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School Technology and Readiness

Patrick SlugaSanta Fe High School

EDLD5352 EA1199March 2011 1

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Introduction/Agenda1. What exactly is the Texas STaR Chart? 2. The Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020 3. Areas of Focus 4. Santa Fe High School Levels of Progress 5. Santa Fe High School Year-by-Year comparison 6. Summary/Conclusion


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What exactly is the Texas STaR Chart?

• The Texas STaR Chart is a tool that allows for the assessment of district and campus technology

integration. 2. It is a tool that has been developed for use in helping with technology planning, budgeting, and evaluation. 3. It also helps to measure the national and state technology guidelines.

Star Chart Website3

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The Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020

1. The Long-Range Plan has 3 Phases: A. 2006-2010B. 2011-2015 C. 2016-2020

2. Has 4 Key Areas: A. Teaching and Learning (TL) B. Educator Preparation and Development (EPD) C. Leadership, Administration, Instructional Support (LAI) D. Infrastructure for Technology (IT) 3. It's purpose is to chart the course for Technology Education in Texas.

The Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020


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Teaching and Learning Focus Areas (TL)

1. Patterns of classroom use 2. Frequency/Design of instructional setting using digital content 3. Content area connections 4. Technology Applications TEKS implementation 5. Student Mastery of Technology Applications TEKS 6. Online learning


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Educator Preparation and Development Focus Areas (EPD)

1. Content of Professional Development 2. Models of Professional Development 3. Capabilities of Educators 4. Access to Professional Development 5. Levels of understanding and patterns of use 6. Professional Development for online learning


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Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support Focus Areas (LAI)

1. Leadership and Vision 2. Planning 3. Instructional Support 4. Communication and Collaboration 5. Budget 6. Leadership and support for online learning


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Infrastructure for Technology Focus Areas (IT)

1. Ratio of Students to computers 2. Internet access and speed of connection 3. Other classroom technology (Projectors, carts, etc) 4. Technical support 5. Local area network 6. Distance learning capacity


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Santa Fe High SchoolLevels of Progress

2006-2007Key Area Key Area Total Key Area Classification

I. Teaching and Learning 13 Developing Tech

II. Educator Preparation and Development

12 Developing Tech

III. Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support

13 Developing Tech

IV. Infrastructure for Technology

18 Advanced Tech


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Santa Fe High SchoolLevels of Progress

2007-2008Key Area Key Area Total Key Area Classification

I. Teaching and Learning 11 Developing Tech

II. Educator Preparation and Development

14 Developing Tech

III. Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support

12 Developing Tech

IV. Infrastructure for Technology

10 Developing Tech


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Santa Fe High SchoolLevels of Progress

2008-2009Key Area Key Area Total Key Area Classification

I. Teaching and Learning 10 Developing Tech

II. Educator Preparation and Development

10 Developing Tech

III. Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support

12 Developing Tech

IV. Infrastructure for Technology

14 Developing Tech


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Santa Fe High SchoolLevels of Progress

2009-2010Key Area Key Area Total Key Area Classification

I. Teaching and Learning 13 Developing Tech

II. Educator Preparation and Development

15 Advanced Tech

III. Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support

15 Advanced Tech

IV. Infrastructure for Technology

16 Advanced Tech


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STAR CHART Year-by-Year Comparison

Santa Fe High School


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SUMMARY1. Strengths 2. Weaknesses 3. Improvements 4. Feedback 5. Support 14

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CONCLUSION1. What can we do to make sure that Santa Fe High School reaches

the goals of the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020 and the campus mission?

2. What can each department do in their content area to support both the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020 and the campus mission?