Page 1: State of Texas Emergency Management Plan State of Texas...The State of Texas Emergency Management Plan (State Plan) explains the state’s emergency operations capabilities, objectives

State of Texas Emergency Management Plan

Emergency Management Annex (ESF 5)

February 2020

State of Texas

Local Catastrophic DebrisManagement Guide

July 2019

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Table of Contents

Overview ................................................................................................... 1

Purpose .................................................................................................. 1

Scope ..................................................................................................... 1

Federal Alignment ..................................................................................... 1

Assumptions ............................................................................................ 2

Concept of Operations .................................................................................. 3

Objectives ............................................................................................... 4

Objective 1: Develop Plans, Procedures and Agreements to Support Incident Response ................................................................................................... 4

Local Planning Documents and Guidance ...................................................... 4

State of Texas Emergency Management Plan ................................................ 4

Tactical Documents ................................................................................... 5

Agreements for Aid ................................................................................... 5

Objective 2: Organize and Maintain the State Emergency Management System ..... 6

Regional Emergency Operations Center ........................................................ 6

Disaster District Emergency Management Council Representatives ................ 6

District Coordinators ............................................................................... 7

State Emergency Operations ...................................................................... 8

The State Operations Center .................................................................... 8

Daily Operations .................................................................................... 8

State Management Team ........................................................................ 9

Texas Emergency Management Council ..................................................... 9

Objective 3: Develop, Maintain and Provide Situational Awareness .................... 10

Situation Reports .................................................................................... 10

DDEOC Situation Reports ...................................................................... 10

State Agency Situation Reports .............................................................. 10

State Operations Center Situation Reports ............................................... 11

WebEOC ............................................................................................... 11

Conference Calls ..................................................................................... 11

Objective 4: Coordinate Resource Requests for Assistance ............................... 12

State of Texas Assistance Requests ........................................................... 12

Federal Resource Requests ....................................................................... 12

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Emergency Management Assistance Compact .............................................. 12

Objective 5: Record and Document Financial Expenditures ............................... 14

Regional Disaster Finance Coordination Program .......................................... 14

Finance Reporting ................................................................................... 14

Reimbursement ...................................................................................... 14

Objective 6: Provide Emergency Management ESF-5 Response Resources .......... 16

Summary of Responsibilities ....................................................................... 17

Stakeholder-Specific Responsibilities .......................................................... 17

Authority ................................................................................................. 22

State .................................................................................................... 22

Federal ................................................................................................. 22

Record of Changes .................................................................................... 23

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APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENTATION This plan applies to all state agencies, boards, commissions, and departments assigned emergency responsibilities in this plan, and to others as designated by the Texas governor or chief of the Texas Division of Emergency Management as well as local governments in Texas.

This plan is hereby approved for implementation and supersedes all previous editions.




W. Nim Kidd, MPA, CEMChief - Texas Division of Emergency ManagementVice Chancellor for Disaster and Emergency ServicesTexas A&M University System

March 19, 2020

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Overview Purpose The purpose of the Emergency Management ESF-5 Annex (ESF-5) is to outline the roles and responsibilities, coordination mechanisms, capabilities and actions required of stakeholders during state emergency operations to meet the needs of the whole community. Successful response operations include assisting with the rapid restoration of essential functions, protecting residents from disaster impacts and immediately beginning the recovery process. Effective response to incidents around the state requires local, state, and federal entities, agencies and organizations to coordinate with one another to plan and provide response and recovery assistance to an affected area. These tasks are organized through this Emergency Management ESF-5 Annex. As mandated by Tex. Gov. Code Ch. 418, the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) is responsible for preparing and maintaining the State of Texas Emergency Management Plan (State Plan). TDEM designates a primary entity to support the planning process for each functional or hazard annex that comprises the state plan. A primary entity has significant responsibility, resources and capability for this function. TDEM is the designated primary entity for this annex. Additional support entities are included in the planning effort and provide knowledge about capabilities, coordination and resources for the annex. Scope This annex applies to all natural, technological and human-caused disasters that increases the readiness level of a Disaster District Emergency Operations Center (DDEOC), Regional Emergency Operations Center (REOC) or the State Operations Center (SOC). This annex does not address communications, public information, or alerts and warnings. See the Communications ESF-2 Annex, Public Information ESF-15 Annex or Alert and Warning Annex, respectively, for more information on those topics. Federal Alignment The National Response Framework (NRF) serves as the foundation for the development of national and regional response plans that implement federal response activities. At the national level, the federal planning structure supports the NRF, which specifies the responsibilities assigned to each of the tasked federal departments and agencies for mobilizing and deploying resources to assist the state(s) in response/recovery efforts. The Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency is the primary agency for ESF-5 at the federal level. The federal ESF-5 annex is

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focused on information and planning whereas the Texas ESF-5 annex addresses those topics, as well as the logistics, operations and finance portions of emergency management. According to the NRF, the following core capabilities are directly supported by ESF-5: Planning Operational Coordination Situational Assessment Public Information and Warning Assumptions In Texas, planning assumptions are considered to be information accepted by planners as being true in order to provide a planning framework. State planners have made the following assumptions in preparing this annex: Local government emergency response organizations make the initial

notification of an incident to the appropriate emergency management personnel and the public.

