
“I would thoroughly recommend Jules for any event, whether it be big or small, she will bring warmth to the event, a warmth that the audience will have little choice but to embrace. I defy anyone to see Jules speak and not feel empowered at the end

of her session.”

Dawn Stott - Chief Exec AfPP

Uncover confidence LIVE with


Inspiring. Energetic. Thought provoking.

‘’Learning to fake or pretend you can do something may be a great confidence boost, but like a rocket it only gets you off the ground. It can leave you craving more boosts. Giving you a very ‘bumpy ride’. From personal experience I know that this doesn't provide a sustainable way of living. Sustainability lies within authentic confidence. This creates a new level of resilience to face a changing, uncertain world. ”

“OneTogether is a unique movement bringing together healthcare staff to improve patient safety,  Jules Wyman opened our first event, she delivered a thoughtful, insightful session that was cited as best of the day, for most delegates and exceeded our expectations.

Jules dedicates herself to listening and learning to ensure she is relevant and thought provoking. A true inspiration with a lasting effect. Delegates were inspired and motivated following listening to Jules and from discussions with many, went away with a positive approach to future directions.”

Kat Topley - 3M Healthcare

“Jules’ spoke at The Association of Independent Hearing Healthcare Professionals conference. She is a truly inspirational lady.

Jules presented ideas that were thought-provoking for business owner and employee alike. Jules is simply able to bring out the best in people!

It was a real pleasure to work with her & as conference organiser, I hope we get to do it again sometime!”

Stephanie Meli - The Little Marketing Co.

“Jules has the ability to put big thoughts into manageable chunks and stops overwhelm by giving you the permission to just get on with whatever is next.” Commercial Director.

“I thought I understood confidence and thought I didn’t have any until I heard this talk. Now I know what I CAN do. It’s exciting!” NHS Clinician.

“Jules worked with our hospital social work team for a day. I would recommend Jules as she was sensitive to the work we do, while helping us as a team and as individuals look at how we might improve the way we see our work.

The pressures of working in health and social care are immense and Jules looked at how we might be more confident in our work, challenging our anxieties and promoting self esteem. The work we do can seem overwhelming and the techniques Jules offered help manage how we deal with the workload in the current climate. It was time well spent for us as a team and for many of the workers personally and professionally!”

Cathy Holman - Senior Renal Social Worker. York District Hospital.


Interactive. Intuitive. Direct.

“There are myths, lies and tall tales hindering individuals, organisations, businesses and communities. I’m not interested in living in a ‘fluffy’ or ‘striving’ way. The truth about confidence, is the truth about ourselves, our potential and a more resilient way of life. What excites me is looking at the opportunities and challenges that life offers and facing them, head on, with intelligence and playful pragmatism.”

Jules Wyman

Jules Wyman is one of the UK’s leading confidence coaches and described as a ‘truly inspiring speaker’ She

is creator of the T.R.U.S.T System and was voted Britain’s Next Top Female coach.

Jules' amazing journey as a confidence coach began with herself, building her own confidence and in going

through the process shattering the myth that 'you are born with confidence and it is not something you can

develop'. She now speaks and coaches globally about confidence matters.

Jules prides herself on what you take away from the experience of working with her, the tools you have been

provided to create real, lasting and exciting change.

Honest. Understanding. Passionate.

One hour Keynote

The TRUTH about confidence: Stop pretending and experience authentic confidence.

An interactive uncovering of the crippling myths around confidence & discovery of the resourceful truths.

if you’re seeking: authentic confidence + inner peace and want to feel passionate about life…

Half day or Full day

The big confidence conversation. An engaging session that leaves no stone unturned. Incredible stories of resilience and transformation. Jules delves deeper with the truths. Cutting to the chase with her pragmatic, direct and compassionate style.

Leading by example is the best method of helping others. Natural confidence is infectious. As you invest in yourself, you encourage those around you -

friends, family, co-workers, children - to develop their self confidence too!

Spend an hour, an afternoon or a day with Jules.

Original. Different. Intuitive.

Need a customised presentation for your event?

Jules will work with you to create original content specific for your audience.

Custom designed:

Book Jules Wyman for your next event.

Contact:Jules Wyman

Confidence Coach & [email protected]

07970 444694

07970 444694 • [email protected] •

Live. Online. In person.
