Page 1: Soliton Early Warning System for Offshore

Soliton Early Warning System for Offshore ApplicationsOffshore ApplicationsAlastair Stagg, Martin Goff, Gus Jeans,Liam Harrington-Missin (Fugro GEOS Ltd);C l B h i (ENI K M Ltd)Carlo Baschenis (ENI Krueng Mane Ltd)

May 2010

Page 2: Soliton Early Warning System for Offshore

Contents Menu

IntroductionSoliton TheorySoliton Early Warning SystemSynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Desk StudyReal-time Warning SystemSoliton AnalysisConclusions

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Contents Menu

IntroductionSoliton TheorySoliton Early Warning SystemSynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Desk StudyReal-time Warning SystemSoliton AnalysisConclusions

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Offshore exploration and development operations are impacted by oceancurrents, waves and adverse weather.currents, waves and adverse weather.

Internal waves (solitons) pose a specific risk to rigs, vessels, ROV and subseaoperations.

USD$ Millions rig repositioning costs

Broken drill strings

Supply vessels forced into rigs

Anchor chains parting

ROVs lost

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Excessive rig listing

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Contents Menu

IntroductionSoliton TheorySoliton Early Warning SystemSynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Desk StudyReal-time Warning SystemSoliton AnalysisConclusions

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Soliton Theory

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Soliton Theory

Sea surface

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Soliton Theory

Sea surface

WaterWater depth


450 m

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-1.0 ms-1 1.0 ms-1Eastward current velocity

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Soliton Theory

Horizontal Current Velocity1.0 ms-1

30 m below sea level

0 0 ms-1

46 m below sea level

0.0 ms

62 m below62 m below sea level

78 m below sea level

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(Hours)0 6 18 24

Page 10: Soliton Early Warning System for Offshore

Soliton Theory

Seawater temperature30º C

18º C0 4 6 8 10 12 14

(Hours)0 4 6 8 10 12 14

50 m below sea level30º C

80 m below sea level

110 m below sea level

18º C

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(Minutes)0 12060 804020 100

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Soliton Theory

Vertical Current Velocity0.25 ms-1

146 m below sea level

-0.25 ms-1

0.0 ms-1

162 m below sea level

0.25 ms

178 m below178 m below sea level

194 m below sea level

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(Hours)0 12 36 48

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Soliton Theory

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Solitons observed from an offshore platform – enhanced surface waves

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Contents Menu

IntroductionSoliton TheorySoliton Early Warning SystemSynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Desk StudyReal-time Warning SystemSoliton AnalysisConclusions

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Soliton Early Warning System

ENI Krueng Mane Ltd (Indonesia) affected by solitons in a previous drilling campaign in the Andaman Sea.

Rig pushed off location 3 of 5 wells up to 189mRig pushed off location 3 of 5 wells up to 189m

Drill pipe torn off at BOPp p

ENI required a Soliton Early Warning System (SEWS) for 2008/2009 d illi i i th A d Sdrilling campaign in the Andaman Sea

Minimum of 10-hours warning period requiredMinimum of 10 hours warning period required

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IntroductionSoliton TheorySoliton Early Warning SystemSynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Desk StudyReal-time Warning SystemSoliton AnalysisConclusions

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Soliton Desk Study

218 satellite images with 77 images subjected to detailed analysis

Propagation speed and direction calculated (1.7ms-1)

Generation zone identified

Confirmed need for a SEWS

Identified best locations for SEWS

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Real-time Warning System - Mooring Locations

SolitonSoliton generation zone

Andaman Sea

Malacca2 x Real-time SEWS moorings Malacca Strait


2 x Real-time SEWS moorings



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IntroductionSoliton TheorySoliton Early Warning SystemSynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Desk StudyReal-time Warning SystemSoliton AnalysisConclusions

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Real-time Warning System - SEWS Moorings

Jack Bates

Direction of


soliton propagation

•Oceanor Wavescan Buoy with Iridium data t i i



•TRDI 75kHz Longranger ADCP

•Aanderaa DCS3900Aanderaa DCS3900

•3 x Seabird SBE-37 CT Sensors

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Real-time Warning System - SEWS Moorings

Page 21: Soliton Early Warning System for Offshore

Real-time Warning System - SEWS Moorings

Page 22: Soliton Early Warning System for Offshore

Real-time Warning System - SEWS Moorings

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Real-time Warning System - SEWS Moorings

Page 24: Soliton Early Warning System for Offshore

Real-time Warning System - SEWS Moorings

Both SEWS buoys deployed 2-weeks prior to the Jack Bates’ arrival on well location.ocat o

Soliton and current i i dwarnings required

during the soliton sensitive rig tow and anchoring operations.

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Real Time Warning System

Page 26: Soliton Early Warning System for Offshore

Real-time Warning System

All sensors set to 2-minute sampling intervals.