Recovery operations may run concurrently with response operations. Depending on the magnitude of the incident, some jurisdictions may require

assistance sooner than others. The state may be unable to satisfy all resource requests during a major incident. Effective emergency management requires suitable facilities, equipment,

procedures and trained personnel. Local, county and state personnel in the field are the best source of vital

information regarding damage and needs assessments, and geographical, logistical and other necessary site information.

Damage reports provided by the impacted jurisdiction may originate from all levels of government and are reported using various numerous modes of communications.

The quality of the field assessments vary and may contain conflicting information.

The state intends to ensure that individuals who have access and functional needs receive lawful and equal assistance before, during and after an incident.

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Concept of Operations ESF-5 Emergency Management is organized in accordance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and supports the Incident Command System (ICS). Effective emergency management covers all mission areas (Protection, Prevention, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation) and requires comprehensive plans and procedures, personnel and material resources, operational facilities and effective communication. Emergency management is coordinated through the primary agency, the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) and includes other state agencies, non-governmental organizations, institutions of higher education and private sector partners. In Texas, the chief elected official of a jurisdiction is its designated emergency management director. The emergency management director (EMD) or their appointed emergency management coordinator (EMC) is responsible for developing and maintaining emergency operations plans and for responding to incidents in their jurisdiction. If an incident overwhelms or threatens to overwhelm the jurisdiction, the EMD/EMC may request assistance from another jurisdiction with which it has a mutual aid agreement. If additional resources are required, the EMD/EMC may contact their TDEM district coordinator (DC). Requests for state assistance received by the DC are coordinated with the Disaster District Chair, the Texas Highway Patrol (THP) district captain or lieutenant, who may allocate resources from the Disaster District Emergency Management Council Representatives (DDEMC-R). If additional resources are still required, the request will be elevated to the State Operations Center (SOC), with awareness to the Regional Emergency Operations Center (REOC). The REOC, coordinated by the regional TDEM assistant chief, enhances communication with the region’s DDEOCs and is designed to assist the DDEOCs with the major functions of emergency management during a disaster. The SOC coordinates the statewide response to emergencies, incidents and disasters, fulfills resource requests, serves as the statewide warning point and develops and maintains situational awareness for state senior leadership. The SOC is staffed on a 24/7 basis. If a significant incident occurs or threatens to occur, the readiness level of the SOC may increase from Level IV – Normal Conditions to any of the other three levels of readiness (for more details on the SOC readiness levels refer to the Basic Plan). An increase in SOC readiness may require the activation of members of the Texas Emergency Management Council (TEMC). Requests for assistance are processed through the State of Texas Assistance Request (STAR) process. For a general overview of the state’s emergency management structure refer to the Basic Plan.

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Objectives Emergency management objectives apply to all hazards and may be used to assist with any type of disaster that requires state support. This section describes the state's objectives for emergency management activities in Texas that include: Objective 1: Develop plans, procedures and agreements to support incident

response. Objective 2: Organize and maintain the state emergency management system. Objective 3: Develop, maintain and provide situational awareness. Objective 4: Coordinate resource requests for assistance. Objective 5: Record and document financial expenditures. Objective 6: Provide ESF-5 emergency management response resources.

Objective 1: Develop Plans, Procedures and Agreements to Support Incident Response In Texas, emergency management professionals are directed by federal, state and local laws, rules, policies and regulations when planning for incidents. TDEM is prepared to assist with the development and maintenance of plan templates and planning guidance for local jurisdictions, comprehensive and integrative State of Texas Emergency Management Plan, and tactical documents; and facilitation of agreements for aid to meet this objective. Local Planning Documents and Guidance In accordance with Tex. Gov. Code § 418.044, TDEM’s Preparedness section supports local and interjurisdictional emergency operations planning, by the following: Developing and adopting standards and requirements for local and

interjurisdictional emergency management plans. Developing and delivering tools and guidance for jurisdictions supporting local

and regional all-hazards, whole community planning. Reviewing local jurisdictions' plans and annexes for compliance with state

planning standards.

State of Texas Emergency Management Plan The State of Texas Emergency Management Plan (State Plan) explains the state’s emergency operations capabilities, objectives and procedures. It also provides an all-hazard planning framework that informs local and regional emergency operations plans. The State Plan consists of a Basic Plan supported by individual Emergency Support Function (ESF) annexes, unique functional and hazard-specific annexes. The emergency support function format ensures the state’s planning framework is consistent with federal guidance and critical information is easy to locate. The state plan serves as the foundation for all other state emergency response documents, including other agencies' plans and tactical documents. TDEM and the Texas Emergency Management Council (TEMC) members coordinate plan

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development in the following approach: TDEM develops and maintains the state plan. TEMC members participate in the state planning process and provide input on

their roles and resources in the development of annexes to the State Plan.

