Page 1: SoReComTHEmaticNETwork · modern classic”. In addition to translations of classic texts, the series includes the publication of new books ... history from an idea to “more than

So.Re.Com.THE.NET.  @-­‐NEWS    n°  29-­‐30  –  April/May  2011  The  integrated  Newsle;er  of  the  European  PhD  on  Social  RepresentaBons  and  CommunicaBon      

and  of  the    So.Re.Com.  THEmaBc  NETwork

Multi-language Book Series Social Representations and Communication: Media and Society

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new multi-language book series “Social Representations and Communication: Media and Society” edited by prof. Annamaria Silvana de Rosa.

This book series is dedicated to Social Representations and Communication. Inspired by the Social Representations Theory, it involves an international cross-disciplinary school of social psychology (and related fields, including environmental psychology, psychology of health, educational psychology, organisational psychology, and political psychology), sociology, communication and cultural studies, anthropology, sociology of the knowledge, history of the mentalities, etc. The series will provide a forum for debate on the inter-relations among representations, communication and the polyphonic system of media, especially in view of the fact that social representations are different from isolated cognitions, too often investigated as socially and culturally de-contextualised forms of thinking. In the light of ongoing scientific debate concerning global/local communication, this multi-language international book series (primarily Italian, English and French) aims to respond to the need to investigate social representations not simply as referential systems or “discourses”, but as dynamic multi-faceted social constructions in action in the media and in society. The phenomena studied, in relation to the new forms of socialization of knowledge and communication strategies and their applications to politics, health, the environment, economics, education, etc., are of clear societal interest and highly relevant to shape social policies in our contemporary world. The book series’ depliant is available on our website. You are kindly requested to disseminate it among all your contacts.

Page 2: SoReComTHEmaticNETwork · modern classic”. In addition to translations of classic texts, the series includes the publication of new books ... history from an idea to “more than

So.Re.Com.THE.NET.  @-­‐NEWS    n°  29-­‐30  –  April/May  2011  The  integrated  Newsle;er  of  the  European  PhD  on  Social  RepresentaBons  and  CommunicaBon      

and  of  the    So.Re.Com.  THEmaBc  NETwork

Multi-language Book Series Social Representations and Communication: Media and Society

Fifty years since the advent of the theory of social representations, as confirmation of its fecundity and vitality, this book series starts with the Italian edition of Moscovici’s seminal work, a text which has been defined “a modern classic”. In addition to translations of classic texts, the series includes the publication of new books based on recent researches inspired by this theory, doing so in critical and constructive dialogue with other paradigms of the social sciences. The book series is intended for members of the scientific community, university students, as well as policy makers interested in the special branch of social representations, communication and media. The production and dissemination of the book series will benefit from the distinguished scientists, academic institutions, research foundations, scientific associations and technological partners that belong to the intercontinental So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork on Social Representations and Communication.

The original editions of 1961 and 1976 “La Psychanalyse, son image et son public” are recognised respectively as the birthdate and the re-writing of the Social Representation theory by Moscovici, which has been defined by Leon Festinger as “the most important and creative thinker in modern social psychology”. The Italian Edition by Annamaria Silvana de Rosa of this first masterpiece (translated by Luca Tateo with a joint Preface by him and Antonio Iannacone) has a rich introduction by A.S. de Rosa, dealing with the development of the theory since its embryogenesis, even before its baptism in 1961. A “meta-theoretical analysis of the two editions is also presented, based on systematic comparison of the main paradigmatic elements distilled from the two monumental books, and integrated by the comparison between their respective Tables of Contents and between their Bibliographies. The Introduction also includes a brief overview of the main paths of 50 years of history from an idea to “more than a theory” and presents the year 2011 as both a “birthday”, celebrated by a rich series of events and publications, and a “new baptism”, illustrating the new initiatives on editorial plan (with the launch of dedicated book series) and from research perspective (with the launch of

the follow-up and extended bi-national (Italy-France) research programme of the “Psychoanalysis, its image and its public in the social network era”, led by Annamaria Silvana de Rosa with the support of the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication doctoral research trainees: Emanuele Fino and Charline Leblanc.

