrt or<1.28 bytes; i.e. less datareceivad (poss. with follow-ontelegrams) than indicated hthe telegram header

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -n) Fetch telegram received with

infonrlation data.


Page 264: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer W with RK 512


Find &e permissible DB/DX numbers in the job tables (Section2 .6).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - .Find the permissible2 .6).-— -- —------

start addresses in

- - - - - - - - - -

Find the permissible lengths in the job

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — -

-----.-----—-the job tables (Section

-------------tables (Section 2.6).


Basic error in partner’s header stmcmre. Find the in the jobtables (Sectirm 2.6) when coordination flags are allowed.

---------------------------------Basic error in partnerts header struclmre

---------------------------------system comnsnd -Y ~ for= 5~c*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Must be corrected at partner

---------------------------------Must be corrected at partner

---------------------------------Must be corrected at partner

Page 265: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. fox


——- -4FH*

—-- -50H

——- -


No. for

-—- -

--- —

--- -

No, f






Link with M 512




CP has received command telegram,while mode selector was set tosmP/PGR--- —----- ——— —---—Ccmsnd telegram was received,although the CPU of the PC hasnot run a %YNCHWN” HDB

- - - - — - - - - - - - - - — - -Err= sending the (follow-on)reply telegram, a ccmreapmdingprocedure error *r wasentered in SYsTAT immediatelybefore (error nmbers EO to ES,F8 tom?)

, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) - ~error by pamler, new

(folhr-on) Ccamand telegramarrived, although prevbus(follow-on) reply telegram hadnot been sent by CP 525oranormal coumsnd telegram wasreceived, although a follow-oncamuand telegram was expectedora follow-on ccnmsnd telegramarrived, although a commandtelegram was expected

read by the tiing block. These error messages must be readdirect from tie dual-port RAM. (Strucmre from address F660Has far “read ~“) .

Page 266: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer Link with RK 51.2


Switch mode selector on the CP to RUN

-------------------- .--------- —— -In the STEP 5 program, “SYNCHROW caus must be P=w===d fi *start-up orgmization blocks (OB20, OB21, OB22). Following this acold restart must be carried out (the PAFE byte in the SYIKXWMHDB may have to be evaluated).


------------- — -------------------See remedy for error number entered immediately before in SYSTAT(~ no. EO to

---------This error canbeif long telegrams

E5 and F3 to FF).

----- -------------------signalled following a cold restart at your PCare to be sent or during a cold restart at the

mer. This is a ~ reaction during start-up; you do Tmtneed to do ~. -*~ operation the error can alsooccur as a result of older error stamses which were only datect-ed by the partner. Othemise you can assume that the partner isreacting incorrectly. It is possible that the error will notoccur with jObS kSS than 128 bytes.

. . . .


Page 267: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Unk with RK 512

,, .,.

No. for





No. for No. fo:



,. ...,..


DB/DX disabled by coordinaticm flags

When processing a partner job:errors during trsnsfer/reception ofdata via the dual-port MM; hand-shake error witi the CPU of the PC;a mm detailed error mmber wasentered in SYS!MT immediately beforeW *rs 1 to 5 and 10, M, 16- number for REPTEL - see pre@mspages) .

A correct telegrsm with a lengthless than tie header length in the(follow-on) Commld telegram wasreceived (< length 4 with follow-mtelegrams or reply telegrams; <length 10 with Cauutand telegrsms).The telegram is igmred. Jobscurrently rurming are not aborted.

A correct telegram with a length> 128 bytes was received. Thetelegram could not be evaluated. Thejob being processed is aborted.



. . .

Page 268: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512


. .-. ,.,, ., . . . . . . .:, ,:, . ,,<.-~ In your mm STEP 5 program: Oor&luition flags againreset the c.’--.,after processing the last transmitteddata.

In the partner program: repeat the job

When starting up for the first time, make sure that the coordina-tion flags are distributed on the individual processors , CPs,IPs and the C~tor, the jmper settings are correct and thecoordination flags used in the start-up OBS (OB20, OB21, 0B22)are reset (see also instnactims CP 524/CP 525).

See remedy for the error nusiber entered immediately befme inSYST&T.

Verify the incorrect reaction of the partner, if necessary, withan interface test dwice ( ‘FOXPG’ ) tapped into the transmissionline.

Verify the imorrect reaction of the pamwr, if necessary. withan interface test device ( ‘FOXPG’ ) tapped into the transmissicmline.

Page 269: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512


No. for


——- -BIH

-—— -B2H

--- -



No. onPG

----Irr. 722xansferz-ror

rr. 722ransferrror


Ermc~--atelegmmihm -.* CP to tb m:

a) Id.nk establishmentt with STX was eilhr notacknowledged by the FG within 300 msacknowledgement monitoring time) or wasnot acknowledged with DLE ACK or DIX NAK

--- — ------ — ------------b) Transmission (CP -> PG) was aborted by PG

with NAK

- - - — — - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - — -c) The link terminaticm vilh DIE ETX vas

aclmowledged by the PG with DIE NAK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —d) The link termination with DIE E’I!X was not

acknowledged by the PG with DIE ACK orDIE NAK within 300 ms (acknowledgementmonitoring time) .

tiu?asqpa-recd~atelegmm- the m:

a) Transfer error when receiving(CP aborts with DIE I?MC).

For further informtim see the description “COM 525 mssagesw inthis mIIual.


Page 270: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512



- Check cable- had COM 525- Hardware error at PG or CP

---- —-- — — ----- — ------------------Repeat transfer (otherwise: see BOH)

-- —-----

Repeat transfer

-------------------------(otherwise see Boil)

--------------------------------Check cableIaad C014 525Hardware error at PG or CP

Repeat transfer (otherwise: see BOH)

Page 271: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Unk with RK 512

..., ,, . . . . .,’

No. for


-— --B6H

- - - -B7H

- - - -B8H

No. onPG

IF.007CP funct .

-———ERR. 709CP~vfull-—-—

SRR. 027


-———m. 721EP switchset to“S!mP”


Ermra carqiq~ oat a job fra * IQ F-..

a) A fmction is to be carried out Wch isunknown to the CP 525 or there is a trans-fer error in the exchange of telegrams

-------- ——— — -----------b) The user memory of the CP 525 is full

-------- — -- — - — -—------—c) The write access by the PG cannot be

carried out, because there ia no RAM eub-mdule plugged in es the user memry ofthe CP 525 (either EPROM or no aubmduleplugged in)

- - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - -d) The mode selector on the CP is set to

‘STOPW or ‘~n (during cold reslxwt fromthe E)

.. .

Page 272: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer IA.nk with RK 512

,. ,,--.

(X)M 525 loaded?Repeat trsnsfer

--- . ----------- — -- — --------- —---Plug in submdule with greaterErsse unnecessary module files

Capsciqml the CP

—------- —--- —- —-- ——------------——

Plug in RAM

---------------------------------Switch mde selector m the CP to ‘RlllW




Page 273: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with M 512

No. for


——- —

Clll--- -

C2H—-- —


—-- —C4H*;

—-- -C5H


--- -c&)


No. for

——— -

-—- -

-—— -

-—— -

-—- -

--- -

--- -

--- -


Eamkare ermrSaltiM?m&le:

a) Error testing the module’s operatingsystem EPROM

-——-—---—-b) RAM on CP defect-——-----—-C) Dual-port RAM m--- —— -----


— -------- —--—module defect- - ----- —— ---—

d) RAM on memory mbmodule -d defect

- - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e) lkmry submdule not permitted

- - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —f) Error in memory mbmodule tie program is

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —

-~ submdule empty or contents

-----------------------h) Applies cmly to CP 524:

interpreter not permitted for this CP- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —

*): These errors are signalled only on interface 1. The CP wasnot Synchronised, the &ta cannot & read by the handling block.These error messages mst then be read directly frm the dusl-port RAM (structure from address F660H onwards as for ‘readSEmT”) .


Page 274: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Ccmputer Link with RK 512


Wkmg or &fective operating system EPROM

—— —--—

Replace CP.---——-Replace CP.- - - - - -Replace RAM


-- —----



-------- Use permitted submdule


--- — ---------------—

-------------- —— —---


- Sdx6dule or submdule coXroller defect- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Camact customer service.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - -- Check whether this is * correct qmddule- Check ** nuxhale is


d for the CP 525-2in the CP 524, ti errorpq==d” /’

/’- - - - - - - - - - - -,’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Only use permitted inqkpreter.


---------- +- -- – -- – -------- –





and used1 is not

- - - - - -


Page 275: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

.., ”. ,., .,.: .. .,..:.

No. for


- - - -C9H


No. for


- - - -


i) Only applies to CP 524:interfece module (identifier) unknown or


module not plugged in— --- — --- — --- — - —--------

j) ~terfwe not laded

- — -------- — ------------k) Menmry submdule not plugged into CP

*): These errors sre only signelled on interface 1. The CP wesnot Synchronised, the dsta cszmot be read by the hsndling block.These error messeges must then be read directly from the dual-POYX RAM (structure from address F660H onwards es for “readSYSTAT”) .

Page 276: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with E/K 512


- CheCk whether:,< y,. . - Check whether

.-- —----

correct module, if “yes”: modulemnhile plugged in comectly

- - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - -


,----- —--.

bad interface if necessaryCaution: the entry in SYSTAT is not cleared by loading theinterface, but only by RESET DIRECT 200- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - — —Check whether submdule is plugged in; if ‘yes”: sdmodule defect(or submdule controller defect) - replace subodule

. . . . .

Page 277: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

No. for




--- -

—-- -

—-- -

No. for

--- -


—-- -


--— -


Incompatible procedure - interpreter:P* ~ ~t~eter on &e ~ 525cannot work together.

a) The first repetition has been sent:- when sending a telegram an error wasrecognised or

- tie partner requests a repetition byneans of a negative acknowledgementcharacter (NAK)

---------- — ------------b) Errors during the link establisbmnt

- after STX was sent, I!WC or any othercharacter (except DLE or STX) wasreceived or

- the reply m too soon or- an cmflict has occurred

. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — - - -C) Thout (QVZ) :

after sending SIX the partner did uotreply within the aclmowledgement time





Page 278: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512


Check procedure/interpreter m the CP 525 and if necesssry---replace.

A repetition is not an error. It can, however, point to distur-bances on the transmission line or to an imorrect reaction bythe partner. If, Sftar * mxbm ~ Cl& IqWimms, *telegram Umld m be ~, m ~ Immber is s5gmm.edtbat &sCribs * ~ which Ocamred first.

Note:when coupled to an AS 51.2C module the AS 512C module somtimesrequests a repetiticm owimg to overload at high data rates.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Verify incorrect reactim of partner if necessary with aninterface test device (1-’) tapped into the trammissionline.

---------------------------------Partner is too slow or not ready to receive or *are is a linebreak. Verify incorrect reacticm of partner if necessary with aninterface test detice ( 8FOXPG* ) tapped into the transmissionline.---- —- —------------ —------- —— ----


Page 279: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

No. for

.:.. E3H

--- -E4H


--- -


--- -

No. for


--- -EH

—-- -


- - - -

--- -


d) Aborted by partner:during transmission me or more charac-ters were received from the partner(inCl. NAK)

------------------ —— --—e) Errors at end of link:

- the telegram was rejected at the endby the partner with NAK or some othercharacter (except DIJI) or

- tie acknowledgement chsrac tar wasreceived too soon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

f) TinEult at end of link:after link terminstion with DLE EZ!X noreply was received from the partner withintie QV2 tim

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2* ~ ~ - ● =@x= fireceim!!d, ~%-~~s~ * * ~’

a) Expecting the first repetition:when receiving a telegram an error wasdetected and the CP 525 requested arepetition by sending a negative

t (NM).acknovledgemen- - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - . - — - — — -

Page 280: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Limk with K 512


... ,- Check whether the partner is also indicating an ermx; it is----possible that not all the data sent has arrived (e.g. breakin the line) or

- partner is reacting incorrectly. Verify this, if necessary,with an interface teat tice ( *FCKFG’ ) tapped into the trans -missim line.

- - - — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Check whether the paramr is also indicating en error; it ispossible that serious dismSbances bave oc~dorp=xfler is reacting incorrectly. Verify this, if necesserg withan interface test device ( *FOXPW ) tqped into the transms“ sionline.

--------------------------—----—Partner is too slow or bas a fault. Verify incorrect reactionof partner if necessary with an interface test device ( TCKPG* )tapped into the trmsmission line.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A repetition is not an error. It can, however, point to dismr-bances m the tranmissiml line or @ an incorrect reaction bythe partner. If. after * ~ ~ uf rep&Mms, *telegumomildmtbe mmsfemd, an ~ ~ is s~ld3MldesCK&S* ~ WhMl OCxmrmd fixst.------------------------------———

..,, .,

Page 281: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. for

.,.,..., FIH

--- -F2H

--- -F3H

--- -F4H

--- .


--- -

No. for

--- -

--- -

--- -

--- -

--- -


b) Errors during link termination:- in the idle state one or more characters

(except NM or STX) were received or- following reception of ~ the partnersent further characters vithout waitingfor the reply DLE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c) Iagical error while receiving:

after receixhg DLE a ~r Characterwas received(except DLE, ETB, ETX)

-----------------------d) Character timeout (ZVZ):

- two successive characters were notreceived within the 2372 or

- during link establishment the letcharacter after DIE was not receimdwithin the Zvz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e) Block check character (MC) error:

the value of the BCC calculated internallydoes not agree with the one received fromthe partner at the end of the link(only with 3964R procedure)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -f) Block monitoring time has expired. After a

ccmmnd telegrsm was sent no reply tele-gram was received fraa the partner withinthe mnitoring time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

. . .

Page 282: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Verify incorrect reaction of partner if necessary with an inter--..

face test device (’FOXPG’) tapped into the transmis sion line.

---------------------------------Check whether the partner always doubles DLE in the telegramheader and in the data string or terminates the link witi DIEETX. Verify incorrect reaction of partner, if necessary with aninterface test device (’I?OXPGC) tapped into the tranmissi.mline.---------------------------------

Partner is too slow or has a fault. Ver~ this if necessary withan intefiace test device ( ‘FOXPG’ ) tipped into the trsnsmissitmline.

---------------------------------Check whether the connection is badly affected by interference;if so, error codes FE are scmetimes obtained. Verify imcxzectreaction of partner if necessary with an interface test device( ‘~’) tapped into the transmission line.


Assign tie Sam repetitim ~t of P==eters to the ~r =to the CP. Verifyan interface testline.

- - - - - - - - -

incorrect reaction of partner if necessary withdevice ( ‘FOXPG’ ) tapped into the transmission

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Page 283: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Iinlc with RX 512

.- -., - . . .

No. fox



- - - -

No. for


- - - -EH



f) There is no free receive buffer available:after receiving STX Were was no enqty .P

receive buffer available for the procedureduring link establishment and during afurther waiting period


8) fro% ~d ~t~ier (ETB) was received:a received telegram was completed with theend identifier ETB.The telegram is ignored, the job beingprocessed is not aborted- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Transdssicm errcm:a tramnissfon error (pari~ error,stop bit error, ovarflow error) wasdetected.If this occurred during trand.ssion orreception repetitions will be started.

~ a ~~ b- fi =-i* fithe idle state, the error is Signall.edimdiately to ensure that disturbmceson the line are detected as early aspossible.

The communication cable (receiver cable) tothe partner has a break.This error number will be repeated mtilthe fault is cleared.

Page 284: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512


This error can only occur if the transmis. . . -,’: . ,. . . . :..Sion is extremely badly

disturbed because of short term overload of the MC 512interpreter. Correct the problem by changing the system configur-ation or re-laying the cables.

-- —--- —— —-------Modify the partner since RK SKcontrol character ETB.

----------------Disturbances m the line resultand therefore reduce * actual

--------- —------—does not recognise the datx

-----------------in repetitions of the telegramdata tkmghwt. The chance of an

undetected error increases. Change the =@uration m re-laythe cable.Check whether the data rates, pariq and xumber of stop bits arethe same at both tices.

Re-establish the connection bemnsen the devices or switch on themer. Check whether the current flows in TrY operation.

. . . . . .


Page 285: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

,, . -,,,. .. ,,. ”

,, .:’.

B8576539-03 Computer Link with K 512

8.3 Error Plessages for SYSTAT and REPl!EL ArrangedAccording to Numbers for REPIIEL

No. for


No. for


- - - -04H

- - - -06H


Description ,.4-.,‘,. . .

~ assigml?nt ~ Cktectdbytlhecm of tile m immi ?@@lled to tk CP:

a) 8ource/dest. type (e.g. ext. DB)not permissiblearea (start address, length) not permis-sible (negative value)

- — — - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - — - — —b) Access to area not possible for user:

e.g. hardware memry to small or 1/0modulenotpluggedin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ErrorindicationfrCmltheCPutothecP,whichthecP cannot inte~et . . . . . .

Errors &tected bJ * CP Q data =-- ~~ cm 4md (2%

a) Monitoring time for Mndshak elapsedon CP


,.,,.. .:,

Page 286: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)




Cmputer Link with RK 512

- Check persmeter assignment on CPU and CP and if nec. correct or- Partner has illegal parameters h the telegram headerFind the permissible da= types in tie job tables (Section 2. 6).

— — ----- — ------------------------—- Check psrameter assigment on CPU and CP or- Psriner has wrong parameters in the telegrsm headerFind the permissible start addresses snd lengths in the jobtables (Sectiun 2.6).- - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —Evaluate PAPE’ in handling block (STEP 5 user ~).

Check whether RECEIVE AIL or SEND AU is -ed in your STEP 5P=W=; ~wte PAFE in the handling block.

,... ,..


Page 287: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. for

“: -’





Computer Link with RK 512


~ -~ ~ detededbytbeCm of * Q? - Siguaued m tk CP:

a) Data type does not exist or notpermissible

- — - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - -b) Area too Short

(start address + length) > area

Page 288: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer Link wirh RK 512

- Check parameter asset of cm ~ CF. M UC. set UP bl~k- Partner has wrong parameters in telegrsm headerFind the permissible data types in the job tables (Section 2.6).———-----——- ------- — --------------

- Check parameter assignment on CPU snd CP; if necessary checkblock/area or

- Partner has incorrect parameters in telegrsm header

Page 289: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512

No, for No. forSYSTAT


- - - -48H



a) Error in 5th comnsnd byte:start address too high

----------- —------- —— --b) Eror in 9th + loth conmeud byte:

specifying a coordination flag is not per-missible with this data type or the bitnumber of the coordination flag is tooU (pe*tted value range O to 7)



c ) Error in loth COmand w=:CPU no. too large(p=@tted ml= range 0,1,2,3,4,F)

Page 290: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer Linlc with NC 512

Find the permissible start addresses in the job tables (Section2 .6).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — — - - - - - - - - - - - -Basic format error in the partner header. Find in the job tables(Section 2.6) when a coordination flag is permissible.