Data transmitted to a web server hosted byFugro Oceanor every 10-minutes.

Data displayed on a dedicated, passwordprotected web display as time series plots anddata tables.

Real-time data used to identify solitons:

– Pulses of increased horizontal and vertical current speed

– Immediate reversal in current directioned a e e e sa cu e d ec o– Current shear– High frequency oscillations in the


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Real-time Warning System - Soliton Monitoring

Warning Level Current Speed Actionsg p(knots)

LOW < 1 5Record the solitons in daily 24-hour summary, but no warning required orLOW < 1.5 summary, but no warning required or action to be taken by the rig

MEDIUM 1.5 to 2.0 Issue soliton warning by email, but the rig will probably not take action

HIGH 2.0 to 3.0Issue soliton warning by email and follow up by calling OIM. The rig will tighten anchor wires and standby

VERY HIGH > 3.0Issue soliton warning by email and follow by calling OIM. Rig will prepare for possible disconnect

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Real-time Warning System - Soliton Monitoring

SOLITON WARNING LEVEL HIGHMany solitons observed over the 3-month SEWS deployment, particularlyd i i tid


during spring tides.

Most below the warning threshold, or later downgraded at SEWS#2

A packet of 5 solitons were observed at HIGH LEVEL warning threshold (2.0to 3.0 knots). Soliton warning email issued, followed by a phone call to theOIMOIM.

Approximately 12-hours later on the next tide, another packet of solitonswere observed with similar current speedswere observed with similar current speeds.

The rig tightened the anchor wires facing into the solitons and loosened theanchor wires at the rear to avoid additional rig movement

anchor wires at the rear to avoid additional rig movement.

March 2010

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Real-time Warning System - Soliton Monitoring

Jack Bates Radar – solitons approaching from northwest

Solitons observed approaching from the Jack Bates Helideck

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Real-time Warning System - Soliton Monitoring

Solitons approaching and passing the Jack Bates – seen as enhanced surface waves

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Real-time Warning System - Soliton Monitoring

Rig tilt observed from Helideck as solitons passed through

NOTE: this was AFTER appropriate action taken

Did the SEWS avoid the previous fate -pushed off location up t 189 d b kto 189m and a broken drill string?

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Contents Menu

IntroductionSoliton TheorySoliton Early Warning SystemSynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Desk StudyReal-time Warning SystemSoliton AnalysisConclusions

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Soliton Analysis

All current profile and seawater temperature and salinity data downloaded for further data processing and analysisand analysis.

3-hour running means subtracted from 2-minute horizontal velocity data to identify short duration y yhorizontal currents associated with solitons.

327 individual soliton events were identified at SEWS#1SEWS#1

207 at SEWS#2.

Soliton propagation speed calculated at 1.70ms-1, consistent with SAR desk study results and observations and forecasts during soliton monitoring.

Data available for future field development

More accurate predictions provided on when solitons

More accurate predictions provided on when solitons were most likely to occur.

March 2010

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Soliton Analysis

‘Classic’ soliton packet observed at SEWS#1

0 m0 mNorthward Velocity (m/s)

250 m0 E t d V l it ( / )0 m Eastward Velocity (m/s)

250 m12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

0 6 0 20 4 0 0 2 0 4 0 6

-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 (Hours)

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-0.6 -0.2-0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6Current Velocity (m/s)

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Soliton Analysis

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60(Minutes)

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-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6Current Velocity (m/s)

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Soliton Analysis

0 m Northward Velocity (m/s)Solitons observed at SEWS#2

250 m250 mEastward Velocity (m/s)0 m

250 m30º C

-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 (H )

18º C

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(Hours)Current Velocity (m/s)

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

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Soliton Analysis

30º C30 C

(Minutes)-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

18º C

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-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

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Soliton Analysis

50Frequency of solitons

No. of solitons


solitonsPeak soliton current speeds were predominantly higher at

25 SEWS#1 than at SEWS#2 due to attenuation of energy over the distance travelled fromthe distance travelled from soliton generation zone.


0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 1 0 1 2

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2Peak current speed (m/s)

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IntroductionSoliton TheorySoliton Early Warning SystemSynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Desk StudyReal-time Warning SystemSoliton AnalysisConclusions

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Fugro GEOS were approached by ENI Krueng Mane Ltd to provide a soliton early warning system for drilling operations on the Jack Bates semiearly warning system for drilling operations on the Jack Bates semi-submersible rig. A 10-hour minimum warning period was required.

A combination of a SAR desk study, followed by real-time measurements across the thermocline and soliton monitoring provided this requirement.

Solitons were successfully observed and when thresholds were exceeded, early warnings were issued. As a result the rig took the necessary action to avoid significant rig movement.

Post processing and analysis of the data proved the SEWS effectiveness.

ENI Well Operations Manager would have the SEWS again for soliton sensitive areas.

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Thank You