The book series’ other volumes will be: •  Vol. II: The European/International Joint Doctorate: an idea that became an Institution

(Annamaria de Rosa; Introduction by Jorge Correia Jesuino)

•  Vol. III: Fifty years of social representations. Review and outlook of a constantly evolving theory (ed. Ida Galli)

•  Vol. IV: Social Representations: a theory under discussion (ed. Annamaria de Rosa)

•  Vol. V: Social Representations: Media and Society (eds. Annamaria de Rosa & Fabrice Buschini; Introduction by Jean Claude Abric)

•  Vol. VI: The biography of a theory: a meta-analysis survey on the birth and diffusion of Social Representations Theory (Annamaria de Rosa; Introduction by Serge Moscovici)

Page 3: SoReComTHEmaticNETwork · modern classic”. In addition to translations of classic texts, the series includes the publication of new books ... history from an idea to “more than

April/May  2011  

European PhD on Social Representations and Communications: Announcement for the a.y. 2011‐2012 DEADLINE: 31st May 2011

Newsle8er  N.29  

It is with great pleasure that we inform that the announcement for a.y. 2011‐2012 of the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication ( is now available on our website. The deadline for submitting the on‐line application ( is 31st May 2011. The So.Re.Com THEmatic NETwork partners and colleagues interested in the scientific field are kindly invited to disseminate this announcement among the potential applicants and invite their best students to apply.  

The Research Trainees have then access to a large number of academic infrastructures and are followed by 1 main supervisor and 2 international co-tutors in at least 3 of the above mentioned countries. Moreover, at the European PhD Multimedia Lab and Research Centre in Rome they will participate in innovative scientific and didactic activities like the International Lab Meetings and Summer Schools using technologically advanced resources.

Editorial  News  

The European PhD on Social Representations and Communication represents a progressive educational curriculum for training early stage researchers through research in a scientific and paradigmatic field inspired by the Social Representations Theory and Communication studies. Although having a special focus on Social Psychology and media studies, it draws in a wide scientific community across continents and many disciplines dealing with social sciences and it has created a Thematic Network of Excellence approved by the European Commission (

The European PhD, coordinated by Sapienza University of Rome, includes 17 universities in 9 European countries (AT, CH, CZ, ES, FR, IT, PT, RO, UK) 5 universities in North America (Canada), Latin America (Argentine, Brazil) and Asia (China), 1 French National Research Institute, 1 social sciences foundation (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme) and 3 SMEs in 3 EU countries (IE, IT, SE). In its role as co-ordinator diplomas are issued by Sapienza University with the signature of the rectors/presidents of the six universities which jointly confer the degree: University of Rome Sapienza (ITALY), University of Aix-en-Provence, the University of Montpellier III “Paul Valéry” and University "Lumière" Lyon 2 (FRANCE), University A I. Cuza of Iasi (ROMANIA), and Masaryk University, Brno (CZECH REPUBLIC).

We have the pleasure to announce the forthcoming publication of the book “Trust and Conflict: Representation, Culture and Dialogue” edited by Ivana Marková and Alex Gillespie (Routledge, Series: Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation – ISBN: 978-0-415-59346-5).

Trust, distrust and conflict between social groups have existed throughout the history of humankind, although their forms have changed. Using three main concepts: culture, representation and dialogue, this book explores and re-thinks some of these changes in relation to concrete historical and contemporary events.

Part I offers a symbolic and historical analysis of trust and distrust while Parts II and III examine trust, distrust and conflict in specific events including the Cyprus conflict, Estonian collective memories, coping with HIV/AIDS in China, Swedish asylum seekers, the Cuban missile crisis and Stalinist confessions. With an impressive array of international contributors the chapters draw on a number of key concepts such as self and other, ingroup and outgroup, contact between groups, categorization, brinkmanship, knowledge, beliefs and myth. Trust and Conflict offers a fresh perspective on the problems that arise from treating trust, distrust and conflict as simplified indicators. Instead, it proposes that human and social sciences can view these phenomena within the complex matrix of interacting perspectives and meta-perspectives that characterise the social world. As such it will be of interest to undergraduates, postgraduates and lecturers of human and social sciences especially social psychology, sociology, political science and communication studies.  