---------------------------------Basic fonuat error in the parmer hdero


Page 291: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. for




--— —43H

—-- -44H

Computer Link with RK 512


d) Error in 1st ccmmnd byte:is not OOH or FFH


— — — - - - - - - - — - - - — - - - — — - — —e) Error in 4th coumtsnd byte:~d letter wrong

—-------—-----—------——f) Error in 4th commsnd byte in follow-on

telegrsm: comnsnd letter not as in the 1stcomsnd telegram

Page 292: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer Link with F(K 512


,,..-, : Basic format error in the partner header. Verify the incorrect.-- . . .reaction of the partner if necessary with an interface testdevice ( ‘FOXPG’ ) tapped into the transmission line.— - - - —-- —---- —-------------- —— ----

Basic format error in the partner header or a combination ofcommsnds was requested which is not allowed with the CP 525. Findthe permissible COIUUEWIds in the Comsnd tables (Section 2.6).Verify the incorrect reaction of the partner if necessarg with sninterface test device ( ‘FoxW$ ) tapped into the transmissionline.- - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - — - —

Sasic format error in the partner header. Verify the incorrectreaction of the partner if necessary with an interface testdevice ( ‘FOXFGt ) tapped into tie transmis sim line.

Page 293: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-06 Computer Link with RK 512


,, .,... -

No. for






- - - -03H


- - - -41H

- - - -42H


g) system Coasnand T not permissible

~ -$~ ~ deaxmedbythOcm of * M Urd ad Sigmlled to * CP:

a) DB/DX not present or illegal(e.g. DBO, DB1, DXO)

- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) DB/DX too short:

(slam address + length > area

ErrCmSin—~ telegra h * psm-=. A reqil.y telegum isaentto lile~partnerwith tiM! ~ m. in * * byte:

a) Error in 5th cmmand byte:DB/DX no. illegal (e.g. 00)

- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) Error in 3rd camnsnd byte:

conmand letter is mt ‘Aw or ‘En or T orallo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c) Error in 3rd camnand byte of a follow-on

telegcam: 1st ccmmsnd letter not as in the1st comnand telegram



Page 294: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

E8576539-03 Computer Link with RK 512


system ccmsnand is OIi& ==- for AS 512C

- Check parameter ass”qgment on CPU and CP, if necessary set upblock or

- Partner has wrong parameters in the telegram headerFind the permissible data types in the job @bles (Section 2.6).- - - - - - - - — - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - . — -- Check parameter assignment on CPU and CP if necessary checkblock/area or

- Partner has wrong parameters in the telegram header

Find the permissible DB/DX numbers in the job tables (Section2.6)-------------------------------——Basic foxmat error in the partner header. Verify the incorrectreaction of the partner if necessary with an titerface testdevice ( ‘FOXPG’ ) tipped into * trammissial line.---------------------------------Basic format error in the partner header. Verify the incorrectreaction of the partner if necessary with an interface testdevice ( ‘IWPC* ) @appeal into the transmis sion line.

Page 295: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


No. for

--- —



—-- -

--- -



- - - -4FH



--— -4BH

--- -

Ccmputer Link with K 512


a) CP has received conmnd telegram, whilemde seleclxx was set to STQP/PGR

— — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —b) Conmand telegram was received, however,

the CPU of the PC has not yet run the“SYNCHBON” HDB

DB/DX disabled by coord.inatim flags

a) Error in 7th + 8th command byte:length specified too great

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) Send telegram was longer than expected,

i.e. more da- were received (possiblewith follw-m telegrams) than were indi-cated in the telegram header.

- - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Page 296: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Ccxuputer Link with M 512


,., . . . ., : ~,,::. .., . . . ,, . . -----

Switch the mode selector to RUN.

- - —---- —------ ——----------- —— ---—IrI the STEP 5 program, ‘SYNCHRON” CSUS IllUSt be prOgrSUQe din the

~ti~ bl- WQot owls 0=2) “ F o i l - *G aStafi-up ocold restart mat be carried out (the PAFE byte in the SNCHRONHDB may bave to be evaluated).



your am STEP 5 program:

the partner program:

reset the coordination flags againafter processing the last traxmus- Siondatarepeat the job

tion flags =e &stributed on the individual processors , CPs , IPsand the coordinator; that the jmper settings are correct ; andthat the coordination flags used in the start-up OBS (OB20, OB21,OB22) are reset (see also instzuctims CP 524/CP 525).

Find the permissible lengths in the job tebles (Sectim 2.6).

---- .--------------------------——Correction must be carried out on the partner.

— ------- — ---------- — --- — --------—

Page 297: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-03 Computer U-k with RK 512

No. fo~





-—- -4rxI




c) send telegram was too short m<128 b’yteS , i.e. less data were received(possible with follow-on telegrams) thanwere indicated in tie telegram header

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - —d) Fetch telegram received with information


A correct telegram with a length >128 byteswas received. The telegram cannot be evaluat-ed. The job will be aborted.

O&erer’mms Q processil?g of * parmerjob:

a) - -~ error on * partner, since anew (follow-on) ccmmsnd tele~ ar-rived, although the previous (follow-on)reply telegram had not been sent by theCP 525ora normal cmmkand telegram was receivedalthough a follow-on comsnd telegramwas expectedora follow-m conmand telegram arrived,although a camnsnd tele&am was expected

,f-... ..7,,’

F%;,,. ,,..:.-



Page 298: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Computer Link with RK 512

w at correction im the partner.

------ —---.--—-----—----------—--

Carry out correctim on the prmer.

Verify tie incorrect reaction of the partner if necessary with aninterface test dedce ( ‘FOXFG’ ) tapped into the transms“ Sionline.

‘l’his error can be signalled following a cold restart at your PCif long telegrams are to be seat or during a cold restart at thepartner. This is a normal reaction during start-up; you * notneed to & ~ *During noxmsl operation the error cm also occur as a result ofolder error statusas were &tected only by the partner. Otherwiseycu can assume that the partner is reacting incorrectly. It ispossible that the errcm will not occur with jobs less thsn 128bytes.

. . . . . . . .




Page 299: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576539-06 Ccmputer Link with RK 512

9 Time Measurement - Processing a DIRECT Job

The results of these time measurementts for a SEND DIRECT job areQles of * processing times for DIRECT jck.

Two S5 135US, each with a CP 922 and a CP 525 were used for thetime measurement.

The interpreter M 512 and procedure 3964 (lm @_oriw) areloaded in the CP 525 of PC 1 on IF 1.

l!he interface IF 2 is not programmed.A - j6b is p~SUlllE d in the job block.

The interpreter RK 512 and procedure 3964 (high priori~) areloaded in the ~SiVe CP 525 of FC 2 m IF 2.

The interface IF 2 is not ~d”No job is programed in the job block.

The following times are measured:

- from initiation of tie SEND D- job in PC 1(the bit ‘job ~“ fi set)

- to the end of the job in PC 1(the bit ‘job finished without error” is set.



Page 300: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

‘. . .


Telegrams are exchangedbgtes of information as

active CP 525 in PI.& 1

Computer Link with RK

in a SEND DIRECT job witi 128 or lessfollows :

nDLEpeasiva CP 525 ~ PW 2

UlnnD S rep. D EL T tel. L TE X 4 bytes E X

I~ Time > IIf there is more then 128 bytes of date, then follow-on SENDtelegrams are started. The header of a follow-on SEND telegram4 bytes long.

For more information on telegrams refer to the section “Hcnu isdata transferred?”.



Page 301: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


Table: t5me maammmt -

The tdme measurements are

Computer Link with RK 512

pmceasimg a SIQSJ DIRECT job

carried out with different baud ratesand with differant amounts of useful data.







I9600 480C

57ms 87ms60ms 91ms64ms looms67ms 106ms73ms 118UU%83ms 133ms97ms 163ms

lo9ms 184ms143ms 244ms20(hss 343ms238ms 412ms310ms 54110s356ms 634ms42&s 760msdolms l.lln

2M0112001 6001 30’n

148ms 258ms 490ms 96&s158ms 277ms 527ms 1.04s175sks 313ms 60Gns 1.19sI183ms 323ms 637ms 1.26s212ms 387ms 75QIIS 1.48s236ms 429ms 83(hIs 1.63s295ms 548ms 1.07s 2.11s332ms 617ms 1.20s 2.36s447ms 840ms 1.64s 3.24s628ms 1.18s 2.32s 4.59s760ms 1,4ss 2.83s 5.61s1.01s 1.93s 3.76s 7.46s1.19s 2.27s 4.49s 8.92s1.45s 2.80s 5.53s 11.0s2.13s 4.159 8.22s 16.4s

I150 11(I

1.92s 2.63s2.08s 2.84s2.37s 3.23s2.52s 3.44s2. 96s 4. 04s~ 3.25s 4.43s4.20s 5. 74s4.72s 6.44s6.48s 8.83s9o12s 12.4S11.2s 3.5.2s14.9s 20. 3s17.8s 24.3s21.9s 29.9s32.7s 44.5s

The time required to process a FEK3 DIBEGf job .is approximatelythe same as that required for the SEWD DIREC1’ job.

The tties for the 396*~ are app~tely as those forprocessfig a DIRECT job.

W e have chscksd Ihc contonts. o f th is mwuml Ior The reproduction. transmission or use of Ihls dams.agreement wllh lha hardwmc ond SOllwam dmcribsd. menl at Its contents is not pcrmitt$d wilhoul sxpress

Since dcvialkons connol b. praclvded enlirely, wa can- writlen aulhorily.not guarantaa lull ograamont. kkovmer. lhe data In this Olt*ndsrs wIII be liable for d a m a g e s . All dghts. ln-manud ● re ravbwad mgulafly and msy nacasssry coo cludlng dghts crealsd by palanl grant or ragislrrdionrectlons Included In subsequent odilluns. Suggsstlons 01 a mliily modal or dcsion, am resewed.Ior Improvcmwtl W* welcomed.Technical dma subjocl tochangc. Copyright @ Siomons ACS 1989 All RighIs Rosowad

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft C79000.CISS76.C539

Gerdtawwk Kartsnsha

Prinled in the federal Republic of Gormatiy



Page 302: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


;;:, ,:., ‘:. . . . ,., : .,. ., ..-.,: ,0.; -.,

SIMATIC S5CP 525: Event Output and Listingwith the PT88/PT89 Printer

.-, ,.

:.--.= .

. . . . .

User’s Guide Order No. C79000-B8576-C541 -05

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 303: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. . . . .

. .







Sequential Message List (sML)

Processing the Messages on the CPUInterface Between CPU and CP 525Structure of the DB M BECOBD-le of the StzUCtWe of a DB H ~Recessing Messages on the CP 525Buffering the Message RecordsReparing end’ Outputting the MessagesFnm overflowPrint AttributesFrames with SMkRiority of the SMLLimit Values for the

Current Message List (cML)

Recessing the Messages on the CPUInterface Be-en the CPU and CP 525Recessing the Messages on the CP 525Prames with mPriority of the @lLLimit Values for the CML

Recess Status List (PSL)

Recessing the PSL on the CPUInterface Between the CPU end CP 525Recessing the PSL on the CP 525Prsmes with PsIsRioritg of the PSLLimit Values for the PSL










Page 304: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

5 Chained Iiists (CL) 45

Processing the CL on the CPUkterface Between CPU and CP 525Processing the CL on the CP 525Frames with the Chained ListLimit Values for Chained Lists

4647 “’”””474849

6 F%mes (List Headers/Trailers) 50

Processing theDataonthe CPUInterface Between CPU and CP 525Recessing the Data on the CP 525Limit Values for Prames


7 Update Sequential Message IAst 54

Recessing the Job on the CPUInterface Between tie CPU and CP 525Rocess5mg the Job on the CP 525


8 Update Group Inhibit Bits 57

Recessing the Group Inhibit Bits on the CPUIImerface Betxveen CPU and CP 525Processing the Croup Inhibit Bits cm the CP 525


9 New Page 60

10 Resetting the Page Number 60

Page 305: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)





Rim Attributes 61

Print TypesNormal RintCompressed Rim (C)Ikpanded PrintNormal Character WidthDouble Character Width (E)Bold Rint (B)Bold Rht with the Impact Matrix RinterBold Rint with the Inkjet RinterUnderlining (U)Acoustic S-l (A)


(Needle) 64646464

setting up 66

Requirements8@t~S m the CP 525Jumper Settings on the CP 525Assi@ng mram=ters to the RocedurePar’emter Assignment for the InterpreterSettings m the PT88/PT89 Rinter_ Mta Ul the Central ControllerIhterface Adapter SAP-S1 (V.24/V.28)Interface Adapter SAP-S2 (TTY/20 mA)Interface Adapter SAP-S3 (Tl!Y/20 HIA; V.24)Start-up Phase of the CP 525Starting Up after Switching On the PowersYNCHMN Job from the CPUSwitch Settings RUN/STOP/PGRTransferrhg from the PG


LAUFPT88 Rocedure 83

Rocedure Data 83Transmitting with the TAUFPT88 Rocedure 85Data Transfer 85Mode of control of the IAUFPT88 Rocedure 85Receiving with the IAUPPT88 Procedure 87

Page 306: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. -f




Multiprocessor Operaticm

Jobs Programmed Only Once on the CP 525Jobs without Data TransportJobs with Data ‘kansportJobs which Can Be Rogramed More Than Once on theCP 525, hlChld~ ~SllleS

Memory Ass “~t, Memory Space Requirements

Ixmlable SoftwareMemory Requirements of the Laadable softwareUser Programs for Specific TasksDirectory (Memory Management) Subdirec&y of we Messages15.2.1.2 Directory of PC Jobs and Frames15.2.2 Element -S and Ekments15.2.2.1 Messages15.2.2.2 Prams (Headers, Trailers) PC Jobs

16 Special Jobs Carried Out by the CPU

16.1 Reading the Error Message &ea of the SYSTAI16.2 Resetting (Clearing) the Error Message Area16.3 Reading the Whole SYSTAT16.4 Reading the SYSID16.5 CP 525: Reading and Writing the Date and Time

17 Error Handling

17.1 Error Messages for SYSTAT and ANZW - ArrangedAccording @ the Numbers for ANZW

17.2 Error Messages for SYSTAT and ANZW - ArrangedAccording to the Numbers for SYSTAT

18 What DOeS It ~ men?













Page 307: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

1 Overview

With the component ‘event output and listing with the PT88/PT89printer” the CP 525 can sqamlsa or ~ your pmcaas/a partof * l====- P-=

The following functicms are available for ~- Y== PCass:

● sf4==~ ~ list (SL) (for detii.led description seeSection 2)

Each process event to be recorded is output on the printer in amessage line with the following:

%--d Weyer) e.g. ~t= ~- static text (prtime at which event occurr e.g. 11.11.86 13:59:00

- message status e.g. caning- msx. one parameter (process value) e.g. +135. 2

The SW %s therefore a continuous list of all the wants (distur-bances) to be recorded as they occur 5n the process aver a longerperiod.

● currant Hsage list (QtL) (for detailed description seeSection 3)

When tie (ML is called, the CP 525 has all the disturbances andevents currently “active” on the cPU printed out. CML thereforerecords the overall s=ms of events and disturbances * theprocess at a defined time (start time of the CML).


Page 308: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

The dynamic data found in the ML is not included in the CML. Thedynamic data includes the following:


- time- status- parameter (process value)

Question marks are printed out in their place.

For~ ywr process the following functicms areavailable:

● Pmceas Stares list (KI.1) (for detailed description seesection 4)

When tie PSL is called, the CP 525 fetches the current processdata from the CPU and ccmpiles a list by adding these data tostatic texts stored in the CP user

-t ~ the printer.

memory. This list is then

PSL is therefore an imge of the process/part of the process at adefined time (s@rting point of the PSL).

•~ I.ismJ (CL) (for &ailed descripticm seeSection 5)

When the CPU starts a chained list, several PSLs (maximum eight)are printed out automatically one after the other. In this way,i.e. , by chaining the images of individual parts of the process,a process imsge of the whole system can be obtained.

/--%.,,... ’.:”:

Page 309: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

.,. “A. ,,.’

B8576541-03 Printer PT88/FT89

You can have the lists supplemented by a

● IJstw (for detailed description seeSection 6)

TMS is part of a list that csn be printed out at the beginningand/or at the end of each list.

The frame is not a list in its own right and ~t be started bythe CPU. It can be assigned to the SML, CML and PSL when they areprogrammed.

● ✍ ❞ ==’$we 1= (for detailed description seeSection 7)

The dynsmic values in the header and trailer of a current SML areupdated at any time you select (e.g. change of shift).

● @3ate gmmp ixMbit bits (for detailed description seeSection 8)

Individual mssages in the SML or CML and any line of a PSL canbe assigned to a~ m (=x- 16 groups). These grvupscan be released or inhibited by the CPU with the job ‘update9XXZP inhibit bits”. Mom of the messages or PSL lines belongingto an inhibited group are listed!

Your STEP 5 program on the CPU can send a data word at any timein which the CP 525 can determine the status of the message group(inhibited or released).

,. . . . . . .

.., .,

Page 310: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

You can also bring “order” into your lists:

● kupage (for detailed description seeSection 9)

You can have a form feed carried out on the printer (printerheader is then on the next page).

● Rs?setpagemaber (for detailed description seeSection 10)

With theexceptionofthe list frame, allthefunctims mentionedprtiously canbe started by the CPUof the PC (i.e. byymr STEP5 program). This is achieved by calling the handling block SBRlDIRECT with a job number.

‘?’.““;:. .,.’


,-, ,

Page 311: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

2 Sequential Hessage LiSt (sML)

Certain events wi- the process or plant (frcm now on referredto simply as ~) can be listed by the CP 525 @C~y,in detail and at the exact time of the occurrence on thePT88/PT89 printer.

The sequential message list consists of a series of individualmessages which sre output centinuously whenever a dismrbance isdetected (see Section 2.1). The 8ML can, if required, have aheader and/or trailer added.


