Page 1: St James Hatcham News...Thank you again for organising the singing for us- you guys were totally brilliant and we are so grateful! As a collective, the choirs have raised a whopping

St James Hatcham News

January Edition 2017

Message from the Head

Thank you to all those children who have begun the new year with excellent attend-

ance and punctuality and thank you to all the children who have improved their attend-

ance and timing compared to last term. Being punctual and attending everyday makes

a real difference to children’s progress and gets children in to good habits for later dur-

ing their life in work.

We are always looking ahead and ensuring our children are prepared for the future. To this end, as s

staff, we continue to work on improving our children as good learners. We have also changed our

school motto to reflect this focus on developing learners and preparing for the future. Our previous

motto has changed from “Raising leaders in academic excellence and godly character” to “Raising

learners in excellence and godly character”. The godly character remains as we still wish to nurture

children to be kind, good and considerate reflecting our school values of love, hope, peace and joy.

Isiah (Team 6) Twaine (Team 6) and Kylah-rae (team 3) explain further why we have changed the


The old motto has changed because not everybody can be leaders but everybody can be learners. We

have also been working on developing our learning behaviours such as being a team player by collabo-

rating with each other, making effort, not giving up, and improving our focus and ignoring distractions.

We have also taken away the word “academic” because academic means when you are only doing

Science, Maths, Reading and English whereas we do many more subjects such as Sports, Art and Mu-

sic. We would like to develop this excellent culture in everything we do as we know that it is important

for all our school community and for our futures”.

Parents, please talk to your children about the learning behaviour and values they have been focusing

on in school.

Thought for the Month…

“If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share!”

(W. Clement Stone, businessman, philanthropist and author, 1902-2002)

Message from the



Parent View Sur-



Fundraising 2

New Years Honors 2

Snow Day 2

Elizabeth Williams 2

Singing 2

Chess Club 3

Lifesavers 3

St James Stars 3

Well Done 3

Attendance 3

Inside this issue:

Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school, from the quality of teaching to

dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school

is being inspected. Please log on to Please do find the time to do this so we can feed any

comments into actions for our school.

W.Clement Stone

Stone was from a poor family in Chicago and started his business life selling newspapers in restaurants. He later moved into

the insurance business, becoming a multi-millionaire in a classic rags-to-riches story. Stone donated over $275 million to

charity over his lifetime and celebrated his 100th birthday with a gift of $100,000 to the University of Illinois.

Parent View Survey

Page 2: St James Hatcham News...Thank you again for organising the singing for us- you guys were totally brilliant and we are so grateful! As a collective, the choirs have raised a whopping

Page 2

Teachers were asked to choose two children from the clas-ses to be mentioned in the St James Hatcham new Year’s Honours List. It was a very difficult choice as we have so many amazing children who have shown excellent learning and excellent behaviour but in the end these children were chosen: Reception – Milan and Laureen Team 1 – Melissa and Phillipa Team 2 – Elkanah and Deborah Team 3 – Mateo and Ester Team 4 – Elizabeth A and Kelvin Team 5 – Tyrell, Maria Team 6 – Carlisha and Kemar

Just to let you know that St James’ Hatcham CE Primary School helped raise the fantastic sum of £300.69 during their carol singing at Lewisham Shopping Centre, on Monday 12th December, for St Christopher’s Hospice. Nicola from the charity wrote to the school to say, “We are very grateful for the effort the school and their wonderful teachers go to, to come along and sing for us, thank you. I have put a certificate in the post which hopefully you can display at school. Best wishes and a very Happy New Year”. Thank you Mrs Barrett and Miss Zeina and to our won-derful choir.

Fundraising New Years Honours

One day during this month we

experienced a tiny snow shower

in which the children really en-

joyed! It wasn't enough to build a

snowman, but still enough to

have fun in as you can see!

We were very privileged to have had

Miss Elizabeth Williams come in give

us an inspirational speech about per-

severance and how you should never

give up on your dream. Its extra spe-

cial coming from Miss Williams as

she used to attend St James

Hatcham! Aren't we lucky?!

