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33���Annual�Report�20��2-2013nd 1

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SEWA Rural voluntary development organisation

to reach out and assist the poorest of poor

values arepreserved self-development, in broader sense, of those involved in thework

Social Service, Scientific Approach Spiritual Outlook.

Community Health Project

Health training Centre

Comprehensive Eye Programme

Community based rehabilitation programme

Shar da Mahila Vikas Society


reach the marginalised and underserved sections of societyi. e. women, tribals and the poor


SEWA Rural


resulting in fulfilling most important mission ofSEWARural i.e. reaching ou the poorest of poor

is a involved in health &development activities in rural tribal area of South Gujarat at Jhagadia since 1980. Theactivities were initiated by a group of young professionals having education & experience inIndia & abroad and based upon the ideals & ideas of Swami Vivekananda & Gandhiji.Over the years many like minded individuals joined the organisation.

endeavours throughvarious health and development programmes based on the community needs and availablemanpower. While involved in such activities it also seeks to ensure that the

andis achieved simultaneously. The focus of all programmes has been vulnerable

members of family i.e. the women, children & elderly and the poor sections of society.

In all the activities an attempt is made to incorporate as well as balance the three basicprinciples :

100 bed providing rational and quality medical care to the people of 1500surrounding villages is one of our multifaceted activities. Theprovides timely and valuable care to pregnant women and new born babies of 2 primaryhealth centers with population fo about 50000 with new innovative mobile phonetechnology. Use of this technology is helping to reduce both newborn and maternalmortality rates effectively in project areas. Around 500 interested trainees in health subjectsavail training during the year at our . Trainees includedrepresentatives from NGOs, State Govt. Eye Care Programme employees and students fromIndia and abroad persuing higher education. Provideultramodern and intensive multi speciality care to a population of around 15 lakhs. Over 800permanently blinds have been rehabilitated to lead Self dependent life after proper trainingby . 200 poor rural and tribal studentsbecome well employed after one year training at .Various women related activities, economic, development & empowerment, which weredone earlier under aegis of SEWA Rural, are being undertaken by an independentorganisation. since July 2002.

Some of the of SEWA Rural in last 3 decades include, successfullymanaging primary health center of Jhagadia for over 10 years achieving targets of Health forAll by 2000 much earlier, manging First Referral Unit entrusted by Unicef & Govt. ofGujarat and economic betterment of more than 2000 rural- tribal youth & women.

The organisation believes in taking assistance from all sectors of civil society whichincludes local community, individual well wishers and donors, voluntary organisations, Govt.& private industries, charitable trusts, academic institutions and foreign agencies. Theirwhole hearted support & encouragement have ensured that fruits of development &growth ultimately



Vivekananda Gramin Tekniki Kendra


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Dear Friends,

We are happy to present SEWARural's 33 Annual Report for the year 2012 -13.

With the grace of god, support from you all and dedicated spirit of our workers, wecould keep the work at SEWARural going on a progressive trend.

During last 2-3 years rapid expansion of our activities has come about in variousprojects in many directions - leading to increase in number of workers. We are facingsome constraints like increasing inflation, fast growing costs of health services, highereducation of children becoming more and more dearer, all against restricted pay scalesof our workers. We endeavor to balance all above factors, keep up the morale andsense of belonging in workers, and encourage their dedication with some success. Nonethe less, close neighborhood industrialization and fast pace of growth are affecting ourecology inadvertently pushing us to an occasional lapse in legal obligations.

We have appointed consultant and full time worker to promote scientific application toour work culture in the field of Human Resources. During the year we initiated BI(Behavior Indicators) related activity with both newly entrants and also existingworkers at a different level.

Regrettably, due to inordinate delay in sanctioned grant for VGTK by GujaratGovernment we were forced to reduce number of trainees and suspend hostel facilitiesfor our students.

With increasing rush of patients in Kasturba Hospital we have expanded work force,introduced new apparatus and equipments but we are facing severe constraint inavailability of space which now falls very short. We did some renovation but availablespace allows only a limited expansion and this is a dilemma we are facing.

A new addition of "mobile phone project" has been introduced in Community HealthProject intending to improve the quality in the field of mother and new born care.

We are sincerely grateful to you for your valuable and continuing support, suggestionsand inputs in our all activities.

On behalf of SEWARural,

With regards,

Pankaj ShahBankim Sheth

30 December 2013


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The Year�at�a�Glance


Community Health Project (CHP) wasaccorded a national level award "Safemotherhood and child survival for theyear 2010-11 by Rotary award for serviceHumanity Trust, Hyderabad. ManagingTrustee Dr. Pankajbhai Shah received iton behalf of CHPon 21 Nov. 2012.

On behalf of SEWA Rural, Dr. Latabenand Dr. Anilbhai received "KesarilalBoradia Memorial Sanman" on 28 April2012 at Udaipur. All members of staffrejoiced the appreciation of our over allwork.

A extensive programme was carried outfor 6 months starting from May forinventory of material stock to ensure andevaluate proper utilisation needs of variousdepartments and maintain main dead stockregistor and disposal of non useful items.

SEWARural workers-Mayankbhai Pandya,Ranjanben Atodaria and MahavirsinhVaghela joined Swami VivekanandaBhavprachar Parishad on 9-10 June'12arranged by Ramkrishna Ashram, Rajkot.

They were blessed by inspiring talks ofvarious Swamis. This event was attendedby representatives of most of centers tocommemorate 150 birth anniversary ofSwami Vivekananda. A decision was madeand guidelines were given for impartingvalue based education to high schoolstudents for the next 2 years and all thosewho were present agreed to implement itby giving training to various workers toproperly undertake the project.

A meeting of staff and their spouses was

arranged on 15 June. 75 ladies participated

when a telefilm "Ba retired thay chhee"

was screened, depicting increasing

differences between two generations

which creates disturbances in family life.

This was followed by a discussion on

methods to be adopted to minimise such


A meeting of local well wishers of

SEWARural and social leaders of this

area was arranged on 23 June 12. This was

attended by 70 well wishers of Bharuch

district and also by representatives of

various organisations. A presentation of

new activities and selected programmes of

SEWA Rural during current year was

made. Various help and support received

from local people was highlighted and their

active suggestions on our activities were


Important suggestions received were :

introduction of orthopedic service in

hospital, showing VGTK to the students

of 9 to 12 standard of selected schools,

arranging seminars in villages and to

introduce gynecological disease detection

camp along with eye camps & to

represent certain RSBY scheme related

problems to State Government etc. Well

wishers promised to promote fund raising

for SEWA Rural activities. This was 3rd

such meet and it's benefit is an indirect

social auditing of the activities so that

organisation continues to remain alert and

active in its work. It is highly satisfying

that the said objective is being achieved.

A general meeting of Gujarat state

Charitable Hospitals Federation was held




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on 25 June 12 at Gnadhinagar.

Mayankbhai Pandya attended it on behalf

of SEWA Rural and he was also selected

to the executive committee of federation.

Team of the Director, CEO, leading femaleworkers and staff workers of SEWA(Amdavad) visited SEWA Rural for 2days on 30 June & 1 July. The groupconsisted of 37 ladies and 6 maleworkers. On day one they familiarisedthemselves with various activities of SR.On 2nd day visiting team had a workshopat our Health Training and ResourceCentre on the subjects of communication,team work and leadership.

To discuss the problems faced byvoluntary organisations a workshop wasarranged by Polio Foundation Ahmedabadon 1 July 12. Representative from 40state level organisations participated anddiscussed the topic. Dr. Pankajbhai Shahand Dr. Anilbhai Desai from SEWARuralmade presentation. This meeting was alsoattended by Dr. Lataben Desai andMayankbhai Pandya.

To elaborate the mission of SEWA Ruraland to encourage expression of problemsfaced by new workers, a platform has beencreated. Meetings on 22 August. and 26February were arranged for all these newcomers of less than 3 years duration. Fromamong them Brijeshbhai Swami andJabinben Shekh volunteered to coordinate

with all new entrants. On 28 Nov. allthose who did not visit field were taken tofamiliarize with various programmes likeC o m m u n i t y b a s e d R e h a b i l a t i o nprogramme, Community Health Projectwork, workshops run by students trainedby Vivekananda Gramin Techniki Kendra

and Papad kendra of Kharia village womenrun by Sharada Mahila Vikas Society.This meetings helped in promoting teamspirit, creation of strong family bond andaddress the anxietes of new comers.

A meeting of anti sexual harrassment

commitee was held on 27 Oct. 12. This

was attanded by Nimishaben Desai

("Olakh" Vadodara), Dr. Shobhaben Shah,

Dr. Gayatriben Desai, Vikrambhai Vasadia,

Ranjanben Atodaria, Manjulaben Vasava

and Gayatriben Patel. They discussed

about awareness on this subject in

organisation and decided to offer self

defence training to all nurses and other

female staff members. Additionally they

also resolved to provide such training to

young girls in village schools during

vacation period.

Asilent protest rally was held in Jhagadia

on 1st January in relation to blatant rape

events at Delhi, Bharuch and Halol.

About 1000 citizens, students and members

of Mahila Mandal Joined it. Social leaders

of Jhagadia expressed strong commitment

to create necessary atmosphere to deal

with such crimes and atrocities toward

women and expressed solidarity to not to

tolerate such events in Jhagadia. The rally

started at Diwan Dhanjisha High school

and after going round most areas of

Jhagadia concluded at prant office. The

memorandum was presented to the Prant

officer demanding strict steps to prevent

such episodes in Jhagadia area.

To publicise various activities of SEWA

Rural and spread awareness in general

public so they can help and support our


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activities, a meeting of press journalists,

local press representative and members

of local TV media channels was arranged

on 17th December. This programme

was attended by 15 journalists of vaious


A workshop was organised to keep

organisation active, alert and committed, to

enhance and enrich vision, mission and

value systems among both old workers and

new entrants, what is expected in their

attitude, behavior and expression and

what could be the measures and targets to

achieve them. To create a full picture

group discussions, presentation of opinion

of all participants, roleplay, screening of

relevant video and scripts were employed.

22 active workers of SEWA Rural

joined the workshop. Entire programme

was lead by Drs. Shreybhai, Gayatriben and


A celebration was held on the joint occasion

of 25 years of Vivekananda Gramin Tekniki

Kendra and completion of 10 years of

Sharada Mahila Vikas Society on 22-23

December 2012. Dr. Vikasbhai Amte,

Secretary Anandvan (Maharashtra) and

Rev. Prasannpranaji of math

Pingot- Nainital were the chief guests on

auspicious occasion. n after noon of

first day a get together of all our workers

and their family members was held. It

started with introduction of all who

joined recently followed by felicitation of

few selected workers for their

extraordinary dedication to the work. All

enjoyed the cultural programme presented

by children & youth of SEWARural on 1


During main function on 2 day many

beneficiaries of SMVS programme shared

their views on how their family life got

enriched and their feeling on improved

personal and family life. It was a deeply

joyous occasion. This was followed by

convocation of 26 batch of VGTK. The

occasion was made more auspicious by

unveiling ceremony of "Vivek Suvas" a

special edition commemorating 150th

anniversary of Swami Vivekananda having

various inspiring events of his life

prepared by SEWA Rural and a book

narrating the progress story of 10 years of

SMVS, by our respected chief guests. At

last we heard inspiring & thought

provoking talk by Dr. Amte and by Rev.


Couple of disgruntled and short sighted

workers indulged in nefarious and

damaging activities towards our basic

values, mission and commitments. This

lead us to infuse positive values of human

resource in management. We received

help of Sri Atulbhai mankad of "Naman"

Vadodara. As per his counseling and

guidance we appointed HR manager. We

have started training to improve efficiency

and bettering of over all milieu among our

workers and to create a close family like

atmosphere. This will help us to

understand their problem & requirements

beside fulfilling our legal obligations. In

order to better appreciate their misgivings

a team of our workers has started actively

working in that





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MOU was done for financial assistancewith Tribal Development Departemnt(DSAG) of Gujarat Government forVivekananda Gramin Tekniki Kendra.This required 25% fund raising by us. Wereceived full grant for capital investmentand also received regular grant towardsr e c u r r i n g e x p e n s e s f o r 3 y e a r s .Unfortunately, despite repeated requestsand representation at various levels wewere not receiving grant for the currentyear. This has forced us to reduce numberof students in present batch and suspendhostel and kitchen facilities. Now studentsattend training by daily commuting.Nonetheless, we are taking care not tocompromise in training programmes andlife building education.

A 3 days spiritual retreat under Rev.S w a m i B r a h m e s h a n a n d a j i o fRamakrishna Mission was held on 15-17February. Swamiji enlightened all thosewho attended with his pleasent narratingstyle. Subject was Uddhav Gita. Quatingfrom Srimad Bhagwat he elucidated theinteresting and inspiring talk betweenBhagwan Dattatreya and Avadhut. Thiswas attended by some staff members andwell wishers of SEWARural.