!Sequenti ax m e s s a g e !+-----------------------------------------------+1 I)ate: 12.08.86 I.! Time: 08 :08:00 ‘am t.+--. ----------------— -------- —------—- - - - — — -+IZ. Ggj. S& 0S: 08:00 am Temperature tDo high GOING12. cMI.86 fJ8:08:@0 am Mator is OFF GOING1 ~. OB. 86 (!8: 0 9 : 0 0 am Lc)ad = 1024 ku12.US-8~ 08:0’?:00 am

GCIINGFklt no. +5 dsfect GOING

12.08. M 08: 1“0: 00 am ! ! ~verflo~q ! ! COMING12.~~.6~ O&:ltI:t30 am Process stable! ‘ ACKNCNJL

Fig. 1 bmple: sequential message list

. . . .

. . . . . . .


Page 312: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


The disturbances that are listed can come from

the process (-$ --,the bus (e.g. SINEC Hl) (telegrams)a station,via a telecontrol link (telegrams)etc.

Your STEP 5 progrsm onthe data and pass thembemeenthecPuamicP

Printer PT88/PT89

the following:

flags, data)

the CPU of the CP must collect and preparecm to the CP 525. There is en interi&525 for this purpose (see Section 2.2).

2.1 Processing the Hessages on the CPU

Your STEP 5 program on the CPU must make the process data availa-ble to the CP 525. Before the CPU transfers the process data tothe CP, the data is placed into ~ records on the CPU. Theindividual message records are entered in a data block known asIMS M BWXEID (for the stmcmre of the DB X RECOBD see Section2.2) .

3/i.,.. ;,:, ,.

At certain intervals or when the DB M RECORD is full of messagerecords, the CPU sends a copy of the DB 24 BECORD to the CP 525 byCdl- the handling block SEND DIRECT.

!IMHXIWT! The structure of the DB M RECORD must be adhered to.The length of the ‘body” must be entered correctly!


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The STEP 5 program for processing messages should be called upcyclically and must meet the following requixesnents:

To detect disturbances, the S5 program must do the following:define areas from which the messages originate (input, output,flag or data areas)assign the message mnnber to the cause of a message. This isachieved using a data block (referred to from now on as DB MOLDNEW). The stmcture of DB M OIJXUEW is described in Section3.2

- compare the areas NEW and OLD cyclically in DB M OIDNEW (see3.2) . This comparison makes it possible to recognise whethernew dislxrbances have ‘cane” and older disturbances have‘gone”.

Area OT.XI Area NEW Message statxs

1 -> 0 disturbance goingo -> 1 diswrbance coming

To generate massages, the program must do the following:detexmine and enter the message number from the status changesin DB M OLUNEU (see 3.2)enter the message status (edge evaluation! )enter the data/time

~,,- ..,

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enter the parameter type and the parameter (process value). Ifno parameter is entered the parameter qpe mat be specifiedas OFFH.

f-?.,- . . .

3. The S5 ~ mist ~ * n?asaga racurds in DB M RECORD.

To enter the records, the program mst do the following:count the body length according to the length of the messagerecord entered.

4. ‘me S5 pmgmm mat transfer DB If BEtXXD (CX pmfedily a copyaftk DBHJmxBDcalhd DB H mm) to lb CP 525.

To transfer the DB M RECORD, the program must do thefollowing:

- guarantee that the DB M SEND is transferred to the CP 525 bymeans of a SEND DIRECT when the record is full and/or atcertain intervals.

!~C: the job number of the _ DIRECT must be thesame as the job number of the SML prograumed on the CP 525!The number of the DB M SEND mat be specified when you areassigning parameters to the SEND DIRECT.

- purge the DB M RECOBD, i.e., make space for new entries (bodylength = O; pointer = 1st message record).

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,..:,. . . . . ~ .

..’. ..:. .., 2.2 Interface J3et’G?een CFU and,“

The interface between the CPU and the CPDB M BECORD.

2.2.1 stmcmre oftk DBHRMX=D


CP 525


The DB M RBCORD is structured according toensure that the CP 525 can evaluate the DB

525 is the data block

cer ta in ties toH RECORD correctly.

The DB M RE(X)RD consists of a header and body as follows:

o 0 header1

2 1. .. ..

510 255511

The header contains organisaticmal informatim as follows:

Byte DB addr. Content ConInent

o DL O 3 3 H identifier for messages

1 DR O length (HEx) length of the body in words

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The body begins at byte 2 of the DB M RECORD. It contains astring of message records. The length of a message record, shownas follows, depends

12 bytes = 6 words16 bytes = 8 words

A DB M RECORD can becontain a maximum of

42 message records31 message records

cm whether it ccmtains a parameter:

without ~terswifi parameters

a mximum 256 mnmds long. It can thereforethe following:

without parameterswith parameters

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Thecurrentinfcmnation about any dismrbance is entered in amessage reccrd 5n the following order:

1. parameter type2. message statws3. message type4. message mmher5. time6. date7. parameter (optimal)

Smcture ofamssage record

Byte S5 eddr. content

o DL O paramtier qpe1 DR O =!ssage Status2 DL 1 ~ w=- ===we ~3 DRl ===J@F~4 DL 2 10 Bls -5 DR 2


*6 DL 3 L7 DR3 h8 DL 4 day9 DR4 month

10 DL 5 y e a r -11 DR 5 resemad12 DL 613 DR 614 DL 715 DR 7


,.-. .,

,.. ....,


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The parameter type determines whether a parameter is included inthe message record and what type of parameter it is. Thefollowing SIMATIC data types are possible:

‘5P m=)





BCD numberBCD numberfixed point numberfixed point mnnberfloating point number


no parameter included

Rinter PT88/PT89

The length of the message record is as follows:

12 bytes - without w==ters16 ~es - with parameters

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2. Message status - byte 1

The status of the disturbance is described in more detail asfollows :



acknowledged -

the event just occurred (the disturbance hasjust been &tected)the dismrbance is still “active”the message has not yet been aclmowledged bythe user (e.g. via the CP 526)

a previously signalled disturbance is nolonger ‘active”. The event has ‘gone”.

the user has noticed the signalleddislxrbance and has acknowledged it. Thedislxrbence is, however, still ‘active”.

The smtus of a disturbance must be represented in the uessagerecord shown as follows:

byte 1, bit 2° and 21:

, ~i[mrl 4 I 3 I 2 I 1 I 0 ‘ - i - e0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 end of disturbance (going)o 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 dismrbame (coming)0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 acknowledged0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 not allowed

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,., . . . .

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3. lkssage qpe - byte 2

The message type indicates whether it is a message caused by adisturbance.

byte 2, bit 24 to 27:

~ilwrl 4 31210 .Ws-i-e0 0 0 0 0 disturbance message0 0 0 1 see 1-0 0 1 0 message 2. . . . number reserved. . . . . for


1 1 1 1 15 -


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4. ===’w ~ - by$e 2 and t@e 3

The messages are numbered to ensure that tie following

- the correct -has are assigned to each dielxrbance on each CPUthe correct message text is assigned to each message on theCP 525 (i.e. the text progranma d for this message).If no message text is stored for a particular message number,nothing can be printed out on the printer.

The igher order part of the message number?)

is in byte 2, bits 23

to 2 and the lower order in byte 3.

Byte 2


Byte 3 JDL 1 DR 1

Bit numberF E D C BA98 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 O


I Mess. type Message number IL I I

numbers that can be assigned:per CP 525 interface nwcimum possible:per CPU of the PC maximum possible:

. . . . . . .


1 to 20001000 messages2000 messages

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5./6. Date and ~ - byte 4 to byte 10

You cam have the time at which the disturbance occurs or at whichthe s-tus of the disturbance changes entered in the massagerecord. You can, for example, read the date and time from the CP525 or from the CP 526.

When you program the SML (with COM 525) you determine at whichpoint and in which order the date and/or the is entered in themessage text. This applies to all messages in the sequentialmessage list (!), i.e. you cannot specify the date/t* for eachindi*l message. This process enaures a tmifam, Cle8r l.aymtfor all SMLs.

The date and time must be entered in BCD code as follows:

Byte S5 addr. Content Example

23.05.8714.15 / 16s 700ms

4 DL 2 10 ms -


5 DR 2 s 16H6 DL 3 mill * 15H7 DR3 h 14H

8 DL 4 day - 23H9 DR4 mimth date 05H

10 DL 5 year - 87H

!~!: the CP 525 checks whether there is a zero in thefield for the day (byte 8). If there is, the date and time arenot entered in the message record. The CP 525 than enters thecurrent value of the CP 525 clock in the message record. ,’

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Note that you must set the clock of the CP 525 using the CPUclock. You can set the date and time on the CPU usiq KIM 526 for

e’==w “

7. ~ter - byte 12 to byte M

You can reserve space for am? current parameter in each dis -mrbance message to obtain &tailed information about the dislmr-bsnce. The current parameter is acquired at the time when thedisturbance occurs.


25.10.85 19:30 inlet pressure excee&d : IS bar

The psremeter is optional..The dynamic parts of this message tact are printed in bold *.

,. .-..


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. . ,. . . . . .

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.beB8576541-03 Printer m’88/mS9H- *~~*~~



BitCharacterByteBCD 16BCD 32FXP 16FXI’ 32FLP 32TimerCCnmter

DL 6 DR 6Byte 12 Bfle 13FEDCBA98 76543210

YYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY mmYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYZzzz Zzzz Zzzz ZzzzZzzz Zzzz Zzzz ZzzzZzzz Zzzz Zzzz ZzzzZzzz Zzzz Zzzz ZzzzZzzz Zzzz Zzzz ZzzzZzzz Zzzz Zzzz ZzzzZzzz Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz

DL 7 DR 7Byte 14 Byte 15FEW BA98 7654 3210


Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz

Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz ZzzzZzzz Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz

z==locationofthe parameterwith formats that requireatleastonedatauord -

y=locationof the parameter with formtsthat donotreqhixe avhole data word. Nevertheless, a whole date word is stored.The selecti.onof the bits or bytes is made via a orb.





BYTEBCD 16BCD 32FXP 16FXP 32FLP 32Timercounter


Bit l&lVA*





=7==40 0041 0000 OA01 0000 9804 0000 0004 6231 2301 23


Byte 14


Byte 15

,/-%,c,., ,.,..,,..~




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. . . .

xx= not used2.2.2 Emwple of the Stmctxue offalm HRmxmD

DB206 LW=260 AB8PA(Z1

o :1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:

10 :

KEi= 330EI(H= 0001m= 0065HI= 6056KS= 3715HI= 2205KH= 8700m= 0001m= 0100m= FFooKH= 0064

11 : RHI- 6056;12 : m= 3715;13 : KU= 2205;14 : KH= 8700;15 : KH= Oooo;16 :240 4JI= 0000;>

This is the printout of DB 206, which is used in this -le asDB M BECOBD. Only data words IX O to EW 14 are of interest sinceonly two massages have been entered.

Explanation of DB M ~

mm s~

o 33 : identifier for DB M RECCRDOE =14D : body length in words, DW 1 to DW 14

lto8 massage record of the first message.

1 00 = parameter type - BINARY01 == massage stmxs = COMING

2 0 = message qpe = dismrbance message065 = message xnnnbar = message 101


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m no. si@mmlce

3 60 = time : 10 milliseconds56 = time : secon&

4 I 37 = time : minutes15 = time : hours

5 I 22 = dste : day05 =date : mnth



87 = dste :*00 = resemed

0001 =psremeter (bit 0=1, bit 1 to bit 15=0)



01 = bit number of the psrsmster in IX 7 (bit 1)00 = irrelemnt for psrameter qpe BINARY

~ ~ 14 ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~






FF “ P==== m = m psremeter00 = message ststxs = GOING

o = message type = dism.rbence messege064 = messsge number = message 100

60 = time : 10 milliseconds56 = time : seconds

37 = time : minutes15 = time : hours

22 = date : dsy05 = date : IIDnth

14 87 = dste : yesr00 = reserved

L5 to xx irrelevsnt, since only mo Inesssges


{?,, .,,,, .-

,.. ,,,

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Two messages were entered:


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2.3 Processing llessages

.: :,:,..,The message records are buffered.. :.,..,, . . .the CP.

. . . . .:., ,“’, ;. ,, ‘:. :.+ : ,:

Printer PT88/PT89

on the CP 525

immediately when they arrive at


2.3.1 Ibfferbg the Messagal&crmds

The PT88 and PT89 can output messages at the following speeds:

maxixm.n 150 characters/s (inkjet)maximum 80 characters/s (impact matrix)

This is axlsiderably Shier than the acquisition of process dataon the CPU and the transfer of data from the CPU to the CP 525.These differences in speeds are compensated by ha- all themessage records that are transferred from the CPU to the CP 525buffered cm the CP 525. The data is output to the printer onlyafter it has baen buffered.



I max.42~essage records

CP 525


ms. . . . . . . .

I EERW.42 max.128

lmessage recmrdsmessage records

Fig. 2 Buffering data on the CP 525


. :..,...,.,,.


The DB M SEND is transported to the CP 525 at M@ speed (ms =milliseconds). It is then buffered since the PT88 (PT89) canoutput a maximum 150 characters/s (80 characters/s). -“’’’’=-%;“ *,


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The message buffer on the CP 525 operates as a


FIm(slrstinfixatout) memory. l“hismeans that all messages are processed inthe order in which they are entered.


The CP 525 ensures that the following occurs:

the messages are output quickly on the printereven ifalargenumber ofmessages occur,none are lost

The CP 525 therefore only transfers the message reccds to theFIFO when the following conditions are -t:

- there is still space in the FIFO(maximum 128 message records can be entered)a message text is stored on the CP 525 for the message numberentered in the message record (you ~COH 525 - see Fig. 3).

This process avoidsmessages that mightoccur at one t-.

the FIFO’S be- “clutteredothamise cause an overflow

these with

. . . . . .



,.,, ;,,

,,, ,.<

,,.,,, ..,


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From the message records provided for the CP 525 by the CPU, theCP 525 selects those that have message texts programed for them.These are then buffered in the FIFO and printed out on theprinter.

CPU CP 525



{Elnax.42 7

nes - 235sage 13records 9




2;5max. 42


: u

Memory submodulesMessa e 1Messa eMess elMessa e 2



1-max 1000message


Fig. 3 Processing the messages on the CP 525


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‘-, . . . . .

2.3-2 ~ ~ ~ * ~

The CP 525 processes ~e message records buffered in the FIFOcontiguously as follovs:

- the dynsmic data fran the message record is added into thepreprogramwd static message texts at the positions specified.This @wic data includes the status, date, time and theparameter

- the con=ol data for the printer attributes (compressed print,_ded prfit, bold print, underlined, acoustic signal) isadded (see Section 2.3. 4).

W entire message line is prhted out.

Message record from the CPU M==@ won lhs CP 525Number M w. =3 ,






} II I 1 I I I

1: :, : j Interpreter PT 88 / PI- 82 I


Fig. 4


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Note: if the CP recognises that the message record and the staticmessage text do not match (e.g. , the message record does notcon-in a parameter although a dynamic field is programed forone in the static message text) then instead of the dynamicfield, the CP causes filling characters to be printed out.

2.3.3 F’IFO~

flthough the FIFO has the capacity for 1.28 messages, it canbecome full. Space for new entries can cm.1.y be created ifmessages are printed out. The FIFO can overflow because of tiefollowing :

- The printeris switched offline,has run out of paper,has nm out of ink

- A very long list that cannot be intermpted is being printedout .

- A very large number of messages arrive within a very shorttime.


. . . . .

If the CP 525 recognises that there is a FIFO ovarflow, the CPsignals the error to the CPU and the last DB M SEND to be sent isxxx entered in the FIRl. Until the cause of the error isremedied, all further DB M SENDs are rejected by the CP 525 withan error. These DB M SENDs are mt buffered cm the CP.

DB M SENDS are accepted again only when the FIFO has space for acomplete DB M SEND.

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Your STEP 5 progrsm cm react in the follmring ways:

. . . . . .:,. ~~0 ‘ ● The CPU ignores the error message snd sends further DB M -S,,.,, . .. ...,, .7 to the CP 525.

Reaction of the CP: as lcmg as the error is not corrected, allfurther DB M SEND’s are rejected with an error and not bufferedin the FIFO.

The CPU evaluates the error message, buffers the DB M SEND thatwas terminated with an error end sends it to the CP 525 againuntil the CP completes the job without error.

Reaction of the CP: the DB M SEND that mused the overflow isentered after the error is corrected and is then ~inted out.

If the CPU recognises new dismrbances in the meantime, thesedismrbances are either lost or the S5 program bas its ownbuffer area for temporarily storing these messages.

2.3.4 Print &triMms

When pr~ with 02?4 525, you can SSS@ individual printattributes to the static parts and dynsmic parts of each message.


. . . . . . . . .

following attributes are available:

canpressed printexpanded printbold faceunderlinedacoustic signal of the lT88/PT89

print attributes are described in more detail in Section U.

,.. -,.



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c E B u A

fixed texts yes yes yes yes yes

dynamic texts no yes yes yas yes

!IMKMMWN: if you select different print attributes for thestatic and dynsmic parts of individual messages the layout of theSML can become confusing. The date, time sndstatusmsynot beprintedoutinuniformcolums.

!3HRBTMT!: if the messages are longer than the printout lines,there is no guarantee that the print attributes will bring aboutthe expected result on tie printout.

2.4 Frames with SHL5

An SML (as well as the other qpes of lists) can ham a listba&r and/or trailer known as a frsme.

Header = a fmme printed out at the beginning of the SML and atthe beginning of every new page

Trailer = a b printed at the end of every page and at the endof the ML

You can use the same or a different frame for the header andtrailer. You can select the frame when you program the SML. Allthe frames must be progranmed under the list - ‘fxxm?w.

Note: frames can only be printed out correctly- when the single message is not longer than one line (i.e. , noline overflow) andand when the number of lines in the header plus the number oflines in the trailer < the page length (see Section 12.2.3).

m=,. .:,:,.



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Header Rsme

I . . . . . . . . . . . . .

kI Trailer I Frame


. . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Trailer. - - - - - - -

New pageFrame


When the single messages that make up the SML are output, theCP 525 counts the lines. It then recognises that the end of apage is close and ouqnts the trailer (if this is programmed).

Then a fom fed is triggered and, if prograasned, the hea&r isprinted at the top of the next page. Then the single mssages arecontinued.

