
UNIT4 in the

Not for Profit sector


• 120 not for profit sector

customers worldwide

• 8 of the top 50 UK

charities rely on UNIT4


• Global not-for-profits with

complex requirements

benefit from UNIT4’s

sector experience


House of


Agresso is revolutionizing the

way the British Red Cross

manages its financial

information and reporting. We

are simplifying our processes,

reducing paperwork and

pushing down administration

costs and by better managing

the vital funds that are raised

we can be more effective.

– Carol O’Neill, Deputy Director of

Finance, British Red Cross


In working with organizations

like us, UNIT4 understands

what we do, how we do it

and the constraints within

which we have to work.

Utilizing the NGO blueprint…

we can concentrate our

valuable funds and

resources on research whilst

Agresso helps us deliver

efficiencies and savings in


- Roger Finan, Director of Finance,



The global

implementation of

Agresso helps us

demonstrate to our

donors where money has

been spent and

continuously improve the

frontline services we

provide to children across

the world as requirements


– Pam Innes, Director of IPU

Transition, Save the Children



House of


With Agresso we can provide

the depth of reporting

demanded of us by our

stakeholders, showing how and

where every penny/cent

donated is utilized.

– Gus McNamara, Finance

Manager, Trócaire


Our organization and industry are

evolving and Agresso will help us

scale operations, streamline

regulatory reporting and improve our

process flow. We chose a cloud

deployment for similar reasons – to

alleviate demand on IT staff to

concentrate on our core mission.

- Glen Mattera, CFO, Vinfen


… [UNIT4’s] Agressomeans IT investment and system support costs will gradually drop, while services will improve significantly as we share resources, intelligence and best research management practices.

- Director General, WorldFish


With nearly 100 programs in more than 40 countries worldwide, we looked for an agile tool that would be able to meet the needs of our operations overseas as well as at home. We sought functionally rich software that could grow with us to meet the evolving and dynamic needs of our organization into the future.

– Matt Renaud, Chief Financial Officer, ACDI/VOCA


With Agresso, we can bring

information from our eleven offices

around the globe into a single

system and be confident we are all

looking at one single version of the

truth with a reliable audit trail. We

can also confidently take on new

projects with new requirements

because of the flexibility of Agresso

to support them.

- Dennis Rice, CIO, MAP International


UNIT4 is changing the rules for

Not for Profit sector ERP

UNIT4’s change-embracing ERP

software edges out competition for

Victoria’s Extensive Irrigation Renewal

Initiative – May, 2012


Agresso chosen to support water

improvement initiative in Ethiopia –

January, 2012

UNIT4 ERP software selected as

research management backbone for

CGIAR research centers –

September, 2013

UNIT4 Agresso chosen to meet the

demands of international non-profit in

South Korea – August 2014


FREE joins growing list of not-for-

profits benefiting from IT backbone

that supports growth, changes in

funding streams and ensures business

agility – March, 2014

The Salvation Army, Canada and

Bermuda, selects Agresso ERP to

provide control over a complex,

changing organizational structure –

February, 2014