18 February was celebrated as birthday

of Sri Ramakrishna with Puja and

worship. We derive inspiration from the

life and teaching of Swami Vivekananda,

Sri Ramkrishnadev, Ma shardamani devi

and Mahatma Gandhiji who have always

been beacon behind all activities of

SEWA Rural. The sculpted messages of

four of them has been placed in our

which was unveiled by

Rev. Swami Brahmeshanandaji. This

message is shown on page- 47.

Several workshops on relevent topics arearranged for the members of coordinationcommitee consisting of key members &heads of each departments. According onewas arranged on 22 Jan. 13 aiming toreaffirm and consolidate the valuesystem, vision and mission of SEWARural. Another workshop was organised on14-15 Sept. It's subject was to know eachother, to appreciate and to adopt theoutstanding qualities of One another. Anadditional workshop was arranged on 2ndOct. 12 covering deliberation on methodsto adopt for consensus based decisionmaking process in the setting of widedifferences of opinion.

Regular reviews of account, finance anddonation is of course our strength butthere are certain weaknesses like updatingmailing list which has certain gaps. Inaddition we find hard to maintain closecontact with many of our workers due tolarge work force as a result of expansion.We also recognize missing spirit ofdedication in some workers. Lastly wehad defects in regular inventorymainta ining thei r s tock taking,classification etc. to facilitate proper useof available material. Fortunately with afull throated drive we are happy to havedone master dead stock register wellduring the current year.

We need to increase the fund to supporteducation expenses of children of staffmembers who are with us for more than15 years. Till date Rs. 8,81,200 has beendisbursed as a loan to 23 such needychildren.


Prathana Mandir

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During current year we have receivedgood support and donations and evennew donors have joined the rank. It is amatter of satisfaction that, lately, moreresponse is forthcoming from localpeople of Jhagadia and surroundingareas. Additionally certain Governmentschemes like RSBY, Balsakha Yojanaand Chiranjivi Yojana offer muchneeded relief to our large deficit.

To provide an opportunity to lead arespectable and self sufficient life,young people specially girls were giventraining in nursing for the past 4 yearsand newly introduced course of LabAssistant for the last 2 years. Duringthe year many excellent teachingmodels, apparatus and material havebeen procured. It certainly made theireducation smooth, lively and enjoyable.

Although there was no new addition in

main group during last 3 years, at

present for grater responsibility 2

groups have emerged over a period of

time. The first group consisting of

some 25 members having key

responsibility in various projects and

activities. It has been active for last

several years. Second group consisting of

10 members including resident trustees

and senior key members are actively

involved in decision making process

resulting in individual capacity building

and building informal core values of

organization. The long term result has

been creation of second line of

leadership with healthy long term

sustainibility of SEWA Rural.

Dr. Divyakrishnabhai and Shantaben

were native of Jhagadia. For many

years the couple was setteled in East

Africa and subsequently in Australia.

After retirement Divyakrishnabhai &

Shantaben returned to their native

place. From begining of SEWARural

they had special relationship with the

organisation. Their daughter Dr. Smita

had done special study in Community

Medicine in Australia. Whenever in

India she and her husband Ralph

provide some or other service to

SEWA Rural. Both of them had close

relationship with the organisation.

After death of Dr. Divyakrishnabhai

& Shantaben their family donated their

house in Jhagadia to SEWARural and

there by provided encouragement &

support to all of us. In addition the

family gave a unique example &

inspiration to local community.

In spite of settling abroad the family

has special feeling and appreciation

of the work being done for the poor

and marginalised people of their

native land. SEWA Rural family is

happy and proud to falicitate the

family members & their unique and

inspiring example.


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Kailashben a resident of Khadoli, 8 km off Jhagadia works

as labourer alongwith her husband to barely manage family


At her 1 pregnancy she was found to have molar pregnancy

in place of normal baby and this turned into cancer

(Chorio carcinoma) detected by sonography. She was unable

and unaffording to go to higher center for treatment so we

arrange to send her to Civil Hospital Surat, accompanied by

one of our doctor. She received several cycles of

chemotherapy there and stayed in hospital with patience

having faith in us. Several blood tests, sonography study

and MRI were done and she fully recovered and gained

normal health again.

Later on she concieved again and luckily this time it was

normal preganancy and she was regularly seen at our

antenatal clinic. She delivered a healthy child in our hospital

at full term to the profound joy of entire family and staff

members of SEWARural.


For many reasons the hospital based work has increased . Reasons for such trend in last

3 years are certain services and schemesintroduced by State Government to help poorpeople like Chiranjivi, Balsakha, RSBY and 108ambulance service. In addition antenatal caregiving and hospital based delivery rates haveincreased partly due to our community healthproject and partly due to improved care givenby 3 full time Gynecologists, resulting in almost3000 deliveries. Hospital bagged best FRU awardfor 3rd consecutive years in Safe mother carecategory. 46 Gynec camps were done in Jhagadia-

Valia-Dediapada-Zankhvav areas of Bharuch, Narmada & Surat districts. 1195 patientswere seen in camps and 84 complicated cases were referred for advance treatment at

our hospital at Jhagadia.Regular Gynec OPD runs

at Netrang PHC on 1 &

3 Thursday and on every

4 Thursday at ZankhvavP H C . L a p a r o - s c o p i chysterectomy has beenintroduced during currentyear.

Hospital continues toreceive services ofDr. Chandrakantbhai Voraand Dr. Shrey Desai asphysician, Dr. KalpanabenShah as anes the t i s t .Dr. Mayaben Hazara( B a r o d a ) a n d D r .H a s m u k h b h a i S a d h u(Halol) as Gynecologist,Dr. Amiben Yagnik (Surat)as suregon & pediatricianDr. Prashant Vasava(Bharuch) - All of them




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Statistics�for the�year

Details 12-13����������11-12

� OPD��attendance 75275����������68269

Consultations 60775���������54152

New TB�patients 430�������������460

Lab. Tests 112445 102810

Indoor��patients 14278���������12730

Deliveries 2987�����������2792

Antenatal�Patients 12188 11564

Total��operations 7139�����������5270

Bed��occupancy 113%����������97%

Total��Free�OPD 48%�����������46%

Total�Free�Indoor 84%�����������82%


provide additional support as visiting consultant in their respective speciality. Many

women in need of emergency cesarean operationare greatly benefited by the services of Dr.Ajaybhai Shah who provides anesthetist carefollowing 6 month training.

With blood Storage center approval we couldprovide 621 bottles of blood at a token charge toour patients thanks to Surat Rektadan Kendra andNarayan Trust Surat. Hospital arranged a blooddonation camp and collected 25 bottles bloodfrom donors.

2 Semi special rooms were demolished to createnew eye ward which now has 20 bed capacity.OPD block got a new appearance with changing

size, decorating with wall tiles, wall painting, new furniture and equipment made possibleby donation from Ur Asha Jhaveri Foundation Trust (Mumbai). Also labour room, labourwaiting room, septic labour room and baby room have been made spacious byrenovation.

During the year, 10 nursing assistant of 4th batch and 5 Lab assistant qualified aftertraining. Dr. Jayshriben Shah played very effective role in the training of nursingassistants.

Renovation work was also done in Gynec OPD, Labour room and NICU thanks togenerous donation from Dr. Ushaben Mehta and her family (USA). Our services hasimproved with a new sonography unit donated by ONGC Ankleshwar and newambulance donated by State Bank of India (Bharuch).

Total expenses for hospital was Rs. 2.72crore, after deducting government grant andpatient payments a deficit of Rs. 1.10 crorehad to be realised from various sourcesincluding donation. Looking at Improvedlocal economy, after getting approval ofmedical committee, service charges has beenrevised. Nevertheless, as in past we havecontinued to provide free treatment for

indoor and 50% in OPD patientsto ensure no undue load falls on poorpatients. With continuing provision ofquality care to patients admission ratecontinues to rise in which our averagedaily bed occupancy is 113 patients.

about 80%

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An�Exemplary�NeighbourIliyabhai an elderly man, having no children lived with his old wife S ben. Heowned just one acre land. As it was in hilly terrain it could barely produce enoughfor their subsistence. His brother would till the land but will not offer any other help.Unfortunately Iliyabhai got failing vision in both eye and turned total blind by Aug.12. His brother would not take him to hospital but on the contrary beat old blindbrother aiming to snatch his land. Now comes an angel to help. Chhotubhai, not anyrelation to Iliyabhai just a distant neighbo lived in Surat. A Karmayogihe was, he learned many trades and was successful in life. In distant past he was poorand Iliyabhai helped him generously for his schooling and Chhotubhai would notforget this obligation and always was willing to help him. In Dec. 12 he came tovillage, learning the plight of Iliyabhai, he brough him to SEWA Rural whereuccessfull cataract surgery gave him his vision back. Iliyabhai, Shantuben and

Chhotubhai got Jubilant. To test his vision Chhotubhai insisted to let him walk withoutstick, which he did very well hus chhotubhai brouht a new lease of hope in the lifeof this old couple. Not stopping there he even bought new clothes, show and shoes forIliyabhai and when got dressed in new attire every body could see the immense joy inthese 3 people. At the time of going home from hospital they hook hands of eachand every one in hospital. Chhotubhai left an inspiring message for all for the helpto be given to people in distress. Chhotubhai has resolved to help his old mentor tillhe is alive.

, hantu

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Years of hard work, support and guidance of Dr. Udaybhai has been very usefull

asset. Pace of work ha decreased due to

shortage of ophthalmologist. As Dr. Rajben

Patel has agreed to continue working for

long term and during current year 2 new

Ophthalmologists have joined us, once again

we could perform better. With sustained

efforts we could encourage more donors and

could arrange 82 diagnostic camps resulting

in about 5700 different types of eye surgeries.

We have been able to do satisfactory work


with the help of many ophthalmologists both full time and visiting supportingbeside

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Statistics�for the�year

Details 12-13���11-12

Total�OPD 46712 43260

Diagnostic��camps 82 56

Autorefraction 12023 10686

Eye�Sonography 5751 4859

Operations 5739 4746

Total��IOL implants 4679�����3532

Keratoplasties 07 10

Laser��capsulotomies 420 275

Perimetry��for��glaucoma 182 114

Diode��Laser 53 32

Hospital 26210���22605

Diagnostic��Camps 20502 14826

staff since begining of eye department in 1986. As a result we could fulfill the

100000 eye operations target by 2013, 90% of

them catract surgery. The occasion was

celebrated on 30-3-2013 in the presence of

Rev. Swami Prabhu Sevanandji ( Ramkrishna

Mission, Rajkot). All the past ophthalmologists,

staff members and camp organisers were invited.

The eye programee could cover nearly 15 lacs

population of entire Bharuch & part of Narmada

districts, Mangrol taluka of Surat district. This

year we were helped in catract surgery by


visiting doctors from Vadodara, Surat and Ahmedabad. Besides this, super speciality

eye care which is very expensive elsewhere, was provided to 1300 patients in

problems of glaucoma, disease of retina, occuloplasty and lacrimal duct obstruction

etc. Services in the problems of squint and eye pediatric ophthalmology have been

started this year which will also benefit small children to have foldable lens

implantation in childhood cataracts.

The eye programme was earlier

supported by Sight Savers U.K. for

many years. It was terminated couple

of year ago but gap has effectively

filled by enthusiastic support from local

well wishers, charity trusts and overland

donations valuable help of

District Blindness Control Society of

Bharuch. Government grant also aids to

bridge the deficit in eye programme.

One ophthalmic assistant joined us after

completion of training. The Anokhi

Chashma shop prepared 2000 spectacles

for refractive error patients and 9000

spectacles were distributed.



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Bharatbhai, a son of carpenter from Dhamrad of Hansot taluka of Bharuch district

passed SSC at age 16 in 1991. He was keen to get higher education but poor

economic condition of family forced him to start working at a chemical plant near

Pungam. After only 45 days of work, while attempting to open acid containing bottle

acid flew to his face damaging both eyes. 'All possible remedies failed to revive vision

and he ended up blind in both eyes. For next 5-7 years he passed time helplessly. No

one, even family would not involve him in any work due to blindness.

SEWA Rural started its blind rehabilitation programme in this area in 2009 and soon our

field workers started giving mobility and orientation training to him. Slowly he gained

self confidence and could now walk unaided in village and could do all his personal

work himself without assistance from others. He did not stop there, with renewed

confidence he started to help others in house hold work, obtained certificate of blind and

free bus pas with the help of our field worker and even was successful to get

pension after submitting pension request from to Government.