For more details on frames see 8ection 6.

2.5 Priority of the SKL

Messages belonging to the SML are printed out with ~ prior-%Q as Sxmdsmi. CKLs or PSLs are printed out only when all themessages for the SML have been listed (i.e. the message FIFO is=wT) .

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CMLs and PSLs can, however, be interrupted at any point in thelist (i.e. , betxeen two protocol lines) by SML messages. You canprevent this when program@ the P!3L or CM with CM 525. If youdo, then PSk and CMLs are printed out completely. The SMLmessages are buffered in the FIFO until the printer is free.

You decide whether or not the CMLs end PSLs are to be interruptedby SMIs :



,’””-%. . . . .

Fig. 5 Priority of the SML

> means: e . g . SML has piority mer QIL= SML can intermpt CML

no—> means: e.g. CML has m priori= over SML

* means: when programming the PSL or OIL you can preventthem being interrupted.

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2.6 Limit Values for the SML

The following limit values apply to the messages in the SML:

max. number of SML’s par CP 525 interface 1

messages numbers 1 to 2000

mar. number of messages which canbe stored per CP 525 interface 1000

characters per line PT88 normal print80 characters

~88 compressed print136 characters

PT89 Ronnal print136 characters

PT89 c~essed print136 characters

parameters datetimestatus- w--=(process value) p=line


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3 Current 14essage List (CML)

Dislxrbances in the process occur spontaneously. ‘l’hey must bedetected by your STEP 5 program and recorded in a data block -DB II ~ (status ‘coming” - bit set). If the disturbance iscorrected, the entry must be cleared again in DB M OLDNW (status“going” - bit cleared).

At eny time DB M OLDNW therefore contains information about thedisturbances which are currently affecting the plant. You canhave this information printed out as messages on the printer(PT88/PT89) .

+--------—------—--- ——-----_-_-—----- —-----+I Current message li5t I.+--------------- —-—-- -—---———---------+I Date: 08.12. S6 It

.Time: 13: 14:31 am I

+----—--—-—-—-------——---. -----—---—--+?? ~? ~? ~ ? : ‘? ‘7 . ? ?. . . . . . . . Tempera tu re ~aci h i g h ? ? ? ? ? ? ?m? m?: . f . . ~? ?? : ~? :?7 I%tor is ?. . .?? ? ? 7’7 ???

. .. ? ~ . .? ? ? ? : ? ? : ? ? Load = ~ ? ? ? ~a ? ? . 7 . 7 7 7 7. . . . .

?, 7 . ~ ? . ~ 7 ?? :. . ??: ? ? 13el& t~a. ? ? d~fect . : : . q . .~mq~-?~?? ~? ~T ,~p. ??: .?~ I t. . ..: . . . . Ove~ $kWJ ! ! ? :. ? ~ ? q ~. . . . . :?? -? ● ??.: ‘??: ??: ? ? Process stabie ! ???????+---—----O-.---..-———-—--- —---—------..—.. +


I. Current message list end I+-------- —- ——---—----- —-. ------- _______———+I Time: 13: 14:31 am I.+--- —------—--— —-----—-—-----_ -—-_ --.. _-—,- !

Fig. 6 Example: current message list



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. . .,

3.1 Processing the Messages on the CPU

By sending a SEND DIBECT job to the CP 525 your STEP 5 program-=%..., can initiate the start of a ClIL. The CP 525 then requests the

.. DB H ~ fmm the CPU.

The number of the SEND DIRECT job must first be specified asfollows :

- in the CP 525 user program (with COM 525)- in the STEP 5 user program

The data exchange between the CPU end CP 525 takes place usingthe following handling blocks:

- job for output of a (XL: SEl!m DIBEmWithjobxmber

- transfer of the DB frcm the CPU to the CP 525: ~ AU

E&ther information cm the handling blocks can be found in thedescription ‘Using the handling blocks” in this menual and in /1/in *e list of relevant documentatim.

Examples of programming the CPU and the CP 525 can be found inthe example of an application ‘(Z 525: avent output end listingwith the PT88/PT89 printer” in this manual.

3.2 Interface Between the CPU and CP 525

The interface between the CPU andD3 H OKR!EJ7. A bit in DB M OLDNEWbance to be signal-led as follows:

.. .,,- bit set - status “coming”- bit ChS?X$d - status “going”

the CP 525 is the data blockis assigned to every distur-



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DB M OLDNEW iS divided into the areas (#U) and

Printer PT88/PT89

57. !lhe NW areacatains the current stam.s of disturbances; the OLD aree cm-tains the stalxs as it was in the pretious processing cycle mthe CPU.












I I I I I I I I 71 I I I I I


Field 1

this data word contains the lowestthe number of the message assignedareas OID/NEW.

Dw 0.0 = O: field O = NEWfield 1 = OID

= 1: field O = OK)field 1 = NEW

DR 1 = write pointerDR 2 = read pointer

0:,. ,.. .$....,. :,.

~ ~, i.e.,bit 3.0 or 128.0 in the

contains the~ of words containing bits to whichmessages are assigned.

!IHRXMET!: the maximum possible message number is 2000; there-fore, the following error messages nay be sent to the CPU:

MESSAGE NUMBER >2000 or NUMBER >125 * error

MESSAGE NUMBER + (16 * NUM8ER) - 1 > 2000 + error



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titer each processing cycle the areas ~/OU) are swapped over,. -.-.-, .,- ,,., . . . ,.. ’.’, when DW O.0 is complemnted as follows:,’. ,.~ , ’, ’,, . : . .-:..,.,. ,,,

(&de n-3 n-2 n-1 n n+l n+2 n+3

w 0.0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0


=ch bit in fields O snd 1 has a mssage number assigned to it.This assignment is made according to the contents of H 253. ForDW 253 = 1 (i.e. the lowest message number = 1) the following

RelativeDwnumbelField O/l



Bit number15























10 . . 2

11 . . 327 . . 1943 . . 35

. . . .

. . . .

1995 : : 1987











The specification of the DW number for field O (and f= field 1)is relative to the start of the field. For field O the distsnceto the DB start is 3 data words; for field 1 it is 128 da=words .

-let *e message with the number 27 correspcmds to the bitwith the address DW 4.10 in field O and DW 129.10 in field 1.

If there is an active disturbance (“coudng”) the bit assigned to-.. ,the message must be set to 1 in the new mlue area in DB MOumw.

The CP 525 evaluates only the new value part of DB M OLDNEW,which is determined by the value of DR O. This contains the imageof the disturbance stares on tie CPU at the time when the DB MOumw is transferred from the CPU to the CP 525.


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3.3 Processhg the MessageS on the CP 525

WhenyourSTEP5programstarts, &e CML (with SEND DIXECT. to theCP 525), the CP requests the DB M OK)NEW from the CPU. As socm as flit receives the CP the DB buffers the new value part for the .:,,. .,

whole” of the time that the (X4L is output cm the CP 525. Thisensures that the CML is a complete i.msge of the disturbancestatus at a defined time.

The (7kfL is stmctured and output in lines. The CP 525 proceeds asfollows :

searches the DB M OLDNEW (new value part) for set dismrbancebitsascertains the number of this dismrbance

- checks whether there is a message t- progrsmue d for thisnumber on the CP 525if “now

the dismrbance is ignoredif “yes” the corresponding message text is output m thePT88/PT89

- the programmed print attributes are assigned tothe stitic parts of the message line in the list

- enaures that instead & *~ V (date, time, status,parameter) ,W?W M1 h printed out to match the ~ of characters

Pro8r_d for the field.

Mote: all the dynamic parts of a mssage relate to the time atwhich the event being signalled was detected. When tie CKL isoutput it is known only that disturbances exist, but not, how-ever, when they were &tected and which dynamic values werecurrent at the time! As a result the dynamic values for the date,time and parameter are missing. These are not listed in the CM’L;instead a correspcmding nmber of ‘?” is printed out.

~!: W?W is printed out corzectly ody if all ~ has been

triggered by the CPU at least once before the CML is started.,...



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3.4 Frames

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with (XIIL

As with the other list types, the CML can have a list header- and/or trailer. The header and trailer are selected when the CKL

is programwd and first programmed as list type “*”.

Header = a b printed out at the kgimhg of the CML and atthe beginning of every new page.

Trailer = a b printed out at the end of every page and at theend of the CML.

The header and trailer are both optimal. You can use the sameframe or a different one for the header and trailer.

The CP 525 lists the individual messages of the CML and countsthe lines. Before the end of a page is reached, the CP recognisesthis condition and outputs the trailer. Then a fom fad is

Ogmnmd) is printed out at thetriggered and the header (if prbeginning of the next page. Following this, the output of thesingle messages is continued.

Note: frames can be correctly printed out only- when the individual message is not longer than one line ( line overflow) and

- when the number of lines in the header plus the mxnber of linesin the trailer < the page length (see Section 12.2.3).

For further inforxcwtion on frames see Section 6.

3.5 Priority of the CHL

CMLS can be intermpted at any time betweendismrbance messages. The CML itself cannot,,.. ..,S’ML. The CML can also not be interrupted by


two lines by SKLinterrupt a PSL or ana PSL.




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. . ,. .nSML


w“ “ \ /Fig. 7 Priority

> mealE:

no—> means:

* means:

of the Cm

e.g. SMLbas~ OverQ!lL= SML can intermpt CM

e.g. CM has no priori~ cmr S&E=Cm cannot internlpt ML

when progz~~ the PSL or CML you can preventtheix being intermpted.

3.6 Limit Values for the (ML

The following limit values apply to the messages in the Cl&:

max. number of Cl&s per CP 525 interface: 1

max. number of list lines (= messages) per (XL: 1000(header, trailer, not included)

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., ,... ,;., ;.:. “ . . 4 Process status fist.:,

.,-. . . . . .. .. ,,, ,~. ; :., ,~’.$ :.=, The CP 525 can output data and,. .


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statuses from the process (e.g.Y temperatures, pressures, counts) in process status lists on the

printer. A PSL consists of a sequence of a XmxinUm 99 list 1311ea,which together provide an *ge of the process at a defined time.

If required, a PSL can be printed out with a frame header and\ortrailer.

+..- ——--—--..-----. -------—---------— --------+

! Pracess status list tlo. i T

! Date : 12.09. S6 Time : 01 X29:12 Dm I

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

Tem~erature i n tat>k : +52’0 Grd / CTemperature of outer tank wa~l : +7~ Grd/ CLevel i n tatl k : +12 mDischarge rake : 30 kg/hDeviation from =etpoint : -~ “/.

+——-.-— --------- —--.-------——-—--.---—-—+

! Process status list no. 1 end t.+--—---- —--------------------- —-— ------------+

Fig. 8 &ample: process statms list

A PSL consists of static and dynamic parts. The static parts aredetermined when you program the PSL with (%)M 525. The dynamicvalues mat be acquired by the STEP 5 program on the CPU, col-lected in a data block and transferred to the CP 525 *en the CPrequests the da-. There is an interface bemmm the CPU andCP 525 for this purpose.

. . . . . . . . .


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4.1 Processing the PSL on the CPU

The CPU must acquire all the dynamic parts of the PSL and storethem in a pre-assigned data block. Before the CPU sends the jobto the CP to output a PSL, the DB must be available on the CPUand canpletely updated, since the CP requests this DB from theCPU immediately.

The data exchange between the CPU and CP 525 takes place usingthe following handling blocks:

- job for output of a PSL: SmDDIBECTwith job m.

- transfer of the DB from the CPU to the CP 525: ~ AIL

Purther information on the handling blocks can be found in thedescription ‘Using the handling blocks” in this manual and in /l/in the list of relemnt documentation.

Examples of programing the CPU and the CP 525 - be found inthe example of an application “CP 525: event output auid listingwith the PT88/PT89 printer” in this msnual.

4.2 Interface Between the CPU and CP 525

The interface betmeen the CPU and CP 525 is the data blockassigned for this purpose. This can be different fran PSL to PSL.The number of the data block is f tied when you pro-gram the PSLin the CP 525 user program. This DB must also be de-fined in theSTEP 5 user program.



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4.3 Processing the PSL on the CP 525

Your STEP 5 program starts a PSL by sending a SEND DIRECT jobwith a job nmber to & CP 525. ‘Jhe @ then requests theassigned DB from the CPU. When the CP 525 receivas the DB, itbuffers it cm the CP 525 for the enttie time the PSL is output.This guarantees that all the data for the PSL are acquired at mtime and that they belong together.

The PsL is stmctured and output in lines as follows:

- the static parts are assigned ‘their” print attributes and- the dynamic parts are assigned ‘their” print attributes

and both parts are listed together.

You select print attributes when Y9U program the PSL with CAM525. The print attributes of the static parts are reset for eachlist line. They apply to all. static texts in * list h.

The print attributes of the dynamic parts can be set individuallyfor each fiald. They then only apply to that particular dynsmicfield (i. e. not for the whole line). After this field the attri-butes for the static part apply once again.


. .. .,1.

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In the assigned DB the dynmic values can be stored in the usualSIMATIC S5 formats as follows:







Significance Range ofvalues

1 bit binarycharacter1 byte binary16 bits in BCD code16 bits in fixed pointformat32 bits in BCD code

32 bits in fixed pointformat32 bits in floatingpoint format

16 bits BCD code+ time base(example: 154.2)16 bits BCD code

0,1ASCIIo . . . 255-999 . . . +999-32768 . . . . . .+32767-9999999 . . . .+9999999-231... 231 q

approx. -999999*109 . . .-999999 * 10-9

0+999999 * 10-9 . . .+999999 * 109

0 . . . +9990 3. . .

0 . . . +999

!IMRWIW?!lfakesurewhenprograusning theSTEP5userprogramand the CP 525 user progrsm that you use the aam? data types andsame addresses in the DB!


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4.4 FramesvithPSIs

AS with the ofhr list qpes, the PSL can have a list header andtrailer. You select the header and trailer when programing thePSL and program them as a “frame” list ~.

In contrast to SMLs and CMLs, the header for a PSL is printedonly at * start and the trailer only at * and of a list (i.e.not on every page).

Further information about frames - be found in Section 6.

4.5 Priority of the PSL

PSLS can be interrupted at any time between two list lines by SMLmessages.

The PsL cannot interrupt an SML or a (XL. The PSL CaIIImt beinterrupted by a CML. When progmming with C(M 525, you canprevent the PSL being interrupted.


. . . . . .

.,, ,

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4.6 Limit Values for the PSL

max. no. of PSL’s per CP 525 interface, theoretical *) 199

max. no. of list lines per PSL 99(header, trailer not included)

max. length of a dynamic field in characters 80

max. no. ofdynamic fields per PSLline 40

max. no. of dynamic fields in one PSL *) ‘) approx. 1400

max. length for process sta?xs variablesin characters 60

max. no. of stamses for PSL variables 8

*) In practice this number depends on- the =Paciq of the memory submdule,

the capaci~ of the DB (msx. 512 bytes),the type of dynamic data and their space requirements in theDB ,

- the number of places the dynamic fields require in the listlines.



*) If process status variables are programed, the maximumnumber of dynamic fields is less since the space requirements forprocess status variables are much greater (up to 8 alternativesper dynamic field).


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. ,.


5 Chained


The current status of your plant or part of the plant canprinted out in a process status list (ML). PSLS can be aof 99 lines long.

If you requixe mme than 99 lines, you should program andCbined 13St.


start a

+.--. ----- —-. --------------------- ——-----—---

! Pracess status list no. 1! Date : 12.09.86 Tima s 01 :29:12 pm



Tempera ture i n tank : +53j Gt-d~ CTem,oerature of au ter tank wail : +i’G Grd/ C

Level in tank : +12 mDischarge rate : 30 k g / hDeviation from setgoint : -2 7.

+—-—--— -.—---------——-. -------—---——---+.

! Process status Ii st no. 1 end I.+.--------—--—---—-----—-—-—--—- ——-----+

+------------------------------------------------- +

! Prccess status 1 i st. no. 2 1

+------------------------------------------------- +

Throug hDU t


+----- —---

of d i str i bu tcr network

1 : 129 Iimin~ : ZO 1,/m i~-l3 : i 5 l/’m i n

— -----------------------


---- — ----------- +. . .! Process status list no. 2 end I

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

Fig. 9 Example: chained lists

. . .,

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Chaining lists simply means that up to 8 ~s Statxw4 lists arestarted autauatically. This process saves code and job numbers on theCPU. There are a maximum 199 job numbers per CP interface whichallowsyoutodothefollwing: e.

- print out the stalazs of thedmleplamt since all the PSL’s ofthe different parts of the plant are output automaticallystructure a process s-tus list with ~ than 99 lines, byspreading the list aver several PSLs.

AU the parameters of the individual PSIS such as the

- numbers of the individual data blocksthe names of the list headers

- the names of the list trailers

are fixed when you program the =. When prqraming the chainedlist, simply specify the names of the individual PSV that are tobe chained.

For more information on PSLs see Section 4.

5.1 Processing the CL on the CPU

Your STEP 5 program s-s a chained list by sending a SENDDIRECT job with a job number to the CP 525. The job number mustbe specified in advance

- in the CP 525 user program (with COM 525)- in the STEP 5 user program

Then the CP 525 requests the data block from the CPU for thefirst PSL to be chained. The CPU then sends all the DBs for theindividual PSIS to the CP 525 in succession as they arerequested.





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The data exchange between the CPU and CP 525 takes place usingthe following handling blocks:

- job for output of a CL: SmDDIBmmwith job m.

- transfer of the DB’s frcm the CPU to the CP 525: ~ AI&

lhrther information of the handlhg blocks can be found in thedescription “Using tie handling blocks” in this msnual snd in /1/in the list of relevant documentation.

5.2 Interface Between CPU and CP 525

The interface between the CPU and CP 525 is formed by the datablocks you SISS@ when ~~ the individual PSLs. This can

be the same for all = or differ from PSL to PSL.

For more infomatim cm PSLs see Section 4.

5.3 Processing the CL on the CP 525

Your STEP 5 program starts a chained list by sending me SEND

DIRECT job with a job number to the CP 525. The CP thenprocesses, in succession, all the PSIs specified in the CL.

This processing is described in detail in Section 4.

Note: with the chained list:when the CPU starts a CL with a SEND DIRMT job, the CP 525automatically processes the individual PSLs you specified when

P-m with COM 525../’-=-..,

. . . with single process statx.s lists:the CPU must start each PSL with a SEND DIRECT job.