For detailed information on the state planning structure, refer to the Basic Plan. Tactical Documents Tactical documents describe the personnel, equipment and resources used to respond to a disaster. Tactical documents may include standard operating procedures (SOPs), standard operating guides (SOGs) and playbooks. Each agency or organization is responsible for writing its own tactical document(s), which describe in detail how the entity conducts response during a disaster. Responsibility for developing and maintaining tactical documents is distributed among the DDEMC-R, TDEM and the TEMC as follows: The DDEMC-R, at the discretion of the Disaster District Chair, may facilitate the

development, maintenance and implementation of tactical documents needed for disaster response and recovery responsibilities assigned in the state plan.

TDEM develops and maintains the SOC Overview and Guide and other tactical documents to support SOC disaster response and recovery activities.

TEMC members may develop and maintain plans and procedures describing how their organizations support response and recovery operation.

Agreements for Aid Pursuant to Tex. Gov. Code Ch. 791 and Tex. Gov. Code Ch. 418, local jurisdictions are authorized to enter into mutual aid agreements with neighboring jurisdictions to provide resources to respond to emergencies. Each agreement includes procedures for requesting and providing disaster assistance. Some local jurisdictions have also executed mutual aid agreements with state agencies, federal facilities and industry. State agencies may also enter into mutual aid agreements with local jurisdictions and individuals that provide services. The State of Texas is a member of the Interstate Emergency Response Support Plan (IERSP), along with the other four states in FEMA Region VI. As a member of the IERSP, Texas provides disaster response and support capability to the other FEMA Region VI states when requested. The plan serves as a collective agreement among the FEMA Region VI states. Requests for assistance are submitted through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, which is described in Objective 4. TDEM’s roles associated with the IERSP includes participating in IERSP workgroup meetings and with updating and revising the plan; and working with TEMC members to prepare mutual aid agreements prior to a disaster when needed.

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Objective 2: Organize and Maintain the State Emergency Management System Texas uses an emergency management structure that links the local level and the state level through a robust regional approach regardless of the extent of the disaster. The state direction and control system includes several key state and local decision-makers responsible for providing guidance and direction for multi-agency emergency response and recovery efforts. This helps ensure that essential needs are met within the state. These decision-makers have the authority to commit state or local personnel/resources from other sources; however, this is only if the resources they control are insufficient or inappropriate for the tasks that must be performed to prevent causalities, protect public and private property and the environment. TDEM is prepared to assist with regional and state operations to achieve this objective.

Regional Emergency Operations Center The Regional Emergency Operations Center (REOC) enhances communication and operations with the DDEOC and is coordinated by the regional TDEM assistant chief. The REOC is designed to assist the DDEOC with the major functions of emergency management during a disaster and may be utilized depending on the size and complexity of the incident. These functions include: command, planning, operations, logistics, finance, and recovery. The REOCs are located in six regions of the state and align with the Texas Department of Public Safety identified regions. Depending on the scale and needs of the disaster, the REOC can be housed within the DDEOC, be a standalone EOC, or be a virtual EOC.

Disaster District Emergency Operations Center A Disaster District Emergency Operations Center (DDEOC) consists of representatives of state agencies, boards, commissions and organized volunteer groups with membership on the Texas Emergency Management Council (TEMC). TEMC members are responsible for the following actions: Designate a representative to the DDEOC and provide call list information to the

Disaster District Chair. Ensure that their representatives assigned to the DDEOC are trained,

knowledgeable of their current inventory of resources and have a list of key agency contacts.

Operate in accordance with the state plan and any appropriate tactical documents.

Assist the Disaster District Chair and TDEM assistant chief with guidance, counsel and administrative support.

Disaster District Chair The Disaster District Chair is the commanding officer of the Texas Highway Patrol district or sub-district in which the jurisdiction is located. They are assisted by TEMC representatives assigned to that district. The Disaster District Chair is responsible for the following decisions and actions:

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Serves as the liaison between the district’s local officials, TDEM assistant chiefs and the State Operations Center (SOC) during large-scale incidents.

Determines if a notification warrants an increase in the readiness level of the DDEOC.

Determines staffing requirements appropriate to the situation for increased DDEOC readiness levels.

Notifies appropriate DDEMC -R members and staff to report to the DDEOC. Operates in accordance with the state plan and any appropriate tactical

documents. Provides direction and control for state resources within their district when

activated to respond to disasters. Manages external resources deployed into the district. Informs the state Director of Homeland Security on all matters relating to

disasters and emergencies as requested by the state Director of Homeland Security.

Inform the public safety director of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas on all matters as requested by the public safety director.