Page 4: SoReComTHEmaticNETwork · modern classic”. In addition to translations of classic texts, the series includes the publication of new books ... history from an idea to “more than

Newsle8er  N.29   April/May  2011  

The 2011 Edition of the International Summer Schools will be held on the 08th - 20th of July at the European Ph.D on Social Representations and Communication Research Centre and Multimedia lab. It will be focused on “Social Representations of Urban Places and Environment: Images, Memory and Identity”, a topic which is highly relevant from the societal perspective and of great actuality.

Among other invited professors, besides the European PhD scientific co-ordinator, Annamaria de Rosa (Sapienza University, Italy), those who have already confirmed their participation include: Valérie Haas (Université de Lyon 2, France), Guan Jian (University of Nankai, Cina), Denise Jodelet (E.H.E.S.S., France), Radim Marada (Masaryk University of Brno, Czech Republic), and Michel Morin (Université de Provence, France).

As in the previous events, the 17th edition of the International Summer School will integrate face-to-face and on-line communication. Therefore, in addition to the restricted number of the participants who will attend the event at the European PhD. on S.R. & C. Research Centre and Multi-media Lab in Rome, the participation of other selected applicants will be possible from any worldwide location via an interactive web-conference system (a specific basic and advanced training will be offered at the beginning of the event).

The International Summer School will also include: 1. INTENSIVE GROUP WORKING SESSIONS on participants’ research projects, with individual presentations, monitoring and feedback's given by professors and discussion; 2. INTERVIEWS FOR SELECTING NEW CANDIDATES for the European Ph.D. on S.R. & C. reserved to the applicants for the a.y. 2011-12 by the European PhD Recruitment Board. Potential applicants are invited to see the 2011-2012 ANNOUNCEMENT and to fill the ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM by 31st May 2011 (same deadline of the application for the Summer School ); 3. THESIS DEFENSE SESSION for the European Ph.D. candidates in front of the International Final Jury

The EC approved project will allow us to fund the physical participation in Rome of 20 candidates. In order to be eligible, the participants: 1.  must be registered in one of the participating institutions 2.  shall be a national of a participating country in LLP or nationals of other countries, provided that they are either permanent residents according to national legislation, or registered as stateless persons or hold refugee status in a country participating in the programme

The candidates who do not fulfill these eligibility criteria can still be admitted to participate upon the payment of the scientific participation fee that amounts to 1000 Euro (which includes the online participation through the Web-Auditorium, but does not include travel, accommodation, and living expenses) as soon they receive the letter of acceptance. The deadline and method of payment will be communicated with the letter of acceptance

Priority will be given to the European PhD research trainees eligible to get funds on this contract, as well as to candidates who will apply for the a.y. 2011-2012 European PhD on Social Representations and who will be admitted to the interview with the European PhD Recruitment Board for their final admission during the Summer School. In addition, in accordance with the contractual agreements, we will admit a restricted number of participants as self-paying or supported by their own partner Universities. More detailed information about the 2011 International Summer School, the eligibility criteria for funding and on-line application form are available on the European Ph.D. Web site:  

17th European Ph.D. on Social Representation Summer School: ”Social Representations of Urban Places and Environment:

Images, Memory and Identity”

08th-20th JULY 2011, Rome (Italy) DEADLINE for the application: 31st May 2011

Page 5: SoReComTHEmaticNETwork · modern classic”. In addition to translations of classic texts, the series includes the publication of new books ... history from an idea to “more than

April/May  2011  Newsle8er  N.29  

RIPRES – International network of research on social representation of health A new international network with the designation of RIPRES – International network of research on social representation of health, has been created linking French and Portuguese speaking researchers, under the sponsorship of Serge Moscovici. The network will be run by two specific research centers belonging respectively to the University of Évora (Portugal) and to the University of Santa Catarina (Brasil). The RIPRES network will benefit of the scientific orientation provided by Denise Jodelet, and coordinated by Jorge Correia Jesuino and Manuel Lopes (University of Évora) and Brigido Camacho (University of Santa Catarina). Two international projects are being launched. The first on the area of aging and the other on the area of mental health. In both cases the idea is to develop a global survey (etic level) followed by regionally focused researches (emic level). Colleagues interested in participating are welcome.