Snow Day

Singing for charity Below is a message from Jessica Scott of Health Poverty Action

Thank you again for organising the singing for us- you guys were totally brilliant and we are so grateful! As a collective, the choirs have raised a whopping £19,573.56 in just 17 days over December. This is an outstanding achievement and has more than tripled what we have raised in previous years- thank you so much!!! WOW WOW WOW! The money you have raised will have a phenomenal impact on our projects. Thank you for standing up and raising your voices for health rights worldwide. The donations will help us to continue prioritising populations missed out by others and maintain the amazing relationships we have with local communities who are improving their people’s health and fighting poverty and health for all. Once again a MASSIVE thank you to every single one of your exceptionally talented singers! I really look forward to staying in touch Warm wishes, Jessica Scott | Community and Outreach Officer | Health Poverty Action

Elizabeth Williams

Page 3: St James Hatcham News...Thank you again for organising the singing for us- you guys were totally brilliant and we are so grateful! As a collective, the choirs have raised a whopping

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It was great to see so many of you at the Lifesavers Financial management Parents Meeting. Thank you for coming and thank you too for the comments you wrote on the evaluation form: “This is fantastic - I do wish that I had this at school"; "I am grate-ful that this has been introduced"; "The topic was interesting and so helpful". All parents stated that they learnt lots and valued the meeting and especially learning about savings and teaching chil-dren how to manage money. The Savings Club will begin soon and we will continue to keep you informed and have a Lifesavers Money saving tip in each newsletter. Lifesavers Money saving Tip 1. Make a "Need" and Want" shop-ping list before you go out for your weekly shop. In that way you can ensure that you save money by focusing on what you really need first and then maybe getting a few things on your "want" list as a treat!

Chess club now have new members who are aiming to be the next chess masters! Keep an eye out for Richard, Judah and Sossna who have chosen to take part in chess club at lunch times along with regular member Frankin!

Chess Club Lifesavers

A massive well done to the St James Football

Team on winning the Millwall Community foot-

ball tournament for the second year running!

Not only did the boys win the tournament but

they won without letting in a goal or losing a

game! The boys conducted themselves magnifi-

cently and thoroughly deserved the victory. Well

done to Chibu, Benaja, Nathan, Nathaniel, Jacob,

Riyadh, and Paul! Very well done boys!! A special

thank you once again to the amazing Mr Garrick

for being the most amazing coach!

St James Stars


Well Done

Well done to Riad in Year 1, for producing

some excellent work. He has been doing very

well in literacy, so he gets a special mention

for his efforts ! Keep it up!

Class Attendance

Reception 95%

Year 1 94%

Year 2 95%

Year 3 98%

Year 4 99%

Year 5 97%

Year 6 97%

Page 4: St James Hatcham News...Thank you again for organising the singing for us- you guys were totally brilliant and we are so grateful! As a collective, the choirs have raised a whopping

St James Hatcham

St James’s

New Cross

SE14 6AD

Phone: 0208 692 4937

Fax: 0208 692 9774

E-mail: [email protected]


Arriving at one goal is the

starting point to another.

- John Dewey


3rd February—NSPCC Number Day

8th February—Team 4 out—Creekside visit

10th February—Team 2 out—Creekside visit

10th February—Last Dance session

13th—17th February—Half Term break

20th February—children start school

1st March—National offer day for Secondary Schools

2nd March—Parent Curriculum meeting

2nd March—World Book Day

7th March—Lifesavers savings Club starts

15th March—Dance Showcase (TBC)

20th March—Choir Perform at the Barbican

22nd March—Cedric’s Place ceremony

24th March—Red Nose day

29th March—Parents Evening

31st March—Last day of term

18th April—Children return to school. Summer Term begins

Diary Dates


At St James Hatcham CE School we are commit-ted to creating a happy, caring and enriching learning environment, underpinned by Christian values, most notably – joy, peace, hope and love. We celebrate children’s achievement and spiritual development; encouraging acts of kindness and consideration, mutual respect and forgiveness. We aim to cultivate curious, independent thinking in response to the wonders of existence so as to pro-vide a sound foundation for each and every child to realise their potential and enjoy fullness of life, both here at school and in their futures.

Our Mission Statement