Page 1: Spread Sheets and Excel Overview Introduction to the Basics of the Excel Spreadsheet application Entering Data Formatting Cells Using Formulas Overview

Spread Sheets and Excel OverviewIntroduction to the Basics of the

Excel Spreadsheet applicationEntering DataFormatting CellsUsing Formulas


Page 2: Spread Sheets and Excel Overview Introduction to the Basics of the Excel Spreadsheet application Entering Data Formatting Cells Using Formulas Overview

Terminology Spreadsheet / Worksheet: Processes

information in the form or tables and charts. A grid of rows & columns used to enter data.

Cell: The intersection of a row and column

Cell Address: Used to locate/identify a cell uniquely

Value: Refers to numerical data Workbook: A spreadsheet document

that contains one or more worksheets, that should be related or linked in some way.


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Tab Navigation

Formula Bar

Sheet Tabs



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Cell Referencing

Column(Letter) then Row(Number)

Selected Cell or Range of




Cell Referencing

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Home: Move to beginning of row Ctrl+Home: Move to “A1” End+(r. arrow): Move to last used cell in

row End+(d. arrow): Move to last used cell in

column TAB: Move one cell to the right Shift+TAB: Move one cell to the left

In addition to the intuitive mouse and arrow-key movement between cells, these shortcuts can make lots of data easier to input:


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Goal Enter some data Use cell formatting Use formulas to calculate our totals



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Entering DataTo enter simple data into a cell we

can either:Position the cursor in the cell (mouse

or keyboard), type on the keyboard and press Enter, or

Position the cursor in the cell, then click on the Formula bar, type the data, and click on the or press Enter to accept the data or to Cancel.

Entering Data

Page 8: Spread Sheets and Excel Overview Introduction to the Basics of the Excel Spreadsheet application Entering Data Formatting Cells Using Formulas Overview

Step 1: Entering textPosition the cell

cursor to A1, Type “Teddy’s

Restaurant”, Hit Enter,Repeat this for

all the titles shown to the right.

Step 1: Entering text

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Step 2: Merging CellsCenter the title “Teddy’s

Restaurant” over the whole table :Position cursor in A1 (start of range),

click and drag to D1 (end of range) Click on the Merge button . Repeat this for “First Quarter Final”,

merging the range A2-D2 this time.

Step 2: Merging Cells

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Step 3: FormattingMake the two titles BOLD and size

18Highlight the two large title cells and

use the toolbar buttons for bold and text-size

Make the background of the cells yellowClick on the Fill Colour button on

the toolbar.

Step 3: Formatting

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Step 3: Formatting Cont’dCenter, BOLD, Underline, and

change the size to 12 for the row containing “Jan”, “Feb, “Total”Click the row number to highlight

and apply changes to the whole rowUse the toolbar buttons to change the

text properties, just as in Word.

Step 3: Formatting Cont’d

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Step 3: Formatting Cont’dMake “Sales” BOLD, and size 12.Make the whole 4th (Sales) row


Step 3: Formatting Cont’d

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Step 4: AlignmentIndent “Beverages”, “Food”, and

“Merchandise”Highlight the 3 cells ( A5, A6, A7 )

Click on the ‘Increase Indent’ button. There is a similar button to ‘Decrease’ (or ‘Demote’) the indentation of the text.

Step 4: Alignment

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Step 4: Alignment Cont’dMake the “Total Sales” text red,

BOLD, and Right-Justified:Click the “Total Sales” cell.Select Format, and then Cells… from

the menu barOn the Font Tab, modify the

properties of the textTo Right-Justify, use the familiar

toolbar button.

Step 4: Alignment Cont’d

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Step 5: Column WidthMake the first column, A, wide

enough to accommodate the width of the text labelsPlace your cursor between A and B Until you have a double

headed arrow. Click and drag to fit. Shortcut: Double click the line

between column letters and it will autofit.

Step 5: Column Width

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Step 5: Column Width Cont’d Notice now that the width changes to

accommodate the cell with the longest entry in that column

Step 5: Column Width Cont’d

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Step 6: Insert RowClick on row 8, which contains “Total

Sales”. The whole row should be highlighted

Right-click on the row and pick Insert to create a new row above the current one.

OR click on the insert icon and sheet row.

Type “Staff” in cell A8. *Notice that it gets indented


Step 6: Insert Row

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Step 7: Insert ColumnSelect the entire row D, which

contains “Total” Click on the Insert icon-> select

insert Columns. *Notice the titles resize to accommodate the new cells

Type “MAR” in cell D3. *Notice again the auto-formatting to match the other titles in that column

Step 7: Insert Column

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Step 8: Cell BordersClick on cell A1 and drag the

mouse to the bottom-left of our work, E9.

Home-> border icon-> outside borders

Step 8: Cell Borders

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Now change the line to a double line by clicking Home-> border icon-> line styles and select the double line.

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Step 9: Numeric DataAdd the following numbers to the

cells shown:

Step 9: Numeric Data

450042004000 Staff330032003100 Merchandise750073007100 Food156001460013600 Beverages



Page 22: Spread Sheets and Excel Overview Introduction to the Basics of the Excel Spreadsheet application Entering Data Formatting Cells Using Formulas Overview

Step 9: Numeric Data Cont’d Verify that your worksheet looks exactly

as shown:

Step 9: Numeric Data Cont’d

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Step 10: SummationWe will use a formula to automatically

add together our rows/columnsChoose cell B9, in the “Total Sales”

row, under “JAN”Click the AutoSum button:If the correct cells (B5B8) are

outlined in a moving border, hit EnterIf not, drag and highlight the correct cells

Repeat for the FEB, MAR, and TOTAL columns

Step 10: Summation

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Step 10: Summation Cont’dSimilarly, repeat the same steps for

the sum of each row in the “TOTAL” column.

Click on cell E5 (TOTAL of Beverages)

Click the AutoSum and fix the selection area if necessary

Repeat for “Food”, “Merchandise”, and “Staff”

Step 10: Summation Cont’d

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Step 11: Currency We can change the format of numerical

data to appear as currency. Highlight all the columns which contain

numbers Click the Currency button on the

toolbar. Note there are also buttons for Percentage

Style, and Comma Style. Use the Decrease Decimal button

twice to remove decimal places

Step 11: Currency

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Step 12: Making ChangesImagine we have incorrectly stated

our February Beverage salesClick on cell C5. Double-click on

the cell to edit the value (Change to 16600), or type in the Formula bar, and hit Enter

Notice that the “TOTAL” and “Total Sales” information is automatically updated to reflect the new sum

Step 12: Making Changes

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Step 12: Making Changes Cont’d

Step 12: Making Changes Cont’d

Fix the title “First Quarter Final” to read “First Quarter Sales”, and we’re done:

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Renaming SheetsRename the sheet: Right-click on the

“Sheet1” Tab at the bottom of the window and choose Rename

Rename it to “Teddy’s”The right-click menu allows us to insert, delete, and move sheets around

Renaming Sheets

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Calculating AveragesIn cell A10 write the title Average

Monthly Sales. As you can see this title is too long for our column width.

While this cell is still highlighted I want you to click on the wrap text icon in the home menu bar.

Calculating Averages

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Calculating Averages Cont…

Now I want you to click on Cell B10, because this is where we want the average to go.

Click on the arrow beside the auto sum icon ,

then select average

Then click and drag to highlight E5-E8, hit enter and voilà!