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5.4 Frames


with the Chained List

When programing the chained list with COM 525 you cammt specifya header or trailer specially for the CL. The headers and trai-lers must be assigned for each individual PSL.

By progmming the PSLS accordingly you have a wi& varie~ ofoptions as follows:

each PSL has its own header and trailer- only the first PSL has a header- only the last PSL has a trailer- any of the chained PSLS can have a header and/or trailer- each PSL begins with form feed- only the first PSL begins with form feed




Frame 1





Frame 2





For more information about frames see Secticm 6.

Rame 3


Frame 4

Frame 5


Frame 6


fl.. .,,.’..

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5.5 Limit Values for Chained Lists

IIISX. no. of PSLs per CP 525 interface, theoretical *) 199

max. no. of chained PSLS per CL 8

max. no. of variables per CL, theoretical *) approx. 8 * 1400(per PSL approx. 1400)

max. no. of DBs per chained list: 8(DB’s for headers/trailers are not included)

*) In practice this number depends onthe capaciqr of the memry mbmodulethe Capaciq of the DBs (max. 512 bytes per DB)the type of data and their space requirementts in the DBthe number of places the dynamic fields require in the listlines

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6 Frames (List Headers/Trailers)

All three types of list (SML, CML, PSL) can have a list h6a&rand/or trailer. These are parts of lists which are programedindependently from the list under the term %frzm&.

Header = a - printed at the beginning of the list and at the


You can

beginn~ of each new page (except PSL: only at thebeginning of the list)

= a *, printed at the end of every page or at the endof the list (except PSL: only at the end of the list)

decide whether to have a header or trailer printed out byentering the required frsme name when you program the SML, CML orPSL under the header or trailer. The strucmre of the frame issimilar to that of the PSIS.

!IMRXMNT! Frames camot be started by the CPU. Headers andtrailers can only be printed out in conjunction with SKI+ Cl& andPsL.

Frames can be used as required, e .8. , as follows:


0.,‘... .,,..’...

a frame can be used as a header in one list and a trailer inanotherall lists can have the same frame as header and/or trailereach list can be supplemented by its own header and/or trailer,i.e. different frames for different lists

When programing a frame with COM 525, you select a data blockthat is to contain the current dynamic values of the frame.

!IMKWCMT! Only da- words O to 127 are evaluated in this DB.

.--m, . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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6.1 Processing *Ae Data on the CPU

If the STEP 5 program S-S a list, the @ 525 checks whetherthe Mat requires a frame and if so, requests the data block franthe CPU that contains the dynamic values for the frame.

The data exchange between the CPU and CP 525 takes place usingthe following handling blocks:

transfer of the DBs from the CPU to the CP 525: ~ AIL

Further information on the handling blocks can be found in thedescriptim ‘Using the handling blocks” in this mauual and in /1/in the list of relevant documentation.

_les of P=WQ the CPU and the CP 525 can be found fithe example of an application “CP 525: event output and listingwith the PT88/PT89 Printerw in this manual.

6.2 Interface Between CPU and CP 525

The interface between the CPU and CP 525 is the assigned datablock and can be different from frame to frame. You decide thenumber of this DB in the @ 525 user program. You must alsodefine this DB in the STEP 5 user program.

6.3 Processing the Data on the CP 525

titer the CPU has started an S’ML, (XL or PSL, the CP first checkswhether a header and/or trailer has been progged for the list.If ‘yes it requests the DB for the frame from the CPU - firstthe DB for the header and then the DB for the trailer.

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.,’. ,. : .,. . .


The DBs transferred from the CPU with SEND ALLO to 1.27) are buffered on the CP 525 until the

Printer PT88/PT89

(only da- wordscomplete list is

printed out. This ensures that the dynamic data of- the headertrailer remain the same during the output of the list (statusat the start of the list).

The CP 525 counts thelines as they are printed out on the printer. The CP 525 then


recognises the end of a page, adds the trailer and triggers aform feed to the next page where the header is then printed (ifprogrammed). With PSLs the header and trailer are only output atthe beginning and end of the list.

Example of frames with SML and CML:

new page

frame: header K


lineline n lines

k linesframe : trailer

new page

frame: header

The programmedpossible if no

ni lines

. . .

page length = i + n + k lines, where i, k = O isheader or trailer has been programmed.

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6.4 Limit Values for Frames

max. no. of frames: unlimited

can be started by CPU: no

mex. no. of lines per frsme: 9

max. length of a dynamic field in characters 80

max. no. of dynamic fields per frame line: 40

max. no. of dynamic fields in a frsme, theoretical *): 9*M

in the DBs for frames only the data words O to 127 are evaluated

*) In practice tiis nwnber depends on- the capaci~ of the mmry aubmdule

the aqacity of the DB (msx. 128 words)the = of dynamic data and their space requirmmts in theDBthe number of pieces the dynamic fields require in the listlines

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7 Update Sequential Message List

The function ‘update sequential message list (UPDATE SML) is usedwhen you want to change the dynamic values in list headers/ trai.l- ,-,,ers at cefiin times, (e.g. change of shift) while the SMLs are ..’’,:.. .., ..,W’

running. For example, you may want to change the name of theshift, or shift engineer, etc.

+--------------------------------------------------- +! s~q L4EN1 t ial message li St for : D2 .13. S7 at : C2: 2? pm !I I

! Early shift S 1, i $ t ~~~ g i ~~ ee fn : Bawnes J

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

ilz .13. E7 02: 2?: 26 pm Tan k 1 : m~;< . l~ve~ ~\~M ~ ~JG02.13.87 C12: 2?: 27 pm Tank i : overflow C!3MI NGEJ2. 13.87 02: ??: 29 pm Tank 1 : over flow SQ r~~C12. 13. S7 02: 29:30 p m Tan k 1 : ma:.:. level G(2 I N(3+--------------------------------------------------- i-

+--------------------------------------------------- -1-

! Sequential message 2 i st for : 02.13.27 at: 02:31 pm !I I

! Late shift Shift engineer : Richmond I“1 - - - —— ---- - ---- --- — - -———— -- - —- - -- - — ---- ---- — ---- ---- I

02!. 13.87 02: 31:03 pm Tank 1 : max. level C(W1 I NGD2 .13.87 CE!:31:CM pm TarIk 1 : max. level GOING

Fig. 10 &ample: update sequential message list

Basic informstion about S’lU:The sequential message list m have a list header and/or trailer(see Section 2.4). H you program a header and/or trailer, theyare printed out at the start and end of each new page and at thestart and end of the SML. If there are dynsmic values in theheader and trailer, P can select a DB as the data source forthese values, both for the header and for the trailer.


n.,. . ‘,.... +,,.



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., . ., . . ..---%

. . . . .

If the ML is started for the first time, the CP 525 requeststhese data blocks from the CPU and stores their contents. Thisguarantees -t within me SW the dynamic values of the headerand trailer are not changed. This also mans that the data blocksneed not be requested from the CPU for each SML job. This reducesthe load on the CPU end CP.

Update SML:If you wish to change the dynamic values for the list header andtrailer while an SML is running, you can have - ~ Wal=!ssent fran the CPU to the CP in DBs. You use the job UPMl!E SfLthat is triggered by the CPU when the CPU calls the handlingblock SEND DIRECT with a job mmber.

7.1 Processing the Job on the CPU

The dynamic values for the header and trailer of the SML arestored on the CPU in a DB (one for header and one for trailer,although it is possible toDB) .

If ~e CPU starts the job,updated values that are toSML. ImWliately after thethese DBs from the CPU.

have dynsmic values for both in -

the DBs must already cmtain theappear in the header/trailer of thestart of the job the CP 525 requests

The data exchange bemeen the CPU and the CP 525 is carried outby means of handling blocks as folluws:

- job “update SML”: ~ DIRKCT wi.~ job mnkr- transfer of the data blocksfrom the CPU to the CP 525: SO!m AT.L

More information on handling blocks can be found in the descrip-tion wS~ the hsndl~ blocks” in this manual and under /1/ inthe list of rekmnt documentation.




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7.2 Interface Between the CPU and CP 525

. The interface between the CPU and CP 525 is formed by me or txodata blocks. The numbers of these data blocksyou program the frame with COM 525. These DBsfined in the STEP 5 user program.

!~! With frames, only data words DW Oare evaluated.

are specified whenmust also be de-

to a mximum DW 127


7.3 Processing the Job on the CP 525

Your STEP 5 user program starts me ~~te SF&’ by s~q a

SEND DIRECT job with a job number to the CP 525. This job checkswhether a sequential message list with header and/or trailer hasalready been started. If this is the case, me job requests theDBs that you specified when programing the frame for this SML.The CPU transfers these with a SEND ALL to the CP 525. These DBs /@%contain the most recent dynamic values. The CP buffers - values


transferred (W O - DW 127 for each block). From tiis pointonwards these values are used as me source for the output ofdynamic values in the header/trailer of the SML.

So that you can recognise whether the dynamic values of theheader and trailer for the SML ha= been updated after theUPDATE SML has started the follcwing occurrs:

the previous messages of the SML are completed with the trailerwhich still contains the “old” dynamic waluesnew messages are output with the header which already containsthe ‘new” dynamic values. If you programed it, a form feed fcmthe beginning of the list is performed.



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8 Update Group Inhibit Bi-,.,..

Veryoftan a plant

-bestartedup-havemaintensnce- be switched off

is divided into various

work carried out, or

parts. These may

at different times. The corresponding messages and process sta-tuses are irrelevant during these times and only increase theload. While a part of a plant is starting up there are usually alot of disturbance messages since the plant is usually unstableduring the start-up phase.

For this reason it is possible to prevant the listing of suchmessages or process statuses by assigning each list line to agroq and release or inhibit tie listing of this group.

The messages are assigned to groups when pmgmmhg tie listswith G(M 525. There are DMX. 16 gxcmps per CP 525 ~available. Each of the 16 groups is assigned a bit in a defined&ta word. These bits are known as gcump inhibit bita (GIB) .

With the GIB’s you can control tie output of list lines.

GIB StStUS == 1:

GIB StStUS = O :

The groupany time.

PT-e ”.-.-. .

m --All messages and PSL lines which are assigned tothis group will not be listed.

group releasedAll messages and PSL lines which are assigned tothis group will be listed.

inhibit bits (GIB) can be set or reset by the CPU atThe update grasp inhibit bie job is available for this


Page 364: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

!IHIW?MW! After a cold restart carried out frcsn the PC andfollowing a SYNCHRON, the group inhibit bits on the CP 525 arereset, i.e. all groups are enabled.

8.1 Processing the Group Inhibit Bits on the CPU

TheSTEP5programmaintains the currentstatusofthegroupinhibit bits in a defined data word. Both the DW address snd theDBnumberhavealreadybeenprogrammed

- in the CP 525 user program (with COM 525)- in the STEP 5 ueer progrsm

By setting or resetting a group inhibit bit, a group can beinhibited or enabled at any time. The CPU sends the job ‘update- inhibit bits” to the CP 525 by IDSSUS of a SEND DIEUXX job.The CP 525 immediately requests the assigned DB frcm tie CPU. . . .

The data exchange between the CPU and the CP 525 is carried outby means of handling blocks:

job ‘update SML”: - DIRECT witi j6b mmbar

transfer of the DB from theCPU to the CP 525: Smm AIL

More information on handling block can be found in thedescription “Using the handling blocks” in this manual and mder/1/ in the list of relevant documentation.


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B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

,:. 8.2 Interface Between CPU and CP 525,’,,...’,. ,., :.... ,’ ...:.. ,,, ‘:.

,.,. . . . . . ...,, ..’

The interface between the CPU and CP 525 is the defined data wordin the declared data block. This contains the group inhibit bitsfor the 16 groups of messages. The following applies:

. .

DWnDR nw no”

DW = &a wordDL = left data byte of DWDR = right data byte of DWn = number of the data vord

Bit = 1 means message groupBit = O means message group

15 1413121110 9 815 14 . . . . 9 8

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 07 6 . . . . 1 0


8.3 Processing the Group Inhibit Bits on the C!P 525

Immediately after the SEND DIRECT job has been started the CP 525requests the da- block with the defined data wurd from the CPU.‘I’his sends the DB with a SEND AIL to the CP. !he CP 525 storesthe data word and interprets the contents iumwdiately as groupinhibit bits for the 16 groups.

The output of each list Mne is dependent on the statxs of theww Mbit bits for its group, which is ass~ed when pro-graming the list line.

..-.Inhibit bit = 1: list line or message not outputInhibit bit = O: list line or message output m PT88/PT89

Page 366: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


9 New Page


The CP 525 automatically initiates a ~ feed when the pro-_ed P$ge lexfi iS re$~d.

Your STEP 5 user program can also outpt a form feed at q tima.Using a SEND DIRECT job with a job number, the CPU starts the“new page” job on the CP 525,

Note: this job can only beccme effective as follows:

- when all the jobs in the queue of the CP 525 are processed- when all the texts previously trans ferred to the PP88/PT89 andbuffered in its input buffer are printed out

- when the printer head is not already at the s= of a page,i.e. the form feed has just been performed.

Purther information can be found in the example of an application“CP 525: event output and listing with the PT88/PT89 printer” inthis Inanual .

10 Resetting the Page Number

The CP 525 counts the list pages printed out on the PT88/PT89. Itbegins with page 1 after the CP 525 has been switched on, after acold restart of the interface, or after BREAK.

Your STEP 5 user program can reset the page counter on the CP 525to one at any tire. By means of a SEND DIRECT job, the CPU startsthe job ‘reset page number” on the CP. A form feed is automati-cally carried out at the same time.

Page 367: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 PrinterPT88/PT89

11 Print Attributes

Each list line (of an SK, CML or PSL) can be printed out indi-./-- -y

viduslly. You can select fran among the following print attrib-.+..,. utes when programming the lists with COM 525:

C = Compressed print = 17 characters per inch (instead of 10characters per inch)

E = Expanded print == double character width

B = Bold face

U = Underlined

A = Acoustic signal of the PT88/PT89

You can assign the print attributes individually to the staticparts of the list lines (fixed texts) as well as to the -CX (date, time, process variable).

The selected attributes are then valid as follows:

- for * *la list 13xu3 for all stat5c parts(if you selected these attributes when programhg the static


- ally for a prticd= fkld (within the line) for all ~

(if you selected these attributes when progmming the dynamic


The attributeThe following

‘compressed print” is mt allowed for dynamic parts.attributes are allowed:






1., fixed texts yes yes yes yes yes

dynamic texts I’@ yes yes yes yes

Page 368: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 Printer PT.88/PT89

You can combine the print attributes as you wish. The text isthen output according to the print attributes assigned to it.

Example: the attributes PXYlllB are assigned to a particular text.This text is then output as follows:

- in compressed print (C), however- with double character width (E)- in bold print (B)- underlined (U)- with the acoustic signal of the PT88/PT89 (A)

If dynsmic parts with theix own attributes are printed out withina static text, the attributes of the static tz are used againafter the dynamic part has been printed out.

11.1 Print Types

The FT88/PT89 can print out in two print types as follows:

normal print = 10 characters per inch

~ m = 17 characters per inch

11.1.1 leormal Prilm

Normal print = 10 characters per inch.Unless you select the print attribute *’C” (compressed print) thetext is printed out in normal print. In normal print with normalcharacter width you can print the following:

-mast imm 80 characters per line on a PT88-maxbum 136 characters per line on a PT89

Page 369: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 Printer PT88/Pl’89

Condensed print = 17 characters per inch.If you select the print attribute *’C”, the texts are printed incompressed prtit. In compressed print with normal character widthyou can print the following:

-msxhum 136 characters per line on a PT88- maximum 136 characters per line on a PT89

This attribute is accepted only by the PT.88/PT89 at the beginningof a line. It then remins valid for the whole line, i.e. forstatic and dynamic text.

‘lM PT88/PT89 can print out as follows:

- normal character width = character matrix 5 * 9 &ts- double character width = character nwsrix 2 * 5 * 9 dots

U..2.1 Hwxal LhmCter width

Unless you select the print attribute “Ew, We text is printedout in normal character width. A character is then represented bya 5 * 9 &t ~~cter ~trfi.

11.2.2 Dmble~ width (E)

If you select the print attribute “E”, the text is printed withdouble character width. Each dot in the character matrix isrepresented by two dots side by side. A character is then repre-sented by a 2 * 5 * 9 dot character matrix.


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B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

.. . . . . . . . :. ., ~.,

11.3 Bold Print (B)

With bold print, each character is printed more than once. Thereis, however, a difference between heavy print with the impactmatrix printer and heavy print with the inkjet printer.

. . .

11.3.1 Bold Print with tb Impact lhtrk Printer @eadle)

A bold face character is produced when the printer prints thecharacter three *.

11.3.2 Bold Print with tb Inkjet Printer

A bold face character is produced when the printer prints thecharacter twice.

11.4 Underlining (U)

If you select the print attribute ‘un&rlinedw (U), the text isunderlined. The underlining is part of the character. It isprinted on the bottom position of the character (ninth position).Spaces are also underlined.

Note: the tails of letters such as g, j, p, q beccaue unclear!-le: dogg7 becomes do-.

11.5 Acoustic Signal (A)

The attribute “A” triggers the acoustic signal of(lasts one seccmd). & CP 525 ensures thatonce per list line even if it is programedline (e.g. for several dynamic parts).

it isthe PT88/PT89triggered only

Page 371: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 P r i n t e r P’i’88/PIW

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B8576541-03 Rinter PT88/PT89

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Page 374: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 Rintez PT88/m!89

printclr model PT68 or PT$9

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B8576541-03 PzQlter PT88/Pm

Page 376: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 377: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 384: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 385: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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1 B8576541-03 Prhter P%88/PT89


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Page 388: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 389: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 390: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 391: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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B8576S41-03 Rinter PT88#PT89

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Page 404: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 408: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 409: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 410: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


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Page 411: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)
Page 412: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 413: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 414: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 415: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 416: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Page 417: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

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.i The string of numbers does not belong to the. . —. . ..:. . . . .,

0 1 2 3

Line 1Line 2Line 3Line 4Line 5

123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 678901234567

+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ------ -------- ------ ----+! ~ ~t 03 !! S%ift: ## Shift el@ne=r: #####H# !! --”: #w##x# -“: ####w !+------------------------------------------------------- !

