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Page 1: Speech Social Networks

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. praise to be upon Allah our Mighty God.

Hi everyone, I’m Tsabitah Muttaqinah from Al Ihsan Islamic Boarding School, South Jakarta. Good morning to the honorable judges, UIN Jakarta as our beloved host, all of the participants and audiences. Before I start, I’d like to thank you for the opportunity given to me.

Ladies and gentlemen… Today I am going to deliver speech about How social networks are bad or good.

In this era, social media has been popular among teenagers. Some of them do good things there and others are blinded. Actually social network is good since it can connect us to people and help us to always get connected with friends and family who are not close with us.

So, do you know why the founder of Facebook made this kind of social network? If we are trying to know the purpose why Marc Zuckerberg made Facebook, we will know how good his purpose on making such social media that now has been so popular and stand more than 9 years since its first release on 2006. He wants to help people to get connected their far away family. We still remember a story where there was a young woman that finally met her family after years they were separated. Through Facebook they met.

I can’t say that social network is bad because it depends on people using it. When we decide using Facebook for lying, that’s bad. When we decide using Facebook to connect and share good things, that’s good. There is no exact measurement and research to judge that social media is bad. Thus, let me tell you how social media can work good and bad things for us. Let’s start from the bad one.

The first is social media will waste our times. In 2009, social media is popular from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Those three social media may be the most popular but it has been mushrooming since everyone has such a common sense in making new friends and connection so now it is not only Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

In last three years, there were at least 7 social media that are mushrooming and growing so popular. They are Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, BBM, Snapchat, Periscope, Ask fm and many more. We are too busy on updating status and updating the popular social media. At the end, study has no place in our schedule.

The more times, there will be more social media and Indonesia must be going to be the first leading users. Almost half of Indonesians are using Facebook.

The second badness of social network is when we spend more times on social media, we lose our real social connection with surrounding. Existence is more important than drinking. Even when we are thirsty, we are not drinking but we will say to the world with social media that we are thirsty, right? That’s silly but funny at once. Another example is when we are going to have lunch




Page 2: Speech Social Networks

with family or friends, the first thing is not ordering menu but taking selfie and publishing it to social media. And yes we lose our quality time because we are busy with social media. We are not robot, right? It is strange when we are facing each other but we are just busy with phones.

The third is that we are often blinded with new friends. We are happy because we have good friends in social networks, we think that they are good but fact is different. Not all people are going with good willing on. In 2014, a 14 years old teenager from Sulawesi was kidnapped by her Facebook friend. Just because the man looks good and wise, it does not mean that we can trust him because we have to be careful to new people.

It is not fair if I only tell the bad things about social media but we have to be honest and admit that there are many positive things we can take from social network. There are many examples too that we can see and do the good things with Facebook and other social networks.

The first good thing is social media can help us to entertain ourselves when we are so tired with schools and the duties. Since we have class mate in our friend list, we can share anything with them and funny things in social media. Sometimes when we have followed some channels and idols, we get entertained by their post. The exact example is in Instagram and Facebook where now idols and fans can meet and look close in social media. It is good for teenagers who have great fandom and want to connect with their idol. The most important thing on this good thing is that we have to control times so we can manage our studying schedule and playing social media.

The second is we can connect with teachers and others. In school the relation between teacher and student may seem far. With social network, it looks close. We as students can connect with teachers and make our relation better. In some cases, social media is used to organize home works and school events. Through Facebook, sometimes school can spread important information in social media so students do not need to go to school to access that information.

Third is sharing good information and learning many things. To know whether we can use social network in good way or not is to see from the numbers of the following list. For example, we follow Mario Teguh, Science page or news page. It can widen our knowledge just from a single Facebook post that we follow. It is good, isn’t it? It will be better when we can select friends and pages wisely.

The last but not least is social media can be good place to show our ideas. Spread our ideas and reduce spamming. For us who love writing, we can publish status that has good words and motivation quote. It can be useful for others who read our status. Once world sees our ideas, impossible thing can come true. The fact tells.

It is good when we students can use social media for goodness but it will be dangerous when we can’t manage times and use for bad things. It is common that a thing has plus and minus. It will be plus when we can use proportionally and it will be minus when we can’t control ourselves in social media.

So, my friends, let us be wise to manage our time. We have to decide when to study and when to having connection on social media.

Thank you for your attention and God bless you all.

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.
