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ON……….All adventures, especially into new territory, are scary…………….

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My sincerest appreciation is extended towards my lecturer who has helped me to make this report in completeness and enriched the report by her comments, corrections and suggestions. Without this guidance this dissertation would not have been possible.I also want to thank my parents and my friends and my group partners who has supported me throughout and their persistent help enabled me to prepare this presentation.

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Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space.Physical exploration of space is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft.

From the time of our birth, humans have felt a primordial urge to explore -- to blaze new trails, map new lands, and answer profound questions about ourselves and our universe.An age has come where humans have have taken a step ahead…to explore the space…and stepped to the realms of unknown.

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• First probe to impact the Moon September 1959 USSR Luna 2.• First probe to photograph the far side of the Moon October 1959 USSR.•First probe to go near the Moon (5995 km), January 1959 USSR Luna1.• Luna 3 First unmanned controlled landing on the Moon. •First to transmit from the Moon's surface January 1966 USSR .•Luna 9 First probe to orbit the Moon March 1966 USSR Luna 10 .•First probe to land using retrorockets June 1966 USA Surveyor 1 .•First probe to map the Moon August 1966 USA Lunar Orbiter 1.


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•First flyby of Venus (< 100,000km), but contact was lost February 1961 USSR .•Venera 1 First successful flyby of Venus (less than 35,000km) August 1962 USA Mariner 2 First Mars flyby (11,000km) but contact was lost November 1962 USSR Mars 1 First successful Mars flyby (returned pictures) November 1964 USA Mariner 4.•First impact of Venus (contact lost) November 1965 USSR Venera 3 .•First to enter Venus's atmosphere June 1967 USSR Venera 4 .•First to parachute in Venus's atmosphere, lost contact before landing. (soft landing?) January 1969 USSR Venera 5.


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•First man in space, first man to orbit the Earth April 1961 USSR Vostok 1 .•First manual control of a manned spacecraft May 1961 USA Freedom 7 •First one-day flight August 1961 USSR Vostok 2 August 1962 USSR Vostok 3 and Vostok 4 .•First flight over three days long August 1962 USSR Vostok 3 •First woman in space June 1963 USSR Vostok 6 •First crew of three astronauts onboard one spacecraft October 1964 USSR Voskhod 1 •First manned spacecraft to change orbit March 1965 USA Gemini 3 •First mission over seven days long August 1965 USA Gemini 5 •First docking with another spacecraft March 1966 USA Gemini 8 •First extended EVA June 1966 USA Gemini 9A •First manned mission to leave Earth orbit, first to orbit the Moon December 1968 USA Apollo 8 •First successful manned flight of a spacecraft capable of landing on the Moon (Apollo Lunar Module) March 1969 USA Apollo 9 .•First manned landing on the Moon July 1969 USA Apollo 11.


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TIMELINE•The first steps into space were taken by German scientists during World War II while testing the V2 rocket which became the first human-made object in space.•The first successful orbital launch was of the Soviet unmanned Sputnik ("Satellite I") mission on October 4, 1957. •The first successful human spaceflight was Vostok 1 ("East 1"), carrying 27 year old Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961.•The first artificial object to reach another celestial body was Luna 2 in 1959.

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IMPORTANCEThe knowledge gained from the exploration of space fuels science and discovery, creates innovative technology, stimulates education, spurs medical advancements, supports a robust economy, improves our quality of life and contributes to a safer environment.

•Promote Science Education•NASA’s Environmental Research •Eliminate Earth Over Population•Natural Resources•Put Ourselves into Perspective

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•Global Positioning System•Weather Forecast and Agriculture•Natural Calamities•Minerals and Mining•Electronics•Asteroids•Medicine


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•Bigelow Aerospace, which has successfully launched and tested two space station modules, Genesis I and Genesis II, and plans to build the first orbital space hotel.•The Google Lunar X-Prize also promotes private space exploration by offering a prize of $20 million for the first privately funded company to land a robotic rover on the moon, as well as a $10 million second prize.•Companies such as Odyssey Moon and Astrobotic Technology are currently developing robotic landers and rovers for the competition. SpaceX has also performed two successful flights of their Falcon 1 launch vehicle•Richard Branson's Virgin Group and Scaled Composites have announced taking human space tourists into space with SpaceShip Two, a reusable, sub-orbital spaceplane, which was unveiled in December, 2009, and will begin public flights in 2010 (see Virgin Galactic).