Now he found hard to stay idle so joined his brother as helper and assistant in his

carpenter's workshop where they make various items of furniture. To purchage wood

he was granted a loan of Rs. 10,000/- from SEWA Rural and he continues to make

regular repayment of his loan.

SEWA Rural initiated this programme in 1997, covering Jhagadia, Valia, Dediapada,

Sagbara, Nandod, Ankleshwar and Hansottalukas.

This programme was sponsored by SSI (Sight

Savers International), U. K. from 1997 to

2012. Although SSI withdraw sponsorship

SEWA Rural continued this work so that

people with poor or no vision of interior

villages would not be deprived of it's benefit

and support. Even after completion of work

in 2012 in 7 talukas follow up work has been

continued so they can avail the benefit of all

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Government's helpful schemes like obtaining

certificate of disability, bus passes for free

travel, pension scheme etc. to both pre existing

and newly found blind people. During current

year meetings of all blind people were held

at Taluka head quarter so that they don't have

to come all the way to Jhagadia. However, due

to absence of all female blinds to attend such

meeting, decision has been revised. Now

onward, 4 such meeting, will be held every

year during 2013-14 at SEWARural, Jhagaida.

World disability day was celebrated on 3 December 2012 at SEWARural. Programme was

very fruitful with 107 blind people attending it.

The followup work did not receive any fund from either government or any other

source. However in order to run this highly acclaimed work, we are continuing it

from our own funds received as regular institutional donations.

Statistics�for the�year


Total��blinds 822


Blindness��certificate�issued 650

Bus�Pass 514

Sant��Surdas�pension�yojana 211

Self��employed 58

Loan�given 33

Studying��at�village��schools 35

Admitted��to��blind��schools 48

Under�training��at Tatawadi 08

Details 1997-2012


Sr.�No. Details No.

1. Visits��to��students�in��villages 98

2. Blindness��certificate�obtained 34

3. Bus�passes 60

4. Railway��concession�passes 15

5. Applied�to�pension�scheme 54

6. No��who��paid�up��loan 23

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Under service NGO project of Gujarat Government,work was done in interior areas of Moriyana PHC,which was less accessible, by intensive followup in Collaboration with Government. We couldimplement the safe child & mother care programmesuccessfully in this area. In order to address theproblem of malnutrition in children under the ageof 2 years, special events of Mamta day celebration,parternership in school health programme andnutrition workshops were held in this area.

6 nutrition workshops were done during the yearwhich included evaluation of children under theage of 2 years for advance malnutrition as per

Weight of Yuvraj Dhaniben Vasava was just 2 kg. at birth.Child was from a remote village Yal of Moriyana PHC area.Vanitaben, Asha worker of Yal village provided valuable andpersistent counseling for proper breast feeding due to verylow weight of child. At 6 month's age child continued toremain in advance malnutrion grade, so Vanitaben advisedto supplement nutrition by appropriate oral food in additionto breast feeding. At the same time a nutrition workshopwas arranged by SEWA Rural at Movi which was attendedby mother of Yuvraj. After seeing other healthy children andhaving received proper counseling about nutrition yuvaraj'smother resolved to implement new knowledge to make herchild healthy. Vanitaben also continued to help explainingproper use of locally available food to improve health andnutrition. Child now grew well, weighed 8.4 kg. at 16thmonth, 8.9 k.g. at 20th month and 9.3 kg at the end of2 years of age. Thus proper counseling, implementation ofcommon sense and persistent helpful guidance of ashaworker Vanitaben could achieve a spectacular success.Innovative new and simple ideas at rural area can bring aboutfar reaching results.


IMNCI guidelines, community growth monitoring, Video presentation displayingbalanced diet information and counseling. 658 children took advantage of Nutritionworkshops and we could achieve note worthy 15% reduction in malnutrition under thisprogramme with intensive followup under guidance & in coordination with State Govenment.

A surveillance project wasstarted by Setu workers ofvarious areas of Jhagadiablock excluding MoriayanaPHC area, since April 2011.Aim of project is toevaluate the actual resultof Safe child and mothercare programme, to knowaccurate rates of infantand maternal mortality andto look into the causes ofmortality in entire taluka.

A new project involvinguse of mobile phonetechnology has beenproposed as an aid inservices of interior areasof Jhagadia and MoriyanaPHC areas. All concernedAsha workers have been

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Statistics�for the�year

Antenatal��Registration�(New) 3779�������3825

Hospital��Delivery 78%������68%

Maternal�Mortality�Rate 32��������216

Neonatal�Mortality�Rate 28����������31

Treatment�by Arogya�Sakhi

Gynec�Camps 27�����������13

Mobile�Medical Van Visits 06�����������35

Patients Attended 658���������976

Details 12-13���11-12

1812 1745




given module 6 and 7 refresher training as a partof Im TeCHO Project.

We are starting this project (innovative mobilephone technology for Community HealthOperations) in April 13. This programme isfunded by Sir Jamshedji Tata Trust, Mumbai andis being provided technical inputs for scientificresearch and evaluation by ICMR ( IndianCouncil of Medical Research) New Delhi andWorld Health Organisation. We also aim to domore scientific research in future with this project.Mobile software was prepared by Gandhinagarbased Argusoft India Ltd. as per our requirement.

As a complement to our work of helping poor rural people, 18 orphan children whohave lost their parents were assisted for admission to Vatsalya Dham, Surat, a residentialschool where all 18 have now completed a year of schooling. We are happy toarrange admission of 45 new children to this noble institution this year. We extendedour help to 325 people to apply for widow or old man pension schemes of Governmentand 125 application forms could be submitted in stipulated time limit for the help.

Under Sanjivani Samiti (village health, sanitation & nutrition committee) 87 committeeswere given training followed by a public meeting ( Jansamvad) where about 60problems were presented by various groups. 50% of them have either been completed oraccepted in planning for implementation under various Government schemes. This hasstrengthened the working of Jansamvad platform.

As in past, this year also we continued to collaborate with Swasthaya Abhiyan,Dai Sangathan and GVHA. We continuued to provide assistance to safe childmother care programmes of Kaprada (Dharampur) based Jashoda Narottam Trustactivities. This programme has achieved noteworthly improvement in the field ofmalnutrition and child & mother care programmes in inaccessible & hilly tribal belts ofDharampur-Kaprada areas.

We continue to be invited to nationaland international level conferences andseminars which included workshops atIIM Ahmedabad and IIPH organisation,Gandhinagar. We made scientif icpresentation at Global Maternal Healthconference in Tanzania, WHO / ICMRsponsored implementation workshops andalso at a workshop by NHSRC Delhi.National Rotary India Award was givenat Hyderabad to our outstanding andinnovative service delivery in savingthe lives of mothers and babies, on21 Nov. 2012.


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One of the students who visited SEWARural for field trainingsaid "There is lot one gets to learn, to know and appraise frommultifarious activities of SEWA Rural and this is the reasonmany students come here. One can learn about the issues ofhealth awareness, women empowerment and applications ofmany Government schemes for rural development. All these canbe learned in college but this is one place where one can notonly visualize their direct application and see the out come butgain confidence that they can be fully applied in public serviceas well. One student doing MBA with subject of humanresource studied on the subject of "Induction" and later shemade presentation. A PHD students from Indian Institute ofManagement (IIM) studied beneficial effect of GovernmentRSBY scheme. One student doing the course of Journalism atGujarat Vidyapith interviewed the patients and our workers andprepared case study. She begged highest marks for this workfrom her college. Students of MSW and MRS extended theirhelping hands in office administration. Nachiket ( a law student)along with students visiting from USA obtained all informationon SEWA Rural, also did an excellent work to infuseenthusiasm and liveliness with their valuable contribution in ourworks of mailing, documentation, tutorial classes and prepareddocument on various activities of SEWARural.

SEWA Rural A School�!

Fast growing knowledge and new experiencesrequire continuing education in all sectors andservices. As in past this year also we held severalsuch programmes. 577 trainees from 37 different ofNGOs, academic institutions and Govt. sectorsattended about 50 training programmes held inSEWARural.

In house training : To improve expertise, varioustraining sessions were held in SEWA Rural for itsown workers. Workshops with members ofcoordination committee were held to strengthen the

vision, mission and value systems of institution, encourage collective decision making processand to inspire higher value appreciation & adaptations. Other important training programmesincluded one year Nursing Assistant Training for 16 girl students, Laboratory Assistanttraining for 5 students for a year & OphthalmicAssistant Training given to one student. Regular

weekly teaching classes areheld for all nurses, a CPRtraining programme wasalso arranged & periodicaltraining was imparted to 25Arogya Sakhi workers fromSNGO areas of CommunityHealth Project.

Comprehensive Training for

treatment of serious ailment

of new born and infants

(IMNCI) was given to 14

nurses from centrally ruled

Div, Daman & Dadranagar

Haveli areas. Same training

programme was done for 30

Arogya Saheli and 2

Supervisors from Jashoda

Narottam Pulic Trust,

Dharampur in 2 semesters. 5

trainees from the same trust

also received know how on

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Statistics�for the�year






Details 2012-13��11-12

Formal Training�Prog. 20 26

08 12


Orientation Programme 20 19

20 14


Field��placement 10 18

Organisations 09 16



the use of Computer Software in Health Programme.

Rural health work experiences of SEWA Rural was

successfully replicated by the workers of Jashoda

Narottam Trust Workers. 28 rural health workers

belonging to Lokmangalam Trust who serve in hilly

terrain of Dharampur, received IMNCI and Primary

Health Care giving training here.

7 health workers of Valsad Raktadan Kendra received

training in the problems of malnutrition, while Asha

Module 6 and 7 level refresher training was given to

44 Asha Workers of Jhagadia and Moriyana Primary


Students of various Universities and academic institutions visited SEWA Rural this year.�Theywere from HRD department of Vir Narmad University, Surat, IIM, Ahmedabad, students ofJournalism from Gujarat University, students from Gram Vidyapith, Amrapur, Nardipur andPatan doing from MSW course, Home Science and Master in Rural Studies (MRS). 23 studentsof Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar also visited us. They observed the working ofSEWA Rural, health activities in field area and application of various Govt. schemes likeRSBY (Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana), Chiranjivi, Balsakha and working of First ReferralUnit (FRU) of Kasturba hospital.

In all 20 students from abroad visited SEWA Rural. It included Nirmal Shah, a Second yearMBBS student from USA and Parva Yatami doing B. Sc. in Canada. 12 students fromdifferent countries visiting Goraj Muni Sewashram stayed for 2 days to study various activities ofSEWARural.

List of foreign student visitors also included Ishta Bhagat from Chicago, Radha Shah from Los

Angeles, Shivani from University of Pacific, Punit Rana from California, Biomedical Engineer

Gaurav Panchal and Natasha Kapur a Biomedical student from England.40 members of SEWA, Ahmedabad came toaquint themselves with SEWA Rural.Mosamben, a student of PHD at IIPH Mumbaiclosely studied Gynec Department work.During year 55 internee doctors (MBBS) cameto SEWA Rural for learning experience fromPramukh Swami Medical Collage, Karamsad inrotation of one month duration. Same way 4 PGResidents of Gynecology from same institutioncame for practical learning in Gynecology.

55 our workers were privileged to learn selfdevelopment by attending about 48 workshops,seminars and training sessions held both inSEWA Rural and at other institutes.

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Here we present an interesting story of Hardik HaribhaiVasava from village Kochbar ( Ta. Dediapada of Narmada

District). He joined the 27 batch in printing trade. Incidentallythis trade was introduced only this year. His parents werevery poor. When he stood for the first time in front of machinehe broke down, he said he won't be able to work on it.Not only he lost confidence but he also had disability, he wasblind in one eye so it was difficult for him to adjust tochallenge. I, as an instructor continued to have faith in him andhe was constantly encouraged, he also slowly got over hisweakness, started learning and gained confidence in himself.Not only he completed the training but he started coachingother students and on top of it by his job work he didRs 2,00,000/- worth of work for the institution.

Hardik stayed in campus for 2 years, always verycooperative and sincere in any work he was asked to do. Hisattitude, moral and work ethics were of high order. At presenthe is gainfully employed at Mrugal offset in AnkleshwarGIDC, draws around Rs. 200/- day for his work and supportshis poor family with his earnings.



Instructor's��role��in��life�of students

VGTK received full capital grant from TribalDevelopment Department of Gujarat Govt.(D-SAG). This has helped us to renew andrenovate entire VGTK campus equipped with newmachinery and education material for teaching andalso residential quarters for the staff members.

We received grant for recurring expense also fromD-SAG of Guj. Government for 3 years. Thereafter we faced lot of uncertainties for the recurringexpense grant. 10 other vocational training centresof Gujarat also faced similar problem.

In view of uncertainty in grant, the board of trustees and officials of VGTK had to decide toreduce the number of students to 100 from existing 200, close hostel and kitchen facilities forstudents requiring all students to commute daily for study but without compromissing onstandard of technical training and moral education as a part of teaching. At the same time wereduced campus teaching period by 3 months.