The space required for this frame is the total of the

Memory required(h bytes)



basic requirementt (element header)line 1line 2line 3line 4line 5

sum for the entire frame

In ddition, there is also the space required fur the directory(according to 15.2.1).

,,., . . . .


Page 418: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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1 I@x for ‘i” (at and of 1*)3 bytes * apacea (C4xripmaaed]~ ‘ : ‘, ,.

line 2 Caim@ls no dynamic parts‘

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2e total fm Mm %?b

Page 419: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)
Page 420: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



The string

Line 1Line 2Iine 3Line 4Line 5


of numbers


does not belong to the

2 3

Printer PT88/PT89


4 5l23456789Ol23456789Ol23456789Ol23456789Ol23456789Ol234567

t----------------------------------------------------- +

? Q==Y=~t 03 !! S&t: ### SLift el@laer:##m##u# !

! --”: #### “==”: ##w !f-- ---- - ----- ------ -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- ---- ---- - - ---- - !

The space required for this frame is the lm-1 of the

- required(in bytes)



basic requirement (elemant header)line 1line 2line 3line 4line 5

sun for the entire frame

In addition, there is also the space requixed for the directory(according to 15.2.1).

,—..‘.., -,,,,.,


Page 421: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

,,., . . . , , . . !.

B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

Ixne 5:

+------------------------------------------------------ +

Memory required(in bytes)





basic requirementstatic text

1 me for “+” (at start of l~e)1 Me for “+” (at end of l~e)3 -es for “-w (compressed)line 1 contains no dgnamic parts

total for line 5 (identical to line 1)

Page 422: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


‘. “:, .,. . . . . . . ....,., , ‘f;~::.;.i

> ,,. .::. :’ Line 3:,. , .-.. ,:. -., .: ,; .,.:7,:: .- ... ., ,.J Shift: ## Shift eJ@suwm, ..-.., .,$ . . ,.,.,;, -,. . . ~. ,.~. ,~., . ., .’ . . . .. . . .. ,. , : . ., ,, ..-,.

,,. Mmory required For+. (in bytes)

5. . 33




Lina 4:

Printer PT88/PT89


basic requirements-tic textllbytesforw! 8hift: w18 bytes for w Shift engineer: “1 me for “!” (at fie~d)3 bytes for spaces (compressed)

for the tm dynamic field18 bytes for field 1 (process variable BYTE)18 bytes for field 2 (process variable CHAR)

total for line 2

! rote”: ###f# -“: ###### !



basic requirementstatic text10 bytes for “! ‘date”: mIO bytes for “ “time”: w

l~e for “!” (at end of l~e)3 bytes for spaces (compressed)

for the two dynamic fields13 bytes for field 1 (DATE frcm DB)13 bytes for field 2 (TIME &cm DB)

55 I total for line 3

Page 423: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 PCJobs

PC jobs are started by & CPU using theif job numbers. Thefollowing are PC jobs:


Sequential message list SMLRocessstams list PSLChained list CLCurmntmessagelist CKLupdate SMLUpdate group inhibit bits (GIB)New pageReset page mnnber

Printer PT88/PT89

The memory space required for the sequential message list (SML)is ob-ined by the following:

,.,.,.’ ,.

,,, ..’ ,. Memory required For.,,, (in bytes)

182 x (i + 1)k+l12127


basic requirement (elemnt header)list header (i = no. of chars. in frame name) *list trailer (k = no. of chars. in frame ~ ) *column no. , attributes, order ‘date” *column no. , attributes, order “time” *column no. , attributes and no. of charactersin the texts for 3 sta-es (attributes) of themessages:1 = no. of char. in text for status “caning” *m = no. of char. in text for status “going” *n = no. of &r. in t= f= s~~

I “acknowledged” *



optional, depends on proggraudng

memory requirements for the directory must be added to thisin 15.2.1).

115. . . .... .....-, .+a.tiw ..=.,-w-...,,+ e....., . . ..,. ....,w=.,~<.Am *.,.~m...w. &=.,.,, ~,..:,.=, `*<,,..,,*,,,:.., ,,&i*#,.wJ4,.,. ,;,. i,...,., .., -., . . . . . .



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2. Roceas Staals list PsL

The memory requirements for a FsL are obtained by the following:


Memory required For(in bytes)

262 x (i + 1)2 X (k + 1)Sum L

basic requirement (element header)list header (i = no. of chars. in frame name) *list trailer (k = no. of chars. in frame -) *sum of the memory required for the individualPSL lines (L)(msx. 99 lines per PSL possible)this is calculated using the same formula asfor individual frame lines (see

The memory requirement for the directory must be added to thesets (as in 15.2. 1).requireman

=-v —l———= f= *

The memory requirements forcakulated according to thelines use:

I- required For(in bytes)

isdiwidual = Ureas (L)

the individual FSL lines can besame table that the individual frame



nsum D

basic requirement per line if the line is mtassigned to a group

~ic r~nt per l~e ~ ~ l~e ~assigned to a groupn characters static textsum of the memory requirements for all thedynamic variables of a frame line


To save space the static texts are automatically compressed byC(X4 525; i.e. , more than three identical successive charactersoccupy only three bytes of memory!

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- re@r~*->.,, . . . . . .’ ...::.. ..”. ‘ ..,,,.:, di$ferent depending

Printer PT88/PT89

fatk~~ina PSL line

for the dynamic variables in a PSL line areon the qpe of variable. You mn calculate

the requirements by using the following able:

Memory required(in bytes)




6 + n8

basic requirementdate or timeprocess variableprocess stitus variable:nl = no. of chars. in text for process stems 1n2 = no. of chars. in text for process status 2

n8 = no. of chars. in text for process status 8

space is required only for process stamsesthat have been ~d!


These memory requireutents are always the maximm space required;they take into accoun t the following:- date always DMY and source ‘DBW- time always HIuS and SOUrCe “DB”- changes of attributeaddress in DB greater then 99 (3 digits)

By reducing any of these you can saw space.


. .. . .,,


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Since there is very little difference between PSLS and the framein terms of structure you can simply use the example given forcalculating the memory requirements for the frame.

Included in

list header yes nolist trailer yes nojob number yes noDB number yes yes

Assign the following to the PSL:

list header: the frame “HEAD1”list trailer: the frame “TBAIl”job number: “135”


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-k (the string of numbers does not belmg to the example)

.. .“,

,, ..., 0 1 2 3 4 5.,, -.. ~ ..:.,..,., :.,. l23456789Ol23456789Ol23456789Ol23456789Ol23456789O~34567t----------------------------------------------------- -+

~ ~~t 03 !

! sift: ## shift engimer:###f#H# !

! mme”: ##### -“:##i#w !

t ------------------------------------------------------ !

The space required for this PSL is the total of the following:

Memoryre@xed(in bytes)




basic requirement (element l=-=)list header (2 x 5 = 2 x no. of chars. “Hl%m”)list trailer (2 x 5 = 2 x no. of chars. “Ml”)line 1line 2line 3line 4line 5

sum for the entire PSL

For calculating the memory requirments of the indiwblual PSLlines see the example of the frame (Section

. .. . . .

,,. ,

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. . .’ ,, . . . . . . . ,,.

3. tlMilMd list (CL)

The memory requirements for the chained list are obtained fromthe following:

Fkmory required(in bytes)


I For

8l+nll+n2.1 + n8

basic requirement t (elementnl = no. of char. for namen2 = no. of char. for name

~)of 1st chained PSLof 2nd chained PSL

* = no. Of ChSr. for me

if there are fewer thsn 8

of 8th chained PSL

PSI.S chained, thememry requirements are reduced accordinglye.g. with 2 PSIs only (1 + nl) + (1 + ti)

(asmemory requirementin 15.2.1).

for the directory mst be added to this

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— --- .- . - -.

The menmry requirementsfrom the following:

IMemory required For(in bytes)

Printer PT88/PT89

for the current message list are obtained

20 basic requirement (element header)2xi list header (i = no. of chsr. in frame name) *2xk list trailer (k = no. of char. in frame name) *

(asIIWIKWY =@--tin 15.2 .1).

5. UPum 94L

for the directory must be added to this

for the job “UPDATE 8MLn is the following:

The memory requirement for the directory must be added to this(as 3n 15.2.1).

Page 430: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


6. UPM!CE_~


ement for the job~~- WPDA15? GIB” is as follows:

Memory requixed For(in bytes).

24 total requirement

~ ~ re~ment for the directory must be added to this(as in 15.2.1).

7. lmx Pm

The memory requirement for the job ‘NEW PAGE” is as follows:

IMemory required For(in bytes)

1.2Itotal requirement

~ ~ re-ement for the directory must be added to this(as in 15.2.1).


Suppose that PAGE NUMBER = 1

~ ~ re~ement ~r the job “PAGE NUMBER = 1“ is asfollows :

IMemory required For(in bytes)

u I total requirement

(as-=Y =-ement for thein 15.2.1).



must be added to this

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16 Special Jobs Carried Out by the CPU

Sectim 16 contains informstion about the following:

- the error message aree of the SYS’MT- the i&ntification area SYS~the reading and writing of the date and time

16.1 Reading the Error Message Area of the SYSTAT

The error message area of the SYSTAT is a data area in the dual-port RAM of the CP 525. After the CP 525 recognises an error, itentars the corresponding error number in the error message areaof the SYSTAT. You decide how the CPU is to react in your STEP 5user program on the CPU.

The CPU reads the error ~ axea of the SYSTAT for the speci-f ied CP interface by means of the job

The area in the CPU (destination area) to whiCh the error messagearea is to be transferred, is fixed when you assign parameters tothe RECEIVE DIRECT 200 data block. The destination length must beat least two words.

RECEIVE DIRECT 200 is =ecuted only when an error number has beenentered in the error message area of the ~, since mly thenis the bit “RWEIVE - job ready” set in the ANZW (bit O).

Note: in some cases (e.g. , if no SNCHRON has been run or ifs~-up errors occurred in the CP 525) the error message areacannot be read by RECEIVE DIRECT 200 (cf. note in 16.3).

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~txre of



sre catered in the error messsge ares they sreIf error numberslocsted (sfter they have been read by RECEIVE DillECT 200) in theselected srea in the CPU (e.g. in the dsta block)../,


This diagram is explained on the following psge.

. .

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Byte Bit status Significance

byteo bit 3 0 no error in SYSTAT (not foil.ouingm executed RECEIVE DIRECT 200)

1 error entered in SYSTATnote: this bit is always set if thereis an error entry - i.e. with thisyou can check whether data weretransferred with RECEIVE D3RBCT 200

bit 2 0 no error overflow (max. 3 error(0) entries)

1 error overflow (more than 3 errors)

bit 1 0 no BREAK currently cm the interface

0)1 BREAK on the interface

note: bit 1 only shows the instantan-eous status and does not always meanan error. The error status BREAK isdetermined only by tie error numberin DRO, D13 and DBl. ‘Ihe current= StatUS can Cdy be indicatedhere 3f the interpreter and procedureare loaded and have been started! !

bit O 0 printer ready to receive

m) 1 printer not ready to receive longerthan 1 minute (in XOFF state)possible causes: - no paper

- printer offline-no ink

bit 7,6, 5, 4 irrelevant

yte 1 error number 1yte 2 error number 2yte 3 error number 3

00 = no error



Q...,,. . .

. :,..+

For more information on error messages please see Section 17.


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Example of a comand sequence within a STEl 5 user program forthe CPU 992 (R processor) is as follows:

.. .:0 F 1.0:ON F 1.0::Ju FB121

. . NAM E:RECEIVESSNR: KYo,oA-NR: KY0,200Aml: PwLoZTXP: KSDBDBNR: KYO,1OZANF: KF’+1ZIAE: KP+2Pm: FY5::C DB1O:AN D 1.11:JC 41001. .:... .i.:.: XI FB124NAME: RESETSSNR: K!m,oA-NR: KY0,200PAFE: FY6::C DB1O:L KHOOOO:T DWl:T DW2

.-.Mool ! .

: etc...:BE











to initiate the reading out fmu SYSTATresult of logic operation mmt = ‘1”

data transfer only in error entryinterface number Ofixed job number for reading SYSTAT

&st. for error numbers is DB1Ofrom data word 12 data worde

test bit 3 of group bytejump if no error entered

an error was entared, i.e. the SYSTATregister on the CP 525 should be resettith RESEI DIRECT 200 (see followingpages)

reset error entry in DB



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16.2 Resetting (Clearing) the Error l@ssageArea

The CPU resets the error message area of the 8T8TAT (according tointerface numbers) with the job

- DIRECT 200

AU the entries are then cleared with the exception of the BREAKbit (B).

!RIRXUMT!: the error message area of the SYSTAT is not clearedby a SYNCHRON call.

The CP 525 can enter up to three error numbers in the errormessage area. Her errors cannot be signalled, unless the‘old” entries have been cleared. For this reason the errormassage area must be reset in good time by a B38ET D18ECT 200.

The destination area in the CPU must also be reset.

16.3 Reading the Whole SYSTAT

In addition to reading the error message area of the STSTAT, thewhole SY8TAT of the CP can be read by means of the job


The area read then contains the error messages for both inter-faces (in bytes 4 to 10). This job can only be executed if thereare no error numbers entered. A destination length greater thanor equal to 16 bytes (8 words) is necessary.

Note: in some cases, (e.g., no sYNCHRON executed or error duringthe start-up of the CP 525), the SYST!4T cannot be read by meansof RECEIVE DIRECT 221. It must then be read directly fran thedual-port RAM (fraa address F660H).


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The area

-, .-.

. .


Byte O















with this job is structured

1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1



follows :

oL - - l

irrelevant I m I ‘]irrelevant

sign of life

irrelevant 1-

E2 02 I B2 I M I El I 01 I B1 Rl

error number 1 IFl

error umber 2 IFl

error number 3 IPl

error number 1 IP2

error nmber 2 IF2

error number 3 IP2


The individual bits or bytes have the following significance:

= 1 mde selector switched to RJJNSTOP = 1 mde selector switched to STOP

= 1 mde selector switched to RRSign of life: this byte is incremented by 8 at regular intemmlsOnthecp


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Bytes 4 to 10 cover(see Section 16.1 -SYSTAT) .

the error messageReading the error

Printer PT88p89

area for both interfacesmessage area of the

Error mssage area for IFl: bytes 5 to 7 and byte 4 (bits O to 3)“..,,-:+$!?’

Error messa~e area for IF2: bfies 8 to 10 and bpe 4- (bits 4 to7)

16.4 Reading the SYSID

h identification area is specified on each CP 525. Informationis written into the identification area SYSID of the CP 525;i.e. ,

- the- the-the

you can find information about the following:

modulememory submoduleinterface assignman t etc.

. . . . .,,

BYmeans of the job


the CPU can read the SYSID of the CP 525.

This is possible providing the field length is greater tiun orequal to I-28 bytes; i.e. , the BIGR parameter in the SYWHRON isKY 0,4 / KY 0,5 / KY 0,6.

A destination length greater than or equal to 128 bytes is alsonecessary.

If the field length is less than 1.28 bjmes the message ‘completedwith errors” and the error number 7 is entered in the status byteand the nmber IE in the error message area of the SYSTAT. TheSYSID area is not then transferred.

,,,. . -.. .L

Note: the SYSID can also be read directly from the dual-port RAM;i.e. , without handling blocks (from address F680H). For more in-formaticm refer to the manual for your PC.

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Smtxme of the Mam5fma- tiulareasxsID‘.”,

. The SYSID contains a number of parameters that identify the CP.

-h ~ter fi ~leted ~~ =@ge rem (~ = ~H) -also counted in the byte specification. Parameters not assignedconsist simply of CR. sane psramaters have a different signifi-cance depending on the memory submdule types. All the parameters

are represented in ASCII.

With the CP 525 these parameters are structured as follows:





o to 9

I 10 to 18

2 I 19 to 21

3 22 to 41


5 to 9. . . .

,> 10

42 to 50

51 to 55

56 to 64

, . .. .. .,, -.. . ... - . .. .. .+. .,. . ----------- . . . . . . . . . . ..


Mean. suhodule identi.fier/capacky:EPROM:


e.g. for order * r6ES5373-0M41Shmm as :373 -0AA41memory capacity of the submd.RAM XXXKWe.g. xom = 64

Module identifier:CP 525-2 / CP 524

Version of the CP firmare

Plant designation:EPROM: designation of programmed

plantRAM: replaced by space (20H)

Generated m:EPROM: date of EPROM progmmingRAM: replaced by space (20H)

not used with CP 525

PROM 525 - version:PROM 525 =w~ v- for

EPRQM sdmodulesEPROM: PROM 525 - versionRAM: replaced by space (20H)


Page 439: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


Interface 1



Interface 2




65 to 6768 to 7677 to 7980 to 8889 to 91


92 to 9495 to 103

104 to 106107 to 11.5116 to 118



Printer PT88/PT89

c~t weinterpreter name (*)interpreter versionprocedure name (*)procedure version


c~t %=interpreter name (*)interpreter versionprocedure nsme (*)procedure versionend Mantifier ETX(03H)





P3964Rml .-”,.,,

* . - of ~terpreter ~ procedure correspond to the &s@-nations in the (X)M library

If the interface is not assigned, the parameters specific to theinterface are replaced by spaces (20H).


Page 440: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


16.5 CP 525: Reading and Writing

Printer PT88/PT89

the Date and Time

A CP 525 must be designated either time master or time slave.

m Slave: after powering up, the Cp mcts at f~st = a t*slave. It can update its own date and the time; how--, the CPU cannot read this.

Time mater: the xuster provides tie system time; i.e., it mustbe able to make this available at any time.

If the CPU wishes to synchronu- e the CPs (at regu-lar internals or when certain events occur), itreads the system time frm the time master and setsall the time slaves to this time. ‘his relievas thetime slaves of urmecessary updating tasks.

The CPU can set the date and time on a CP 525 at any time. Itcan, however, read the date and time of the CP 525 only if thelatter has been designated time master.


. . . . . . .

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The date/timestructured as

area transferred duringfollows :


Printer PT88/PT89

or reading, is

k # IByte Significance

o bit O: master id. 1 = mastero = slave

1 0

2 1/10 s 1/100 s

3 s

4 min

5 h

6 day

7 month


9 0

~;.,. .-..,.

!!2!+.: .,,.,,,.. .

In a word transfer, byte O corresponds to the left half of thefirst data word; ~ 1 the right half of the first data word.The date and time &e coded in BCD.

