Page 1: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate

St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church June 28, 2020

Page 2: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate

Page 2 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Following Jesus Will Cause Conflict

This Week’s Readings at Mass 2 Kings 4:8–11, 14–16 -

Elisha and the Shunammite woman Romans 6:3–4, 8–11 - Death to sin, life in God

Matthew 10:37–42 - Conditions and rewards of discipleship

The Gospel reading today is a continua-tion of last week’s instructions to the apostles as Jesus sends them out to expand his work of healing, teaching, and driving out demons. The first half of the reading contains some solemn teachings: disciples must love Jesus more than their own families, and they must be willing to lose their lives in to find it. It is easy for us to get defensive or upset about being asked to love Jesus more than our parents or our children. Yet what Jesus was asking wasn’t a new teaching in his tradition, a tradition which emphasized that one must follow God before one’s parents. We should be clear that Jesus is not tell-ing us it is wrong to love our family or that we should love them less than we do. What he is saying is that sometimes following him will create conflict within our families. We should expect resistance and breaks in some relationships if we are faithful to what Jesus is asking of us. In those times, we will lose the life as we know it to be faithful to him. Still today, it is not unusual for there to be family conflict when one person begins to deepen in his or her faith commitment while others around them don’t. Ask any parish RCIA director, and she can tell you stories of how painful it is for catechumens to become Catholic when their family disagrees or even disowns them for their faith in Jesus. Yet all of them who go through with it do so because they believe they are “finding” new life despite losing their old life.

Word of the Week •

Last week, I mentioned that we may be able to return to our “normal” Mass schedule with Phase 4 of the Governor’s reopening plans. As we reviewed the requirements to keep the Church safe for our attendees, it was not prudent to make any changes in the month of July from what we have been doing since we re-opened in June. We realized too, that many of you will still be working from home in July, so a return to a 6:15 AM schedule did not seem to be as necessary at this time. Lastly, both Father Keith and I will be taking a little of time off in the month of July, which will impact the Mass schedule too for the month.

So, we will generally schedule Masses as we have had since our re-opening:

Saturday, 4:00 pm

Sunday, 8:00, 10:00, noon and 6:00 pm

Monday, 6:00 pm

Tuesday, 9:00 am and noon

Wednesday, 9:00 am , 6:00 pm

Thursday 9:00 am

Friday, 9:00 am and noon

Confessions will be heard on Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30 am.

We ask that you refer to the bulletin on a weekly basis as there will be some weeks that this schedule deviates. The bulletin will have the most current schedules. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility as we continue to work through these most interesting of times.

From the Pastor….

Page 3: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate

June 28, 2020 Page 3

Take Up Your Cross Jesus continues to prepare the apostles to go out into the world. He tells them that his message of peace may sometimes provoke people. He tells them again that they will have to face suffering.

We try to shelter our children from harm. But eventually there comes a day when we real-ize we can no longer protect them from an imperfect world. They have to deal with illness, a pet dying, or friends talking about them behind their backs. Crosses are a part of the human condition. Jesus asks us to accept our crosses and instead of feeling sorry for ourselves to pick them up and somehow be graced through them.

Jesus was fully human, as human as we are, and he accepted his humanity. I think that is what Jesus asks of us, to simply accept the fact that we are human with all the limitations and restrictions that being human brings with it. We fall down and we get hurt. Friends and fam-ily disappoint us and sometimes even abandon us. Life is difficult, and no one can escape its crosses. Not even Jesus.

We can work hard to change the things we do not like, but inevitably we cannot control our lives. When we accept this fact in our heart of hearts, we can surrender control and begin to experience the peace of Christ’s divinity. We can walk through the bitter haze of any physical or emotional pain because we share in Christ’s strength and courage. We have his divine light to shine in all the dark corners.

Teach your children how to accept their disappointments and crosses by carrying your own crosses with grace. Help them to figure out what pain can be legitimately avoided and what pain just has to be suffered through. Allow them to face the consequences of their actions. And when they are old enough, pray with them the Serenity Prayer, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.”

Family Response Talk about how everyone has crosses in life,

some are big and some are small. Ask every-one to share a cross they carried last week. End with the Serenity Prayer.

Personal Response What are some of the crosses in your life

right now? Which ones can you let go or find a way around? Which ones do you need to just pick up and carry? What do you want to remember from last week? What are you looking forward to next week? What are your concerns?


Saturday, July 4, 2020

Mass at 9:00 AM

Page 4: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate

Page 4 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

MONDAY, JUNE 29, 2020 6:00 PM - Lucille Ryan req. Madonia, Toth & Williams Families TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020 9:00 AM - Nell E. Sisco req. Sisco Family 12:00 PM - Edward Mates req. Mike & Val Bava Ignatius Twardzik req. Family WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 2020 9:00 AM - Irma Pittroff req. Raymond Hartmann 6:00 PM - Bobbie Olp req. Lucado Family THURSDAY, JULY 2, 2020 9:00 AM - Joseph Balice req. Wife & Family FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020 9:00 AM - Judith Morrison req. St. Mary of Gostyn Parish 12:00 PM - Joseph A. Kowalkowski req. Wife SATURDAY, JULY 4, 2020 9:00 AM - Toner, Hadank, Buckley & Newton Families req. Hugh & Maureen Toner Pete Bensen req. Sanderson Family 4:00 PM - Joseph Balice req. Jon & Nikki Ricci & Family SUNDAY, JULY 5, 2020 8:00 AM - Nick Almeida req. Jim & Diane Masura 10:00 AM - Joseph Karlinski req. Family 12:00 PM - Barbara McCammond req. Aunt Shirley 6:00 PM - People of the Parish