2 months practical trainingfor 27 batch students inindustry was done duringMay- June 2012. Followingit, 79 students were placedin industry for their 2 yearof training with stipend.As on 31-3-2013, 75students were continuingwith their training. Of the4 dropout, 2 have selectedhigher studies and 2 haveabandoned the training.Thus proportion of dropoutfrom industry basedtraining has reducedsignificantly.

Advance welder tradeand computer officeautomation were the twonew trades introducedwith the current batch. Atthe same time 2 trades-operation theater assistantand ophthalmic assistant



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Details���������**28�Batch���27�Batch(July to

)12 (July�11�to

March�13 June�12)Students enrolled 182 146Completed training 167 113Gainfully employed 113 91

Total Self employment 63 62


Total Self employment 41 41units running

Self Employment Units 01 03

Interest free Loan (Rs.) 5,72,000 5,72,000

Statistics*�for the�year

** Training��will��end�in��June�2013.

training programme have been closed due toinadequate response. Further 2 trades of computerhardware networking and office automation have tobe discontinued due to uncertainties of Govt. grant.

7 students with one or other disability have beenadmitted to the 28 batch. There is increasingpressure from Government to admit more studentsin 28th batch. In order to comply with it we madewidespread appeal and displayed training informationbeside adding more centers as a place of interview.As a result we could admit 150 students to VGTKand 73 girl trainees in medical and garment tradesat the main campus of SEWA Rural. Withincreased number at VGTK some unfortunate


incidences of indiscipline have also been observed.

Moral and value building education was continued to be imparted this year like in past. Withthis objective in mind regular classes were held by the workers of SEWA Rural. In additionmoral education was also imparted as per module of Ramakrishna Ashram (Rajkot) tocommemorate 150 birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.

This year we have modified our technical training to comply the NCVT requirement as perModular Employable Scheme (MES) of Govt. Examination of 27 & 28 batch students wereconducted accordingly. Now industry visit for each trade has been made for 2 days in place of1 day and internal evaluation is done every 15 days to grade the performance. This hasaugmented training quality. Job work system has been replaced by project work systemwhich imparts proficiency in engineering drawing & other skills as well.

WE have adopted new syllabus of MES and work has been done to make training syllabussuitable for future industry working. To suit the changes, instructors have undergoneobservation and training in subjects of teaching methodology, management application and


th th

practical training at various institutions.

During current year, students did printing jobwork of SEWARural worth Rs. 2,52,000/-. As aresult the institution saved significant amount ofmoney.

A joint celebration to commemorate 25anniversary of VGTK and 10 years of SharadaMahila Vikas Society was held on 22-23Dec.12. Convocation of 25 batch was alsoaccomplished during this occasion.

VGTK has received approval as vocationaltraining provider (VTP) by Training andEmployment Department of Gujarat Govt. Thiswill enable us to conduct examination in VGTKitself and we are empowered to issueGovernment certificates of each trade training.



*��Belongs�to VGTK��only.

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Economic Activities : Highly devoted and sincereworkers, Binaben patel and Vivekbhai Raval ( Driver)died in a tragic accident and it was a big loss toSMVS, specially it's papad section. Collective sharingof work and support of all members made it possibleto continue smooth working of SMVS. Production ofpapad was less compared to last year but work andearning in garment division grew by about Rs. 9lakhs so participating women workers were benefitted.

31 women obtained sewing training and help was givento 18 of them to buy sewing machine while rest oftrainees owned machine. 23% of trainees have beenemployed in our garment division and remaining

trainees are self employed. True to "best from waste", small pieces of waste cotton materialwere artfully stitched by garment workers to create baby blankets and it found place in babykits given to new born baby after hospital delivery.

Empowerment training was given to 2947, both young boys and girls.It included school going & non school going youth. Classes were taken in the subject of healthand hygiene in 23 schools of Jhagaida Talukas for students of 8, 9 &10th standards. Moral valueteaching sessions in subjects of power of concentration, development of sense of logic and creationof interest in public service were done in 3 villages with 60-70 students participating in it.

At village level a new group of peer educator was prepared who did detailed studyanemia, addictions and personal hygi ne of 356 boys and girls orkshops for there 3 subjectswere done at head quarter 50% average . Anemia was detected in80% girls and 58% boys. P er educator gave weekly iron tablet by DOTS ( under directsupervision) system and demonstration of iron rich food items was also done locally.

51 boys and 32 girls were found to have addiction. 8 boys and 4 girls gave upaddiction. New addict rate was zero in this year. 52% of all addicts were given counseling bythe supervisor.

To promote personal hygiene 250 kits having water filter cloth, nail cutter, soap, water pot closerand handle to hyginically get water from pot were distributed at a concessional rate. Kits weredistributed at a village gatherings along with instruction for their proper use and benefits. Multipleskill development training was given to 12 boys and girls.

At village gathering in 5 villages total of 1100 people of various community participated. Withthe help of street plays, Kawwali, Sanedo ( high rhythum singing) and rally, home decoration etc.various activities were done by peer educators for boys and girls of those villages. It madesuccessful impact on public education and also gave opportunity to local youth to develop andshow their talents.

* Various women (Economic & Empowerment ) & Children ( Supplementary education &development) activities were done under SEWA Rural. From July 2002same are undertaken bySharada Mahila Vikas Society, an independent organisation located in same campus.

Educational activities :

15 s ine . W

in which there was attendancee s

Similarly tobaccoion

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Statistics�for the�year

Details 2012-13 2011-12


Papad-snack�production 75.9 80.94


Garment 38.64�������29.47

Earning�of Women




Children 472 176

Adolescent��Girls��������������������1,093 699

Adolescent�Boys���������������������1,628 493

Women 244 397


Educational activities for women :

Self defence :

Total of 244women consisting of working members of SMVSstaff, family members including children, leadingwomen from neighborhood and workers of otherinstitutions took part in our various educationalactivities.

189 women and young girls learntself defence methods attending one or two daystraining camps. 2 meetings of anti sexual harassmentcommittee of SMVS were done.

As reported elsewhere in this report, members ofSMVS joined in silent protest rally, conssiting ofabout 1000, against deplorable incident of rape in

Delhi. This has forced police patrolling and increasing awareness in schools and society. On the eveof international women's day on 8th March, sense of awareness and alertness was created aboutthe unforseen event of rape, what a victim should do to prevent and defend herself of suchepisodes and what action to be taken if it happens. This was done effectively by plays and paneldiscussions. Ahand bill was prepared by anti sexual harassment committee of Jhagadia which wascirculated all over Jhagadia.

Rev. Prasannprana Mataji and Dr. Vikas Amte ( Son of Baba Amte ) joined us and greatly inspiredus at the celebration of SMVS. All present immensely enjoyed thecultural programme presented on the occasion by our workers, their family members and children.

7 workshops on various subjects like making best from waste material, self defence, awarenessabout sexual harassment, teamwork, leadership, misgivings & cheating of government benefitschemes and how to handle them properly were done.

Highlights were the starting of class for 7th standard and introduction ofsubjects of science and maths in 3 local Government schools. Health check up was done for 154children. A get togather of past students was held. 56 past students attended and fully enjoyed the

10 years completion of

Tutorial Division :

occasion. They were keen to attend futuremeeting during vacation as such meet helpsthem in the guidance of higher education.

As a part of celebration of 150 birthanniversary of Swami Vivekananda, 12 teachingsessions were done covering subjects ofconcentration, logic power, public servicerespect for manual work, non stealing,truthfulness and to oppose unjustice etc. Indeedall children highly cherished this education.

36 small children of "Kalrav group", had for thefirst time, an occasions to earn some money witha feeling of joy and pride by their self effortwhile participating in Anand Mela and someactivities of SEWARural during vacation.


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Name��of�public�Trust�:�SEWA RURAL,��JHAGADIABalance��Sheet��for the��period��of April�12��to��March�13

Balance��as��per��last��Balance��Sheet 242847222.10 199290613.10Adjustments��during��the��year�(give�details) A 20833796.40 43556609.00


Balance��as��per��last��Balance��Sheet 49161759.52������������������������������������������������55578401.21Adjustments��during��the��year(give�details) B 4405674.51������������������������������������������������-�6416641.69Depreciation��Fund 53567434.03����������������49161759.52Sinking��Fund -Reserve��Fund -Any�other�Fund -

From Trustees.From��Others

For��Sundry��credit��balances. C 1825211.00��������������������3348393.00


(As�per�Income�&�Expenditure A/c.)







Total 319073663.53�����������295357374.62

FUNDS��&��LIABILITIES Schedule Rs. Rs. Previous Year (Rs.)

PROPERTY & ASSETS����������Schedule��������Rs. Rs. PreviousYear�(Rs.)






DBalance��as�per�last�Balance�Sheet 191001044.01 156758425.01Add: Additions�during��the��year 13100803.40 34242610.00Less�:��Deduction��during��the��year 11569763.00 0.00Less�:��Sale�during��year 1840124.00 0.00

Depreciation��up�to��date D�����������59745907.89 51517190.76

130946052.52 139483853.25

E 54466157.97 60545699.00Note�:�(1) The�market�value�of��the��above


Trustees��are�interested�Rs._______F 1586405.00 2102642.00

To TrusteesTo��EmployessTo��ContractorsTo��LawyersTo��Others G 6417363.75 4507339.19(i)��Bank��Balance

In�saving Account�with�Bank�of��Baroda��������������H 51258718.76 33282549.85(ii)�Cash�on�hand�with�Shri Trustee/Accountant

IBalance��as�per�Balance��Sheet 55435291.33 56969463.22ADD�:��SURPLUS�/�LESS�:�DEFICIT 18963674.20 -�1534171.89(As�per�Income�&�Expenditure Account) 74398965.53 55435291.33


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Place�: Ahmedabad Chartered AccountantDate�: CHANDRAVADAN A.�SHAH�&�CO.M.�No.03173608�-08�-2013.

Name��of�public�Trust�:�SEWA RURAL,��JHAGADIA

Income�&�Expenditure Account��for the�period April�12�to�March�13

EXPENDITURE Schedule Rs. Rs.�������������Previous Year



Expenditure��on��the��objects��of��the Trust

Surplus�carried�over to��Balance�Sheet 1534171.89


Rent, Taxes,��cessesRepairs��and��maintenanceSalariesInsuranceDepreciation�(by��way�of��provisions�of K 16456255.40 0.00Assets Written��off 4146721.00 0.00Loss��on��sale��of Vehicles��& Assets 764469.00 0.00

"���Establishments��Expenses J 2246282.00 1424758.19"���Remuneration��of Trustees"���Remuneration��(�in��the��case�of��a�math)

the�MATH,��including��his��household"��Legal��Expenses" Audit��Fees 37000.00 37000.00"��Contribution��and��Fees" Amounts��written��off




(c)��Education L 10982994.00 8925332.00(d)��Relief��of��poverty(e)��Other��charitable��objects


(b)��Medical L 49406185.15 40190908.81

Total 84294798.55 52112170.89

Income Schedule Rs. Rs.������������������Previous Year (Rs.)






TOTAL 4294798.55 52112170.89


Saving Accounts 276868.00 3150595.64Flexi�Fixed��Deposit 1028581.00 1793045.00Short Term��Fixed��Deposit 789105.00 4943640.64On�Securities 4464737.18 6559291.18Dividends

Health�&�Medical 26625606.07 17154405.00Education 722495.55 1362631.00

OHealth 13787917.66 12914506.00Education 6189635.62 5738805.75


QHealth�&�Medical 9390102.00��������������7726770.50Education 1986253.00��������������2271412.00

R 18962674.20



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Financial�OutlayWith grace of god, SEWA Rural is completing 33years of its assiduous journey in reaching out to thepoor encompassing health, medical, educational &overall development activities. Financial support asgrants from State Govt. and National &International funding agencies, as well as generousdonation from philanthropic organisations, Industrialhouses & well wishers from India & abroad havebeen maintained as in a past years. Henceatmosphere of confidence & trust in carrying outvalue base work have been largely preserved.

SR during the reporting year spenttowards managing various programmes & buildingsupportive infrastructure. Out of this,were spent as recurring expenditure towards deliveringvarious services and programme activities.lacs were spent towards building assets like newconstruction and procurement of equipment,machineries and vehicles. Expenditure towardsadministration and support services has beenmaintained at the barest minimum.

Though two decades of assistance from Sight Savers(UK) has been discontinued for our eye programmes,generous help from eye camp sponsors from Indiaand abroad is making a big difference. Similarlyalmost 10 years of assistance from MacArthurFoundation (USA) for Community Health Project isalso over. However we are happy to report thatCHP's innovative mobile phone technology projectfor safe motherhood and child care has already beenapproved by Jamshetji Tata Trust Mumbai. Inaddition, support from Pentagon Trust (Mumbai) andgovt. grant for SNGO activity has been continued. Thehealth training and resource centre has become almostself sufficient.

