Page 1: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee

P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463-5670 fax

[email protected]

Southeast Conference Economic Development Committee

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Steering Committee

Thursday, February 24, 2011 10:00 AM

SEC Board Room or Teleconference 1 888 550-5602 code 8249-4332


1. Call to Order – Chair Patricia Phillips

2. Roll Call

3. Approve Agenda


4. Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 5 Year Plan a. CEDS Steering Committee (packet page 2) b. Community Questionnaire & Survey (packet page 3-6) c. SMART criteria for goal setting (packet page 7) d. Regional Project Lists (packet page 8-10)


5. Mid Session Summit

6. Letter to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gate on rare earth minerals (packet page 11-12)

7. Action Items

8. Committee Comments

9. Adjourn

Page 2: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee

P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463-5670 fax

[email protected]

CEDS Steering Committee Who should be on this committee? The Steering Committee must represent the main economic interests of the region, and must include Private Sector Representatives as a majority of its membership. In addition, the Steering Committee must also include:

· Public officials; · Community leaders; · Representatives of workforce development boards; · Representatives of institutions of higher education; · Minority and labor groups; and · Private individuals.

Why commit your time to another committee? A CEDS integrates a region's human and physical capital planning in the service of economic development. Integrated economic development planning provides the flexibility to adapt to global economic conditions and fully utilize the region's unique advantages to maximize economic opportunity for its residents by attracting the private investment that creates jobs for the region's residents.

A CEDS must be the result of a continuing economic development planning process developed with broad-based and diverse public and private sector participation, and must set forth the goals and objectives necessary to solve the economic development

problems of the region and clearly define the metrics of success. A CEDS provides a useful benchmark by which a regional economy can evaluate opportunities with other regions in the national economy.

Page 3: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee


Southeast Alaska Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2011-2015 Plan Questionnaire

Thank you for helping Southeast Conference & Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian

Tribes of Alaska (Central Council) to prepare the update for the 2011-2015

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) 5 Year Plan, a joint regional


In these challenging times, we can all gain strength by working together for the economic health of the region. For this year’s CEDS document we are asking you to participate in updating your community’s profile, online and in print. The Community Profile includes infrastructure information such as population, employment, transportation infrastructure, health and education services, community facilities and other information. With this new 5 year plan we are asking your community to single out the 5 top projects that have the greatest likelihood of completion before 2016. We are also looking for your ideas about regional projects that might be considered and what Southeast Conference and Central Council can do to help your community and the region as a whole. This letter and questionnaire, along with last year’s community project lists are being mailed to your municipal office, economic development office and tribal representatives in your community. In addition to updating your list of projects, please take a few minutes to complete this survey by answering the questions in the attached packet. Feel free to add additional documentation or pages if necessary.

Page 4: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee


COMMUNITY CONTACT INFORMATION Please update any incorrect information and answer the questions on the following pages. Feel free

to attached additional documentation. If you are a Chamber, Visitor Center or Tribal Organization

and the CEDS Community Profile section is blank you may skip that section and answer questions 1

through 11 to the best of your ability. A complete profile has been sent to your community for


Community or Organization:

Economic Development Contact:

Job Title:

Mailing Address:





CEDS Community Profile: Community Description: Populations Census 2010: Populations April 2011: Government: Electric Utility (Please provide your current rate for home heating fuel): Water & Sewer Utility: Solid Waste: Transportation Facilities: Transportation Services: Schools:

Page 5: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee


Health Care: Federally Recognized Tribe:

CEDS Community Survey 1. Have there been any major changes in the organization of your community’s government

structure or operations over the past 5 years? If so, what changes? 2. In the past 5 years, have there been major changes to the ownership, operation, or facilities in

your community for the following categories? If so, what changes?

a. Schools:

b. Health Care Facilities:

c. Water/Sewer Services:

d. Electric Energy Services:

e. Land Fill/Solid Waste Facilities:

f. Transportation Facilities (docks, airports, etc.):

g. Transportation Services (ferry service, air service, etc.):

h. Industry support facilities (boat lift, cold storage, etc):

i. Recreation facilities (pool, sports facilities and or fields, etc.)

j. Other major changes in community infrastructure or services:

3. Does your community have a mission statement and/or a vision statement? If so, please include

them here. If not, please express in a few sentences what you think is the future vision of your community.

4. Does your community have a strategic plan for economic development? If so, in what year was it last updated?

5. How many staff members (full- & part-time) work in economic development including support staff?

Page 6: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee


6. What do you see as your community’s strengths?

7. What do you see as challenges that might keep your community from reaching your vision? 8. You have given us your community project list. What regional projects do you think need to be

considered and developed in Southeast Alaska in the near future? 9. To get a good understanding of the economic health of your community, can you tell us about:

a. Any recent loss or gain in population.

b. Any loss or gain in jobs or job opportunities.

c. Any shortages or excesses in housing.

d. Any businesses opening or closing in your community recently.

10. What role do you think Southeast Conference and Central Council should play in developing the

economy and infrastructure of the region? 11. Is there anything in particular that Southeast Conference or Central Council can do to help your

community? Thank you for your time and assistance. Please respond by Friday, May 2, 2011.

Page 7: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee

P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463-5670 fax

[email protected]

Spe c if i c

Me a s u r a bl e

A t t a in abl e

Re s ul t s -o r i e nt e d

T i m e- bo un d

Goal setting and project planning the SMART way Be specific. Goals should be straightforward and emphasize what you want to happen. To

identify a specific goal or project you must ask yourself the six “W”s.

Who: Who is or will be involved?

What: What do we want to accomplish?

Where: Identify a location.

When: Establish a time frame.