District Coordinators TDEM district coordinators (DCs) support local emergency management personnel and personnel assigned to the state’s disaster districts and Regional Emergency Operations Centers (REOCs). DCs also work directly with local government officials, volunteer groups and private sector partners. DCs also assist the Disaster District Chair in maintaining DDEOC operations and assist during activations. The DC, at the direction of the TDEM assistant chief, may perform the following actions: Facilitates the activation and operation of the DDEOC or REOC as needed at the

level necessary to respond to disaster conditions. Receives requests for state disaster assistance, identifies resources to fulfill

those requests or passes the requests to the SOC if unable to fulfill. Coordinatesthe delivery of those resources and provides guidance and direction regardingtheir deployment.

Maintains the capability to communicate with local EOCs, state-level incidentcommand posts, REOCs, the SOC and other entities, as needed to plan for,coordinate and mange emergency operations.

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State Emergency Operations When the DDC or DC anticipates a depletion of resources, identifies a gap in resources or exhausts resources, they can request additional assistance and support from the State Operations Center (SOC). The SOC is operated by daily operations personnel at TDEM during normal conditions. As a disaster escalates, the State Management Team (SMT) and TEMC and TDEM personnel staff the SOC to support the response. The State Operations Center Located in Austin, the Jack Colley State Operations Center is operated by TDEM’s daily operations personnel on a 24/7 basis and serves as the state warning point. The SOC serves as a coordination and communications hub, allowing personnel to gather, evaluate and distribute critical information in response to a natural or human-caused disaster. The SOC is organized into five sections: Command, Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance. The SMT, TEMC and other TDEM personnel working in the SOC, operate in accordance with the state plan and SOC tactical documents. TDEM's responsibilities for the SOC include the following: Equip, organize and maintain the SOC as a coordination facility for TEMC

members to come and work together during an incident. Coordinate state response with local, regional and federal jurisdictions and

entities. Provide support to DDEOC. Task the TEMC to identify and activate suitable resources to meet emergency

needs. Prepare the governor’s proclamation of a state of emergency and, if needed, a

presidential disaster declaration at the governor’s decree. Maintain and designate alternative SOC capabilities and facilities to support SOC

activities should the SOC become uninhabitable. Daily Operations TDEM maintains notification and response capability through the 24/7 daily operations at the SOC. Daily operations personnel use an extensive suite of communication tools to: Receive and disseminate warnings of threats to state and local officials. Monitor incidents throughout the state and provide information on them to

federal, state and local officials. Coordinate state assistance to local governments that are responding to

incidents that do not warrant increases in the SOC’s level of readiness. (For more information on the SOC’s readiness levels see the Basic Plan)

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State Management Team The State Management Team (SMT) supports the SOC at the discretion of the Chief of TDEM, provides overhead staffing for SOC operations, and consists of TDEM personnel and state agency liaisons. The SMT is responsible for the following actions: Collect, evaluate, and disseminate information about the development of an

incident and the status of resources. Work with the TEMC and other state agencies, coordinate support activities to

enable the DDEOCs and local EOCs to prepare for prompt and efficient movement, rescue, care and treatment of Texas citizens impacted by disasters.

Track state resources deployed in response efforts. Develop situation reports and provide a briefing on them. Develop demobilization plans for state assets. Gather an accurate estimate of costs associated with response. Supervise the collection of all reports related to activation. The SMT implements the appropriate standard operating guide and other tactical documents needed for SOC disaster response and recovery activities. TDEM assists in training personnel who are rostered to work in the SOC during activations. Texas Emergency Management Council The Texas Emergency Management Council (TEMC) is composed of state agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) appointed by the governor. The council was established to advise and assist the governor in all matters related to disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. The council is a group of agencies that have legal responsibility, expertise or resources needed for a specific emergency response function. TEMC members and their representatives perform the following responsibilities: Designate a representative to the SOC and provide call-list information to TDEM. Ensure SOC-assigned representatives are trained, knowledgeable of their

current inventory of resources and have a list of key agency contacts. Convene at the SOC, as requested, during a disaster Provide advice and assistance with response operations. Provide advice and assistance in coordinating the activation and deployment of

state resources to the disaster. Develop and execute plans related to an actual or potential incident. If an increase in readiness is warranted, TDEM determines staffing requirements

appropriate to the disaster situation and notifies all affected TEMC members to report to the SOC.

Participate in after action reviews to support the development of an After Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) following the conclusion of any significant disaster, incident or exercise in which they were involved or participated.