Rs. 675.61 lacs

Rs. 563.01 lacs

Rs. 92.60


Utilization of our hospital services mostly by rural,poor and tribal patients is ever increasing alongwithincrease in hospital infrastructure and expenditure.With the limited admissible Govt. grant and incomefrom affording patients, the deficit for the hospitalservices is now reaching to almost . In additionto continued support from Ur Asha Javeri Foundation,LRS Trust and donation of Late BhadrabenSukhadwala, (all from Mumbai), income from variousschemes like RSBY, Chiranjivi and Balsakha ismaking a big difference to reduce such deficit. Inspiteof all these support, there is a dire need to establish a

to meet thecash flaw crisis in hospital services. AdditionalNRHM grant received from State Govt. was utilisedfor procuring specific instrument and renovation ofHospital building.

The task of construction & renovation of all theproposed buildings have been largely completed atVGTK campus during the year. Because of this andwith procurement of new machineries and approval oftrade syllabus under MES, the standard of training isgetting an impetus. Apart from assistance made byChandrabhai-Kumudben of USA, grant to the tune of75% from tribal development department of StateGovt. is making a big difference. In addition, it isencouraging that local industries are also comingforward in sponsoring students.

Interest generated from the 4.5 crores of endowment /corpus fund provides partial assistance to variousactivities and programmes of SEWARural.

A major exercise of physical verification of all themovable and immovable assets generated duringpast 3 decades was completed during the year. Listof items worth of 115.70 lacs were condemned andapproved by board of trustees. This effect alongwithcalculation of depreprciation as per standard normsis also reflected into the audited statements of thecurrent year.

SEWA Rural will spent about during thenext year for managing its Medical, Health &Vocational Training related activities and programmes.We have assurance of about fromvarious national and international sources. We areconfident that like in past years, generous support fromour benevolent donors and well wishers will continueto meet the deficits

104 lacs

revolving fund to the tune of Rs. 2 crores

Rs. 6 crores

Rs. 4.50 crores

Rs. 1.50 crores.

Total Annual�Expenditure





4% 5% 1%


Vivekananda�Gramin Tekniki�Kendra& TPC:�(20%)


Health Training�Centre:�(4%)



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SEWA�Rural�TeamTo consolidate the spirit of mutual respectfulattitude and imparting a sense of one familyfeeling among staff members of all categoryand every level we arrange celebration ofvarious social events like Navratri garba at allcampuses for 3 out of 9 days. We keep thisevent at one of each 3 campus by rotationwhen all join together. We also celebratesharad purnima night get together, Diwalicelebration and flag hoisting on 26th Januaryand 15th August etc. Almost all members ofstaff with their families join on this occasionswith full enthusiasm.

A day trips to Chanod, Shanidev and Kevadiadam visits were very popular with participantmembers and their families. Over and aboveflag hoisting, sports events provided cheer andthrill to each and everyone. Keen contest wasseen in games of cricket, volleyball, chess,table tennis and special field games for childrenon republic day celebration of 26th January,with encouraging prize distribution to winners.

Past tradition of extending financial help to thechildren of our staff members was continuedthis year also. In all Rs. 2,41,743/- were spenton the education of our school going childrenand Rs. 8,81,200/- interest free part loan wasgiven to 23 college students. Training in selfdevelopment was given to Kalrav groupstudents during vacation period employingvarious modes of activities.

As a rule mediclaim policy by Bank of Barodais granted for the amount Rs. 1,00,000 above.Asa special case the bank accepted to providemediclaim coverage to the workers of SEWARural covering the amount of Rs 50,000/-only. 98 staff members accepted such policywhich covers to 4 members of family. Tomake it easy, they have to contribute only 50%of premium while rest is borne by organisation.This is in addition to the availability offacilities to them at Kasturba Hospital forboth OPD and Indoor treatment facilities.

A new group has been created havingVikrambhai vasadia, Dr Gayatriben Desai andManjulaben Vasava to look into work relatedissues of our workers. They now can access thegroup, get guidance and help in solving theirproblems which in turn should help withimproved performance and satisfactorilyaddress their grievances.

Afamily meet which was joined and enjoyedby our all workers with their families wasarranged on 22 December 2012. Outstandingand dedicated workers were felicitated duringthe programme.

a multipurpose cooperative society runsexclusively by the members of SEWA Ruralstaff. 28th annual general meeting was heldon 16 June'13, society has 153 members. Onthe basis of financial performence of society adecision was taken to disburse 9.5% dividendinterest on savings and 10% dividend pershare to the members. Total saving for theyear was Rs. 63,75,506/-, Rs 38,647/- is inshare holding and Rs. 27,08,500/- was availedas a loan by the members. Net profit ofsociety was estimated to be Rs. 48,566/-. Thebenefits given to members were childreneducation support, distribution of gift articlesto members & provision distribution of entireyear's required main grain at wholesale price.


and natural ambience of Sharada Kunj Housing

Society, it's walking track and field sports

by the children continue to remain pleasant

and encouraging to all members. Housing

campus cleanliness is maintained with monthly

Provision of equipment for the

play group children is also cheered by them.

Day picnic toures to Kadia Dunger and

Nareshwar were refreshing to all who joined

from housing campus.

Cooperative society of staff members

Sharadakunj Housing Society :

Shram yagna.


Page 30: sr ann rpt eng 18 dec. 13.cdr

(1) Estate�of��Late�Mrs.�Bhadra�R.�Shukhadwala Mumbai 25,00,000

(2) SEWA Rural��Community��Kitchen Jhagadia 17,00,000

(3) Ur Asha�Javeri��Foundation Trust Mumbai 10,50,000

(4) Lilavati��R.�Shah�Medical�Relief Trust MumbaI����������10,00,000

(5) Manav�Kalyan Trust Ahmedabad������3,00,000

(6) Alpha��Foundation Vadodara����������3,00,000

(7) Vinodkanta�Ramanlal�Shah�Charitable Trust Mumbai������������2,51,001

(8) Hari�Om�Seva Trust Vadodara 2,37,420

(9) Vision�Foundation�of��India Mumbai 2,25,000

(10) Legal�Hairs��of��Gokaldas�Haridas�Layjiwala Mumbai 2,00,000

(11) Anokhi��Davani��Dukan Jhagadia 1,00,000

(12) Sushilkant��Purshotamdas Trust Mumbai 1,00,000

(13) SPA Trust Mumbai 90,000

(14) Zainab�Charitable Trust Dungara 85,000

(15) Narmadanagar�Rural�Development�Society�(Nardesh) Bharuch 80,000

(16) Kantilal��Dhupelia��Charitable Trust Kolkata 50,000

(17) Shri��Parsavnath��Charitable Trust Ahmedabad 50,000

(18) Jivan Akshay�Charitable Trust Vadodara 47,850

(19) Development�Efforts�For�Rural�Economic�&�Peoples Nani-Naroli 39,000

(2 ) Kosamba 25,000

(21) Adarsh�Charitable Trust Mumbai 25,000

(22) Shroff��Family��Charitable Trust Mumbai 25,000

(23) Dhanvidya��Chhatrapati�Foundation Vadodara 25,000

(24) Dayaben��Girjasankar��Sheth Trust Mumbai 25,000

(25) Jivaben��Gopalbhai��Charitable Trust Bharuch 21,000

(26) Shri Agoreshwar��Mandir Tuna 20,101

(27) Shri��Kamnath��Mahadev�Mandir�Bhajan�Mandal Bharuch 20,000

(28) Sadgurudham�Nirlobhi Ashram Asha 19,700

(29) Lions�Club�of Ankleshwar�Industrial Area Ankleshwar 19,000

(30) Doshi�Chanchalben�Shankarlal�& Umalla 19,000

Shankarlal�Ranchhodas Trust

(31) R.�S.�Lallubhai��Kasandas Trust Ahmedabad 18,000

0 The�Kosamba�East Vibhag�Co-operative�Credit�Society�Ltd.

WE ARE�THANKFULDonations�from��Institutions Rupees


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(32) Shri��Krishna��Samaj�Seva Turst Vadodara 17,000

(33) Vadilal��Bhogilal��Shah�Charitable Trust Mumbai 15,000

(34) Bhogilal��Dipchand�Shah�Charitable Trust Navsari 15,000

(35) Purushotamdas��Harkishandas��Charitable Trust Mumbai 15,000

(36) Narmada�Pradesh�Khedut�Mandal Dharikheda 15,000

(37) Natvarbhai��Chaturbhai��Patel�Charitable Trust Vadodara 12,000

(38) Jan��Utkarsh Trust Ahmedabad 11,000

(39) Khedut�Sahakari�Khand�Udyaog�Mandli�Ltd. Pandvai 10,800

(40) Ramkrishna Vivekanand��Seva�Kendra Kim 10,000

(41) Kasiba�Chhaganbhai��Patel�Relief�Charitable Trust Sisodara 10,000

(42) Trupati��Parag��Charitable Trust Mumbai 10,000

(43) Sarsawti��Jyot��Charitable Trust Ahmedabad 10,000

(44) Shri�Khedut�Kalyan��Nidhi��Charitable Trust Raima 9,300

(45) Shri��Shivsaran Trust Rajpipala 8,000

(46) Smt.�Radhikaben��Himatlal��Patel�Charitable Turst Vadodara 7,500

(47) Gayatri��Ladies�Club Zanor 6,050

(48) N.�N.�Desai�Charitable Trust Surat 5,000

(49) Annpurna��Farms��Public��Charitable Trust Mumbai 5,000

(50) Shah�Motichand�Shamji�Dharmada Trust Pune 5,000

(51) SEWA Rural�Karmachari Vividhlaxi�Shakari�Mandli�Ltd. Jhagadia 5,000

(52) Vayashakashram��Sansthan Vadodara 5,000

(53) Umreth�Education�and�Charitable Trust Mumbai 5,000

(54) Mahila��Mandal Govali 3,104

(55) Vrajnarayan�Charitable Trust Ahmedabad 3,000

(56) Jain�Social�Group Bharuch 2,900

(57) Fakirchand��Manilal��Shah��Charitable Trust Mumbai 2,000

(58) Geolife��Foundation Mumbai 2,000

(59) Janseva Trust Mumbai 1,439

(60) Jain Yatarik��Sangh Jhagadia 1,001

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(1) Gujarat T.�Processors�&�Packers�Ltd. Ahmedabad 20,00,000