“SoReCom EuroPhD World” Project

Founded in 1993, the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication is a well-established EU consortium of 17 universities, 1 national research Institute, 1 social sciences foundation (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme) and 3 SME partners in the public and private sectors in 11 European countries (AT, CZ, FR, IE, IT, PT, RO, ES, SE, CH, UK) that awards a joint doctoral degree ( ). The adhesion of 5 new universities from 4 Third Countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada and China) will contribute to the internationalisation of the European PhD and strengthen the worldwide cooperation already established within the EU-approved SoReCom THEmatic NETwork of Excellence. The Euro PhD provides training and research opportunities in key areas of social psychology, including theoretical and multi-methodological development and the social representations of science, culture, globalization, the media, collective memory and emotions, identity, politics, family, youth communication, institutional policies, the environment, economics, advertising, marketing, health, and risk. The well-tested didactic formula and training structure of this three-year doctorate include: tutoring and co-tutoring triadic system (multiple supervision), face-to-face individual and small group mentoring activities integrated with an open learning system where tutors have on-line access for didactic purposes and to monitor trainees’ progress, structured individual and collective international mobility of trainees and teaching staff (required mobility of at least 12 months for trainees at research centres in two different countries, collective mobility is achieved during International Summer Schools and Lab meetings), and learning by doing in academic and non-academic settings. The SoReCom EuroPhD World guarantees: a) mutual recognition for both the training and the joint degree in addition to institutional recognition since 1993 from the EC, universities, and ministries; b) research and transferable skills training in an international environment; c) enhanced career prospects thanks to strong partnerships; d) training process assessment; e) integrated physical and virtual international mobility for research trainees and professors; f) intensive didactic stages in multicultural and multilingual settings g) greater expansion of networking activities through the unique combination of the SoReCom THEmatic NETwork and the Euro PhD programme.

We thank all our partners again for their involvement and participation in the project, hoping for an excellent outcome of the proposal.

On April 29th, we have submitted our project,entitled “Opening the SoReCom EuroPhD to the World: North America, Latin America and China”, within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates actions.

Fulbright Schuman Fellowship awarded to Prof. Annamaria de Rosa

It is with great pleasure that we announce that prof. Annamaria de Rosa has been awarded a five-month Fulbright Schuman fellowship by the Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States of America, Belgium and Luxemburg for her research project on the issue “The Joint International Doctorate: a strategic tool for enhancing EU-US institutional collaboration on research training in a worldwide network-based knowledge society”

The research project will be carried out from August until December 2011 at the University of California Irvine.

Page 6: SoReComTHEmaticNETwork · modern classic”. In addition to translations of classic texts, the series includes the publication of new books ... history from an idea to “more than

April/May  2011  

All  So.Re.Com.THEmaBc  NETwork  partners  are  kindly  invited  to  post  informaBon  concerning  editorial  news,  launching  of  new  projects,  call  for  partnerships  and  

events  of  general  interest  to  the  parBcipants  in  the  European  Ph.D.  programme  and  the  wider    

So.Re.Com.  THEmaBc  NETwork  scienBfic  community.    

11th International Conference on Social Representations 25th – 28th June 2012, Evora (Portugal)

Please  send  the  informaBon  you  wish  to  disseminate  via  the    So.Re.Com.THE.NET.  @-­‐NEWS  and    the  on-­‐line  So.Re.Com.THE.NET.  Event  Agenda    

to:  [email protected]  European  Ph.D.  on  S.R.  &  C.  Research  Centre  and  MulBmedia  Lab  

Piazza  d’Ara  Coeli,  1  -­‐  00186  Rome  -­‐  ITALY  

Following the great success of the ten International Conferences on Social Representations (ICSR) held until now, we are pleased to announce that the next 11th ICSR will be organised in Portugal by the University of Evora, from the 25th until the 28th June 2012. The conference’s Honorary President is Prof. Jorge Correia Jesuino.

Further information will soon be available on the website:

Newsle8er  N.29