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Objective 3: Develop, Maintain and Provide Situational Awareness TDEM communicates with local jurisdictions and state agencies to monitor the situation, gather essential information and identify needs. The SOC is responsible for ensuring that situational awareness is maintained across Texas. Establishing and maintaining the methods, procedures and equipment for monitoring and disseminating ongoing situational awareness is necessary when providing emergency management support. Timely and accurate situational awareness provides local, state and federal governments with a basis for determining priorities, needs and the availability of resources. Situational awareness is obtained and disseminated through multiple means such as email, websites and social media. TDEM is prepared to assist with the development of situation reports, maintenance of WebEOC and coordination of conference calls in order to meet this objective. Situation Reports Incident command posts (ICPs), local emergency operation centers (EOCs), Regional Emergency Operations Centers, Disaster District Emergency Operations Centers(DDEOCs) and the SOC all have responsibilities to prepare and provide periodic situation reports to other operations facilities, key decision makers and other jurisdictions during major emergency operations. The situation report (SITREP) is a simple way for any jurisdiction or agency to report the essential elements of information for disaster situations to other interested agencies, organizations and officials. SITREPs are formatted to provide a maximum amount of information in a report of minimum length. The frequency that a SITREP is prepared is dependent on situational needs and the requirements established by key decision makers. However, SITREPS are usually prepared daily. Disaster District Emergency Operations Center Situation Reports The disaster district prepares and provides periodic SITREPs to the SOC during an incident in which the disaster district is activated. The SITREPs submitted to the SOC by activated DDEOCs are used to compile the State SITREP.

State Agency Situation Reports The SOC asks state agencies, depending on its readiness level, to submit a formal state agency report using the SOC state agency report template or by emailing SITREP related information to the SOC in a timely manner.

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State Operations Center Situation Reports The SOC publishes a statewide situation report based on reports from local jurisdictions, DC/DDEOCs and state agencies. The SITREP is distributed to local emergency management offices, the governor’s office, Texas Emergency Management Council (TEMC) members, DDEOCs, FEMA Region VI and others upon request. TDEM is responsible for the following: Coordinates situation reports, using them to maintain and communicate

situational awareness of the incident. Maintains standard reporting templates, essential information, and critical

information requirements. Distributes the SITREP to appropriate response partners. WebEOC WebEOC is a locally hosted and cloud-redundant browser-based crisis information management system. It is used to create immediate-need data that can be shared with all local jurisdictions, FEMA Region VI states and FEMA headquarters. WebEOC is the platform for the STAR process. It also tracks the transport, shelter and repopulation of evacuees via the Emergency Tracking Network (ETN), provides daily and incident-specific SITREPs, tracks Disaster Summary Outlines (DSO) and provides a standard incident-reporting platform for operations across the state. TDEM maintains WebEOC for use in the state and grants access to other partners as needed for situational awareness. Conference Calls TDEM may conduct a variety of conference calls, including statewide all-hazards calls, recovery calls and internal calls, to facilitate coordination among responding entities. The state obtains situational awareness through conference calls held with local, regional or state-level partners. Participants may include representatives from TDEM, TEMC, DDEMC-R, local governments, FEMA and the National Weather Service (NWS The purpose of these conference calls are to identify emergency needs and not to request resources.

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Objective 4: Coordinate Resource Requests for Assistance Resource support for emergency operations originates at the local level and can expand all the way to the federal government. Government entities work with one another and with the private and voluntary sectors to coordinate resource requests to respond to disasters. Resource requests are prioritized based on preservation of life and property, safety of responders, and incident stabilization. TDEM is prepared to assist with processing State of Texas Assistance Requests (STARs), coordinating the federal resource request process and the activation of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) in order to meet this objective.

State of Texas Assistance Requests State of Texas Assistance Requests (STAR) connects local jurisdictions to personnel working in the SOC. During SOC activations, requests from local jurisdictions are vetted, routed, authorized and fulfilled through the WebEOC STAR process. Requests from local jurisdictions for state disaster response assistance should be submitted through the proper channels. The request is first routed to the Disaster District Emergency Operations Center (DDEOC) chair. If the request cannot be met by the DDEOC, the STAR will be routed to the SOC for action. TDEM and TEMC members have the following responsibilities: TDEM works with TEMC representatives to identify resources to meet the

request. TDEM coordinates getting those resources to the DDEOC or local government. TDEM coordinates with private sector partners to fill resource requests as

needed. If required, SOC personnel seek approval from the governor’s office for certain

requests. TEMC members identify suitable resources to meet the needs of the incident.

Federal Resource Requests If the state is unable to provide appropriate resources to respond to an incident, the state may try to obtain the needed resources from the federal government using the FEMA Resource Request Form (RRF). TDEM coordinates with TEMC and other state agencies to prepare the RRF. In most cases, in order for the federal government to provide assistance, a federal disaster declaration is required. More information on federal declarations can be found in the Basic Plan.

Emergency Management Assistance Compact Texas is a member of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), a congressionally ratified agreement. EMAC is codified in state law that outlines procedures for rendering disaster assistance between states. After a governor’s disaster declaration, Texas can request and receive reimbursable assistance through EMAC from other member states. Reimbursement is also eligible under FEMA Category B Emergency Protective Measures. The EMAC includes procedures

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for requesting assistance and responding to requests for assistance. TDEM has the following responsibilities: Maintain the EMAC SOP. Coordinate state assistance requests, pursuant to EMAC.