(2) State�Bank��of��India Bharuch 10,00,000

(3) Oil�&�Natural�Gas�Commission�(ONGC) Ankleshwar 6,97.500

(4) Maction��Products Sachin 5,00,000

(5) M/s.��Core��Jewellers Mumbai 5,00,000

(6) Gujarat�Mineral��Development�Corporation�Ltd.(GMDC) Ahmedabad 4,00,000

(7) Sanofi��India��Ltd. Mumbai 1,30,000

(8) Pachhigar�Jewellers Surat 1,00,000

(9) Yamir��Packaging Ahmedabad 1,00,000

(10) Philips��Kiln�Services��Pvt.�Ltd. Mumbai 1,00,000

(11) Ex�tube��Industries Changodar 1,00,000

(12) Navdeep��Chemicals Mumbai 1,00,000

(13) D.�K.�Somaiya��and��associates Banglore 75,000

(14) Winsteel��Engineering Works Sachin 70,000

(15) Bharuch��Enviro��Infrastructure�Ltd. Ankleshwar 65,000

(16) Enviro Technology��Ltd. Ankleshwar 65,000

(17) Bharat�Parental�Ltd. Vadodara 60,000

(18) Aseem Technologies Indore 51,000

(19) Padmavati��Salt��Pvt.�Ltd. Ankleshwar 51,000

(20) New Tech. Technology Surat 51,000

(21) New Vinus�Jewellers Surat 51,000

(22) Borosil��Glass Works�Ltd. Mumbai 50,000

(23) Gail��India��Ltd. Vadodara 40,000

(24) Fortune��Medical Bharuch����������������36,000

(25) Anand�Electroplaters Ahmedabad����������35,000

(26) Lupin��Ltd. Ankleshwar 35,000

(27) National Thermal��Power�Corporation Zanor 32,873

(28) Amit��Consultant�and�Engineers�Pvt.�Ltd. Mumbai 30,000

(29) Trishul��Motors Surat 25,000

(30) Anand��Petro�Chem��Pvt.�Ltd. Ankleshwar 25,000

(31) Patel��Kenwood��Pvt.�ltd. Ankleshwar 25,000

(32) Glab�Chem Mumbai 25,000

(33) Dhara��Electricals Ankleshwar 25,000

industries�&�Business�Parties Rupees


Page 33: sr ann rpt eng 18 dec. 13.cdr


(34) Vishal��Road�Lines Ahmedabad 19,050

(35) Subset�System Ahmedabad 16,100

(36) United��Rubber��Ltd. Ankleshwar 15,000

(37) Raghuvir��Industries Bharuch 15,000

(38) Thakkar��Stock��Brokers��Pvt.�Ltd. Vadodara 14,000

(39) Sistopic��Lab.�Pvt.�Ltd. New��Delhi 12,000

(40) Rex�Instrument Vadodara 11,000

(41) Shakti��Petroleum Nadiad 11,000

(42) The��Priyank��Enterprise��Prize Surat 11,000

(43) Meet��Packaging Palej 11,000\

(44) Mamta�Shah�and Associates Vadodara 11,000

(45) Aash�Medicare Surat 10,000

(46) Bajrang Vasan�Bhandar Jhagadia 10,000

(47) Ramin Vadodara 10,000\

(48) Navin��Surgical��Co.��Ltd. Ahmedabad 10,000

(49) Dolfin��Chem Ankleshwar 10,000

(50) Creative�Enterprise Ankleshwar 10,000

(51) Ganesh�Pharma Agency Vadodara 9,600

(52) Birla�Century Jhagadia 9,330

(53) Paras�Pharma�Distributors Bharuch 9,000

(54) Naman��Medical Agency Bharuch 7,000

(55) A-Roy��Enterprise Vadodara 5,501

(56) Victoria��Medical��Cooperation Ankleshwar 5,111

(57) Reliance�Medicap��Pvt.�Ltd. Vadodara 5,001

(58) Medicure Agency Vadodara 5,001

(59) Sajjan��India��Ltd. Ankleshwar 5,000

(60) Zesta��Care Ahmedabad 5,000

(61) Industrial��Inspection��Services Mumbai 5,000

(62) Kalind��Earth��Movers Timbawadi 5,000

(63) General��Engineering Works Bharuch 5,000

(64) Samarth��Lifters��Pvt.�Ltd. Mumbai 5,000

(65) Vardaini��Chemical Ankleshwar 5,000

(66) Chirag Twister Surat 5,000

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(67) Smruti�Earth��Moving��and�Diesel��Services Surat 5,000