Our Catholic Faith with Fr. Keith: This past weekend Bishop Pates ordained six men to the priesthood for the Diocese of Joliet. As they begin their life and ministry at their respective parishes, we are grateful for them answering the call. The Sacrament of Holy Orders is at the service of the salvation of souls, including that of the priest himself. The priest is in persona Christi, in the person of Christ, as beloved son, chaste spouse, spiritual father, divine physician, and head and shepherd. At ordination he receives and embodies the pastoral charity of Christ. Saint Jean Marie Vianney, the patron saint of all priests, said “priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus.” Tragically, that love is betrayed whenever a priest sins, especially in regard to misconduct. Nonethe-less, the vital center of the Christian life remains the Eucharist which is only available to us through the consecratory potestas (“power/ability”) of priests. The administrative responsibilities of parish priesthood flow from the pastoral care and sacramental identity of Holy Orders. For example, balancing the budget is an extension of the stewardship inherent to the identity of a priest as head and shepherd. Parishioners rightly look to their priests to be men of prayer. Pope Benedict said in an address to Polish priests, “The faithful expect only one thing from priests: that they be specialists in promoting the encounter between man and God.” Priesthood is a unique and challenging life, especially in the counter-cultural attempt at chaste-celibacy, but also sublime and sacrificial. The mediocrity of previous generations of priests has eliminated the clerical prestige but such a false reputation has been replaced with a necessity. Our world needs young men who will resist the dictatorship of relativism and the passivi-ty of consumerism. Maybe you or someone you know would make a good priest? Encourage him to prayerfully ask God a simple but life changing question: “God, what do you want me to do with my life?”


Weekly Collection 06/21/2020 $26,285.75

Weekly Goal (Fiscal Year 19/20) $29,500.00

Goals to Date Sunday Goal to Date $1,475,000.00 Christmas Goal to Date $110,000.00 Easter Goal to Date $90,000.00

Collections to Date Sunday Collection to Date $1,398,967.61 Christmas Collection to Date $107,579.39 Easter Collection to Date $63,514.00 Total (Short of) Goals to Date $(104,939.00)

Diocesan Priests’ Care & Support $4,800.00

Thank you for your continued support and generosity. We are very grateful!

Page 5: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate

Prayer Requests

In Sympathy

Our deepest sympathy to the families of Loreda Bach Bentley, sister-in-law of Lois Bach

John Egermann

The following persons have requested prayers from our parish community:

Karli Brown Hugh Toner Maureen Toner William Hennessey Mary Kaye Sally Moll Kris Grazys Maurine Taylor Breanna Deaton

Patricia Wright Nancy Gatto Sharon Kling Sandra Stevens Joseph Leto Bob Earley Franco Albian Mark Gowgiel

June 28, 2020 Page 5

Baptism St. Mary of Gostyn Parish Family welcomed the following child to the Catholic Faith through the Sacrament of Baptism recently: Benjamin Thomas Lesner, Son of Joseph & Marissa Lesner

Youth Ministry

A Warm Welcome

We welcome:

Andrew & Elizabeth Arnold Geoffrey & Kathryn Bares Jeffrey & Gabriela Doering Scott & Christine Hinton

Sisters of Mt. Carmel Matthew& Beth Novak

Jason & Jacqueline Szalanski Casey & Jessica Trail

Bryan & Danielle Wenc

who registered at St. Mary of Gostyn Parish recently.

Page 6: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate

Adult Faith

Page 6 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

topic night ONE

One topic. One night. One faith. Date: June 30th at 7:00pm Speaker: Father Keith Topic: Why is marriage only between a man and a woman?

This One Night One Topic will be offered both in person, in the Church, and via Zoom. Similar to

Mass and safe sea ng capacity restric ons, advance reserva on is required. Email Kelly at

[email protected] or see website for registra on and/or Zoom invita on:

one holy catholic apostolic church

Page 7: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate

June 28, 2020 Page 9

NEW PARISHIONERS: We are happy to welcome new members to our community, and encourage you to register either in person at the Parish Office, or register online through our website,

BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate in a baptismal preparation session before you can receive a date for your baby’s Baptism. Parents are the first and primary educators in the practice of the Faith. Godparents play an important role in the faith life of your child. While considering godparents for your child, be aware that at least one must be a baptized and confirmed Catholic who is active in his/her faith. Please call the parish office at 630-969-1063 to register for a preparation class and to schedule a baptismal date.

BECOMING A CATHOLIC: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of welcoming and preparing adults for the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation - for full membership in the Catholic Church. Unbaptized adults, adults baptized in another Christian faith, and baptized Catholics with little or no formal religious education are invited to participate. Please call the Parish Office for further information.

ANNULMENTS: We are available to help anyone who is in need of information about how to apply for an annulment. Please contact the Parish Office at (630)969-1063.

SACRAMENT of ANOINTING: The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is available at regularly scheduled liturgies throughout the year, or by appointment. You may ask the presiding priest before any Mass for an anointing. Communal Anointing Masses are held on the 1st Saturday of the month in August, December and April at the 8:00 AM Mass. The Eucharist will also be brought to those who are ill, upon request. Please notify the Parish Office if members of your family are in the hospital or homebound.

FUNERALS: Arrangements are usually made by the Funeral Home or by a family member. A member of our Bereavement team will meet with you to plan the Funeral Liturgy. Eulogies can be given at the Wake Service, Interment at the Cemetery or at the Funeral Luncheon, but not at the Mass of Christian Burial.

MARRIAGES: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance to provide ample time for preparation of this sacrament.

PRAYER GROUPS: Monday evening Rosary at 6:30 PM in the Church; Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM in the Parish Center chapel.

RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard Saturday, 3:30 to 4:30 PM in church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also available by appointment. Please call the Parish Office (630-969-1063) to arrange to have your confession heard by a priest.

St. Mary of Gostyn Parish