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Objective 5: Record and Document Financial Expenditures Each agency is responsible for establishing administrative controls to manage the expenditure of funds and to provide reasonable accountability and justification for federal reimbursement in accordance with established guidelines. All agreements and understandings entered into for the purchase, lease or use of equipment, supplies and services for emergency operations will accord with state law and related guidelines. Regarding disaster declarations, the governor may issue orders or proclamations having the force of law to temporarily suspend state laws and business regulatory procedures if they prevent, hinder or delay action necessary to cope with a disaster. TDEM is prepared to assist with coordinating the Regional Finance Coordination Program, finance reporting and disaster reimbursement in order to meet this objective. Regional Disaster Finance Coordination Program The Regional Disaster Finance Coordination Program is designed to give local jurisdictions the financial tools needed to help them prepare for the financial implications of disaster recovery. The program also facilitates collaboration and communication between disaster responders and financial managers prior to any disaster. This program is overseen by the TDEM assistant chiefs and employs finance coordinators positioned throughout the state. Finance Reporting During a disaster, TDEM captures and reports daily expenditures in order to meet the federal thresholds for disaster assistance. In this role, TDEM and TEMC members perform the following tasks: Collect Disaster Summary Outlines (DSO) from local jurisdictions. Collect daily finance reports from TEMC members through WebEOC. Review state agency expenditures to determine an initial estimate of the cost of

the disaster. Compile forms, financial briefings and reports for executive leadership. Prepare a trend analysis on expenditure burn rates in order to estimate when

the state will reach the federal financial threshold. TEMC submits a daily finance report through WebEOC to the SOC. Reimbursement In order for federal reimbursement to occur, disaster financial-impact thresholds must be met. The first expenditure by any state agency in anticipation of, response to, or recovery from a disaster is from funds regularly appropriated to that agency by the legislature. Following established procedures, state agencies may seek financial assistance with extraordinary expenses for disaster response and recovery operations from grant funding and other funding opportunities such as the disaster contingency fund through the governor’s office. The availability of funding sources varies depending on whether there is a federal disaster declaration. For more

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information on emergency proclamations, refer to the Basic Plan. TDEM prepares the documentation for federal disaster cost reimbursement as required.

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Objective 6: Provide Emergency Management ESF-5 Response Resources Based on needs and operational capabilities, state assistance may consist of technical guidance, on-scene needs assessment, administrative support and deployment of personnel and equipment engaged in state emergency management operations. As mentioned above, the first source of funding spent by an agency in anticipation of, response to, or recovery from a disaster is from those funds regularly appropriated to that agency by the legislature.

Response Resources The following table lists some of the resources that the state may use during response and short-term recovery.

Entity Resource Use

Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM)

Texas Emergency Management Assistance Team (TEMAT)

Deploys to the local emergency operations center (EOC) or Disaster District to support the incident.

Disaster District Emergency Operations Center Committee (DDEOC) in a Box

Provides equipment needed to operate a Disaster District EOC at a remote location.

Regional Emergency Operation Center (REOC)

Enhances communication and operations with the DDEOC.

Remote State Operations Center (SOC)

Provides equipment needed to operate the SOC at a remote location.

State Management Team (SMT) Supports the SOC at the discretion of the Chief of TDEM, provides overhead staffing for SOC operations, and consists of TDEM personnel and state agency liaisons.

SOC Support Teams Augment staffing for the SOC.

Regional Disaster Finance Coordinators

Deploy to local governments to serve as disaster finance subject matter experts.

Texas Forest Service (TFS)

Incident Management Team (IMT) Deploys to local jurisdictions to either enhance ongoing operations through provision of infrastructure support, or when requested, transition to an incident management function to include all components/functions

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Entity Resource Use

of a command and general staff.

Texas Military Department (TMD)

State Guard SOC Support Team Augments staffing for the SOC.

Summary of Responsibilities All TEMC agencies and organizations that support state-level Emergency Management ESF-5 response are responsible for the common stakeholder responsibilities outlined in the state plan. In addition, the TEMC is responsible for specific stakeholder responsibilities outlined in each annex. Stakeholder-Specific Responsibilities The following tables outline stakeholder responsibilities according to the objectives of this annex. Stakeholders are listed in alphabetical order, with the primary entity listed first. Primary Entity: Texas Division of Emergency Management

Objective Responsibilities

Objective 1: Develop Plans, Procedures and Agreements to Support Incident Response

Develop and deliver tools and guidance for jurisdictions supporting local and regional all-hazards, whole community planning.

Review local jurisdiction plans and annexes for compliance with state planning standards.

Develop and maintain the state plan.