‘l’he accuracy of the C1O* is 1/~0 S. This means that1/100 s in byte 2 of the date/time area is always O.time is written, the 1/100 s are not accepted.

the positionwhen the


,. .,,


. . .,,,,

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The job number 218 is fixed on the CP 525 for the jobs “read /write date and tine”.

. . .: .,, , ,. . . . . , .., . ;.; ~. .—”.

SO!mmRlmT 2.1.8

Using this job, the CPU declares the CP as master or slave. Atthe same time the CPU can also transfer theCP.

Whether the CPU transfers the date snd timelength specified (QIAE = length of the dam

QIAE = 1-

&te and time to the

** on the sourcetobe transferred):

The CP 525 is declared as master/slave by means of the contantsof bit O (least significant bit) in the f fist byte; master: bit OE 1 / SISVe : bit O = O.

During the start-up or in a warm restart of the CPU, the 8ENDDIRECT 218 vith QIAE = 1 and master bit = 1 for the CP which isto be master mat be called up. The date and time on the CP 525are not changed by


The CP is declared

QIAE = 1.

as master/slave by means of the rester identi-f ier and the date and time are transferred.

Remember that when transferring the time to a master which is toremain as master, you mst set the msster identifier.

You should also take into account that the date and time areadopted by the CP cmly during the handshake (synchronization *inputs or after reading a different clock).

Note: the source area from which the data are transferred to theCP should be a data block.

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The CP 525 can be declared as time rester on one or both inter-faces. The date and time can only be read on the interface onwhich the CP is declared as master.

If the CP is declared as xuster on an interface and then as slaveon the other interface, the CP becomes time slave on both inter-faces. For vie, the following situation occurs: when thedate/time from the first interface is read, the error number IFis entered in SYSTAT. When the second interface is read, thehandshah is not carried out, since the bit ‘RECEIVE - job ready”in the ANZW (bit O) is not set. No error message is output.

A SYNCNRON does not influence the master-slave function.

By Uieans of this job the CPU can read the date and time from theCP (if the CP has already been declared time master with SENDDIRECT 218.

The destination length must be five words. Again the destinationarea should be a data block.

,.... +... . .

Note: the data read tmly has meaning if the date and time havebeen set at least once since the module was plugged in (with SENDDIRECT 218; length: five words).


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17 Error Handling,.. . ., ,.. - . :, : ..’, ~

Errors recurring while the CP 525 is operat~ with the PT88/-..:’?,.., ;,:%:;..;.:,,., ,. PT89 can have different causes as follows:

on the PT88/PT89 (e.g. )

no more paperno more inkprinter offlineprinter switched off

in the link between the CP 525 and PT88/PT89 (e. g.)

cable disconnectedcable defectwrong cable

on the CP 525 (e. g.)

wrong memory submduleno mmorg submdule plugged injob not programmedmemory subodule not programederror in user programhardware faultoverflow of message FIFO

on the CPU of the PC (e. g.)

incorrect data (various causes possible)error during data exchange between CP 525 and CPU

Errors detected by the CP 525 are signalled to the CPU with asmuch detail as possible. You how the CPU is to rut inP m 5 program on the CPU (for more details see gection 16).

{“--%,,, .:,

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You can for example have the following:

an error message printed out on the PT88/PT89 - possibly viaanother CP 525 or via the other interface of the same CP 525the errors displayed with messages on a monitor (e.g. ; with theCP 526)

- the job repeated

If there is a BRINK on the ccmnectionhas been withdrawn or is defective or

line, i.e. either the cablethe printer is switched

off, all incming jobs are aborted with ~ BREAK error.

Errors are signalled to ym by the following:

- an error number in the- an error number in theblock

- an error number in tie

W byte of the handling block (l.)condition codeword AISUJ of the bandling

(2.)error message area of the SXSWF (3.)

1. * ~ TmdMir indbe PAFsbyte oftk2h8ndliq block (mm)

The PAPE byte is a parameter you specify when an HDB is called.The handling blocks write to the PAFE byte if serious errorsoccur in connection with a CP or if parameters are incorrectlyspecified, H you receive a PAFE error number, this means thatthe data ~e be?xeen the CPU and the CP either is notstarted or was aborted.

A detailed description of the PAFE byte errcm messages can befound in the &scription ‘Using the handling blocks” in thishandbook.

!IMHRTMT!: after transferring a part of a program from the PCto the CP, the error numbers 91.H and CIH can occur even if thereis no error. If this occurs on your system, first repeat the jobaffected.




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2. me ~mmbers inthecxmditim CC&uJrdm

Theconditioncodawor d ANZW is also a parameter you specify whencdl- an HDB. With direct jObS (SEND DIRECT, FETCH DIRECT,RECEIVE DIRECT), AN2W indicates whether the job is running or wascaupleted. If the job was completed with an error, an errornmber is entered in bits 8 to U. in the ANZW. Bit 3 is also set:“job terminated with error”.

!IMHXfMT!: an error nmber is only entered in AIUW if the erroroccurred during the processing of a DIRECT job!

Since only four bits are available for the error numbers in ABUW,one error number normally indicates one of several error states.Because of the limited number of error numbe!rs, the ANzw issuitable for evaluation by the STEP 5 user program.



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The errors are distinguished by the various sources of error asfollows :


S0. for ANZM Source

1 to 6 error in data exchange between CPU and CP 525

7 system error at the start of job processing

job cannot be executed, not progranme d cm theCP

error triggered by handling block

data block cmtains errors

9 uverflow of tie message FIR)

A errors in tie dynamic prts in the PSL andframe

F errors in the data exchange between CP 525 andPT88/PT89

Descriptions of the errors can be found in the tables on thefollowing pages.

IUote: a status byte is reserved in the dual-port MM for each ofthe 223 possible jobs. If the CP detects an error in connectionwith a DIRECT job, it writes the error number and the bit “ jobterminated with error” in the status byte of the correspcmdingjob in the dual-port MM. To have the job stalxs shown in thecmdition codeword, either- the CONTROL HDB in the STEP 5 program must be called with thecorresponding job number in the cycle (OB1), or

- the DIRECT job (SEND DIRWI) must be called with the command .Jtland Eu@O.

See also the description “Using the handling blocks” in thismanual.

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The error message area of the SYSTAT is a data area in &e dual-port RAM, which can be read by the CPU using the special jobRECEIVE DIRECT 200. For each interface the error message area ofthe SYSTAT covers three error message bytes and an additionalstatus byte. A detailed description can be found in Section 16“Special jobs carried out by the CPU”.

AU errors recognised by the CP are entered in the error messagearea of the SYSTAT. If the error occurs in cmnecticm with aDIRECT job, an error mmiber is also entered in the conditimcodewwrd.

The error entry in the SYSTAT is so detailed that it is particu-larly auitable for ~t error analysis during commissioning. Aprogr-d evalutim of individual error numbers is dsopossible.

The special job RECEIVE DIRECT 200 should be called up in OB1 toread the error message area in the SYSTAT during the coumissbn-@ Phase. YOU can recognize the occurrence of errors by bit O inthe ANZW of the RECEIVE DIRECT 200 being set @ 1 by the CP.These error numbers are then copied into the data block specifiedas a parameter. If a prograamer is coxmected to the CPU of thePC, you can display the errors directly on the monitor in theoperating mode ‘STATUS variable” or WXV1’ROL variable”.

To clear the error entries in the SYSTAT, call the special jobRESET DIRECT 200 (for more de-ils see Section 16).

.. .,+

Page 449: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


The errors arefollows:

according to the

Printer FT88/PT89

various causes as

No. for SYSTA!T

1 to 14

15 to IF

20 to 2E

30 to 35


50 to 54

BO to B8


Doto FF


error in data exchange between CPU snd PC

system error at the s- of job processing

job cannot be executed

error triggered by handling block

errors in data block

errors in the dynamic parts in PSL and frame

error in the job list

error processing the nwsages

error in data exchange belxeen PG and CP

hardware error m the module

error in the data exchange between CP andlT88~89

The following tables provide a detailed description of the errormmbers - bed acc=* tO tie numbers for ANZW

- arranged according to the numbers for SYSTATand hnr m & & ~!

190ta: the mmbers of the error messages are given as hexadecimalmhles !


Page 450: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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17.1 Error Messages for SYSTAT and ANZW - I&rangedAccording to the Numbers for ANZW

No. for





- - - -4H

- - - -5H



- - - -02H

- - - -03H

- - - -04H

- - - -05H



~ assiggml?sm ~-ted by the CPU of tw m, amiSigmlled by tile CP

a) Source/dest. type illegal area (startad&ess, length)illegal (negative mlue)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) DB/DX not ~esent or illegal

(e.g. DBO, DB1, DXO)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c) hea too short:

(start address + length) > area

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) Access to area not possible for

user:e.g. hardware memry too small

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e) Wong condition codeword:~q Msssge for all errorsattributable to this ANZW

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Check parametercorrect.

--------check parameterblock.- - - - - - - -

check parameterdata block/area.

--------check parauleter(modules).

- - - - - - - -

assignment on CPU and

-----------assigment m CPU and

-----------assignment on CPU and

-----------assigm’ent on CPU and


CP and if

- - - - -


- - - - - - - -CP, if necessary set up


CP i f

- - -


necessary check

-------..-CP - check hardware

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Check whether conditicm codeword is valid(see documentation for appropriate PC and processor type).


. . .


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No. for





- - - -llH

- - - -


- - - -




Error code from the CPU to the CP,which the CP csnnot interpret— orRrurs &@?cted by Ce daring dataexcbazge CPU <—> CR

a) Timeout for handshake on CP

- - or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) ALL job without request or direct

job despite overload- - or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c) Wrong sequence for handshake bym

- - or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) Illegal job type or illegal job

number (>223) for direct job

-- or - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -e) Illegal acknowledgementt fran CPU

durimg handshake



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., .-..... ’{,< ?’ .:.....: . . . Evaluate PM% in hsndling block (SEND D= or SEND ALL),.

Check STEP 5 program,e.g. , CPU in stop stste or SEND ALL job missing.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -check STEP 5 progrem,e.g. , errors in hendling block.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Check STEP 5 wogrem, e.g., errors in hendlhg block.

---------------------------------Check STEP 5 progrem, e.g., incorrect perimeters for bsndlingblock. (Eveluete PAE’E in handling block SEND DIRECT or SEND AIL).

----------------------------------check STEP 5 progrem,e.g. , errors in handling block.

. . . . . .

. . . .




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No. for










-~ at start & jobP=-*:

a) Number of direct jobs that can beprocessed simultaneously toolarge for CP 525

- - or - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -b) Current job was terminated with error

status hen CP was cold restarted(power on) or cold res-rted from PG

--or ---------- ----- - - - -C) Area is masked by STEP 5 ~am

(bit 7 h ANZW = 1)- - or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) Field length for **read SYSIDW

(RMEIVE DIRECT 223) too small

- - or - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - -e) ‘Read date/time” (RECEIVE

DIRECT 218) illegal, CP is setas time slave

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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Modify STEP 5 program so that maximum 10 direct jobs nznsimultaneously.

---------------------------------There is no remedy with power on. When cold the CPfrom the PG you should make sure that no mre CPU jobs arerunning before writing to an interface. The SYNCBMN HDB clearsthe job stamses in the dual-port-RAM but not the SYSTAT entry!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Check STEP 5 program.

---------------------------------For SYNCHRON the field length should be greater than or equal to128 bytes or do without ‘Read SYSID” (data are nevertheless

-.. available in the dual-port RAM).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Before reading the date/time, the CP must be designated as master(see Section 16) - setting applies to this mdule ! ~eck whetherthe CP has been set to slave on the other interface.

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No. for




--- -21H

--- -22H

--- -23H

- - - -24H



a) A job triggered by a SENO DIRECT hasnot been programme d m the CP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b)


CHAINED LIST (CL) :File not present on CP 525.In a CL the individual PSb to becnmput are specified using their nsmes.One or more of the PSL’s specified in *eCL is/are not on the CP 525.o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - -MESSAGE:The message is marked as beingit does not, however, exist.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




on the CP


No fram (list header/trailer) has been

pr~ ~ the ~.m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -The job “update SUN c.anxmt be executed,because no SML has, as yet, beentriggered on the CP 525.

q.... , ; .;,,


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. . . .


- Wrong job number on CPU + correct STEP 5 programor

- Wrong job number on CP + correct CP 525 program- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Transfer missing PSM to CP 525or

- Correct CL program, i.e., delete the PSI.S not on the CP fromthe CL


- Delete messages on the CP and transfer again.

----------------------------------- Program frame and transfer to CP 525

- ‘&am SML without frame and transfer- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

:ti SML (if it does not already exist) and transfer to the

- Trigger SML from the CPU using its job number and start “updateSMLw again



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No. for


No. forSYSZ4T


28H--- -29H

--- -

--- -2BH


--- -2DH

--- -


f) The * selector on the front of theCP 525 is set to STOP/PGR; the CP 525is in the wait state - PC jobs cannotbe processed

a) The PC job is not a SEND job- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) Rmction illegal

- R/W functim illegal or- instead of SEND DIRECT with parametersthere was a SEND DIRECT without paras.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

C) No data block or DB-No. < 3;for &ta transfer to the CP cmly theQTYP DB with a DB-No. >2 is permitted

-----------------------d) DB start address (QANF) not O or

source length (QTAE) > 256 Datenworte

Errors in data W.ock:

a) Syntax error in DB M-RECORD- DID not 33H- unknown parameter qpe (in area:

9< ~ter We < ~ illeg~)- body length not correct- length transferred < body length (DRO)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) DB M 01.lNEW: length transferred <255

data wordsorContents of W 253 and/or DW 254 notcorrect

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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Remedy, ..- t ..,:. . . ~,, . .,, ,:;,,

- Do not send any new PC jobsor

- Switch selector to RSJN

Correct- - - -Correct

STEP 5 program.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- correct paremeter assignment of HDB-SMLand CMLrw a SEW DIRECT with







Correct STEP 5 progrsm.

Check stmclxre of DB M-RECORD and cmxect.

--------------------------------Correct DB M OLDNEW or transfer with correct length: DB M-OIDNEWmust include the lower limit of the message nmbers in DW 253and in DW 254 the nmber of words containing bits to triggermessages


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,, ‘N


No. for


No. forSYSTAT Description

c) Update group inhibit bits:&eda&bl&k containing thedatxawordwith the group inhibit bits vastransferred with a length less than theDB address progrannnad with C(JM 525.


. . . . . .


,. ,,

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- Transfer DB with correct lengthor

- Correct DB address vith CCM 525



‘ .,,




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No. fox





~ ~ ==we -:

The messages in DB M RECORD transferred tothe CP 525 cannot be entered in the messageFIPO since this has not yet been emptiedby printing out the messages(max. 1.28 entries possible!).

Causes:- printer is not ready to receive

(the error number OE2H or OETH has beenentered in SYSTAT)

- messages are arriving more quickly thanthe printer can print them out

- a long list which csnnot be interrupted isbeing printed out

f-’., . . . . .

. . . -,. ,



Page 463: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Correct and send DB M RECORD again.


Printer PT88/PT89

. .

printer switched on? cable plugged in?

PW ~ ~? M run out? printer Offlfi?

find UIt why SO manyreduce the number


wait and then send DB Mbe processed after this

and take action to

RECORD again; furtherlist has been printed

messages can onlyout.


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No. for




--- -31H

--- -32H

--- -33H

- - - -34H

--- -35H






wrong output formt in PSL (data source:da- block from the CPU)

or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -wrong output format in FRAME

or--------- -----------Value for variable type ‘process s~tus”outside range of values ( OC==AIJJK= 7)(data source: data block from the CPU)or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -PSL: the DB address of an output fieldis outside the area of the data whichwere transferred by the CPU. The DBaddress indicates invaltd datao r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Fhme: the DB address of an output fieldis outside the eras of the data-whichwere transferred by the CPU. The DBad&ess indicates invalid data

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -f) Recess status variable: tbe DB address

of a process status variable is outsidethe area of the data which weretransferred by the CPU. The DB addressindicetes invalid deta

. . . . . . . . .,,



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Check the formt parameters for the dynamic fields of the PSLwith C(3M 525 and if necessary correctCheck the ccmtents of the DB on the CPU si& and corxect- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -check the formlt parameters for the dynamic fields of the *with CX)M 525 and if necessary correctCheck the contents of the DB on the CPU- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The contents of the data IR3rd in the datathe specif%ed rsnge of values

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Match the DB addresses of the dynamicthe data blockMatch the length of the data block on

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Match the DB addresses of the dynamicthe data blockMatch the length of the data block m

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

side and correct- - - - - - - - - - - -block must not exceed


field to the length

the CPU

- - - - - - - - - -field to the length

the CPU

- - - - - - - - - -Match the DB ad&ess of the dynamic field to the length ofthe data blockMatch the length of the data block on the CPU


- - -of

- - -

. . . . . . . . .




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,, -. ~ ~..

No. for






Rzur in dataPllJ8/mJ9:


lineControl character BREAK cm the


,, ..,.,

.. .’,..,.

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Causes: - cable defect- cable not plugged in- printer not present- printer switched off—> check and wrrect


. .

Page 468: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


17.2 Error Messages for

No. for







Arraqed Ac&

No. for





- - - -4H

- - - -5H

- - - -6H


Printer PT88/PT89

ANzw -to Nos. for SYSTAT

~ter ass- ~detectd by the cm of * x, adSiglmned by the CP

a) Source/dest. type illegalarea (start address, length)illegal (negative value)

-----------------------b) DB/DX not present or illegal.

(e.g. DBO, DB1, DXO)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c) Area too small:

(start address + length) > area

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) Access to area not possible for

user:e.g. hardware memry too small

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e) Wrong cond%ticm codeword:WW =ssage for all errors attributableto this condition codeuord

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -f) Error indicated by PC to the CP, which

cannot be interpreted by CP






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- Check parameter assignment on CPU and CP and if necessarycorrect.

---------------------------------- Check parameter assigment on CPU and CP, if neoessary set upblock.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Check parameter ass@==t ~ cm ~ ~ ff nec==w **data block/area.

---------------------------------- Check parameter assignment on CPU and CP - check hardware


---------------------------------Check whether condition codeword is valid(see documentation for a~opriate PC and processor qpe).


Evaluate PAFE in block on the CPU.




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No. for

. . . . . . .