Which: Identify what elements are or will be required and any constraints.

Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal.

Be measurable. Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the

attainment of each goal you set. To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such

as......How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?

Make it attainable. This means being realistic in what you can hope

to achieve within the specified time frame.

See results. Goals should be outlined so that at any step in achieving that goal you can see what steps that have been taken. Set a time. A goal should be grounded within a time frame. With no time frame tied to it there's no sense of urgency and no rush to see it accomplished.

Page 8: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee

Community Priority Tribal  Strategy  Project Contact Estimated Cost Project Status Potential Funding Sources          

SE AK Regional Projects     

I.1 Southeast Alaska Energy Plan: develop G&T energy infrastructure including alternative energy sources

Southeast Conference      



2009 Project List I.1 AMHS Organizational Plan SEC Planning AMHS, State

III.1 Regional Solid Waste Mgt. Plan & Facility

SEC In Progress DEC, RD, Congress

II.4 Fisheries ‐ Shellfish Industry Development


I.1 BIA Roads BIA/CCTHITAI.1 Community Mapping THRHA ConceptII.4 Fisheries Revitalization CCTHITAI.2 Wellness Center THRHA ConceptII.1 SE Industrial Parks 

Business & Promotional Initiative

SEC $ 150 k  Concept Legis., USDA, EDA, Local Community, Regional Industry, JEDC

II.4 Value added Fish Waste Protein Stabilizing System & Consumer Product Mfg. Plant

SEC $ 8.5 m Concept Legis., USDA, EPA, DEC, Local Community, Industry

II.1 Regionally Produced/Processed Products Promotional Initiative

SEC $ 250 k  Concept, Planning Legis., USDA, DNR, Industry Groups, Local Communities, Congress

I.1 & II.1 Freight Consolidation SECI.2 Temporary Housing & 

Assisted Living FacilityBIHA, SEARHC, 

THRHADesign RD, Denali, HIS

II.5 Secondary Wood Products Manufacturing Facility

SEC $ 250 k  Feasibility Study

II.1 New Regional Industry Opportunities Study & Additional Opportunities by Intertie

SEC Concept Legis., USDA, EDA, Local Community, JEDC

I.1 Village Safe Water Initiative

Page 9: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee

Community Priority Tribal  Strategy  Project Contact Estimated Cost Project Status Potential Funding Sources          

II.4 PSP Lab SEC FeasibilityII.2 Fiber Optics Technology 

Connectivity of Communities

SEC  Concept

I.1 Port Development Process for minerals, freight, fisheries transshipment

Municipality of Skagway, ADEA, 

mining companies

TBD Concept, Planning

I.1 STIP DOTII.1 IRP SECII.2 Regional Broadband service SEC

II.1 Business Incubator & Central Location Building for Economic Development Groups

Juneau Economic Develop. Council          



Northern Southeast

I.1 Access between Juneau, Haines & Skagway

SEC $ 200 m+ Concept, Planning DOT/PF, Congress

II.1 Agricultural Product Development

SEC Concept

I.1 Linkage of Proposed Natural Gas Line to SE AK at Haines

Haines Borough  907‐766‐2231   

Haines Chamber of 

Commerce, SEC


Southern Southeast

I.1 Portland Canal Marine Infrastructure

Ketchikan, Saxman, Hyder  907‐789‐1402

$ 11.2 m Planning T‐21, DOT/PF, Congress, AK Legis., Local, USFS

Page 10: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee

Community Priority Tribal  Strategy  Project Contact Estimated Cost Project Status Potential Funding Sources          

II.4 Oceans Alaska Aquarium & Marine Science Laboratory/Study Center

Oceans Alaska   907‐225‐9605

$ 20 m  Construction Federal, State, Private, Public

I.1 Container Ship Loading Facilities


I.1 Bradfield Road SEC Concept DOT/PF, CongressPrince of Wales      

1 I.1 Peratrovich Airport Improvements

Prince of Wales Community Advisory Council          


$ 5 m Design FAA, RD, TEA‐21, DOT/PF

2 II.4 Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Testing Laboratory

$ 500 k  Concept ADF&G, DEC, HIS

3 I.1 Tolstoi Bay Deep Seaport Development

$ 2.5 m Planning EDA, RD, USACE

4 I.2 Expanded Island Wide Healthcare Services

$ 2 m Design/Planning/Construction


5 II.1 Island Wide Economic Planning

$ 55 k Concept JEDC, DCED, Denali

6 I.1 Bicycle & Pedestrian Paths along POW Roads

$ 600 k  Planning DOT/PF, STIP, TEA‐21, USFS

7 II.6 Borough Study $ 55 k  Concept8 I.1 Intertie $ 5 m Concept AEA, DOE9 I.1 North POW Campground $ 2.5 m Concept USFS10 I.1 Island‐wide Transportation 

Plan & Implementation System

$ 3 m Planning, Funding & Implementation


11 I.1 West Coast Kayak & Skiff Route

$ 150 k Planning USFS, Denali

12 II.5 Dry Kiln Facility $ 850 k Concept USFS13 III.1 Solid Waste Facility $ 750 k  Concept EDA, RD, USACE14 II.4 Island‐wide Cold Storage  $ 100 k Concept EDA, RD, State, Denali

15 I.1 Cultural Interpretive Center & Museum

$ 100 k Concept ANS, BIA & Tribes

16 I.1 Kidco Dock Upgrades (25 acres) & Dev.Plan

$ 150 k Concept AIDEA

Page 11: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee
Page 12: Southeast Conference · P.O. Box 21989, 612 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite B, Juneau, AK 99802 (907) 523-4350 phone (907) 463- 5670 fax CEDS Steering Committee