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•Asia's Space Race•Energy development•Crew Exploration Vehicle•Exploration of Mars•Space tourism•Private spaceflight•Space colonization•Interstellar spaceflight•Human outpost•Mars to Stay


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•Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Robert Goddard, Hermann Oberth, and Reinhold Tilling laid the groundwork of rocketry in the early years of the 20th century.•Wernher von Braun was the lead rocket engineer for Nazi Germany's World War II V-2 rocket project. Von Braun later led the team at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center which developed the Saturn V moon rocket.•Initially the race for space was often led by Sergei Korolyov, whose legacy includes both the R7 and Soyuz—which remain in service to this day. Korolev was the mastermind behind the first satellite, first man (and first woman) in orbit and first spacewalk. •Kerim Kerimov was one of the founders of the Soviet space program and was one of the lead architects behind the first human spaceflight (Vostok 1) alongside Sergey Korolyov.

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SPACE ACCIDENTSThe history of space exploration has been marred by a number of tragedies that resulted in the deaths of the astronauts or ground crew

•The Challenger disaster :The 10th launch of the space shuttle Challenger was scheduled as the 25th space shuttle mission.•The Columbia disaster :Disaster struck the U.S. space shuttle fleet again on Feb. 1, 2003, when Columbia, the fleet's oldest shuttle, broke apart over the southwestern United States as it reentered Earth's atmosphere. •Jan. 27, 1967: Astronauts Gus Grissom, Edward H. White and Roger B. Chaffee die when a fire sweeps their command module during a ground test at Kennedy Space Center.• April 24, 1967: Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov is killed when his Soyuz I spacecraft crashes on return to Earth.•June 29, 1971: Cosmonauts Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Patsayev die during re-entry of their Soyuz 11 spacecraft. A government commission disclosed that the three died 30 minutes before landing because a faulty valve depressurized the spacecraft.

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SPACE COLONIZATIONSpace colonization (space settlement, space humanization, space

habitation) is autonomous (self-sufficient) human habitation outside of Earth. It is a long-term goal of national space programs.

The first space colony may be on the Moon, or on Mars. Ample quantities of all the necessary materials, such as solar energy and water, are on the Moon, Mars, or near Earth asteroids.In 2005 NASA Administrator Michael Griffin identified space colonization as the ultimate goal of current spaceflight programs, saying:

... the goal isn't just scientific exploration ... it's also about extending the range of human habitat out from Earth into the solar system as we go forward in time ... In the long run a single-planet species will not survive ... If we humans want to survive for hundreds of thousands or millions of years, we must ultimately populate other planets.

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EXPLORERS•The first person ever in space. Yuri Gagain•Alan Shepherd The first American in space.• The first American to orbit the Earth. John Glenn•Donald Slayton.Grounded two times by different problems •The first man on the moon. Neil Armstrong•The first American woman in space. Sally Ride•Died in the Apollo 1 explosion. Logged 835 hours in space John Young •Story Musgrave .Earned many college degrees even though he was a high school drop out. Commander of Apollo 13.

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•Apollo program •Salyut program

•Skylab Space Shuttle program •Mir International Space Station

•Shenzhou spacecraft •Vision for Space Exploration

•Aurora Programme •Tier One

•Human adaptation to space •Space architecture •Space archaeology

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CONCLUSIONWe’re not where we want to be, We’re not where we’re going to be,BUT we’re certainly not where we were yesterday. M.L. King, Jan ‘68

Blast Off! Here’s to the men and women who gave their lives to explore the great unknown. We cannot ignore the importance of space exploration, nor be complacent in it’s meaning to all of us. I hope space exploration can continue to inspire, educate, and provide for us in the next 40 years as it has the last 40 years.