10H--- -


--- -12H

--- -


--- -14H


--- -


--- .17H

--- -

--- -


No. for

6H--- -


--- -6H

--- -6H

--- -6H



--- -7H

--- -7H

--- -m


~ detected by CP - data~ CPU <—> CR

a) Timeout for handshake on CP- - or - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -b) ALL job without request or direct

job despite overload- - o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c) Wrong sequence for handsbake by

PC- - o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) Illegal job type or illegal job

number (>223) for direct job- - o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e) Illegal aclmowledgementfranm

during handshake

-~ at startofjobP===*:

a) Number of direct jobs which can beprocessed simultaneously toolarge for CP 525

- - o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) Current job was terminated with error

status when CP was cold restarted(poweron)orcoldrestartedfromFG

- - o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c) Area is masked by STEP 5 program

(bit 7 imANZW=l)- - o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) Field length for “read SYSIIY’(~ DlRECT223)toosmll

- - o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e) “Readdate/timen (RECEIVE

DIRECT 218) illegal, CP is setas time slave



,.-. . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ .

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Checke.g.,- - -

Checke.g.,- - -


- - -Check

STEP 5 program,CPU in stop state- - - - - - - - -

STEP 5 program,

or SEND ALL job missing.-------

errors in handling block.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

STEP 5 program, e.g. , errors in

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



handling block.


STEP 5 program, e.g. , wrong parameters for handling block(Evaluate PAFE in handli& block SENO DIRECT or SEND AIL).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Check STEP 5 program,e.g. , errors in handling block.

Xodify STEP 5 program so that a msxinuun of 10 direct jobs runsimultaneously.

---------------------------------There is no remedy with power on. When cold restarting the CPfrom the PG you should make sure that no more CPU jobs arerunning before writing to an interface. The SYNCHRON HDB clearsthe job stamses in the dual-port-RAM but not the SYSTAT entry.---------------------------------check STEP 5 program.

-— ------ -------------------------

For SYNCHRON the field length should be greater than or equal to128 bytes or do witlwut ‘Read SYSID” (data is neverthelessavailable in the dual-port RAM).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Before reading, the CP must be designated as rester (see Section16) - setting applies to this module. Check whether the CP hasbeen set to slave on tie other interface.

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No. for









No. for










a) A job triggered by a SEND DIRECT hasnot been programed on the CP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

b) CHAINED I.m’l! (CL):File not present on CP 525.In a CL the individual PSU to beoutput are specified using their names.One or more of the MIs specified in theCL i+are not on the CP 525mL- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

c) MESSAGE:The message is marked as being on the CPit does Imt , hwever, exist




FRAME:No frame (list head+trailer) has beenw~ed ~ the Cpor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -The job ‘update SML” cannot be executed,

f-‘,.. .4,.$...



becaiase m- SML has, as yet, beentriggered on the CP 525



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. . .


Wrong job number onorWrong job number on- - - - - . - - - -

CPU => correct STEP 5 program

CP + correct CP 525 program- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Transfer missing PSIS to CP 525orCorrect CLthe CL

- - - - - -

program; i.e. , delete the PSIS not

Delete messages

- - - - - - - -- Program frameor


onthecP and



transfer again

- Program SML without frame and- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

--------CP 525

transfer- - - - - - - -

- Program SML (if it does not already exist)andCP and

- Trigger SKL from the CPU using its job numberSMLw again

on the CP from



---------transfer to the

and start ‘update

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No. for











No. for











. . .“.. W-.. . . . . . . ,., -


f) The mde selector m the front of theCP 525 is set to STOP/PGR; the CP 525is in the wait state - PC jobs cannotbe processed

a) The PC job is not a SEND job- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) Function illegal

- B/W function illegal orinstead of SEND DIRECT with parametersthere was a SEND DIRECT without paras.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C) No data block or DB-No . < 3;

for data transfer to the CP only theQTYP DB with a DB-No. >2 is permitted.


d) DB start address (QANP) not O orsource length (QIAE) > 256 data words

Ecrmx in data block:

a) Syntax error in DB M RECORD- DIJI not 33H- unknown parameter qpe (in area:9 <pa~ter * < FFH illegal)

- body length not correct- length transferred < body length (DRO)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) DB M OUNEW: length transferred

< 255 data wordsmOontents of IX 253 amvor W 254 notcorrect

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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,,-, . . . .

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- Do not send sny new PC jobsor

- Switch selector to ~w

Correct STEP 5 progrsm.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Correct STEP 5 progrem:- correct psrsmeter assignment of HDB-SMLend CMLre a SEND DIRECT with ~ters

--------------------------------Correct STEP 5 program.


Correct STEP 5 progrsm.

Check st?.ucture of DB M RECORD snd correct.

--------------------------------Correct DB M OLDNEU or trsnsfer with correct length: DB M OU)NEWmust include the lower limit of the messege numbers in DW 253snd in DW 254 the nunber of words containing bits which willtrigger messsges


. ..;,..’,,.,,

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No. for



No. for



c) Update group inhibit bits:&e da= bl&k containing the data wordwith the group inhibit bits wastransferred with a length less than theDB address programed with CCIM 525.



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Printer PT88/PT89

- Transfer DB with correct lengthor

- Correct DB address with COM 525

.. . . .

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No. for


- - - -31.H

- - - -32H

- - - -33H

- - - -34H

- - - -

No. for









ezursint?m ~Pf=’-~*=L f-ad -: . .

The ccmtents of a data word for an outputfield (process statms mriable, processvariable) canxmt be output in the formatwhich vss specified when you proggedthe dynamic field.Ersmple: format CHAR DB contents OOH OOH

—> error, since format CHAR onlyin range of values 20H to 7EH

The number in SYSTAT prtides informationabout the source of the output.The field in which the error occurs isidentified in the printout, when fillingcharacters are printedexpected data.







wtong output formatdata block from the

instead of the

in P8L (data source:CPU)

or --------------------Wrong output formatin FRAME

or --------------------Value for variable type ‘process Stitusnoutside range of values ( W=VALUE+ 7)(data source: data block from the CPU)U p - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -PSL: the DB address of an output fieldis outside the area of the data whichwere transferred by the CPU. The DBaddress indicates invalid datao r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ekame: the DB address of an output fieldis outside the area of the data tichwere transferred by the CPU. The DBaddress indicates invalid dam- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


,,,, . . . . . . . .. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

. . . .


Check the formt ~ters for the dynamic fields of the PSLwith (XM 525 and if necessary correct.Check the contents of the DB cm the CPU side and correct.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -check the forlmt paramters for the dynamic fields of the framewith tX2M 525 and if necessary correct.Check the contents of the DB cm the CPU side and correct.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The contents of the data word in the data block must not beoutside the specified range of values.

. . .. . -., -,=.-....,.+,. >.-..”. . . . . . .

------------Match the DB address ofthe data block.Match the length of the

------------Match the DB address ofthe data block.Match the lemgth of the


. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

---------the dyMIUiC field

data block m the

- - - - - - - - -the dynamic field

data block m

- - - - - - -



- -

-----------to the length of


-------to the length




- - - -

Page 480: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 Printer PT88/PT89

No. for




--- -51H

--- -

No. for


--- -

--- -


f) Process status variable: the DB address #--

of a process S=7XS variable is outsidethe area of the data transferred by theCPU. The DB address indicates invaliddata .

Error in job list: the job list generatedwith COM 525 cannot be processed by thePT88 interpreter.

~ ~ * ===%=’

a) Message on the CP 525 and ccmtent of themessage record do not match.The message programed with (XJM 525contains a dynamic field f= the output ofa parameter. In the corresponding messegerecord of DB M NXORD (same messagenumber) the value OFFH is specified in theparameter type field, i.e.contains no P=J=t=s” “Filling characters will be

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) Wtong status specification

record. ‘he message stacxxsin the message record by 2following combinations andresult:00 0 GOING01 1 COMING10 2 A~11 3 not allowed


printed out .--------in a messageis re~esentedbits. The


The combination 11 generates this errorxmxsage.Filling characters are printed out.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Page 481: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)



Rinter PT88/PT89

,- - Match the DB address of the dynamic field to the length ofthe data block.

- Match the length of the data block on the CPU.

Indicates a defective user memry submdule. Replace the usermemory subodule snd prqymxn again.

Match up the message text on the LIP 525 with the xwssage record.

. ---------- A ---------------------

Correct message record.


. . ,....,,,---------------------------------

Page 482: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-03 PrinterPT88/PT89

No. fol


--- .


--- -54H

No. for

--- -

--- .9H


c) Wrong fozmat in message record: (’-the values specified h the message recordfor date/time cannot be output in thespecified fomat (BCD).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) Wrong format in message record:

tie P===ter ~ t~ =s=ge dStS recorddoes not match the format specified in the“parameter type” field.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~ ~ ===we -:

The messages in DB M RECORD transferred tothe CP 525 cannot be entered in the messageFIFO since this has not yet been emptiedby printing out the messages(IMX. 128 entries possible!).

Causes:- printer is not ready to receive

(the error number OE2H or OFFH has beenentered in SYSTAT)

- messages are arriving more quickly thanthe printer can print them out

- a lcmg list which cannot be interrupted isbeing printed out

n... .:,,.

Page 483: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Correct message record or check whether transfer/receptim andstoring of date/time functions correctly.

---------------------------------Correct message record or check whether the definition of themessage parameter is correct.

---------------------------------Correct and send DB M RECORD again!

Correct:- printer switched on? cable plugged in?paper nm out? ink m out? printer offline?

- find out why so many messages are arriving and * action toreduce the number

- wait and then S- DB M RECORD again; further messages cancmly be processed after this log has been printed out.

. . . .

.. -.,


Page 484: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-04 Printer PT88/FT89

No. for





No. onPG


Zrr. 722xansf erzror

kr, 722malsfermm


=====w=-~~ ~f==* CP m * m:

a) IJ.nk establishment with SIX was either notacknowledged by the PG within 300 maacknowledgement mmitoring time) or wasnot acknowledged vith DLE ACK or DIE NAK


- -c)

- -d)

---------------------Transmission (CP -> P@ aborted by PGwith NAK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -The link termination with DIE ETXacknowledged by the PG with DIE IWK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -The link termination with DIE ETX notaclmowledged by the FG with DIE ACK orDIX NM within 300 ms (acknowledgementmonitoring time)

~===w=~==i-a~- * m:

a) Transfer error when recei*(CP aborts with DIX N4K)



For further infomation see the descripticm “COH 525 messages” inthis Ilmlual.

. . . . .

Page 485: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Printer PT88/PT89

Remedy. ,.., . . . ;. -.

- Check cable- COM 525 loa&d?- Hardware error at PG or CP

---------------------------------Repeat transfer (othemis e: see BO).

--------- ------------------------Repeat transfer (OtheIWiS e see M).

., ---------------------------------

- Check cable- COM 525 loa&d?- Hardware error at PG or CP

Repeat transfer (otherwis e: see BO).


Page 486: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-04 Printer PT88/PT89

No. for


--- -B6H

--- -B7H

--- -B8H

No. onPG

IF.007CP flmctunknown--- -ERR. 709CPllenwry

- - - -ERR. 027EPRmfpluggedin

.--- -m. 721z switchset to‘STOP”


Errurs ~ oat a job * the PG:

a) A functicm is to be carried out which isunknown to the CP 525 or there is a trans-fer error in the exchange of telegrams.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) The user memory of the CP 525 is full.

-----------------------c) The write access by the PG cannot be

caxried out, because there is m W sub-module plugged in as the user mewry ofthe CP 525 (either EPROM or no submduleplugged in).- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

d) The mode selector on the CP is set to‘STOP” or “PGR*’ (during cold resx fromthe PG).



Page 487: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Printer PT88/PT89



- (WM 525 loaded?- Repeat transfer

---------------------------------- Plug in SUbnmdul e with grester cspscity- Ersse unnecessary module files on the CP

---------------------------------Plug in RAM.

---------------------------------Switch mode selector cm the CP to ‘RIJW.

Page 488: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-04 Printer PT88/PT89

No. for


- - - -C2H

- - - -C3H





No. for









Wr&are errors al * ~:

a) Error fomd in EPROM test

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) RAM m module defect- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c) Dual-port RAM on module defect- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -d) W on memory @module card defect

(check only when interface not loaded)


e) User


-------------------memory @module not permitted


f) Error in memory suhodule while program isnmning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -g) - memory submdule empty or contents


*): These errors are signalled cmly on interface 1. The CP wasnot synchronised; the d&a cannot h read by the handling block.These error messages must then be read directly from the dual-port RAM (stmcmre from address F660H onwards - see Section16.3) .

Page 489: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

. ..


. .,



Printer PT88/PT89

Wrong or defect EPROMReplace EFROM---

Replace- - - -

Replace- - - -Replace


module.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -module.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -RAM submdule.

---------------------------------- Use permitted Su&mdule type- Submdule or submodul e cmtroller defect- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Contact customer semice.


- Check whether correct EPROM submdule- Check whether subwdule is WV--With sdmodules which are programme d for the CP 525-2 and usedin the CP 524, this error number appears if interface 1 is notP’=w==d”- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

. . . .,., .


Page 490: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

Rinter PT88/PT89

No. for



No. for




i) Only applies to CP 524:interface module (identifier) unknown ormdule not plugged inNote: printer PT88/PT89 only inconjunction with CP 525-2 ! !


j) fiterface not loaded or ~carried out after loading

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

--------cold restart


k) Mewry submdule not plugged in

*): This error is signalled only cm interface 1. The CP was notqmhroms- ed; the data cannot be read by the handling block.These error messages mst then be read directly from the dual-port RAM (structure from address F660H onwards - see Section16.3) .

,.. ” --

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Check whether correct module, if ‘yesw: module defect- Check whether module plugged in correctly

--- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --Load interface if necessary or

- ~ Out cold ~StSrtCaution: tie entry ti SYSMT is not cleared by loading theinterface, but cmly by EWSET DIRECT 200.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Check whether submdule is plugged in; if “yes”: suboduledefective (or submdule controller defect)

Page 492: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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No. for





No. for- 1 Description


a) Rocedure and interpreter on the CP 525do not IMtch.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b) Timeout:

printer has not reacted for more thanone minute

I---- -----------------------I c) Illegal (although correct) character


- printer type not allowed

- printer or procedure (CC14 525) does nothave correct parameters (data rate/no. of stop bits/parity bits)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

d) Incorrect character received:

- data rate not correctly set at printeror in the procedure (COM 525)

cable or connector damaged- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FM e) Control character BREAK on the line

,, .,. .,,

1 1

Page 493: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

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Check Procedure/interpreter m CP 525 and if necessary replace.


The following causes are possible:- no more paper on PT88/PT89- ink nm at- printer switched offline+ Check and deal with problem


- Check(only

whether printer is allowed, and if not replacePT88 and PT89 allowed).

- -e printer paranwer assignwmt withassignImen t and if necessary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Compare dataif necessary

rate settingsreadjust.

Check cable and- - - - - - - -

connector- - - - -


and- -

The following causes arecable defectivecable mm plugged inprinter not presentprinter svitched off

—> Check and correct.


- - - - - -

printer and





procedure (CC@l 525) and

if necessary replace.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Page 494: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


18 What Does It

Ullatdoes it~llhmprinter?




Printer PT88/PT89

Mean when?

f- ~araoutputbytbe

the data in the da- block of the CPU could not beconverted.

the CP 525 signals the error to the CPU. @ck under thecorresponding error number for the ANZW and for SYSTAT(Section 17 ‘Error handling”).

lists that cmt.ain filling characters are printed outcompletely. The job is, however, signalled as ‘terminatedwi* error”.




to have messages printed out of order, the CP 525 mst beinfoxmed that sn SKL has been programne d. It is aware ofthis as soon as the job “sML” has been initiated as leastonce following a cold restart or a SYNCHRON.

initiate SW after a cold restart or SYNCHRON (e.g. with=WY DB M RECORD).

mat &as it ~dwnthmwrites to * CP 525 (transfer,delete) Imt 131e Opemtim * lmt cxmried oat?

Cause: the CP 525 is processing a job and cannot be interntpted.As socm as the CP 525 can carry out the PG job the LED on ~ ‘“’”’”the device interface will light up.


Page 495: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)


B8576541-04 Printer PT88/PT89

lilhtaesit meiauwlKmthedateimdtk28reoatpat ~fl

Cause: If a data block has ban specified as the source for dateand the, the data must be entered in the specified dataword in the following order:



the: IX n SM S . se- / M = ~tesDW n+l H H = hours

date: DW m D I M D = dsly / M = mnthDw m+l Y Y= Yea

Remedy: The data must be stored in the data word as described.

Note: If the data is read with the RXEIVE DIRECT 218 job,it is entered in the data block as shown below:

K%l no. DL—

time: n msn+l M

date: n+2 Dn+3 , Y

Note that your STEP 5 user program enters the time in thedata word as shown beside *). Only then is the timeoutput correctly.

Page 496: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-04 Printer PT88/PT89

Whatcke sit ~ T&al an amfantd ftxm feed takes place dariITgthe as.tput of a

Case: If the lines to be output are longer than the page width, ,@.>

then line overflow must result. This is not recorded, so “;’’-.-’that the internal line count no longer agrees with theactual number of lines printed out.

Remedy: Only program individual lines up to the msximum length sothat no line ovarflow occurs.

Cause: These lines may belong to inhibited groups.

Remedy: Release the groups.

Note: With SML it is possible that a list header will beprinted out, but that no messages follow, since these areinhibited. n.:’.,.,,:J,,:,-

Ulnt & I do if 13MS ‘fore feed” job is initiated Inltislmtarried out?

Case: If the printer head is at the start of a page the PT88/FT89 ignores all jobs requiring a fonu feed. This savesunnecessary waste of paper.

Note: When the power is switched on the printer interprets thecurrent print head positim as the start of a page.

Page 497: Step 5 Programming Package for the Communications Processors CP 524 and CP 525 (S5-DOS)

B8576541-04 Printer PT88/PT89

Remedy: Before a Cl& is output, an SML must have been started atleast once, otherwise the CP is not aware of thepresetting.

Cause: You may have transferred the whole program at me time;and t%en another time transferred ti parts of tbprogram separately. When the parts of * program aretransferred to the CP in a different order, the ==Vmanager may itself require more space, lea- less spacefor the program.


Re.mdy: Transfer the entire CP 525 user program to the Seccaldinteriace. B&me the W’VPAL ~ transfer, *corresponding interface is first deleted.


.,~,,, .

