Page 1: Sound wave and golden flapper dress

Sound Wave and Golden Flapper Dress

Jean Shin ‘Sound Wave’

The sculpture was created might have been created by the creator to show that things precious to us are being washed away and we are not doing anything about it. He is expressing he feelings towards people not recycling. He is expressing his musical taste as well as his love for music.

The sculpture is made out of melted records that where put together in the shape of a wave. They have been melted and bent in many different ways to express the shape of a wave. I think that this is a very creative and imaginative way of expressing an artist’s way of thinking and believable. The

purpose of this piece of art must have been to get the artists thoughts across about music. It is similar to the ‘Golden Flapper Dress’ because the way the materials have been linked together seems similar.

Danica Olders ‘Golden Flapper Dress’

The Golden Flapper dress is made from recycled materials using bottle caps and tops crushed together. The creator Danica Olders must have trying to be getting a message across using bottle caps which probably

was stop throwing away bottle caps. It reflects a style from back in the 1960’s and the different foil caps used on the dress represent different shades on the dress. It looks fashionable and expensive and it helps the environment because it is made from recycled materials. This dress is very creative and unusual and some

reviews have said that they would even wear the dress at a party. The style of the overlapping caps is similar to the overlapping records on Jean Shin’s sculpture. The artist must have had a strong feeling towards recycling and she is expressed her message across in creative way.

Irbaaz Syed