(68) Narmada��Medical Agency Bharuch 5,000

(69) Dinyar��Medical��Store Vadodara��������������������4,351

(70) Accurate Valve��Services Ankleshwar����������������4,000

(71) Sumeru��Press Jhagadia���������������������2,500

(72) Bhoomi��Electrochem Ankleshwar����������������2,500

(73) Asha��Medical Agency Vadodara��������������������2,251

(74) Allied Trade��Coorporation Vadodara��������������������2,201

(75) Geetararh��Surgical Vadodara��������������������2,100

(76) Jashavant��Brothers Miyagam-Karjan��������2,000

(77) M.�N.�S.�Enterprise Mumbai����������������������2,000

(78) Silver��Line��Exports��Pvt.�Ltd. Vallabh Vidyanagar����2,000

(79) Shri��Raj��Medical Vadodara��������������������1,501

(80) Shah��&�Kothari��Brothers Vadodara��������������������1,500

(81) Nishan��Electric Ahmedabad����������������1,200

(82) Shri��Maruti��Courier Bharuch����������������������1,111

(83) Maruti��Enter�prize Vadodara��������������������1,101

(84) Ganesh Autoparts Bharuch����������������������1,001

(85) Suvik Traders Jhagadia���������������������1,001

(86) Reliance Agency Vadodara��������������������1,001

(87) Parthi��Distributors Vadodara��������������������1,000

(88) Amit Agency Vadodara��������������������1,000

(89) Baroda Agency Vadodara�����������������������501

(90) J.�B.��Medical Agency Vadodara�����������������������501

(91) Uniqe��Safety Ankleshwar�������������������501

(92) Kamal��Stationary Ankleshwar�������������������500

(93) Ami��Enterprise Ankleshwar�������������������500

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Personal�Donation Rupees

(1) A well�wisher Mumbai 15,00,000

(2) Manjriben��Pareshbhai��Shah Mumbai 5,11,000

(4) Manjulaben��Zaverbhai��Patel Tralsa 3,00,000

(5) A Well�wisher Mumbai 3,00,000

(6) Shri��Girishbhai�&�Kalpanaben�Patel Mumbai 3,00,000

(7) Gopalbhai��Ratilal��Shah Bharuch 2,16,222

(9) Mansukhbhai��Govindbhai��Shah Mumbai 2,00,000

(10) Dr. Vasantbhai��Desai Mumbai 2,00,000

(11) Naliniben��Kantilal��Dalal Mumbai 2,00,000

(12) Dr.�Pradipbhai�N.��Khandwala Ahmedabad 2,00,000

(13) Chandravadanbhai��Shantilal�Shah Mumbai 2,00,000

(14) Surendrabhai Vadilal��Shah Ahmedabad 2,00,000

(15) Alkeshbhai Vadhavani Mumbai 1,50,000

(16) Rajanbhai��and��Jagrutiben��Pandya Kosamba 1,47,200

(17) Dr.��Chandrakantbhai��&�Sarlaben Vora Jhagadia 1,28,001

(18) Karsanbhai��and��Gulabben��Bhakat Sampura 1,00,030

(19) Nirmalaben��Mohanbhai��Patel Vadodara 1,00,001

(20) Shardaben��B.��Patel Vadodara 1,00,001

(21) Subhasbhai�R.�Shah Mumbai 1,00,000

(22) Ilaben��C.��Modi Mumbai 1,00,000

(23) Pankajkumar��H.�Kapadia Surat 1,00,000

(24) Mahendrabhai�G. Vashi Surat 1,00,000

(2 ) Dr.�Shrey &�Dr.�Gayatriben Jhagadia 1,00,000

(26) Rameshbhai��Ranchodbhai��Patel Ahmedabad 60,000

(27) Radhaben Tarunbhai��Bhakat Sampura 54,250

(28) Himansubhai��Ramaniklal��Shah Surat 51,000

(29) Sureshbhai��Shah Mumbai 50,001

(30) Rajendrabhai��K.��Nayak Ankleshwar 50,000

(31) Chandrakantbhai�&�Kashyapbhai��Patel Hanumanpura 50,000

(32) Vinodbhai��H.��Shah Surat 50,000

(33) Tapatiben��Bhasakarbhai��Mehta Mumbai 45,500

(34) Laljibhai��Gordhanbhai��Sakaria Punakumbaria�������45,000

(3) A well�wisher Mumbai 5,00,000

(8) Shashiben��Jani Mumbai 2,03,920

5 bhai Desai

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(3 ) Surat 40,000

(3 ) Surat 40,000

(3 ) Surat 40,000(38) Jayantbhai��M.��Parekh Mumbai 40,000

(39) Subhdraben��Bhikhubhai��Desai Vadodara 33,700

(40) Pujaben�Bankimbhai�Sheth�&�Jayshreeben�Sheth Jhagadia 33,002

(41) Gopichand��Mahavirprasad��Kanodia Sachin 30,000

(42) Padmaben��Ranjitsinh Anitiya Daheli 30,000

(43) Dharmendrasinh��Nagjibawa��Jadev Desad 26,600

(44) Shankutlaben V.��Mavlankar Ahmedabad 26,000

(45) Bhikhubhai Vanmalibhai��Patel Sampura 25,001

(46) Nirmalaben��Ganshayambhai��Patel Vadodara 25,000

(47) Ajitbhai��P. Thakor Kajapur 25,000

(48) Shobhanaben��Devidasbhai��Kulkarni Bharuch 25,000

(49) Pragneshbhai��Rameshbhai��Shah Surat 25,000

(50) Devajibhai Vithaldas Amlani Panji-Goa 25,000

(51) Vilaben A.�Patwari Mumbai 25,000

(52) Ashwinbhai��S.��Mehta Mumbai 25,000

(53) Dr.��Bankimbhai��N.��Desai Surat 25,000

(54) Dr.��Shilaben A.��Bharani Vadodara 25,000

(55) Pragnaben��Sunitbhai��Parikh Pune 25,000

(56) Bharatiben��Rajnikant��Shah Mumbai 25,000

(57) Ravibhai��B.��Bhagat Surat 25,000

(58) Taraben�Maganlal�Pressvala Surat 25,000

(59) Ushaben�& Akshatbhai Thanwala Mumbai 22,000

(60) Pankajkumar��and�Rekhaben�Shah Mumbai 21,000

(61) Madhukantbhai��K.��Broker Mumbai 21,000

(62) Dr.��Pankajbhai��M.��Shah Ahmedabad 21,000

(63) Kaushalbhai��J.��Patel Bharuch 21,000

(64) Kiritbhai�Chimanbhai�Patel Lachharash 20,200

(65) Hemantbhai��Bhailalbhai��Patel Bharuch 20,000

(66) Dr.��Prafulbhai��Bhadiyadra Surat 20,000

(67) Jasawantiben A.��Bharani Vadodara 20,000

(68) Pritiben��Dhananjaybhai��Desai Valsad 20,000

(69) Shyamliben��M.��Solanki Mumbai 20,000

(70) Ramchandrabhai��Becharbhai��Patel Vadodara 20,000

5 A Well�wisher

6 A Well�wisher

7 A Well�wisher

Page 37: sr ann rpt eng 18 dec. 13.cdr


(71) Gunvantbhai��H.��Shah Vadodara 20,000

(72) A well��wisher Jhagadia 20,000

(73) Kamlaben��C.��Sheth Mumbai 20,000

(74) Dr.�Chetanbhai Trivedi Vadodara 20,000

(75) Ganpatsinh��Gambhirsinh��Jadav Asharama 16,600

(76) Ravindrabhai�Joshi Mumbai 16,000

(77) Bhupatsinh��Naharsinh��Suratia Daheli 16,000

(78) Meenaben��Indravadanbhai��Bhagat Mumbai 15,001

(79) Atulbhai��H.��Doshi Mumbai 15,000

(80) Taraben��Kantibhai��Patel Vadodara 15,000

(81) Miteshbhai��Jagdishbhai�Patel Karjan 15,000

(82) Nitinchandra��Gamanlal Tamakuwala Surat 15,000

(83) Toralben��Himansubhai��Shah Surat 15,000

(84) Krushnakantbhai��M.��Parikh Goraj 15,000

(85) Jaydevbhai��Khandubhai�Desai Tarsadi�(Kosamba) 15,000

(86) Mahendrabhai��S.�Darji Ahmedabad 13,000

(87) Satishkumar��Champaklal��Modi Kosamba 12,350

(88) Bhaveshbhai��Kiritbhai��Desai Surat 12,300

(89) Vasantbhai��Dhayabhai��Chovatia Bharuch 11,900

(90) Har shbhai�and Surat 11,800

(91) Ranjitsinh��R.��Parmar Bharuch 11,500

(92) Ambalal�Chimanlal�Gandhi Ankleshwar 11,500

(93) Sulochanaben��Prakashchandra��Shah Kosamba 11,111

(94) Natubhai��Gulabchand��Shah Navsari 11,111

(95) Yogeshbhai Vyas Bharuch 11,111

(96) Bhagubhai��Chhitabhai��Patel Bharadia 11,111

(97) Dolatbhai��G.��Desai Vadodara 11,001

(98) Bhailalbhai��Maganbhai��Patel Dharoli 11,000

(99) Hirenbhai��Hareshbhai��Jhagadiawala Ankleshwar 11,000

(100) Dr.�Maheshbhai�Desai Valsad 11,000

(101) Nayanaben��Rajendrakumar�Desai Valsad 11,000

(102) Shri��Chiragbhai�Desai Panetha 11,000

(103) Shri Vijaybhai��Prabhudas��Kothari Mumbai 11,000

(104) Nitinbhai�N.�Shah Vadodara 11,000

(105) Jayendrabhai��M.��Sheth Bharuch 11,000

(106) Nileshbhai��J.��Mehta Vadodara 11,000

i Jyotiben�Pipwala

Page 38: sr ann rpt eng 18 dec. 13.cdr


(107) Madhukar V.��Parekh Surat 11,000

(108) Navinbhai��D.�Shah Surat 11,000

(109) Chinmaybhai��B.��Dave Mumbai 11,000

(110) M.��Shailendra��Patil Mumbai 11,000

(111) Ankurbhai��C.��Kothari Surat 11,000

(112) Rev.�Swami��Brahmeshanandaji Varansi 10,250

(113) Raisinhbhai��Udesinhbhai�Raj Bharuch 10,001

(114) Bharatiben Ashokbhai��Parikh Vadodara 10,001

(115) Rajeshkumar��Babulalbhai��Shah Mumbai 10,001

(116) Pushpalbhai Yashwantrai��Desai Surat 10,000

(117) Abhishekbhai Yogeshchandra��Shah Bharuch 10,000

(118) Mahendrabhai��Nandlal��Patwari Dungara 10,000

(119) Paruben��Manharlal��Shah Bharuch 10,000

(120) Shaileshbhai��Desai Ahmedabad 10,000

(121) Ranjitrai��G.��Desai Valsad 10,000

(122) Alkeshbhai��Natvarlal�Chauhan Bharuch 10,000

(123) Prakashbhai�B.��Mankad Vadodara 10,000

(124) Rajshreeben��Jagdishbhai��Desai Mumbai 10,000

(125) Yoginiben��Bharatkumar��Patel Ahmedabad 10,000

(126) Punitbhai��J.��Shah Mumbai 10,000

(127) Harikrishnasinh��Ganpatsinh��Sayania Ankleshwar 10,000

(128) Kanchanben��D.��Patel Surat 10,000

(129) Privinbhai T.��Desai Mumbai 10,000

(130) Udaykumar��N.��Khansheb Surat 10,000

(131) Dhavalbhai��K.�Mehta Ahmedabad 10,000

(132) Kshamaben�Mahendrabhai��Patel Kalol 10,000

(133) A Well Wisher Jhagadia 10,000

(134) Shri��Bipinbhai��P.��Naik Surat 10,000

(135) Pratimaben��Chauhan Gondiya 10,000

(136) Rameshbhai�Hiralal��Shah Surat 10,000

(137) Sumanbhai��C.��Desai Surat 10,000

(138) Dilipsinh��Hamirsinh��Borsia Ankleshwar 10,000

(139) Joytindra��Chhotubhai��Desai Surat 10,000

(140) Manojbhai��J.��Kapadia Amroli 10,000

(1 ) Parve

(1 ) Shrikant�Bhalchandra

41 zbhai�&�Homai��P.�Daruwala Navsari 10,000

42 &�Jyotiben�Shrikant�Namjoshi Bharuch 10,000

Page 39: sr ann rpt eng 18 dec. 13.cdr


(1 ) Sang ti Vadodara 10,000

(144) Jayshreeben��Indubhai��Sharedalal Ahmedabad 8,200

(145) Harshadrai�Kasanji�Desai Surat 8,000

(146) Hirenbhai�C. Vadodaria Kosamba 8,000

(147) Dr.��C.��K.��Giriya Ankleshwar 8,000

(148) Dr.�Dhirenbhai�Modi Jhagadia 8,000

(149) Tusharbhai��D.��Desai Bharuch 7,500

(150) Dr. Ashokbhai��Bhatt Rajparadi 7,500

(151) Manoramaben���Patel Vadodara 7,300

(152) B.�M.��Gandhi Vadodara 7,001

(153) Arunbhai��Dave Sinor 7,000

(154) Taraben��Bhanubhai Vyas Vadodara 7,000

(155) Ninadbhai�&�Navyaben�Desai Surat 6,501

(1 ) Shri�Jay ntibhai,�Kapilaben,

(157) Nitinbhai�&�Kailshben��Parikh Navsari 6,000

(158) Vipinbhai��C.�Bhagat Ahmedabad 5,001

(159) Vijaybhai��M.���Kapadia Bharuch 5,001

(160) Miteshbhai Arvindbhai��Parjapati Surat 5,001

(161) Balvantrai�Ghelabhai�Desai Vadodara 5,001

(162) Yoginiben��Dilipkumar�Bhatt Valia 5,000

(163) Chandrakantbhai�Shah Bharuch 5,000

(164) Ketakiben Vasantbhai�Shah Surat 5,000

(165) Maheshbhai��Parekh Ankleshwar 5,000

(166) Madhuben��Shah Kheda 5,000

(167) Sanjaybhai�Khimsara Jhagadia 5,000

(168) Dalpatbhai��Laljibhai Vasava Undi 5,000

(169) Suryakantbhai Thakorlal�Shah Kapadvanj 5,000

(170) Ishwarbhai��Parsotambhai��Parmar Jhagadia 5,000

(171) Dr.�Kalpeshbhai�&�Dr. Apexaben�Shah Vadodara 5,000

(172) Dr.��Lopaben A.��Mehta Mumbai 5,000

(173) Dr.��Mayaben��N.�Hazra Vadodara 5,000

(174) K. V.�Shah Ahmedabad 5,000

(175) Gunvantbhai��Hiralal��Patel Ahmedabad 5,000

(176) Deepakbhai��B.��Dave Mumbai 5,000

(177) Mani��H.��Jahangir Surat 5,000

(178) Babubhai��B.��Patel Bharuch 5,000

43 a ben�&��Jagrutiben��Chandrasankar�Bhatt

56 a Hemlataben�Pandya Umalla 6,001

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(179) Akashbhai��Joshi New�Delhi 5,000

(180) Harishbhai�Parekh Kolkatta 5,000

(181) Sumanlal��M. Tapiawala Bharuch 5,000

(182) Ranjitsinh��C.��Parmar Jhagadia 5,000

(183) Jayantilal��Maganlal��Shah Surat 5,000

(184) Pramat��Lalvani Gandhinagar 5,000

(185) Dr. Vaishaliben��S.��Sing Ahmedabad 5,000

(186) Jayendrabhai�&�Shridaben��Dixit Mumbai 5,000

(187) Bipinbhai�Desai Vadodara 5,000

(188) Hasmukhbhai��Ghayel Surat 5,000

(189) Pankajbhai��R.��Shah Bharuch 5,000

(190) Ramanlal��Bhagvandas��Gandhi Mumbai 5,000

(191) R.��C.��Shah Gandhinagar 5,000

(192) Purviben��Devangbhai��Nayak Surat 5,000

(193) Paliben���Jerupchandji��Dantevadiya Bardoli 5,000

(194) Rakesh��Kishorchandra��Desai Surat 5,000

(19 ) Rashilaben��& Miyagam�Karjen��������5,000

(196) Suvasiniben��J.��Mehta Vadodara 5,000(197) Pradipbhai�S. Tapiyavala Bharuch 5,000

(198) Vijayben��C.��Poriya Surat 5,000

(199) Geetaben��N.��Shah Surat 5,000

(200) Sumatibhai��J.��Shah Surat���������������������������5,000

(201) Anilbhai��Shah Navsari�����������������������5,000

(202) Anangbhai Arunbhai��Desai Surat 5,000

(203) Navinbhai��D.��Shah Surat 5,000

(204) Shashikant�Manilal Vakil Bharuch 5,000

(205) Navinchandra��B.��Bawisi Ankleshwar 4,001

(206) Niranjanbhai�Pradumanbhai��Bhatt Daheli 4,000

(207) Harendrsinh��Raisinh�Parmar Jhagadia 4,000

(208) Vipulbhai��S.��Shah Bharuch 4,000

(209) Dipakbhai��B.��Pandya Bharuch 4,000

(210) Bhavaniben��Ganpatbhai��Patel Selod 4,000

(211) Mojubhai��N.��Shekh Bharuch 4,000

(212) Kiritbhai�N.��Bhatt Lajpor 3,500

(213) Shri�Mayankbhai�&�Chhayaben��Pandya Jhagadia 3,313

5 Mahadevbhai�Patel

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(214) Subir��and��Sapana��Majumdar New�Delhi 3,001

(215) Atulbhai A.��Desai Bharuch 3,000

(216) Sonalben��Sharma Raipur 3,000

(217) Ritaben��Chaurasiya Gondiya 3,000

(21 ) Kusumben Gondiya 3,000

(2 ) Vandanaben Gondiya 3,000

(220) Dr.�Mrudulaben��K.��Lala Ahmedabad 3,000

(2 ) Archana Maihar 3,000

(222) Surendrabhai��Bhikhabhai��Jhagadiawala Ankleshwar 3,000

(223) Bhupendrabhai��C.�Mehta Bharuch 3,000

(224) Jyotiben��Jayvantbhai Vyas Vadodara 2,500

(225) Farukbhai��Chamad Bharuch 2,500

(226) Kamalbhai��Nayak Ankleshwar 2,500

(227) Darshakbhai��Diliprai Vaisnav Bharuch 2,500

(228) Flibhai Vadia Surat 2,500

(229) Bimalbhai�and��Zakhanaben��Sheth Vadodara 2,500

(230)����Ravindrabhai�Chandulal��Panchal Jhagadia 2,500

(231)����Dhirendrakumar��Babubhai��Shah Bharuch 2,100

(232)����Bipinbhai��Chandubhai��Gajarawala Ahmedabad 2,001

(233)����Prakeshbhai��C.��Prajapati Bharuch 2,001

(234)����Satishbhai��H.��Dalal Surat 2,000

(235)����Sonalben��Mukeshbhai��Nayak Valsad 2,000

(236)����Nileshbhai Vinubhai Vora Surat 2,000

(237)����Pradipbhai��Maheshbhai��Shah Bharuch 2,000

(238) Krishnaben Arvindbhai��Shah Ahmedabad 2,000

(239) Sudhirbhai��Marfatia Surat 2,000

(240) Natubhai��M.�Desai Valsad 2,000

(241) Geetaben��K.��Shah Himatnagar 2,000

(242) Harsadbhai��Shah Ahmedabad 2,000

(243) Dr.��Parthbhai��&��Dr.�Hiralben��Shah Vadodara 2,000

(244) Pareshbhai��Parikh Bharuch 2,000

(245) Jasvantlal��Ramanlal��Parikh Ahmedabad 2,000

(246) Neeraben��C. Thakar Ahmedabad 2,000

(247) Purviben��Nitinchandra Tamakuwala Surat 2,000

(248) Muktiben�Nitinchandra Tamakuwala Surat 2,000

(249) Hemaxiben��Nitinchandra Tamakuwala Surat 2,000

8 Chaurasiya

19 Chaurasiya

21 Chaurasiya

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(250) Jigarbhai�Nitinchandra Tamakuwala Surat 2,000

(251) Indubhai��Patel Chidra 2,000

(252) Rasiklal Vadilal��Shah Vadodara 2,000

(253) Dr.�Rajendrabhai��Mahasankarbhai�Joshi Jhagadia�����������������������1,551

(254) Sushilaben��Shyamdasbhai��Doshi Umalla 1.501

(255) Sureshbhai��Narayanbhai��Chauhan Bharuch 1,501

(256) Pradipkumar�Hasmukhlal��Shah Sanjali 1,501

(257) Seemaben��Sanjaykumar��Parikh Surat 1,500

(258) Harikrishnabhai��M.�Desai Ahmedabad 1,500

(259) Jayshreeben��Shantilal��Pandya Ankleshwar 1,425

(260) Manjulaben�Premanandbhai��Parmar Jhagadia 1,302

(261) Amitsinh��Kishorsinh��Kosada Kosamba 1,111

(262) Somsinhbhai��R.��Bodana Valia 1,111

(263) Kumudben��Laljibhai��Desai Jhagadia 1,051

(264) Chhitubhai Ambalal��Patel Jhagadia 1,031

(265) Kantilal��Jethalal��Purohit Sukaltirath 1,002

(266) Bakulaben��Dilipsinh Vaghela Jhagadia 1,001

(267) Banarasben��Zumbarlal��Choradia Jhagadia 1,001

(268) Ranchodbhai��Himatbhai��Purohit Rajpardi 1,000

(269) Arpanaben��Gandhi Pune 1,001

(270) Muljibhai��Sayania Valia 1,001

(271) Yatishbhai��B.��Bhatt Vadodara 1,001

(272) Ilaben��Jayantibhai�Patel Rajparadi 1,001

(273) Bhikhabhai��Kesurbhai�Patel Ranipura 1,001

(274) Virajben��Pankajbhai�Shah Jhagadia 1,000

(275) Khayatiben��Dineshchandra��Chauhan Bharuch 1,000

(276) Kishorkumar��Dhanjibhai��Desai Mumbai 1,000

(277) Chandrakantbhai��Kasanjibhai��Desai Valsad 1,000

(278) Jalpeshkumar��Harshedbhai�Shah Karjan 1,000

(279) Murlidharbhai��Narayan��Nadkarni Mumbai 1,000

(280) Mahendrabhai�N.�Shah Vallbh Vidyanar 1,000

(281) Leenaben��Keskar Mumbai 1,000

(282) Smitaben��Nadkarni Mumbai 1,000

(283) Arvindbhai�Ranchodbhai��Patel Nava�Rajuwadia����������1,000

(284) Asishbhai A.��Deliwala Ahmedabad 1,000

(285) Vikrambhai��Kilawala Surat 1,000


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(286) Ishwarlal��D. Topiwala Surat 1,000

