
ENGLISH 12 Unit 10:

ENGLISH 12Unit 10:SPEAKINGSpeaking Activity 1The following are photos of some animals. Take a look at each photo and try to answer the following questions:

1. What is the name of the animal?

2. Where can we find this animal?

3. According to you, is it an endangered species? Why? Why not?Example 1: Name: Kangaroo.

Found in: Australia.

Population: flourish and protected.

Sample answers:1/ What is the name of this animal? This is a Kangaroo

2/ Where can we find this animal? We can find this kind of animal in Australia

3/ According to you, is it an endangered species? Why? This animal is not an endangered species because they flourish in Australia and they are protected by law. Now get ready to practice:Name: Great White Shark

Habitat: The Oceans

Population: decreasing due to poaching.

Click for answerName: The Elephant

Habitat: Africa

Population: sparsely scattered due to illegal hunting for ivory. .

Click for answerName: Rhino

Habitat: Africa

Population: on the fall due to poaching and illegal killing.

Click for answerSpeaking activity 2Talking about the animals you know.

In this activity, you are given some animals with some information about them. Based on the information, use your own words to give brief introduction about them. Example: Population: About 600

Height: 1.2 1.5m

Weigh: 75 160 kg

Food: bamboo

Lifespan: 20 30 years

Habitat: bamboo forests in mountains in central and western China

The panda, with a population of about 600, is an endangered specie.

An average panda is about 1.3m tall, weighing up to 160kg.

The pandas favorite food is bamboo. Pandas mainly live in forests in China.

The Pandas population is declining due to habitat destruction and illegal trading. Height: 1.2 1.8m

Weight: 1000 3000kg

Food: Grass and plants

Lifespan: about 40 years

Habitat: Forests in Africa

Reason for decline: habitat destruction and illegal hunting

Click for answer

Height: 3 4m

Weight: 5000 7000kg

Food: Grass bark, root, tree, and fruit

Lifespan: about 60 years

Habitat: Some parts in India, and many other parts in the world

Reason for decline: habitat destruction and illegal huntingSpeaking activity 3Talk about an endangered kind of animal that you care about. Remember to focus on the following points when giving description:

1/ Height2/ Weight3/ Food4/ Population5/ Habitat6/ Reasons for decline.