May facilitate the development, maintenance and implementation of the Disaster District Emergency Operations Center (DDEOC) tactical documents needed for DDEOC disaster response and recovery responsibilities assigned in the state plan.

Develop and maintain applicable tactical documents needed for SOC response and recovery operations.

Prepare memorandum of understanding/agreement in advance of a disaster, as needed.

Participate in Interstate Emergency Response Support Plan (IERSP) workgroup meetings and in updating and revising the IERSP.

Objective 2: Organize and Maintain the State Emergency Management System

Inform the chief of TDEM on matters relating to disasters and emergencies.

Serve as the liaison between local elected officials and the State Operations Center (SOC) during incidents (Field Response).

Determine if conditions warrant an increase in the readiness level of the DDEOC (Field Response).

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Texas Emergency Management Annex (ESF-5) 18

Objective Responsibilities

Determine staffing requirements appropriate to the situation for increased DDEOC readiness levels (Field Response).

Notify appropriate DDEMC-R and staff to report to the DDEOC (Field Response).

District coordinators provide direction and control for state resources within their district, when activated to respond to a disaster, and external resources deployed to the district (Field Response).

Maintain the capability to communicate with local EOCs, state-level incident command posts (ICPs), REOCs, the SOC and other entities as needed to plan for, coordinate, and manage emergency operations (Field Response).

Equip, organize and maintain the SOC as a coordination facility for TEMC members to work together during an incident.

Coordinate state response activities with federal, regional and local jurisdictions and entities.

Provide support to DDEOC

Task the TEMC to identify and activate suitable resources to meet emergency needs.

Prepare the governor’s proclamation of a state of emergency and, if needed, a presidential disaster declaration at the governor’s decree.

Receive and distribute warnings of threats to state and local officials.

Monitor incidents throughout the state and provide information on these incidents to federal, state and local officials.

Coordinate state assistance to local governments that are responding to an incident that does not warrant increases in the SOC’s readiness level.

Collect, evaluate and disseminate information about the development of an incident and the status of resources.

Coordinate support activities to enable the REOCs, DDEOCs and local EOCs to prepare for prompt and efficient movement, rescue, care, and treatment of Texas citizens affected or threatened by disaster.

Track state resources deployed in response efforts.

Develop and brief situation reports.

Develop demobilization plans for state assets.

Gather accurate estimates of costs associated with response and recovery.

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Emergency Management Annex (ESF-5) 19

Objective Responsibilities

Supervise the collection of all reports related to activation.

Maintain the capability to communicate with appropriate response partners to plan for, coordinate and manage emergency operations.

Determine if conditions warrant an increase in the readiness level of the SOC.

Determine staffing requirements appropriate to the disaster situation and notify all affected TEMC members to report to the SOC.

Support the TEMC in the SOC at the level needed to carry out required emergency operations.

Objective 3: Develop, Maintain and Provide Situational Awareness

Provide accurate and timely SITREPs related to the incident (Field Response).

Coordinate SITREPs, using them to maintain and communicate situational awareness of the incident.

Maintain standard reporting templates, essential elements of information and critical information requirements.

Distribute SITREPs to appropriate response partners.

Maintain WebEOC for use in the state and grant access to other partners as needed for situational awareness.

Host conference calls with response partners to monitor the situation, gather essential information and identify any needs that may exist.

Objective 4: Coordinate Resource Requests for Assistance

Work with TEMC representatives to identify resources to meet the resource request.

Coordinate delivery of requested resources to the DDC or local jurisdiction.

Coordinate with private sector partners to fill resource requests, as needed.

Seek approval from the governor’s office for certain requests.

Coordinate with TEMC members or other agencies to prepare the FEMA Resource Request Form (RRF).

Maintain the EMAC SOP.

Coordinate requests for assistance, pursuant to the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), at the state level.

Objective 5: Record and Document Financial Expenditures

Collect Disaster Summary Outlines from local jurisdictions.

Collect daily finance reports from TEMC members through WebEOC.

Review state agency expenditures to determine an initial estimate of the cost of the disaster.

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Objective Responsibilities

Compile forms, financial briefings and reports for executive leadership.

Prepare a trend analysis on expenditure burn rates in order to estimate when the state will reach the federal financial threshold.

Prepare documentation for federal disaster cost reimbursement as required.

Texas Emergency Management Council

Objective Responsibilities

Objective 1: Develop Plans, Procedures and Agreements to Support Incident Response

Participate in the state planning process and provide input on their roles and resources in the development of the annexes.

Develop and maintain plans and procedures describing how their members support emergency response.

Prepare mutual aid agreements and contracts, in advance of a disaster, as needed.

Objective 2: Organize and Maintain the State Emergency Management System

Designate a representative to the SOC, REOC, and DDEOC and provide call list information to TDEM and the disaster district chairperson.

Ensure that representatives assigned to the SOC, REOC, and DDEOC are trained, knowledgeable of their current inventory of resources, and have a list of key agency contacts.