(287) Mahendrasinh��Prabhatsinh�Nakum Randeri 1,000

(288) Sadhanaben��R.��Shah Ahmedabad 1,000

(289) Pravinbhai��Gokaldas��Kansara Bharuch 1,000

(290) Maithiliben��Laxmanbhai��Lad Mumbai 1,000

(291) Bhupendrabhai��Kantilal��Shah��Parivar Surat 1,000

(292) Bhaveshbhai��Sureshbhai��Patel Vadodara 1,000

(293) Gopalbhai�Nagindasbhai��Shah Ankleshwar 1,000

(294) Ashkiben��S.�Shah Ahmedabad 1,000

(295) Prafulbhai��Shah Mumbai 1,000

(296) Rajnikant��Ramchandra��Desai Valsad 1,000

(297) Bhagavatiben��M.�Patel Ahmedabad 1,000

(298) Alkaben��Devprasad Adhikari Ankleshwar 1,000

(299) Neelababen��Santoshbhai Vasava Asharama 1,000

(300) Dr. Akshaybhai��Upadhyay Godhara 1,000

(301) Vinodbhai��Himatbhai�Gandhi�(Bhaghadiya) Vagra 800

(303) Dilipbhai��&�Simaben�Patel Jhagadia 611

(304) Bhadraben��Rajnikant��Patel Ranipura 501

(305) Dr.��Snehalben Vinodchandra��Shah Jhagadia 501

(306) Bhikhubhai��Rupchandjibhai��Shah Vadodara 501

(307) Rajivbhai��Shah Vadodara 501

(308) Kusumben��Gamit Bharuch 500

(309) Kanubhai Amarsing��Boradhara Thuvavi 500

(310) Bhailalbhai��Parmar Ankleshwar 500

(311) Bhupatsinh Abhesinh Yadav Sigam 500

(312) Vikramsinh��Jashvantsinh Vashi Desad 500

(313) M. A.��Mehta Valsad 500

(314) Trishulaben��Bhashkarbhai�Mehta Mumbai 500

(3 ) Kanayyalal��Shah Modasa 500

(316) Pragneshbhai��D.��Shah Bharuch 500

We regret that all the names of donors could not be included in all these lists of donationas mentioned in above pages due to space constraint. We equally value the donations andpersons who are not included in these lists.

(302) Manjulaben��Ramanbhai��Patel Kadarama 700

15 Sandipkumar


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US�$(1) Global�Giving�Foundation U.S.A. 11,204

( ) Indian�collective��action U.S.A.

Ajitbhai��Mehta U.S.A.������������4,000

Smitbhai�Gandhi U.S.A. ,000

Dr.�Gampala�Harish�Reddy U.S.A. 1,000

Vipulbhai��Shah U.S.A. 500

A well�wisher U.S.A. 500

Pramodbhai�Cheruben U.S.A. 200

Margarat�Rose U.S.A. 100

(3) American�Service��to��India U.S.A. 4,000

Natubhai��&��Ushaben�Patel U.S.A.������������4,000

(4)���������Share�&�Care�Foundation U.S.A.��������������������������������2,646

Mahetra,�Sanulbhai�& Archanaben U.S.A. 1,000

Jahaginrbhai,�Rajkotiabhai,�Kaushika U.S.A. 1,000

Jyotsam��and Anjali�Ganatra U.S.A.���������������700

(5) Yogeshbhai�P.�Patel U.S.A.��������������������������������2,000(6) La�Main Tendue����������������������������������������������������France�(Euro�dollars)���������2,645

(7) Sarathi Yoga�Foundation U.S.A.��������������������������������1,000


(8) Ketanbhai�and�Nehaben�Shah U.S.A.��������������������������������1,001

(9) Kishan�Memorial�Fund�through�Ritaben�Sheth U.S.A.�����������������������������������500

(10) Indian�network�of�Eastern�long�island�through U.S.A.�����������������������������������375


(11) Dr.��Shankutalaben��M.�Patel U.S.A.�����������������������������������251

(12) Ruchiben��Desai U.S.A.�������������������������������������60

2 ( ) 7,284ICA


Donation�from Abroad


(1) Surendrabhai��K.�Modi U.S.A. 5,00,000

(2) Sabihaben�&�Sajidbhai�Musa U.�K. 2,55,105

(3) In�memory�of��Chandrikaben�Gopalbhai�Nagraj U.S.A. 2,51,000

(4) V. A. Abhuji U.�K. 91,000

(5) Nipam�Nayanbhai�Shah U.S.A. 50,000

(6) Yagneshbhai�R.��Purani U.S.A. 50,000

(7) Mukeshkumar��N.�Soni Canada 35,277

(8) Yogeshhai Vyas Muscat 11,111

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(1) Adijan Asmita�Foundation Valsad Hedicine 1,78,149

(2) Jivan Akshay�Charitable Trust Vadodara Baby�kit, 74,420



(3) Paliben�Jerupchand�Dativadiya Bardoli Blanket 45,000

(4) Lions�club�of�Nandesari Vadodara IOL Lensx 38,280

(5) Commissioner�of��Health�Govt.�of��Gujarat Gandhinagar Pulse�Oxymeter 38,000

(6) Shri��Babulal�Jain Surat Bedsheets 20,500

(7) Shri�Nareshbhai�K. Turakiya Mumbai Hedicine 10,770

(8) Shri�Chandubhai�Golvala Bharuch IOL Lens 10,125

(9) Jain�Social�Group Bharuch Spectacles 7,540

(10) Shri�Pramodbhai�Nagraj Vadodara Recording�Device 5,800

(11) Nirav�Deepakbhai�Desai Surat Baby�Blanket 3,250

(12) Pusbpalbhai Y.�Desai Surat Baby�Blanket 3,315

(13) Shri Amitbhai Mumbai Computer 3,000

(14) Kailas�Muni�Sevasharam�Cancer�Hospital Goraj Medicine 3,000

(15) Paragbhai�Sheth Mumbai Spectacle�Frame 2,800

(16) Jain�Granite�&�Marbal Vadodar Granite�Slab 2,657

(17) Yusufbhai�and Ahmadbhai�Musa Nabipur Dark�Glasses 2,380

(18) Dr.�Ushaben�Mehta U.S.A. Medicine 1,500

(19) Trainees��of��post�Graduate�(PGDM) Ahmedabad Pen�drive 550


(9) Nareshbhai�Chunilal�Gandhi U.S.A. 5,420

(10) Vikrambhai�Desai U.S.A. 5,000

(11) Dilipbhai��Himatlal�Soni U.A.E. 5,000

(12) Shivaniben�Keshav U.S.A. 500

(13) Punitbhai�Rana U.S.A. 500

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Compliance�to�Norms�for�Credibility�of Voluntary�Organizations


Particulars Compliance

A Registration

�Public Trust Act F/110/Bharuch���������������Date�:��18/2/1984

�Society��Registration Act

�FCRA (Foreign�Contribution�Regulation Act�)


50%��Under��80G�(5) No.�BRD�I.T.O.-III/Tech./104-188-S/2008-09�Permanent�Reg.

100%��Under��35AC F.�No.�NC-270/108/1993,�14/06/2011,


B Clarity�and�Commitment�about��Mission�& Approach






C Governance��and��Programmatic��operations

Governing��Board��Members�/ Trustees/Governing�Board(�Meets��every�three��months�)

�20%�female�members�Six of the trustees & their family members are paid for


�Meeting Dates�:�14-15 July 12,�6,7 Oct.�12,22 Dec.�12,�9-10 March 13

Activity Targets��and��Systems��for��Ongoing��Monitoringand�Review



�Bottom��up�approach�in Target�Setting��andQuarterly�Review� xternal��expertsReview�by��e

Formation��of Advisory��committee �Active�for All��Programmes�/�Projects�Meets��twice��in��a��year

Policy�for��purchase,�store��and��issuing �Well��defined�and��in��practiceMaintenance�of��dead��stock��register �Recording�up�to�date�&�Physical�verification�completed


- Monthly�pay- Highest Rs. 72,500/-, - Lowest Rs. 5,500/-


�TAN��(Tax�Deduction�Collection�Number) BRDS00965G����������������Date�:��10/6/1992



Years�of�Service Male Female Total

Less�than 2 years 23 24 47

Between 5 to 10 10 07 17

Between 10 to 15 02 04 06

Between 15 to 20 10 02 12

Total 103 81 184

More than 20 38 23 61

Between 2 to 5 20 21 41

�Employment�with��corporate��social�responsibility�CSR�Hub A/02/12/10/207�valid�up�to�March�2016

Gross�Salary�(�Rs.) Male Female Total












-��International Air Travel�- Two�employees


�PAN��(�Permanent Account��Number�)

Exemption��Under��Income Tax Act



Salary�standards�( As��on��1st April�2013)

Page 47: sr ann rpt eng 18 dec. 13.cdr

� ! Given�to�all��staff�members

! Various��staff��welfare��benefits���given�to�all��staffmembers

! Conscious�efforts�are�on

Coordination�Committee��:�( Twice�a�month)heads�&�key�membersRepresenting of�different


! 39%��female��members! Meetings�:�Every�Fifteen�days! Special Workshops�:�14-15�Sept.12,


21/7/12,��29/11/12,��12/1/13Dates :

Encouragement to staff for participation in appropriateand relevant training, workshops and conferences atregional,��national�and�international�levels�(38�benefitted)

E. Accountability��and�Transparency

! Published��every�year! Published��every�year

! Published��quarterly

:Financial Aspects�

! Yearly budget exercise and financial review in Board






Account�systems! ! Well�laid�out,��documented��and��in��practice

Emphasis on receipts and bills for every financial

transactions ncluding donation


i items�for in�kind

! Ensured

Accounts�Monit ring meetings! a &�Review ! Monthly�basis

Accounts�audited�by�professional�experts! ! Systematically�done��and��audited��accounts�published�every�year

Sharing�of�accounts�&�expenditure�with�local�community! ! Beginning��has�been��made��during��get-to-getherof��local��well�wishers�on�yearly��basis

Foreigncontribution,�income�tax,�charity�commissioner,�employmentexchange, food and drugs act, PNDT & Sonographypollution�control�board,���minimum�daily�wage�etc.

Norms of statutory requirements like...! ! Conscious��efforts�for��strict��adherence��to��all��normsand��special�attention��to��put��them��into��practice.


! Well�Documented��&��reports��are��published

! Preference�to�accept�in�the�name�of�InstitutionAcceptance��of��various Awards!

Compliance��to��Norms�for��Credibility�of Voluntary��Organizations

! 24 4Joined������,��left��1

�Formal Appointment�orders�and�booklet�on�Guide�line�on‘SEWA Rural��norms�and�rules�&�regulations’


guidelines New�edition issued��to��all�staff

! rules�&�Regulations

( )

Particulars Compliance


! Updated�and�activity�report��regularly�uploaded







SEWA Rural��Staff�Meetings��(quarterly)�




� Annual��progress�report!





SEWA Suvas�Magazine

Annual Audited Accounts

Five times�so�far��for��different��departments!

Page 48: sr ann rpt eng 18 dec. 13.cdr


As a part of 150 birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda a group discussion

among the staff members of SEWA Rural was done on 12 January 2012. The

discussion was about lives and teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma

Gandhi and also Sri Ramakrishna & Ma Sarada who have been inspiration behind

the idea, ideal and all activities of SEWARural. The discussion included how far

the activities have sustained with spirit of such high ideals and how much the

workers were aware and infused with such spirit, atleast in their work of


Every group seems to resonate with informal values of the organisation

i.e. service to equal respect for all religions, self

development while fulfilling social & professional responsibility, empowerment

and leadership coupled with motherly expansion. In addition intensive efforts for

preservation of values while progressive expansion of SEWARural

efforts were also stressed & acknowledged by every group. Life incidents and

inspiri g examples of above mentioned four great and unique personage were

also .

The ideas and ideals of these personalities have been providing inspiration,

encouragement and strength to the working of SEWA Rural for last 3 decades.

On 18 February 2013 a marble plaque was placed in so that

SEWARural continues its journey in similar identical spirit in future.


Daridranarayan, Karma Yoga,

prathana mandir

by collective



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" ervice��to is��true�worship .








established��the��ideal��of through��his��message



Daridranarayan "

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SEWA Rural






Email��������:�[email protected]





:Gumandev Phone�No.

Public Trust�No.�F/110/Bharuch


FCRA Reg.�No.�041990006

Donations�are�50% Tax��Exempt��under

80G(5)��&�100% Tax�Exempt��under

section�35 AC

Kindly�send�your donation��by

Cheque��or Draft�in�name�of��SEWA






For�donations�under�80�G-Bank A/C�No����:�07280100005800

For�donations�under�35 A.C.Bank A/C�No�:�07280100011754




If you are sending donation by bank transfer do let usknow about it by Post/E-mail/Phone (09428443617)

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