Operate in accordance with the state plan and any appropriate tactical documents.

Report to the SOC during disasters, as requested.

Provide advice on and assistance with response operations.

Provide advice and assistance with coordinating the activation and deployment of state resources to the disaster.

Develop and execute plans related to an actual or potential incident.

Participate in after action reviews following the conclusion of any significant disaster, incident or exercise.

Objective 3: Develop, Maintain, and Disseminate Situational Awareness

Provide accurate and timely state agency reports related to the incident.

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Objective Responsibilities

Objective 4: Coordinate Resource Requests for Assistance

Identify suitable response assets to meet the needs of the incident.

Objective 5: Record and Document Financial Expenditures

Submit a daily finance report to the SOC through WebEOC.

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Authority The laws, rules and/or policies that provide general authority for the missions and activities described in the Emergency Management ESF-5 Annex can be found in the Basic Plan. Additional authorities specific to this annex, if any, are listed below. State There are no additional authorities for Emergency Management ESF-5. Federal There are no additional authorities for Emergency Management ESF-5.

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Record of Changes The TDEM Chief/TEMC chair authorizes and issues changes to this document until such time as it is superseded. This document and all attachments are living documents. TEMC members are responsible for participating in plan reviews and are required to provide information concerning capability changes that impact their emergency management responsibilities. TDEM coordinates the plan-updating process and maintains the plan after receiving feedback and updates from partner agencies. Lead and support agencies must ensure all records necessary for emergency management operations are available and that duplicate records are held at alternate locations. Use the table below to record the following information: Change number, in sequence, beginning with 1 Date change was made to the document Description of change and rationale if applicable Initials of person who made the change

Number Date Description Initials

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Texas Emergency Management Basic Plan


Texas Emergency Support Function Crosswalk

The following table aligns Texas Emergency Management Council (TEMC) entities with their emergency support function (ESF) responsibilities in each annex.


TEMC Entity Tran






F 1







s (


F 2




c W


s a





g (


F 3






g (


F 4





cy M







SF 5


Mass C

are (


F 6




tics a







SF 7




c H


h a





es (


F 8




d R


e (


F 9




d H



s M




se (


F 1





ure a





urces (


F 1




y (


F 1




c S


ty a






SF 1




c I






F 1


American Red Cross S S S S S

Public Utility Commission of

Texas S S S P S

Railroad Commission of Texas* S S S S S

State Comptroller of Public Accounts S

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service* S S S S

Texas A&M Engineering

Extension Service* S S S S P S

Texas A&M Forest Service* S S P S S S S S S S

Texas Animal Health Commission* S S S S S S P S

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality* S S S S S S P S

Texas Commission on Fire Protection S S S S

Texas Department of Agriculture* S S S

Texas Department of Criminal Justice S S S S S S S S S

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services S S S

Texas Department of Housing and Community

Affairs S

Texas Department of Information Resources S S S S

Texas Department of Insurance S S S S



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Texas Emergency Management Basic Plan


TEMC Entity Tran






F 1







s (


F 2




c W


s a





g (


F 3






g (


F 4





cy M







SF 5


Mass C

are (


F 6




tics a







SF 7




c H


h a





es (


F 8




d R


e (


F 9




d H



s M




se (


F 1





ure a





urces (


F 1




y (


F 1




c S


ty a






SF 1




c I






F 1


Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation S S S S S S

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles S S

Texas Department of Public Safety* S S S S S S S S S S P S

Texas Department of

State Health Services* S S S S P S S S

Texas Department of

Transportation* P S P S S S S S S S

Texas Division of Emergency Management* S P S S P P P S S S S S S P

Texas Education Agency S S

Texas Facilities Commission S S S

Texas General Land Office* S S S S S S

Texas Health and Human Services Commission S S S S S S S

Texas Military Department* S S S S S S S S S

Texas Office of the Attorney General S S S

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department* S S S S S S S

Texas State Auditor’s Office S

Texas State University System


Texas Tech University System


Texas Voluntary Organizations Active in

Disaster S S S S S

Texas Workforce Commission S S

The Salvation Army S S S S S S

University of Houston System



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TEMC Entity

Texas A&M University


University of Texas System

University of North Texas









F 1









s (


F 2







c W


s a





g (


F 3







g (


F 4








cy M







SF 5




Mass C

are (


F 6







tics a







SF 7







c H


h a





ices (


F 8





d R


e (


F 9






d H



s M




se (


F 1









d N




rces (


F 1





y (


F 1







c S


ty a






SF 1







c I






F 1


S = Support responsibility for this ESF

P = Primary agency or entity for this ESF

* indicates member of the State Emergency

Response Commission

Texas Emergency Management Basic Plan 30

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Texas Emergency Management Annex (ESF-5) 24

Prepared by the Texas Division of Emergency Management, Preparedness Division. For more information, visit the Preparedness website at
